Anniversary scenario for a 60 year old woman. Anniversary for a woman cool script at home

Scenario of the anniversary of 60 years for a woman

The action begins with the congratulations of the grandmother from the granddaughter, the script can be easily reworked for yourself.

Why are we in the kitchen
Crowded in the morning?
All something, fry, soar
Adults and kids.
Here, peel the potatoes.
Milk here.
Because the birthday
My dear grandmother!
The table is set, relatives are sitting
Together at the big table
For beloved, for granny
We will dance and sing"

(Sing a song to the motive “From a smile it will become warmer for everyone ...)

My grandmother's birthday
With the first ray today I woke up
I ran to my grandmother,
What if she smiled at me first.

Your birthday is your holiday
Have fun and sing songs
Let caring hands rest
For you, we are the whole crowd
They baked a big pie.
All children and grandchildren congratulate you.

You live dear for many years
You and I are not afraid of even ice and cold
We send you warm greetings.
We really, really need your wise advice.

May your days be long
In happiness, joy, love,
And health fails too often
We will visit again
Let's start the song again
Let sadness bypass your house.

And for my beloved grandmother
We baked a loaf.
You are bolder granny
Blow out those candles

(The hero of the day is presented with a loaf, she blows out the candles.)

First toast to our birthday girl!

(A colleague)

Today in this glorious hall
Sitting family and friends
We are all dressed up today
And prepared not in vain,
Today is not just a holiday
Our Valentina has a chorus of guests,
So let the song sing right now
How the anthem sounds on your glorious anniversary!

(Song to the motive "I'll get up before dawn today")

We got up before dawn today
Everyone went to buy flowers together,
We all waited for the appointed hour,
To sing a song for you.

Anniversary we have a beauty
We are all in love with her
Our kindest friend and boss:
We are fair and honest equals for her.

I ask my friends to raise a glass
For Valentine, our Valya!
So that she always has happiness
We'll tip this cup!

Believe it or don't believe it.
Standing in a dense garden
Cheerful, kind house,
Not a palace house with children,
With snow on the porch
And how many children? Bulk..!
Like seeds in a cucumber
Funny and not so funny.
Pugnacious and in snot,
Who will be dragged in the hands
Who is being carried in a sleigh
Who pees in pantyhose
And who's on the potty
Lives these lyalkam,
Let's just say good.
After all, they are fed here, sing,
Then put to sleep
And they'll tell a story
And take you to bed
Well, straight raspberry life,
Well what else to say
Such is the picture.

Let's continue to interpret
And who rules that kingdom?
You ask me, Queen Valentine,
Hello friends!

(The hero of the day is asked to rise, they put a crown on her)

A toast to our glorious queen.

And now the competition for men.
Find your queen.
A man is blindfolded, and all women are put on paper crowns, you have to find your own, if you didn’t guess - a fine in the form of an amateur performance number.

Our glorious queen
All you know friends
She will be born today
Lucky not in vain
Life runs after her in a jump,
Valya rushes ahead,
So that old age with shortness of breath
Do not catch up with her on the way.

Dear Valentina Ivanovna!
Dear queen, your subjects have prepared musical and not very musical gifts for you.

(Adults disguised as children exit.)

Congratulations to Aunt Valya
Our favorite kindergarten.
Sends greetings to you dear,
Junior, nursery squad.
We promise to listen to Valya,
Always go to the potty
When everyone has eaten porridge,
Let's take the cups.
Be healthy, aunt Valya,
Many, many more days
We promise we'll come
To you on the hundredth anniversary!

(Sing to the tune "Let them run, clumsy").

Let's laugh today
Red speck of the sun,
Nightingales sing songs in chorus
We wish you health
We promise with love
Do not forget your instructions.

It's not just a birthday
Our Vali Anniversary,
Give us candy and cookies
And pour a little.

Dear Valentina, now your dear spouse wants to congratulate you.

How much beauty in the world:
The sun, the sky is blue,
And spring flowers
They can't compare to you.
For many years we walked side by side,
It was all sadness and joy
Now the grandchildren have grown up,
We are already getting old.
We won't let her into the house
Let him take a walk
When it hits again later,
Let us not be found at home.
You are my good
I always feel at ease with you
I give you flowers
And a surprise with lots of love.

