What are the daily expenses in a cheburechnaya. Business organization: open a cheburek from scratch

The "cheburechny" business, namely the opening of a point for the sale of this dish, originates in the distant past. The sale of hot chebureks began in the USSR. To this day, this direction of trade in the food industry is not only popular, but also profitable. In this article, we will talk about the profitability of opening a cheburechnaya. How and where to open it, what options exist and how much it will cost.

In the USSR, there was a playful riddle - hot, juicy, crispy with meat? The correct answer is cheburek, everyone knew!

Cheburek (çiğbörek - from Turkish literally "raw pie") - a pie made from unleavened dough with meat filling. The traditional cheburek is stuffed with minced meat (lamb, rarely beef) with spices, all wrapped in unleavened flatbread and fried in animal fat at 200°C. In the modern (post-Soviet) recipe, you can use minced beef with pork, and animal fat is replaced by vegetable fat.

Also, as a substitute for meat filling, you can use rice or an egg with onions, cheese, potatoes, mushrooms and cabbage. But, traditionally, the most popular pasties among buyers are pasties with meat.

Why exactly chebureks as a line of business?

Firstly, it should be noted that despite the great competition, there is a great demand for chebureks among the population of different age groups. Cheburek is popular both among young people and among the older generation.

Definitely, if you decide to open a food-related business, but are limited in finances, then cheburek is one of the suitable options. Cooking pasties does not require special ingredients and a set of complex professional equipment.

Consider the options for "cheburek" business.
Mobile cart, street vending

This option is one of the easiest, at the same time and less expensive. Suitable for those regions where street trading from mobile points is allowed. What will be needed for this? We buy a trolley (30,000 - 75,000 rubles + additional costs). We cook chebureks at home (according to our own recipe, or according to one found on the Internet or cookbooks). We deliver a trolley with ready-made pasties to the place of trade (although some, more expensive, models of trolleys require built-in equipment, that is, cooking takes place directly in the trolley itself).

It is desirable that your point is located next to some educational institution or university, not far from the metro. From a large stream of people there are many who want to have a bite to eat.

The disadvantage of this approach depends on the region. Each region has its own rules for street vending and in some, street vending of ready meals is severely restricted. Therefore, before buying equipment and planning a business, check with the local administration about the possibility of such trade.

Kiosk selling pasties

A more expensive option (200 - 300 thousand rubles + additional expenses, including rent), involves opening a kiosk.

Advantages: having purchased equipment, pasties will be cooked right at the point of sale, which will have a positive effect on buyers (the smell will be the best marketing method to attract).

In addition to chebureks, kiosks offer a wide range of cooked dishes (samsa, shawarma, tandoor flatbreads, pizza, hamburgers, etc.), as well as various carbonated drinks and juices that are perfect for hot chebureks.

You can also consider the option of a mobile kiosk on wheels. In the case of the possibility of movement, we choose the place in the same way as in the option of trading from the tray. Again, this type of trade may be subject to restrictions set in each region by the local administration.

Small cafe (bistro), diner

Perhaps the most expensive, but at the same time (subject to good administration of all processes related to advertising, customer acquisition and pricing) the most profitable. Advantages: when creating an original design and attracting customers through various promotions, discounts, bonus cards, etc., you can create a very serious business.

Of course, in such cafes dedicated to a particular dish (in this case, cheburek), the main focus is on this product, but the menu should not be monotonous. So where, if not in a cafe to do it? Only in a stationary kitchen can you cook a lot of pasties with a variety of fillings.

Therefore, in a cafe - the assortment should be large, the dishes more varied. Only in this way you will be able to attract more and more new customers. It should be added that in the case of a cafe (bistro), one of the most important components of a successful business is the place.

Choose a place that is more or less easy to get to. In addition, each cafe-bistro should have its own feature, something that will distinguish the establishment from the rest and put it out of competition.

