Is it profitable to sell smoked lard. How to open a smokehouse: a business plan

Organizing a turnkey smoking shop is a task that novice businessmen can do. Smoked fish and meat products have always been in demand among consumers. If you fix own production in compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards and withstand the technology of preparing smoked meats, then, despite the competition, it is possible to produce products that will take their rightful place in the market. With the right approach to business, investments in a smoking shop will pay for themselves in 10-15 months.

The workshop for the production of smoked products and ordinary home-made outdoor smokehouses differ not only in their scale, you need to withstand necessary requirements to the room.

When renting space for a business, it must be taken into account that the workshop is connected to the central water supply networks, sewerage, and has access to a three-phase electrical network. Provide a storage area for sawdust.

The smoking shop, according to the rules, cannot be closer than 300 m to residential buildings. Required minimum size - 100 square meters. The temperature inside the workshop should be maintained within 16-20 degrees above zero.

The task will become more complicated if it is decided to smoke meat and fish at the same time, since separate rooms must be allocated for them in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

It should be borne in mind that in order to open a legal business, it will be necessary to collect documents from various licensing authorities, such as the SES and the fire department.

Workshop zoning

The smoking shop provides for working areas where the following technological processes will take place:

  • defrosting of raw materials;
  • cutting and salting products;
  • main production area (where the main equipment will be located);
  • refrigerated warehouse;
  • packaging processing (storage and drying);
  • warehouse for consumables.

In addition, when creating a do-it-yourself smokehouse, you need to allocate a room for a clean, spacious, dry utility room for workers.

Refrigeration compartment

The refrigerated warehouse is equipped with professional refrigeration equipment, which has a freezing function.

The peculiarity of the refrigeration room is that there are two doors leading to it - one to the salting workshop, raw materials are supplied there, and the second door to the main production area to pick up smoked products.

In the refrigerator compartment, the temperature is maintained no more than 0 degrees - this is the optimal temperature regime for safety finished products. With hot smoking, temperatures up to +2 degrees are allowed. Operating temperature in freezers for meat or fish - about 18 degrees below zero.

Equipment and necessary inventory

Equipment for the smoking shop is selected taking into account the declared capacity and possible financial investments.

To imagine the scale of smoking, you need to focus on the fact that the main equipment of the smoking shop is of low power, designed for a simultaneous laying of 100 kg. products, will smoke products for one and a half hours with an energy consumption of 0.6 kWh.

Usually in a small business they start with 200-350 kg per day.

There is a necessary minimum inventory, as well as additional equipment:

  • containers for washing products;
  • shelves for defrosting;
  • cutting tables;
  • stainless steel hooks on which meat is hung;
  • various knives;
  • equipment for packing;
  • overalls and footwear for workers;
  • sets of skewers and frames for meat.

In addition, you will need an injector for hot smoked meat and various small things: sharpeners, measuring containers, containers for exporting products. This is an indicative list. For meat and fish, the set is different.

How to arrange smoking in a mini-workshop

The production process can be divided into separate stages:

  • purchase of products for smoking;
  • placement of raw materials in the refrigeration compartment;
  • defrosting products and preparing for salting;
  • salting process;
  • preparatory work before smoking;
  • smoking;
  • stabilization process;
  • packaging of finished products;
  • shipment of finished goods.

If we are talking about a workshop where a mini fish smoking production is organized, you need to find a conscientious supplier in order to be sure of the freshness of the raw materials.

The technology of smoking in a mini-workshop is no different from the technology in industrial productions except for the scale. In preparation for smoking, the meat is thawed and heated to 180 degrees. Then they wash it, wait half an hour for excess moisture to drain from it and place it in brine. After a certain period of time, the meat is taken out, dried in special equipment and placed in a smoking cabinet.

The smoked product is kept (stabilized) for 1-6 days. And only after that it is packaged and sent to consumers.

