What not to say to the boss for a successful career. Conversation with the boss

I made a list of 10 phrases that are not recommended to be spoken in the presence of a leader. According to the compilers of the rating, it is enough to exclude them from your working vocabulary to do yourself, your boss and your career an invaluable service.


A manager perceives a simple sigh of an employee as hidden aggression, which is why the compilers of the rating put him in first place. Sometimes one breath is enough in the presence of a leader, and you can cause a whole flurry of questions and even accusations. “Even if you didn’t mean anything bad, you will have to defend yourself,” the rating compilers say. “However, we all know that a sigh in itself means irritation and discontent.”

"I don't get paid enough for this"

In 99% of cases, the employee who said this will make a mistake. This is because this phrase belongs to the most common excuses for work. And the most popular answer to it may be: "Then quit and look for another place for your huge untapped potential!". "The phrase 'I'm not getting paid for this' or 'I'm not getting paid enough for this' can only irritate the boss, and only people who think you're right, like your mom, can understand you," the ranking's compilers say.

"I had so much fun last night..."

Perhaps you are just bragging about last night, unaware that your boss already knows why you are not keeping up with your work plan. Such conversations can also make him think that for an employee there is no boundary between work and personal life, and perhaps he is completely devoid of brakes. Therefore, you should not trust him with responsible projects.

"I will add you as a friend on Odnoklassniki / VKontakte"

"No, it's not worth it! Never. And if you do not understand this, then your manager will certainly be disappointed," the rating compilers say. Such a proposal can put the boss in an awkward position. He may be stupid enough to agree, but it's better for everyone if he refuses. That doesn't mean he can't be easily chatted with at an office party, but social networks will not open the door to the subordinate's private life.

"It is so simple!"

Such a phrase may simply be unpleasant for the leader, and if it is still pronounced with an appropriate condescending tone, then it will certainly cause offense. Even if the employee just wants to show that the task is easy for him to do, the boss will almost certainly translate it as follows: "After all, everything is obvious here. How can you be so dumb?".

"I've already done everything. Does anyone need this?"

By asking such a question, you thereby question the expediency own work, and this is unpleasant not only for you, but also for the leader. After all, it is no coincidence that he gave you a lot of time to complete the task, but to insure yourself against mistakes.

"This is not part of my direct responsibilities"

The fact is that a lot of what employees do during the day is not included in job description e.g. chatting with friends or surfing the Internet aimlessly. However, it is difficult to find a person who does not do this. So, if the boss asks for some trifle, you don’t have to immediately declare your rights and obligations.

"It's not my problem"

Firstly, this phrase still implies the presence of a certain problem, and secondly, either a colleague or the boss himself needs help. Therefore, you should not once again emphasize your isolation from the team, but rather try to help without further ado.

"Is that all they can do?"

Words like these can refer to anything from new office phones to meals on corporate holiday. However, this phrase signals to the manager that you are disappointed and do not appreciate the efforts made to improve working conditions.

"It's Impossible"

This is just one of many similar phrases that signal to the boss that his employee does not show appropriate efforts, and perhaps is completely indifferent to the matter. Therefore, if you have not even thought about how to approach the problem from what angle, you should not immediately abandon the task.

The leaders themselves hold different opinions about "freedom of speech" in the office. So, the president of the Coffee House chain of coffee houses, Vladislav Dudakov, admitted in an interview with Office Life that he simply cannot stand phrases like "It's impossible to do." "The thing is, to be honest, I can't stand pessimists at all," he says. "If a person is pessimistic, it's hard for me to work with him."

In turn, the president of the Association of Russian Banks, Garegin Tosunyan, trusts his subordinates, writes rb.ru. And, if one of them says that he cannot do something, then it is so. "My employees have the right to say whatever they want," he says.

The material was prepared by the online editors www.rian.ru based on information from open sources

Employees have a different relationship with their boss. Some speak as equals, others are afraid to take the wrong step. Usually you need to talk with your boss every day, so you need to establish contact at the beginning. labor activity. Required condition- Show respect and build relationships based on trust. Be friendly and tolerant. Even with an evil boss, you can find a common language.

