Good click-to-order ratio. Ways to increase earnings on clicks

The holidays are over... it's been a week now. Are over. It's time to work. Have you started?

That's it ... and it's time for me, I hasten to join.

We start - as always - with planning.

This topic was touched upon in one of the topics before the new year. The question went like this:

Is it possible in the context
planning an advertising campaign?

Oh what an interesting question.

(Controversial. Many will say: "No." And they will be right ... but only in part. In general, now you will understand yourself.)

Planning is not only possible, but also NEEDED. Planning is good because it allows you to define a measurable goal for the campaign. Break it down into sub-goals. Compose executable task list that leads to their achievement.

We will not be able to plan the whole campaign at once. Lots of unknown variables. But to define goals for the next stage is very possible.

What is to be planned? ... Budget? ... Sales? ... clicks? ...

It depends on the stage - on the maturity of the campaign - but in any case

you need to start with what value
conversion rate
you EXPECT to receive.

Because it is this coefficient that most accurately shows the effectiveness of sales - how well the text "sells" to the people you brought to the page. (Such a measure of the process of converting quantity into quality.)

It is important to answer the question before the start of the campaign: how many people out of a hundred who read the text will buy a training course?

It is believed that when selling "on the forehead" of some information product - on a cold one - it would be good to have at least one buyer out of a hundred.

If you are sure - intuitively know - that there will be less than one buyer, then the selling text must be rewritten. Rewrite until such confidence appears.

If it is not possible to edit the salesperson or if there are no good reasons to do this, it is better to postpone the launch of the campaign.

You can, of course, work with a conversion of less than a percent, say, half a percent. There is nothing terrible here. But launching such a campaign will cost you more. This is not an unfounded statement, but a calculated fact - a little further there will be numbers.

Now follow the train of thought.

Once you have decided on the value of the conversion rate, you can immediately say, what will be a successful advertising campaign. And if you wish, you can calculate its profitability, decide on the price of a click, budget, and so on.

Knowing what a successful campaign will be
can you tell which campaign
consider unsuccessful.

It is clear that the campaign will be unsuccessful, which

  • or does not give sales at all
  • or gives, but much less than expected.

Initially - about the newly created campaign - it is impossible to say whether it is successful or not.

She is NO.

It has no sales. (There are, of course, moments of luck, but in most cases, sales do not occur immediately after launch.)

You need to give the campaign time to work. The question is: how much should she work. And to be more precise:

How many clicks should be
to declare the campaign unsuccessful?

The answer to this question is extremely important. (Especially when launching campaigns in niches that are new to you or when launching ads with a partner product that you haven’t worked with yet.) After all, if we know exactly how many clicks we need, then we can accurately plan the budget. At least at the first stage - at the testing stage.

In other words, we can schedule the work like this...

That we will have no doubt that the campaign was stopped prematurely...

And wherein we won't waste money something that by definition will never work...

And we will know exactly the price of entry into the chosen niche.

So how much?

The easiest way is with a campaign that had no sales at all. That is, there are shows. There are clicks. But there are no sales yet - and now it does not matter why.

It may surprise you, but the answer is quite accurate. Unambiguous -

459 clicks

With an expected conversion rate of 1%, if there are no sales after 459 clicks, then the campaign can be considered a failure. She has less than 1% chance of becoming successful.

The number of clicks is calculated using a mathematical formula.

(Mathematicians all over the world have thought about this question. And more than once. If you are familiar with the course of mathematical statistics, I think you can find the formula - this is not the place to go into details.)

Of course, having the formula at hand, you can easily calculate the number of clicks for the conversion value you need. In daily work, this is very useful, not to mention planning.

For example, an expected salesperson conversion of 0.5% would require more clicks - 919.

The fewer selling phrases in the text, the more expensive the launch.

(It is more expensive for you - for the partner - and not for the owner. Do not trust the declared conversion rates. Count the number of selling phrases.)

Therefore, I wrote earlier that testing an affiliate program, all other things being equal, but with a lower sales conversion rate, will cost "more" ... either in terms of money or time.

If you get the idea from the example of campaigns, you can apply it:

  • to check traffic for a single keyword
  • to test the text of a new ad
  • to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular advertising platform

In general, planning campaigns in context is quite possible. To do this, you need baseline figures and a budget that will allow you to test the hypotheses built on these figures.

I hope now you understand why you should not plan campaigns with an advertising budget of 200 rubles))

P.S. Next time I plan to write about a small technical nuance that affiliate owners use to mislead their affiliates.

