Public administration: essence, specifics, functions. Kushnir I.V

In the scientific literature and practice there is no unambiguous understanding of the term "public administration". Some interpret it broadly, as the practical organizing and regulating influence of the state on the social life of people in order to streamline, preserve or transform it, based on power (Atamanchuk G.V.), as the activity of the state apparatus to regulate public relations, for the management of both public and own affairs(Kurashvili B.N.).

There is also a narrower interpretation government controlled. Professor Manokhin V.M. reduces it to the organizing, executive and administrative activities of state bodies, carried out on the basis of and in pursuance of laws and consisting in the daily practical performance of functions. Identification of the sphere of public administration with the sphere of functioning of the executive power clearly narrows the object of the concept. It is determined not so much by the object and content of the control action, but by the subject acting within it. Public administration is all the activities of the state in organizing government agencies, their connections and functioning. Hence the broad subject of political and administrative state influence.

Professor Radchenko A.I. offers his understanding of public administration as the activity of an “executive and administrative body to influence the object of management in order to transfer it to the state necessary to achieve the goal of the corresponding territorial entity, through the adoption of legal acts, organization and control of the execution of these acts and acts of legislative (representative) authorities ". The definition of public administration through only top-down influence does not reveal the essence of public administration. Domestic state experts spoke quite definitely about this. So, G.V. Atamanchuk in his works repeatedly emphasized that for social systems in contrast to the technical ones, the organic unity of subjects and objects of management, their interweaving, relativity, and role reversal are characteristic.

So, summarizing what has been said, we can explain public administration as follows.

Public administration is a purposeful, organizing, regulating influence of the state (through the system of its bodies and officials) on social processes, relations and activities of people.

Public administration - variety social management, but its nature and specifics are determined by properties inherent only to this type of control.

  • 1. The subject of purposeful, organizing and regulating influences is the state (public authorities). The nature of public administration in a particular historical time is determined by the nature, constitutional foundations (principles) of the development of the state. The state as a think tank gives impulses - orders to public administration - a kind of " nervous system» social organism.
  • 2. Object - the sphere of public life of people, which includes: economic, social, political, spiritual and ideological relations.
  • 3. Public administration is based on powers of authority and is a way of exercising state power, which extends to the whole society (and to other communities within the framework of government-led international politics). Laws, other basic, general, standard decisions, rules, norms established by state power are generally binding, provided by the authority of the power of the state.
  • 4. The specifics of public administration are the nature and scope of social phenomena covered by the administration. At the center of public administration (the meaning of state influence) is the solution of common affairs, the coordination of actions of all citizens, the protection of a common interest, the satisfaction of the needs of society, and not individual citizens, and social groups.
  • 5. The complex of methods and means of state influence is not only legal, political, economic (regulation, coordination, persuasion, stimulation, etc.), but also coercion with the help of law enforcement state bodies. State power and management in the source has a legal and political conditionality (legitimacy), and in the implementation - the power of the state apparatus, which also has the means of coercion.

Defining public administration as an impact, the essence of which is seen in the following:

  • - control action is Practical activities, a specific type of labor, the performance of actions of an administrative-legal nature, aimed at the implementation of laws, the creation of legal acts, their implementation and organizational measures. However, the term "activity" does not fully disclose social entity management, its specific place and role in people's lives;
  • - control action is a relationship (subject-object) that is part of the public system. In the hierarchy of the social structure, this relationship, as a rule, is vertical in nature and is associated with the ability of the superior side to express and exercise the general will with authority. In economic science, attention is drawn mainly to the economic content of the control action, in legal science - its legal form;
  • - control action can be defined as the resulting activity, relationships, i.e. as an acting, motivating, changing, and precisely a controlling influence, and not a managerial one;
  • - the control action contains the moment of goal-setting. Every person is engaged in goal setting in one way or another. A huge role in the goal-setting of social development belongs to science, religion, ideology, other forms of knowledge and thinking, politics and political institutions. Therefore, in management, goal-setting has a special character, which can be described as practical goal-orientedness. Unlike other intellectual spheres in management, goals are the most “operational”, closed to practice; This is a kind of goal-task. The complexity of state goal-setting lies in the fact that it is necessary to select goals, to single out from their natural set precisely those that are not only necessary, but can also be practically implemented. Otherwise, management loses its own content, its transforming power and turns into information or explanatory activity;
  • - the control action necessarily contains Organizing time. To organize means to place people in spatial and functional coordinates, to connect them with tools and means of labor, to ensure their interaction in work and social life, to expand their creative possibilities by coordinating and concentrating efforts. It is known that the organization expands the capabilities of people, gives them a new quality. Organizational impact has two sections: static (structural) and dynamic (functional); both are interdependent;
  • - the control influence also implies the regulatory behavior of the participants in the controlled process, as a result of which social norms are implemented, recognized, approved, including legislative, traditions, customs, morality, law and many other social regulators.

