Mink breeding - business plan. Profitability of mink breeding, necessary costs and documents

Mink has been bred for fur since the second half of the 20th century. For example, in the USSR, huge fur farms were created with American minks, the fur of which was considered to be of higher quality. However, now the purpose of breeding mink is not necessarily fur. Domestic mink can become a pet, although more obstinate than a cat or dog. We tell you in what conditions they keep minks, what they eat and whether it is difficult to organize a business on their breeding.

Minks are predators from the weasel family. Them appearance can be misleading: small size (body length about 60 cm and weight up to 3 kg) in combination with a funny muzzle seem safe. However, animals are mobile, difficult to educate and can be quite aggressive. They have a wild disposition and sharp claws with which they can climb anywhere. Therefore, they should be chosen with care as pets. Domestic minks, even after education, tend to obey only one family member and ignore other people.

The cost depends on the breed and the number of puppies. For example, if you buy several animals, some breeders will give you a discount. An adult costs about 20 thousand rubles, puppies - from 3 thousand rubles.

Mink is a predator, with a wild disposition and aggressive character.

Conditions for keeping animals at home

Conditions of detention depend on the goals. Keeping a mink at home involves living in a spacious cage. Some owners decide to keep free when the mink moves freely around the apartment on its own (for example, like a cat). This is a risky move: they are much more aggressive than cats and dogs, more mobile, prone to scattering small things and breaking objects. Domestic mink should live with the owners from childhood, then there is a chance that her disposition will be more calm.

It will not work to accustom an adult mink to life with people, buy puppies aged 30-45 days. Then there is a chance that the pet will grow up more affectionate and obedient.

Animals need walking, especially if the pet spends most of the time in a cage. They are good with leashes if they are accustomed to them from childhood. They are active, curious, mobile.

Males living at home should be sterilized, because during the rut they become hyperactive and can ruin all household property: they tear up furniture, tear off wallpaper, scratch floors. Educational measures are useless, only sterilization.

If you have a cat or a dog (or any other pet), you should not start a mink in addition to them. They are aggressive predators, capable of injuring and even killing other animals (their small size shouldn't fool you).

A significant problem with home maintenance is accustoming to the tray. In this matter, minks are much more capricious than cats. Most likely, you will have to clean up after her throughout the apartment.

Breeding mink at home is possible only if you live in a private house, and you have a spacious yard at your disposal where you can install cages. It is impossible to keep several animals in an apartment: they will not have enough space, they will constantly break things and equipment, tear wallpaper, etc.

Living conditions of minks when grown for fur

Minks provide about 80% of the world's fur needs. Their fur is prized for its luster, resilience, uniform color, longevity, and warmth. For entrepreneurs, their fur is valuable for its high cost and stable demand. Fur farming should provide the most comfortable conditions for keeping, which will contribute to the maximum quality of the fur.

What issues need to be addressed in order to grow minks for fur:

  • normal conditions of detention;
  • quality food;
  • controlled breeding, natural restocking;
  • slaughter and fur harvesting system;
  • fur sales.

When farmed, animals are kept in cages that are spacious enough for free movement. Their needs are the same as those of pets: they are very active, they are uncomfortable in cramped quarters. Each adult animal needs a separate cage. Drinkers, feeders, houses are installed there. They must be screwed to the floor, because individuals tend to turn over and move any objects.

  1. A large fur farm should be at least 100 meters away from the residential and water protection zone.
  2. Cell enclosures are made from metal mesh with cells no more than 2.5 cm.
  3. Above the cages - gable canopies (sheds).
  4. Consider the installation of cages so that it is convenient for farm workers to serve them.
  5. Newborn puppies and young animals are kept in a separate room. They are born blind and deaf, so they will need constant care.
  6. For the normal growth of a young individual, a territory of 5.3 sq.m.
  7. Can't stand the heat. If the cages will stand on the street, put them in the shade. Even in winter, cool temperatures will be preferable to stuffiness.
  8. The floor can be anything, even concrete, but it is necessary to cover it with hay, straw or sawdust.

On farms, minks are kept in cages.


The fundamental difference between minks and most other farm animals is that they are predators. Their diet must include meat. Poor, poorly organized nutrition has a detrimental effect on wool, which means it nullifies the whole meaning of the economy. Approximately 70% of the quality of fur depends on the diet.

In the wild, minks eat small river fish, shellfish, crayfish, frogs, and sea rats. The diet in captivity should also be high in protein.

