When wisdom comes... Sane: why wisdom comes to us with age What is wisdom


Based on the latest research in the field of neuroscience, American gerontologist Dr. Gene Cohen, Director medical center George Washington University (USA) claims that the brain of an elderly person is much more plastic than is commonly believed. Throughout life, our brain encodes thoughts and memories, forming new neural connections. In addition, the interaction of the right and left hemispheres of the brain becomes more integrated, which expands our creative possibilities.

Not as fast as in youth, the brain of a healthy older person gains in flexibility. Perhaps that is why it is in adulthood that we draw more accurate conclusions and make wise decisions. In addition, it has been found that as we age, our brains respond more calmly to negative emotions.

The brain starts to work full force at the age of 60-80 years. The peak of human intellectual activity falls on approximately 70 years, when the brain begins to work in full force. Over time, the amount of myelin in the brain increases, a substance that causes the signal to travel between neurons faster. Due to this, the overall intellectual power of the brain rises to 3000% compared to the average. And the peak of myelin production activity falls on 60-80 years of age.

If up to 60 years there is a strict distribution of functions between the two hemispheres of the brain, then after 60 years a person can use both parts of the brain at the same time, regulating their inclusion by slightly tilting the head in one direction or another. This allows you to solve much more complex problems.

The scientists selected volunteers of various age groups and asked them to answer a series of tests of varying difficulty levels. It turned out that people of the older age category (60-75 years old) solve the most complex problems much easier and faster. Younger participants in the experiment, in critical situations, when solving complex problems, tried to solve them by miscalculating all possible options, which, in the end, led to confusion. While those over 60, with amazing accuracy, chose two or three alternative options leading them to the only correct decision.

Professor Monchi Ury from the University of Montreal believes that "the brain of an elderly person chooses the least energy-intensive path, reducing unnecessary and leaving only the correct options for solving a problem."

Along with this, the life experience of older people, obtained throughout their lives, also affects. They are less likely to be dismayed by unusual or emotional information than young people. As University of California professor Dilip Jaist said, “The brain of a person who has decades of life behind him is less impulsive and more rational.”

This is what we call wisdom - a mixture of knowledge and subconscious experience that allows you to make quick and only right decisions.

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How difficult it is to be young! By purchasing your personal life experience, any young person faces many different difficulties along the way. These tips will be useful to anyone who is just starting to understand at least something in this difficult life ...

  • Take care of your health
    Money can't buy health. There is only one way to save it: start taking care of yourself right now, without delay. Exercise and eat right. Remember that an unhealthy person cannot be happy. Aging, people are very sorry that they did not think about their body before, did not suspect that in some 10 years it could collapse.

    Everything is so fleeting, do not waste yourself, reduce the consumption of alcohol and unhealthy foods. Don't be careless.

  • Stop talking to people who don't appreciate you
    Stop throwing yourself away. If a person does not appreciate you and does not treat you well - let him go. Good relationships are difficult to build, but still possible. Only there should be a suitable person nearby who really likes you.

    We are accustomed to endure, to allow others to do with themselves as they please - but this is a sign of inexperience. A wise person simply limits his association with those who do not appreciate him. Try it, you will immediately feel how much easier it is for you to live with this way of thinking.

  • Treat those close to you well
    In the period between 30 and 40 years, real disasters begin to occur in people's lives. Parents die, divorces occur, children get sick. If a person is dear to you, support him in difficult times, and he will repay you in kind.

    You need to be able to appreciate true friends and good people that you have met along the way. They are few, but how wonderful that they are.

  • Concentrate on what you're good at
    You can't get everything at once. Career is the one important question where you have to make a choice. Choose what works best for you.

    You can succeed in many of your endeavors, but in the end you need to choose one, the most important direction and develop it. Only then will you achieve true success.

  • Don't be afraid to take risks
    To give up on yourself at this age is a crime. If there are things that do not suit you - change them! Marital life not working out? You can start over. Did you choose the wrong career? Learn what you really have the ability to do.

    Try to never stop developing. Years from now, you will be proud of the changes you have brought to life now.

  • Learn
    Getting better is what every person should strive for. Only the development of your most wonderful qualities will help you become a complete person. Learn new things, improve existing skills. Never stop! This is tantamount to death.
  • Stop controlling life
    Alas, no matter how hard you try, things won't turn out the way you planned. It is not given to a person to know what will happen to him after some time, circumstances are constantly changing, you cannot predict what will happen next.

    There is also a positive moment in this - it is much more interesting to live this way. You won't be able to keep everything under control, so relax so you don't panic when life gets out of hand.