Wholesale production of chebureks for sale

Suitable for workshops producing semi-finished products. Pretty big and expensive business. At the same time, with the right choice of assortment and the right equipment, the profit of this business is the highest. All that is required is to produce pasties with a variety of fillings. And either freeze them or fry them.

In the first case, a semi-finished product with a long shelf life is obtained, in the second, a ready-made dish with a shelf life of 1 day.

All this is supposed to be delivered to catering points for sale or wholesale. Frozen products will be happy to be purchased by culinary specialists, cafes, bistros and other catering outlets capable of frying pasties. Ready-made pasties, for example, can be ordered by catering services or fast food retail outlets. True, the parties will, in this case, be small.

Self-employed business on cheburek

In regions where the experiment on self-employed taxation is in place, cheburek can become the basis for a good home cooking business. For the most part, all culinary bloggers, social media accounts, and other culinary specialists offer consumers a standard set - cakes, pies, bread and other simple homemade pastries.

Chebureks are also artless. But for the right cheburek, a queue will surely line up, and the self-employed will quickly “acquire” regular customers. It's like "khinkali" or "manti". It looks like big dumplings, but try to cook it correctly and authentically. It is not for nothing that khinkali are extremely popular directions in public catering today. Yes, and home delivery of ready-made khinkali and manti is ordered very often. Why is a juicy cheburek worse?!

What will you have to spend when opening a cafe?

In the case of re-equipment of the premises, the most expensive will be: repairs, purchase of equipment, purchase of furniture, dishes, installation of a ventilation system. Then you have to spend on advertising, and staff salaries in the first months of work. An amount in the range of 2 - 2.5 million at the initial stage of equipping the cafe will be sufficient. As for the area of ​​​​the room, it is highly desirable that it should not be less than 50 - 100 m². The areas can be different, but there is a limitation - the ratio of the kitchen to the hall should be 1 to 2. That is, with a hall of 100 "squares", the kitchen should be at least 50.

Personnel: Chef, ordinary kitchen workers, technical process specialist. At the first stage, this is enough. In the future, if you expand and your establishment gains a positive reputation, you can think about a bar with your own bartender.

Organizational and legal form

If you are not going to sell alcohol in your cheburechnaya, then you can choose an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) as the legal form. But what is a cafe without alcohol? Legislation prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages in catering facilities unless the business is registered as an LLC.

In other cases, registration of a simple IP is sufficient. As an OKVED code for a trading kiosk selling chebureks, you can use: 52.24.21 "Retail trade in flour confectionery", and for a cheburek cafe: 55.30 "Activity of restaurants and cafes".

As for the payback, the money you invested will return to you in the form of profit within 1-2 years, perhaps less with a competent marketing policy.

Opening a point of sale of chebureks is relevant because it does not require great knowledge and experience in public catering from the entrepreneur. A cheburechnaya business plan will help you calculate the initial investment and choose the format.

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The business selling pasties can be small, involving take-away products, or it can be a full-fledged cafe of a closed type. If the scale is chosen quite large, in addition to pasties, the establishment should have a menu of other dishes and snacks with a selection of hot and cold drinks.

In addition to the sale of chebureks, the company's service can be the manufacture of products for wholesale distribution to other catering and trade establishments. In this case, pasties are subjected to shock freezing, then after cooking they retain their taste.


Small points of sale quickly pay off and, with a successful allocation of resources, are able to function stably.

So, if opening a cafe and restaurant requires significant experience and funds, then launching a snack bar specializing in one product requires relatively little investment and effort.

Description and analysis of the market

The market for the sale of chebureks is presented in the following forms:

  1. Mobile street trading. It is the most cost effective option. You will need to purchase basic equipment: a trading cart and small inventory. In this format, it is necessary to think in advance about the delivery of ready-made chebureks to the place of sale.
  2. Kiosk or pavilion. Cheburechnaya in this format is a more profitable business that requires significant start-up investments. The initial capital will be 300-700 thousand rubles.
  3. Cafe. The area of ​​this format is from 200 sq. m.