Minks eat about 200 grams of food per day. If a lot of food is available, they tend to stock up. Eat 4 to 9 times a day.

What do minks eat?

  • meat;
  • fish (sprats);
  • corn;
  • compound feed;
  • meat and bone and fish bone meal;
  • fish fat;
  • milk products;
  • succulent food.

Plant foods account for no more than 30% of the daily diet:

  • cereals;
  • cereal crops;
  • oat flour;
  • sunflower cake;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • potato;
  • young grass.

However, if animals eat a lot of meat and fish, and their diet is supplemented with vitamin complexes, vegetables can be discarded without any consequences. From meat, the liver is especially useful. When the diet is based on compound feed, vitamins will not be enough: you should cut the vegetables thinly and mix them with the main feed.

Mink meat must be fresh. If they do not like the food, they will starve for several days.

Don't forget clean drinking water. One adult requires 0.5 liters per day, and a young one a little more - 0.7 liters.


Animals breed from 10 months, mating occurs in March, and the birth of young animals occurs in late April or early May. To obtain offspring in early spring, up to 5 females are planted with one male.

Minks breed once a year: puppies are born in spring. One female gives birth at a time from 4 to 12 puppies, but on average from 4 to 6. At the same time, 10% of females are infertile, and about 20% of newborns die. Blind and deaf puppies are kept with their mother, she will feed them with milk. After about 40 days, they will be ready to live in a separate cage. Fur will appear only at 4 or 5 months of life (that is, in autumn). However, winter fur is most valued, so young animals are sent for slaughter after the first winter, at about 9-10 months. The fur of young females is more valued.

Animals over 6 years of age are considered unsuitable for breeding and fur.

Minks are active, fast and love space.

Business registration

If you are considering mink breeding as a business, you must officially register. Some recommend breeding minks as part of a personal subsidiary plot, but such an organizational and legal form gives the right to use the produced products only for personal needs, it will not be possible to sell it.

Peasant farming seems to be more profitable option if you intend to breed fur-bearing animals with the whole family. Fur can be sold on legal grounds. There are few reports from peasant farms, and taxes are rather modest (if you choose UAT, you can pay only 6% of income).

It is not forbidden to breed minks in the form of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. You can only focus on farming and get all the profit from it. Then you can use the preferential taxation regime - ESHN. The farm is not forbidden to be combined with other activities, but then the preferred option for paying taxes would be simplified.

The specifics of animal breeding is such that it requires permission government agencies. For the farm to be legal, you will need:

  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • permission from the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • veterinary opinion.


Minks can be pets, but are more often bred in fur farms for their fur. They are predators that hardly adapt to life with humans, so individuals for home keeping are tamed from childhood. They love space and freedom, are self-willed, do not get along well with other pets. They eat mainly meat. If you plan to develop a business on minks, officially register a peasant farm, individual entrepreneur or LLC.

For people who want to organize their own livestock business, I recommend taking a closer look at the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbreeding a mink at home or.

Mink breeding as a business is a profitable business that proper organization, will certainly bring you a stable and large income.

Mink is an animal that is very famous for its beautiful fur. Every woman dreams of a chic mink coat. Products from the fur of this animal are quite expensive, only rich people wear such fur coats and vests. A mink coat is not only very warm and beautiful, but also worn for many years without losing its presentation.

Not only fur coats are sewn from mink fur, but also hats, mittens, collars and scarves. The demand for fur is quite large, so its cost is considerable.

From this, many entrepreneurs are thinking about organizing a mink breeding farm.

Mink breeding business plan

Mink breeding at home

The mink is a small predatory animal of the mustelid family. The animal is small in size up to 50 cm. The mink comes in a wide variety of colors from brown, black, to silver-blue. Interestingly, for the production of elite fur coats of world brands, only female skins are used, the quality of their fur is much higher than that of males.

To keep these fluffy animals, you need to equip cages and a room. Cells can be made independently or made to order. It is important that the mink has enough free space, take care of the convenience of the animals. Growing these wild animals requires a free space, so this type of income is suitable for people living in rural areas. If you are a resident of the city, we recommend that you do it at home.

A house should be equipped in the cage, where the animal can hide from prying eyes. Also put a special feeder for food, a drinking bowl and a container of water, these predators love water treatments.

Minks are aggressive animals, so they need to be kept in separate cages. The length of this structure should be at least 60 centimeters, and more, it all depends on your preferences. But even in such an area, predators will feel comfortable.