Dear Currency, now your beloved daughter will congratulate you!

Dear Mom,
You are not related
What do you wish
On this anniversary
And what better words to choose
to tell you
How I love you.
Tied with a strong thread
We are with you forever
For me, you are my mother
main man,
Affectionate most
I am light with you
And from a good heart
Quiet and warm
In sorrow and in joy
You were next
I want you forever
Mom lived.

(Noise outside the door, the sound of a guitar, gypsies appear)

(Singing to the tune of "Dear Long...")

Lay, bark, bark, bark, la, la, etc.
Here came our gypsy camp
Made to order for your anniversary
So come on mistress don't be shy
Quickly pour vodka into glasses

To make it fun
Let's all drink together
And under the cucumber we still pour
Let's dance Russian
Then the gypsy!
Well, then we'll drink romances

Let me congratulate you madam
Wish you good health
We decided to glorify you now,
Talk about a beautiful lady

Yes, you are beautiful
And we all like
How do you live right, dear,
And your pies are famous in the district,
You are for the guests
You bake them with joy.
You rather get up in a circle Valyusha,
We will pick up a gypsy outfit,
And then we open our soul
Together we will dance and sing.
Let the whole house buzz
And walks around
Pour us another glass,
Let everyone around know
We sing for you
After all, today is your birthday!
Lay, bark, bark, bark, la, la, etc.

Dear guests, dear birthday girl, an ensemble of Russian chanson under the sonorous name "Zashibalo" came to you for the holiday! 3-4 people come out with impromptu musical instruments (e.g. empty bottle and fork, spoons, two pot lids, etc.)

Before you is the Russian ensemble of the street song "Zashibalo"!
You ask why "Zashibalo"?
Because we go to festive events and make money, well, just make money ...

(points to drink)

And so before you is the star of our ensemble, the incomparable Lucy!

But she just doesn’t work like that, she needs to gild her pen and name the person for whom she needs to sing or congratulate.
I will now approach each of the assembled, and you must give some money and give a name, and I will give it to the actress Lucy. So, let's begin.

(The entertainer goes to the guests, then returns to Lucy, bends down, to her ear, as if saying something in her ear)

Who? Name? Fee?
(Nods that everything is in order, sings to the tune “Lyuba, Lyubonka).

Once a girl walked around the city
Sweet girl of heavenly beauty,
At the disco, she danced so well,
That all the fans gave her flowers

Oh, Valyushenka,
I kiss you on the soul
People admire you today
We got to you
For a birthday
And since we are here
No one will fall asleep from boredom

Applause, friends! Well, who wants to continue the concert? Please continue orders (again goes to the guests, etc.)

Name? Again? Fee? Who ordered? Husband! Good.

Once Valechka and Vityusha got married,
Valya was a bride of marvelous beauty
Her features haven't changed at all.
Today Vitya gives her flowers again

Oh, Vityushenka, take care of Valyushenka
Give love, diamonds and flowers,
And if the currency is happy,
Then you will be next to her, you are happy.

Storm of applause! Bravo Lucy! And will we continue?

(goes back to the guests, takes the order, returns to Lucy)

The entertainer repeats the actions.

Who? Grandchildren? Can be free.

Once Valenka was a barefoot girl,
Chased all other people's boys around the yard,
Now suddenly she became a strict grandmother,
But still loves laughter and kids

Valya, Valenka!
Throw socks and boots,
Let them retire
Well, we give you sandals,
Dance easily, you are here today in them.

(continues to work)

Who? Retired friends? Seniors discount..

Once Valenka
Studied at the institute
Was a student of genuine fasoty,
Now she's become a beautiful woman
And on her birthday they give her flowers again

Oh, Valyunechka,
What a smart girl you are
What a rich set the table for us
I sing to you, my throat is dry
Drink wine well, and then pickle!

Bravo! Bravo! All to the table.

Dear guests, dear hero of the day, a guest from neighboring countries came to you with congratulations.

Meet the inimitable Verka Serduchka!