How to choose raw materials for smoking

The quality of the finished product depends very much on the quality of the raw material. When receiving goods from the supplier, it is necessary to look at all accompanying documents, they indicate the name of the goods, date of shipment, weight, price, category of goods, number of boxes.

Before concluding a contract for the supply of products, you need to be sure that it meets all sanitary and hygienic standards. It is advisable to visit the supplier and see with your own eyes the entire process of procurement and shipment of products.

Sometimes smokehouse owners prefer to do it on their own during the fishing season, which will significantly reduce the cost of production.

It is not recommended to buy raw materials for smoking in stores and supermarkets, it is better to do it directly from manufacturers. To ensure that the product range is always varied, and at the same time the work process is not interrupted and does not depend on suppliers, two-week stocks of raw materials should be in the freezers.

In this material:

Why not bring joy to people and make a business on smoking products? After all, few people are indifferent to smoked meats. Almost everyone loves them, and not a single holiday can do without them.

Key Points When Starting This Business

The main feature, and even complexity, of this business is the premises for smoking meat or fish. His choice, rent and related particulars. Of course, if you conceived it not only for your friends, but plan to seriously deal with it. For example, sell at the local market. What is the peculiarity of the premises as such? It must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. According to them, it should not be just a room. It should be a whole workshop for the processing of meat products. Only then will the smoking business bring results.

The standards that the state imposes on premises of this type are as follows:

  1. The workshop in which the smoking process takes place should be located no closer than 300 m from residential premises and educational institutions.
  2. Cold and hot water, ventilation, sewerage are mandatory conditions for starting a business.
  3. The area of ​​the room should not be less than 100 m².
  4. There must be office space, bathrooms, changing rooms.

In addition, state regulations regulate the number and height of windows, the quality of masonry on the walls, and a number of other requirements. So it’s not so easy to open your own smoking business. Rebuilding the existing sites and suitable for you at a price will not work in any way. Yes, building such a business from scratch is not easy. But there is one way out: rent or complete purchase of the premises, which were previously used as a dining room. Such premises were built in full compliance with state standards.

But here a second difficulty emerges. Do not forget about the state requirements published at the beginning of the paragraph. It should be not just a dining room that is suitable for the price, but one that meets all other requirements without question. For example, do not underestimate the canteen of the former factory. If it is slightly re-equipped, then up to 10 tons of smoked fish or meat can be produced in this workshop. So this business as a business is quite possible.

Main danger

What must be done before starting this business? First of all, you need to find those to whom you can supply these products. It is worth remembering that business owners suffer the greatest losses not when they come to them with checks. Not at all. They suffer the biggest losses when the warehouse is overstocked and the products begin to deteriorate. Plus, there is a risk in the form of non-return from stores. That is, the lack of profit from sales. But there is a way out, and it is quite possible to make it so that it also brings income, like a business, and at the same time gives pleasure.

Why it happens? The main part of stores, especially supermarkets, make the price for the consumer unnecessarily high. As a result, the goods are not bought up due to the high cost. What's the way out of this? Has the idea of ​​smoking fish as a business failed? No, the way out is to cooperate with small grocery stores.

There is still a danger of opening such a business in the so-called "non-fish areas". As a rule, there are many men who are fishermen, and there is a reservoir, which is famous for its “fishing places”. Don't even have to open similar business in such areas and spend big money on advertising.

Coordination is also an important aspect.

Each entrepreneur who has opened his own business selling smoked products should first register as an individual entrepreneur. Then you have to face big amount departments to coordinate their actions. These are the following organizations:

  1. Fire Department;
  2. Rosprirodnadzor;
  3. Rostechnadzor;
  4. Veterinary service.

Do not forget about obtaining a certificate of product quality. A smoked product, like others, requires confirmation by a certificate. In order for an entrepreneur to be allowed to trade, it is worth passing a special test.

What equipment is needed to open and operate a smokehouse?