The idea of ​​organizing fast food restaurants is not new, and the niche is quite competitive. Therefore, the first step should be an analysis of the local market with an emphasis on the selected territory.

Information that will be needed:

  • the number and portrait of potential consumers;
  • the number of competitors and their performance.

Photo gallery

mobile cheburek Kiosk Cafe

The target audience

The main buyers of small and medium format chebureks are students and office workers. Everyone who usually saves time and snacks on the go.

The general portrait of the buyer: men and women from 16 years old, with a low and medium income level (about 75% of the Russian population).

Competitive advantages

The main competitive advantages should be based on customer satisfaction.


  • high service;
  • low cost;
  • service speed;
  • product quality.

Sales engagement and promotion tools:

  1. Discounts when buying a certain amount. This increases the average check.
  2. Discounts for regular customers up to 7% of the cost. This increases loyalty.
  3. Surveys and collection of feedback. This allows you to quickly eliminate deficiencies and adjust the production process.
  4. Discounts and promotions for social groups of the population (veterans, pensioners).
  5. Conducting competitions and tastings.

The market in different cities develops individually. To find your niche and determine the advantages, you should highlight the shortcomings of competitors.

Based on the format, weaknesses can be:

Advertising campaign

According to the business owners themselves, the best advertisement for a cheburechnaya is recommendations and the right location. But do not forget about additional means of attracting customers and promoting sales.

Promotion tools:

  • radio advertising near the point of sale;
  • mailing of special offers;
  • billboards and streamers;
  • release of branded products.

If you plan to be located near an educational institution with a focus on students, you should bet on development in the online environment.

Internet promotion for a young audience:

  • development of social networks;
  • organizing sweepstakes and contests on their pages;
  • attracting attention with non-standard content.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a cheburechnaya

Basic steps to open a cheburechnaya:

  1. Market and competition analysis.
  2. Search for premises and equipment.
  3. Search for suppliers and formulation development.
  4. Collecting a package of documents and permits.
  5. Development of a marketing strategy and corporate identity.
  6. Registration of activities.


List of documents required for opening:

  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • registration certificate;
  • lease agreement for the premises;
  • completed sanitary books of employees;
  • permission from the fire department to commission a new building (if any).

Before proceeding with the registration of the enterprise in the tax authorities, you should obtain permission to operate from all supervisory organizations.

The premises for production and sale must comply with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the district.

The SES must submit:

  • agreement on the lease of premises (ownership);
  • equipment conformity certificates;
  • certificate of the veterinary service for products;
  • technological map, where all stages of production and sale of products are indicated.

When registering an enterprise, you should decide on the legal form: individual entrepreneur or LLC. If a small kiosk is registered, then the best option would be a form of individual entrepreneurship. For a large establishment: a cafe or a restaurant, registration of an LLC is required. This will give the right to trade in alcohol.

OKVED for a trade kiosk 52.24.21 "Retail trade in flour confectionery", for a cafe: 55.30 "Activity of restaurants and cafes".

The taxation system can be either simplified (STS) or in the form of imputed income (UTII).

Room and design

Primary requirements:

  1. Square. The minimum area of ​​the outlet is about 10 sq. meters in a high traffic area.
  2. Communications. It is necessary to connect water, gas, electricity, ventilation.
  3. Location. Only passable locations with a constant flow of people.

If the analysis reveals that there are not enough catering outlets in the central areas of the city, the most successful locations should be considered.

  • areas with state institutions;
  • areas with the location of offices and large trading enterprises;
  • near hotels;
  • areas near busy highways and train stations;
  • on the territory of cultural objects (parks and squares).

It is especially worth exploring the possibility of being located near educational institutions.

Planning an area from 150 sq. m must be carried out taking into account the functional areas.

Main zones:

  • kitchen;
  • business premises.

The design of the cheburechnaya should correspond to the conditions of comfort. In a small diner, you need to take care of comfortable bar counters. For a large room, use original parts and designs. One of the popular design techniques for pasties is the style of the USSR.

