How to sell online courses. How to sell your online course: instructions for promotion

Hello dear blog readers. Today I want to remind you that your blog is a great platform for selling your info products. This is the advantage of a blog over satellites, trees and other types of sites. On the blog, you position yourself as a person in front of the public, and whether they like you or not, it’s not up to you to decide, but one way or another, some part of this public will become your subscribers and will read you with pleasure for a long time.

The reason why people read you is always the same, it is that you are an expert in some area that interests them. And if you are an expert in some area, this already means that you have the information in demand that your readers need. So why not create an InfoProduct and start your own.

I don't believe that you keep your blog on a topic in which don't understand a bit .

Each person has information that is necessary like water to other people, so why don't you start selling it?

Anyway, I can guess why! In most cases, people are stopped by only one thing - this is not knowledge of the technical and legal aspects in this matter. It happens that a person, in principle, would create a video course, but he DOES NOT KNOW where to start.


I also want to note that the information business is not yet developed in our country and, by and large, this niche is completely empty. I've seen a lot of video courses that, in my opinion, no one will ever buy. For example, with the title " How to build a bath” ,“How to bear a child”, “How to pump up the press?” but I was wrong. When I met the authors of these video courses, it turned out that their courses are still popular, but the fact is that many info niches are empty and people buy what they have on the counter.

Selling video courses is the future of the Internet business, and by and large, at the moment, people bypass this type of income due to the fact that they do not have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow sales take place, they think that after each order, you need to quickly make a disk and quickly run to mail to send it, when in fact there are already a bunch of services that will take over this work. Now it is enough to solve legal issues and then your information business ship will sail by itself, that is, I mean it will be 95% automated.

Question from one of my readers:

Crap!!! … And what if I do not have any extensive knowledge in some area? Does this mean that I will not be able to make a video course and do this type of business?


Yes, of course not. In this case, you can sell video courses from other authors, this type of activity is called reselling. The scheme is simple - you buy resale rights, for some video course and that's it. You start selling it, getting its full value into your pocket.

But still, you will need to understand all the technical and legal aspects of this type of business.

Question from one of my readers:

And where can I get the knowledge to understand these issues?


You have come to the address my friend.

ATTENTION!!! To know the intricacies of this business is no longer necessary sitting at a computer for months hunched back studying a bunch of publications.

My good friend and colleague tomorrow (07/03/12) releases the long-awaited video course “ Selling information on the Internet from A to Z". In which he will enlighten us in all the intricacies of technical and legal aspects.

From the course you will learn:

  • -How to create a high-quality info-product
  • -How to create an autoplay menu for your course
  • -How to protect the product from copying
  • -How to create a 3D DVD box and print
  • -How to automate disk delivery service
  • -How to pay taxes to the tax and pension fund
  • -How to create a selling website and affiliate program
  • -How to set up payment acceptance through all possible services
  • -How to conclude an agreement with Russian Post
  • -How to work with a current account through Sberbank online
  • -How how how how...

Can you imagine what a valuable product awaits you?)) But it turns out that this is not all in the supplement you will learn:

  1. - create profitable advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct, and not throw money away;
  2. - analyze a niche (determine possible income) and test sales of your product;
  3. - learn how to work with various software for creating information products (recording audio and video, creating presentations, covers, menus, etc.);
  4. - learn everything about the reselling of information products, where to find products, how to draw up the necessary documents and how to organize this type of information business from scratch;
  5. - learn how to work with Liveinternet statistics and much more.


Video course "Sale of information on the Internet from A to Z" with a good discount!

Dear friends I have for you special offer!

In order to return part of the money spent, you need to purchase this course using my link and write me an e-mail: [email protected] . After I receive my commission, I will transfer you 500 rubles!

By purchasing a course, you will not step on the same rake that the pioneers of the information business stepped on and you will be able to organize your business in the shortest possible time. I think this is one of my best investments this year. So I already ordered the course, and you?

By the way, when buying a course, Alexander gives as a gift another video course. Which? - you ask. Click the link above and find out!


Think for yourself, decide for yourself! Someone will begin to learn the basics of the infobusiness, while someone will continue to write dull posts, from which he himself is tired.

Website promotion

A private optimizer is much cheaper than a web studio. I will help you bring your site to the TOP-3 and set up automatic sales. The cost of services includes audit, technical and seo optimization of the site.

In this post, I will show you how to sell information products online.

Imagine you are planning to build a business on the Web, create content, prepare letters, set up all sorts of plugins and do many other important things for the project that take up your time ...