It depends on the size of the business being opened, in which the sale of smoked meat or fish can be called the main product. If this is a mini-business, then you will need a smokehouse, which you can buy relatively cheaply or make yourself.

A smokehouse can be bought on average from 5,000 to 35,000 rubles. The exact price depends on many factors. In particular, from the region in which it is planned to open a smokehouse. For large-scale production, you will need additional equipment:

  1. Baths for washing products.
  2. Refrigerators.
  3. Crates with skewers in which smoking is carried out.

It is not necessary to have all the equipment. In each production, its set is different, and this is permissible.

Refrigerators for industrial production of such products can cost 100,000 rubles or so. There are many requirements for equipment. For example, raw materials that are being prepared for manufacture and finished products must be stored separately. And the sanitization of tables, knives, etc. is obligatory. after every shift.

What else is important to pay attention to? Check the expiration date and the conditions in which raw materials were stored. It is better to choose the products that are not in doubt. If suddenly a product of inadequate quality appears in the store, it will not be easy to regain consumer confidence.

Do not purchase directly from shopping malls. This is not economically viable. It is better to buy goods from the manufacturer. For example, these can be pig farms, fish factories, etc. Manufacturers usually have the necessary quality certificates. Fish, all stages of smoking of which took place at home, is considered to be of better quality. That is, a small business with the right "promotion" can bring considerable income.

When will the costs pay off?

If you approach each point of starting a business correctly, then the costs can pay off in six months. But this will happen only if there are no failures, and if the entrepreneur has gone through all the stages as clearly as possible. In particular, if he managed to choose the right workers.

Hiring smokehouse employees is an important step. It would be better if they have work experience, because food production is a very responsible business. And the quality of products directly depends on the experience of employees.

The number of employees depends on the scale of the enterprise and the experience of the entrepreneur. If a businessman is young, and not so much in terms of age as in terms of experience, he can hire 1-3 assistants.

On the large enterprise more people are needed. For example, it will not be superfluous to hire an accountant and a deboner. You can open a shop for finished products, if there are conditions for this and there will be a demand for it. In any case, then you will also need a seller.

What kind of fish is suitable for salting and smoking?

It is more correct and more profitable to carry out these manipulations with the fish that swims in your local reservoirs. Or with meat that is found in the region. The consumer likes it, it suits the concept of restaurants and cafes, because they usually rely on local "gifts of nature".

Many people think that it is better to buy raw materials in remote areas. They are wrong. It's not good for small businesses. The freight transportation infrastructure in our country is too unreliable. This significantly hinders the development of such a business as the production of smoked meats.

If an entrepreneur nevertheless chose this path, then he must have a food technologist on his staff, and he must be highly qualified and with extensive work experience.

He must be able to determine the state by one type of frozen meat or fish. This person is an important condition for such a business as smoking to develop.

By the way, according to the rules, frozen fish cannot be smoked. Anyone who follows this rule will have a business - smoking will surely turn out well.

The smoking shop is a business, the profitability of which is more than 50%. Especially popular are small workshops that produce products from fresh raw materials. Their main competitors are meat processing enterprises, which often use products that expire rather quickly. Taste qualities, as well as demand for products, depend on this. Before opening an enterprise, it is necessary to carefully consider the business plan of the smokehouse.


The following types of products are produced in the smoking shops:

  • salted, dried and smoked fish;
  • minced fish and deep-frozen fillets;
  • smoked and boiled-smoked pork, beef, poultry and lard;
  • smoked cheese.

Often, the shop starts its activity with poultry meat, which can be easily processed. It is on this meat that all the subtleties of production technology are mastered.

Today, smoked fish is very popular and therefore your own fish smoking workshop can become quite profitable. There is also always a demand for smoked meat products.

Market analysis

When planning the opening of your smoking shop, it is imperative to analyze the market of the city and region and choose for production exactly the type of product that is in demand. Or you should choose the type of product that will come out cheaper thanks to local crafts.

