Eve online how to leave a corporation. Corporate management in EVE Online

15 2012

Hello capsuleers! You've probably already heard that the name of the new update coming out in December is Retribution. The members of the Super Friends team were happy to be part of this fun mix of vengeance, rage, retribution, and an anthem for the victors. We have prepared a delicious dish - revenge (which, as you know, is served cold) - and we are ready to tell you everything we know about it.

Revolution in the system of search and punishment of criminals

Let's open a little secret: the system of search and punishment of criminals is broken! Surprised? All this is related to the upcoming changes. We're going to take out all the advertisers, poker stars, and glamor players, clean up the rotten system, and add some lubrication to the squeaking mechanism so that real players can kick each other's sides the way they're destined to.

Why do people put a bounty on someone's head and are willing to give hard-earned money for it? Yes, because they want their victim to suffer and cry.

Also, we want to expand the links between actions and their consequences, so that you are not indifferent to who you cooperate with. Finally, we want to give bounty hunters a career opportunity like never before. All of these changes will appear in Retribution, but some of them we are ready to implement right now. I will explain this a little later.

Reward 2.0 - fewer opportunities for cheating!

The main idea is to pay the bounty in installments rather than paying the whole jackpot for a one-time kill. Here are the highlights of the new system:

  1. The reward is given in proportion to the damage caused;
  2. Now it is planned to give out 20% of the total reward per head at a time;
  3. Thus, high bounty players will be targeted many times before the bounty expires;
  4. Now the reward is given for killing the capsule. We plan to expand the bounty system and pay part of it for killing a ship as well;
  5. The killing system in the fleet does not change - all participants will receive a reward;
  6. Also, the system with a minimum bet and the ability to put a reward for any player do not change;
  7. The list of the most dangerous criminals will also undergo some improvement;
  8. Bounty hunter statistics will be added;
  9. Billboards and space posters will not disappear from the game anywhere;
  10. Important: after the introduction of the new system, all old unclaimed awards will be canceled - a kind of amnesty.

Bad Corporation

Our main efforts are aimed at improving the work individual system awards, but we also think that developing a similar system for corporations and alliances would be a great addition. So we are working on that as well.

Setting the reward will work almost the same as the individual one. Each corporation and alliance has its own prize account / bounty amount. And as soon as the pilot of this organization is destroyed, part of the total amount will be transferred to the hunter's account. Thus, the reward can be paid from three sources: individual, corporate and alliance. However, next to the pilot icon you will see only one amount - the result of their addition.

Please note that the payment will also be given for the destruction of any corporate or individual property - POS, for example.

Size minimum rate rewards: for a corporation - 50 million ISK; for the alliance - 500 million ISK.

Appropriate categories will also be added: "Most Wanted Corporation" and "Most Wanted Alliance".

Transfer of the right to destruction

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, and I will kill you - by right of vendetta. Get ready to die!

We want to expand the scope of how the bounty system works. True, some innovations will be available only in the next updates. So, one of them is the ability to buy the rights to kill from other players. Of course, this does not directly apply to the criminal search system, but it complements the general trend. For example, it will allow hunting criminals even in systems with a high level of security.

The right to kill is component criminal world. So we are working with Team Five O to improve it. We plan to develop it in two directions:

  • The right to destroy will not appear in all cases where the player becomes a criminal - only in cases where the intruder illegally attacks ships in high security space, or destroys capsules in low security space. Assisting a criminal (in the form of siphoning off their shield or armor) will not result in that assistant gaining kill rights, although they will still receive the criminal's mark in this case.
  • The new rules for using the rights to destroy violators will be very different from the previous ones. For example, if you have the right to destroy the criminal, you can activate it in such a way that any player will have the right to kill him (the victim will be flagged with a suspect "Suspect Flag", as described in the delinquency system devblog).