  • Build family relationships
    It's true that family is what matters. Invest your time and emotional resources in the development of the family. You will understand how important this is when your parents die, when life surprises you in the form of incredible difficulties. The support of relatives is priceless, know that nothing can replace it. Create a strong family - it's worth spending energy on.
  • Respect yourself
    Stop torturing yourself for petty flaws. Be patient with yourself just as you sometimes forgive others. Do something nice for yourself every day. So you will feel the fullness of life. This is a healthy egoism, and everyone needs it. Life is too short not to love yourself.
  • Whoever is tormented by earthly questions will not receive an answer about heavenly things.
    The Teaching of the Living Ethics: The Call, 1921 Jan. 2

    SLEEPING WISDOM - called the layering of observations for many lives, folded in the depths of consciousness. Remarkable experiments could be made by knowing when a person draws from his storehouse of knowledge. You can make a comparison with atavism, which manifests itself after several generations. This is how ancestral heredity manifests itself. But in the midst of spiritual wanderings, a person accumulates his cargo, which he keeps among his consciousness. It is instructive how childhood information and inclinations are already appearing that cannot be explained by other causes than previous accumulations. It is all the more necessary to watch out for such independent inclinations. They can show talents, which can then be distorted in an ugly upbringing. Sleeping Wisdom was already noted in ancient times, when questions of spiritual incarnation were reasonably understood. The movement of the intellect lost everything and hindered the development of man's hidden powers.
    Teaching of Living Ethics: Brotherhood, § 152

    (Guru - N.K. Roerich). As a human being, one wants so much to be freed from the burden of circumstances and people, but at the same time one forgets that the Teacher is preoccupied with how to give the shortest path, although perhaps the most difficult one. If you believe in the wisdom of Guidance, then why want to get rid of that which accelerates progress. They want selfhood and personality, through which the ascent is accomplished. But wisdom accepts without complaint or discontent everything that is done with the permission of the Leading Hierarch. The personality will die, having enriched with its sufferings, experience and experience of accumulation of the Chalice, and the spirit will remain with them forever, will remain with these imperishable and indestructible acquisitions, growing and multiplying by each next person incarnating on Earth for this purpose.
    Facets of Agni Yoga, 1970 § 355. Novosibirsk, Algim, 1997

    I languish with others in this world of dreams. I live with sadness, but I do not choke on tears. But I know the foundation of all foundations that was created to rule over us. A bandage will not save from a child of evil, as from ignorance - an arrogant nobility. Decoration should be simple and joyful, like swift flight of swallows. And who of us will understand the homeless, having determined a corner for him to sleep in? How can we see a friend in everyone we meet? Who will find mercy in life? Only having accumulated compassion in existences, it is possible to pass to new plan consciousness.
    For even the moon waxes slowly before reaching its fullness. And, filled with the Secret of Time, it decreases to invisibility, entering the new gates of certainty.
    The ebb and flow of red blood dictates human moods. Feelings are so connected with the realization of wisdom, because the truth is obscured by a screen of feelings.
    Love Agni as a secret that guards your life. Trust in his wisdom and advice, for fire will not deceive human hearts; for he himself is the essence of hidden life; for he himself is the basis of mental energy and the engine of all its incarnations on earth. Without Agni you will get lost in the darkness. And the cold will envelop the spirit. And insight will leave the senses, leaving for the gloomy realms of instinct. And the silver world will fade away, having lost the breath of its purity, if the eye of Agni does not penetrate through temporary and elemental covers.
    Konstantin Ustinov. Teraphim Thoughts. § 50, 85 November 3, 2008 - February 1, 2009 www.znakisveta.ru/gorst.html

    Yes, they called earthly life a dream,
    for - everything is in the run here of time,
    and that - that sang, trembled -
    vanished like a dream.

    But sleep from sleep passes into difference,
    where they know or not - about the World,
    what is called Fiery, or Thin,
    having a basis - in the connection of Causes ...
    Vladislav Stadolnik 9.12.2014

    WISDOM COMES (2) *
    (From the Messages of the High Source)

    “Urusvati knows that We especially value certain qualities of wisdom. Wisdom recognizes the good, wherever it comes from. Wisdom condemns evil, no matter where it comes from. Do not think that such qualities are very common, on the contrary. People perish because they have limited good and evil by their own personal considerations. They expect good only from one side and fear evil only from a ghost they have invented.

    Meanwhile, you know how bizarre the realms of good and evil are. No one, thinking about earthly things, can imagine how good or evil is born. We saw thieves becoming ascetics, and pillars of the church committing atrocities. It is impossible to hide from a broad worldview.

    For the manifestation of a broad worldview, one must agree on many things. Wisdom will say - let justice be done. But wisdom will not force her ways. She will understand the complexity of the conditions of justice. Wisdom will also sense the right dates and will not arbitrarily hasten them. Wisdom will consider how many nations participate in each event.

    You can follow the surface of things, but in the depths, a completely different movement can grow. One can feel how much the predestined is manifested, but under an unexpected guise. So you need to get used to the fact that the law of justice is very many-sided.

    People judge by their habits, but the law is forged in the three worlds and can be considered supermundane. Acceleration or deceleration depends on many cosmic causes. Often a small earthly movement will be a reflection of a great event on the far-off worlds. It is necessary to agree on many things in order to be able to translate wisdom into the reality of every day.

    The Thinker did not forget to point out that for the earthly traveler there is one path, but above him there are myriad paths” Teaching of the Living Ethics: Supermundane, § 290.

    Are earthly questions tormenting? -
    And only from them - the answer comes,
    where earthly wisdom is given experience,
    but their flight is limited.

    Earthly wisdom argues with Heaven,
    in Heaven - everything is different from here,
    and who only knew the earthly,
    from Heaven - will not receive the Message.