Using such a deep analysis, a businessman will understand how to choose competitive behavior and what niche to occupy. It is important that your products are not inferior to competitors in quality, and also have a lower cost. Also, the received product must be officially recognized after verification in test laboratories.

Forming your business

First of all, to open your workshop, you must be registered as a legal or individual- entrepreneur. The choice of form directly depends on the scale for which the enterprise is designed.

If the production is small and you are going to sell products in small batches in small stores, then you can register as individual entrepreneur. This procedure takes up to 5-7 days and the state duty for it is only 800 rubles.

If you plan to make large deliveries, then it would be best to register as entity. Do not forget that for the legal operation of the business, you will need permission from the SES, the fire department and other authorities. Also, when making bulk purchases of raw materials from a supplier, it is imperative to take veterinary certificate and a certificate for each batch. In addition, finished products are also subject to certification. General organization your case will take approximately two weeks.

Workshop room

Starting your business from scratch is always risky, and that is why you should not immediately spend finances on buying a room, but it is better to rent it.

The lease agreement must include the following:

  • the term of the proposed lease;
  • your rights and obligations as a tenant;
  • your landlord's responsibilities;
  • the amount and timing of the exact calculation of the lease;
  • the amount and terms of calculation for various operating payments;
  • termination conditions in the event of various unforeseen (which still need to be foreseen) circumstances and the end of the lease agreement.

Read also: Tire recycling as a business

The rental price is approximately $10 per sq. meter. For a smoke shop, for example, a former dining room with an area of ​​50 sq. m. depending on the scale of production.

Zoning of the premises

Any room must be divided into separate rooms in which each individual production stage. The floor plan should include areas for the following activities:

  • defrosting of raw materials;
  • its cuttings;
  • production;
  • product packaging;
  • product storage (cold storage);
  • container processing;
  • storage and drying of containers;
  • content of consumables;
  • storage of packaging materials, etc.


The equipment for the smoking shop will require special equipment. Need to purchase:

  1. Washing baths, which must be written for washing what they are used for.
  2. Defrost racks.
  3. Refrigeration equipment.
  4. Cutting table.
  5. Settings for various kinds smoking.
  6. Brine containers.
  7. Minced meat injector.
  8. Knives that must be in special sheaths.
  9. Chips for smoking.
  10. Vacuum packaging equipment.
  11. Change of clothes for workers, which must be changed every day.

Today on the market you can see equipment, both domestic and foreign. All of them differ in their technological characteristics.

Foreign-made equipment should be chosen if it is planned to process about ten tons of raw materials into knocks in the workshop. Smokehouses of domestic production are suitable for smaller enterprises. When loading up to 300 kg of raw materials per day, domestic smokehouses are able to ensure proper profitability. In the future, such installations can be used to assemble a whole line that will allow processing 8-10 tons of raw materials. Such a line will cost much less than an imported one, but at the same time, as some entrepreneurs note, it is less convenient to use.

Equipment processing

A prerequisite is the presence in the smoking room of the hood and good ventilation. Doors and hatches must close tightly.

If possible, slats and skewers should be purchased immediately in double quantities, since they must be processed daily. They are cleaned, washed in a 1% soda solution and scalded with boiling water. Once a week, it is necessary to process the smoking chambers.

It is also worth buying thermometers and moisture meters to measure indicators in the chambers where the products are being prepared for sale. All readings of measuring instruments are recorded in a special log.

Disinfection should not be neglected either. After each shift, cutting boards are soaked in a solution of soda ash (5%), and then dried well. Tables for cutting should be disinfected twice a day.


To work in your smokehouse, you will need to attract additional labor force. To increase the profitability of the project, in the first year and a half, you can ask your relatives and family members to work in the shop. Thanks to this step, you can reduce the cost of paying salaries.