Additionally, you can sell the right to kill. To do this, you set the price for which you are ready to sell this right (any amount, even zero), and anyone can buy it with a simple click on the criminal icon). When using this ability, the victim will become “outlawed” for 15 minutes and can be destroyed. If the criminal escapes, his status will return to its original state. And so on until the right to kill is reactivated. This right is valid for 30 days.

Further work

A little about modules

The new modules have received little attention this time around, but there is news on that front as well.

  • Ancillary Shield Booster modules are getting a slight rebalance.
  • Modules "Micro Jump Drive" allow you to "flicker" here and there across the battlefield (with certain restrictions, of course). We will try to put them on the test server for a few weeks so that players can get to know them.
  • Dismantler drones (aka salvage drones). These are drones. They can dismantle. If we move from the obvious to detailed description, then we can say that these drones will be light-sized, and their performance will be slightly worse than that of the corresponding modules, which, however, will be compensated by their ability to move closer to the object being dismantled. They will also be available on the test server soon.

Corporations are groups of players who come together to achieve common goals, like clans and guilds in other games. They are created and managed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). A character can only be in one corporation at a time.

To create a corporation, a character must have a basic skill corporation management which is available in the market of most regions. The level of this skill determines the maximum number of corporation members. There is a corporation formation fee which may vary by region, but is typically around 1,599,800 ISK. If you want to create a multi-racial corporation, you also need to learn the skill Ethnic relations .

Clicking on the "Corp" button in NeoCom will open the corporation management window.

This tab provides access to some of the main properties listed below and information about offices, stations, and general corporation statistics.

Edit details
Here, directors and CEOs can change information about their corporation, such as the logo, description, and tax rate.

You will see this button if you are the CEO of a corporation. You can use it to pay dividends to corporation members or, alternatively, to shareholders. First choose what type of payout you want to make and then enter total amount payments in ISK. For example, if you want to pay one ISK to each member of a corporation of 10 people, then enter the number 10.

If you are the CEO of your corporation, you can use this button to access the Divisions tool. The name of the unit is displayed in various, but the main use of it is in corporate hangars, where they stand for different folders.

Create a new corporation
This allows the player to create his own corporation.

  • Corp name is the name of the corporation.
  • Click the "Ticker" button to select a possible abbreviation for the corporation name. It (the ticker) is displayed in a variety of places, such as the name of a corporation member in space.
  • Enter a good description of the corporation and its goals. The description is displayed, for example, by pressing the "Show info" corporation button.
  • Tax (tax rate) indicates the amount of income of the corporation from each member.
  • Enter your corporate website address to provide others with more information about your corporation.

It is the most powerful part of the corporate management toolkit, providing you with all the information and capabilities you need to run small or large operations properly. She also provides good review organization as a whole.

Shows the members who have subscribed to the corporation. Their status, regardless of whether they are signed or their application has not yet been considered. Right click on the application to view it. Here the CEO and directors can offer a position in the organization, reject the application, or negotiate with the applicant.

My applications:
The same as the Corporate tab but displays the players' personal applications.

Find member in role
Only members of a player-created corporation can access this tab. "Find Member In Role" is a place where members of a corporation can find other members with a specific position, such as a director or human resources manager. This tool can be used for individual or bulk tributary changes.

  • Select which positions (roles) should or should not be included in the request.
  • Click "Add" and the request will be added to the top window.
  • At the end, "Execute query" will display the results in the lower window.
  • Keep adding queries for a more detailed search.
  • After selecting "Execute query" the interface will change so that the queries will not be displayed. This will free up the workspace in case there is a large number of results. Use the "Show query" button to see the queries along with the results.

"Search titles" displays whether you would like to include in the search positions that have the specified title (title).

"Include implied roles" directors and CEOs have all roles by default.

"Show results using" selects how the search results will be displayed in the lower window.

Simple list: as a small picture of the found character with his name.

Role management list: more full list, which allows you to directly change the character's attributes.

Task management list: An even more powerful list for changing attributes.

