How to start an online medical business. Promising areas of medical business for the next decade Medical business ideas

Are you a professional nurse, a professional doctor or a medical practitioner? Have you ever looked at a job different from bedside work? In other words, have you ever thought about starting a side business that can supplement your income? If yes, then below are ten small business ideas for nurses, doctors, and healthcare professionals.
Combining your professional experience, your personality and motivation may be all you need to start your own healthcare business. There are endless opportunities you can join and the nice aspect of this is that it won't get in the way of your medical career. So without wasting any time, below are ten creative business ideas for nurses and doctors from which you will make a lot of profit:

Top 10 small business ideas for doctors and nurses.

1. Private nursing service.
You can set up your own private care center where you will take care of patients who are being treated for diseases and injuries. Instead of visiting the hospital too often, patients would rather pay you to study their recovery, treat their wounds, and so on.
One mistake you should avoid in this business is taking on the duties of a doctor, especially if you are a nurse or lack experience in the matter. You will maintain your integrity by sending patients to qualified physicians whenever the need arises.

2. Home nursing care.
This is very similar to the option above, but the difference is that you are caring for patients in their own homes rather than in a private facility. Most patients, although not in doctor's appointments, are not strong enough to leave their homes while recovering from illness or injury.
Such patients would prefer to pay their own expenses in order to receive their treatment at home. Because this business requires you to visit patients in their homes, you can charge patients much higher; for this and other reasons.

3. Blogging.
Blogging is big business these days. You, too, can create a blog that discusses certain health-related topics or other topics such as your hobbies or experience as a medical practitioner. While it takes a lot of time, effort, and sometimes money to build a profitable blog, the profits will keep coming in once you're able to build a large audience and embrace smart monetization options. If you are very good at writing, blogging is perfect for you.

4. Write and sell books or e-books.
While there are medical textbooks and other resources that explain various disorders and diseases, the information they contain is far more complex than the average person can comprehend.
As a nurse, physician, or medical practitioner, you can bridge the gap between medical texts and the populace by explaining medical terms such as diseases and disorders in simple, everyday language that everyone can understand.
People are becoming more health conscious and need books and other resources that are provided in plain language. So you can make a fortune by creating books or e-books that explain specific medical conditions in simple terms.

5. Sale of medical supplies.
As a medical practitioner who knows how to handle most hospital equipment and instruments, you can start selling these medical supplies. You can target hospitals by selling patient care items such as adult diapers, disinfectants, etc.
You can also target doctors and your fellow nurses by selling the tools they use such as stethoscopes, blood pressure monitors, etc. You will have the largest service market by selling medical instruments that can be used at home, such as digital blood pressure monitors, glucose meters, scales, etc.

6. Freelance writing.
Are you a very good writer? Then you can turn your skills into cash by managing health and medical writing projects for individuals and healthcare companies. You can also write blog posts for health and medical blogs. Another very profitable option is to write for newspapers, magazines and health publications. Some publications cost $1,000 per article.

7. Private consultations for patients.
If you have worked as a nurse/physician for many years, chances are that you have the experience needed to offer counseling services to patients with minimal health problems that are relevant to your specialty. Again, you have to be careful if you choose this idea. Don't overstep your boundaries by playing the part of a doctor unless you are a real doctor.

8. Career Advisor.
Another good business idea is to give career advice to nurses and other healthcare professionals who are just starting their careers. Share with them what you have learned over the years. Teach them what you wanted to learn yourself when you first started. They would be happy to pay you for these vital pieces of information.

9. Tutoring.
As a nurse or doctor, you can make more money by educating female students at any nursing school or certification program around you. Start by searching the web for nursing/physician training programs and apply for a mentor position. While this business option will not make you rich, it will provide you with enough money to pay some bills.

10. OTC drugs.
If the laws in your country do not condemn it, you can make extra income by running a shop/pharmacy patent and selling over-the-counter drugs.

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Each of the entrepreneurs can open their own private clinic without even having a special education, and this can become quite promising for their future business.

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This requires desire, financial resources and perseverance.

Experts say that such a business is better done not by a practicing doctor, but by a specialist with organizational or entrepreneurial skills.

How to start opening a private medical clinic

Often there are cases when private clinics open insurance companies. Thanks to this, they reduce the cost of first aid on their own insurance policies.

But entrepreneurs mainly open medical centers of narrow specialization.

Thus, it is possible to reduce investments at the initial stage, and this project will pay off quite quickly, but you may not risk opening a medical clinic, but start with a pharmacy selling medicines.

The most popular and profitable in the field of medicine are such areas as dentistry, gynecology, urology and cosmetology.