    And you need to strive with your heart,
    and see the evidence of that -
    that the sun moves over the earth...
    The Earth follows the Sun!
    Vladislav Stadolnik 1.8.2001

    “When the spirit tastes the snows of heaven, on earth, in mountain valleys, roses shower their petals. By acquiring a new look at ancient phenomena, one can easily discover previously invisible details of existences, which for some reason were indistinguishable due to the vanity of consciousness. Developing straight-knowledge, we point to the training of attention. The little things of life are those constituent elements of being that hold our psychoculture together into a monolith.

    Not knowing about beauty, it is difficult to be kind. But, calling beauty a living phenomenon, along with love, purity and culture, you become ready to feel the fullness of each incarnation. After all, a person was not born in order to rummage through the garbage heap of lower phenomena. Like a seagull, he flies over the raging ocean, barely touching the salt spray. But, having risen above the manifestation of the elements, he still feeds on fish that lives in the depths. The roots of fragrant cedars take their strength from the depths of the planetary darkness. Let us love the phenomenon of cooperation of various qualities, for the result is the measure of all the activity of the elements.

    Man is the most perfect fruit of the Great Universe, and therefore the help to him is great from all the kingdoms of heaven and earth. Even the stars send out the energy of their rays, creating a focus of good luck astrochemistry. But with a sour face they do not accept the gift of many incarnations. With bitter resentment, they do not drink from the cup of wisdom. They do not give in to momentary lust, seeing the general plan of destinations.

    The pain of the soul arises from contact with matter. And infatuation, which is more like a good habit than love, can grow to the level of the highest feeling.

    The spiral of fate expands the orbit of perception. The spiral of fate surveys the present with an eagle's eye. And that gray dust that has stuck to the road cloak will suddenly appear as a swarm of silvery stars surrounding the aura. Each of these lights was once kindled by good thoughts, lofty feelings of regret or compassion, an inexhaustible desire to help every human being alleviate his suffering, his protracted search for truth.

    The touch of a fiery thought kindles the light of hope for a return to the World of Joy. Through the black fog of delusions, the earthly path is already visible, which somewhere merges with the mystery of heaven. Rising up, we expand the horizon of the spirit. Rising up, we are not afraid to fall. Even on earth we master the armor of fiery immunity against low manifestations, although they strike painfully at the inflamed nerve strings.
    In the fog of days we see the sun above the clouds. In the mist of days, the cedars of knowledge grow, on top of which the ripest and largest fruits of the spirit ripen. The fog will settle, and the soul, becoming more transparent, will see the golden bottom of the sacred lake of consciousness.

    The path to heaven shows us the subtlest possibilities of cognition. We are burned with the energy of desire. We are guarded by a fiery wall. The wall of fate and the best accumulations, the golden cup of omniscience from small and great insights. Our wisdom is born from gray and golden moments.

    We, two steps away from immortality, know the expediency of such a decision. We know that life does not end in one segment of existence. The infinity of lives is as real as other forms of infinity" Konstantin Ustinov. Teraphim Thoughts. § 95, 104 November 3, 2008 - February 1, 2009 www.znakisveta.ru/gorst.html

    (Mother of Agni Yoga). "The Light is not visible to those who carry it." But others see and feel the outgoing grace, and consciously and unconsciously stretch, sometimes burdening unreasonably. You don’t know how much you give, and only by the response can you judge that it was given out much more than expected. By the degree of gratitude, one can sometimes judge the amount of giving. I say this because they know that you can already profitably distribute the received treasures. Everyone in whom there are sparks of Light will accept your gift. Only the enemies of Light will respond with a blow, thus blocking their way to the future. The wisdom of distribution requires prudence and the ability to be able to give according to consciousness. Everyone who comes for the Light should be given it, but no more than he can contain. The imposition of the Teaching is unacceptable.
    “The sun will pass away and the moon, but not a single iota will pass from the Law until everything is fulfilled” - with this understanding of what is happening on the planet and go through life. And your path will be straight and steady. People rush from one extreme to another, from disbelief and denial to affirmation, from ignorance to knowledge. But the middle path is commanded by wisdom. Wisdom does not know these arrhythmic swings. The goal is determined by the Law, which is based on unshakable Foundations. And no matter what happens on Earth, the fate of mankind is determined by the Cosmic Laws for all times of its existence.

    (Guru - N.K. Roerich). That is why so many are called and so few are chosen. Seeing the wisdom and power of the Great Spirit, everyone wants to join Him and respond to the Call. But the path is thorny and long, and the trials are difficult. After all, one has to follow the path laid by the Caller, that is, to one degree or another, to go through what He went through. And here the earthly and the Supermundane enter into a struggle for power over consciousness, and the result of the struggle will determine whether the called one will become the winner or the defeated.
    How can one be sad or happy about something if we do not know what it will bring in the end - sadness or joy. Often people vehemently oppose what brings them happiness, and vice versa, welcome the cause of future misfortune. Therefore, wisdom advises to maintain balance under all conditions. The mood of the astral is constantly changing. You cannot rely on it, because it constantly carries the consciousness to the poles of opposing experiences and makes a person a slave to his own arbitrariness. In the Supermundane World, a person is freed from the astral shell and, throwing it off, does not even feel that he has lost his “I”, because he continues to feel it in its entirety and without the astral.

