Freelancing methods. Mastering freelancing from scratch: where to start and in what direction to move

Forget your fears and open new horizons!

For those who are not afraid to take risks and walk towards their desires, the article will tell you how to become a freelancer from scratch and what stages you have to go through to start getting the first results.

Where to start your journey? Always the hardest thing to do is take the first step, target the start of some action. Therefore, first you need to mentally tune in, catch the right wave. Having decided to become a freelancer, you should start with the simplest, namely:

  1. Prepare computer and internet access. This is not only the main tool of a freelancer, but also a workplace. You need to clearly remember that the computer is now your work, that is, when you turn it on, you are already at the workplace, and when you turn it off, you leave work.
  2. Get electronic wallets for which payment will be made in the future. This is one of the motivations for work. Agree, the idea that a certain amount of money will soon be credited to it encourages action.

Preparation of instant messengers and social networks

For reference! It is quite logical that for work you will need all kinds of ways to communicate with the customer: email, phone, skype, social network page, WhatsApp, Telegram. The more of them, the better, so that the client is comfortable.

When working remotely, you must follow the same rules as when interviewing offline. Names and the profile itself, nicknames must be official, presentable. There is no need to be creative in this case.

The name must be your real name. Also follows take a quality photo on which you look well-groomed and business-like. This also applies to pages on social networks. Necessary wisely approach the placement of photos and other information.

If the employer visits this page, then he should have an extremely positive opinion about you. Therefore, every detail matters, creating a certain image for you.

Choosing a profession

Of course, it's great if you initially know what you will be doing as a freelancer. However, most often this question is extremely difficult and what to start from scratch is usually not clear. This one can help list of popular and in-demand professions which can be understood even without education:

Self-study or online courses for a quick start

The hardest thing about becoming a freelancer is choosing a profession. If the choice is made, then the next step will be self-development. You need to learn as much as possible about the chosen direction, read, listen, watch various sources. This will be the beginning of your professional growth.

Most often, such training is paid. However, it is worth noting that business always requires investment. You are a so-called business project in which you need to invest in order to develop and grow further. In this case, the choice is always yours.

Self-study, although free, requires more effort, effort and time. It is important to plan it effectively, as your earnings will depend on it in the future.

We create a portfolio

Most people before buying anything first read reviews and only then make a choice. Before we go to see a certain film in the cinema, we read the opinions of others about it.

Before choosing a manicure master, the girl first looks at his work. To order a bouquet for a gift, first look at the florist's catalog. Reviews save time and money and make life easier.

This rule also applies to performers. The customer wants to find a professional, and therefore, looks at the completed work of a potential candidate. Therefore, for a successful career, it is extremely important to create a portfolio that will showcase your work and testimonials from satisfied employers.

Note! To create it, you will have to work for free, or at least for a nominal fee. It is worth notifying your friends and acquaintances about your lesson. Most likely, one of them will need your services.

You can also place an ad with a detailed description on your page from a social network, for example, the now popular Instagram. So there is an opportunity to reach a larger audience.

Examples of quality work performed will only benefit and will help to find more customers, it is easier to build relationships with them. With experience, self-confidence will grow. In addition, competence will increase self-esteem, and bring pleasant sensations. All initial fears will go away. The main thing is not to stop.

Where to look for a freelance job?

Aspiring flangers can find work freelance marketplaces. To do this, you need to register and search for a suitable order.

Their cost is usually small, so do not expect that you will earn a lot of money right away.

Opportunities increase if you perceive the exchange as a platform where you can find regular customers.

It is possible to start with small cheap tasks for 100-200 rubles. Employers are often looking for responsible performers for more voluminous work.

Also, do not be afraid of difficult tasks. Often this uncertainty says that they are difficult, but in fact it is quite feasible. In any case, it is impossible to know if you do not try. Obstacles must be overcome, to fight with yourself. Only then can you move to the next level.

Where else can a newbie find a job?

