Make money on an article without selling. Sales income

Earnings on the sale of articles do not bring newbies a lot of money, and because of this, many refuse this way of earning. But you can at least 5 times increase your earnings by doing a few simple steps, which we will tell you about now.

    • How to increase the attractiveness of your texts: important tips
    • How else can you increase the result of selling articles?

How to increase the attractiveness of your texts: important tips

Learn the touch typing method on the keyboard

For starters, you can type on the keyboard with a blind ten-finger method. This method has already been mastered by a huge number of people, which raised them professional level and contributed to the growth of earnings on the Internet.

Work on the quality of your texts

You can always improve your skills in writing articles. After all, if you write quality articles, then you will be paid more for it.

6 golden rules of copywriting - how to write catchy and exciting texts

To begin with, you must learn the rules of the Russian language (if you have not already done so at school). At a minimum, before putting an article up for sale, check the spelling in Word and in the Yandex service for errors.

Find out the current requirements for the search component of texts

But knowledge of the Russian language is clearly not enough in this matter, and you still need to learn what keywords are and how optimize articles. In this case, your income will rise even higher!

People buy articles to post on their site and get traffic from search engines. If articles are not written with the keywords that are most searched on the Internet in mind, then they will not contribute to traffic growth. Experienced optimizers can already determine by eye whether it is worth buying an article or not.

How to learn to earn big money?

To write articles for keywords, you will need a couple of key skills. First, the ability to enter keywords in the text. Secondly, knowledge of the requirements for the nausea of ​​the text and the maximum% occurrence of individual words in the text. For example, at the time of this writing, our company adopted the following requirements for texts - the academic frequency of the text should not exceed 5%, and the frequency of each individual word in the text should not exceed 3%. This can be easily checked on the same Advego using their free service - Text Analyzer.

An example from Andrey Merkulov: how to use your greed in business?

  • I buy articles on all copywriting exchanges, mostly, sometimes also on
  • I never take general articles, for example, just about making money: how to make money on the Internet or how to make money copywriting. Since most often they are full of general reasoning and water.
  • Considering that I buy dozens of articles a day, the team and I are primarily looking for texts on how to do something specific or on a narrower topic.

Therefore, if you use everything in a complex, then you can guarantee the growth of your earnings on the Internet at least several times. But over time, these skills will develop, and you will receive more and more more money, you will find regular customers who will pay a lot and stably!

Increase the reach of your article selling offer

At a minimum, it is worth placing articles for sale on different exchanges: Advego, etxt and These are the three main exchanges where articles are most often bought. The best article search in my opinion is on eTXT.

Find a regular customer and work with him

For my part, since I buy articles every day, it is important for me that the quality of the texts is on top and there are no errors in them.

Writing articles for magazines

Another way to make more money from articles is to move away from keyword writing and offer good authoring for major magazines.

We recommend online earning course: Learn more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money from copywriting

In this case, they will pay more for each text, but at the same time there is no guarantee that your article will be accepted for publication, plus you need to write really unique analytical material - you won’t get off with a simple rewrite.

How much can you earn on the sale of articles, working with one customer

Again, it depends on how many texts you can give out per day. Copywriters we work with permanent basis, write from 15,000 to 25,000 characters with spaces per day.

Keep track of the uniqueness of your texts and do not sell one article to several customers

On Advego you will find a tool for checking the uniqueness of the text. Within our company, we use uniqueness checks using free program from the exchange of copywriters etxt.

How else can you increase the result of selling articles?

If you are engaged in copywriting, you can also do a quick rewrite of your own or other people's texts and sell newly minted articles marked “copywriting” a little more expensive, and rewriting, respectively, a little cheaper. Thus, you can increase your earnings on writing texts.

