Famous entrepreneurs who started from scratch. Success stories of billionaires who started a business from scratch




The philosophy of Jim Rohn has helped millions of people change their lives for the better. Find out what she can give you!

Jim Rohn: Let's talk heart to heart

At the age of 25 I was very poor, I had nothing, and at 31 I became a millionaire. How did I do it? Several things played a decisive role in the reversal of my fate.

First of all, I did not refuse the chance offered, but took advantage of it. Usually, before that, I was cautious, avoided making a decision, answered: "I'll think about it" and left. The absurdity was that, of course, I did not think about anything, because on the second day I forgot about the chance offered yesterday to change my life.

I did not have a goal in life, I did not know what I needed, and I went with the flow.

But when I began to look for a chance consciously, I found it.

If you haven't discovered your chance yet, keep looking and you will find it. And then your life will definitely change, the level of your income will change.

Next: I found a teacher, a person who taught me how to do it. A good mentor will show you what your problem is and how to solve it. One day he asked me why I still haven't been successful?

I read him a whole list of reasons why I hadn't succeeded. You need to understand what kind of person I was at 25 years old.

I used to blame everything around me. I started working at 19, but six years later I had nothing, I was poor.

I blamed everyone for my poverty except myself.

I blamed the authorities and the government for the fact that they came up with laws that did not allow me to get rich.

I used to blame everything on the tax system, I argued that taxes are prohibitive.

I constantly resented that the prices were exorbitantly high, but it was not so. The truth was that they were out of reach for me.

The problem was with me.

I complained about low wages: "How can you live on this money?"

I'm used to blaming circumstances.

I used to blame my relatives for being too picky and unfair to me.

I used to accuse my "cynical" neighbors of being selfish because they didn't lend me money.

I blamed the weather, the economic situation, society, the time in which I had to live, politics, and so on.

When I read the entire list, my mentor shook his head reproachfully and said: "This list does not include main reason Your failure ... It lacks you yourself!

That I did not achieve anything and was poor, I blamed everyone except myself, and this was a mistake. The mistake was in me.

And then I tore up my list of "reasons why you can't succeed." Then I took a blank sheet of paper and wrote one word on top: "I".

I was the reason why I didn't succeed...

Understand that you cannot blame anyone but yourself for not achieving what you wanted, not achieving your desired income, not living where you would like and dressing not the way you like.

And when I was 25, my teacher told me that the next six years would be the same as the previous six years if I didn't change myself. When I realized this, I immediately changed my life.

Over the next six years, authorities, taxes, laws, the economy, and relatives changed little. Circumstances and neighbors have not changed much in these six years either. So how did I get rich before I was 31?


It is better to stop blaming the government and relatives and start looking for the real culprit.

Let me give you the best advice I have for the next six years of your life.


It's nobody's fault if in six years you still don't buy a car, or drive in an old, rusty van, wear clothes that were fashionable ten years ago, live in the dirtiest neighborhood in town, get a miserable salary, or be unemployed. .

It's nobody's fault if in six years you become someone you don't want to be.

So where do you start? How to change your life?


How to change the world around?


If you change, the world will change for you.

You are in better side, the world is better.

You are for the worse, the world is for the worse.

The greatest discovery of the last century is that people can change their lives:

  • simply by changing the state of your mind;
  • simply by changing your attitude towards yourself and the world around you;
  • simply by changing your consciousness;
  • just by changing yourself.

Simply put, if you believe in the possibility of something, you will definitely achieve it someday.

If you don't believe in the possibility of something, you will never achieve it.

The main reason that you do not have everything you would like is postponing “for tomorrow”. How many times, when you were offered a chance, you were cautious and said: "I'll think about it."

You still don't understand why you haven't succeeded yet?

If you are still reading these lines, it means that not everything is in order in your life, it means that there are problems. You may have failed in life.

Do not despair. Defeat is the best time to start over. Someone said: “Do not wish for easy roads, but wish for great barriers and obstacles, for they form the character of a person and his desire for success."

Almost every success story that I know of started with a man lying on his back, defeated by failure. Under these conditions, people usually lay out all their talents, abilities, desires and determination - these are the main components of success.