    The spirit wants to escape from the iron ring of the dense environment, because it languishes and suffers in it. "For all is vanity and vexation of the spirit." The sighted languishes, the blind prospers. Question: Which is better - to languish when you have received your sight, or to be content in blindness? "For in much wisdom is much sorrow." But why, then, does the wise seek to multiply wisdom, knowing that by doing so “multiplies sorrow”? But It is also said that “joy is a special wisdom”, that is, wisdom brings not only sorrow, but also joy. But this joy is not of this world, this joy is perfect. The Higher Spheres of the Supermundane World resound with joy, incomparable with anything on Earth. Having touched it, it is no longer possible to exchange it for an imperfect, fragile and transient earthly joy.

    In deepening and expanding the Anticipation of the constant, one can constantly improve until it occupies the entire forefront of consciousness. Half-heartedness is unsuitable here. It is the fullness of surrender of one's consciousness to the Teacher of Light that is required. Then the blows of life and the storms of life will no longer have their usual power over a person. You can feel acutely, say, the loss of property, or the betrayal of a friend, or some other hardship, but if you understand that there is nothing of your own, personally belonging, that you came into this world with what, then we will leave, if you know that betrayal is not passes even the Great Spirits, if you realize that adversity and blows of fate are transient and temporary phenomena, then the attitude towards all this can change radically. Wisdom considers man's earthly life an illusion of Maya. The true home of the spirit is not here, but there, in the Kingdom, which is not of this world.

    (Mother of Agni Yoga). No human statement, no proposition, even taken from the Teaching of Life, can be complete and exhaustive. Therefore, the Teaching does not give exhaustive formulas. There are two reasons for this: the first is that every phenomenon ultimately touches Infinity and cannot be embraced by consciousness, the second is that you must leave room for your own thoughts so that consciousness can grow and expand not by someone else's, but by your own thinking. The completeness of understanding of phenomena depends on the combination of opposites, that is, on bipolar vision. The wise man does not rejoice and does not grieve too much, for he knows that there is no misfortune without happiness and sorrow without joy, and that the Law of opposites balances both poles. And the most ardent and stormy earthly love usually ends in indifference, boredom and even hostility. Therefore, wisdom renounces the duality of feelings and astral experiences. True love, true devotion and fiery striving can no longer be replaced by their opposites, because from the spirit they are timeless. Thus, the instability and permeability of astral emotions are excluded from the relationship between the Teacher and the student. Love for the Teacher is forever, devotion is the same, as well as the aspiration to the Light.

    The student is in a constant state of expectation. The present for him is only an inevitable step towards the future and in itself is devoid of self-contained significance. If the future is taken away from humanity, its existence becomes meaningless. Of course, all the affairs of the philistine. Don't pay too much attention to them. Even less deserving of his moods caused by the experiences of the astral. Only the timeless can be surrendered more fully, without fear of loss. But still the power of the present over consciousness is great. It can be moderated only by aspiration to the future. People already give their energy to the future, only their future is too short and finite. Wisdom lies in drawing a longer line, moderating the triumph of vanity.

    Earthly wisdom is enmity against the Lord. The hustle and bustle of the dense world is hostile to subtle manifestations. There is no coherence between the worlds in the human mind. Fairy tales, and in them sleeping princesses, living and dead water, good and evil wizards, werewolves, enchanted castles and all the wonderful phenomena that accompany them, are not fantasy, but the reality of the Subtle World. People feel it, and children love fairy tales so much. The Subtle World is that World where everything is possible and achievable, for thought reigns there and everything is created and set in motion by thought. All subtle formations are real in all spheres and clearly visible to subtle vision. Bipolar vision is achievable. The Great Fiery Epoch, the time of which has already approached unprecedentedly, will give people the key to bipolar vision, and both worlds will victoriously and harmoniously merge in the consciousness of a person, without disturbing his balance. Now, however, the Subtle World is still accessible to clairvoyants, psychics, mediums, and madmen, and drunkards in delirium tremens, or some patients in delirium. Almost all people have glimpses of it, fragmentary, rare and random, but misunderstanding and denial hinder their correct understanding.

    Creative imagination and baseless fantasies are antipodes. The first, besides the Earth, also deals with the subtle reality. Only the breadth of thought limits the possibilities of human activity in the Supermundane World, if it is from the Light. True freedom to reveal the creative power of thought is only achievable there. If only to understand that everything is possible there. Much is possible here, and even the impossible is achievable, but how much time will have to wait until this power is in the hands of every person. For the Arhats these achievements are a reality realized by Them when They are still in the earthly body, but for each of Them they are limited by the level of his spirit. Fairy tales are useful and instructive, because they speak allegorically about the Supermundane World and the real possibilities of man. Folk wisdom saw into the wonderful reality of fairy tales. And stupid deniers are forced to remain silent, because fairy tales speak of subtle reality. True, not all, but only real ones. We can welcome the appearance of new, real fairy tales, because they are needed very much. Fantastic works are just as useful if they are based on the Basics. In the form of fiction, you can give real knowledge to people. And the heart will understand the true value of what is given.