Exchanges are not the only source of remote earnings. You can earn income on the Internet from any website, blog or Internet project. The main thing is to be able to prove yourself. Job search methods can also be as follows:

Monitor your reputation

Important! Reputation should be your first rule. It is important to achieve its perfection. Many freelancers believe that it is not at all necessary to complete the task on time, or that it is even possible to change your mind about doing it. However, this is a huge misconception. This behavior is unlikely to make you a successful freelancer.

If a certain deadline is set, then it must be observed. It is very important. Not only the quality of the work itself, but also its timely delivery plays a big role.

Based on this, a reputation is formed, thanks to which in the future you will no longer have to look for customers, they will contact you themselves. Responsible and competent professionals are highly valued.

Useful video

In the video you will see a story about how to become a freelancer without experience in a particular profession:

To work remotely, freelancers do not need to have a special education at all. Anyone can be successful in this business. The main thing is to remember some important points:

  • The desire to move forward, to develop, as well as a decisive attitude are already half the success. You need to believe in yourself and everything will work out.
  • First you need to learn a little theory, then to effectively apply it in practice, along with diligence and purposefulness.

Thus, if you do not take risks, then it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve any results. No need to be afraid, it is important to go forward to success, try, experiment. At the same time, it is necessary to remember about formality when compiling profiles, responsibility and discipline when performing tasks.

These are the components of the reputation, which in the future will become your calling card and will allow you to attract more customers.

You are tired of a stuffy office, you want freedom, to work according to your vocation, not to depend on anyone. You have decided to go freelancing.

The first problem you will face is where to look for your first clients?

In fact, everything is simple. For this, specialized sites work - freelance exchanges.

Freelance exchanges are special resources for meeting freelance professionals and customers their services .

There are a lot of exchanges for freelancers, but it’s not easy to work on them: each has already experienced users with many reviews and high ratings. You need to know how to stand out from the competition, how not to run into a scammer, of which there are a lot on the exchanges.

Working on the freelance exchange is a real art. Let's learn it together.

Features of freelance exchanges

To begin with, I would like to dwell on some of the features of these sites. Having understood the nuances, it will be easier for you to get started.

As a rule, exchanges work according to the following scheme :

1. The customer publishes the project;

2. Freelancers study the task and leave their applications. They can be open to other users, or only visible to the customer;

3. The client chooses one contractor and entrusts him with the work;

4. The selected freelancer completes the task and gets paid.

Almost every exchange has list of registered freelancers , or directory. The list is built by rating: on the first page there are those who have a higher rating on the exchange. The customer can choose a contractor from the catalog and offer him a job directly without opening the project. This scheme works on all major sites.

The trick is that the higher you are on the list, the greater the chance that you will be offered a personal project. That's why strive earn high ranking . To do this, as a rule, you need to work through the exchange, and not bypassing it, earn positive reviews, replenish your portfolio.

Every self-respecting exchange offers "Safe deal" service. It can be called that, or be called "Safe" (, Fair Play ( This is a service through which all transactions go through the exchange. The platform provides a working area for cooperation between the parties, and acts as a guarantor of "fair play". For this you need to pay a certain percentage, but you are protected from fraud. A secure deal is only a plus, and experienced freelancers only work through it.

Each freelance exchange has unique business model . But everyone has common features: each platform has paid accounts (PRO, PROFI, Business, Plus) and personal advertising that you have to pay for. Experienced freelancers actively use all these tools to make their face and name recognizable, to attract the attention of customers.

These are the main features of all exchanges for freelancers. But each site has its own characteristics, which you will learn when you register and get started.

First, you need to choose a platform for the launch.

Exchange selection

Some of the exchanges have more projects and generous customers, some less. On some sites there are a lot of dumping (bringing down the price) freelancers, on others competitors are more adequate. At first glance, all these subtleties cannot be determined.

But some preparatory work needs to be done. I would recommend doing the following:

Find a list of freelance exchanges. For example, a huge one is collected on our website.

Follow the links and make a first impression – are you comfortable? Is the site easy to use? Is everything clear? The exchange will become your main working tool for a long time, it is important that it is easy to use.