… time that should pay off. Otherwise, why do you need all this?

You know, I also failed to find the right strategy to monetize this project.

In the past, I had several attempts to launch a paid product, but I cannot call them correct and successful.

And only in December last year, the launch of the course "Platform brought me closer to the results that I had planned for myself.

The launch of this course was completely planned and carried out by me when I was on a voyage on a ship (which seriously complicated the work, there were interruptions in Internet access) and yet the income was comparable to my monthly salary.

This is cool! And I understand that next time, I can earn even more money.

If you have any questions about the subtleties and specific details, you can always ask a question in the comments or send me an email.

How to sell information products online

Let's start with the fact that I launched when I already had an audience around me, which I gathered with the help of a blog. It is a prerequisite and the cornerstone of my entire approach to online business.

First the audience, and only then the product, and not vice versa. Why is better, I described in detail in the article at the link. Read.

The first goal I set for myself was to find out who my ideal client is for the Platform course. This course is about building an audience on the web that will build your business.

The more clear I get about this person, the easier it will be to find the right words and arguments to convince him to accept my proposal.

In the second letter, I told a story about traveling vendors who went door-to-door selling kitchen utensils. With this story, I wanted to show how much easier it becomes to sell when you are not looking for customers, but they find you themselves. And a personal blog can help with this.

In the third letter there was a story about the difference between manipulation and persuasion, where I showed the fundamental difference between a blog and a one-pager. This had to be done because some of the potential clients believed that blogs were dead and were replaced by one-page sites.

There were eight emails in my launch series. One letter per day. Only on the last day, two letters were sent, where the second is a notice that registration will be closed in 3 hours.

In addition to stories, in the texts of these letters I pressed on those strings and used the same expressions, descriptions of desires and obstacles that potential clients themselves who took part in the survey told me about.

Hello dear friends. Today I will share my experience and tell you how to create a training course yourself.

As I promised earlier, I will share the experience and step by step scheme of creating my course.

I want to warn you right away, if you are going to make your course, then remember that discipline is the key to success. Because without self-control you will not complete the work. And there will be a lot.

By the way, from the article you will understand what work can be delegated and how much to pay for it.

Before you start creating a course, you need to carefully plan everything on paper. Why on paper, but because "paper will endure everything." You should take a notepad or notebook, preferably A3 format. It is in this notebook that you will plan the entire process.

Planning a training course.

So, first of all, you should decide on the subject of the course and its format. I think you shouldn't have any problems with the theme. Once you decide to create a course, you must understand one area or another. Here on it and make a course. I know how to create websites, that's why I chose this topic for the course.

It is not necessary to create a video course - it can be an audio course or a book. For my course, I chose the video format, since only through video can the entire process of creating a site be transmitted. Perhaps, in your case, an audio or a detailed book is better suited.

Having decided on the topic and format, we take a notebook and sit down for planning.

The first step is to plan the course itself and the timing of implementation. Write the proposed name in your notebook. Do not be afraid to scribble, write what comes to mind and choose the best.

After you come up with a title, move on to planning the sections and lessons included in them.

Tip: Leave a little space between the lines, because during the brainstorming process, a lot of ideas come up and they need to fit into already written plans.

When the course plan is drawn up, you can proceed to planning the timing of implementation.

Do what is more convenient for you. You can write down the deadlines opposite each section, or you can write it on a separate sheet. The main thing is that you stick to these deadlines when creating a course.

I wrote down the stages of creating a course on a separate sheet for myself and then set the deadlines for each. And I carried this sheet with me as a reminder.

  1. Recording lessons.
  2. Creation of a selling site.

And keep this notebook or notebook somewhere nearby. Since you will write down ideas and adjustments often.

Recording video lessons.

If your course involves showing your actions on a computer monitor, then you will need a program to record video from the screen. I used Camtasia Studio for this purpose. I talked about how to use it and what analogues can be used in the article.

In fact, the program is powerful, but easy to learn. And even if you have not used it before, you can easily cope with the study.

The most difficult thing is to record the video correctly, sequentially, so that nothing is confused, and it is clear to the viewer.

Therefore, I advise you to write a lesson plan and put it in front of you. Just the key points are enough. And when you record a lesson, you won't forget what you wanted to say and you won't have to redo it all over again.

For all the difficulties of pronunciation or hitch, do not pay attention, relax and do your job. You can then remove all the "jambs" at the stage of video editing.