    (Guru - N.K. Roerich). “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on Earth...”, for these treasures are unalienable, but “lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven...”, for spiritual treasures, or spiritual accumulations, are inalienable neither by life nor death. What great wisdom and profound knowledge lie in these Testaments! It is the inalienability of spiritual accumulations that makes up their value and significance. He who said “omnia mea mecum porto” (I carry everything with me – lat.) had them in mind and knew that what he has inside, in the Chalice, he carries with him always, everywhere, in all the Worlds. The accumulations of the Chalice constitute the true, eternal, imperishable property of the spirit. And when all his aspirations are aimed at collecting these true treasures, his path is bright and straight. Imagine richest billionaire on the deathbed and understand that if he is poor in spirit, then he will enter the Subtle World as a beggar, despite all his billions. Was it worth it to accumulate them in order to end up with nothing! In the Teaching It is said: "Own everything, but consider nothing yours." This will be "possession without a sense of ownership", that is, free from the power of things over consciousness.

    (Mother of Agni Yoga). The path of the spirit runs along the Earth, and the movement is made by the formula "human hand and foot." How to combine the highest aspirations with the need to water, feed, shoe, clothe the body and solve a lot of inevitable, purely everyday problems and needs? Eastern wisdom indicates the middle, or golden, path, when what is Caesar's, that is, earthly, is given to Caesar, that is, the Earth, and God's is given to God, that is, Heavenly, or the Highest, in man - to the spirit. And the harmonious combination of these two principles in a person will be right decision question. This means that one must fulfill one's duty to the body and all obligations related to the family, society and homeland, and at the same time not to forget that the spirit is above everything earthly, although it must walk the Earth, but in the name of the highest spiritual achievements. It is said: "Lifting up in spirit, do not leave the Earth homeless."

    And melting down - goes from day to day,
    all shadows will disappear and the Light will increase.
    Hurry to penetrate the Wisdom Voice,
    edges in convergence - from Heaven, Earth.
    Vladislav Stadolnik 2.8.2001

    “Familiarity is the weapon of maya, when, using the predisposition of an open heart to be attentive to every manifestation of human consciousness, gray people try to put themselves on the same level with the giants of the spirit. Lost in the forest of their own problems, they try to involve others in the circular dances of delusions around the three pines, not knowing that the creatures that have overtaken them have the gift of recognition at the mental level. This is not an instinct embedded in the blood, but the memory of the spirit hidden in the conscious energies that weave the sensitivity of the aura.

    Fiery threads, like the strings of the lyre of the Cosmic God, ring from the touch of the highest tension of creative thoughts. Imitation of the Gods creates the power of transformation. The threads of connection show the attraction of the spirit to the Fiery Spheres. Without closing the heart currents to the highest goal, earthly life itself has no meaning.

    In simplicity, the deepest manifestations of truth are revealed. Wisdom does not like the intricacies of crafty verbiage. The word is precious, like a seed that gives birth to a new creator. But those talkers who imagine themselves attached to the number of the elect wear on their faces a mask of momentary frivolity.

    Increase your knowledge by listening to the sages, and do not miss the opportunity to learn. You can pick up grains of wisdom in casual conversations. There is not a single person, even the very last, who does not have this precious spark. And let the crafty student not pervert the intended aspirations and halfway through slippery flattery stop the flight of the teacher’s thoughts, but become a worthy, thinking and wise opponent, having risen to the level of the same knowledge. Equality is not a goal, but the beauty of diversity, which is not just a clash of interests, but the complementary power of living views. From one ocean we draw holy drops, but each one has a different thirst and measure of wisdom. For some, even a drop is enough, but for another, the ocean is not enough for greater completeness of knowledge. Let the mastery of joy reign in the consciousness. May eternal desire call us to new knowledge.

    Keep the purity of feelings and thoughts - and you will be invulnerable. Your illnesses are only derivatives of the world of causes. They are born by your thoughts and desires. And how to stop the flow if the whole world is infected? But the light of the spirit is the best cure for any plague, and prayer is always more significant than medicines to help the human body heal.

    Wisdom has long ago marked luminous moments of our days, when the spirit leaves the realm of dreams and follows in a guided direction. But in order to wash the dust from the face and look at the world with a worthy look, we need to overcome the knowledge of the mountain, in which the moment of insight is embodied. The pattern of fate is inscribed in the sky. It is woven with a silver thread. It is embroidered with the rays of the sun. Dew flies on them for eternity, which, like springs, laughs. In the burning heart and in sacred dreams, in the furious boiling of spring blossoms, consciousnesses of revelation are born, which will continue in the minds that desire love and purification. Let the world see through. Let the light search for secrets in order to discover them and enjoy it. Let night and darkness swirl in the gorges. Everything has expired. They have no more room. The Zoryanitsa Queen comes to us.

    The value of a thought is determined by its vitality. A prickly thought clings to the aura, while a pure thought flies into the space of the heart like a message sent.