If you are familiar with any of these areas, develop it.

For example, you can open a specialized solarium if your town does not yet have one. Such a business is considered profitable and promising.

How to choose a room for a private clinic

In almost any business, the location of your institution plays an important role.. The same applies to private clinics. It is best if it is located closer to the city center, a busy highway or near one of the metro stations.

As for the area of ​​​​the premises, it depends on what range of services you are going to provide. So for a dental office, 30 sq. meters. 15 of which will be needed to equip the doctor's office.

The rest of the space will be needed for the administrator and the hall for visitors. For a room for sterilization work, 5 square meters will be enough. meters. All these dimensions comply with established norms and rules.

Also, do not forget that, according to the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service, the room must have special ventilation, lighting, and be repaired.

And for the operation of medical hospitals and hospitals, special hygienic requirements are imposed on equipment, placement and arrangement.

What equipment to choose for a private clinic

The main cost part of opening a medical institution is the purchase of specialized medical equipment. Modern devices are quite expensive.

For example, an ultrasound machine will cost you 160,000 dollars, and in order to create a diagnostic laboratory, you will need from 10 to 70 thousand dollars.

In the initial stages, businessmen can save some money by purchasing used medical equipment.

If qualified doctors work for you, then the quality of medical services will not suffer from not quite new equipment.

But if you are going to open a modern clinic according to Western standards and at high prices, then the equipment must be appropriate.

Do I need permission to open a medical clinic?

It doesn’t matter what type of activity your medical clinic is, in any case it is subject to licensing.

In order to issue such a license, there must already be a room, staff and a certain list of the same certified equipment.

Once you apply for a license, it can be reviewed within two months.

According to unofficial data, in order to form all the necessary package of documents, the licensing process can take up to a year.

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Also, a license can be valid only for a predetermined address of the clinic, and in addition, each type of medical service must have its own separate license..

In order for your clinic to have the right to issue sick leaves, there is also a separate license or a specialist with a separate certificate must be in your state.

Before you plan the budget for creating a clinic, you need to take into account the simple clinic when processing documents and licensing.

What staff to select for a medical clinic

As for the selection of service personnel, you must treat this procedure with all importance..

If necessary, seek the advice of a specialist.

All employees of your clinic must have a diploma of medical education, higher medical categories and academic degrees.

They must also have valid certificates and preferably an internship or work experience abroad, sometimes even a foreign language is required.

The average monthly salary of doctors in private institutions today ranges from 800 to 2000 dollars, but for nurses about 300 dollars. It all depends on the region, profession, work experience and other factors.

Very often in the field of private medicine there is a poaching of doctors from one institution to another. Everyone wants to have a qualified specialist who would be an advertisement for customers. Therefore, it will not be so easy to find the appropriate staff.

How much money do you need to open a private medical clinic

So let's get to the most important question. How much money is needed to create your own medical institution? If this is a small rented room, and a narrow profile clinic, then such a business will cost you from 30 to 50 thousand dollars.

To open a clinic of a narrow specialization, you will need:

  1. purchase or rental of premises, as well as its cosmetic repairs - from 4 thousand dollars;
  2. medical instruments and consumables - about 2 thousand;
  3. equipment for one of the activities - 20 - 25 thousand dollars;
  4. license for one type of activity - from $ 200;

The amount received for one type of activity comes out in the region of 30 thousand dollars.

For one type of service, such as dentistry or a solarium, this will be enough.

In order to open an institution with diagnostic equipment, where different areas will be presented, about 100 thousand dollars will be needed.

Often, entrepreneurs in this area start with a small, narrowly specialized clinic. And after their business gets better and starts to make a profit, they expand both the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises and the types of services.

Then a small office turns into a serious medical center. For an average clinic, you will need several specialized doctors and nurses. This staff will work in shifts. We also need a clinic administrator and an accountant..

How much can you earn on the services of a private medical clinic

Under the condition of full workload - about 50 visitors per day, the monthly income of such a clinic will be 2 million rubles. Taking into account the fact that the average cost of one visit will be around 1500 rubles.

Popular medical services

Among the most popular medical services, the first place is occupied by such a direction as dentistry.. Next comes gynecology. The third place is occupied by urology. After her come sexopathology, plastic surgery, medical cosmetology.

And then ophthalmology and vision correction. And in seventh place are various multidisciplinary clinics. But you can also try to create a clinic that is not available in your city. Then you will certainly get regular customers, even despite the high pricing policy.

This business idea is very promising and, with the right approach, can bring just a lot of money.