Find descriptions of exchanges and read reviews from freelancers, especially about scams and arbitrage. How does the administration treat its users? Is there a black list of scammers? Do they often cheat?

Pay attention to whether there is a Safe Deal service on the exchange.

Does the exchange take a commission, how much does it cost to work on it. There are exchanges where you can start absolutely free of charge, and there are sites where, without first paying for an account with special features, it is almost impossible to get a job. For example, if you choose the largest exchange in Runet to start, get ready to pay immediately for a PRO account. Almost all projects here are closed from "mere mortals".

Account rates on major freelance exchanges : - no fixed rate; the calculation of the cost is carried out individually, and depends on the rating of the performer and his specialization. - from 440 to 650 rubles per month. - there is no fixed cost, the freelancer chooses how much to pay. - from 1 USD, depends on specialization.

Look at the number of projects – is there a lot of work? If you look at the major freelance exchanges, the number of projects per day reaches:

1300-1500 projects per day

500-800 projects per day

200-350 projects per day

150-300 projects per day

Look at project budgets. Remember that it is not so much the number of projects that matters, but their quality. Choose your specialization, see what kind of work is available and how much they offer for it. The price tag from the exchange to the exchange can vary significantly.

Many freelancers register on several sites at once. This is a smart move - so you have a better chance of finding a worthwhile project. And in order not to miss something important, you can use special aggregators of freelance projects . These are services that collect projects from several sites and display them in one feed. Projects can be sorted.

The most popular and convenient aggregators:

FreelanceGrab (to see projects from all exchanges, you need to register)

Trust large sites with good user reviews. After all, the exchange will now become your breadwinner, your main place of work.

Registration and registration of a profile

Have you chosen an exchange? Go ahead - register!

After registration, you need to complete your profile in as much detail as possible. This will increase the credibility of customers and will also add points to the rating.

A few tips for designing a profile on the freelance exchange :

Do not use stupid nicknames - Solnishko, Kotik, Yagodka. Use your real name - you're a professional!

Upload a real photo. No normal photo? Do it, it costs a penny, it will come in handy more than once - for resumes and social networks.

Write about yourself. Simply, no boasting. List your achievements, not places of work - this will tell the customer more. Compare:

"I worked at Horns and Hooves." By whom? Janitor? Loader?

“He worked as a leading designer at Horns and Hooves, created the design of the company's official website (link).

Now everything is clear.

List the benefits of working with you. Only not the ghostly "quality and speed." More specifics. For example, “I make up a landing page design in a day.”

Complete your portfolio. If there is no work, ask your friends to give you a task on which you could complete the work. Come up with something yourself. But the work in your profile must be mandatory, ideally - at least five.

Specify contacts. How to contact you? Many customers simply write to the artist they like by mail or on social networks.

Do not write too much and do not praise yourself - many letters will not be read, and eulogies will look suspicious.

Response to the project

As I wrote above, freelancers “fight” for each project in response to it. You need to stand out from the crowd so that the customer pays attention and chooses you. This is something remotely reminiscent of an auction, and all means are good in trading for a performer's place.

Many beginners think so, and write that they will do the work for the review. Or very underestimate the price of their services. If you want to be a successful freelancer, don't do this. Know your worth and answer like a pro:

Analyze the project and terms of reference (TOR) to it;

Think about what you can do for the customer;

Briefly outline your plan of action, give some practical advice. But all the cards do not need to be revealed;

Be sure to start your answer with a greeting: "Hello, Imyarek Imyarekovich." Politeness and the fact that you mentioned the name of the customer will immediately endear him to you.

No need to write answers like: "I will be glad to cooperate", "I am ready to work", or copy the same answer into a dozen projects. It looks like disrespect to the customer. And the chances of you being selected are negligible, because everyone wants attention to their person (especially the one who pays) . If you understand this, your chances of success increase.

The same is true for personal projects. Treat with understanding. State your plan of action. So you will demonstrate professionalism and a serious approach to business.

Pass by those projects in which the customer writes that you only need to respond to mail, and he will not read the answers under the TOR. In 80% of such cases, a fraudster is hiding behind the customer's nickname.

