Order to amend the schedule. How to draw up an order to change the staffing table

Since the staffing table refers to local regulations, it cannot be changed without the order of the management. Before making according to the developed model, it is necessary to follow the procedure for their justification and approval, and then issue an order on behalf of the director or owner of the company.

The procedure for changing the staffing table

In addition to the planned adoption of a new document, changes can be made to this document so that its current version coincides with the actual structure of hired personnel in the organization.

Changes may relate to:

  • names of structural divisions;
  • the number of employees in the state;
  • base salary;
  • allowances and allowances.

The procedure for changing the staffing table can be unified and the algorithm for its implementation can be introduced into local regulations, for example, in the regulation on personnel management or.

Initially, you need to justify the importance and necessity of the change. This can be done by compiling a memo from the heads of structural units. It indicates a good reason for replacing or supplementing the staffing table. To the grounds for changing this local normative act can be attributed:

  • bringing into conformity with the norms of laws;
  • optimization of the personnel structure;
  • expanding the scope of activities;
  • cost reduction;
  • other reasons.

The management of the company can also propose changes to the staffing table.

In this case, an administrative document is drawn up, which indicates the reasons for the changes, and an instruction is given to the relevant services to issue a new version of the staffing table.

Coordination of changes in the staffing table and informing employees

After the director of the company agrees with the reasoning and the need for changes, he orders the preparation of an appropriate order. The amended document must be agreed with the interested structural units.

When the innovation concerns significant working conditions, it is necessary to notify employees who are changing their position, salary, etc.

The notice must be completed and delivered at least two months before the proposed changes. Employees must be notified if the changes relate to:

In case of adding positions or optimizing the personnel structure, by eliminating vacancies, there is no need to inform employees about this.

At the same time, employees can be notified of opening vacancies by simple information letter or an announcement. For example, one of the employees wants to go for a promotion or knows a specialist who can fill a vacant position.

After passing all the preliminary stages, the prepared order for changes in the staffing table is submitted for signature to the head of the company.

Sample order to amend the staffing table

The text of the order includes:

After signing, the order is registered, and the following inscription is added to the title part of the schedule "Edition dated 07/01/2018, as amended by Order No. 45 dated 06/25/2018".

Until the start of action new version the staffing table must be brought into line with the employment contracts of employees.

Such a step is needed if changes to a local regulatory act affect essential conditions labor of employees.

An example of an order to change the salary and allowances in the staffing table

Research and Production Association "Transgazmagistrali"


dated October 17, 2018 No. 24


On changing the staffing table No. 5 of 01/02/2018

Due to the increase in the volume of work


  1. Replace the current wage rates for individual positions of employees with the following base salaries:

Head of department / department - 55,000 rubles;

Specialist - 34,000 rubles.

  1. Enter an allowance for work experience in the amount of:

Manager - 15% of the base salary;

Secretary - 12% of the base salary.

  1. The new version of the staffing table is valid from 11/01/2018.
  2. Head of department personnel work Prinitsky S.K. to bring labor contracts with the specified employees into line with the new staffing table until 10/25/2018.


Memorandum of the head of the personnel department No. 26 dated 10/12/2018 (justification)

Staffing No. 5 dated 01/02/2018.

Director of NPO "Transgazmagistrali" E. D. Inoskazov

An example of an order to change the names of positions and structural units in the staffing table

Closed joint-stock company"Primazet"


No. 78/k dated November 26, 2018


About changing the names of individual positions in staffing No. 3 dated 01.01.2017

In connection with the planned expansion of the scope of activities and the hiring of additional staff


  1. Make the following changes to the staffing table:

rename the division "Human Resources" (code 03) to "Human Resources".

replace the positions of "human resources manager" with "personnel management specialist".

to supplement the structure of the Human Resources Department with the following positions:

Deputy Head of Department - 1 sh. e.

Human Resources Specialist – 4 sh. e.

Clerk - 1 sh. e.

  1. Salaries and allowances to remain at the same level.
  2. The head of the personnel department should bring the employment contracts of employees in line with the new staffing table and hire additional staff no later than December 20, 2018.
  3. The staffing table in the new edition comes into force on 01/01/2019.


Financial and economic plan for 2019.

Staffing No. 3 dated 01/01/2017.