If you are going to record a video of yourself, whether you or someone else is doing, then take care of a good camera, tripod, microphone and lighting. But, here I am not an adviser, because experience is not enough.

Preparation of additional materials.

For those lessons where I used additional materials, I created separate folders and put these materials into them. And in the course menu I made links to these materials.

You determine the format of additional materials yourself. Just remember that you should not make the weight of the course too heavy. The buyer will still need to download it.

Create a course menu.

It all depends on how many lessons you have. And how do you want to present your knowledge. If there are few lessons, then they can be numbered, additional materials can be attached, numbered in advance, and a file with tips on using the course can be made. Pack all this into an archive and the course is ready.

This option works well for free products.

When you create a paid product, it is desirable to do everything up to par.

The menu for the course can be made in the form of an html page. If you know and , then creating such a menu will not be difficult. An html frame is made, all elements of the page are written and the desired design is set with styles.

For my course, I decided to make a menu using the AutoPlay Media Studio program, which allows you to create interactive menus for any project. Commercial program. Although it is easy to find on the Internet.

Working with the program is easy, and with mine, you can easily create a menu for the course.

Here I will only briefly describe the process. You create a new project. Next, set the size of the menu window. To make the menu look attractive, you need to prepare a background image. You create it in Photoshop or another graphic editor. The image size must match the window size. You can order this work on freelance, if you yourself are not strong in design. On the new freelance exchange, this work can be ordered for 500 rubles.

After adding an image, add menu items and attach the necessary video tutorials to them. Also links to additional resources.

Save the project and the course menu is ready.

Uploading a course to the cloud.

In order for your course to be downloaded by buyers or subscribers, it must be placed on cloud storage or file hosting. For these purposes, I prefer to use or .

You create an archive with the finished course and upload it to the cloud. Then you make a public link that the buyer will receive after payment.

The advantage is that you do not pay anything for it, and the buyer will receive the material instantly. Unless, of course, he has a disk from Yandex or Mile. If not, then download it without problems.

For owners of discs, it is possible to open and watch the course directly in the cloud, without downloading it to a computer and without wasting time on it.

Create a 3D course cover.

I already talked about how to create a 3D cover on my own in the article. « » . So take a look and evaluate your options.

Ideally, of course, order an image for the menu, for the cover and design of the selling page from a specialist (designer). But, such work will be expensive. But, that was before. Today, a suitable artist can be found on the Kwork freelance exchange, where all works cost 500 rubles.

But, if you want to do everything yourself, then my article will just help you with this.

I also made the cover myself. Let not design work, but I'm satisfied.

To find suitable images, I advise you to use resources with free graphics. I use Freepic and Pixabay . On these resources you can find suitable images and use Photoshop to do what you need.

Creation of a selling site.

To demonstrate your course, you will need a selling website. This is where your course is presented, all its advantages are described, and where your commercial offer is presented.

Such a site can be created using constructors, services, or using a plugin for WordPress. And you can do it yourself, using knowledge of html and css. How to create such a one-page read the link above.

The advantage of a homemade one-pager is that it does not require material costs and it is easy to place it in a separate folder on your site, thus you do not need to pay for a separate one.

Although, if you place your course on and expect to win the “Product of the Week” nomination, then you still have to register a separate domain.

The biggest challenge, at least for me, was to create a sales copy. This is the art of creating such a text, reading which you would immediately like to buy.

Therefore, there are also two ways here, either to walk around the selling sites of competitors and peep their chips or order the text from a professional copywriter.

Copyright confirmation.

A very important point is the confirmation of copyright. Before posting your work on the Internet, take care of it.

You know, they steal everything. Even if you make a technical protection of the course, it will still be stolen and this protection will be broken.

First, according to law Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 1257. The author of the work.

The author of a work of science, literature or art is recognized as the citizen whose creative work it was created. The person indicated as the author on the original or copy of the work is considered to be its author, unless otherwise proven.

Therefore, on the images of the 3D course box, menus and video tutorials, you need to put your personal data. All video tutorials must be affixed with a logo (watermark). In Camtasia Studio, this is done at the stage of video conversion.

Secondly, you need proof that the course was created by you and came to you before the others.

To do this, you need to collect all your materials, blanks, plans, everything that you wrote down when you created the course. Next, you need to sign these materials (full name, current date, course name, address).

After that, you need to burn your course on a disc (CD, DVD, Blu-Ray), apply details on a non-working surface, as with paper materials. This can be done with a marker or on a special printer.