Thus, the essence of the control action implies such an action, the specificity of which consists in goal-setting, organizing and regulating properties. It is this triad of properties that constitutes the essence of social management, a variety of which is public administration.

study of this issue the student must understand that the main elements of management are the object, the subject of management and the relationship that arises between them.

Control object- elements to which management activities are directed.

Subject of management- a person who exercises managerial influence.

Management relations- certain connections that arise between the subject and the object of management. There are two types of formal management relationships:

1) the relationship of subordination, which provide for the subordination of the object to the subject of management;

2) the relationship of coordination - the relationship that arises between managers, structural units and employees of the same level, as well as between management links that are at the same level.

The subject and object of management together with the system of direct and feedback form control system . In the control system, the control object is called the controlled system, and the subject is called the control system. for example, in a department store, the managing subsystem has a management apparatus headed by a director, and a managed subsystem (sections). In the department (section), in turn, the control subsystem will be the administrative apparatus headed by the head of the department (section), and what is managed - the sellers.

Management activity is a specific kind of labor process. In this regard, it is necessary to find out the essence and features of managerial work.

The essence of managerial work, its functions and specifics are determined, on the one hand, by the tasks that it solves, on the other hand, by its subject, means and the management work itself (Fig. 1.1).

Management work is predominantly mental work. Although he does not directly act as a creator of material wealth, he is an integral part of the work of the total worker. It is no coincidence that the evaluation of the activities of managers (and, above all, top management) is associated with the results of the company's activities.

Rice. 1.1 - Features of managerial work

The objectivity of management processes provides for the division of managerial labor, which contributes to improving the quality of control actions.

Division of managerial labor- an objective process of separating its individual species into independent spheres labor activity various groups managerial workers.

There are horizontal (appointment of specific managers to manage departments) and vertical (coordination of managerial work) types of distribution.

The vertical division of the ore leads to the formation of management levels. Most organizations have three levels:

institutional level- director, deputy directors, president, vice president. Top management performs a conceptual role, ensuring the setting of activity goals, strategic planning, problem solving for the future.

Managerial level– leaders functional divisions. They ensure the implementation of the strategy developed by the top management, the adoption of operational tactical decisions, are responsible for bringing detailed tasks to the units and their implementation.

Technical level- heads of primary structural divisions: heads of departments and sections, heads of production (in catering). Responsible for reporting the tasks to the direct executors and the effectiveness of their implementation.

These levels correspond to three groups of managers (leaders):

Senior managers - top management;

Middle managers - middle management;

Lower managers - lower management.

The distribution of managerial work vertically and horizontally is a prerequisite for the formation of an effective organizational structure management. This process provides a clear hierarchy, specialization of managerial work, which contributes to the growth of the effectiveness of the organization's management system. An increase or decrease in the number of management levels will entail a decrease in the effectiveness of management in the organization.

Management methodology.

When studying this issue, the student should pay attention to the fact that in order to clarify development trends, laws and principles of management, a variety of research methods are used:

Dialectical method- studies phenomena in development, namely, the interdependent and contradictory development of phenomena of reality.

Concrete historical method- provides for the study of the phenomenon under study in development, taking into account the causes, conditions and factors that caused the changes, trends in the development of the phenomenon, and more.

System Method- is a set of methodological tools, procedures, techniques aimed at the study of complex objects, taking into account all the existing relationships and dynamic characteristics.

