Webmoney in China. man from china

Testing the service (Withdrawing WebMoney to a foreign bank account)

There is no bad without good. Having lost the usual channel for transferring money, I began to master new ones. Today I will tell you about how you can transfer webmoney to an account in a foreign bank. Perhaps this information will be useful to freelancers living abroad.

1. The method is not the cheapest. It is not suitable for putting money on webmoney and transferring abroad. Only in order to pick up that little thing that is gathering dust in the webmoney wallet.
2. You can transfer money only to your own account (to yourself).
3. To do this, you need to have a personal webmoney certificate.

For those who are still interested, I'm waiting under the cut.

My first thought was to transfer WMZ to Paypal, especially since such a service is available in the native webmoney exchanger, http://wm.exchanger.ru/
For some reason, few people pay attention to the "Other sections" list when they come to change WMR to WMZ.

I even know how http://paypal.exchanger.ru/ works in theory, who starts the exchange, who pays 3.5% commission. It was not possible to verify this in practice, because the site after successful authorization through Webmoney Keeper gave me a 500th error.
I tried for 4 days on three browsers, the same picture everywhere. What I have not tried is to transfer the keeper to another computer, a lot of honor.

If you click on it, you will see a list of all withdrawal methods available in your country, in my case Spain. Select the item "Bank transfer" - WME. (You can transfer WMR to a ruble account, WMZ to a dollar account, WME to a euro account).

On the next page, you can either create a new translation template or select an existing one.

Creating a template is pretty easy. You most likely know your IBAN, Swift and the exact name of the bank can be clarified either in the bank branch or in Google.

You will then receive a call from the translation firm to confirm the creation of the template. This is done only for the first time, after that you can withdraw webmoney using this template without confirmation.
They will call the number specified in your personal WM passport. If the number does not answer, you will be contacted via the WebMoney messenger and asked to provide a valid phone number.

To re-translate, you need to select a template from the History by clicking on the "Repeat" link.

Now about the commission. It is floating, but not less than 10 euros. Therefore, it is not advisable to withdraw, for example, 10 euros in this way.

Transferring 100 euros you will pay 10%, 500 euros - 3%.

With 1000 euros you get 2.3%, tolerable.

After that, your Keeper will receive an invoice, which you need to pay within 24 hours. The money will go to the bank account - I don’t remember exactly, it seems within 5 business days. But in fact, they came to me within 24 hours.

I hope I didn't write this in vain. In the same way, you can withdraw webmoney to an account in a Russian / Ukrainian bank. I assume that the commission in this case will be lower.

No one is surprised how quickly China is gaining momentum in online retail and wholesale. The East not only catches up in popularity with its colleagues, but also keeps up with the optimization of the service for its customersnow also in the megastore AliExpress.com accept webmoney.

Where there is demand, there is a good offer

Surely everyone has ordered something through the online store at least once. Many people do this exclusively on Internet shopping, and this is quite understandable: - you can buy goods that are not on sale in city stores;

Buy an exclusive, branded item, being sure that it is not a cheap fake;

Save a significant amount on sales and promotions;

Pay for the purchase by card and, in fact, wait for the trip to the nearest post office.

Many local online stores specializing in one industry make purchases from Chinese suppliers. But now there is a tendency that the Russian, and not only the Russian, buyer willingly begins to purchase goods in online stores in China directly - at retail, but at the same wholesale prices. According to the statistics of the Russian Post, by 2012 deliveries from China in the total volume of international correspondence that arrived in Russia, more than doubled compared to 2011 - from 8 to 17%.

Our attention was attracted by the site AliExpress.- a huge online platform with many sellers and goods.Megamarket is actively developing and strengthening its positionin the niche of e-commerce. The next step towards winning the attention of the audience was the introduction of such a service as payment for goods via WebMoney. But this is not the only plus of the store:

The site has a wide selection of quality products;

When ordering in bulk, you can get a decent discount;

Many sellers ship for free;

The secure storage of personal data and the security of the purchase are taken over by the Escrow protection system;

On the site you can directly contact the seller.

Site home page is not Very different from many others - bestsellers, discounts, promotions, heading navigator:

To start shopping, you need to register on the site. The procedure is absolutely straightforward: we enter our data (email, name, password to enter the account), indicate that we are an ordinary buyer (“End consumer”) , the site checks to see if you're a robot, and voila - you can go shopping.

Curious Barbara...