For a small workshop, two or three people will be enough. It will also be necessary to hire an accountant who will draw up statistical reports, deal with tax deductions, analyze the financial condition. An entrepreneur can take on such functions as process management, the purchase of raw materials, and the sale of products.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 8 minutes


Smoked fish and meat are in demand products and occupy a serious niche in the modern food market. Consumer demand creates supply, but how do you open a smokehouse from scratch? You will find answers to the most important questions in this material.

Opening a smokehouse: registration and necessary documents

To open your own smoking shop and for the legal activity of the enterprise, you need legal registration a number of documents:

  • Registration of the organizational and legal form of the future enterprise (LLC, or other legal entity).
  • Opening and arrangement of the workshop (lease agreement, or property). At the same time, the premises must fully comply with sanitary requirements and standards.
  • Obtain a conclusion and work permit from Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection, Rostekhnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor.
  • For the release of products must be a veterinary certificate.

After receiving all required documents and conclusions, the veterinary service and SES can conduct periodic inspections, to which they have a legal right. This should be remembered and the required state of the workshop and production should be maintained in the proper form.

Where and how to sell smoked fish and meat: we study the market and competitors

Market research is required condition before starting any business.

When opening a smokehouse from scratch, pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Explore the product range and pricing policy those enterprises that are already engaged in the production of products in your region.
  2. Try to find out the preferences and tastes of consumers, conduct a survey among the population.
  3. Carefully study the products of competitors, evaluate all the pros and cons, draw conclusions. This will prevent mistakes when releasing your own similar products.
  4. Find and designate the most profitable points of sale.

After receiving answers to all the above questions, you will know how to proceed further - with whom to conclude sales contracts, which products to produce in the largest volume, and which ones to maintain in a minimum volume only for the range.

Features of the production of smoked fish and meat: smoking technology

The technology of smoking fish and meat is different from each other. At the same time, the smoking chamber must support the following modes: cold and hot smoking, cooking, drying, roasting.

Dry-cured meat products

The preparation of dry-cured meat products does not require any heat treatment. The raw materials used are beef, pork, chicken, turkey meat.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • Meat preparation, washing and drying.
  • Dry salting (no brine, only salt). Holding time for this stage 5-7 days. At this time, the full ripening of the meat takes place, all bacteria and microbes are removed.
  • Drying meat in a smoking chamber at a temperature of 20-22 degrees.
  • Smoking in the chamber (duration about 40-45 minutes).

feature this method cooking is repeated drying and smoking - these procedures are performed several times (3-5), repeating one after another. As a result, the product should acquire a rich golden color and a dense structure. The recipe and technology may vary depending on the type of smoking chamber.

Cold smoked fish

First, the fish is thawed and cut. After the preparatory work is completed, the product is salted in brine for a period of 3 to 10 days, depending on the size of the fish.

The next step is drying. For this, the smoking chamber has an appropriate mode. After the fish is smoked with cold smoke (not higher than 25 degrees). In the smoking chamber, this process takes several hours.

Hot smoking

The technology of hot smoking is distinguished by its temperature regime - the main process takes place at a high temperature. The advantage of the method is to obtain more juicy products, since moisture is retained as much as possible. The disadvantage lies in the shortening of the shelf life.

The main stages of hot smoking technology are:

  1. Preparation of raw materials (washing, gutting).
  2. Salting (for several days).
  3. Drying.
  4. Smoking.

When using smoking chambers, products are prepared quickly, under optimal conditions that meet all requirements.

What equipment and space is needed for a smokehouse?

Opening a smokehouse is not an easy task, because even the premises are subject to serious requirements. The building must be located in a special sanitary zone, at least 300 meters long from residential areas.