And I'm only from the cold
Wipe the tears from my eyes
I came to congratulate you
And to amuse people
happy birthday girlfriend
The holiday goes around
Here he comes to you
And stayed for a long time
ok now everyone is good
After all, they all drank and ate, I know
Okay, I'll be fine!

Oh, I feel like I'm going on a spree here
Oh, I'll take a walk!
We will sing and drink until the morning today,
And then all together to dance Chitu-Dritu
Congratulations and wishing you many more years
And Valyukha suits you, such a lipstick color
Songs are pouring, wines are pouring
And knock, knock, knock glasses to the beat
Happy birthday Valentine We walk like this for you!

Well friends
Anniversary is over
And outside the window the moon is already rising,
The wax of hot holiday candles is melted,

So our life goes by quietly
But we will not regret the past,
Looking forward to the day ahead
No wonder the wise have one piece of advice,
Only the one who walks can master the difficult road.

Once again, Happy Anniversary, see you soon.

comic cool script celebrating the anniversary of a woman of 60 years, holding a holiday, a gala evening with humor, poems and congratulations to the dear woman of the anniversary, toasts, contests for entertaining guests. Sounds music from the film "Pink Panther".

Enters the stage
Leading in a spy costume. He has a cape and a long-brimmed hat and sunglasses. He looks around.

It must be an old lady. Host: Yes, 60 years old, after all. Voice: We need to conduct a survey.

And at the end of it, I'll tell you who the hero of the day is. How old is the hero of the day (viewers should correct that this is the hero of the day); Which ranch is native to the hero of the day (viewers should correct that this is not a ranch and give the exact name); Why in
Male harems are prohibited in Russia (the hero of the day should answer this question by agreement); Does the hero of the day have pets; What did the hero of the day do last weekend, at 12-00 Presenter: Well, what does this quiz tell you?

Moderator: Oh, right. I should have argued with you. Voice: For what? Three clicks, right? Voice: Prize for quiz participants who gave large quantity answers.

Host: And now all the guests and relatives of the hero of the day will congratulate the birthday girl with a song!
Voice: Well, what a stupid idea.
Host: Nothing stupid!
The one who will not sing is the hero of the day. Voice: Yes, whoever is the most elegant and beautiful is the hero of the day. The host looks at the guests: Come on, you. They are all beautiful and elegant.

In general, here's the lyrics of the song, you know the music. The music "Let them run clumsily" plays. Lyrics for 60 years:

60th anniversary for women

At any age, a birthday is a bright holiday that causes only positive emotions. But some women are scared by the 60th anniversary, after all, 60 years is a respectable age.

The main task of organizing the 60th anniversary is to make the birthday girl as comfortable as possible in the festive atmosphere of her own anniversary. She needs to feel special, needed and loved.

Anniversary preparation.

It is best to celebrate the 60th anniversary of a dear mother, grandmother, wife, sister and friend in the circle of the closest people, but in a solemn atmosphere. You can choose a good restaurant with live music and retro-style interior.

Agree in advance with the musicians what kind of music they need to play, taking into account the tastes of the hero of the day. Or make your own music album from the birthday girl's favorite songs that you can listen to during the festive evening.

Some restaurants have their own host who will professionally hold
Your holiday. But
You can do it yourself by choosing one of the relatives or friends of the hero of the day as the leader. Start the anniversary with congratulations and wishes, presenting gifts and flowers.

Then you can start toasting in honor of the birthday girl and talking about her life and achievements, not forgetting to mention the pride of the hero of the day - the success of her children and grandchildren. You can take a short excursion into the past by showing photos of each memorable event in the life of the hero of the day through the projector.

The festive evening must be diversified with dances and competitions for guests. Do not forget to allocate a certain place for children in an adult holiday. Organize a separate table and a special menu for them, think over several competitions for them, let them congratulate their grandmother whenever they want, you can even prepare some kind of scene for the birthday girl with them or learn beautiful poems in her honor.

Scenarios of the 60th anniversary for a woman.

You have no desire to compose the anniversary script yourself,
You can use ready-made scripts, of which
You are sure to choose something that suits you.
To you.