Role management
This is a lightweight and simple interface for displaying a certain number of corporation members in alphabetical order (10, 25, 50, 100 or 500 at a time). It is also used to change attributes individually or in bulk.

Title management
The CEO can now create corporate job titles, with an easy and simple interface.

To view all changes to an attribute of a corporation member over a specified period of time, specify the start and end dates and enter a name, then press Enter.

Wars between corporations and alliances are most likely. One of the main goals of corporations and alliances run by official wars for resources, trade routes, strategic systems and just out of principle. Players belonging to warring corporations and alliances can safely attack the enemy without losing their security status.

In order to maintain interest and realism, a declaration of war does not require agreement, just like in real life. A declaration of war is sent from one CEO to another and the battle begins. Corporations are limited to declaring no more than three wars at a time, although there is no limit to the number of wars a corporation can be involved in. For example, if corporation A has declared war on corporations B, C, and D, the CEO must surrender or force the CEO of corporation B, C, or D to surrender before declaring war on corporation E; in either case, if corporation A has declared war on corporations B, C, and D, then corporation E may declare war on corporation A.

All wars that do not go with the alliance as an aggressor or victim are classified as regular corporate wars. It costs 1,000,000 ISK* to initiate a normal corporate war (the number of wars a corporation is involved in). Renewal costs 1,000,000 ISK.

For wars declared by an alliance, the price starts at 1,000,000 ISK * (the number of corporations in the alliance) * (1 + the number of wars the alliance is currently participating in). Each week of the war is paid with a new invoice, calculated according to the same formula and issued to the alliance.

If the invoice for the extension of the war is not paid, the war ends.

Our Wars
Here you can view a list of all wars your corporation is involved in. If your corporation is a member of an alliance, then the wars of the alliance will also be displayed. Please note that it is impossible for corporations, as part of an alliance, to fight among themselves. Instead, wars declared against members of corporations that are members of an alliance become alliance wars. If a corporation that has declared wars enters an alliance, these wars are transferred to it. Conversely, if a corporation that is a member of an alliance with declared wars leaves it, these wars are copied to the corporation, but are in a state of retraction (retracted) or surrendered (surrendered), and no bills for these wars are received.

Other Wars
In this review, you can view the wars of other corporations or alliances. If you want to watch the wars of corporations that are members of an alliance, you need to find the alliance in which the corporation is a member.

The corporation has political options for internal and external operations. Corporations can exist with different organizational styles, depending on the preferences of the CEO. Governance within the proposed framework gives the CEO good control over what corporation members can do with corporate assets, plus direct feedback with directors and shareholders through the voting system.

Starting a war with another corporation or alliance makes CONCORD indifferent to the struggle between their members.

Directors, CEOs and shareholders have the ability to vote. CEOs and directors have the ability to create the necessary votes and set their duration in days. Corporation members, such as major shareholders, have a slightly different interface with the ability to run for CEO and need the support of the rest of the board to be successful. The CEO loses all of his normal functions during this vote.

Sanctionable actions
Certain types of votes that result in a majority vote become authorized shares. For example, the military vote and the creation of a division of votes, resulting in successful creation authorized share. A sanctioned action may be enforced by actual action.

The corporation's relationship to the rest of the world can be viewed and changed here just as the player can with his character. At the time of setting a negative attitude towards someone, it may indicate to the members of the corporation that one should take part in the struggle against him / them, and a positive attitude may indicate a good relationship. Note that changing these relationships has no effect on CONCORD or the legal system in any way. This is a purely informational action for the entire corporation.

To change the attitude to a good one, it will be good to use "People and places" in NeoCom and "Show info" on the search result with a transition to the relationship tab (standings). It can also be done on the front of the chat window or in space.


  • "Offices" shows all rented offices. Clicking on an office opens a list of all the items stored in it, and right clicking on an item opens options that allow you to remotely manipulate an item.
  • In case of interruption of the lease or non-payment of the invoice, all things stored in the hangar will be blocked. They can be bought back or returned by re-leasing the office.
  • Jobs: A list of research and factory jobs running in slots rented by the corporation.
  • Property: list of all POS.