In the premises at the enterprise it is necessary to equip compartments and rooms for special purposes:

  • Warehouse with a cooler for storing raw materials (no more than 1 day).
  • A workshop where saline solution is prepared and salting of raw materials is carried out.
  • Room for packaging finished products.
  • The room in which the sanitary processing of returnable containers will be carried out.
  • Compartment for drying clean containers.
  • Closed warehouse for containers.
  • Closed warehouse for storage of disinfectants.
  • Storage room for sawdust, fuel.
  • Compartment for storing packaging material and additional equipment (if any).
  • Warehouse for finished products (daily storage).

It is desirable to arrange the supply of finished products without storage, but this is not always possible, therefore, it is necessary to equip refrigeration equipment in a separate room for a warehouse.

Small inventory required for processing raw materials for smoking:

  1. A table for cutting fish and a separate table for meat (cutting two types of raw materials on the same table is not allowed).
  2. Boards for cutting (2-3 pieces for each type of raw material).
  3. Knives for cutting (2-3 pieces for each type of raw material).
  4. Capacities.
  5. Weighing and refrigeration equipment.
  6. Trolleys for transportation of raw materials and finished products.

The main equipment is smoking chambers and refrigerators.

The following requirements are imposed on smoking chambers:

  • The doors of the smoking chamber must be closed tightly.
  • The presence of ventilation and a hatch in the cell are considered a prerequisite.
  • Such parts of the smokehouse as slats, ramrods should be doubled, as they are sanitized every shift.
  • Presence of thermometers in smoking chambers. Temperature regime recorded in special journals.

The average cost of a smokehouse is 100-130 thousand rubles. Daily processing in this case is 200-300 kg. With an increase in production, the number of smokehouses also increases.

Tables, boards, cutting equipment must be processed in accordance with sanitary standards every shift. If it is meant to release cut or sliced ​​products in individual packaging, you should remember to indicate the packaging date, batch number, and expiration dates on them.

Finished products cannot be stored together with raw materials. Fish and meat cannot be stored and processed together at any stage of production.

We choose suppliers of fish and meat for the smokehouse

The choice and purchase of raw materials should be treated with special attention, since the quality of the finished product and, accordingly, the reputation of your production depends on this. It is better to order raw materials directly from manufacturers. In this case, these are those leading legal activities.

Choose shops, supermarkets and others as a supplier retail chains does not make sense, as the products will include rental costs, taxes, etc. With direct suppliers, the cost of raw materials will always be lower. It is worth considering the fact that after smoking, fish or meat loses about 10-12% in weight, so you need to look for a supplier with a favorable offer for price and quality. .

It is important to cooperate with suppliers from the same region where the activity is planned. In this case, there is no risk of receiving stale goods, and transportation costs are reduced.

To work with suppliers, you must conclude a contract. Upon receipt of the goods, a quality certificate for products and veterinary certificates for meat must be attached. They must correspond to the date of delivery, the type of raw material, the weight of the delivery must match up to grams. When cooperating with legal suppliers, no problems arise in the future.

What staff would be required to smoke fish and meat?

At the initial stage of organizing production, 2-3 people will be required, it is desirable that they have experience in this area. When using modern smokehouses, special education is not required, but must be approved technological maps with the recipe to be used in production. Usually these cards are included with the equipment, they are consistent with current regulations and meet all requirements.

Personnel must have the skills to operate the equipment, understand the technology of smoking . The presence of sanitary books is mandatory for each employee of food production.

When opening a larger workshop that will produce more than 2 tons of finished products per month, several smoking chambers (2-3) will be required, and the number of employees will also increase by 2-3 times. With the expansion of production to such a level, it makes sense to open own points implementation, respectively, and the composition of employees will also increase.

At the initial stage, one person responsible for production, one assistant is enough. This number of staff is enough for a mini-smoker. In expanded production, a raw material receiver and a person responsible for its processing are required, a separate person for cutting and salting fish, a production manager responsible for a warehouse, a driver and vehicles with a cooler for transporting goods, an accountant, technical staff for industrial cleaning.