Anniversary scenario for a woman

Anniversary of a woman 50-60, etc. years

Having prepared and decorated the room in advance: Hang balloons, garlands. Design a wall newspaper, with children's and youth photos
We distribute balloons and crackers to guests. We make a living corridor in anticipation of the hero of the day. The birthday girl enters, crackers clap and the presenter begins: (host) You already (50,
60…) but it doesn't matter
You are always young at heart!
Can you keep the warmth of your friends,
And every year you become wiser!
You always comfort when trouble comes,
And in holidays no, more fun than you!
We want to wish you good health again
Thank you for being you, I came to tell you!!!
Then you can seat the guests at the table. (host) Dear
We have gathered in this hall to celebrate a significant date for our wonderful (anniversary)!
You can give the floor to the main guest at the anniversary table: (senior in age, boss, husband, etc ....) Our summers are running, changing,
Again (spring, winter, autumn, summer) at the threshold,
Worth the _______________th time.
We wholeheartedly congratulate
We wish you happy good days. Life flies like a fairy tale
moving forward
Having prepared in advance a sufficient number of copies of the words, the song is sung: To the motive of the song “The Blue Carriage” 1 Pour into a glass of wine to the brim. Let what is planned come true
May you be happy always!

Rolling, rolling train of childhood into the distance.
2 And gifts from beautiful fairies!

Tablecloth, tablecloth spreads a long way. And sadness dissolves in the air
Everyone, everyone believes in the best,
Rolling, rolling train of childhood into the distance. Further congratulations are carried out by dressing the guests. While the song is being sung, several people dress up as grandmothers-hedgehogs (wide, long skirts, funny baggy blouses, a bast on the head, a scarf, a broom, you can use a rake to pick up leaves) Running out with a cry, ditties are sung to the motive: “Spread the accordion furs ...” 1 Anniversary has come to your house
And there is no secret
We celebrate cool
We wish the sun light and good!
Wishing you a clear blue sky
And stay young at heart forever!
The word is given (to friends or relatives) to present a medal (you can make a medal yourself, from a golden oracal, or buy a ready-made one). Memo to the award medals. F.
O. to award a memorable anniversary medal and command her (him) good health, happy and joyful days in life and all prosperity. Medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of loved ones, at the festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.

The procedure and conditions for the use of the medal. Medal consists actually of a medal, put on, a hole for put on.

In order to put on a medal, you need to take it by the donut and into the contour, stick your head in so that the put on catches on the part of the body that connects the head to the body. The medal must be placed on the upper front part of the torso, facing outward. The user of the medal must at the same time make a happy-solemn expression on his face. The lower edge of the medal should coincide with the top of the belly of the hero of the day.

So that the medal does not lose its appearance, and the hero of the day loses his dignity, every year on his birthday the medal should be washed with alcoholic drinks of domestic and foreign spills, but with a good Russian snack. The recipient of this medal has the right: The recipient of the medal is prohibited: to get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry, grow old, use the medal for making teeth, as a load when pickling cabbage. The control over the safe storage of the medal shall be entrusted to police officers,
FSB, and faithful children. There are three options for the "Reminder for the award medal" You can proceed to the presentation of gifts: One of the options: Men dressed in nesting dolls sing a song to the motive: “What do you need ...” 1 We chose a gift for you, oh, all together
Suddenly we got a nervous tremor,
Although we all knew what they needed, what they needed
But where do you get, where do you get what you want.
2 We are in a crowd, oh!
Went, oh!
We wanted to take you a diamond brooch!
Although we all knew what they needed, what they needed,
But where do you get, but where do you get what you want? 3 And we bought you a treasured gift
And our nervous trembling has passed
We bought you what we could, what we could
Take it or not! For more bright clear days,
And if you can try
We will arrange a contest of ditties, the winner receives a prize _______ and is awarded the medal "The Most Vociferous" we will arrange a contest of adjectives, let's say the letter
B .... "__________________" is ours
NAME of the hero of the day
Looking forward to your "__________________" anniversary
Everyone with "__________________" had fun,
Divide the guests into 2 teams and conduct a poll which team knows the hero of the day better: 1. Date and place of birth. 2. Her origin: (parents, in which city or village she grew up). 4. Time to discover talent or start a career. 5. Friends or personalities surrounding her. (This question can be asked by showing photos.
Guests should not only name the names of these people, but also talk about what connects them with the hero of the day). 6. Detailed questions about where, when and how a person created his works, wrote songs, etc. 7. Questions about personal life. Children, husbands, lovers, reasons for divorce. 8. What countries did you visit and who did you meet there? 9. What is he currently doing? Place two chairs in front of the groups.