Want to make a living by starting your own business but don't know what to do? Or maybe you don't have money for start-up capital Or are you just afraid of burning out? Today one of the most popular and profitable businesses on the Internet, which does not require huge investments (and often no money at all) is the purchase and sale of articles. Yes, at first glance it seems like a lot make money on articles you can't, but that's actually not the case. Buying and selling articles is a business that can make many of your dreams come true. Imagine such an income that does not tie you to one place and allows you to work at a convenient time for you. Do you want to make a profit even when you are in a popular resort, making it just a few clicks of the mouse? If this is one of your dreams, then read this article on the House of Knowledge further.

Buying and selling articles - earning strategy.

First of all, let's define how the business model of buying and selling articles works and how much you can earn from it.

Everything is simple and transparent here. Unlike copywriting, you do not need to type the articles yourself. Buying and selling articles, just like business as usual, is about buying low and selling a little high. For example, on one service you can buy an article for 15-20 rubles. for 1000 characters, and on another site to sell more expensive - for 30-40 rubles. for 1000 characters Thus, for every 1000 characters, your earnings will be 10-25 rubles. It should also be noted that the average minimum length of one article is 3000 characters. Knowing this, we can conclude that the income from buying and selling one article will be 30-75 rubles. or $0.40-1.10. Now imagine that you bought and sold only 10 articles in a day. In this case, your net daily earnings will be 300-750r ($4-11). If you make such purchases and sales of articles on a daily basis, then your

monthly income will be 9000-22500r or 120-330$ .

But this is not the limit, because you can apply more effort, and daily buy and sell not 10 articles, but 20-30 or even 100 texts! In addition, you can buy articles in bulk and sell them at retail, earning even more money on each! Wonderful, isn't it?

How to make money on articles.

We figured out the business model, and now let's move on to buying and selling articles itself, namely, we will find out how it works, as well as where to buy and where to sell.

Every copywriter, constantly, knows perfectly well that there are exchanges with penny articles on the Internet, and there are also services on which content costs many times more. They also know that novice copywriters who are just starting this business must first “join the exchange”, so to speak, that is, to increase their rating, they sell the first articles very, very cheaply. Understanding this, you can organize an excellent business by earnings on articles while receiving money anywhere and anytime.

Two ways to make money on articles.

There are two ways you can make money by buying and selling articles. The first is to buy articles on one service and sell on another, and the second is to buy and sell articles on the same site.

First way - buying and selling articles on different exchanges.

All exchanges of articles are different and have different conditions and prices from each other. That is why you can buy materials on cheaper services, and sell - not those that offer higher rates.

For example, the textsale article exchange is considered a cheap resource, and it is almost impossible to sell your article here for a high price. This is not profitable for copywriters, but just right for buyers of texts, since the price of an article here ranges from $ 0.30-0.6 per 1000 characters. (18-40 rubles). Another plus of the textsale exchange is that if the ordered or already purchased article does not suit you, then you can easily return your money. Neotext is another exchange with cheap articles. This service has been operating since 2007, but it is not always easy for copywriters to sell an article here. That is why this service has quite reasonable prices for creating a business by buying and selling articles, or rather, it is convenient to buy cheap materials here in order to resell them on more expensive exchanges.

You can buy articles in two ways - by buying ready-made material or by ordering it to be printed. It is up to you to decide which method to use, but be aware that if you order an article, that is, you will not purchase a ready-made one, then you will have to wait a bit for it to be printed, but at the same time you will be able to choose your own copywriter, article topic, keywords and other options.

Now let's figure out where it is better to sell articles. In order to benefit from buying and selling articles, you must decide where to sell them at the most expensive price. So, for example, among copywriters it is believed that one of the most the best services for the sale of articles - exchanges etxt, copylancer and advego.

The etxt website is a simple and understandable service with the cost of articles from 20r to 70r. for 1000 characters There is rating competition here, that is, the higher your rating is, the more expensive you can sell your articles. That is why, in order to build a business selling articles through the etxt exchange, you must keep a close eye on your reputation.