Fraudsters and how to deal with them

Speaking of scammers. There are a lot of them on freelance exchanges, and they come in all sorts of ways. The most common fraud schemes:

You are offered to complete a trial (test) task, which will not be paid later.

How to fight : Never do test tasks. You have an example of your work in your portfolio, if they do not suit the customer, let them look for another artist.

All correspondence is conducted via e-mail, you are given a task - you send the finished work - you are not paid.

How to fight : never send a finished unpaid work to a customer. The text can be screened and a watermark applied to it, watermarks are also superimposed on the logo, and the site is first uploaded to its hosting. Work through secure transaction services. Take an advance payment.

The scammer fakes your Skype, writes on his behalf to customers. Requires advance payment and hides.

How to fight : Don't share your contacts. Make sure that on the exchange they are hidden from prying eyes (at least from unregistered users). Write a warning in your profile that a scammer is operating under your nickname. Add customers to contacts yourself.

Fraudsters steal work from your portfolio and pass it off as their own.

How to fight : if you have identified such a scammer - write to the Site Administration and attach the source code of the work, or links where you uploaded it earlier.


It is best for a beginner freelancer to start working on exchanges. For a successful start you need:

Choose an exchange with good reviews and a user-friendly interface;

Work through a secure transaction service;

Fill out your profile in as much detail as possible, indicate your real name and upload a real photo;

Respond thoughtfully to projects;

Beware of scammers;

After completing the work, ask the customer to leave a positive review.

In fact, everything is simple - you need to start. Good luck on freelancing, and generous customers!

In the modern office environment, especially among IT people and creative people, the religious cult of the “free man” has recently emerged and is rapidly developing. As a rule, this is a person who abandoned his ordinary life, began to work for himself and now absolutely does not depend on anyone and lives as he wants and where he wants. Examples of the lives of such successful entrepreneurs, freelancers, and writers are usually accompanied by vivid pictures of tropical beaches, where our hero, with a glass in one hand and a laptop in the other, lazily makes another thousand dollars. Paradise, and only!

However, this one, like any other popular print, contains too much gloss. You have to pay for every thing, but for a product like Liberty you have to pay triple. We will tell you about the pitfalls and problems that you have to overcome on the way from office plankton to "free man".

1. Social protection

Now you can rely only on yourself: you do not receive health insurance, paid sick leave, paid vacation, retirement savings and many other widespread benefits and benefits of employees of large firms. When you are young you don't think much about it, but as time goes on it becomes more and more important.

2. Freedom is only an appearance

Your expectations can be insidiously deceived. You get rid of the need to rush to work by a certain time, but at the same time you get an irregular working day. You think you'll never see your stupid boss again, and in return you get dozens of finicky clients who behave even worse. It is likely that soon your old office life will seem to you a stronghold of calm and comfort.

3. Separate work from personal life

Now you will not be able to close the office door and completely forget about work until the next day. You won't turn off your phone or stop checking your mail, because an important order or a call from a client may come. Forget about your personal life, now you don't have it.

4. You work for everyone

If you worked in a large office, where one department does not know what the other is doing, and for any action you need to fill out a bunch of papers, then you can relax - now you will work one for all. If you have an online store, then at first you will have to work as a loader, and a courier, and an order acceptance department, translators will have to look for customers themselves, and if you are a writer, you will have to learn how to sell your masterpieces.

5. Unknown

Yes, working for a company makes you feel like a cog in a big machine. But this "big machine" has its own recognizable name, authority, the ability to throw competitors and resources into the ditch in order to survive difficult times. Starting to work for yourself, you will often face the fact that “you are nobody and there is no way to call you”, and building your own all-terrain vehicle may take your whole life.

6. Forget vacation

That guy in the first photo looks good, doesn't he? The only problem is that he does not rest, he works. Perhaps he solves an important problem and does not even notice the sun, water and sand around. Do you need such a vacation?