The video tells about the beginning of the work of pasties in the USSR. Their interior and principle of operation are shown.

Equipment and inventory

The number of equipment and its capacity depend on the area of ​​​​the room. For the cafe format, the cost of furniture for the client area should be added to professional equipment.

Kitchen equipment for frying and heating:

Additional kitchen equipment:


For a small establishment, 2-4 sellers are enough, who will also serve as cooks. Working hours are 2/2 shifts.

The cafe will need additional staff:

  • technologist;
  • cooks;
  • bartenders;
  • administrators.

List of main positions for a cafe:

Job title

Quantity (persons)

Zarpalata, rub.

Director1 40000
Administrator1 25000
Accountant1 25000
Chef1 30000
Cook2 50000
kitchen worker3 45000
Waiter5 10000
Cleaning woman2 30000

To control sellers, you should install video surveillance or a computer with a printer for printing invoices, through which all orders pass.

Each of the employees must have the appropriate education and experience in this office work.

Financial plan

The cheburechnaya business plan includes financial indicators that are calculated based on the chosen business format: a kiosk or a cafe.

How much does it cost to open a cheburek?

The cost of opening a cheburechnaya depends on the chosen format.

Equipment costs176000 310000
Accommodation costs320000 600000
Advertising campaign10000 30000
Staff salary48000 195000
Purchase of products100000 270000
Fare30000 110000
Registration, obtaining certificates50000 70000
Additional expenses50000 100000
Total784000 1 685 000

According to the opinions of businessmen, making a cheburek format larger than a kiosk is profitable only in large cities with a population of 700 thousand people or more.

Recurring costs

Regular costs for various formats.

Premises for rent15000 40000
Communal payments3000 15000
taxes5000 20000
Wage48000 220000
Transportation costs10000 10000
Purchase70000 340000
Advertising campaign5000 20000
Other20000 50000
Total176000 407000


Income is calculated based on the average cost of pasties and planned sales volumes.

The cost of a cheburek is 10 rubles. The price includes the product itself and packaging.

To calculate the profitability of the project, let's take the average level of sales per day for the city from 700 thousand people - 400 units. in a day. The price of a cheburek at the exit is 30 rubles.

The monthly income will be 240,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

Stages of opening a business by months.

Risks and payback

The payback period for cheburechnaya is 13 months. Moreover, this indicator is approximately the same both in a small format - a kiosk, and in a large one - a cafe.

Despite the advantages and relative popularity, there are certain risks in this direction:

  1. Seasonality. Pasties are in great demand during the cold season. Therefore, many advise opening a business on the eve of winter. And in the summer, introduce more popular items: ice cream and soft drinks.
  2. Staff. In addition to the fact that the cook must work flawlessly, he must do it quickly.
  3. Suppliers. Having won the trust of the buyer, you should constantly check the quality of the delivered goods. Taste properties, and hence reputation, depend on it.


Brief with approximate calculations and examples of activity formats. Published by user business ideas and business plans.

In our country, the business associated with food production has always been popular.

As soon as the state officially allowed to engage in entrepreneurship, hundreds of thousands of outlets immediately arose in which products were sold.

But many quickly realized that simply reselling is not so profitable. Where is the best place to produce something? Many began to wonder how to open a cheburek. Why chebureks?

The thing is that they almost always remain in steady demand. This is especially true in winter, when people are not averse to having something hot to eat right on the street. If you properly organize the business for the production of pasties, providing customers with fresh and high-quality products, then in the first year you will be able to fully recoup all your costs.

Semi-finished products or independent production?

First, let's decide what exactly you are going to do. Let's make a reservation right away that all of the following will affect only those entrepreneurs who plan to produce their products.

It is highly discouraged when opening catering establishments to count on the purchase of semi-finished products for their subsequent preparation and sale. Nothing good will come of you. In this case, your cheburek as a business will cost absolutely nothing.