Rules of behavior

Good relations with superiors are the key to a comfortable atmosphere in the team and productive work. But each person has his own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, bad habits. You have to come to terms with this. Changing a bad, capricious boss can be very difficult, but adjusting to his characteristics is much easier.

The first thing to do is draw boundaries. Discuss problems in a calm tone, but if necessary, defend your point of view. You can also voice your dissatisfaction. It’s better to do it face-to-face and in a polite manner. Explain why you are unhappy and suggest ways to improve the situation.

Do not start empty talk about the boss in the team. It is better to direct this energy to improve performance. Try to help your boss achieve work goals. This will help build relationships, gain recognition and improve your position.

Other rules:

  1. Problem prediction. Don't be afraid to report bugs and bugs. You can unobtrusively advise how to improve or correct the situation. An experienced and wise chef will appreciate this behavior and thank you for your help. If the attempt was not successful, it is better not to do this a second time.
  2. Ask for advice. In difficult situations, when the success or failure of the entire company is at stake, you can confer about working moments. Think over a plan of action and coordinate it with your boss. This will help avoid mistakes.
  3. Be sincere. There are bosses who have a negative attitude towards flattery and hypocrisy. Therefore, praising without a reason is a bad decision. It is better to approve his activities when you really see fit.
  4. Maintain neutrality. Between the boss and the employee, they act purely business relationship. It is better to talk with superiors only on work topics. It happens that it is better not to make friends with him and not be imposed. The optimal solution is to work for the benefit of the enterprise and do your job with high quality.
  5. Do not press on sore points. Instead of criticizing, report on ways to fix the problem. If he's late for an interview, suggest setting your alarm 15 minutes before the meeting. If he forgets about meetings with customers or other important matters remind about it. Think about how else you can help the boss, and do not lose this opportunity.
  6. Reward good deeds. Often good, but demanding bosses do not hear warm words addressed to them. Compliment your leadership style, recent success, or other accomplishments. Do it sincerely and from the heart, and not for the purpose of hearing pleasant words in response.

Even if he behaves inappropriately, be professional. Remain calm and behave with dignity. Listen carefully and leave the office.

Five Types of Leaders

In psychology, there are 5 main types of bosses. The main differences between them are the attitude towards employees, personal qualities and behavior model.


It is important for him to feel superior to others. Overly arrogant and overconfident. Decisions are made thoughtlessly. He believes that he knows all the working nuances. His behavior is often the subject of gossip and objections. Unable to endure this, he wants to punish those who spoke badly about him in any way. It's useless to argue with him. Almost every subordinate is considered a bad employee. He will never listen to someone else's opinion, considering it wrong. Instead of an argument, it is necessary to use advice that will emphasize the position of the mentor.

Other actions:

  • ask for help with a work problem;
  • ask for advice;
  • express respect;
  • ignore negative feedback, etc.

The main thing is that the leader feels needed. Such actions will help to avoid conflicts and scandals.


They are excellent businessmen. They like to take risks and are not afraid of failure. Any mistake is perceived as a challenge to become better, they do not tolerate competition. Therefore, the presence of an informal leader in the team is perceived acutely and they will try to eliminate them from the workplace in any way. "Jokers" are great bosses for those who like to work in a team. They know how to properly organize work with a focus on results. Don't try to compete. Nothing will work out for you anyway, and the relationship will be forever ruined. The best thing you can do is listen carefully to commands and turn in your work on time. Then conflict situations will not arise.


The most common type of leader. Can call late at night business matter or give a heavy task for the weekend. Being a workaholic, he does not know how to rest. The result of the activities of subordinates rarely pleases him, so quarrels happen often. Subordinates are considered property and are often called bad employees.

How to deal with the "owner":

  • set boundaries in the first place;
  • do not take home work;
  • do not stay up late at work;
  • don't be afraid to say no.

It is important to defend your interests. If work is not a priority, make it clear. If he calls late at night, it makes sense not to pick up the phone. Show that you welcome the division of the day into working time and rest. At first, the boss may be offended, but later he will cease to be so intrusive towards the employee.


