How to open a mixed martial arts club business plan. Boxing school as a business

Boxing is an occupation from the series “does not kill, but makes stronger”. Like other martial arts, it teaches you to resist stress, improves reaction time and the ability to control the situation. Excellent physical shape, coupled with balance and psychological stability - isn't this what a modern city dweller needs? Give it to him, build a business in the unique niche of fitness services.

Opening a boxing club is a super-relevant entrepreneurial idea. The people are fed up with ordinary fitness, and have already acquired a craving for a healthy lifestyle. Improving your own body today is not a luxury, but a request of the mass consumer. At the same time, the Russians are ready for experiments in terms of the format of classes.

The niche of fitness services (sports and health) is relatively free today in cities with a population of up to 1 million inhabitants. But even in megacities there is where to turn around. Here you can successfully compete with online fitness players by occupying a narrow niche. The ideal moment has come to open brutal fighting schools and cozy studios, today such establishments are increasingly attracting the audience of the usual fitness. Narrow specialization, sports business with charisma - this is the basis of the school's success. But first things first.

Key business indicators: investments - from 500 thousand rubles, payback period - 0.5-1 year.

Business model

Boxing clubs are a kind of fitness centers and belong to the fitness services market. Therefore, the same rules apply to business as to the industry as a whole. However, there are nuances.

Boxing clubs that train the youth sports reserve and professional athletes are essentially educational: they use additional general education and general developmental training programs, and conduct appraisal of students. Such activities are subject to licensing and are not considered in this article.

The essence of business. Product

A boxing school (club) is a commercial sports and health institution specializing in boxing training for ordinary people, not athletes. The essence of the business is to adapt professional boxing for amateurs: clients improve their physical fitness by mastering martial arts. The main product is boxing classes, which include general physical training and training in fighting techniques. The degree of specialization of the club may be different.

In Russia, projects are successfully operating, tailored for one type of boxing and developing several areas at once:

  • classical;
  • Thai (Muay Thai);
  • French (savate);
  • kickboxing, etc.

The list of workouts can be supplemented with crossfit, which is used as a general physical training for fighters, and stretching, which is useful for kickboxing. One of the most popular areas is women's kickboxing, which is more effective for building an ideal body than regular fitness. And it's also fun.

Additional sources of income for the club: holding competitions, selling equipment (uniform, gloves, bandages), detox bar.

Classes are divided into:

  • group;
  • mini-groups;
  • individual (personal).

The target audience. Center Format

The boxing club's clients are people of any age and gender with an average and above average income. As a rule, successful projects are focused on working with men, but additionally recruit children's and women's groups. You can focus only on the neophytes or conduct classes for boxers with training.

In large cities with a population of over 500 thousand inhabitants, the format of a boxing center for "white collars" is promising. Intellectual boxing is practiced here: managers / managers relieve stress after a hard day, improve their fighting qualities, abilities for concentration and self-control.

The choice of the target audience depends entirely on the concept of the institution. It is important to clearly position the club. Pricing, the level of professionalism of trainers, the location of the institution, the specifics of advertising and marketing efforts, and other important factors will depend on this in the future.

Boxing club formats:

1. White Collar Club

The antipode of a glamorous fitness center, although there is more than enough elite here. Designed for managers serving a working day in the office. It is located in the city center on large areas (from 500 sq. m.). The format implies high prices, the presence of a sauna, showers, massage rooms, bars (and not only with protein shakes). Target audience - men aged 25-50 with an income above average.

Successful projects and analogues: BOBO GYM (Moscow,, Oktyabr Boxing Club (Moscow,

2. “We box and lose weight” or “Family”

The club is positioned as an alternative to fitness, a more effective way to lose weight. Therefore, the program includes crossfit, stretching, women's kickboxing. The concept can belong to both premium and economy segments. The format is aimed at the general public, the audience is mixed: men and women with an average income and above, their children. The quality of training and service at a high level. Hammams and saunas are optional, a fitness bar is desirable, the possibility of consulting a dietitian, fitness testing. Target audience - men and women aged 18-40, children.

Successful projects: Boxing School No. 1 (St. Petersburg, www.boxing78.ruzhenskij-boks/), Boxing Academy (Moscow,

3. Boxing for kids

The club specializes in an audience of 6-17 years old. The emphasis is on strengthening the body, general physical training, but with elements of martial arts. Coaches are both good teachers and athletes at the same time. Particular attention is paid to occupational safety.