To create sustainable demand and a large customer base, it is essential to interest the end consumer in the quality of their products. And to do this using pasties from a nearby store will not work. There is only one way of more or less profitable use of semi-finished products: cheburek on wheels, which can be adjusted to places where hungry fellow citizens gather (institutions, factories).

Cheap varieties are characterized by the fact that, having tried them once, a normal buyer will not return to you. Expensive varieties are relatively good (and even then not always), but their cost is such that they will either have to raise prices incredibly, which will also not please the potential consumer, or work at a loss.

Before opening a cheburek, it is better to conduct at least the simplest marketing research in advance. Thus, you will definitely know whether it is worth opening your own business, whether you can count on steady demand.

Questions about raw materials: ready minced meat or meat?

Everything is not so clear here. If in the city where you live, the development of the food industry is weak, then you will definitely have to deal with the production of minced meat yourself. And if there are many such enterprises? Find contacts of the most successful of them.

Contact their representatives, find out the cost of minced meat for bulk purchases. The fact is that if you plan to first organize a small production of pasties, then the best option would be to buy ready-made minced meat. After all, it is his supplier who will be responsible for all issues related to obtaining veterinary certificates for meat. Large manufacturers have long established buying channels, so all this costs them inexpensively.

Since opening a cheburek can be difficult precisely because of problems with raw materials, work through these issues in advance!

flour requirements

If you want to be successful in the field of production and sale of chebureks, you should be aware of the basic requirements for raw materials for their production. So, the dough is used only made using yeast-free technology, and the percentage of moisture content in it should not exceed 40%.

In order to make high-quality dough, the flour for its preparation must also be of the highest grade, exclusively from durum wheat. This is very important not only for the taste of the product, but also for the proper operation of specialized equipment.

meat requirements

As mentioned above, the meat must pass a strict selection by experienced specialists, it is not worth saving on it. In minced meat for chebureks, pieces of veins longer than 15 mm should not be found.

In addition, only beef and pork are allowed for the production of cheburek minced meat. Other types of meat are not allowed. Please note that the pastry shop (as a food production business) will be subject to frequent inspections. Chemistry is not recommended.

Beef intended for the production of chebureks must be at least second grade. Meat is allowed only trimmed. Pork is used only of the first grade, and in no case should it be fatty. You can take only low-fat or bold.

Using additional components

For minced meat, the use of semolina is acceptable. You can also add soy protein to it, but you should not get carried away with it: because of the addition of this component, the taste of the finished product suffers.

Eggs are used in the table category, and egg melange is allowed instead. In addition to fresh meat, you can use frozen blocks made from the same beef or pork of the second or first grade.

Of course, raw materials must have all environmental and sanitary certificates of compliance with standards, be absolutely fresh.

Meat that does not meet the requirements for it in terms of its organoleptic qualities is not subject to use!

Required Equipment

Consider the necessary equipment for a cheburechnaya. First, you will need a professional cheburechnik. This is a healthy skillet. It costs about 10 thousand rubles, there are no special requirements for it.

Much more important testomes. The quality of the dough, its uniformity and plastic structure depend on it. This equipment costs from 30 thousand rubles. Of course, you will not be able to do without a professional meat grinder. Such cars cost from 10 thousand rubles. In no case do not buy household models that simply cannot physically withstand the required loads!

In this material:

To organize your own business, you can open a cheburek from scratch. With properly organized work, it will be an excellent investment and will soon begin to bring big profits.

Such a dish as cheburek is very popular, because it is tasty, inexpensive and can be eaten on the go. By opening a cheburek in a busy part of the city, where there are many students, pupils and office workers rushing about their business, who have only 10 minutes for a snack, you can quickly “recapture” the invested funds.

Choice of venue format

When thinking about how to open your own business and where to start, it is recommended that you first decide on the type of cheburek - open or closed. In the first case, it will be enough to establish a stall in which meat pies will be prepared and sold. For convenience, you can install 1-2 metal tables nearby, and you should not forget about the urn.