Assignments are loud and specific. Requires immediate implementation. Always positive and energetic. Always has a plan of action, which must be followed. He does not like brave and enterprising workers and often punishes them. It is hard for him to take time off from work early, even if the reason is good. The award is also rare. The only thing the right decision employee - focus on the result. Deliver work on time, constantly improve productivity. Such behavior is a guarantee of good relations.


Most polite and helpful. Has a sense of humor, loves to communicate with subordinates on work and everyday topics. Always maintains morale and cares about each employee. For him, human values ​​are more important than professional qualities.

Rules of behavior:

  1. You can offer ideas to improve the work of the team. He will definitely take them into account and try to implement them.
  2. It is better to ask about working moments in private.
  3. With him, you can not be afraid to talk about a raise or ask for a salary (if there were real successes in your activities).

Praise for success is desirable, but only sincerely. He does not welcome hypocrisy.

Conversation during a fight

It happens that the boss is the initiator of all conflicts. As a result, instead of a favorable atmosphere in the team, the situation is very tense. Then employees feel disgust not only for the leader, but also for work. As a result, productivity is low, the mood is bad and the quality of work leaves much to be desired. Ignoring constant insults or pretending that this is a normal attitude is not worth it. Sit down at the negotiating table and talk calmly. It is advisable to have evidence of the negative impact of the boss with you. It can be emails, voice messages, SMS.

The worst thing a female employee can do during an argument is cry. It is necessary even in conflict situation behave with dignity and not show weakness.

Rules to follow when fighting:

  1. Don't stoop to the level of the boss. Yelling back is the worst thing an employee can do. Wait until the boss calms down, and only then express your opinion about the quarrel.
  2. Interruption of a conversation. There are people who cannot listen to insults for long. Then it is better to apologize, interrupt the conversation and leave the office. Ask to continue the conversation after the boss calms down and comes to his senses.
  3. Focus on the problem. If you are scolded for a problem that you really allowed, you need to listen carefully. Try to ignore aggressive behavior. Think about how you can fix the mistake or ask for advice.

In any quarrel, you need to behave with dignity and not speak in a raised voice. This can only make the situation worse. Excessive emotionality is a sign that a person cannot adequately assess the situation and quickly find a solution. In this case, anger and aggression is a protective tool.

Ways to solve problems

It often happens that an employee tries to explain to the boss that he was wrong or offers to forget about the conflict, but he does not back down. As a result, every day is accompanied by quarrels and scandals. If the boss constantly reproaches and shouts for something, you should think about changing jobs. To tolerate such behavior is disrespectful to oneself. There are hardly career prospects in this workplace. You need to take care of your health, especially mental.

Another correct decision is to move to another department if the work in the company suits you. You need to find out in advance if there are vacancies and talk with employees about their boss. But asking for a transfer to another department or department is worth the head of the entire company. Clearly explain the situation to him and ask for help.

If an employee has been the victim of discrimination by superiors, it is worth contacting the relevant employee protection authorities. There are conflicts that cross the line of the law, and the initiator requires punishment.


Often employees do not know how to behave with the boss. Some begin to be hypocritical, others begin to criticize and discuss his every action with colleagues. But it is important to learn how to build trusting relationships. In a conflict situation, you must behave with dignity. Try to overcome excessive emotionality and discuss everything in a normal environment. If even after several conversations with a showdown, it was not possible to eliminate the misunderstanding, you should think about dismissal. Sometimes this is the only correct solution.

In theory, corporate parties are designed to rally the team, to show subordinates that the authorities care about them. Some people are lucky - they have a sociable boss, others are less lucky - their boss does not drink and leaves the party after his speech. Eh-h, if the problems were only in the authorities. We look forward to a party at work and start to party from the first minutes. And then the problems begin.

Alcohol removes a lot of prohibitions and adds complexity. Mainly with bosses. “Under the fly” comes out the accumulated irritation and the desire to joke a lot. Who is loved the most at work? That's right, boss 🙂 But there should be a measure for everything. Read and memorize the words that you can not say to the authorities. Never!