Journal (probably outdated, because I didn’t find a translator’s note in the interface)
information tab with a list of properties, cash and other variables.

lock down
Blueprints can be locked in the hangar, after which they cannot be deleted.

Any CEO with skill Empire Control Level 5 can found an alliance. Creating an alliance costs 1,000,000,000 ISK. The alliance also costs 1,000,000 ISK per month from the corporation that is part of the alliance. This means that an alliance of 10 corporations requires a payment of 10,000,000 ISK every month to access alliance shares. The founding corporation (Executor Corporation) receives and pays the bills.

This is the first incarnation of the alliance system in EVE and is as simple as can be. The alliance in reality is just:

  • List of corporations.
  • List of non-aggression pact (NAP) corporations.
  • List of corporations friends of the alliance.
  • List of corporations that have dropped out of the alliance.
  • List of corporations enemies of the alliance.

If the creator corporation does not pay the alliance bills, then all actions performed by the creator are interrupted until the bills are paid.

Clicking on the "Wallet" button in NeoCom will open your wallet window. The "Corporation Wallet" tab contains controls and analysis of corporate wallets (accounts).

give money
By clicking "Give money" you will be able to transfer ISK from your personal wallet to your corporate wallet. Enter the amount and add a description of the reasons for the transfer below, for future references.

take money
If you are a corporate accountant, you will see this button. By clicking it, you can transfer money from a corporate account to your own. You need to enter the amount and description of the transfer.

You will only see this button if you are an accountant. It allows you to transfer money between a corporate account and any other account. By clicking this button, you will be prompted for the name of the character or the name of the corporation to which you want to transfer money to the corporation. Enter at least the first three letters of the recipient's name and click Search. After the search is completed, you will see its results in the form of a list. Just select a recipient or search again. After selecting a recipient, press OK. You can enter the amount and description of the transfer of funds.

Change division
Allows you to select the wallets of various divisions of your corporation.

Tab with corporation accounts.

All Rents
List of all offices, factory and research slots leased by the corporation.

Positions used in EVE provide access to various corporate functionality. There are two main types of positions available: normal (normal) and provided (grantable). A common job title, such as Accountant, grants the player the right to do various bookkeeping activities for the corporation. When the player receives the provided Accountant position, he gets the opportunity to appoint another member of the corporation to it. Granted roles are available to the CEO and should only be given to those who have proven themselves to be trustworthy.

Currently available roles:

Accountant can track and manage financial condition corporations. He can view corporate bills in the NeoCom "Bills" panel. From here, he can pay corporate bills (with corporate money, of course) and see who owes money to the corporation. The accountants also purchase and sell equipment for the corporation. Equipment can be sold through the corporate hangar. Purchased equipment is placed in the supply windows at the station where they were purchased, and only the accountant can remove them.

The position of the auditor allows you to check the history of positions of members of the corporation.

config equipment
This position allows you to pin, unpin, rename and customize various objects in space.

config starbase
This position allows you to prepare space base configurations.

A director is, in most of his abilities, the same as a CEO. It can hire and fire members and change job descriptions (appoint and select positions, positions provided, bases and titles). Directors are also a good idea for the CEO, which allows corporations to function with members located in different time zones of the globe. Perhaps it is wise for a large corporation to select proven people in this role in different time zones, which would allow the corporation to remain in control 24/7. This will allow corporations with international membership to be effective in terms of management and able to respond to situations as they arise. It is important to remember that the position of director provides the owner with all the possible roles and roles provided.

factory manager
The Factory Manager position allows you to set jobs in factories and research slots leased by the corporation. Such as works using drawings (blueprints) and materials from a corporate hangar. It can also interrupt work. Factory managers can also extract blueprints from the corporation's own factories and research slots. They can also see what's going on in any corporate factory and research slot.

junior accountant
A junior accountant is a stripped-down version of a regular accountant. In fact, it allows you to see everything that an ordinary accountant sees, but does not allow you to perform any accounting actions.