Copylancer is one of the most profitable sites for selling articles. The minimum price of the material for 1000 characters. here it is 40 rubles, but over time, when your rating rises, you will be able to sell your articles no cheaper than 60-80 rubles. for 1000 characters The only drawback of the copylancer exchange is that all materials here are rigorously tested and believe me, the moderators know their stuff - articles with errors are not allowed for sale!

The next service where it is profitable to sell an article is the advego article exchange. The advantages of this site are that there is no rating competition, the length of articles is measured in characters with spaces, and the cost of materials is calculated in dollars. Consequently, the starting selling price for articles for beginners on the advego exchange can fluctuate at least $ 1-2 per 1000 characters. This is very beneficial.

Second way - buying and selling articles on the same exchange.

Find the right service, you can easily make money on articles, buying and selling them without leaving your account. One of these sites is, whatever one may say, the exchange described earlier

Useful tips for copywriters are given all the time. But at the same time, most of them are purely theoretical in nature, so it is not possible to apply them in practice. How to start earning more without increasing the load to an impossible maximum? After all, you cannot write kilotons of characters a day, while maintaining the freshness of the style and thought. Over time, the brain "wears out" and writing becomes more and more difficult.

Many will immediately object that today there is no choice. The dollar price per thousand characters is a sad reality, which is unrealistic to overcome in a crisis. But you still need to try. And practical advice, below, should help to increase earnings from writing articles at least twice. They are skillfully used by those masters of the pen, who even now manage not to reduce the price of their articles. And at the same time even increase the number of sales.

To understand what the secret is, you need to imagine any sale. For example, selling candy. When it comes to selling sweets, everyone immediately understands that sweets must be delicious. This means that the written article should also be “tasty”. But that's not all. Even the most beautiful article may not be bought for a long time if the service of the service itself leaves much to be desired. And these concepts are not at all the same thing, as some might think. Let's go back to the candy example. Dealt with taste. It remains to understand what service convenience is. Almost everyone will want to buy these candies as close to home as possible so as not to waste time on long trips around the city. At the same time, it would be better if the sweets were sold to them politely and efficiently (otherwise, upon arrival home, it would be terribly insulting that instead of a kilogram of sweets, there are only 900 grams in the package). All this is service. Therefore, you can’t just write a good article and expect it to be appreciated in the blink of an eye and immediately bought. It is necessary to make more efforts to organize a convenient service that will not give the customer any opportunity to start looking for another copywriter.

The "taste" of articles is the copywriter's talent, which must be constantly adjusted and improved, and the convenience of cooperation is the second important point, which will allow not to reduce prices to a conditional minimum, but to sell their "sweets" at the best price. Not all customers are willing to pay extra for the service. And here you should say to yourself: "These are not my customers." Since the quality of writing articles corresponds enough good level, you must try to find your customers who will be happy to cooperate, hoping that they will not be let down and the materials will always be delivered on time.

The main positions of the success of a copywriter

1. One hundred percent literacy.

If the "friendship" with commas did not take place, then it is better to choose another line of activity. You should not turn a blind eye to your shortcomings, believing that they are so small that no one will notice them. They will notice. And they will remain dissatisfied. And they will never come again. And they can tell their friends. So the copywriter is sitting “with a broken trough”, trying to understand why his articles are not for sale. Everyone sells, but he does not.

Particular attention should be paid to typographical and stylistic errors. Trying to achieve high uniqueness, the author twists the sentences so much that they no longer comply with all the rules. And it is even more difficult for readers to perceive them. and if a copywriter does not even know what mistakes are called typographic, then it will be difficult for him to achieve high earnings from the sale of his articles. Here, either do everything perfectly yourself, or hire a paid proofreader who will save the text from possible errors.

Only those copywriters who guarantee the crystal literacy of their texts can apply for high pay. They will constantly buy from them, because their posts can be published without reading. And the time of customers is valued above all else, because the maintenance of a quality site never stops. Only then does the resource have a chance to stay in the search top.