Sample business plan for opening a smokehouse from scratch: calculation of costs and income

The costs for opening a smokehouse are not too high, and the payback period is no more than two to three years. But with a competent approach and well-established relations with the sales market, this time can be halved.

At the initial stage, for a small workshop, you will need cash in the following volume:

  • The cost of equipment is 400 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of documentation 25 thousand rubles.
  • Repair work in the workshop, arrangement and rental costs for this period of time - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Starting costs for raw materials 250 thousand rubles.
  • Additional expenses of 100 thousand rubles.

Total: 1 million 75 thousand rubles.

This is the minimum initial investment. Now consider what current costs are required for the annual maintenance of a small smokehouse.

We calculate:

  • The rent is 300 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of power supply is 220 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials 2 million 800 thousand rubles.
  • Salary for staff (2 people) 500 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes 270 thousand rubles.
  • Transportation costs 120 thousand rubles.
  • Other (additional) expenses 150 thousand rubles.

Total: 4 million 360 rubles.

To reduce the payback period and quickly make a profit, several types of sales should be combined:

  1. Sales for sale in retail chains . With an average price of finished products of 400 rubles per kilogram (meat, fish), sales of 800 kg per month will bring 320 thousand rubles.
  2. Deliveries to catering points . If sales amount to approximately 300 kg, then the monthly revenue from this point of sale will be 120 thousand rubles.

Total: 440 thousand rubles.

Annual revenue will amount to 5 million 280 thousand rubles. We add up current expenses and start-up investments, we get the figure of 5 million 435 thousand rubles.

Output: in this case, the first year of operation of the workshop "leaves" for payback and current expenses. But next year will bring a net profit of almost 900 thousand rubles!

Risks associated with opening a smokehouse from scratch

Any business has its risks, and you should be aware of them, because then they can be minimized or avoided altogether. It is better to start with a small workshop, then the cost of equipment will be reduced, and the products will be sold in a timely manner in full. Over time, when the reputation is won and you have “your regular customer” on the market, you can start expanding.

Run immediately large production smoked meats from scratch is not reasonable, there is a high risk of minimal sales, and then the company will become unprofitable.

Working with unreliable suppliers can also bring its own risks associated with low-quality products.

In the summer months, it is necessary to use refrigeration equipment, to maintain the optimum temperature in the workshop.

Unloading and loading of raw materials and finished products should be carried out at a fast pace. Fish or meat should not be allowed to stay without refrigerators for a long time, otherwise it deteriorates, and the shelf life is reduced.

Early market research, assessment of demand and competitiveness helps to establish profitable business. But don't be overconfident, and even if you have established contacts with outlets, be prepared for possible risks and losses, because the selected production allows you to get products with a short shelf life.

Don't forget to keep proper documentation. All quality certificates, veterinary certificates and other product certificates must be available.

The business of producing smoked fish and meat can bring a solid income with minimum investment. The main thing is to evaluate all the opportunities and risks of sales, but it is better to have your own point of sale!

Smoking business is a rather profitable type commercial activities. Smoked red fish or meat will always be in good demand. The costs at the initial stage are minimal, and the income with a competent approach can be quite significant. The sale of smoked products does not depend on the season and is in constant demand in establishments Catering. To start your own business, it is not necessary to open a large-scale production, it is enough to organize a smokehouse in your private house or garage, without involving additional staff. But in the matter of organizing your own smokehouse, as in any other, there are some peculiarities.

Every business needs a well-written business plan. Smoked meats are always in demand and the newly minted entrepreneur has every chance to succeed in his endeavors. The main thing is to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.

Stages of a business plan for a private smokehouse:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneurs and obtaining appropriate permits from the competent authorities;
  2. It is necessary to determine the types of products produced;
  3. Find suppliers of raw materials;
  4. Acquisition of the initial batch of raw materials;
  5. Purchase of equipment;
  6. It is necessary to determine the premises;
  7. Hiring employees;
  8. Actually, the production of smoked meats;
  9. Sale of goods (selection of a point of sale and customer base).