Success stories: No purely commercial projects have yet been discovered. The CYSS system is functioning, often with them enthusiasts open general strengthening boxing sections on a semi-commercial basis (parents pay a minimum fixed amount per month).

4. "Boxing for the sake of boxing"

Typically, such clubs specialize in hard boxing, rely on self-defense skills, and bring up real fighters, including women. The format is functional and rather ascetic: without nutritionists, saunas and bars. The most popular are Thai boxing and kickboxing, as well as their combination. Usually this is a “one-man theater”: a professional athlete opens his own school, where he trains personally.

Successful projects: Thai boxing club "Predator" (St. Petersburg,, Thai boxing school Legend Fight Club (St. Petersburg,

Pricing. Service payment system. seasonality

The pricing of the industry has its own peculiarities. As a rule, fitness centers implement a complex system of club cards / subscriptions, which provides for a loyalty program and takes into account all types of memberships: corporate, children, individual, family, etc.

Payment for the services of the club is based on a combination of different options:

  1. Subscription. The vast majority of Russian fitness clubs use a subscription system of payment for services. The client buys a club card for the duration of the contract: from one month to two years. The visitor, in fact, credits the institution, receiving in return the opportunity to unlimited visits to the center with a choice of training areas. The system with a long term of validity of club cards is not ideal - it is poorly adapted to the changing living conditions of consumers.
  2. Freeze subscription. A variation of the previous payment scheme with a well-thought-out “freeze” system, when the client can interrupt the contract for a while and resume it at will.
  3. Payment for training. A fixed fee is set for one lesson, in bulk (10 or more workouts) - cheaper. Personal and trial training are separate price list items.
  4. Payment for training with a decrease in cost. The client is offered a package of classes (daily or several times a week), each next workout is cheaper. Payment is made weekly. The system is rather exotic for Russia, but it is successfully applied in the USA.

The periods of peak sales in the fitness business are spring, autumn and winter. Summer is a time of recession and outflow of customers. During this period, it is advisable to apply additional discounts and promotions, as well as forcefully attract new customers.

The main problem of the industry is customer retention, therefore the success of a business is measured by the percentage of contract renewals. Clubs lose 30-50% of their customers annually, and the average cost of attracting new customers is 5 times higher than the cost of retaining old ones. A well-thought-out loyalty system, the professionalism of trainers and the quality of service are extremely important.


When choosing a club, the consumer is guided not only by the price level, but also by the quality of service. The institution should be located in a convenient location for the target audience. If we are talking about an elite audience, then the club should be opened in a prestigious area / building. For a democratic office audience, a school in the business center of the city is suitable.

The level of club service consists of many factors:

  • showers and convenient parking;
  • spacious training rooms, good ventilation, working condition of inventory and equipment, its sufficient quantity;
  • high-quality information support for the work of the club;
  • ensuring a high level of occupational safety, the correct selection of the intensity of loads.

But the main thing for business is the professionalism and friendliness of trainers, the friendliness and customer focus of administrators.

Relevance. Time to go to the regions

Since the beginning of the 90s, the Russian market of sports and fitness services has come a long way: fitness has ceased to be a privilege of the rich, has become a mass product and is increasingly associated with investments in health. Fitness center services are now more in demand in the comfort, economy and low cost segments than in premium and business segments.

Despite the crisis drop in the incomes of Russians and the decline in the average bill in the industry, according to RBC analysts, fitness services showed a positive trend in 2015 and grew by 3.6%. The forecast for the next 4-5 years is favorable - the market will continue to grow.

Why opening your own boxing center is an event with great potential:

  • the percentage of coverage of the Russian population with fitness services is only 3% (in Moscow this figure is 15%, in the regions - no more than 2%);
  • the desire for health and beauty is a global trend, it is difficult to save on this;
  • the low cost segment is developing;
  • the popularity of the studio format is growing, the usual fitness has become boring.

At the moment, cities with a population of 125-500 thousand people are promising for opening boxing clubs, where there are few or no large network projects, but there is interest in martial arts. But both in Moscow and St. Petersburg there is still room for development: the supply of fitness services is uneven in the districts, it is rather empty in the middle price segment (the cost of an annual club card is up to 50 thousand rubles). In addition, boxing clubs are a rather narrow fashion niche with their own specific audience.

Current problems of the industry: low incomes of the population, high rental rates and equipment prices. All this leads to a decrease in the marginality of services.