Postmarks with a date are iron and indisputable proof that you are the author and your copy of the product came to you before everyone else.

Do it, don't be lazy.

Connecting the payment acceptance service and affiliate program.

When you have everything ready and the course and the selling page, you can start connecting the service through which the payment will be organized and where you can create an affiliate program.

It can be JustClick, E-AutoPay, Glopart and others. The difference between them is in reputation and terms of cooperation.

The simplest and most affordable of the above services is. You can connect and mark up your course for free. And for using the service, you will be charged a commission in the amount of 60 rubles from each sale. And 3% when transferring money to your .

It is easy and quick to set up, an affiliate program is connected. It is possible to display the email addresses of customers in mailing services, create promotions and a combiner.

The service itself is excellent, but its reputation is lame. And all due to the fact that a lot of "garbage" courses are sold through this service. But, this does not affect the operation of the service.

I posted my course on Glopart. All settings took less than 15 minutes. Once set up and everything, then you just need to attract traffic and monitor sales.


Using this algorithm, you will make your course and start selling or distributing it for free. An important point in this matter is discipline and adherence to the schedule. You can create a course absolutely free by doing everything yourself. And the first sale will go immediately to profit. And you can involve specialists in this matter.

It all depends on the skills and resources. But, in order to earn your first money on the Internet, you can do everything yourself, and use the earned money to create the next course by professionals.

For today I have everything. Friends, if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments. I wish you all success and good mood.

Sincerely, Maxim Zaitsev.

08.03.2018 Alexander Rylkov

promotion features.

Unlike other offers sales courses and other educational materials are promoted somewhat differently. Selling in the forehead works ineffectively, unlike advertising goods or services.

There are several reasons for this, the main ones being:

  • unwillingness of the target audience to buy;
  • the presence on the Internet of a large amount of free information, albeit of dubious quality;
  • human love for freebies.

The Internet is full of information on everything from “how to hammer a nail” to “treatment of chipmunks”. Anyone can write an article or make a video on Youtube without being responsible for their content and truthfulness.

And people for the most part are looking for something that is free, or. at least cheaper, and it does not matter that they are given something non-working or frankly worthless. They do not want to understand that no one will share really valuable information for free and spend their time creating material, for most the main thing is a freebie.

The second aspect, why selling trainings directly to an unprepared audience is inefficient - potential buyers are at different stages of decision-making:

  1. Cold audience - has not yet thought about the problem.
  2. Warm - looking for different ways to solve it: free methods, independent experiments.
  3. Even warmer - chooses among the authors, reads reviews and so on.
  4. Hot - looking for a suggested product.

Imagine you are selling an English language course through Yandex Direct. The user sees the ad and thinks: “Buy?! Yes, I'd rather do it myself somehow, or find free lessons.

How to sell information products.

Multi-step or non-standard schemes are used here.

A simple example of multi-step sales is offering free but valuable material on the topic of the offer in exchange for contacts. In other words, a subscriber base is being assembled, which, through a specially configured series of letters, is being prepared for the purchase of paid material.

Therefore, many affiliate programs of information products advise driving traffic to a free subscription page, and then there is a “warm-up” of the subscriber and an offer to buy paid material. That is, the authors themselves sell coaching, courses or trainings, and the partner is paid a commission after the fact.

There are many schemes, you can list them, but just a list will give you little.

I would like to draw your attention to the above - someone who wants to learn something really valuable and get a result, and not a set of "what to do" without "how to do it" - buys information from experts in their field.

Only in this case you will learn working secrets and tricks and learn how to sell courses and trainings of different authors, and these are very good earnings.

Read about my example of coaching a well-known affiliate sales master.

How to learn and my result.

Everyone who does not want to stand still is learning something from someone, looking for new ideas and information that will help in further development. This applies to both beginners in any business, and those who have already reached certain heights and results.

I decided to buy and go through Igor Krestinin's coaching for making money in information products affiliate programs, wanting to know how and by what schemes to sell information products, and in this short article I will describe my experience and feedback on training.

How it was for me.

I immediately wrote to Krestinin on VKontakte that I would undergo training in an accelerated manner, not taking part in other events due to lack of time, to which I received the answer - “a personal matter, good luck.”

Here is my study room

General impressions.

I liked Igor's positive attitude throughout the entire training - I like it, and if someone is lost and lacks confidence, this positive will charge and give strength.

Among other things, enough time has been devoted to setting up the subconscious mind to get the result in the form of money. It seems that it’s already clear why everyone participates in coaching - but I also know the reverse side of the process, and what is given really energizes and motivates many.