As for the closed-type cheburechnaya, it will resemble a small diner where you can have a bite to eat at cozy tables, and not on the go.

From a financial point of view, the option of an open-air eatery offering takeaway food is less expensive. To do this, you need to purchase or rent a stall, which can also be mobile.

It will carry out not only the sale of chebureks, but also their direct preparation. Quite often, entrepreneurs knead the dough, prepare minced meat and form pies at home, and already in the stall they cook and sell them. It is important to note that in any case, the sanitary and epidemiological station will have to check the conditions for the preparation of products and their storage.

Before you open a cheburek, you need to determine the profitability of such a business. To do this, you should find out in which areas there is no such diner, where a large flow of people passes daily and what additional services can be included in the menu in order to receive more income.

It should be noted that in small towns such a business idea would be inappropriate - it is suitable for large settlements with a population of 500,000 or more citizens.

Business setup costs

To draw up a business plan for a cheburechnaya, you need to think through every little thing, calculate the costs and potential profits.

  1. Room. As mentioned above, it is much more profitable to open a stall for the sale of pasties. Its area should allow you to install all the necessary equipment, a showcase, and also allow employees to move freely in the room to serve customers. In addition, the institution should be made visible - for this it is recommended to order a sign.
  2. Equipment. For work, you will need to purchase a special cheburechnik or deep fryer, a refrigerator, an extractor hood, a meat grinder, a dough mixer, a showcase, tables. If you plan to use ready-made minced meat, then you do not need to buy a meat grinder. In addition, you will need to take care of the availability of special tools that will be needed in the process of cooking chebureks.
  3. Ingredients. You can’t save on ingredients, because. product quality depends on them. It will be much more profitable to buy flour, meat, sunflower oil and spices from suppliers, and not in a store, moreover, in this case, you can be sure of the freshness of the products. Traditionally, chebureks are made from ground beef or pork and beef, but to attract more customers, it is better to expand the assortment by offering pies with chicken meat or additional additives.
  4. Consumables. In a catering establishment, there must be napkins, plastic cups, plastic bags or special paper envelopes. In addition, you can offer customers disposable plates if they wish to have a snack near the stall at the table.
  5. Working staff. To save money, you can work on your own, and later hire employees. Only 2 people will be enough to serve customers promptly. It will be difficult for one employee to cope, especially if, in addition to pies, it is supposed to sell drinks.
  6. Beverages. As a rule, tea or coffee is ordered along with pasties, so it is recommended to add them to the menu. It is not necessary to buy a professional coffee machine, just use a regular kettle. Cold drinks, such as juices and mineral water, will also be useful, so you need to install a refrigerator for them.

Business profitability calculations

To understand how profitable the business will be, it is not enough to know how to open a cheburek, you need to make calculations.

If we stop at the stall format, then its arrangement will require a minimum amount of equipment, which will cost about 200-250 thousand rubles. Do not forget about the rent or the cost of acquiring it.

In the case of a lease, the costs will be approximately 10,000 rubles. Every month, about 20,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of products and consumables, and 30,000 rubles on wages for employees. In total, 260-310 thousand rubles will be required to open a business.

As for profit, it will depend on the volume of sales and the cost of chebureks. Their average cost is 40 rubles, and the cost usually does not exceed 15 rubles. Selling 500 meat pies daily, you can get a net income of 12,500 rubles, which will amount to 275-375 thousand per month. Thus, in a month you can start making a profit and eventually open a few more chebureks.

Investments: Investments 39 900 - 60 000 ₽

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Group of companies "Robin Sdobin" invites you to become a partner in the regions of Russia. The Robin Sdobin company has been operating in the catering market since 2000, starting its activity with the opening of a fast food cafe in the city of Voronezh. This direction in the field of public catering was a novelty for the city, in connection with which, it was decided to open in 2001…

Capital investments: from 650,000 rubles
Payback period: from 1 year

The first thing that can please you is that for such an undertaking it is not necessary to be a professional chef.

Cheburechnaya as a business Suitable even for people who do not know how to cook.