Instructions for opening a boxing club: briefly about the important

Before opening, you need to choose the format of the institution and draw up a business plan. Proceed to specific steps only after you know: what, to whom and how to sell.

Since 01/01/16, GOST R 56644-2015 “Services to the population. Fitness services. General requirements". The activities of commercial boxing clubs are subject to the standard. Certification according to GOST is voluntary, but the document is indispensable in the work and preparation for visitors from the authorities: it contains requirements for the safety of clubs, the quality of equipment and premises, and the qualifications of employees. Read, apply and be prepared.


For a commercial project, the organizational and legal forms of LLC and IP are suitable.

OKVED codes must be selected according to the classifier OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) as amended. from 26.08.16:

  • activities of sports clubs and fitness centers, holding of sporting events - 93.12, 93.13 and 93.11;
  • fitness bar - code 56.30;
  • services of baths, showers, saunas, etc. - code 96.04;
  • massage salon - 86.90.3.

From the forms of taxation, the simplified tax system is suitable for income (the rate is 6%, the law of the subject of the Russian Federation can be reduced to 0%). For individual entrepreneurs, there is another attractive option - a patent for the type of activity "Conducting classes in physical culture and sports" (rate 0-6% depending on the region). Both taxation systems are under regional jurisdiction, we recommend that you first study the issue on the ground.

Licenses, Permits, Notices

  1. Medical license. In general, if the club does not provide for a medical worker and a massage room, then a license is not needed. Therefore, it is not necessary to obtain the conclusion of the SES.

    If the club has a medical and / or massage room, you will have to obtain a license for medical activities with all the ensuing consequences (according to Government Decree No. 291 of 16.04.12, the package of documents for obtaining a license includes a free economic zone for premises, documents for medical equipment, medical personnel, etc.).

  2. Educational license. If a commercial boxing club provides sports and health services and is not engaged in educational activities, including training for the fitness services market, then a license is not needed.
  3. Rospotrebnadzor notice. According to Law N 294-FZ of December 22, 2008 “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs ...”, catering organizations and those providing household services (including bath and shower services) must inform the regulatory authorities about the fact of the start of activities. If the club pleases visitors with a phyto-bar, sauna or hammam, you need to send a notification to Rospotrebnadzor in a standard form.

No other permits are required according to Law N 294-FZ, but the activity must comply with sanitary, fire and other requirements (see below).

Documents regulating the activities of fitness clubs

  1. GOSTs:

    GOST R 56644-2015 "Fitness services";

    GOST 12.1.004-91 "Fire safety";

    GOST 32670-2014 "Services of baths and showers";

    GOST R 52024-2003 and 52025-2003 “Physical health and sports services. General requirements” and “Consumer safety requirements”;

    GOST R 55321-2012 “SPA services. General requirements".

  2. Sanitary requirements:

    SP 31-112-2004 "Physical and sports halls" (parts 1 and 2);

    SP No. 2.3.6. "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering organizations ...";

    SanPiN 1S67-76 "Sanitary rules for the arrangement and maintenance of places of employment in physical culture and sports", ed. dated 31.10.1996.

  3. Laws:

    No. 2300-1 dated February 7, 1992 “On consumer protection”;

    N9 329-FZ of 04.12.07 "On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation";

    N9 384-FZ dated 12/30/09 "Tech. regulations on the safety of buildings and structures”;

    N9 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008 “Tech. fire safety regulation.

Premises and equipment

The location of the club must correspond to the chosen format. However, in all cases, premises in industrial zones, as well as those that are inconvenient for customers in terms of "getting there", will not work. Throughout the world, fitness centers are traditionally located in rented space. Preference should be given to long-term leases in order to recoup investments in repairs.

The club can accommodate 150 sq. m, but this is the minimum. Ceiling height is important, it is better to choose from 3 m or more.

Regardless of the size of the room, it is necessary to highlight:

  • a gym, and preferably two: one for training, the second, with a boxing ring, for competitions and performances;
  • reception area;
  • locker rooms;
  • room for showers and toilets.

If the audience is not only male, you need to take care of separate locker rooms and showers for women and children.


We need coaches and administrative staff. The higher the professionalism of the coaching staff, the better. Invite athletes with real achievements: masters of sports and champions, people with coaching experience and higher education in the field of physical culture and sports. You can’t save on staff, the success of a business lies in it.