How much can you earn

Despite the rather high initial investment that is needed to open a private medical institution, a business in this industry is considered to pay off quickly and has a high profitability. By opening a small private clinic and investing about 3-4 million rubles in starting a business, you can count on an average payback time of one year. According to experts, the maximum monthly income of a private clinic at the first stages of business implementation can reach 3 million rubles, excluding taxes and other monthly expenses. At the same time, your clinic should have about 50 visitors every day with an average cost of one visit of 2000 rubles. You can earn money by conducting diagnostics, taking tests and compiling medical consultations.

What OKVED must be indicated for a private medical clinic

To register a medical clinic with the tax service, you must specify the relevant OKVED codes from the section: “ ACTIVITIES IN THE FIELD OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES". The most appropriate code for this business would be 86.10: ACTIVITIES OF HOSPITAL ORGANIZATIONS.

What documents are needed to open

First of all, a novice businessman needs to register his activity in the organizational and legal field. To do this, you should become registered with the pension fund and submit documents for registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For registration of IP, the list of documents is as follows:

  • Passport.
  • A copy of the tax code.
  • Receipt of payment of state duty.
  • A notarized application for registration of an individual entrepreneur indicating all relevant OKVED codes.

Since it is necessary to carry out licensing for the operation of a medical clinic, the relevant documents should also be prepared. At the same time, honey the center must have suitable premises, qualified personnel, equipment and appropriate certificates for it. In addition, you need to obtain separate permission for the provision of medical services and the issuance of sick leave.

Which taxation system to choose for a private medical clinic

For a private clinic, the simplified taxation system (STS) is more suitable, which is 6% of revenue or 15% of the total profit of the company.

business technology

To open a small medical center, you will need to hire a small staff. Among them should be:

  • Two doctors (for shift work).
  • Two nurses.
  • Accountant.
  • Administrator. You can play the role yourself.

In the early stages, it is better to provide narrow-profile services, for example, in the field of dentistry or ophthalmology. In the future, it is recommended to expand the clinic, staff and services provided. It is imperative to monitor the microclimate in the room, maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity. Before opening, you should also think about the successful location of the medical clinic. It is better if it is located in a densely populated area of ​​the city or near the metro.

New to opening a private medical clinic

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How to start your own medical business? Even 10-20 years ago, people were distrustful of private property. Today, having weighed the pros and cons, patients are increasingly turning to the services of "private traders". And since there is a "demand", then why not make a "supply". Let's take a step-by-step look at the entire process of opening a private practice from the birth of an idea to the admission of patients.

First step: Choice of direction of work

Choose in which area of ​​medicine you can work, taking into account your specialized education. Also calculate how much financial costs will require the opening of your office.

Second step: Registration of a doctor as an individual entrepreneur or creation of a legal entity

First you need to decide in which your business will exist. When registering an FLP, a doctor has the right to hire other doctors only if he has the highest qualification category and only in his specialty. To register a FLP, the registrar at the place of residence must submit:

  • a completed registration card for the state registration of FLP;
  • a copy of the identification code;

If all the documents are filled out correctly, within 2 days you will be registered as an individual entrepreneur, you will be issued an Extract from the Unified State Register.

To register a legal entity, you must submit:

  • a completed registration card for state registration of a legal entity;
  • a sample decision of the founders on the creation of a legal entity;
  • two samples of the constituent document of a legal entity;
  • a copy of the receipt of payment of the registration fee.

Registration of a legal entity takes 3 working days from the date of submission of documents.

Step three: Finding the right room

The requirements for the premises are determined by the State Building Regulations. When looking for a space, there are many factors to consider. In particular, hospitals, ambulance substations, bacteriological laboratories and pharmacy warehouses cannot be placed in residential and public buildings. However, it is allowed to place antenatal clinics, dental clinics, offices of general practitioners in residential and public buildings.

Step four: Recruitment

It is equally important to find qualified specialists. Persons who have a medical education and meet qualification requirements can engage in medical activities.

Step five: Purchase of equipment, medicines

It is impossible to carry out the practice of treatment without the material and technical base. The office, center or hospital must be equipped with medical devices according to the equipment tables.

Step six: Obtaining the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service

The conclusion that the premises meet the sanitary standards for the implementation of medical practice is issued at the place of provision of services.