    I cover the path of thought with flowers of joy. The pattern of a new fate is woven from lightning. The silver thread, as an ascending step, rushes to the boundless heights of perfection and wisdom. A thought ignited by aspiration moves the consciousness upward, revealing new and new levels every moment and every day. The most powerful engine of development is a high spirit of aspiration” Konstantin Ustinov. Teraphim Thoughts. § 107, 147, 187, 192 November 3, 2008 - February 1, 2009 www.znakisveta.ru/gorst.html

    * The first part was posted in Poetry.ru on December 13, 2014.
    Vladislav Stadolnik http://www.stihi.ru/avtor/vladislav3

    Wisdom comes with age and experience. Lessons from the Wise Man

    One of the most valuable things in our life is experience. We all want to be self-confident, independent and wise, forgetting that wisdom comes with age and experience. And for this experience you have to go through a lot.

    That is why the experience of older people is very important. Those life lessons that they give are one of the most valuable knowledge. We bring to your attention 50 life lessons shared by Barry Davenport, a world-wise author of a foreign blog.

    1. Life is what it is now. We are constantly looking forward to incredible things that will happen in the future, but we forget that life is happening right now. Learn to live in the moment and stop relying on illusions in the future.
    2. Fear is an illusion. Most of the things we fear will never happen. But even if they do happen, they often turn out to be not as bad as we thought. For many of us, fear is the worst thing that can happen. Reality is not so scary.
    3. The rule concerning relationships. The most important thing in your life is your loved ones. Always put them first. They are more important than your work, hobby, computer. Appreciate them as if they are your whole life. Because that's the way it is.
    4. Debt is not worth it. Spend money according to your ability. Live freely. Debts won't let you do that.
    5. Your children are not you. You are the vessel that brings children into this world and takes care of them until they can do it themselves. Train them, love them, support them, but don't change them. Every child is unique and must live their own life.
    6. Things collect dust. The time and money you spend on things will one day ruin you. The less things you have, the more free you are. Buy smart.
    7. Fun is underrated. How often do you have fun? Life is short and you should enjoy it. And stop thinking about what others think when you feel good. Just enjoy it.
    8. Mistakes are good. We often try to avoid mistakes, forgetting that they are what lead us to success. Be prepared to make mistakes and learn from your mistakes.
    9. Friendship requires attention. Cherish friendship like an ornamental plant. It will pay off.
    10. Experience first. If you can't decide whether to buy a sofa or go on a trip, always choose the latter. Joy and positive memories are much cooler than material things.

    11. Forget about anger. The satisfaction from anger goes away after a few minutes. And the consequences can last much longer. Listen to your emotions and when anger comes, take a step in the opposite direction.
    12. And remember about kindness. A little bit of kindness can do wonders for the people around you. And it requires little effort from you. Practice this daily.
    13. Age is a number. When you're 20, you think 50 is a nightmare. But when you are 50, you feel like you are 30. Our age should not determine our attitude towards life. Don't let the numbers change the real you.
    14. Vulnerability heals. Being open, real and vulnerable is great. This allows people around you to trust you and share their emotions with you, and you can share them in return.
    15. Posturing builds walls. Creating an image of another person in order to impress someone will play a cruel joke on you. Very often people see the real you through the image, and it repels them.
    16. Sport is strength. Sports activities on permanent basis should become part of your lifestyle. It makes you stronger physically, mentally and emotionally. It also improves health and appearance. Sport is the cure for all diseases.
    17. Resentment hurts. Let her go. There is simply no other right way.
    18. Passion improves life. When you find any activity you're crazy about, every day becomes a gift. If you haven't found your passion yet, set yourself a goal to do so.
    19. Traveling gives experience and expands consciousness. Traveling makes you more interesting, wiser and better. They teach you how to interact with people, their habits and cultures.
    20. You are not always right. We think we know the answer to every question, but we don't. There is always someone smarter than you, and your answers are not always correct. Remember this.

    21. It will pass. Whatever happens in life, it will pass. Time heals, but things change.
    22. You define your purpose. Life is boring without a purpose. Decide what is important to you and build your life around it.
    23. Risk is often a good thing. To change your life, you have to take risks. Acceptance of thoughtful and risky decisions helps you grow.
    24. Change is always for the better. Life is changing and don't resist it. Don't be afraid of change, go with the flow and take life as an adventure.
    25. Thoughts are unreal. Thousands of thoughts go through my head every day. Many of them are negative and frightening. Don't trust them. These are just thoughts and they won't become reality unless you help them.
    26. You cannot control others. We want the people around us to behave the way we want. But the reality is that we cannot change other people. Respect the uniqueness and independence of each individual.
    27. Your body is a temple. Each of us has something that we hate in our body. But our body is the only thing that belongs only to us. Treat him with respect and take care of him.
    28. Touch heals. Touch has many positive properties. They normalize the heartbeat, improve well-being and relieve stress. This is a gift to be shared.
    29. You can do it. It doesn't matter what situation is in your head. The reality is that you can handle it. You are much stronger and wiser than you think. You will get through it and survive.
    30. Gratitude makes a person happier. And not only the one to whom gratitude is addressed, but also the one who says it. Don't forget to thank people for everything they do for you.