If the format requires it, hire a dietitian, masseur. A medical worker in the staff of the club is welcome - the sport is traumatic. Accounting and cleaning functions should be outsourced.

Advertising and marketing

Potential clients - active Internet users, offer them the most complete information about the club on the site: about training, student achievements, types of boxing, training methods (if any), trainers, payment system, discounts and bonuses.


The boxing direction of fitness services is developing very actively, so there are many franchise offers, there are plenty to choose from.

1. Boxing Academy Franchise

  • Lump sum: 350 thousand rubles
  • Investments: 1,950 - 3,600 thousand rubles
  • Payback period: 1 month
  • "BOXING ACADEMY" ( is a network of premium sports clubs for women, men and children. The company has been in boxing since 2011, and was one of the invited consultants from the professional community to develop GOST for fitness services. Requirements for the premises: from 200 sq. m with a ceiling height of 3.5 m.

2. Rocky Franchise

  • Lump sum: 350 thousand rubles
  • Investments: 500 - 1,500 thousand rubles
  • Payback period: 6 months
  • Rocky (rockyclub.rufranchasing) are white-collar boxing clubs. The company has been in the know since 2013. They use unique Rocky training methods. Requirements for the premises: from 200 sq. m. with a ceiling height of 2.5 m.

    Boxing clubs Moscowboxing ( and Udarnik ( also have offers, but little information has been published for franchisee partners.


Today, sports clubs are not just rooms with a variety of exercise equipment, they provide many additional services, for example, halls for martial arts, self-training, for training other sports programs. The better these services are provided, the more visitors such an institution will have. To open your own successful martial arts club, you first need to think over a business plan.

Today, both among young people and more mature men, various types of martial arts are very popular. Even the female half of society cannot resist this sport. Opening your own section of martial arts can subsequently bring good money, especially in small towns with little competition. To organize a business in this direction does not require huge investments. And the business project itself is not only commercial, but also beneficial to the health of society.

Analysis of the situation in the sports services market

Most often, this type of business is formed on the basis of educational institutions, when their gyms are rented for training.

Before opening your own business in this area, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of similar institutions already existing in the region, find out their focus, and assess the demand. Based on the results of the analysis, it will already be possible to decide on which types of martial arts it is most profitable to provide services. If you yourself own any kind of martial arts, then the direction of your activity is predetermined by itself. But, if there are no such skills, then, of course, you will have to hire experienced martial artists.

For the selection of coaches, it is worth organizing a rigorous selection according to the following criteria:

  • First of all, reputation as a coach.
  • teaching style.
  • Achievements of the students of each individual candidate for the position of coach.

A special teaching style, qualifications and a positive reputation of a trainer are the key to the success of a business in this area!

Demand for sports clubs

The market of sports services: sports clubs, martial arts sections, fitness clubs is in great demand. Despite the huge number of institutions already open, the demand for these services is not fully satisfied today. Therefore, the sports business is quite in demand, has good payback rates.

According to statistics, martial arts schools are among the ten most popular sections for people of any age. Parents want their children to be able to stand up for themselves in difficult situations. And adults are interested in the culture of various martial arts, and keeping themselves in shape is not one of the last desires. Martial arts are among the least traumatic sports, and the trainee will receive no less health and strength than when playing football or boxing. Opening a martial arts school is only at first glance difficult and costly. A little time, diligence, attracting a professional team - and the business will bring good money. We will discuss this in more detail in our article.

The specifics of the section

You can open your own martial arts school on the basis of any school institution or sports club. Provided that you yourself have the skills and are willing to transfer your knowledge to other people, the costs will be minimal. You do not need a separate building and permission to work with children. It is enough to rent a gym and recruit your group. But do not confuse a small section and a school. To open a school of combat techniques, investments will be required.

In the school of martial arts, various sections can function, where techniques are taught:

  • Judo is a Japanese martial art. The emphasis is on hardening endurance and developing physical strength. Children can learn from the age of five.
  • Karate is the most demanded direction in martial arts. Children are recruited into the section from the age of seven, but there are also groups from earlier years. Up to seven years, the focus is on physical development, techniques begin to be studied after 7 years.
  • Wushu is a little-known direction of martial arts. The group mainly attracts teenagers from 14-15 years old or adults.
  • Kung Fu experienced a second surge in popularity (the first we had during the Jackie Chan films) after the release of the famous panda cartoon. Children from the age of 5 are recruited into the group, but serious training begins at the age of 10. The main focus is on stretching and endurance.
  • Taekwondo is one of the toughest martial arts. The group is mainly recruited boys from 7-10 years old or adults.
  • Aikido is aimed at training endurance and physical development. With weekly training, a child can get excellent skills and stand up for himself in the most difficult situation.