Analytical method- consists in dividing the whole into parts and considering them as one whole.

balance method- used to measure the influence of factors on a generalized indicator. It is based on the preparation of balance sheets, which are an analytical form of comparison of planned and reporting indicators, receipts and costs, assets and liabilities. This method makes it possible to analyze the correspondence of indicators in terms of value and quantity, to identify deviations and the reasons that led to such a state of affairs.

Modeling methods- they are used under the condition when it is impossible, due to the complexity of the relationships, to investigate the development of an object under the influence of various factors.

The verbal model is the verbal model.

Physical model - represents what is being investigated, using an enlarged or reduced description of an object or system;

Analog model - represents the object under study as an analogue that behaves like a real object, but does not look like it (graph of the relationship between sales volumes and costs);

Mathematical - involves the use of symbols to describe the properties or characteristics of an object or event.

Expert Methods- used when it is impossible to quantify these parameters. These include organoleptic methods, i.e. determination in a quantitative form of the results of subjective perception by specialists (experts) of the signs or properties of the phenomenon being evaluated.

Economic and mathematical methods. These include methods for studying random or probabilistic phenomena. Thanks to them, patterns are revealed among accidents. This group includes:

Methods of elementary mathematics (differential, integral or variational calculus);

Methods of mathematical analysis (study of one-dimensional and multidimensional statistical dependencies);

Methods mathematical statistics (production functions, intersectoral balance, etc.);

Econometric methods (linear, non-linear, block, dynamic programming);

Methods of mathematical programming (convex programming method, network planning, inventory management, etc.);

Methods of economic cybernetics (system analysis, simulation methods);

Probability theory methods, etc.

sociological methods- Questioning, interviewing, testing. Based on sociological surveys of a sample of target respondents.

To expand cognitive, research opportunities, it is advisable to integrate all methods, which will contribute to the formation of a comprehensive vision of the essence, the development of relationships between the main categories of management.

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Vladimir State University"

By discipline: "Social management at enterprises"

Topic: Methods of social management. Their essence and specificity.

Group ZUP-106

Student: Grishanova I.M.

Checked by: Lachinina T.A.

Vladimir 2011

Introduction ..................................................................................................3

Chapter I . Methodsmanagement, tasks of social work.

1.1. Methods of social management .......................................................... ....5

1.2. The concept of management, its principles and tasks.

Control system, its tasks .............................................................. .................. ten

Chapter II . Essence of the problem and control methods.

2.1. The essence of management methods....................................................15

2.2 Basic management tasks.................................................... ...........nineteen

Conclusion ..........................................................................................................23

Bibliography ..........................................................................25


Social protection of the population is relevant in the system of social management of society. At the same time, it has an impact on the general well-being of society and the economic and political processes taking place in it.

The purpose of the activities of social work organizations in the system of social protection of the population is to establish stable and orderly links between various levels of the system, designed to provide people in need of assistance with life benefits, to normalize socio-psychological relations between them and society.

Social work is carried out by organizations, institutions and departments of the sphere where such aspects of life as working conditions, life, leisure, health protection, employment, security are affected. The purpose of the social protection system is to provide support and assistance to needy groups of the population and individuals through legal, economic, financial, socio-psychological and organizational and technical means.

Any collective (and society is the most comprehensive collective within state boundaries) has common interests and, therefore, common goals (for example, maintaining a certain order, preventing anarchy and the collapse of society). In this regard, “common affairs” appear in society, they need to be solved, to manage events (those that can be managed). To regulate life in various collective societies, special bodies are created (in a tribe - councils of leaders, elders, in a state-organized society - parliaments, governments, etc.).

The purpose of this course work is to study the methods of managing social work.

The object is the professional and service activity of social workers.

The subject is the process of attestation of social workers.

Objectives of the course work:

To study modern approaches to the problem of social management methods;

Analyze the current state of social management methods;

Consider the features of social management methods.

ChapterI. Methods of management, tasks of social work.

1.1. Methods of social management.

The implementation of the laws and principles of management occurs through the use of various management methods. The control method is the impact of various techniques and methods on the controlled object in order to effectively achieve the goals. Usually in management practice a set of methods is used that complement each other.