7. Loneliness

In articles about office life, they like to remember about tyrants of bosses and stupid employees. But it happens, and quite often, in a completely different way: a great friendly team, a wise boss, parties, corporate parties. Now you work alone and there is no one to exchange a word with, so be prepared for bouts of loneliness.

8. Attitude of others

For many, many people, the word "freelancer" is consonant with the word "unemployed". All normal people get up in the morning and go to work, and you drink coffee and sit down at the computer. Here you can come across a misunderstanding even of relatives, especially at first, until you prove the importance of your work with the numbers on your account.

9. Instability

You don't know when you're going on vacation (it depends on the clients), you can't plan your day because there's no strict working hours, your income goes up and down. You have lost control of your life. Are you sure this is freedom?

Can you add to this list or refute it? I invite you to the discussion in the comments.

How to become a freelancer from scratch without education and experience? To answer this question, we must first understand the terms. ?

A freelancer is usually called a person who works remotely (via the Internet) and is hired to fulfill the orders of the employer, while not being on the staff of the company.

Modern technologies allow a person to work not in the office, but in a cozy and warm apartment or cafe, while drinking hot tea. There are many different sites on the World Wide Web where you can find freelance work.

Freelancing is now available in many professions, such as copywriting, website development, programming, design, etc.

The most popular profession that modern freelancers do on the Internet is copywriting. After all, unique, high-quality texts are needed almost everywhere now. Especially those who earn money with the help of information sites need them.

Now in popular search engines the following request is very common: “I want to become a freelancer. What do we have to do?". You will find the answer to this in this article.

Of the many advantages of freelancing, I would like to highlight the following:

  • The freelancer chooses his own work (orders) and evaluates his own work.
  • Work from home that will help you focus better and get the job done better.
  • There is an opportunity to make the most of your time and make your own work schedule.
  • A significant amount of money is saved, which employees of firms and enterprises spend on travel to the place of work.

How to become a freelancer on the Internet, who would be successful among customers and be in demand? The answer to this question lies on the surface. In this article, we'll take a look at 12 essential steps that will help you become a successful internet worker and succeed in whatever profession you choose.

When you carefully study these steps and follow them, we are sure that questions like “How to become a successful freelancer?” you will drop by themselves.

12 Steps to Start Freelancing and Get to the Top of Your Career

    • Step 1. We get constant high-speed access to the Internet. It is clear that to work on the Internet requires uninterrupted access to the World Wide Web. It is best that such an Internet be high-speed, because it will be more comfortable and pleasant to work with it (everyone knows how annoying situations are when the Internet hangs, pages of sites load slowly or the connection is completely disconnected).

  • Step 2. We determine what we can do, we can, and what services we will provide. Before choosing a direction of activity, a freelancer should independently understand what he can do and what services he will provide to customers on the Internet. There is no need to choose an occupation according to the principle “which profession is more in demand”, because without understanding the “more demanded” occupation, you will not achieve success and will not be able to earn a lot.
  • Step 3. We determine and find out the prices for the services that we will provide. A successful freelancer must always know his own worth, regardless of whether the clients like these prices. The main thing is not to work for a penny, but also not to go too far. It is best to find out in advance the prices for the services you are going to provide to people. If they suit you, feel free to get to work.
  • Step 4. We start a working mailbox. For comfortable work, it is best to have your own mailbox. This way you can communicate with customers. In addition, the mailbox can be used to register on sites that you will use as job sites.
  • Step 5. We start ICQ, Skype for communication with employers and customers. As mentioned above, for convenient communication with customers, you can use the mailbox, but the presence of Skype and ICQ also does not hurt.
  • Step 6. We register on freelance exchanges and correctly, fill out our questionnaire in detail. To find your first customers, you need to register on freelance exchanges that offer all kinds of work for performers. For your own safety, it is better to work through such exchanges, since working directly with clients can be unsafe. When registering, it is important to fill out your questionnaire in detail and without errors, since on the Internet it is your “face”.
  • Step 7. We make a portfolio of our work and post it on the stock exchanges. In order for your future customers to be able to see the quality of your work, it is important to make several works and fill your portfolio with them. This will inspire more confidence in you as a performer.
  • Step 8. We are looking for the first orders and customers. Now that all the preparatory work is completed, you can start searching for orders. Take an interest in the exchange you have chosen, what orders customers have placed on it and get to work. If there are no orders available for you, it may be worth visiting other freelance exchanges.
  • Step 10. If things are going well, with a large volume of orders and work, recruit your freelance team to complete large projects. If you are serious about working on the Internet and want to earn a lot of money, over time, you will be able to assemble your team of professional freelancers and take on large projects and orders, thus earning even more.
  • Step 11. Open your company and work both online and offline. When you see that your business is going well and the implementation of large projects is on stream, after a while you can even open your own company. Such a company can work both online and offline.
  • Step 12. Register IP. And now, you have already reached the top of your freelance career and outgrown it, becoming the owner of your own company. Now other freelancers are working for you. It remains only to register as an individual entrepreneur and legally conduct your business.