In the very first video lesson, Krestinin repeats the conditions of participation, announced on the coaching invitation page - during the first week you can return the payment, and if after passing all the stages you can’t earn money, the money is returned in double size. That is, this is not a marketing ploy for the announcement, but a reality, by the way, backed up by an agreement.

In this regard, the interest in positive results is understandable - feedback works great, no one is left alone with problems, everyone is “dragged” to the result, and all this happens in a friendly environment.

Sales course - how is the training.

The "standard" time for completing the course is one and a half months, but everything is individual. I passed in less than a month, you can stretch the study for longer periods, but it is better not to let things take their course, but to turn on to the fullest.

All training video tutorials go from simple to more complex, a lot of cases with working schemes are given - how to sell training courses and other information products. Each technique discussed is presented in the form of a detailed plan of step-by-step actions 1-2-3 “do this and do that”. At the end of the lesson, you receive a task, after completion and verification of which access to the following materials is opened.

In case of difficulties, all issues are resolved through calls to support. The information given by Igor Krestinin is easy to understand and follow for beginners, so you can start from scratch and sell online courses from popular authors as you learn.

This does not mean that everything will be done for you: you need to think, try and experiment on your own - some proposed schemes and affiliate programs will work for you, some will not - in traffic arbitration everything is decided by tests, but all the steps are so chewed up that they will not them only lazy.

In the process of passing the lessons, online meetings are regularly held to analyze emerging problems, finalists are invited with their cases and affiliate marketing experts who provide valuable information for students.

In almost all videos, Krestinin voices chips and chips from his practice, each of which has been tested on personal experience and is of considerable value. This allows you to go to the money a shorter way, without stumbling on the "little things".

In the training course, various schemes for attracting traffic are offered for use - here are the first money using free methods, and more complex and advanced technologies to increase sales. By the way, according to these schemes, you can attract traffic to any products - goods, services, and games.

My results.

How valuable is the information gained in the learning process, and is it payable? I started selling other authors' courses in ten days and getting the first money. Then everything is on the rise.

Here are two short videos recording my accounts in two information product affiliate programs aggregators. I must say right away that the amounts shown were earned in three affiliate programs for about a month and a half (now there are already other numbers). Products costing from 2 to 20 thousand rubles were selected for promotion.



This is despite the fact that I have never been involved in the sale of information products, but arbitrage in shopping malls, where there are completely different schemes.

Now to the issue of cost recovery. I have them multiple times, and if you do not consider yourself completely stupid, then you will have good results. In any case, they will help you with this.

Recruitment to the coaching group is limited by the number of participants and, as far as I know, there are only 5 vacancies left at the moment. If you want to learn how to sell courses, trainings and coaching and reach stable earnings, do not pull -.

From the article you will learn:

  • What you need to know to sell courses online
  • What to do course
  • How to choose a platform
  • Which course format to choose
  • How can I take a course
  • What materials do you need to create for a successful course
  • How to publish a course online
  • How to advance the course

Knowledge and skills you will need

This may seem like a common truth, but you can’t keep silent about it: you must be an expert in the field in which you plan to create an online course. Looking to learn photography skills? Be prepared to show off some really impressive photos you've taken and talk about exactly how you took them. Thinking of a website building course? You should have modern, convenient, beautiful online resources behind you, and specific recommendations for their creation in your head. A non-professional trying to teach an audience something should not count on the popularity of the course.

In addition to a good knowledge of the chosen topic, you will need:

  • Computer skills;
  • the ability to shoot high-quality video and record audio;
  • well-delivered speech;
  • the ability to correctly express thoughts in text format;
  • finally, a fair amount of patience and perseverance in achieving your goals.

Step one: answering the main question

Before you create a course, answer the question about what exactly you want to teach your audience. The range of possible topics is very, very wide, and the choice depends only on your knowledge and experience. Are you running a blog that is very popular? Tell the audience about the nuances of its creation and administration. Have you learned how to make fishing lures that work better than factory ones? Create an online course for fishermen dedicated to this. This list can be continued for a very long time. Remember one thing: no one more accurately than yourself will determine the area in which you are really strong.