Less commonly, the school offers other types of martial techniques: jiu-jitsu (the softest form, suitable for girls and women), Slavic-Goritsa wrestling, sambo, qigong.

A school can teach several directions at once or one is chosen. Groups can be recruited for different ages - from 5 years and older. According to statistics, the profitability of children's sports sections is higher than that of training with adults.

Standard training in sports sections is paid in advance for a month. The average price of monthly classes is from 2,500 rubles. There can be up to 20 people in a group. Monthly income from one group - at least 50 thousand rubles. But you can offer beginners a one-time paid visit at a bargain price. Young children are recruited in limited quantities, since during training, the responsibility for their life and health lies entirely with the coach.

Unravel the secret of success

Before organizing a sports school, thoroughly study the work of competitors. The direction of the school should be chosen based on competition. For example, if in a town with a population of 150 thousand people. there are 15 schools of karate and judo, then it is worth focusing on another type of martial arts. Recently, Chinese techniques such as kung fu and wushu are gaining popularity.

The success and profitability of a sports school will depend on two factors: the skill and level of the teaching staff and the location. Do not forget about additional services that can bring at least 25% of the total monthly income. Offer your customers services: children's room for an hour, infrared sauna, massage. This will attract additional customers, some of which will turn into permanent ones.

Teaching Staff

It's no secret that 50% of your company's success will depend on the teaching staff. Trainers in the school are hired qualified. Of course, it will be difficult to attract well-known masters of sports to a new company, but be selective in your choice. The high results of the pupils are the first indicator of the coach's qualification.

For children, teachers are selected not only with qualifications, but also with certain psychological characteristics. Do not forget that the reputation of a sports school will depend on their knowledge and ability to work with children.

If the center teaches several types of martial arts, then two trainers are hired for each. This will make it possible to draw up a convenient schedule, and in a force majeure situation, one specialist will be able to replace a partner.

Location and equipment

The school should be located in a convenient place for parents and children. Most students should be able to get to school on their own. Therefore, it is better to choose a building in a residential area or in a large shopping and entertainment center. Pay attention to what type of transport it will be convenient to get to the school from different parts of the city. Remember, not every parent has a personal car.

When choosing a room, the number of sections is taken into account. Toilets, showers and changing rooms with lockers are additionally equipped in the premises of the martial arts sports school. There should be a comfortable hall with benches for those waiting and a place for the reception. The main building will be the gym. It should be well ventilated and equipped with mats. At the same time, safety is in the first place, so buildings with dilapidated frames and floors for a future school, without a major overhaul, are not suitable. And this is an additional expense.

Renting a building and equipment will cost you from 700 thousand rubles.


If you plan to work in a section that you organize on the basis of a school or sports club, then you can open an individual entrepreneur. For a serious martial arts school, you need an LLC. During registration, the code for the type of activity OKVED 80.10.3. is selected - additional educational activities for children. The fact is that for professional work and the participation of students in competitions, the school must be a member of the Russian Martial Arts Association. To join the association, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The teaching staff includes masters of sports and people with higher sports education.
  2. The school is equipped in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards and meets safety requirements. To comply with this paragraph, it is necessary to obtain written conclusions from the local fire supervision and sanitary and epidemiological station.
  3. Students must participate in various martial arts competitions and represent their school.

To become a member of the association, an LLC must submit the following documents for consideration:

  • Declaration of desire to join the association.
  • List of teaching staff with photocopies of documents on special education.
  • Conclusions from local fire safety authorities and sanitary and epidemiological stations.
  • A copy of the LLC certificate, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the company's charter.

Documents may be considered by the association for up to three months. During this time, a commission will be sent to your school, which will make its written conclusion.


It will be necessary to invest at least 1 million rubles in a large martial arts sports school, and no more than 30 thousand rubles to open a section in a rented hall. The success of the company will depend on its location and teaching staff. To open a school, you will need to create an LLC. For the private organization of the section, IP is enough.

In order for the school to be legal, you must join the Russian Martial Arts Association, which means that you are ready to pass all the checks. Each of the options has the right to life, but the choice depends on your financial capabilities.