Personnel manager
The HR manager can process requests (applications) and accept new members.

Rent factory
This position allows you to rent a factory slot for a corporation.

Rent office
This position allows you to rent offices for the corporation.

Rent research facility
This position allows you to rent space for corporate research.

security officer
The position allows you to view delivery windows at stations. These are the windows where the equipment purchased by the corporation is located. If the corporation has a corporate hangar at the station, the position allows you to view the contents of the membership hangars. It also allows equipment to be placed in member hangars.

station manager
A station manager performs station management tasks for a corporation. These tasks are quite varied and include attitude-based modifiers to allow docking and pay for it, as well as permission to access factories, ore processing, repair shop, and the effect of these modifiers on attitude-based cost for these tasks. The station manager can also set station security.

If you decide to take a look at the job management toolkit, you may have noticed that you can get different types positions for corporate members based on their base or corporate headquarters or other locations. With respect to the full use of location positions, it would be a good idea to assign corporation members a base. A base is usually a station where a corporation has an office. When a player gets a base, you can grant membership access rights to the hangar based on that location. For players you really trust, you might want to give access to the hangar at corporate headquarters. If your corporation has many offices, then it is possible to allow members of your corporation to use different offices using the "other" location option. Location positions are based on the location of the player; if it is located at headquarters (HQ). If he is at his base, then he will have access to positions assigned as "basic" ("at base"). Otherwise, if it is in any other place, then the positions assigned as "others" ("at other") will be used. Naturally, the usual roles such as Security Officer, Accountant, and Factory Manager, etc. independent of the player's location.

Location positions allow you to view and access items from department hangars in corporate hangars. Containers can also have access for all departments to allow corporation members to remove containers, without this access they will not be able to remove containers from the hangar.

For the Corporate Hangar Array, which is essentially a corporate hangar in space, positions for "other" locations are applied to determine access to that hangar.

The biggest benefit of joining a corporation is mutual protection and shared resources.

Corporations provide characters with the ability to join forces to interact in player-versus-player mode. Corporation members are united by a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood, which is very rare among solo players. By pooling the resources and efforts of members, corporations can grow their fleets and other farms faster, allowing them to access larger strategic elements of the game.

Surveillance, intrigue, double dealing, and espionage are incredibly alluring features of EVE for those who enjoy walking the dark side. Corporate leaders are urged to exercise special care when accepting new members, in particular, when granting access to their private connections and corporate associations. There are criminal elements in EVE who can and will take advantage of this.

Players are always in corporation. Characters first enter the game in the starting "non-playable" corporation, or "NPC corporation" ("NPC corporation") ). It is impossible to get out of such a "rookie corporation" except by joining another corporation.

Members of player corporations may leave the corporation if they are not the CEO and if they are not promoted to any position within 24 hours. If the CEO of a corporation wants to leave, he must relinquish his position. If the CEO leaves, the following can happen: either another member of the corporation becomes CEO, or there are no more members in the corporation - the corporation will be destroyed. If he doesn't join another corporation, he will automatically be accepted into the Rookie Corporation.

It is possible that a member of the player's corporation in a position to remove another member may do so if the other player has less than (shares) the average number of shares per shareholder. If a corporation member cannot be fired due to the number of shares he holds, then the CEO must create a vote to remove that player from the corporation. Voting like this takes an average of 24 to 48 hours to complete.

Fleet options are available to players, for battles and / or for the joint participation of pilots from different corporations in them. See the extended description of fleets in the knowledge base.

→ Eve online corporations and pirates

In this article we will talk with you about corporations and pirates of Eve online. I will try to answer newbies' questions about joining Eve online corporations and managing them, about piracy and espionage in the Eve universe.

What is the Eve Online corporation and who manages it?