As you can see, by starting small, you can reach heights that you most likely never dreamed of. The main thing is to constantly act and take the necessary steps that will bring you closer to achieving your goals. Also, in the process of work, you must constantly learn and acquire the necessary knowledge. After all, this is the only way to succeed.

It should be remembered that everything does not happen at once. Success must be achieved gradually. Free cheese is only in a mousetrap - this saying should also be remembered when working as a freelancer. We hope that your question “How to become a freelancer from scratch?” we answered. Now it remains only to take the will into a fist and gradually move towards the intended goal ...

Hello friends! Are your fears bothering you? How many opportunities have you missed by letting uncertainty take over? Have you ever been hurt by watching others manage to embody what you lack the courage to do?

If you have never experienced such feelings, then you are a unique case, a rock man. If you constantly experience them, but this has become a habitual state and does not interfere with your life, I can hardly help you. Today my article is for those who are scared, but who are ready to take a risk and take a step towards their desires. I will tell you how to become a freelancer from scratch.

In the previous article, we analyzed . Now I want to tell you where to start and where to go to become a successful freelancer.

Hardware setup

I would not talk about obvious things if they did not help to tune in to the right wave. The most difficult thing is to make a decision and take the first step. Let these simple actions become a kind of initiation into freelancers:

  1. Prepare a computer with internet access. This is the main tool of a freelancer, moreover, it is his office. Turn on the installation that from now on your laptop is your work, opened it - came to work, closed it - left work. In front of the monitor screen, you are a cool specialist, period. It should become a habit, or even better, become a reflex.
  2. Get e-wallets. This method of payment for services is very common in the world of remote work. And how it motivates to further action!

Restoring the facade

To communicate with customers, you will use all possible methods: email, pages on social networks, Skype, phone, Viber, WhatsApp - whatever is more convenient for the client. The more contacts, the better!

All profiles and names should look formal and adequate. Would you agree to give an order to a performer with the nickname 4elovek muxa666 and the corresponding avatar? Creative, but a rich imagination is better to demonstrate in a different way.

Your profiles must have your name and your face. Well-groomed and combed. How would you look if you were going to business negotiations offline?

In remote work, the same laws apply - they are greeted by clothes. Take a high-quality photo where you look presentable, and let it become your calling card. Let the heroes know by sight.

The design of your pages on social networks is very important. When making this or that entry, posting this or that photo, remember that one day a person will come to your page who wants to give you a job. What will he see? What conclusions will he draw? It is in your hands to create any image that will work for you or against you.

Choosing a profession

If you already know exactly what you want to do as a freelancer, that's great. If you have no idea where to start, I recommend you read the book "7 professions for quick money on the Internet". After reading it, you will have no questions left about how to start working remotely. You can get the book absolutely free.

We grow and develop

You have taken the first step and decided on a profession - the hardest part is over! From now on, your habitual state should be constant development. Read, watch, listen - in a word, absorb everything that in one way or another can contribute to your professional growth and inspire new ideas.

From my own experience, I can say that an excellent start is online courses in the chosen direction. You find yourself in an environment of like-minded people and get a professional mentors. Such courses help to avoid a lot of bumps that self-taught beginners fill.