Classification of management methods

1. Administrative.

3. Economic.

4. Social.

5. Socio-psychological.

6. Psychological.

There are the following control methods:

1. Administrative.

2. Organizational (if these two groups are combined into one, then they are called organizational-administrative or organizational-administrative).

3. Economic.

4. Social.

5. Socio-psychological.

6. Psychological.

With regard to classification, there are the following approaches.

The first one consists in dividing management methods into separate groups with the aim of deeper knowledge of their content, "inventory" and, ultimately, the creation of an arsenal.

The second approach is called aspect. Its representatives believe (and not without reason) that any method has different facets - organizational, administrative, social, economic and psychological. What is important is the combination of these facets, their correlation in order to strengthen or weaken one of them in accordance with specific conditions, goals, and tasks.

The third approach is empirical. Its supporters consider any classification of management methods meaningless, since it is not needed in practice. In a particular situation, the manager solves the problem of which method to use, and does not look for an answer to the question: “Which group does this method belong to?”

In the process of managing social work, various methods are used - organizational and administrative, economic, socio-psychological, psychological. Consider organizational methods, which include administrative ones.

The key word in this group of methods is "organization", which has three meanings.

The first value reflects various state, non-state, public, commercial, non-profit, international, industrial, non-industrial and other entities, institutions, enterprises or organizations. The organization, on the one hand, manifests itself in certain organizational forms (ministry, department, committee, management, service, department, etc.), and on the other hand, in the nature of specialized activities (trade union, financial, construction, trade, international organizations, etc.). d.).

The organization is manifested both in the choice of one or another organizational form, and in the justification of the organizational structure, which must correspond to this organizational form the nature of the organization. The organizational form and organizational structure are "visible objects of the organization", which has a certain degree of stability, static. Therefore, the considered meaning of the concept of "organization" is called the subject or static and determines the subject value of a number of organizational methods by which a certain organization and the corresponding organizational structure are created or disbanded.

The second meaning is used in the sense of a set of actions that allow you to do something, decide, streamline, systematize, prepare, combine, separate, etc. to achieve goals and accomplish tasks. It reflects one of the main management functions of the manager, administrator, and therefore is called functional. You can find another definition of this value - dynamic. It emphasizes the mobility of organizational actions under the influence of conditions, conditions, situations, goals, tasks. $ The third meaning of the concept of "organization" reflects the level (quality) of interconnection, interaction, ordering of elements and parts of the system, which must be achieved or has already been achieved. In other words, in this sense, “organization” is, on the one hand, the desired state of an element, part or system as a whole, and on the other hand, the result of their ordering. It is this meaning that is often given to the concepts of “organization of management”, “organization of finances”, “organization of social work”, “organization of personnel work”, “organization of documents”, “organization of a meeting”, etc.

Any element, subsystem and system is unthinkable without organization. It acts as a property, attribute of elements, parts, systems, their functioning, development, improvement. Therefore, this meaning of the concept "organization" is called attributive.

1. Social and socio-psychological. They are used to increase the social activity of people. Social methods include:

    methods of social rationing, allowing to streamline social relations between social groups, teams and individual workers by introducing various norms (internal regulations, rules of internal company etiquette, forms of disciplinary action);

    socio-political methods, including social education and involving workers in active work in social management;

    methods social regulation serve to regulate social relations. To do this, identify, for the purpose of regulation, the interests and goals of various teams, groups and individuals (contracts, mutual obligations, selection systems distribution and satisfaction of social needs);

    methods of moral stimulation. They are used to highlight and encourage teams, groups, individual workers who achieved some success in their professional activities.

    socio-psychological methods. They are used to meet the social needs of a person, to increase the labor activity of the individual. For this use various ways motivations: suggestion, inducement, imitation, etc.

    psychological methods. They are aimed at regulating relations between people, which is achieved by a certain selection and placement of personnel. This includes methods of recruiting small groups, humanization of labor, professional selection and learning.

2. Economic methods. They are associated with the achievement of economic goals of management using economic laws and categories of a market economy. This includes economic incentives.

3. Organizational and administrative methods. The basis of these methods is power, discipline, responsibility. This method has the following types: instructions, rules, recommendations, control. The main task of these methods is to coordinate the actions of control objects.