Minks are predators by nature. In the wild, they feed mainly on small rodents, fish, and birds. If you decide to start breeding mink at home, you must provide the animals with a complete, balanced diet. It should mainly consist of fresh meat, fish, plant foods and dairy products.

It is not necessary to feed the mink with low-quality oily waste. It is best to breed rodents for these purposes, providing these predatory animals with a complete, healthy diet.

It is also possible to feed minks with inexpensive fish that can be bought in bulk. But do not forget that these furry animals are prone to various diseases, and this is a risk to your business. Therefore, take care of the constant monitoring of minks by a veterinarian, and also add vitamins to food for prevention. This will significantly increase the chances of survival of the offspring.

Business registration

Before starting your business, you must register as self employed or LLC. To breed minks, you need to obtain a license, as well as documents confirming the origin and evaluation of the breeding and productive qualities of animals.

If you plan to implement your detail as individual entrepreneur, then they must have an appropriate education (livestock specialist or zooengineer). If there is no education, then you need to register as an LLC and hire, for the position of your deputy, a person with the appropriate education.

In addition, the maintenance of minks on your farm will be checked by the sanitary and epidemiological service, which should issue a conclusion on whether you adhere to the rules and regulations.
After collecting and submitting documents within 60 days, the licensing authority decides whether to issue or refuse a license, which is issued for 5 years.

Sales of products

This business does not require large investments. You can start small, buy a small stock and leave young females for breeding. Naturally, in this case, the payback period of the business will be longer, but with a lack of funds, this is a good way out of the situation.

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Mink implementation options:

  1. Sale of live minks as pets or for divorce. Additionally, you can earn money by selling minks for breeding. Also today, keeping these animals at home as pets has become fashionable. But here you should not forget that the mink is a predatory and rather aggressive animal that is difficult to tame. The only way to domesticate a mink is to care for the cub from the moment of birth. It is almost impossible to tame an adult animal.
  2. Sale of skins. You will receive the main income, of course, by selling this valuable fur. Fur factories and shops can become your clients. Prices for mink skins are quite high, everything will depend on the quality and a well-established distribution channel. Therefore, take care of this at the initial stage of implementing your idea;
  3. Tailoring of fur products. If you own your own mink farm, you may well open a tailoring factory fur products. Thus, you will be able to successfully invest your money and significantly increase your profits.


First of all, I would like to point out that this business- cost-effective and quite promising, because the price of fur only grows every year.

An important condition for success in business is a competent investment, it is also important to adhere to the technology of breeding, caring for and keeping furry animals. Without proper care, minks can get sick, and you will lose all your livestock and doom your business to failure.
Highly important point- Smart market. It is important to find buyers in advance and, if possible, conclude a contract with them for the supply of products.

I wish you success!

Livestock is one of ancient species human activities. This is due to the fact that animal breeding has always been one of the most profitable types of production. Often such a business is waste-free and does not harm the environment.

Nowadays, entrepreneurs farms are engaged not only in breeding livestock, but also turn their attention to many species of wild animals.

Among the most valuable representatives of wildlife, which can be grown in captivity, include mink - a predatory representative of the mustelid family, which has a small size and valuable skin. These small creatures are the main suppliers of fur used in the tailoring of outerwear (fur coats, hats, mittens, collars, etc.) and expensive accessories.

As of 2012, our country registered more than 25 fur farms officially engaged in breeding mink.

The main reference point in production is made for export. The main consumers are clothing factories.

Product Demand on the domestic market is constantly growing on the basis of which it is not difficult to conclude that the breeding of minks, in the conditions of Russia, is very perspective view business.

How to Start Your Own Mink Breeding Business

Breeding minks is a specific but not complicated business. These furry representatives of the wild fauna take root very well in captivity and do not require much attention. However, so that your efforts are not in vain, you should be responsible for the preparation and implementation of the project.

At the initial stage, you need to perform 2 steps:

  • To study the varieties and species characteristics of minks, to study the special literature on breeding these predatory animals at home.
  • Draw up a detailed business plan that takes into account each step in the development of the farm.

The main colors of minks and the choice of direction of development

In nature, there are more than 300 colors of mink fur, most of which are obtained through mutations and crosses.

You should know that European mink is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.