Stage two: choose a platform for an online course

There is specialized software for creating courses, but practical experience shows that it is more convenient to use Internet services designed for this. There are several reasons for this:

  • neither you nor your students will have to spend time installing and configuring programs;
  • there will be no compatibility issue. You can work on Windows, and one of your students can work on Linux, and at the same time, each of you will be able to use the online platform with the same convenience;
  • the services in question are "sharpened" for creating and listening to courses. They provide teachers and students with a set of convenient tools for creating and publishing lectures, discussing lessons together, testing, maintaining a student database, monitoring incoming applications, working with statistics, and solving many other problems;
  • online platforms practically do not impose restrictions on the power of users' computers: it can be minimal, and even in this case, neither the teacher nor the students will have any difficulties.

There are many platforms for online courses on the web, such as Canvas or Udemy. There are free services - for example, Moodle. This platform has been tested by time, however, by now it is obsolete. The most functional platforms, access to which is carried out on a paid basis, are such as Teachbase. The latter, by the way, can also be used for free, but the number of users cannot exceed 5 people (thus, a full-fledged class cannot be assembled).

Stage three: working out the structure of the future course

Would you like to know how to sell a course for maximum profit? It should become popular, and for this you have to fully reveal the chosen topic in it. Learn how to make fishing lures? Tell your listeners everything - from the choice of materials to the features of wiring baits in different types of water. Are you dedicating a course to creating house music in a popular program? Include lectures on everything a musician needs, from creating a drum part to fine-tuning sound effects and automating instruments.

Once you have worked out the list of topics covered and the topics covered, create a study schedule that will guide you and your students. Many online course platforms have convenient tools for this: for example, on the Teachbase platform in the teacher's personal account there is a "Sessions" section that allows you to plan classes.

Stage four: choose the formats of training materials

So you've made your schedule. Now you need to determine what format each lesson will have. The most common:

  • video lectures;
  • screencasts - video recordings of everything that happens on the teacher's screen, if necessary, accompanied by voice comments;
  • audio clips;
  • presentations.

As experience shows, video lectures are best perceived by online students, so we recommend that you focus on them (although their creation is notable for a certain technical complexity). Materials in other formats with this approach will play the role of supporting, secondary. However, specific decisions on formats are always yours: they will depend on the content of the classes that you conduct.

Modern platforms for online courses allow you to create and publish materials in a variety of formats, which largely determines their popularity. So, when using the Teachbase service, you can build courses from videos (including those published on YouTube), PDF files, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and a number of other materials. In addition, the Teachbase service allows you to conduct webinars using video and audio communication, chat and a real whiteboard on which you can draw and write.

Stage five: working on the design

Strictly speaking, this stage is not mandatory, however, we will immediately notice: a course designed in a single and carefully designed style attracts special attention. This means that it is able to bring the teacher more income than a course designed anyhow.

Uniform splash screens with the titles of lectures, a well-chosen set of fonts and colors that does not change from lecture to lecture, perhaps the same musical accompaniment of materials - these are just some of the course design elements that you should pay attention to.

Step Six: Creating Course Materials

So, the list of issues covered has been compiled, the formats of the materials have been determined, the design of the course has been worked out. The time has come, perhaps, for the most difficult and responsible stage - the creation of materials that will make up your online course.

First of all, write lecture texts. Speak intelligibly, use technical terms competently - as you parse their meanings, take into account the characteristics of your audience and speak their language.

Record and edit videos using Adobe Premiere, CyberLink PowerDirector or other software. Record screencasts using Screencast-O-Matic, Camtasia or other software. Create presentations using PowerPoint or whatever application you use. Prepare other materials foreseen by the program of your online course.

When recording a video, correctly place the light and choose the right background. When creating audio clips, take care of the high quality of the sound - use a good microphone, and, if necessary, process the audio (for example, in the Audacity or Sound Forge application). Do not forget about the uniform design of all created materials.

Stage seven: publishing the course

Using a specialized platform for online courses makes this process much easier. So, Teachbase has a convenient constructor in which the publication of materials is performed in just a few clicks. You need to title the course itself and each material included in it, upload the content that you prepared in the previous steps. To cope with this work, as experience shows, it is possible even with basic computer skills.

Stage eight: advertise and promote the course

So, the main work is done: your online course is created and published. It can be as good as you like, but as long as your potential students don't know about it, you won't have to rely on commercial returns. The course needs to be advertised and promoted. Here are the most common ways:

As a conclusion

From the above, two conclusions can be drawn.

First. Creating a high-quality, meaningful, useful online course that claims to become popular and profitable is a complex, multi-stage work that must be approached with all responsibility.

Second. This work, with due perseverance, is quite within the reach of most of us. Follow the recommendations outlined in this article, treat your future course responsibly, and it will surely become a success!