Some people believe that after a joint gathering in a bar, playing pool or karaoke, you can become a short cut with the boss. In vain. So, remember and keep silent about the following:

  • Our previous boss would have done something wrong... The probability that you will keep the company of the previous boss is to strive for 100%. No one tolerates comparison with others: neither women nor bosses. The only exception is the comparison in favor of the new boss. And even then it is worth being more careful;
  • What did you drink yesterday or How much did you drink yesterday? Whatever the relationship with the new boss is, they are far from friendly. And in any case, the amount drunk, as well as the brand of drinks, is none of your business 🙂
  • Who will you vote for in the presidential election? The question smacks of provocation. Political topics are best avoided;
  • Do not wave your families on vacation! It's not just familiarity, which is disgusting in itself. Your words hint at a special relationship between you. The boss doesn't think so. So the layoff is getting closer.
  • I know better how to do my job! Telling your boss that you are more competent than him is the height of stupidity. Even if he is younger than you and really knows less. Nobody on leadership position will not tolerate this. Get ready for problems at work. It's just that you won't let these words go.
  • It's not my fault. Someone else has not finalized, and in general, no one is particularly tense. Words will show that you are afraid of responsibility and are ready to pass it on to colleagues. You might be lucky - the new boss likes these. But not a fact. It's better not to risk it. By the way, the boss can tell other employees about your words. This will be difficult to deal with.
  • Trying to make friends on social media. In addition to the right to privacy, which no one has canceled, there is the right to choose friends on their own. Both in real and virtual worlds. You don't add everything yourself.
  • This issue has already been agreed with your boss. It is never harmful to observe subordination. The manager positively evaluates employees who understand their place in the company's mechanism.
  • Why can't I take time off when you take several days at a time? From the side it looks wild. As if a capricious child asks why dad can come at one in the morning, but he can’t. If only infantilism. Remember the classic phrase about "God's God ..."? Exactly.
  • Repeat what you said. I got distracted. You can't imagine a worse situation. You showed disrespect for the boss, his words and orders in front of everyone. The thoughts of the leader will go on a knurled track. What threatens you, you need to tell?
  • I'll work better with a salary like yours. These words are not even funny. Counting money in someone else's pocket is just not nice. And to associate the boss's success with money is generally on the verge of a foul.
  • Your proposal is complete nonsense. It won't work. I do not even want to comment on such criticism.
  • I don't like sitting next to a window/door/air conditioner. Elementary problems are solved independently in the course of work. After all, there is a caretaker or whoever you have there. So why is it necessary to fasten the authorities? You show your own failure, not the ability to solve everyday problems. At a minimum, you will be hated, and even avoided.
  • I didn’t think that you were the same as everyone else ... It turns out that you are quite an outgoing guy! Everyone has the right to small weaknesses. Corporate in the past, and demanding too much attention is fraught.

Perhaps you are already stupid. Then pretend like nothing happened 🙂

But for the future, stay away from your superiors. Especially at corporate parties, and do not abuse alcohol! Happy holidays to you 🙂

How your career develops depends largely on how you build your relationship with your boss. And here an important role is played by how you talk and what you say in general. After all, it is first by appearance, and then by conversation, that we are evaluated by colleagues and superiors. How to talk to your boss, what to say to make a good impression?

What to say to the boss is up to you, the main thing is not to say something under any circumstances. There are certain phrases that you just need to cross out of your vocabulary, because by using them, you subconsciously sign your incompetence and irresponsibility.

Never say the phrase " i thought someone else was looking into this issue". Excuses only slow things down. Try to avoid reasoning that it would be nice if someone else took up this issue. If you have a task, try to structure the problem. To move things forward, always ask questions.

Never say " nobody told me about it".
If your boss hears you say this phrase often, then he will probably have a negative idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow you work. It turns out that you are working as if in a fog, not noticing what is happening around you. You may get the impression that you do not know how to correctly allocate your working time and prioritize.

Never say " I was thinking that...". Such a phrase will lead to the fact that you will instantly lose all interest, and this is a direct path to dismissal.