If the customer is forced to constantly edit, correct, deliver, remove and correct, then it will be easier for him to pay a large price for the article, but save himself from this work. And the chances of such a copywriter to reach the level of high prices are almost zero.

2. The usefulness of information and the lack of "water".

The more expensive the article, the more it should be verified and up-to-date information. No lengthy introduction and no drawn-out ending. More to the point, less fantasy flight of thought. Copywriters often sin by “diluting” to increase the number of characters in an article, but they don’t know what to write about. Or when you need to increase uniqueness. Or when they just want to be paid more. It should be noted right away that all the tricks described will not help to really increase the income from the sale of articles. Any customer will immediately put a bold tick in front of such a “writer” and put him on the black list so that he will never have to deal with him again.

The article should contain beautifully stated facts, not conjectures and conjectures. No one wants to pay twice for unverified information. Therefore, it will not work to establish long-term cooperation with this approach to writing.

Conclusion. Dear texts should be 100% useful. And also 100% interesting for readers. Then they will pay for them as much as the author wants.

3. Strict observance of all points terms of reference.

After the text is written, it is necessary to check once again whether all the conditions of the terms of reference are met. You can not hand over an article with gross errors. And even in the case when the author considers the conditions stupid and ridiculous, it is undesirable to ignore them. It is not for nothing that the customer compiled them, which means that he has considerations on this matter, which the copywriter who took the order is obliged to fulfill.

No one claims that it is impossible to offer the customer his own vision of the text. But in no case can this be done by handing over already finished work. All discussions must be completed before the article is ready. This is especially true for the length of the text. Often copywriters believe that they can safely write more, and the customer needs an article of exactly the specified size. And conflict is inevitable.

4. Original style of presentation.

The subject of the texts may not be so new that it is simply unrealistic to write material different from thousands of others. But that's what newbies think. Professionals even in this case manage to use something new and original, which is why their articles are expensive. Every day you need to improve, look for your own style and handwriting, and then such articles will be sold for good money.

5. Good understanding of the topic.

A copywriter who has been working for many years has learned to work not in one topic, but to write articles various directions. It's better not to write about something at all than just "spill water" that no one needs. Superficial knowledge of the issue immediately catches the eye of the customer, who is well versed in the topic. It is categorically impossible to take an order to work when you have no idea what you will write about. The principle does not work here, just to grab the task, but I’ll think about how to do it later. As a rule, then such a writer takes and rewrites the first article that comes across on the topic, believing that he completed the order, and the customer is simply obliged to pay him. In such work there will be a million inaccuracies and several gross errors that the copywriter does not even suspect. If the customer nevertheless pays for the written article, then he will have no more business with such an author. Especially when it comes to expensive orders.

6. Do not give up improvements.

When it comes to large and expensive articles, the customer wants to receive only the material that suits him completely. Therefore, even the most experienced masters from time to time are required to change something in the text or modify it in one place or another. This is absolutely normal, and the fact of revision does not in any way reduce the professionalism of the copywriter. But his attitude to this turn of events just indicates his maturity and skill. Improvements usually happen at the beginning of cooperation, and their number is sharply reduced later, when the customer and the author work together and recognize each other's requests.

The more expensive the order, the more carefully it is necessary to approach the improvements.

7. SEO optimization.

This item should be present in the article even when the customer did not say a word about it in the TOR. The author must understand that expensive articles cannot be optimized for search queries. After all, their the main objective– attract visitors who are looking for answers to their questions. And the customer will definitely notice that the articles of such a copywriter occupy the best positions in the ranking, therefore they bring more profit.

The presence of the described items distinguishes expensive articles from cheap ones. If you learn to follow all the rules, then sales of articles at higher prices will grow. Even despite the present crisis and constant currency collapses.

Where can you find customers?

Despite the abundance of various exchanges where you can write articles to order, key feature such exchanges is not average cost for 1000 characters, and in the presence of orders. Whatever the exchange is: good, convenient, fast. If there are no orders on it, then there is no earnings.