The main thing is your desire to delve into and learn the intricacies of the case.

For an enterprise to be successful, you need to show interest in its essence.

Thinking only about profit, not caring about the quality of products, will eventually lead to the fact that they will buy where it is tastier cooked.

In short, think of the people you work for as more than just the source of your income.

How to open a cheburek? Institution format

The type of cheburek will depend on your starting capital.

You can also learn from such an undertaking as transport container for chebureks.

Then your investments will be up to 200,000 rubles.

You will need to purchase a mobile thermal container.

Your assortment will be small, in fact, pasties and drinks (tea, coffee, water, juice) to take away.

You will have to prepare the products at home.

It is clear that you will not take away much, and, as a result, there will not be a big profit.

But as a way of self-employment, this enterprise can bring you a stable income.

You can open a cheburek open type, with takeaway.

Usually, this is a stall, which can be mobile.

Next to it are cabinets, tables, bins.

More investment is needed here.

This is already a full-fledged mini-business.

The range will expand with drinks, salads and desserts.

You need to come up with some kind of "chip": some kind of "quick" dish that only you will have.

You can open a cheburek closed type.

As an option for a diner or a small cafe.

For such an institution, the largest investments are needed. Opening them in small towns is unprofitable.

The population of the city must be at least 500,000 people.

The assortment in such a cheburechnaya will be the most diverse.

The premises and conditions make it possible to make an institution based on a narrow specialization a catering point ().

Along with pasties, you can also offer traditional dishes: pancakes, pies, donuts.

If you wish, in addition to snacks and salads, you can add hot dishes, for example, broths in cups, etc.

Here is a place for your imagination and ingenuity.

Let's compare the types of pasties in the table:

What products does cheburek require as a business?

To open a cheburek, you need to make food purchases.

Use semi-finished products or fresh products?

What are chebureks?

This is a dish of the national cuisine of the Turkic peoples: a pie with meat and spices made from yeast-free dough.

Fried in sunflower oil.

Lamb is considered the original meat filling.

Now it is technologically allowed to use beef of at least grade 2 and pork of grade 1.

You can add cheese, egg, soy and semolina to the filling.

Just don't overdo it with savings. It will affect the taste!

The dough should not contain more than 40% moisture (then specialized equipment will work without failure).

Ingredient products must be certified.

Cheburechnye, like other catering establishments, are often checked by the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Therefore, in addition to permits, you must have agreements, certificates or documents from a veterinarian for meat.

You can use frozen meat.

Do not cook from semi-finished products!

If the semi-finished product is cheap, the cheburek will turn out tasteless.

They can be sold one-time.

A quality semi-finished product costs more.

It is unprofitable for you, since the output will turn out to be expensive.

Therefore, it is more promising to establish your own production: to cook both minced meat and dough yourself.

Then you will be sure of the quality.

Cheburechnaya equipment

Here is a list of equipment that you cannot do without to open a cheburek.

For the production of pasties, if you want to put this business on stream, you need:

EquipmentOpen institutionClosed institution
Total:RUB 168,000from 283 000 rub.
professional cheburechnik (frying pan) - from 60,000 rubles.1 2
dough mixer - from 33,000 rubles.1 1-2
dough rolling machine - from 35,000 rubles.1 1-2
professional meat grinder - from 10,000 rubles.1 1
refrigerator and freezer - from 30,000 rubles.1 2

What kind of premises does a cheburek house require as a business?

To open a cheburek you will need a room.

It can be open or closed.

The first type is a stall: a temporary architectural form.

Be sure to equip a showcase.

For the second option, you will need to rent, purchase or build a room.

In both cases, standard requirements are imposed on catering establishments:

  • the presence of ventilation;
  • the presence of a refrigerator;
  • electrification;
  • the presence of containers for garbage;
  • sewerage, water, gas (for stationary establishments).

In addition, you will need to decorate the interior of the diner, purchase the necessary furniture, shelving, bar counters.