Attachments: from 2 600 000 rubles

Payback: from 12 months

Parents often want to send their child to sports. Disputes between mom and dad about which section to go to do not fade away: the father wants the child to go in for boxing, and the mother wants a safer sport. Not only children are sent to boxing, teenagers themselves want to learn how to stand up for themselves, for their girlfriend. Adult men go in for this sport in order to learn, to test themselves. After all, fighting, fighting is a whole art. Here both psychology and technology play an important role. Due to the high demand, you can look at this niche from the other side. Perhaps you should open a boxing club in your city?

business concept

Boxing is like ballet, only there is no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other.

Boxing is common among middle-level citizens, this fact should be taken into account when opening a club. The price tag should not be high, and with an affordable cost of services, we expect a large flow of people. In a small town, it will not be possible to achieve such indicators. We can safely say that this business idea is suitable for a city with a population of more than half a million people, at a lower level it is not recommended to watch and explore this niche, there is a risk of not recouping the costs and working in the red.

Where will the money be made? You will provide clients with paid individual and group lessons. The cost of individual, respectively, will be higher. The training will be conducted by professionals in their field - candidates for the master of sports, master of sports. Only these people will be able to teach a beginner something worthwhile. It is on this point that all the commercial activities of the boxing club are based.

What is required for implementation?

Entering this business requires a fairly large investment, if you do not have a large amount, then look for investors. To raise funds from outside, you need to write a business plan and conduct market research in your city. There are clubs focused on an amateur audience, others see their clients in professional athletes.

To open a boxing club, you need a large room equipped specifically for sports. There are few of them in our country, and it is even more difficult to find them in small towns. Therefore, the search for a place to found a club can take a long time. The hall should be equipped with a punching bag area, a ring, an area with exercise equipment, a locker room, showers and an administrative room for club employees. The main thing is that the area is large, people will not go to an institution where queues will line up for pears, exercise machines, showers. This needs to be thought out in advance.

Step by step start instructions

  1. At the very first stage, it is required get company registration because the activity of the club is commercial. If your institution will carry out the function of education for children (teaching activities), then a license may be required.
  2. Room. Very often, boxing clubs are non-profit, this is done by FOCs. We do not consider the construction of the whole complex. You need to look for gyms that are for sale. They should have several zones, described above. Boxing clubs are based on personal premises, not rented, as this business is planned for a long time. After acquiring the hall, it is necessary to repair, design the appearance.
  3. Purchase of equipment. The entire inventory can be divided into 3 groups:
  • specialized equipment for boxing: ring, punching bags, protection, gloves, etc. In this case, it is recommended to purchase new things and in bulk. You can try to get a discount on a large order from sports networks;
  • applied equipment. This includes simulators, barbells, weights. Boxing has a direct relationship with power loads, this requires simulators. New ones will be quite expensive, so it makes sense to look for used ones, many gyms sell their equipment before they close. Here it is necessary to bargain;
  • household equipment. Chairs, tables, computers, benches in the hall, medicines in case of need for first aid, etc. From this list, everything is bought individually, at a retail price.
  1. Personnel search. As we have already said, we need a coach with skills, their own training system. They can be found quickly by placing an ad on the Internet. But in addition to them, you should find a doctor who will monitor the safety of athletes. You will also need to hire an administrator who will keep records of subscriptions, training payments, etc. This step should not take long.
  2. Pricing and marketing. The price of services depends on the average salary of citizens of your city. It is worth giving customers the opportunity to purchase both one-time training sessions and subscriptions for a month, 3 months, six months, a year. Each of them should be beneficial for the client. You can resort to a system of bonuses for long-term cooperation. Think over marketing to the smallest detail, consider different ways to attract customers. There must be a website and groups in social networks. Advertising can be submitted on the Internet, look for targeted traffic (boys, men from 18 to 45 years old only in your city). Posters, city signs, flyers are all great ways to advertise.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

The starting investment table looks something like this:

It turns out that in order to open a boxing club in a city with a population of 500,000 or more people, a minimum cost of approximately 2,650,000 rubles is required.

Monthly expenses

Monthly you will need to spend money on:

  • salaries to employees, coaches - from 150 thousand rubles;
  • hall maintenance (electricity, utilities) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • taxes - 15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of damaged equipment - 5,000 rubles;
  • possible unforeseen expenses - 5,000 rubles.

The total amount of monthly expenses is approximately 200,000 rubles.

How much can you earn?