What to do?. And write articles to order where there are these same customers. For example, the Advego exchange. At the time of this writing, 5763 orders are available on Advego. Just think, more than five and a half thousand orders are available to you right now. And even just 5 orders from this list can make you a great income!

your articles. This is for each of us! I used to be a copywriter and wrote articles for free sale and to order. There are several ways to do this, some are easier and some are much more profitable. It depends on the amount of work or time you are willing to spend.

To earn money, you need one of the text exchanges, for example - type in a search engine and go. Then just register as a copywriter and go! The site owner buys web content from a text exchange. And you get real income from writing articles. Write on topics such as: business, cars, construction, design, etc.

Another place where you can sell your articles is to visit boards or forums where there are many site owners. Many website owners visit forums and message boards to discuss the latest internet business techniques. Article writing is an important component of an internet business.

Work and real income on content exchanges

But it is better to work on special sites called content exchanges. These are sites where you can upload your articles and sell them. You have the ability to set your own price. But if you put too much at your low rating, then it is unlikely that your articles will be bought. Therefore, at first, sell articles cheaply to increase your ranking, and then raise the price. This approach is good, but the owners of these content exchanges almost always take a percentage of sales.

It is better to write articles with keywords. You need to select them here -

For example, you write an article on the topic of business. Take, for example, the keyword - new business. Look at the photo:

Then you write this phrase in the article. In the first paragraph and in the second. You can see in this article how I put the keywords and highlighted them in bold. Some people say that this is not necessary, but I always highlight keywords in bold. Keywords should also be included in subheadings.

You can make money by reselling articles. You simply buy cheap articles on the stock exchange and then they can be processed and put up for sale on your behalf.

And remember, you can sell an article only once and it must be unique. You can check the uniqueness using the program -

This is real income and everyone can start getting money even today!

Good day to you, dear businessmen and entrepreneurs!

Dear friends, this article of mine today is for those of you for whom it is not just a word, but an everyday, professional and profitable occupation, for whom it is your main business, your daily trading activity.

Today we will talk about your income from doing business or entrepreneurial activity, about the sources of their formation and ways to increase income from the sale of goods.

This is revenue, profit from the sale (sale) of goods, presented in monetary terms, for a certain period of time.

Undoubtedly, all activities of any business, any business project are aimed at generating income, making profit, and the more it is, the better.

What determines the income from the sale of goods?

I think the answer is obvious, because the more you, businessmen and entrepreneurs, sell to customers, the more large quantity goods you will sell, the higher the prices for your goods, the higher your income, your profit in business.

In order to increase income from the sale of goods, you need to set up and strictly control all business processes present in your business, track your business at every stage of the movement of goods to the buyer and increase your performance.

To increase profitability in business, you need to set up all stages of sales, build a business system, analyze your current situation, namely:

  • Selection and purchase of goods. You have to track the market, find a competitive product, look for new suppliers, compare prices and product features…;
  • Delivery and storage of goods. Analyze your logistics, your carriers, warehouses and their personnel, storage conditions and equipment…;
  • Your outlets . Pay more attention to the design and provision of everything necessary for your retail premises (refrigerators, air conditioners, ventilation), window dressing, placement of goods on the trading floor ...;
  • Your staff. To sell well and a lot, your staff must be able to do it. Do not spare money on hiring new and training existing managers and salesmen ...;
  • Your clients. Take care of your customers, offer them more, make gifts, collect their contacts, communicate with them constantly…;
  • Your partners. Search and negotiate with partners, hold joint promotions, participate in exhibitions, hold lotteries…

All your actions should be aimed at ensuring that your buyer, having contacted you once, stays with you forever, falls in love with your product, falls in love with your service and your attitude towards it, and then your profit will not only be much greater, but also constantly growing.

If you need help, please get in touch.

Health to all of you, success and prosperity!

Sincerely, Sergey Zabolotny ( business consultant)