Step seven: Obtaining a license to practice medicine

The most troublesome stage, but the most important. You can only practice medicine if you have a license. To obtain a license to the Ministry of Health, the applicant must submit:

  • an application for a license;
  • a description of the documents that are attached to the application;
  • information about the material and technical base of the business entity.
  • information on the availability of regulatory legal acts, including on standardization issues
  • personnel information;
The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon

Private medicine has been actively practiced in our country for a long time, this is primarily due to the fact that the salaries of doctors in public clinics are not very high, and many experienced specialists want to raise their level of earnings by providing medical services and consultations. When opening a business in the field of medicine, you must first of all be an expert in your field, have the appropriate education and a license for activities that you need to obtain from government agencies. Private paid medicine enables entrepreneurs to buy new expensive equipment and good medicines, which provides a better approach to solving clients' health problems. Many open centers related to medicine choose one niche and work in this direction, for example, the same gynecologists or dentists. All of them start their small business from scratch, for example with a small office, and subsequently, as the number of clients grows, they expand their business through new equipment premises and the search for qualified personnel.

It is worth noting a few key points that you may encounter if you decide to run a business in the medical field. Firstly, this is a very complex business that requires a serious approach to the treatment of each client. You must be an experienced specialist who has already helped many people in practice, high-quality expensive equipment will help you, realize your duties. Secondly, it is responsibility. After all, you will be dealing with human health, you need a clear procedure for treatment, prescribing medicines and monitoring the healing process. Contraindications for a particular person, allergic reactions and many other factors, all this must be taken into account. Thirdly, it is the search for experienced employees. The reputation of your health care business will directly depend on the quality of your staff. If the doctor does something wrong, word of it will quickly spread and it will be difficult for you to cleanse your center of notoriety. Despite all these nuances, this is a fairly profitable type of business, which also benefits people.

Clients often go to a private clinic for the speed of service, they do not need to stand in queues here, since the appointment is at a convenient time for them. On the other hand, it is modern equipment and quality of service in general.

Let's highlight the main areas of business ideas in the medical field:

  • dentistry.
  • children's doctor.
  • gynecologist.
  • massage room.
  • laser vision correction.
  • cosmetic procedures.
  • services of a personal trainer to restore the health of the body. This can include running and exercise.
  • veterinary care and more.

These are just some of the categories in which you can start and begin to develop. By the way, all doctors in private clinics often attend all modern seminars and advanced training courses in order to keep the brand of a specialist and introduce new technologies into the process of treating clients.

In this section of the site, we have selected the most relevant medical business ideas that have already been put into practice in many cities. We tried to consider not only the theoretical part of the directions, but also give examples of business plans with calculations that will help you evaluate investments and the payback period of investments. Read, comment and share your experience in this market segment.

Interesting medical business ideas and their implementation

In the West, medicine is the most profitable industry. A doctor is one of the most mega-highly paid specialists with a higher education, and even a qualified nurse receives a salary in the West comparable only to that of a deputy.

And all because the West is guided by the main idea of ​​the Enlightenment... The idea, according to which - suffering is NOT a necessary state of human existence. According to any religious mysticism (even Western Christian, even any Eastern one), a person cannot help but suffer, and moreover, suffering is “good”, as it develops the soul and brings a person closer to God.

In the 18th century, when those ideals that were later called the “ideals of the Enlightenment” were first clearly formulated, people finally understood that suffering MUST be eradicated. And science has proven that by studying diligently and not negligently working, we will eventually understand how best to eradicate human suffering.

Over time, the West made a major breakthrough. Thanks to science and business free from state tutelage (which feeds and spurs science), those sufferings that were previously presented to almost everyone were eradicated. conditions for the normal existence of mankind on the planet and were seen as incorrigible.

  • So, young women of 20-23 years old stopped dying from childbirth (which used to be natural and normal in any social class of society),
  • the general infant and child mortality was significantly reduced (which led to the natural extinction of the obligatory large families of one mother (when, again, a family of any social class needed to give birth to 13-15 heirs so that at least 2-3 of them lived to adulthood),
  • smallpox has ceased to mow down the neighborhoods of the poor and disfigure the faces of those rare lucky ones who were lucky enough to survive its attack,
  • typhoid and cholera are no longer the spring heralds of thawed rivers, leaving this privilege to swallows and starlings,
  • winter has ceased to kill thousands of people with its pneumonia - thank God, now the diagnosis of “pneumonia” is not a 100% predictor of death,
  • doctors treat teeth using anesthesia, and therefore people now treat them,
  • and the signs of aging have moved so far that the modern forty-year-old now looks the way a 25-year-old did not look before in his time - half toothless, with pockmarks on his face, and traces of rickets suffered in childhood ...

The West loves medicine, just as it loves science in general. Because his ideal is a healthy, beautiful, long-living and active person is tirelessly brought to life, thanks to the joint practical efforts of the whole society and its many institutions.