Director General of CJSC Primazet V. D. Borodovnikov

An example of an order to change the staffing table due to a reduction in the number of employees

Information Agency "News of the Lake District"


dated September 17, 2018 No. 32/k


Due to the deterioration financial position and the need to optimize the number of staff


  1. Expel from the Administrative Department structural subdivision"Secretariat" from 01/01/2019 (code 0802).
  2. Supplement the structure of the Administrative Department with the position of "Reception Secretary" with a base salary of 22,000 rubles.
  3. To the head of the personnel department, notify employees of the upcoming reduction in the number no later than 01.10.2018.


  • Action plan for financial recovery of the News Agency "Priozerye News"
  • Staffing No. 17 of 01/01/2018

Director of the news agency "Lakeland News" Arkanskaya V.S.

An example of an order to introduce a new structural unit into the staffing table

Society with limited liability"Torgsim"


dated 03.11.2018 No. 632/k


About changing the staffing table

Due to production needs


  1. Supplement the staffing table No. 4 of 10/12/2017 with the following positions:

Department retail new structural unit "Logistics Group" with the assignment of the code 0501 with the following number of employees:

Group leader - 1 sh. e. with a salary of 36,000 rubles;

Logistician - 4 sh. e. with a salary of 17,000 rubles.

  1. The changes come into force on November 15, 2018.
  2. Head of Human Resources to hire additional workers until November 12, 2018.
  3. To impose control over the execution of the order on the head of the personnel department and the chief accountant.

The staffing is necessary to take into account the structure of the company, its size and composition. It fixes the positions, specialties, professions of employees, an indication of their qualifications. When it is required to make a change in the staffing table (SR), an order is issued. The signed order is stored in a separate folder.

Changes can be proposed not only by senior management, but also by department heads. To do this, a memo is drawn up. On the basis of such a note, an order is prepared.

What change will have to be fixed in the SR:

  • a new position appeared, a new structural unit was added;
  • changed the title of the position, renamed the department;
  • tariff rate changes, salary (changes wage employees);
  • liquidate departments and vacant positions;
  • carry out staff reductions.

Let's consider each of these cases in detail.

New staff positions are being added to the staffing table

If it is necessary to introduce a new specialty, position, structural unit into the document, the employer issues an appropriate order reflecting this change. unified form for such an order is not provided.

The order is issued in accordance with the general rules:

  • in the header of the document indicate the name of the enterprise;
  • they write below: Order No., put down the corresponding number;
  • left indicate locality, on the right - put the date when the order was issued;
  • indicate each change, the reason for which the adjustment is made should be indicated;
  • indicate proposals for solving the described issues;
  • fix those responsible for the execution of the order;
  • if necessary, indicate those who should be familiar with the document (for example, an accountant);
  • the signature of the person who made it and its transcript.

When the state is introduced new unit, an example of an order to change the staffing table will look like this:

The order indicates the name of the structural unit, the name of the position, the number of rates, the tariff rate or salary. Pay attention to the sample order to change the staffing table: the date the position was introduced does not coincide with the date the order was issued. Such a situation is possible when the functioning of the position is expected from a certain time, after the date of issue of the order.

Job rename

The change in job title must be justified. Not for the sake of beauty, but, for example, to bring the name of the position in line with the workload performed by the employee. This can be formulated as a change in working conditions. If you plan to rename the position of the seller-cashier to the manager trading floor, changes to the staffing act will be required.

If the seat is vacant, the change does not need to be justified. If busy, a number of requirements are met. The employee must be notified of planned changes no later than two months before the change takes effect. For the employee they change, so the director needs to get his consent. Then they act on the basis of a situation of agreement or disagreement.

The employee agrees

Start paperwork: prepare an additional agreement to the contract. Issue an order to rename the position and the corresponding change in the staffing table.

Based on the order, it is entered into the work book of the employee.

Employee does not agree

The employer offers another job.

If a suitable job no, if the employee does not agree to work in another position selected for him and refuses to work in the existing position, labor contract is terminated with him on the basis Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, pp. 7 hours 1 Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

An order to change the staffing table can be issued as follows:

Salary change

If the employer needs to process a change in salaries, he will have to make a change in the staffing table.

The salary clause is an essential condition of the employment contract. Therefore, new information is entered into the contract in compliance with the procedure established by Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The legislation obliges employees to notify this in writing two months before the change takes effect.

As a rule, there are no problems if the size increases upwards. In this case, the parties sign.


To carry out such a procedure, you will need:

  1. Give employees at least 2 months notice of upcoming layoffs. Do not forget to offer them vacant positions, if possible.
  2. If there are vacant units in the staffing table, prepare an order for their exclusion.
  3. Prepare an order for the exclusion (reduction) of employed staff units.