Corporation - a group of people who pursue the same goals. If you are familiar with the MMORPG genre, corporations are identical to guilds and clans in other games. In Eve online, any corporation is headed by a Chief Executive Officer. To create a corporation in Eve online, you need to pay a small fee and learn the skill of managing a corporation. Some corporations offer help in capturing systems, the so-called mercenaries, whose services can be used on services that provide services in Eve online.

How to manage a corporation?

A clear and simple management system has been created to manage the corporation. For convenience, you can provide any positions to members of your corporation.

Positions in corporations Eve online.

Director (Director): a position somewhat similar to the position of Chief Executive Officer. The director can recruit new fighters and distribute positions. Large corporations need to have multiple directors to be able to manage 24 hours a day.

Personnal Manager (HR Manager): deals with the consideration of applications to the corporation and their acceptance.

Station Manager: Responsible for managing corporate facilities. For example: setting docking fees, issuing permits for access to factories, repair shops, processing stations. The station manager also has the option of installing a station protection system.

Factory Manager: Responsible for what happens in laboratories and factories. Production managers have the ability to extract the desired drawings from corporate laboratories and factories. They have the ability to make things for members of the corporation, use drawings and materials from the corporate hangar.

Accountant: An employee in charge of the financial affairs of a corporation. Paying corporate bills.

Pilot: A member of a corporation with the ability to control ships from the corporation's hangar.

Are there Russian corporations in Eve online?

Of course they exist. I can also say that in Eve online they are afraid of Russian corporations. Throughout the existence of the game, Russian corporations Eve online instilled fear in all corners of the universe. In Eve online, once Russian corporations in the DRF (Drone Russian Federation) alliance overthrew the famous NC (Northern Coalition) alliance.

Can I become a corporate spy?

In Eve Online big role intelligence plays the state of hostile corporations, their movement and plans for the future. Thanks to spies, large corporations and alliances died. For data on enemy corporations, spies get the opportunity to earn ISK or other nice little things.

How to leave a corporation?

You can leave the corporation at any time if you are not a Chief Executive Officer. Corporation members with the necessary powers can fire the player or bring the issue of dismissal to a vote.

Each pilot of New Eden starts his career in the same way - he works in an NPC corporation, which is selected during generation. However, few people stay at this place of work - the transition to the corporation of players is a natural and logical step for every player who is seriously interested in the gameplay. This allows both to receive more income from completing missions and killing pirates (in NPC corporations, the tax is often much higher than in player-controlled ones), and to cooperate with other pilots using a certain set of tools. Corporate management in EVE Online both simple and complex at the same time. A corporation can provide customized wallet or hangar sharing, provide its members with dedicated communication channels, and enable formalized diplomacy and relationships with other corporations and pilots. In addition, corporation management in EVE Online allows users to create a command hierarchy (head - officers - pilots) and gain access to many elements of the game that are not available to members of NPC corporations: build POS, capture territories, participate in alliances and declare war on other corporations.

If you don't already have account- register in EVE Online on the official website. It's free! Be sure to come up with a complex password that you have not used anywhere before.

Corporate management in EVE Online - your own world

If you decide to embark on the path of the head of a corporation, then you should be clearly aware of its goal and compare it with your desires and capabilities. To fully manage a corporation in EVE Online, you need to be able to interest players, find them, rally them with one common idea and, as a result, spend a lot of time in the game - if you want to achieve truly global goals. Running a corporation in the world of EVE Online is a choice for those who are ready to create obstacles for themselves, train other people and carry full responsibility. This is an opportunity to feel like a real leader, followed by dozens and hundreds of other pilots.

What to study for corporate management?

Skills that are associated with the management of corporations allow you to increase the maximum number of its members (up to thousands), as well as use certain game tools for more than the best level. Much more important for the leader of a corporation is his real leadership, communication and team management skills.

  • Published: 29 June 2014
  • Updated: September 16, 2014