No wonder one of the favorite television series genres among ordinary viewers around the world is the “medical series”. The success of "Doctor House" confirms the idea that the Doctor (especially kind, fair and disinterested) is the main positive character and hero of our time...

Many, meanwhile, continue to shout that medicine is now engaged in some outrageous "spills" ...

That all advanced scientific research is connected with such “things unworthy of intelligent and believing people” somehow:

  • prolongation of youthfulness of the face,
  • sex change,
  • organ transplants for rich terminally ill people (according to these critics, “if you get sick, then die!”),
  • artificial insemination and surrogacy (according to such critics, “if you can’t give birth, don’t give birth!”),
  • replacement of worn joints for the elderly so that they can walk on their own (contrary to the opinion: “Get old - drag yourself to the cemetery!”),
  • improvement of appearance and striking physical defects through aesthetic surgery (contrary to the opinion - “born a freak - don’t you dare dream about anything!”).

Of course, the rampant fashion for implants, for breast augmentation, pumping out extra centimeters from the hips - will piss anyone off. And it is true that it is precisely such (far from high spirituality) requests of the inhabitants that are the pusher, the catalyst for modern medical research, on which incredible funds are spent.

But let's be consistent...

Do you know WHAT was the ONLY stimulus to the development of medicine as a science in the recent past?

It is by no means the desire of a rich blonde to increase her bust by a couple more sizes. And things are scarier...

Throughout the history of the development of medicine, the only incentive for its development was ... wars.

And the jump that immediately quickly “developed” medicine from the level of Hippocrates (where it had been for millennia) to (approximately) our current level was ... the invention of firearms.

Yes, it was gunshot wounds and the one hundred percent death associated with them from blood poisoning that made such a science as surgery. And the rest of the medical industry immediately caught up with it.

And now times have changed. We have become a little less bloodthirsty. We wanted to live and live long. And be beautiful. And now medicine is fed by a completely different incentive - not an incentive to win more land, slaves, colonies and markets, littering the earth with the corpses of cheap "cannon fodder", as before, but the desire of mankind for eternal youth and immortality.

The earth is already all open, there are no white spots on the globe. The policy of colonialism is in the distant past. We finally breathed a sigh of peace in this era of the Armistice and began to play “spillikins” ...

If you look closely at the business in modern medicine, you will see there - the fight against obesity, allergies, cosmetic deficiencies of the face and body, ideas in veterinary medicine ...

Too small? Read the previous paragraphs again!

This invention belongs to the leisurely Swiss, who have always been leaders in medicine, being for many centuries a kind of “all-European health resort”.

A resident of the State of Washington decided to punish a doctor with a fine for making her wait for her appointment for two hours without giving good reasons!

Now doctors are officially fined if they decide to create queues at their offices.

And here is the next business idea in medicine - a dental control button - an invention for which honor and praise are given to psychologists.

There is a saying: "Power is disgusting, like the hands of a barber." Let me explain what it is about. Previously, the barber not only cut the client's hair, but also shaved his stubble on his face with a straight razor.

A straight razor is a serious and scary thing. And the barbers also put their finger in the client's mouth to cleanly shave the cheek ...

At that moment, the barber REALLY had power over his client, whose appearance was at that moment very pitiful. Many feared that the barber could easily stab him... That is why the invention of safe machines and the introduction of the fashion for self-shaving was perceived as progress and completely destroyed the shaving service at the barber.

The same thing happens with a patient in a dental chair. At some point, he completely loses control over the situation - his mouth is wide open and lined with cotton, the dentist's hands are shoved up to the elbow in his throat, neither scream nor stop if you feel that something is going wrong.

This fear is purely psychological, but, however, a civilized society always takes into account the psychology of the client - and it is right.

The fact is that the release of adrenaline (which occurs when we are very afraid) worsens well-being, healing, and even worsens the effect of anesthesia.

Here is a simple invention - the "Stop" button, which allows an immobilized and numb person to psychologically feel his control over the situation.

The next topic is a business idea in medicine - the invention of “Liquid for removing plaster and bandages without pain".

Do you know what is the most interesting thing about this invention? It belongs to a child - a third grade student, a girl from Florida.

Imagine how much easier the bureaucratic procedure for entering a new “drug” into the register is, if this drug or medical device really deserves recognition and is not dangerous!

And this invention became the winner in Britain at the annual exhibition of goods for persons with disabilities - a wheelchair lift.

A gadget that will delight all small children (they will start scanning everything for them - a cat, a grandmother, a dad who came home from work, an English teacher ...) and moms, whose lectures on hygiene will now be accompanied by an indisputable visual aid.


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