The order must justify the need for reduction. This may be due to cost optimization or a difficult financial situation. The order includes all positions subject to reduction. Appoint a person responsible for the process, and fix it in the order.

Retrenchment order sample

There are not so many cases in which it will be necessary to draw up an order to introduce changes to the SR. Their main difference will be in the text of the order. The design of the form itself, the style will be common in all options.

The normative document reflecting the structure of the organization, its staffing and number, in accordance with its charter, is the staffing table. Changes in the staffing table can only be made on the basis of an order to amend the staffing table.

Order to amend the staffing table

The decision to make changes to the staffing table is made by the employer (head of the organization or individual entrepreneur). This decision must be fixed. The legislation does not provide for a unified form of the said order. Therefore, the employer has the right to develop it independently. The signing of the order to change the staffing table is carried out by the head or other authorized person of the organization.

Changes may concern following provisions staffing schedule:

  • exclusion of a vacant position or several positions, departments in connection with any organizational changes in the work of the employer;
  • introduction of new positions if a decision is made to expand production or increase the volume of services provided or work performed;
  • downsizing of the employer;
  • changes in the salaries of employees;
  • renaming of departments and positions.

The employer may also decide on other grounds for changing the staffing table.

Please note that the employer has an obligation to monthly provide information on the availability of vacant positions (clause 3 of article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 19.04.1991 N 1032-1). Such information is provided to the employment service authorities.

The table below contains information about the possible reasons for making changes, as well as the main steps that an employer needs to go through when deciding to make changes to the staffing table.

Grounds for making changes to the staffing table The procedure (procedure) for making changes to the staffing table The obligation to familiarize employees of the organization or individual entrepreneur with changes to the staffing table
1. Supplementing the staffing table by introducing new positions and structural units Creation of an order (draft order) on the introduction of new staff units, which contains the following information:
  • names of newly introduced structural units, positions;
  • the number of new staff positions;
  • again fixed size salary (additional payments, allowances).
not provided
2. Exclusion of vacancies Creation of an order (draft order) on the exclusion of staff units, which contains the following information:
  • the date from which the changes are made;
  • the name of the excluded positions;
  • the number of excluded staff positions.
not provided, as these positions are not occupied
3. Downsizing
  • Notification of employees about the intention to carry out a reduction;
  • Creation of an order to exclude specific staff positions or to approve a new staffing table, which will not include reduced positions
Written Notice employees at least 2 months before the date of entry into force of the new staffing table / changes made to it (part 2 of article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and the offer of vacant positions to dismissed employees (part 3 of article 81, article 82, and 180 Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)).
From the above norm it follows that the changes made cannot enter into force earlier than 2 months from the date of notification.
4. Change in salaries of employees Changing the salaries prescribed in the staffing table leads to a change in the terms of employment contracts in terms of establishing the amount of remuneration (paragraph 5, part 2, article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 3 of the "Staffing" section of the Instructions for the use and filling out primary accounting forms documentation on accounting for labor and its payment, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 N 1). And such a change at the initiative of the employer is possible only if there has been a change in any organizational or technological conditions labor (part 1 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Before making such changes, the employer is obliged to take a number of measures, namely to notify employees of:
  • future changes in the provisions of employment contracts. Form of notification - written;
  • the reasons that caused the need for such changes (clause 2, article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
After making a decision to change salaries and duly notifying employees, the employer has the right to change salaries on the basis of an order to amend the staffing table.
The notice period is no later than 2 months before the changes being introduced.
If the employee refuses to work in the changed conditions, then the labor legislation prescribes the employer the obligation to offer him another job he has (part 3 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And this must be done in writing. If there is no such work or the employee does not agree with the proposed options, then the employment contract with the employee is terminated (clause 7, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
5. Renaming positions and departments Creation of an order (draft order) on renaming positions and departments, which contains the following information:
  • the date from which the changes are made;
  • the name of the renamed positions;
The notice period is no later than 2 months before the changes being introduced.
The notification form is written.
If the employee does not agree with the proposed conditions, the employer is obliged to offer another available job.
If there is no such job or the employee does not agree to work on the proposed conditions or to work in an existing position, then the employment contract with the employee is terminated (

If the management of the organization decided to revise the salaries of employees, reduce or introduce a new position, it will be necessary to issue an order to change the staffing table. In the article, we will consider in detail how to draw up an order, and we will also give samples of orders to change the staffing table for 2018.