Better not say the phrase " I asked her to tell..."So what of it? The fact that you asked someone to hand over to someone does not mean at all that you have completed the task in full. It also does not mean that now the responsibility for completing this task lies with that person who you called A good manager, even in difficult situations, does not shift responsibility to others.

Never say " and I didn't know that you want me to do it". If you utter such a phrase, then this means that you are able to act only when you are reminded of this, and when your actions are controlled by the leadership.

Do not speak " I did not have time" or " I was very busy". Saying these phrases, you sign in your own unprofessionalism. The ability to complete the task on time is an indispensable characteristic of a successful manager. Arguing for the failure to complete the task due to lack of time, you yourself sign a service obituary. And the following words will be inscribed on the tombstone of your buried career: "Failed with work".

Do not speak " I didn't think to ask about it". The most important thing in work is to foresee everything that needs to be done. Failure to look ahead and anticipate may mean that you do not know how to keep all the threads in your hands. A successful manager must be able to calculate and anticipate a few steps ahead.

Never say " but there is still time before the end of the term"Nobody needs a rush job. Managers are well aware that what is done at the last minute leaves no time at all to evaluate what has been done, check it and correct mistakes. Modern business does not tolerate second-rate work.

Don't say " but they said it would be done in time". The problem is one thing - it was not done. Why? Yes, because you could not control the process, could not foresee possible problems and ways to eliminate them.

Never say " it should be over then and there's nothing more to discuss". Deadlines are only important when they are met. And they must be reconciled and adjusted every time as necessary.

Don't say the phrase As far as I understand…". No need to cheat. The whole trouble is that you are trying to evade. By using such words, you thereby show that you are not an active participant in the process, but just an outside observer. And the spectator is not paid for the game.

Never say " I will do it as soon as I receive from...". Sorry, but with such competition in the world, this is not a very good answer. If you feel like just a cog in a big machine, then you will not stay at work for a long time. The last statement is true even if the deadline was delayed not according to your Tackling the right problem at the right time, giving it the attention it deserves, and taking responsibility for it is the program of action for a successful manager.

Do not speak " I promise I will take care of it immediately". Of course, you will! After someone had to remind you of this. You thereby show everyone that you are an unorganized worker and can deal with issues only when someone draws your attention to it. If you If you act on prompts and constant reminders, then there are two options in your career: either your days in this job are numbered, or you will never get a promotion.

Never say " I've been trying all this time to contact everyone, but...". Today, this no longer holds water. It turns out that you yourself cannot fulfill the duties and be responsible for the work assigned, or that your colleagues do not want to work with you. In any case, this can bring trouble.

Don't pronounce we can't reach each other by phone". Perhaps you think that in this way you demonstrate your employment. But everything is not quite right. Why? If you "can't contact each other by phone," then this means that you do not live in a real dimension. Everything must be done to prevent this from happening.If necessary, then buy yourself mobile phone or at least a pager and tell everyone your number, and then you will always be easy to contact.

Never say " I couldn't reach her". Of course, talking on the phone today is a terrible problem. There are barriers that sometimes seem impenetrable. Be creative. Send flowers. Rent a limousine. Do everything that can get attention to you. And just sitting and making excuses is to sign in their complete impotence.

In business today, everything is quite clear. Active action is the key to success. Whatever the obstacles in the way, your task is to eliminate them yourself. If you cannot do this, then you yourself will be the obstacle.

Want to make a good impression on your new boss or improve your relationship with your current boss? Try adding some of these powerful phrases to your conversations and you'll see results in no time.

1. "How can I help?"

This is probably what any leader wants to hear the most. (The phrase "That's not my job" will have the opposite effect.) This characterizes you as a team player and suggests that you are ready to vigorously take on things that are outside of your main job responsibilities.

2. "Not a problem"

When your boss asks you to do something, be positive about it. Reassure your boss that you can get the job done without his involvement and detailed supervision.

3. "I would like to know more"

Showing your boss that you're interested in things that are outside of your area of ​​expertise is a great way to demonstrate your desire to actively develop within the company and move up the career ladder. This characterizes you as an ambitious person who understands his weak sides and willing to work on them.