    31. Listen to your intuition. Your reasoning is very important, but intuition is your superpower. She uses your experience and life model to find the answer to any question. Sometimes it arises spontaneously, and it is better to listen to it.
    32. Remember yourself first. Don't be narcissistic, but remember that the most important person to you is yourself.
    33. Honesty to oneself is freedom. Be honest with yourself. Self-deception is blinding yourself.
    34. Ideals are boring. Perfectionism will make your life boring. Our differences, features, phobias and shortcomings are what makes us unique. Remember this.
    35. Take action to find purpose in life. She won't find herself. Help her in this and do your best to find the target.
    36. Small things are important too. We all expect great victories and achievements, forgetting that they consist of small and sometimes even imperceptible steps. Appreciate these steps.
    37. Learn. Is always. If you think you know at least 1% of everything that is in our world, then you have never been so mistaken. Learn every day, learn something new about different things. Studying keeps our brain in good shape, even in adulthood.
    38. Aging is inevitable. Our bodies get old and we can't stop them. The best way slow down aging - enjoy life and live every day to the fullest.
    39. Marriage changes people. The person with whom you have connected your life will change over time. But so are you! Don't let these changes take you by surprise.
    40. Worry is pointless. You should only worry if it leads you to a solution to the problem. But the nature of anxiety is such that it will never happen. Worry turns off your brain, and you are simply not able to solve the current situation. Therefore, learn to cope with anxiety and try to get rid of it.

    41. Heal your wounds. Don't let the wounds from your past affect yours. real life. Don't pretend they don't mean anything. Find support from loved ones or from those who are professionally involved in the treatment of emotional trauma.
    42. Simpler is better. Life is full of complexities, confusions and obligations that only make it worse. A simple life gives space for joy and hobbies.
    43. Do your job perfectly. If you want to achieve something in life, you have to work. Of course, there are rare exceptions, but don't rely on them. Rely on yourself.
    44. It's never too late. Being late is just an excuse for not trying. You can achieve your goals at any age.
    45. Actions heal melancholy. Any action is a cure for anxiety, procrastination, longing and anxiety. Stop thinking and do something.
    46. ​​Do what you want. Be proactive. Don't wait for life to throw you a bone. You may not like its taste.
    47. Let go of prejudice. Don't be attached to the opinions or beliefs of society. Be open to any opportunity or idea. You will be surprised how many opportunities life gives if you do not reject them.
    48. Words matter. Think before you speak. Do not use words to offend a person. Once you do this, there will be no going back.
    49. Live every day. When you are 90, how many days will you have left? Live and appreciate each of them.
    50. Love is the answer to any question. Love is why we are here. It is the force that moves the world. Share it and express it every day. Make the world a better place.

    Bernard Show

    To gain wisdom is a great, one might even say, a great achievement. And not every person, even at a very respectable age, can boast of it. Wisdom is a value that comes to a person over the years. It is impossible to be young and wise. But age alone does not make a person wise. Wisdom is to be pursued, not just waited for. Wisdom is not just knowledge, experience, prudence is, first of all, calmness, it is the absence of unnecessary emotions that overshadow the mind. A wise person is a calm person, he looks at life with an understanding of its meaning. He knows how to accept life as it is, seeing in everything that happens in it, a certain goal. In youth, when people have all their feelings sharpened, when they often react to everything that happens in their lives rather impulsively and very rarely think about what is happening - they are very far from wisdom, because they lack the calmness and balance that come with years. Feelings, emotions, heightened instincts, and, of course, the lack of the necessary knowledge and experience - all this prevents people from being wise. In this article I will tell you about how people whom I personally consider very wise, in their words, have gained this great value.

    To begin with, it should be said that in order to gain wisdom, it is necessary to feel, and if possible, understand its value. And the sooner a person sees in wisdom a great value for himself, the sooner he will begin to strive for it. And there are many ways to achieve it. And the first of them is, of course, the acquisition of knowledge. Knowledge is the key to understanding this world and oneself. We came into this world to learn, but each of us does it in his own way, someone learns from the mistakes of others, and someone from his own. And the one who does not study at all teaches others by his negative example. It is best to strive for wisdom through the knowledge of the wisdom of the ancestors, that is, by learning from the experience of others. The ability not to step on the same rake that other people stepped on is a colossal achievement. As Confucius said: “A person has three ways to know wisdom: the first, the most noble, is reflection; the second, the easiest, is imitation; the third, the most bitter, is experience. To know wisdom through reflection, you need to receive knowledge and ponder it. That is, you need to study this world. And we all seem to start doing this with early years when we learn something from our parents and other people around us, and also get knowledge at school and other educational institutions. But at the same time, only a few of us become wise. These are the people who, more than others, have realized the importance of knowledge and developed thinking, which helps to use this knowledge, and have devoted their lives to active knowledge of the world and themselves. Judge for yourself what wisdom is, if not the constant pursuit of knowledge, which is never enough. A sage is an eternal student.