Reasons for staffing changes

  1. The appearance of a new position or unit: is issued by an order on a new staff unit, which should indicate the name of the position or new unit, the number of new units, as well as their salary (including surcharges and allowances);
  2. Exclusion of a position: issued by an order to exclude a staff unit (or units), which indicates the date of change, name and number of them;
  3. Reduction of staff: prior to the issuance of the order, employees are notified of the reduction in rates in the staffing table (2 months in advance), and also offer other vacant positions. After that, they issue an order on a new staffing table;
  4. Salary change: before issuing an order, employees are notified of salary changes (2 months in advance), and they are also offered new positions if, for example, an employee refuses to work with a new salary. After that, they issue an order on a new staffing table;
  5. Changing the name of the unit or position: they act in the same way as when changing the salary.

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How to make changes

You can make changes to the staffing table at any time, as the need arises.

Important! The head of the organization decides how many times to change the staffing table. You can do this as often as you need.

If there is a change in the schedule of the position of any employee, or his salary, it will also be necessary to change the employment contract concluded with him. At the same time, before making changes to the schedule, you need to arrange for the transfer of an employee to another position. This can be done using an order according to the approved T-5 form (see →), or using a self-developed form. With the employee, you will need to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract, as well as make a drink in work book about translation.

How to notify an employee about a change in staffing

The employee retains the right to disagree with the new working conditions, in which case the employer sends the employee a proposal for another job, also in writing. If the employer cannot offer a position similar to the previous conditions, then he has the right to offer a position both lower paid and lower. If the employee refuses, it will be necessary to formalize his dismissal, the basis of which will be: “refusal of the job offer due to a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties”, that is, clause 7, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Depending on what is the reason for making changes to the schedule, they also distinguish how to draw up an order.

Here are examples of basic orders when changing the staffing table, depending on the reason:

Those employees who are directly affected by the changes must sign the familiarization. A new schedule containing all the changes is attached to the order itself. The order should indicate the date from which the new schedule comes into force, as well as appoint a person responsible for the execution of the order. The responsible person may be the head of the organization or an employee of the personnel department.

Staffing changes

As mentioned above, there are no restrictions on the number and frequency of changes to the staffing table. The manager has the right to independently decide when to change the staffing table. This can be done both from the beginning of the year, and in its middle.

Important! Even temporary transfer an employee to another position should be reflected in the staffing table. After the transfer is completed, an order is issued to change the schedule, and the period for which a new position is introduced is also indicated.

Responsibility for not making changes to the staffing table

Violation of requirements labor law, for example, a discrepancy between the number of employees and the staffing table, etc., entails administrative liability with a fine imposed on the organization and officials:

  • 30,000 - 50,000 rubles - for the organization;
  • 1,000 - 5,000 rubles - per official.

In order to avoid unnecessary fines for the organization and its leader, it is necessary to make timely changes to the organization's staffing table according to established by law requirements.

The staffing table allows you to draw up the structure, staffing, staffing organizations. It contains a list of all structural units, specialties, positions, professions, qualifications, the number of staff units, and the amount of wages are also indicated. Sometimes it becomes necessary to make certain changes to the schedule.

At the enterprise, from time to time, there may be staff changes: a new position (department) is introduced, the staff is reduced, tariff rates, salaries, positions are renamed. Any changes are reflected in the staffing table. This can be done in the following ways:
  • make changes by issuing an appropriate order (applies if the changes are minor);
  • approve the new timetable with another registration number(next in order).
If it is necessary to change the current staffing table, the head of the structural unit writes a memo to the head of the enterprise, which indicates the need to make changes from their business case. The head of the company issues an order to amend the schedule (it is issued on the company's letterhead). All changes are listed in one document. The text of the order is conditionally divided into two parts: ascertaining, administrative. In the first of them, it is desirable to indicate the relevant grounds (for example, improving the structure of the enterprise, reorganizing the company, etc.). The new staffing table is put into effect on the basis of the order of the head.

If the enterprise has a complex structure of the organization (in different departments there are positions that are the same by name), it is recommended that the position, structural unit be indicated in the order. All changes are communicated to employees, and they are also entered into work books. Reducing the size of the organization is the exclusion of individual staff units from the schedule; downsizing - exclusion of positions. In any case, laid-off employees should be given two months' notice of dismissal, i.e. the new staffing table will be able to take effect after this period. If the essential terms of the contract (wage, job title) change, employees are also notified 2 months in advance. If an employee does not want to work specified conditions the employment contract is terminated.

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