4. "How can I improve my work in the future?"

This is especially useful when evaluating your performance, but you can ask this question at any time. This shows that you are willing to listen and accept constructive criticism. And if you take it to heart and make the necessary changes, it will be even better.

5. "I will take charge of this matter"

Voluntary initiative and demonstration leadership qualities- what managers expect to see in valuable employees.

6. "I love my job"

This phrase is not often heard from employees! Even if you don't like everything about your job, you could probably pick out a few things to say to your boss. Who doesn't love enthusiastic employees?

7. "Here's how we can solve this problem"

Problem solving is extremely effective method elevate yourself in the eyes of management. If you went to your boss and said, “Here's the problem. We can do A, B, or C to solve it, and I think we should do C because…” - this is how you show initiative and creative thinking. Even if you and your boss have different views on solving this problem, he will be impressed that you thought about how to deal with it, and not just came to report on its existence.

8. "No"

It's actually Good idea- set clear boundaries with your boss and say "no" from time to time. At the same time, be as polite as possible. A good boss will respect you for being able to set and maintain these clear boundaries.

9. "I saw it needed to be done, so I did it"

I think this phrase sounds like music to all of us! Bosses adore people who solve problems on their own and do not need constant monitoring and petty care. Also, if it's not technically "your job" but needs to be done—anything from replacing a printer cartridge to office work—you'll earn extra points right away.

10. "Have an idea..."

A good leader always welcomes new ideas. The main thing is to present them in right time and in the right place. A staff meeting where brainstorming is done and everyone comes up with new ideas? Beautiful time. A meeting with a client where you present a proposal package? Maybe not the best time.

11. “I would like to talk to you before planning my vacation.”

Almost every boss hates to be told that they have already bought tickets to the islands in the Caribbean without first discussing with him the possibility of a vacation at this time. Therefore, before buying tickets, let your manager know when you want to leave, how you plan to redistribute your workload during your absence.

12. "Let me show you"

When describing a complex situation or problem, it's good to have some visual tools to make it easier to understand. This is especially helpful in the case of large quantity initial data.

13. "Everything will be done by..."

Your boss will definitely appreciate the specificity regarding the timing of the work. The ability to set deadlines and stick to them is very useful for a manager trying to manage the expectations of his boss and other team members. Of course, don't forget to keep your promise, otherwise it's worthless!

14. "I understand correctly, you say that ..."

This is the method active listening when you repeat what you understood from what your boss said. At first glance, this may seem a little silly to you, but in this way you show that you have listened carefully to your boss and really understood what is required of you. Bosses love it when what they say is perceived as it should be.

15. “It was my mistake, but next time…”

Managers greatly appreciate employees who not only admit their mistakes, but also understand what needs to be done to avoid a similar situation in the future.

16. "I could use your instructions"

Managers are usually happy to speak as experts and most of them will be happy to give their opinion and give you useful advice what you need to do to grow and advance in the company and in your career in general. Even if you just ask for help or advice, your boss will feel appreciated.

17. "I agree"

Everyone likes it when someone else shares their point of view and recognizes the value of their ideas - and your boss is no exception. You should not go to extremes, so as not to turn into a nodding sing-along. But when you really see eye to eye on a particular issue with your boss or support some of his ideas - tell him about it.

18. “I got your point. I myself thought that this can be done as follows ... "

Even if you disagree with your boss, show him due respect; do not make a fool of him and say that he is wrong (especially in the presence of other people), while not being afraid to convey your thoughts and ideas. Any person will take into account different points of view if they are expressed calmly and politely.

19. "How are you?"

Don't forget: your boss is just as human as anyone else! And he also has good and bad days. If necessary, try to show genuine interest in how he is doing, or ask about things other than work that interest him - children, hobbies, sports teams. Establish a personal connection.

20. "Thank you"

A good boss always thanks his employees for a job well done, but who says thanks to the boss himself? If you were helped to solve the problem, gave good advice or valuable comments, say thanks! Your boss will be very happy.

Bernard Marr