Kitchen equipment will cost more.

For an open establishment, chebureks are often cooked at home, while in a diner you will cook them on the spot.

You need to make signs in both cases.

Staff for cheburechnaya

The minimum staff is 2 people for an open type establishment.

One cooks, the other sells.

The larger the establishment, the larger the staff.

You will need:

Staffopen cheburekClosed institution
Total:2-3 personsfrom 7 people
chef-technologist1 1
kitchen workers- 1-2
distribution workers1 1-2
cleaners- 1-2
waiters- 1-2
bartender- 1
accountant1 1
driver- 1

A few comments:

  • driver (preferably with your own car, otherwise the list of expenses should include the purchase and maintenance of a car, or delivery of groceries);
  • the services of an accountant with an open form of an institution can be resorted to during the reporting period;
  • initially, in an open-type cheburechnaya you can take on some of the responsibilities. As the business expands, you will decide which employees you need.

What kind of advertising is needed to open a cheburek?

Chebureks are well known since the times of the USSR.

This facilitates your efforts to popularize the service, reduces advertising costs. There are always those who like to have a quick and inexpensive meal.

For an open-type establishment, it is enough to be in a good walk-through place.

It is desirable that there are no similar products nearby (pancakes, belyashi, donuts, pies, etc.).

To open a stationary institution, you will also need a competent location, closer to places of business activity, offices.

For the promotion of cheburechnaya, additional advertising and marketing campaigns are needed; flyers, advertising in transport, social networks, open days, distribution of advertising promotional offers to offices and enterprises.

What costs does the cheburek require?

Let's compare open and closed type chebureks in the table.
Type of institutionOpen cheburek, 1 pointClosed institution
Total, rub.From 636,000 rubles.RUB 1,608,000
Investments in the necessary equipment, rub.RUB 168,000from 283 000 rub.
Investments in the premises, rub.
✓ kiosk - from 120,000
✓ showcase - from 8 000
✓ communications - from
50 000
Total: from 178,000 rubles.
✓ repair - from 300,000
✓ furniture - from 100,000
✓ dishes, consumables - 50,000
✓ communications - from 100,000
✓ rent - 50,000
Total: from 600,000 rubles.
Investments in advertising, rub.- 30 000 rub.
staff salary,
from 2* 20,000= 40,000 rubles✓ cook - from 30,000;
✓ kitchen worker - from 20,000;
✓ distribution worker - from 25,000;
✓ waiter - from 25,000;
✓ cleaner - from 20,000
✓ bartender - from 25 000
✓ driver with car
lem – from 50 000
Total: from 195,000 rubles.
Food expenses50 000 From 150 000
Fare50 000 100 000
Registration, rub.50 000 50 000
Reserve, rub.100 000 200 000

The payback period for pasties is from 1 year.

One promoted point should sell 500-700 pasties per day.

The cost of a cheburek is $0.25.

Net proceeds will be $450.

We reach profitability of 40-50%.

How to open and register a cheburek?

"Whoever is afraid of failure, he limits his activities."
Henry Ford

To open a cheburek, you will need permits:

  • from firefighters, SES (with a closed type of institution, the requirements for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises are from 100 square meters, being 50 meters from residential buildings, medical books for employees);
  • equipment certificates are required;
  • certificates for raw materials;
  • routing;
  • documents for opening a retail outlet (as an individual entrepreneur - with a simplified taxation system, sole proprietorship or LLC)

The video below shows the recipe for making chebureks at home:

7 secrets for a successful opening of a cheburek

How to increase your income? You can:

  • sell ready-made frozen chebureks to other entrepreneurs or retail;
  • arrange delivery of hot meals;
  • have your own signature dish and "authentic cheburek";
  • open a cheburek in the fall;
  • open a cheburek in a crowded "passable" place;
  • open a network of outlets or eateries;
  • open a franchise for your business.

Cheburechnaya as a business- a profitable undertaking.

Just take care of pre-registration of permits, as it takes a lot of time.

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