I foresee objections that such training, as a rule, is paid. Pay for your education or not, the choice is yours. But any business requires investment. If you decide to learn a new profession from scratch, then the business project is now you. And for your development, investments are needed: time, effort, intellectual resources.

Financial investments will help speed things up and in a short time you will receive information that you will collect on your own for much longer, and in the work of a freelancer, time is money. Learn to plan effectively.

We create a portfolio

We read movie reviews before we go to the cinema. My girlfriend will not go for a manicure without first getting acquainted with the work of the master. I won't order a bouquet for her without going through the catalog of my chosen florist. Reviews for everything and everything make life much easier, save time and money.

Needless to say, when choosing a contractor, any customer will want to get acquainted with his work in order to assess the level of professionalism. That is why the presence of a portfolio and reviews of satisfied employers will be a big trump card when looking for orders.

In order to do it, you need to work for free. Tell your friends and acquaintances what you are doing now, for sure there will be those among them who need your services right now. Especially for free. To reach a larger audience, you can place a similar ad on your pages on social networks. Believe me, the first orders will not be long in coming.

Having in your arsenal examples of work performed, it will be much easier for you to build relationships with the following customers.

With each new order, you will grow in your eyes and this is a very pleasant feeling. Fears will gradually recede, and they will be replaced by competence and self-confidence.

Where to find freelance work

All job search tips for aspiring freelancers come down to signing up. The cost of orders on exchanges is minimal and those who want to get big money from the first days will be disappointed there.

But if you look at the exchange as a platform for finding regular customers, then the possibilities are endless. Very often, employers place a test task for 100 - 200 rubles in order to find a responsible contractor for a bulky job. This has happened to me many times.

Don't be afraid to take on assignments that seem too difficult. You won't know if you're into it or not until you try it. Challenge yourself. The Exchange is a survival school for recruits. Many give up, and those who overcome obstacles move on to the next level.

I have already considered the topic.

Where else to find a job

Do not limit yourself to exchanges, this is not the only opportunity to find a job. I want to convey to you the main idea: every site, every blog, every Internet project is a potential source of income for you. Realizing this, it will be much easier for you to get rid of fears and develop in the field of remote work and freelancing.

Here are a few more ways to find jobs online:

1. Follow projects that interest you. Very often, they place information about the search for employees directly on the main pages. For them, this is the most effective way to find an interested specialist, for you it is the most effective way to find a job you like.

2. Direct Search- if you really want to join a project, you can contact its creators directly. Who will lose from the fact that you write a letter or message on a social network with a vivid story about yourself and your strong desire to work in this particular team?

Such an appeal will definitely not go unnoticed, because it:

  • very personal;
  • based on a sincere interest in a particular topic.

And even if right now this employer has nothing to offer you, he will definitely contact you when your services are needed. This happened to me too many times.

3. Job site ads. Despite the fact that most companies require relevant experience, you can always impress with your cover letter, test assignment, suggestions for optimizing the company's work.

We keep the brand

Reputation is everything. She must be flawless. Many freelancers have a problem - optionality. As a customer, I had to deal with the fact that tasks were not completed on time or were not completed at all. And this is with my willingness to pay well for quality services.

It is clear that such performers are unlikely to have a freelance career, but my time was wasted forever. And my time is also money.

Your word is iron! Called the deadline - handed over the task on time. This should be the main rule.

Customers carefully transfer competent and responsible specialists to each other. If you have quality work and an impeccable reputation, over time, you will no longer need to look for orders, employers will come to you themselves.

As a parting word

If you dream of becoming a freelancer and working remotely, but it seems to you that this is not for dummies without special education, read on carefully:

I am convinced that desire and a determined attitude are not “from scratch” at all, this is more than half of the success.

You need to do very little - fill the theoretical gap, if there is one at all, and then use your discipline, diligence and dedication.

I wish you to turn your fears into a driving force, dear readers of my blog. They can be made to work for your success.

If you need support and a step-by-step plan of action, then come to our training "".