4. Methods of self-management. Self-management enables a person to turn from an object of control into a subject of control. Self-management increases the efficiency of the entire management process, as it is based on the interest of workers and the involvement of their creative activities. This includes the method of complex motivation of people. It includes several tricks.

Public administration is the practical, organizing and regulating influence of the state on the social life of people with the aim of streamlining, preserving or transforming it. Public administration has a number of aspects:
socio-political, which determines the general patterns and the most important ideological and political parameters of the public administration system;
organizational and structural, reflecting the characteristics and features of the organizational structure of public administration;
structural-functional, constituting the mechanism for implementing the management function;
forms, methods and processes of state-administrative activity.

Public administration occupies a special place among all types of government. The highest bodies of state power represented by the head of state and his apparatus, the government, parliament and judiciary and their apparatus together play a role control system, the constituent components of which are interconnected by complex functional relationships. They make decisions of national importance, binding on both all the links of the state apparatus without exception, and citizens.

In accordance with Article 10 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, state power is exercised on the basis of its division into legislative, executive and judicial.

The executive power is a relatively independent branch of the unified state power of the Russian Federation, closely interacting with other branches. It is independent only in the functional-competent sense. Its functions are related to the practical implementation of laws on a national scale, for which a certain part of state power is used. Another part of such powers falls to the share of legislative and judicial power.

A distinctive feature of executive power is that it is exercised in relation to various elements of a state-organized society, i.e., on a national scale and as a specific state function law enforcement nature.

public administration or practical implementation executive power in his legal substance there is regulatory activity. Accordingly, in the administrative and legal aspect, it manifests itself as a normative regulation carried out by authorized subjects of executive power in certain areas of activity for them.

The public administration system includes the activities of the state as a whole and covers the widest range of functions - from ensuring national sovereignty and national interests to maintaining the economic, social, political and legal conditions for economic development. In other words, this is the imperious, political management of the affairs of the whole society, which is based on legal conditionality (legitimacy), and in implementation - the power of the state apparatus, which has the means of coercion.

Political management should be understood as the development and adoption by the top leadership of the country of long-term and strategic decisions that determine the main directions and priorities of the socio-economic and political development of society and create conditions for their implementation. The state ensures the functioning and development of the main spheres of life, creates and maintains the infrastructure on which it is based. The state exercises its political influence through legislation, establishing general, model rules(norms) of the behavior of all people in all spheres of public life and ensures their observance not only by the power of power, but also by other mechanisms of regulation (economic, value, normative, moral), constantly expanding the scope of their application.

The problem of the effectiveness of public administration attracted attention at all stages of the development of society, and it was given a leading place in the system of views of Confucius, Plato, Aristotle, N. Machiavelli, T. Hobbes, D. Locke, Montesquieu, G. Hegel, I. Kant, A. de Tocqueville, K. Marx, V.I. Lenin and others.

Modern Western theorists do not stop arguing over the issue of the scale of state participation in the socio-economic development of society. As is known, two major scientific schools and many modifications based on them have developed. The first of them is associated with the name of the English scientist J. Keynes (Keynesianism), the other - with the American economist M. Friedman (monetarism). The views advocated by these scientific schools are directly opposite: Keynesians are in favor of active state intervention in market economy, while the other school opposes broad state regulation of economic life. Keynesianism (state dirigisme) proceeds from the fact that the market is not capable of self-adjustment, does not provide macroeconomic equilibrium and therefore needs a manager (conductor). Demand is recognized as the main factor of equilibrium development, which the state influences with the help of various levers. It coordinates long-term and short-term development goals, interests at hierarchical levels, manages sectors of the economy, monitors the ratio between them (proportions), pursues an active monetary and tax policy, and controls prices. To increase demand, investment, employment are encouraged; the tax burden is shifted to the wealthy sections of society, increasing state procurements and inventory, which increases capacity utilization.

Monetarists proceed from the fact that the market automatically reaches equilibrium, and excessive state intervention can only cause harm (except for fiscal policy, the need for which they do not deny). Since the money supply is directly proportional to the rise in prices, i.e. inflation, the condition for balance is a stable monetary system and free competition. Supporters this approach advocate limiting public investment, social programs, subsidies, for firm limits on money emission and government loans, reducing wages to reduce costs and consumer demand.