American mink is actively used for cultivation. The main and most popular colors for breeding are:

  • Dark brown
    Minks of standard colors, which account for 1/3 of the total population of these animals.
  • Silver - blue
    Individuals of this color are of medium size and are very common on farms - they account for 39.3% of all species.
  • Black
    The animals of this species are the result of a mutation that appeared in Canada by the middle of the last century, they breed very well (4-5 puppies at a time).
  • Sapphire
    The result of crossing 2 species. Individuals of this species have the highest survival rates of offspring. Females whelp 4-5 cubs at a time.
  • Pastel
    A more beautiful variety of brown color, reflects a blue tint. The female is capable of producing up to 6 puppies in a litter.

In practice, breeding minks as business is carried out in two directions:

  • Breeding and sale of individuals of standard colors.
    Medium pricing policy and great demand.
  • Breeding minks of rare colors.
    Such skins will cost much more, but it is more difficult to find buyers for them.

The choice of direction will depend on your financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Organizational moments


First of all, you need to think about registering as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

After completing the registration process need to get a license for breeding minks, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

The license application review process will take approximately 60 days.

Room selection

For a fur farm for breeding minks, a separate room is required:

  • The farm should be removed from residential buildings at a distance of 30 to 90 m.
    The larger your farm, the further it should be located from people.
  • You can not locate the farm near water protection zones.
  • When choosing a room, it is worth coordinating your actions with sanitary supervision, veterinary services and fire safety authorities.

When planning a room, consider:

  • The room in which the cages for the animals will be located.
  • Inventory storage.
  • A barn or warehouse for storing feed and bedding.
  • A place for slaughtering and processing skins.
  • Place for temporary storage of manure.

The room you choose must have electricity and heating. It is also worth checking the availability of sewerage and water supply.

After you have found a suitable room, you need to take on the purchase of cages and the construction of shelters for animals:

  • During construction, it is worth considering the aggressive disposition and active lifestyle of minks.
    The dimensions of the cage should be such that the animals do not feel cramped in them.

The height of the cage must be at least 45 cm.

The area for one adult is 0.5 sq.m.

For one young individual, an area of ​​​​0.15 sq.m is enough.

  • In the cage, it is necessary to install a house where the animals can retire from the outside world.
  • It is also necessary to have a feeder, a container for drinking and a large container of water (minks love to swim very much).

When building sheds and organizing cells, it is best to seek the help of a specialist.

Hay, shavings and straw are used as bedding. In order to save money, it is customary to prepare bedding material in advance and store it in a barn.

In practice, it is customary to prepare 30 kg of material per year for an adult and 4 kg per year for juveniles.

The bedding is replaced as it gets dirty.

About the nursery, as an example of organizing a mink breeding business at home, see the video:

Mink feeding

Minks are carnivores. AT natural environment their diet consists of rodents, small animals, fish and birds.

When breeding minks in artificial conditions, it is worth paying special attention to their nutrition. A poor diet and miscalculations in the organization of the regime will negatively affect the coat of animals and can lead to the development of various diseases.

The following products of animal and vegetable origin are necessary for feeding animals:

  • Animal meat and fish meat;
  • Grain and various compound feeds;
  • Fish or meat and bone meal;
  • Milk products;
  • Cake, sprat and fodder yeast;
  • Various vitamins, fish oil and fortified fats.

Do not forget about the rate of water consumption:

  • During the day, an adult mink consumes 0.5 liters of water.
  • Babies need 0.7 liters of water per day.

Experts argue that the cost of maintaining one individual will not exceed 70 rubles per month.

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Is it profitable to breed minks at home?

As they say, it doesn't happen. bad business, there are bad businessmen.

With the right organization of the business, breeding minks can make a fortune. The main thing is to focus on certain criteria.

Some of them are listed below:

  • Acquisition of females
    To effectively run a business, you need to acquire at least 20 females.
  • A livestock of up to 50 individuals can be looked after by 1 person.
    With an increase in the number of individuals, it is better to resort to hiring new employees or automating the process.
    With the appropriate equipment, 1 person can care for 1,000 individuals.
  • The animals are very aggressive, so they should be kept in separate cages.
  • When forming a herd, it is worth adhering to the coefficients established in practice.
    There should be 0.2 males per 1 female (i.e. 1 male for 5 females) and 5.1 young animals (individuals under the age of 8 months).
  • Reproduction.
    Individuals reach sexual maturity by 10 months. Males and females should mate in early March. The female bears offspring for 7 weeks.
    In one litter, on average, there are 5-6 puppies. The birth period of the offspring is the end of April or the beginning of May.
  • After a maximum of 45 days from birth, the young should be transplanted into separate cages.
  • In young animals, the fur begins to grow by September. In November, specialists select young animals for slaughter.
  • The effective period for keeping and growing mink is 5-6 years.