The first couple of months, most likely, you will work in the red, because during this period information about the club spreads around the city, clients are recruited. With the cost of a monthly subscription of 3,500 rubles, 250-300 people will want to buy it consistently. But this figure can be achieved no earlier than six months of hard work. On average, a boxing club can bring in revenue from 850,000 rubles per month, of which net profit will be approximately 600-650 thousand rubles.

Therefore, we can conclude that it is possible to recoup the initial investment in 12 months after opening.

Risks and cons

This business idea is not deprived of risks, because competition is growing. Moreover, the competition is very dangerous, your rivals open clubs with good equipment, professional coaches, the emphasis is on the quality of service. This should not be left behind. To survive in such a market, it is necessary to come up with promotions, discounts, hold tournaments, contests. By focusing on marketing, you will ensure your continued growth.

There is a risk of not finding good coaches. Agree, not in every city you can hire a master of sports in boxing. In this case, the trainer can be found outside the city or use those who are nearby (1-2 ranks).


If you decide to start in the field of boxing, then be prepared for a lot of nuances. Sport is a complex area, there are large investments, a long but sure payback. You will have to become patient, at the initial stages something may not work out, but that's why you decided to join a boxing club in order to keep your punches steady. Having passed through all the obstacles, you will climb the pedestal, become the leader in your city in promoting boxing. Everyone will only say thank you, but only if everything is done with a soul!

In this material:

The popularity of sports and a healthy lifestyle is growing. Russians are more likely to give up smoking and alcohol in favor of sports. More and more sports clubs appear in Russian cities. One of the most rapidly developing areas in recent years is martial arts clubs. Entrepreneurs create a successful business by opening such clubs. A martial arts club business plan will help you explore this market and start your own business.

Features of a business idea and development prospects

Sports are popular among men and women of all ages. Martial arts are especially in demand among men who monitor their health and try to be in shape.

Martial arts is one of the most popular directions in domestic sports. The growing popularity of martial arts is facilitated by mass competitions that are held throughout Russia.

In recent years, various fighting federations have begun to organize tournaments even in small towns. This is one of the main reasons contributing to the popularization of martial arts among Russians.

Despite the presence of competition in this business, the market has not yet been fully mastered, so this business idea is relevant for most regions of the Russian Federation.

Description of services provided

The martial arts club specializes in training professional and amateur athletes. Club instructors train everyone.

List of services provided:

  1. Group boxing. Includes practical exercises and the study of theory.
  2. Group sambo lessons. The instructor teaches the group the basics of this martial art, acts as a judge during sparring between group members.
  3. Group lessons in mixed martial arts. Members of the group are trained in various martial arts - from boxing to wrestling on the ground. Classes are divided into days dedicated to individual types of combat, as well as combined days.
  4. Strength training in the gym. The club has a gym where visitors train - on their own or with an instructor.
  5. Individual martial arts lessons with a trainer.

Local market analysis: target audience, competition, risks

Before opening such a business, you need to analyze the local market. It includes the study of supply and demand for services. Separately, you need to study the competition. It is important to remember that competition is not an obstacle to organizing a business. Visitors to competitors can always be lured away. For this you need:

  1. Detailed study of all competitors, if any. During the study, pay special attention to the shortcomings that other martial arts halls have. To do this, you need to communicate with visitors, ask what they lack or what they would like to improve.
  2. Use this data when building your own business concept.
  3. Do better than competitors. For example, in other halls there is no shower or lockers for athletes - you need to take this into account. There is no inventory - also take note.

The main thing is to do better than competitors and correctly advertise the business.

Target audience segments (TA):

  • children from 5 years old;
  • teenagers from 12 to 16 years old;
  • men from 16 to 27 years old;
  • men from 27 years old;
  • girls and women of different ages.

The business is designed for a male audience, but often women are also involved in martial arts.

It is important to create comfortable conditions for each segment of the audience. For example, groups are formed according to the age principle. In a group with children, an adult man or woman will not be involved, this must be taken into account.

Possible risks associated with organizing a business:

  1. Difficulty of advancement at the initial stage. The most difficult time for the development of such a business is the first months after the launch. At this time there is a struggle for each client.
  2. Slow payback. Its speed depends on a number of factors - the region, pricing policy, the amount of initial investment and the solvency of the target audience.
  3. The growth of competition. There are no guarantees that after opening a new player will not appear on the local market.

organizational plan

Registration of a martial arts club

Before proceeding with the direct organization of the club, it must be registered. Business registration is carried out in the Federal Tax Service (FTS).