Under these conditions, a person, disgusted by his current position, eager and determined to change his life, steps forward to the barrier, as if in a courtroom, and shouts for everyone to hear: “I have had enough of failures and humiliations, I do not I'm going to be patient with them!!!"

And then time, fate and circumstances become powerless before such determination. And step aside so as not to interfere.

Your role in the current failure is a temporary role. You will survive your misfortune in the same way that you got into it. And no matter how naive it may sound, be grateful to providence for your current defeats or failures, since they are the starting point from which almost all success stories began.

From where you are right now, you can go where you want, do what you want, become who you want. It was from this place, which is called defeat, that many great personalities began their victorious path.

So be thankful for your tribulations. But for your better future, let them work for you, not against you.

The world around you doesn't care if you break down and die, or rise up and go to your goal.

The world around you doesn't care what choice you make. So take a chance and set your sights on success rather than mere existence and self-pity.

From now until the end of your life, commit yourself to success. After all, you only have one life! Let's do something great!

And to begin with, let's provide ourselves and our families with a normal, dignified life.

After all, you deserve it!

So where do you start?

Here's the key.

Listen carefully to the person who suggested this article to you, and take their program very seriously.

I wish you success!

Ecology of life. If you want to become a millionaire, you must follow certain commandments, says Daniel Alley - businessman, millionaire

If you want to become a millionaire, you must follow certain precepts, according to Daniel Elley, a businessman, millionaire and participant in the Entrepreneur magazine's Young Millionaires project. And he tells you exactly how.

People from all over the world ask me for advice on how to become a millionaire. These are people with different backgrounds different ages, religious beliefs and skin color. They see money as a resource that will help them achieve their main goals.

However, most people do not want earn million dollars. They want to spend a million dollars. They think that money alone will make them happier, and they don't understand that the real joy and fulfillment comes from the path itself, the journey to becoming a millionaire.

I am often asked: “Will you advise something to a person who is starting his journey to a million?” Yes! If you follow these 10 laws, they will put you on the right path.

1. Don't work for money

If you only work for money, money will not work for you. It would be better to work on developing your skills. Making money is just a by-product of developing these skills. The more professional you are, the higher you can climb the economic ladder(unless, of course, the ceiling is not too low in your profession).

Those who work for money become slaves of money. Those who work to develop their skills will also learn to control money, because handling money is also a skill. If you focus on developing your skills, you will be able to pay the bills. And if you're only focused on paying the bills, you won't have time to master the skills. Skills are a top priority. “I am not afraid of the one who has worked ten thousand blows, but the one who has worked one blow ten thousand times,” said Bruce Lee.

2. Stay a student

In my understanding, an educated person is one who knows how to dispose of what he has. There are many people who have accumulated the richest knowledge, but cannot do anything with it, because they lack education in this sense. Every day fill your notebook or diary with what you have learned. I have dozens of pages of notes in a week. At the end of the week, I study them and ask myself: "What have I learned this week?" I've spoken at conferences about 1,200 times and noticed that only 3 percent of people bother to keep notes.

3. Focus on 3%

There are only 3 percent of people in the world who really need what you offer. If you focus on those 3 percent, you can become a truly rich person. The layout is like this: if you reach out to 100 people, 70 of them may be interested, 30 will ask questions, 10 will want something more, but only 3% are able to really fall in love with you. These are your real fans. And your task is to serve them in the best possible way.

Think of all the people who love you just the way you are. There are more such people than you think. 3% are ready to follow you all their lives. They will promote your brand and tell everyone they know about it. And over time, that 3 percent will grow to incredible proportions.

4. Soak up feedback

It doesn't matter who gives it feedback- those 3 percent (your true fans) or the other 97%. Listen to these lessons. Often the only way to build and amplify your results is when you absorb all the feedback. Use it to test and polish your product. This is striving for excellence is what makes people millionaires.

Most people are okay with bullshit. They send letters without editing them properly, walk around with untied shoes and forget about kindness. Not finishing things is the worst way to do business. But if you start to really absorb feedback - even from your haters - you can completely rebuild your brand.