Project profitability

Mink breeding business requires large investments:

  • The estimated cost of one female is 14,000 rubles.
  • The male will cost less - from 10,000 rubles.

You can start a business with minimal investment by purchasing 20 females and 3 males.

In this case, you will need to focus on growing young animals. Subject to all breeding rules, during the year your livestock will increase by 120 animals, i.e. will increase by 5-6 times.

Thus, with minimal investment within 2-3 years, you can raise your small farm to the level of big business.

  • Sell ​​live animals to exotic animal lovers.
    Income from the sale of young animals in the event of successful sale of all individuals will be 200,000-300,000 rubles.
  • Engage in the sale of skins, after primary processing.
    The price of one processed skin is 3,000-4,000 rubles.
  • Make additional investments and organize a fur tailoring business.

The above calculations show that the mink breeding business is very profitable however, to receive maximum income should be considered in the long term.

Experienced entrepreneurs order processing skins at the factory, which costs 200 rubles. for a unit.

Implement end products it is possible through fur shops, at world auctions, to domestic and foreign factories for the production of fur clothing.

An example of a business plan for breeding mink

As an example, a financial calculation is given for a farm consisting of 200 females and 30 males.

During the first year, the livestock will increase to 1000-1200 individuals.

Starting expenses -4,769,000 rubles for the first working year.

  • Purchase of land and construction - 750,000 rubles.
  • Cells - 25 cells for 10,000 rubles. - 250,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of adults - 3,100,000 rubles.
  • Registration - 10,000 rubles.
  • Obtaining a license - 50,000 rubles.
  • Feed - 193 200 rubles. (70 rubles per month for 1 individual)
  • Hiring staff - 100,000 rubles (piecework work schedule)
  • Utility expenses - 36,000 rubles.
  • Expenses for young animals - 70,000 rubles.
  • Finishing skins at the factory - 800 pieces for sale at 200 rubles. - 160,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 50,000 rubles.

Income - 2,900,000 rubles for the first working year.

  • Sale of live animals - 50 individuals at least 10,000 rubles each - 500,000 rubles.
  • Realization of skins after processing - 800 pieces for about 3,000 rubles. — 2,400,000 rubles

The income received for the first year will cover current expenses, which will amount to approximately 609,000 rubles.

Net profit after taxes will be approximately 1,500,000 rubles.

If you continue to work, selling all the young (without increasing the population), then the project will pay off within 2-3 years.

Mink breeding as a business. Farm for growing and breeding minks. A mink farm can be built on your own personal plot without any special expenses, profit from the sale of fur skins can be obtained in the first year of growing minks.


Mink is a predator of the mustelid family, has an elongated body and smooth, short, soft, thick fur. Minks come in various colors, most often black, white, sapphire, blue, red, jaguar and leopard. Minks are bred on an industrial scale and at home; these animals can live and breed in captivity.

The canopy protects the animals from the sun and rain,

at the same time, minks are constantly outdoors.

Frosty winters are not afraid of animals, they are protected by thick fur. Under natural conditions, these animals live in burrows, so houses are installed in cages for them, which are a box with an entrance hole. A tray, a drinking bowl, a feeder are installed in the cage

Breeding and cultivation of minks.

The mating period of minks begins in early March, on these days the male is placed in a cage with the female 2 times a day for 2 to 3 hours. One male can usually cover up to 3 females per day. Pregnancy of females lasts an average of 1.5 - 2 months, a female can bring from 1 to 16 puppies in a litter, more often 5 - 7. It is believed that a female can fully feed no more than 6 cubs with milk, so if there is another female with a small litter, then Some of the puppies are placed next to her. The female puppies in a house, which is placed in a cage; you should first put a bed of dry hay in the house.

Mink babies are born blind, their eyes open after 4 weeks. The first days puppies eat only mother's milk, from 3 weeks of age they begin to eat food brought by their mother. At the age of 1.5 months, the puppies are separated from the mother, the entire brood is placed in one cage, then, as the young grow, the young are seated separately in cages, this is due to the fact that the minks often fight among themselves.