The principles of scientific schools are implemented to varying degrees in various business models that differ in the share of state participation in the economy, the size of the redistribution of funds through the budget. Among them:
Saxon (USA, Canada, Great Britain), which is characterized by great freedom of enterprise;
Western European (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal), characterized by active government regulation through indicative planning, a large share of the public sector;
socially oriented (Germany, Austria, Holland), which is distinguished by the emphasized social orientation of the state. In Germany, for example, 1/3 of the state budget and significant funds of enterprises are allocated for social needs. The state pays extra for education, cultural development, rent (for the poor), for children, young people to equalize chances at the start of life. Enterprises spend 30% of similar state payments on social needs;
Scandinavian (Sweden, Denmark, Norway), where there is parity between public and private capital, a clearly expressed social orientation. Here the principle applies: production is private, and social development- for all. Almost full employment is provided, budget expenditures amount to about 70% of GDP (investment, health care, Pension Fund, social insurance, etc.);
paternalistic (Japan), based on reinforced state regulation, the use of traditions in modern production.

Thus, the trend of world development has been the expansion of state intervention in the economy and other spheres of society. Developed countries differ in political institutions, economic and management models, but they demonstrate common approaches to the role of the state in society. The state everywhere regulates both factors of production and markets, guarding national interests.

Today at Russian society there are also disputes between the extremely liberal direction in economic theory and the so-called "realists". The former, by inertia, accuse the state of adherence to the principles of socialism and therefore, in theory and in practice, they seek to reduce the share of GDP redistributed through the budget of the expanded government. They insist on the reduction in the public administration of programs for the development of the socio-economic sphere, financed from the budgets of all levels. Their principle is “clearing the budget from non-interest expenses”.

Representatives of another direction proceed from the fact that the market in Russia has not become a self-reproducing system, and the development vector points the way to a mixed, market-state economy. Therefore, they call for a more active role of the state in the implementation of economic and social policies.

Meanwhile, there is also a commonality of views on the ways of reforming public administration. Many researchers agree that the decisive change among them is, first of all, the very system of managerial relations, which implies a strict division into the subject and object of management. It is necessary to overcome the approach to the subject of management, i.e. to the state, as a functional subsystem "responsible" for the preservation social order, the integrity of society. The extreme expression of this approach is the construction of a management system as a total administrative system, the principles of which are set forth in the theory of bureaucracy by M. Weber.

Thus, today the understanding of the mechanisms of managerial influence is undergoing evolution, which is reflected in the conceptual rethinking of the foundations of public administration. In this regard, the experience of theoretical analysis carried out by well-known management specialists D. Osborne and T. Gebler in the book “Updating Management”, which has become an all-American bestseller and a desktop guide for many officials and managers of the state and municipal government countries.

The starting position of the authors is the idea that a civilized society cannot function effectively without an effective state and that it is not people who government organizations constitute a problem, but the systems in which they operate. Their main idea: debureaucratization of public administration and local government and turning them into "entrepreneurial" institutions. They substantiate the principles of renewal modern systems government controlled:
introduction of competitive principles in production and provision of services;
expanding the rights of citizens by transferring control over the activities of government agencies to them;
transition to the assessment of the work of state bodies based on results (and not on costs, as is customary in budget practice);
transformation of clients into free consumers who have the right to choose service providers;
decentralization of management, shift of power to the lower levels of the organization;
a priority market mechanisms before the bureaucrats, etc.

One cannot but agree with these authors that the strengthening of statehood, the increase in its effectiveness is associated with the strengthening of the social ties between society and the state, the development social partnership. As world experience shows, in the activities of civilized states there is a significant regrouping of functions, the promotion of new priorities in state work. The main subject of management delegates many administrative, organizational, regulatory, rule-making, financial and economic functions to different subjects of management, motivating the real formation of civil society, which allows balancing the different interests of both individuals and large social groups, nations and nationalities, religious denominations, etc. . P.

The most important problem Russian statehood is the formation of a new generation of civil servants.