Calculation of costs and profits

Smoking as a business is a fairly profitable enterprise with a competent approach to business. Although the product has a relatively high cost, it will always be in demand. The costs will fully pay off in a few months from the start of production.

To open a large smokehouse, you need to consider the following starting investments:

  • Purchase of initial raw materials - 200,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment - from 300,000 rubles;
  • Related inventory - 100,000 rubles.

Total, six hundred thousand rubles, total - the amount of starting capital.

Costs that will incur each month:

  • Workshop rental - from 100,000 rubles;
  • Payment for electricity and other production costs - 100,000 rubles;
  • The costs associated with the transportation of products - 250,000 rubles;
  • Staff salary - 300,000 rubles.

The cost is approximate, it varies depending on the volumes for which you are pawning, and on the region of residence.

The average price for meat is 300 rubles. per kg. Finished smoked products are sold one and a half to two times more expensive, the price per kg is at least 500 rubles. Fish costs about 200 rubles. per kg, after smoking, the price doubles and reaches 400 rubles. per kg. The net profit received every month will be 150,000 rubles in total. This is provided that the monthly sales will be equal to four tons of goods.

Thus, spending 600,000 rubles. for business development at the very beginning, the payback period of the project will be from 4 to 8 months, depending on sales volumes.

Documentation of business

In order to open your own mini-smoker, you need to take care of the formal part of the business. A small production is formalized as an individual entrepreneurship. Registration of this organizational and legal form takes place in a fairly short time and protects the owner of the production from part of the taxes. It is better to choose a simplified taxation system for your small business.

The smokehouse as a business requires permits from the following authorities:

  • Sanitary-epidemiological service;
  • Fire Department;
  • Rostechnadzor;
  • Rosprirodnadzor.

Quality certificates for the supplied raw materials and finished products will also be required.

Choice of smoking method

Smoking is a type of heat treatment of fish, meat or fat, in which the taste of the latter changes. Such products have a longer shelf life. There is both hot and cold smoking. During production, the temperature inside the smokehouse is in the range of 55 - 120 gr. In order for the product to be ready, a few hours are enough. This type of smoking is considered the most optimal for home installation, as it is faster. However, the disadvantage of this technology is short time storage - no more than 15 - 20 days.

Pros and cons of a commercial smokehouse

As in any business, there are advantages and disadvantages in smoking industry. It is important to know about them at the stage of business planning.

Advantages of a home smokehouse:

  • You don't have to work for your uncle. The entrepreneur himself plans his working time.
  • Smoking products is a fairly simple activity that does not require certain skills, and experience is gained quickly.
  • Electric smokehouses for small businesses are compact and do not take up much space in a domestic area.
  • You can place small smoking installations at home, there are devices that allow this.
  • The profit received from the sale of smoked products is several times higher than the average wages around the country.
  • Profitability. With the correct formulation of the case, it fully pays for itself in a few months;
  • The ability to expand production at any time by purchasing additional equipment and at the same time increasing sales volumes.
  • Possibility of "burning out". In many areas of business there is competition and there is a chance to fail.
  • Formal red tape. To officially register your business, you need to stand in a lot of queues for the necessary permits;
  • The shelf life of smoked meats implies a quick sale of goods. The freshness of products is preserved for the first few days, then the taste qualities are lost and their value decreases.
  • It is important to choose the right supplier. Intermediaries request a high cost for raw materials, it is worth looking for direct sellers. It is necessary to follow the provided certificates for the supplied goods.

Having decided to start smoking products at home, with a view to their further sale, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons of this enterprise. If you are not afraid of the first difficulties that are encountered in every business, develop a competent concept, and decide on the assortment produced, there is every chance to cover the costs in six months and get a decent profit. A good incentive in this business is the opportunity to expand its production.