P.P.S. If you accidentally landed on this page and found my advice useful, and would like to receive a few more in your email, then I recommend subscribing to my blog updates -

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

Any business is a tool for generating income, and is one of its "catalysts". And in order for the advertiser to be satisfied, you need to understand how to set it up correctly. And of course, any setting up of an advertising campaign begins with determining the budget and cost per click in order to understand what strategy you need to build and what to strive for. However, without a return from the client, one cannot do here.

You can set acceptable, as it seems to you, get a certain number of conversions and start to rejoice, but if for your client the cost of the application should not exceed, say, 300 rubles, he is unlikely to thank you if yours reaches at least 500 - here there is already a question about the profitability of the context and advertising in general. Therefore, feedback is always important - before setting up an advertising campaign, you need to understand what price per click in Yandex (or Google) you can afford, and which one is already beyond good and evil.

How to calculate cost per click

There is nothing complicated here. First, we need to determine what percentage of the conversion brings the site. To do this, of course, we open Yandex.Metrica and look. It should be noted here that in order to understand whether visitors achieve the required goals, these goals must first be configured. Otherwise, we have to be content with the average temperature for the hospital, that is, calculate based on the fact that the percentage of your site's conversion is 1%.

The next value that plays an important role is the CPA (Cost Per Action, from English. - “cost per action”), that is, the amount that the advertiser is willing to pay for an application / purchase / etc., that is, for a conversion.

Let me remind you that the conversion is the percentage of visitors to the site who completed certain targeted actions on it.

What price per click to set in Direct: we analyze it with an example

Suppose you have an online pet food store, the conversion from advertising is about 1.5%, you are ready to pay no more than 150 rubles for each customer. What price per click should be set in Yandex.Direct?Let's analyze in detail.

Conversion = number of targeted actions / number of clicks * 100%

If the conversion is 1%, then from 100 clicks we get 1 purchase.

That is, if the advertiser is ready to pay 150 rubles for attracting one visitor, then he is ready to pay 450 rubles for attracting three visitors, that is, two hundred clicks should cost no more than 450 rubles, from which we get that the average cost per click for an advertising campaign should not exceed 2 .25 rubles.

If we reduce everything to pure mathematics, then we can get the following formula (let's agree that by target actions we mean sales, leads, applications, etc.):


cost per goal = number of clicks * average cost per click / number of targeted actions


Average cost per click = cost per goal * number of targeted actions / number of clicks

2.) Conversion = number of targeted actions / number of clicks * 100%


Number of targeted actions = conversion * number of clicks / 100%

Thus, we get that the optimal cost per click is:

Average CPC = (Cost per Goal * Conversion * Clicks) / (Clicks * 100%) = CPA * Conversion / 100%

That is:

Average CPC = 150 * 1.5 / 100 = 2.25

These rates can be applied both to the campaign as a whole and to each product in particular. In addition, the conversion for a certain word may differ from the overall conversion as a whole, the purchase of one product may be financially more profitable for the advertiser than the purchase of another, that is, no matter how hard you try to average everything, everything is individual. But relying on this formula, you can understand what to start from, but you need to understand that there are topics in which the cost of a click is higher than that which is beneficial to the advertiser, and no matter how hard you try, you still can’t jump above your head - this is where you need development of a competent advertising strategy, which is not limited to calculating the cost-effective cost per click. So first of all - logic, and only then mathematics.

Tell about the article.

Recently, a variety of activity monitors have become extremely popular. We count the number of steps, monitor the quality of sleep, mark each sandwich and even take into account the time spent on various sites.

To perfect this system, we recommend that you check out WhatPulse for Windows, Mac and Linux. It can count keystrokes, mileage and mouse clicks, network usage and many other statistics about your work at the computer.

The WhatPulse interface is divided into several tabs, each of which displays a different category of collected information.

But in the beginning, you will have to create an account, since the program is integrated with an online service, where all your data will be stored. If you want to make this process easier, you can use your Facebook account.

tab Overview gives you a general idea of ​​your system, including Windows version, processor, RAM, video card, number of clicks, key presses, network usage. Button press pulse uploads the collected data to an online server.

For more detailed information, you need to go to the adjacent tabs. For example, tab Input shows the number of keystrokes on the keyboard and mouse clicks for the period of time you have selected. You can easily see statistics for one day, week, month, half year and year.

In addition, you can see other useful information. So, mouse usage is displayed using a heat map, on which the places where you click the mouse most often are highlighted as hot zones. Here you can also view statistics for a specific period of time.

On the tab network, you can view information about the daily use of network interfaces. The application can control a variety of aspects of data exchange and even shows the bandwidth usage by country. You can switch between different types of statistics using the arrows in the upper right corner.