5. Get into your comfort zone

Failure is an extremely uncomfortable thing, but a lot of people tolerate it. They agree to live in a house they don't really want to live in, they buy cars they don't like to drive, they accept a salary they don't really like. It is better to strive for success: it is easy, pleasant and extremely comfortable.

Everything I do is quite comfortable. But it started when I started inspiring people for free. This is the only way step into your comfort zone and do what you love - doing something for free. Quit working for money, start developing your skills and doing what you love - even if no one pays you to do it. Soon enough you will find a way to make money with it. And that's the only way to enjoy life.

6. Be everywhere

In the new millennium, we have the Internet. More specifically, social networks that allow us to be everywhere, including in other people's pockets (I mean smartphones). But you have to learn how to attract fans across all of these platforms by managing your content the right way. You can start with something more general and mass, but then you need to look for and define your niche and be as specific as possible.

Spending two hours a day on social media can capture the attention of thousands of people in a matter of weeks. If you want to become a millionaire, you must find a way to get the attention of millions of people. Today social networks are the most fast way convey your message to them.

7. Don't delay success

We hear people say all the time: I'll wait until I pay my taxes. I'll wait until the kids finish school. I'll wait until I get promoted. There are a whole host of such excuses - and all this just because people cannot overcome their fear of success. They allow themselves to be distracted and ruin their plans.

BUT success does not tolerate when distracted from it. Success must be grasped today. Don't wait for next week, next month, next year. Success cannot wait. A millionaire knows what he wants and will do everything to achieve it, no matter the circumstances. Eliminate obstacles and excuses and do what you have to do to overcome your deepest fears.

8. Adjust your intentions

Only people with the right intentions become millionaires. As I said before, aiming to make money for the sake of making money is to bury your success. This setup often blinds people and prevents them from seeing other possibilities. If you are focused on something wrong, it will prevent you from achieving the success you want.

And other people pay attention to your intentions. They want to know what you are striving for and what you want from them. This natural mechanism protects them from trouble, keeps them safe. When you connect with people, share your intentions and build relationships on the principle of reciprocity. When you share your goals, it clarifies what you want to say and because of this, people can lend a helping hand to you.

"If you can't explain something in simple words so you don't understand it well enough,” Einstein said.

9. Practice originality

Many people are afraid of competition. They know that their field is full of experts, and therefore do not try very hard themselves. But if you look closely at these markets, where there are so many experts, you will see that most of them are just duplicates, which often only copy the industry leader.

Before I started my business, I had some doubts that I would succeed. After all, so many people were already doing what I did! These thoughts influenced my work and blocked my talents. Eventually I realized what my originality was, and everything changed. Remember that no one is exactly like you. No one is able to do everything that you can. So that .

10. Make life easier for people

To become a millionaire, you need to make other people's lives as easy as possible. Do not complicate what you want to convey to them - state everything in such a way that it is easy for people to understand it. Often, if a person does not understand something, he simply will not deal with you. When I write my articles, I want eighth graders to understand them. I also want to reach out to millions of people who don't usually read articles like this. A few months ago, a woman who usually only reads news on Yahoo found my texts and couldn't put them down. In a few days, she read over a hundred of my tips, and then quit her job. Today she has That's what happens when you make people's lives easier.

If you systematically apply these rules, you will achieve results. But this requires believe in yourself- and take the necessary risks. published

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Perhaps, every person at least once in his life thought about how to create a business that allows you to get rich to the point of obscenity. For the most part, such thoughts remain thoughts, but some people still decide to bring them to life. Have you ever wondered how others got rich? How was their life? How did millionaires flashing smiles from TV screens make themselves so?

Ralph Lauren

Successful business, fame, worldwide recognition - all this is about Ralph Lauren. But the millionaire was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. As a child, he dreamed of a movie star career. Ralph successfully graduated from high school, but dropped out of college in order to join the army. After his service, he began working as a tie salesman. And at 28, he convinced his boss to let him design and launch his own line of these men's accessories.