    And yet, more importance in this question plays the time during which a person learns this world. This is the time of life that is allotted to each of us and which we need to use wisely, and not just burn through. First, a person learns to satisfy his most pressing needs. Then he forms his own value system, deciding what is important for him in this life and what is not, and develops according to it. Then he becomes more mature, removing from his life all sorts of nonsense and unviable childhood dreams, unless, of course, he develops, and does not get stuck in his teenage years. And only then does he come to the first grains of wisdom. Thus, wisdom is preceded by the maturity of the mind, because it is the mature mind that is able to perceive life as rationally as possible, not succumbing to the influence of its animal essence. And the manifestation of complete, absolute wisdom is calmness - this is its main sign. And it, whatever one may say, comes with age. A calm person is a reasonable, thinking, patient, not fussy, self-controlled person. This is also a very observant and attentive person - he constantly watches himself and other people, and thanks to this he sees and understands a lot. He can be like this only at a certain age, when all his strongest feelings fade away and he begins to perceive life mainly with the help of the mind. But, as I said, you should not think that wisdom comes by itself - you can live to have gray hair and still not become a wise person. For wisdom is the result great job above oneself. You can, of course, gain some wisdom without any work, because we all become calmer with age and gain some experience. But such wisdom, which came to a person not due to his work on himself, but only with the help of age, is not as rich as that which was the result of his serious work. That is why there are not so many wise people in our society. Most people, aging, do not turn into wise men, but into small children who can practically teach the younger generation nothing. And that's what a person needs wisdom for.

    Yes, the meaning of wisdom is precisely to pass it on in a certain form to subsequent generations. Therefore, in order to acquire it, a person needs motivation in the form of a goal - to teach someone something very useful, directly related to people's lives. That is, if you want to become a wise person, then you need to decide to whom and for what purpose you will pass on your wisdom. It can be your children, students, or in general all those people who will be interested in your knowledge and experience. And there will always be those. You can often hear that young people do not want to learn anything, that they repeat the mistakes of their fathers and grandfathers and prefer to fill their own bumps. But it is not so. It would be more correct to say that most people, including very young ones, do not want to learn anything and from anyone - they do not want to adopt the experience of their ancestors. And some of them on their own own experience don't study. But there are people [they have always been, are and will be] who are happy to learn from the experience of wiser people. For them, the wisdom of generations is a huge value, which they passionately desire to master in order to pass it on to the next generation. So they need wise people who will become teachers for them. I believe that humanity should grow up and grow wiser. All subsequent generations as a whole should be smarter than the previous ones. This, in my opinion, is the meaning of our human existence. So becoming wise in order to make future generations even wiser is a very worthy goal for a person. But it is clear that it is not suitable for all people. Therefore, not all of us are sufficiently motivated to gain wisdom. Many simply do not need it - they do not see the point in it.

    If you are one of those people who see meaning for themselves in wisdom and want to acquire it, then like Confucius, I advise you to do this through reflection, or rather, through gaining knowledge and developing your thinking. To become wise, you need to actively explore the world and solve a variety of problems and tasks that are directly related to people's lives. And the wider your worldview, the better. Good knowledge only in one particular area can make a person a good specialist, but not a sage, because in many other matters related to life, he will be blind. And since a person cannot know everything, then in order to gain the breadth of knowledge, he needs to develop his thinking in order not only to be a knowledgeable person, but to be a person seeking knowledge and constantly knowing this world. For wise is he who knows that he knows nothing, as Socrates said. And we don't know a lot. And you need to know about it. You see, friends, the true truth is something that must be constantly sought. This is one of the meanings of life - not to know, but to recognize. The truth is somewhere near. And the sage knows that it will always be inaccessible to the understanding of man, it is always hidden from his eyes. We can know only a part of the truth - what is available to us and perhaps even allowed to know. But having learned something, having discovered something for himself, having received an answer to his question, a person will simultaneously receive many new questions, he will face many new secrets that need to be discovered, studied, known in order to find out even more. Therefore, a wise person is a person who is always open to everything new. This is a man who will explore the world until his last breath. You also need to be prepared for this. I would even say that you need to want it. A wise person does not need certainty. He knows that his knowledge is not complete, no matter how much he knows.

    I cannot and will not argue that every person should strive for something great, should want to fulfill himself to the fullest, should live by the highest values ​​and ultimately become a sage. This is a matter of personal preference, and perhaps the purpose of a person. Life often shows us that each person should be in his place. I know many people who are not interested in anything in life, except for what is connected with their daily life. They eat, they drink, they sleep, they have fun, they enjoy the simple things, and they don't need anything else, anything at all. They are happy with the limited lifestyle they have. So maybe that's how it should be. This is how their life should be. They do not need anything higher, great, outstanding, because they are not able to understand this. And there are people who cannot live a limited life, they are simply torn apart from the inside if they do not learn, study, discover, improve themselves and realize their personal potential. Remember the same Lomonosov, well, he could not live the way other people lived in his village - he wanted more, he was born for more. And he came to this more. Therefore, to be or not to be wise is perhaps not even a choice of a person, but his destiny. Be that as it may, if you have a desire to gain wisdom in old age, realize it. For it is better to regret what you have done than what you have not done.

    Some people begin to seek wisdom only after they face negative upheavals in their lives. Strong shocks often force people to rethink their lives and find new values ​​in it. But what is important is not what will cause in a person the desire to become wise, it is much more important that by embarking on the path of a sage, a person will take the first and most important step in the direction of wisdom. He realizes the highest value in this life, which he wants to possess. One has to fall in love with wisdom in order to start actively striving for it. After all, this path is endless, you can go on it forever. But to those who choose it for themselves, life will meet them halfway and will help in every possible way. For whoever has, to him will be given and will be multiplied, but whoever does not have, what he has will be taken away from him.