The WhatPulse app has a well-designed, easy-to-use interface and useful features. Moreover, it can be useful not only in order to satisfy personal curiosity, but also in fairly serious projects to study user behavior patterns. The program works in any version of Windows, as well as MacOS and Linux.

Dmitry Gorchakov,

Hi guys. Vasily Blinov is in touch and today we will analyze one of the most popular types of earnings among beginners on the Internet - earnings on clicks. I will show what types of clicks there are, how much they pay for them, I will give a list of the best sites and tell you how to earn from 100 to 500 rubles a day on them without investment.

In 2014, when I just came to learn the Internet in terms of making money, I also encountered this method. Every beginner, I think, comes across it, because it is the simplest of the ones that does not require any special knowledge and skills.

My experience and how much you can earn per month

So my first experience of making money online began with clicks, surfing, reading letters, likes, reposts and other simple tasks.

To do this, I found and registered on special sites - boxes (the list will be below), where customers leave such tasks and pay for their implementation. Entrepreneurs, marketers, bloggers, freelancers, etc., who promote their projects on the Internet, act as customers.

How much does it cost? The average cost varies depending on the greed of the customer and the complexity of the task. Let's take a look at the main tasks.

  • View the site - from 1 to 10 kopecks.
  • Reading letters - from 2 to 20 kopecks.
  • Pass the test - from 20 kopecks to 1 ruble.
  • Like - from 50 kopecks to 2 rubles.
  • Subscribe - from 1 to 4 rubles.
  • Make a repost - from 1 to 4 rubles.
  • Registration on the site - from 1.5 to 10 rubles.

My maximum income per day was 500 rubles, but here I also take into account what I was doing in parallel while the required time for viewing the site or advertising is going on.

Below I have compiled a list of earning sites where you can find such tasks and get money for them immediately, not points. I warn you that there are similar sites (for example Bosslike), where work is paid with virtual points and it is impossible to withdraw them to electronic wallets.

TOP 10 sites

  1. ProfitTask (I give a promotional code for 50 rubles - 10319555b1667fb9ca82)
  2. SEO fast
  3. WMmail
  4. Profit Center
  5. WMRFast
  6. WMRok
  7. QComment

Analogues and worse sites

  • eBesucher
  • SharkPromotion
  • web ip
  • VIP promotion
  • Kuban-BUX
  • CashTaller
  • WM-SEO

On most resources, work is paid in rubles, but there are also some where payment is in dollars or hryvnias. Payments are made to WebMoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi e-wallets and to the phone.

For Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries, there are also alternative ways to withdraw to various payment systems Perfect Money, Payeer and others.

Instruction by example

Let's show you the whole process using the example of the Social Public site. In fact, all sites for making money on clicks are the same, and some even have a very similar interface. Therefore, I think one instruction will suffice.

Step 1. Registration on the site. Go to site and click on the "Register" button at the top.

Here is a detailed video tutorial on registering and setting up your profile for work.

Step 2. In the left panel, select the “Earn” tab and there are 4 types of work in it:

  1. Tasks. Here you will find a different kind and complexity of the task. Such as subscriptions, likes, reposts, registrations on sites, application installations and much more.
  2. visits. Regular browsing of sites with additional tasks (scrolling the site to the end, clicking on the page).
  3. Letters. This is the same view of the site, only deeper. You need to spend a certain amount of time on the site to get paid.
  4. Surfing. Here you just need to click on one button, a tab will open where the sites will switch sequentially. You will only need to wait for the end of the timer and choose the correct answer, confirming that you are not a robot.

Choose the task you like, click on it and fulfill the specified conditions. After completion, money is credited to your balance.

Step 3. We accumulate the minimum amount for withdrawal of funds and transfer it to our electronic wallets. If you don't already have e-wallets, here are instructions on how to create one.

  • How to register Qiwi wallet.

Everything is very simple and anyone can do it without difficulty.

Additional earnings on referrals

In addition to the elementary completion of tasks on these clicking services, you can earn by inviting new members who will complete tasks, and you will receive a small percentage of their income.

Those invited are called referrals (partners). In another way it is called. I have a lot of materials on my blog where I tell what it is and how to make money on it.

The bottom line is that you take your invitation (affiliate) link and advertise it. The person who clicks on it and registers will be assigned to you.

Here is my service example, for the year, 12 thousand performers registered through my link, which now bring me about 8 - 10 thousand rubles a month.

You can learn how to invite referral partners to your projects at my step-by-step online marathon in the Knowledge Base.

Today we have discussed how to make money on the Internet with clicks, in the end I want to give you only one piece of advice. Honestly, I would call this way of earning "for fools." Because it does not lead to any development and will not give you the opportunity to grow professionally. Just sit and poke like a fool.