The slaughter of minks intended for skinning begins in November, first of all, minks go for skinning white color, then the blue and brown group and at the very end of the standard color. Slaughter should be carried out on time in time, this is due to a change in the quality and color of the fur during this period.

Mink feeding.

The mink is a predator, in the wild it feeds mainly on small rodents, birds and fish, so the basis of the diet should be food of animal origin. Mink farms have their own feed kitchens where feed is prepared. Mink food is a mixture of minced meat and fish waste with the addition of porridge, eggs and premixes.

For the preparation of feed, small fish, meat waste, offal of poultry, geese, ducks, and chickens are used. On fur farms from waste, chicken giblets from poultry farms are often used, slaughtered into minced meat with the addition of premixes.

Some fur farms also use regular laboratory mice as feed, which are raised to feed minks.

Owners of home mink farms buy small sprat, fish waste, expired fish at a low price at fish bases. Fish food should be no more than - 40% of the total diet.

As an additional feeding, you can use dairy products.

Mink breeding as a business.

If you want to start growing and breeding mink, the first thing to start with is to look for cheap feed. A business is worth starting if it is possible to get food at a poultry farm, a fish base. Most of the owners of small domestic mink mini farms are also engaged in the cultivation of poultry - chickens, geese, ducks. When poultry is slaughtered, offal is fed to animals. Access to cheap feed is the backbone of a successful mink business.

The next step will be building a shad, making cages and purchasing animals.

Cells are usually made independently from a metal fine mesh.

Scheme for making cells.

Mink can be purchased at fur farms, at a price of $80 - $150 per animal. It should be remembered that moving is stressful for animals, therefore it is not recommended to buy pregnant females, they endure the move the most restlessly and may lose offspring. The best option would be to buy young animals in summer period or more adults by autumn. During the winter, the minks will get used to the new place of residence and in March they will be completely ready for mating.

Farm for growing and breeding mink: profit.

The main income from the farm comes from the sale of fur skins and from the sale of minks for brood.

The wrought skins are purchased by private traders engaged in tailoring fur products.

The cost of mink fur skins depends on the quality of the dressing of the skin, on the quality of the fur, and also on the color, the most expensive white, black and gray, red and brown are less valued. The approximate price of good skins is from $50 to $200. For example, for sewing a women's fur coat, you will need 25 - 30 skins, sewing a fur coat will cost 2 - 3 times cheaper than buying in a store.

You can also get a good profit from the sale of minks for brood, the cost of one animal is about $ 100.

First you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with codes OKVED: 01.49.- Breeding of other animals, 01.49.2. - "Breeding rabbits and other fur-bearing animals on farms."

To grow fur-bearing animals on your farm, need to obtain a license from the Ministry Agriculture. It is issued for five years.. When buying breeding animals, ask for certificates of origin and assessment of the quality of the livestock.

Other documents

  • Permission from Rospozharnadzor;
  • Conclusion of the SES;
  • Permission of veterinary supervision.

Animal farm cannot be placed in water protection zone and near residential buildings.

The best mink breeds for breeding

The most valuable and popular types of fur color: silver-blue, dark brown (one of the most common), sapphire, black (rare variety), pastel.

Fur of females is considered more valuable. The most expensive colors are white and gray, black, red, palomino, cross.

Buying minks

It is best to acquire young animals at the age of 5-6 months, by the 9-10th month they reach puberty and begin to multiply. In order to get about 200 heads at the end of the year, it is necessary to have 40 females and 6 males.

The price at which you can buy a live mink for breeding, ranges from $ 60-90 per individual. In total, the purchase of young animals will take $ 3000-3500.

Where to buy mink for breeding in Russia by region?

1. In the Central Federal District. Well-known farms are “Savvatyevo” (the village of Savvatyevo in the Tver region), “Russian Sable” (the village of the Zverosovkhoz in the Moscow region), the Saltykovsky Breeding Fur Farm (the city of Balashikha in the Moscow region), “Mermerins” (Tver region);

2. Ural: Marble Animal Farm (the village of Marmorskoe in the Sverdlovsk Region);

3. Siberia: Bolsherechensk fur farm near Irkutsk, "Siberian Fur Company" (Novosibirsk);

4. Far East: Animal farm Valentinovskoe (Valentin village in Primorsky Krai);

5. SFD: Ladoga fur farm (Ust-Labinsky district in the Krasnodar Territory).

Requirements for a mink farm

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