The Web Capital team did not stop there - curiosity got the better of it: what if we compare the Chinese megamarket with Russian, European and American counterparts? We decided to try to order the same product on the websites of the brightest representatives of the same area. The test subjects were:

Russian ozon.ru ( as the site itself says - "online megastore No. 1, whose strong point is the sale of books, licensed music products, consumer electronics, goods for children, home, etc.);

American ebay.com a site with many years of experience, which operates not only on the principle of "seller-buyer", but also conducts auctions);

Ebay.co.uk (UK version ebay.com);

Amazon.com (Americanhypermarket that produces the legendary e-book kindle ; they also buy branded electronics at a bargain price);

Amazon.de ( the German version of Amazon, where loyal delivery terms are provided, and game consoles and computer games are in special demand);

Amazon.co.uk ( the British analogue of the same "Amazon", where you can find branded items at a low price);

aliexpress.com the main test subject, who excels in selling everything from video recorders and cases for smartphones, ending with jewelry and underwear).

The essence of the study is simple: on each of the sites we will try to place an order for the same product and identify where the purchase will be the cheapest. The goods were taken rather average - ordinary, now classic, dark blue half-sneakers converse. Since we knew what we were going to the store for, we typed in a keyword in the search engine and, without hesitation, clicked on the first best match:

By clicking on the offer, choose the size and color. Usually, below the product photo and selection options, you can see a table of sizes for easy comparison of American and European sizes and make sure that the size of the selected shoe is yours.

Having finally settled on this product, it is worth checking all its data in the basket (style, size, quantity, method and time of delivery) and confirming the order.

The only thing left is to choose a payment method and, in fact, pay for the purchase.

We carried out a similar procedure at each of the listed stores. The criteria for evaluation were as follows: the cost of the goods themselves, the cost of delivery, the total amount of the order with delivery, the time of shipment, the availability of delivery to Russia, the possibility of paying for the goods through webmoney.

Item: Converse Navy Low Top Sneakers

Online store / criterion sum

order / RUB


delivery / RUR

total / RUB time



in Russia

payment through WebMoney



for free*


not indicated

There is There is





9-14 days not everywhere ** No




7-15 days

not everywhere




for free


10-20 days

not everywhere




for free


7-21 days

not everywhere




for free


not indicated

not everywhere



for free

15-50 days

There is

There is

* - we chose the most standard delivery option, often it turned out to be free and without unnecessary problems with delivery services and couriers - cheap and cheerful.

** - not every seller sends his goods to Russia, carefully study the terms of sale.

Play and win

It was not difficult to identify the winner - the cheapest purchase would have cost us exactly for AliExpress. Is it worth talking about the amount saved? We think not. With such results, we can assume that AliExpress and similar stores in China, if they do not receive the palm, then at least will stand on a par with such giants of cross-border online shopping as Ebay and Amazon.

What and where to buy in China for WebMoney?

Shopping via the Internet is gradually gaining momentum and analysts are sure that this is one of the best directions for developing their business.

We, as ordinary users, have more and more opportunities for savings and convenient purchases that can be made without leaving home.

All you need to make purchases via the Internet is to have an electronic wallet, Webmoney is best, since almost all sites work with this payment system.

You also need to find a high-quality virtual store in order not to overpay, you need to order from China, special projects have been developed for this.

Save money and buy in China

What and where to buy in China for WebMoney? Through the Internet, you can buy a huge number of different goods from China. Today, there are many online stores where a wide range has been added.

One of the most popular is. Buying goods on this site, you will receive them on time, you will not have to worry about the money spent, and you will also have the opportunity to save a decent amount.

The assortment on TinyDeal is wide, for example, a tablet computer is offered for only 2671 rubles. Delivery within Russia is free, so there will be no overpayments.

Have you seen the same device at a similar price in a nearby store? Most likely, it differs in power, look at the parameters of this tablet. Modern Android, 4 core processes, 1 GB. RAM and 8 GB. external memory.

The cost of this product is significantly underestimated, since you buy goods directly from suppliers.

And here is another great example of selling a cell phone. According to the parameters, you can see that the device is quite powerful, but you will have to pay only 3610 rubles for it. At the same time, various discounts are constantly operating, which also allows you to save money.

How to buy on TinyDeal?

After adding the product to the basket, go there and under the list of all ordered lots, there will be a button for placing an order:

After that, a page will open where you can select some parameters - this is the payment method, address and type of delivery. There are several types of payment to choose from:

As you can see, Webmoney is also here, but many use transfers from bank cards. You fill in the delivery address manually and choose the delivery method.