I'm sorry, but it's true! You can try and see how long this process takes and what the result is. To earn 500 rubles, it took me 12-14 hours of uninterrupted time at the computer. This is despite the fact that before that I spent a lot of time studying all the sites and got used to working on them quickly.

Therefore, if you want to seriously make money on the Internet, then I advise you to start mastering some, gain skills and become a specialist in it. I chose this path and now I work remotely 5-6 hours a day, I earn from 100,000 rubles.

Think with your head and I wish you success!

Leave your feedback on this way of earning and ask questions in the comments, we will discuss all the pros and cons.

Earnings on the Internet on clicks are of interest to many users who are looking for options for generating additional income. How much can you earn on clicks in one day, is it worth spending your time on it and how should you organize your activities in order to maximize income?

    • What is earnings on clicks?
    • How much can you earn with clicks?
    • Ways to increase earnings on clicks
    • How much can you earn per day?

What is earnings on clicks?

We recommend online earning course: Learn more than 50 ways to make money on the Internet, including ways to make money on clicks

Earn on clicks distinguished by its simplicity and lightness. You need to register on a site that provides this type of income, create your account and start clicking on the links that come in letters from the advertiser. There will be a question in the letters, the answer to which must be given before you start viewing ads. The answer is contained in the body of the letter. You need to follow the link and stay on the site for a while (5-60 seconds). After that, a verification code or picture should appear, which you also need to enter in order to receive payment for the viewed ad. Sometimes it happens that confirmation is not needed, money is credited at the end of viewing ads.

There is another type of earnings on such services - completing tasks. The payment for completing tasks is higher than for clicking on links. On one task, you can earn an amount equivalent to 10-100 clicks.

How much can you earn with clicks?

Earnings on clicks depends not only on how much they pay for one click on the links, but also on the method of viewing pages with advertising. If you sit and wait until the time for viewing one advertisement is up, you will be able to earn a little. The average cost per click is $0.01, which is 1 cent. Ten pages can take up to ten minutes, for which you can earn 10 cents. But if you register on several sites and do not wait for the end of time on one advertisement, but switch to other windows and click on advertising links in turn, you can spend 2-4 seconds on one link. Having got the hang of it, you can earn the same 10 cents in about a minute, 20 in a couple of minutes, up to $ 5 per day, if there are a lot of links. This calculation is quite approximate and ideal, since the duration of scrolling ads, the speed of switching from one window to another, and the presence of the links themselves are always different. Therefore, it is difficult to say that earning 5-10 dollars a day on clicks is real. We can say much more confidently that you will earn about 1-2 dollars per day on clicks.

Watch the video - How easy it is to distinguish real ways to make money without cheating from fraudulent schemes:

Ways to increase earnings on clicks

  1. To enlarge click earnings, you need to register on several click sites and click on ads in turn, the interval between clicks can be from 2 to 3 seconds. On such a conveyor, work will go faster and if there are 20 click sponsors, then it’s quite possible to earn your 1-2 dollars a day. And instead of playing solitaire, it is much more useful to earn at least that much money. 20-40 dollars a month are not lying on the road.
  2. Another good way to earn more per day on click sponsors is to upgrade your account to raise its status (make an upgrade). This service is paid, on average from $5. You can easily spend this money, understanding how many times the number of links and cost per click will increase. Profit growth after the upgrade will increase by 20-30%.
  3. A good way to increase earnings on clicks is to attract referrals. In order to properly register your referrals and make a profit on them, you need to provide the attracted users with your link for registering with click sponsors. The sponsor will pay you a set amount for each click made by referrals. Different sites pay differently, in addition, the status of the user account that attracts referrals also affects the cost. It is difficult to say exactly how much they pay, usually the average amount is 0.002-0.0125 dollars.

How much can you earn per day?

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You can take into account the minimum prices, which correspond to:

  • number of clicks per day - 5;
  • user click cost - $0.008;
  • referral click cost - $0.002;
  • number of working days - 30;
  • number of click sponsors - 20.

It will take about 40 minutes to view 20 sponsors. In a month, it will be possible to process 150 personal links and 100 referral links for each sponsor. In total, with 20 sponsors, personal link clicks will be 3000, referral clicks - 10 thousand. Earnings for your clicks will be $24, for 10 thousand referrals - $20. Only $44 a month for less than an hour a day.

If referrals are not involved, earning $ 25 a month is quite realistic.

We can conclude that the more referrals are attracted, the more realistic it is to increase your earnings and even come to passive income. We need to actively work in this direction, look for new click-through sponsors and register for them. Over time, experience will appear, and earning more will become much easier.