Leonardo Del Vechio

Today, 83-year-old Leonardo owns a multi-billion dollar company, but success did not come immediately. The guy was born into a poor family. His mother could not take care of him, so the boy was taken to Orphanage. At a young age, Leonardo found work at a factory - by the way, here he lost part of his finger.

But later, a young, ambitious man discovered own enterprise manufacturer of high quality eyeglass frames. Sunscreen, sports, medical - today, almost ¾ of all glasses in the world are produced by the Luxottica Group corporation, created by Del Vechio.

Richard Branson

Due to learning problems, Richard dropped out of school at 16 (he suffered from dyslexia). The guy wanted to succeed so much that he said more than once that he would either get rich or end his days in prison. At 22, he opened a recording studio and created the Virgin Records label. Of course, the businessman has faced failure more than once, but today he is the owner of 500 small firms(he even has his own airlines) and one of the richest people in the world.

Steve Jobs

Perhaps everyone knows this story. Steve Jobs dropped out of college to travel around India and spiritual enlightenment. At the age of 21, he returned to the States and opened an Apple store with Steve Wozniak. Who would have thought that the billionaires who run one of the most famous companies in the world, started their business in a garage.

Howard Schultz

Howard grew up in a poor neighborhood, so he didn't have much career prospects. For several years he worked as a sales representative for Xerox. The guy was so inspired by the culture and attitude to Italian coffee that he decided to open his own coffee shop, and then bought Starbucks. Today, these coffee houses are in almost every major city in the world (there are more than 25 thousand of them).

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark showed an interest in programming as a child, so his parents hired a tutor for him. At the age of 12, he wrote a messaging program specifically for his father's office (his father worked as a dentist).

A talented guy was taken to Harvard without any problems, but soon Mark dropped out of school in order to devote his time to creating Facebook. Needless to say, today it is the most popular social network?

Oprah Winfrey

If you follow Oprah's work, you must have heard that she was the victim of violence and harassment more than once as a child. That is why at the age of 13 the girl ran away from home. She did well in school and put all her efforts into going to college. But, having received a job offer from a well-known TV channel, she refused higher education. Today Oprah Winfrey is a real legend and is on the list of the richest people in the world.

Jack Ma

The guy was born into a poor family. After high school, he applied to colleges but failed the exams twice. Harvard turned him down ten times. Jack's perseverance can only be envied, because he continued to apply. The same story turned out with the job search - he received several dozen refusals. But, perhaps, this is for the best, because otherwise he would never have created the Alibaba Group. Today, Jack Ma is China's richest man and the first Chinese businessman (from the mainland) to be featured on the cover of Forbes magazine.

Larry Ellison

The mother could not provide the boy with a good childhood, so she transferred custody of Larry to his uncle and aunt. After the death of his adoptive mother, the guy dropped out of college and moved to California, where he collaborated with various companies as a freelancer. Then he was invited by the FBI to work on the new Oracle system. Today, Larry owns his own company and is one of the richest men in the world.

Doo Won Cheng

Du Won Cheng moved with his wife to the US in the hope of creating better life. At first he had to work at three jobs - in a coffee shop in the morning, at a gas station in the evenings, and in his free time (yes, it turns out he had it) he managed to do cleaning. Today, he is the owner of a company that earns billions in the creation and sale of inexpensive clothing.

As you can see, the road to success has not been easy. But this did not stop them from believing in opening their own business and achieving prosperity.

He is only 22, and he is already sitting in a chair CEO. Nikita has his own chic office and a profitable business, which the guy promoted in just a year.

“Think of an idea. Think of the idea as if it were your whole life. Get infected with it. Live it. The rest will be a nice addition"

The guy's business took off spontaneously. He, like many teenagers, stayed at home until the third year and played computer games. Suffered from idleness, skipped couples at the university.

His mother, after the third year, began to tell him that he did nothing, did not work, and told him to go get settled. And he went.

And here's the story of a millionaire from scratch

He settled system administrator to the car wash. The work seemed not dusty - to monitor the computer and tell the director about new technologies. Alik, as an already established businessman, at first did not even pay attention to the future millionaire. But then, the entrepreneur saw in Nikita a desire to do something of his own, and Alik decided to support the new entrepreneur with good advice.