An entrepreneur has a choice - to register a legal entity or obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur (IP). The first option is only suitable for large businesses - for example, for a large network of martial arts clubs. Registration of IP is the best option.

How to register an IP:

  1. Decide how to register. There are two of them: remotely or at the place of residence. The easiest and fastest way is to submit an electronic application through the website of the Federal Tax Service. This will save the entrepreneur from the hassle associated with visiting the Federal Tax Service, queues and writing an application by hand.
  2. Select OKVED codes. These codes will tell the authorities in which area the business is registered. You can select several OKVED codes at once, taking into account that the business will expand. In the future, this will save time on the preparation of additional documents and re-registration of the business.
  3. Decide on the taxation system. Individual entrepreneurs are advised to choose a simplified taxation system.
  4. Fill out an application in the form P21001. Detailed design instructions and a template are available on the website of the Federal Tax Service.
  5. Pay the state fee.

ATTENTION! The application must include the e-mail address of the entrepreneur. The Federal Tax Service will send documents confirming registration to it. They are no longer sent by postal mail.

Documents required for registration:

  • passport;
  • taxpayer code (TIN);
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a completed application in the form P21001.

To organize a fight club, you will need an area of ​​​​100 square meters. m.

Hall location requirements:

  1. Located in the city center or in one of the major residential areas.
  2. It is easily accessible by public transport.
  3. It is convenient for drivers to park their car nearby.
  4. There is a prominent place for an advertising sign or banner installation. It is important that the sign is visible and catches the eye of a potential visitor.

The hall needs to be renovated. Particular attention is paid to the floor. It is important that it has a soft and wear-resistant surface.

An alternative option is to conclude an agreement with a gym, which is on the balance sheet of the local city administration. For example, some clubs rent school gyms. All equipment is in the pantry, it must be put there after each workout.

The advantage of such a lease is low cost and no need for repairs. The main disadvantage is that training can be carried out only in the evening, after the end of the educational process.

Purchase of equipment and inventory

To organize a martial arts club, you will need the following equipment:

  • dressing room furniture - lockers, chairs, sofas;
  • equipment for a bathroom;
  • hoods, room ventilation system;
  • furniture and equipment for the reception - computer, table, sofa for visitors;
  • equipment for the hall - simulators, mats, mats.

Required sports equipment:

  • kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells;
  • simulators;
  • horizontal bars;
  • punching bags;
  • boxing gloves.


Required personnel:

  • administrator;
  • martial arts trainer;
  • sports consultant;
  • accountant;
  • cleaning woman.

Marketing strategy and advertising

Business promotion is one of the most important areas. Often the success of an enterprise depends on the marketing strategy, especially if there is already competition in the local market.

Ways to promote a martial arts club:

  1. Outdoor advertising. A sports club is a local business, so outdoor advertising works well, especially in places with low competition.
  2. Distribution of leaflets, flyers. Flyer owners get a discount or free training.
  3. Advertising in local media, sports magazines, print media.
  4. Internet advertising. Creation and promotion of the site, maintenance of pages in social networks, targeted advertising.

Project financial indicators

Startup investments include:

  • rent of premises - 30,000 rubles;
  • repair - 200,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 350,000 rubles;
  • purchase of sports equipment - 280,000 rubles;
  • advertising at the start - 170,000 rubles;
  • state duty - 800 rubles.

Monthly business maintenance costs:

  • rent - 30,000 rubles;
  • utilities - 35,000 rubles;
  • salary of employees - 150,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 20,000 rubles;
  • taxes.

Evaluation of efficiency and payback period

The average cost of a monthly subscription to the martial arts hall is 3,000 rubles. 100 people visit the hall every month. The number of visitors is growing as the business develops.

Additional income - compiling an athlete's diet and individual training.

Expected monthly earnings - 400,000 rubles. Expenses for rent, utilities, salaries of employees and taxes are deducted from this amount.

Net monthly income - 180,000 rubles.

If more than 100 people visit the hall a month, the business will pay for itself in six months.

A martial arts club is a business with high profitability and unlimited expansion opportunities - not only within one city. Demand for the service is increasing, the market is not fully developed. These are the main reasons why you should pay attention to this type of entrepreneurial activity. To minimize risks and avoid organizational errors, it is recommended to order a business plan from professionals.

Buy a ready-made business plan

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