“For business, money is not important, the main thing is fixed capital, because it is very difficult to come up with an idea, and money is just a tool.”

By the way, see a few ways. How to earn .

To come up with something that no one else has done, it has become main task for Nikita. From communication with Alik, the guy took out one thing: you need to sell what is really a consumer, and as cheaply as possible, let's say - for 100 rubles.

“Communicated with people and tried to imagine what the person wants? And will he feel sorry for 100 rubles for this?

For 100 rubles, the guy decided to sell mobile phones, technology, and even cars. He decided to create a website where you can buy almost anything for 100 rubles. Beloved girl, she did not believe in Nikita's idea. They broke up because he did not earn the amount required for her, only his mother supported him, although she did not understand how you can sell anything for 100 rubles.

Everything turned out to be very simple: Nikita divided the cost of the thing into shares, which amounted to 100 rubles, which could later be redeemed on the site. On the main page there are goods, the shares of which have already been partially redeemed. You can buy several shares of several goods, for example: a TV, a telephone, or a vacuum cleaner. If there is no product on the site, there is a "contacts" section through which you can order any item.

At first, sales went on for a long time, many people thought that the site was created by scammers, then Nikita decided to distribute 100 rubles to all participants in order to show that the program chooses the winner. The computer selects one of those who redeemed the share, then a letter arrives to the one whom the computer has chosen.

Harold Simmons is a successful American, owner of billions of dollars and a talented entrepreneur. His experience in banking gave him a great opportunity to invent and develop a new way of buying a variety of corporations, which as a result even acquired the name “financed buyout”.

Harold Simmons was born in 1931 in Texas in the United States of America. His father and mother constantly paid close attention to the level of education received by their son. In 1952, Harold was awarded a master's degree in economics after graduating from the University of Texas.

Lakshmi Mittal is an Indian metallurgist, tycoon, director of the world's largest steel company ArcelorMittal. According to information as of July 2010, he had the status of the richest man in Europe.

Lakshmi Mittal was born in 1950. His father Mohan Lal Mittal was a fairly successful Indian entrepreneur. He was engaged in the management of enterprises in the metallurgical industry. Until the 1990s, the main assets of this family in India were expressed in the presence of a cold rolling mill in Nagpur and an alloy steel plant near Pune. Today, the management of the family business is in the hands of the Lakshmi brothers - Pramod and Vinod. However, Lakshmi himself has nothing to do with him.

Mukesh Ambani is an Indian entrepreneur who ranks first in the ranking of the richest people in Asia (as of July 2010) and is in fourth place - in the global ranking. Today he is the co-owner of Reliance Industries, the largest private enterprise in India and one of the largest privately owned conglomerates worldwide.

Mukesh Ambani was born in Bombay (the modern name of the city is Mumbai) in 1957. In the family, he was the eldest son successful businessman Dhirubhaya Ambani, who is the founder of Reliance Industries. Mukesh earned a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering after graduating from the University of Bombay. Later, he received an MBA degree from Stanford University (United States of America).

Anil Ambani is an Indian tycoon who ranks fourth among the richest people in India.

Anil appeared in 1959 in the city of Bombay (its current name is Mumbai). He was the youngest son in the family of Dhirubhai Ambani, who was a well-known industrialist and businessman.

Anil received his higher education at the University of Bombay, and later at the University of Pennsylvania. Today he is a member of the board of trustees at the Indian Institute of Technology in the city of Kanpur, as well as the Wharton School of Business (it is organized at the University of Pennsylvania).

Kushal Pal Singh is an Indian business tycoon, head of DLF Limited, which owns 42 square kilometers of land. This real estate developer is currently the leading developer in India in terms of earnings, revenue, market capitalization and developed area.

Kushal Pal Singh was born in 1931 in the Bulandshahr district of India. His family belonged to one of the Gotr Jats (one of the highest levels of the social hierarchy in India).

Vladimir Leonidovich Bogdanov is a Russian businessman, co-owner and director of OJSC Surgutneftegaz, which is considered one of the largest oil companies in the Russian Federation.