On one should hang a sign "True", on the other - "False". You name a sentence taken from the biography of the hero of the day. But half of the sentences must be lies. To do this, you need to distort dates or names. It is necessary to divide the team members in such a way that each pair consists of one member of the first team and one member of the second team. Next, you loudly pronounce a saying regarding the life and work of your hero of the day. The members of the first pair, with the help of the prompts of their team, must take the right chair, that is, if the saying is true, then the chair with the “True” sign, and vice versa. Whoever sits on the right chair first, he brings his team one point. The team that scores the most points wins. Questions for guests about the woman of the day. How well do you know our dear hero of the day.

1. What day of the week was our hero of the day born? 2. What time of day did this event occur? 3. What was your birth weight and height? 4. Where on the map was she born?

5. What was the name of the first teacher? 6. What was the name of her first love? 7. How did you study at school? 8. What is the best thing to do? 9. In what year did you meet your dear husband? 10. Circumstances of the meeting? 11. What dress was she wearing then? 12. What day of the week did they get married? 13. What was the weather like on your wedding day? 14. Age of her children? I ask all relatives and friends to come out, please congratulate your beloved and dear (name). (relatives congratulate) Well, now I ask my friends, just let's have fun! (friends and acquaintances congratulate) Well, now, probably, I,
I will say all the main words: Let
Births happen once a year
But everyone should note it
That's why. I'll tell you now.
All that is so often lacking: Great love, health and all the best,
All those who are
And to make a more confident step,
And let all the stars illuminate your path!
We said all the words here
And pour a glass of wine again
For you (name), we all drink,
We live here today for you! (musical break, meal) In honor of this
of the day
Let's dance
And a nice prize to receive!


The contest is called "Dance Like a Star". Everyone is welcome to participate. Scarves, oriental jewelry, caps (marine), Chingiz sabers are laid out on the floor. Different music is periodically turned on (tap-dancing, oriental, "Yablochko", Russian folk) for 15-20 seconds, each participant must take the appropriate object in time (example: Russian folk - take handkerchiefs) and dance. Those who dance poorly and do not have time to take the necessary items are eliminated. And so to one participant. The winner is awarded a prize: Diploma "Best
Dancer" and MP3 disc. We all came to you,
To confess your love!
Live a hundred and twenty years! 60 years!
Sixty years - everything is just beginning! Presenter: And now we will have a little quiz. To do this, our hero of the day must fill out a short questionnaire in writing, and the guests will answer the same questions orally.

I will determine the most correct answers according to the completed questionnaire. The opinion of the birthday girl is the law today, do not try to understand a woman!
Questionnaire questions: 1. What name would the hero of the day give herself if her opinion were taken into account at birth? 2. What role would you like to play in a movie? 3. How affectionately does she call her spouse? 4. What was her name as a child? 5. What does a woman need to be completely happy? According to the results of the quiz, the one who guessed the closest answers receives the "order" "For attention and understanding" - the host presents, and the birthday girl presents the "order" "Birthday Girl's Favorite", to the one whose answers she liked the most, even if they were not like her. "Orders" are made of foil cardboard. Presenter: The mystery of a woman is not at all in beauty,
After all, there are no ugly women!
There is a riddle in the mind and in simplicity,
With which she conquers everyone!
I propose to raise a glass for the beauty and sincerity of our birthday girl, which even young beauties cannot keep up with!
And at this time, "Vanya" and "Zina" enter, as in a song
Vysotsky. Outfit
Vani - T-shirt - "alcoholic" and sweatpants washed out. Zina is a sultry woman in a colorful dress, under which not only her breasts are enlarged, but also her buttocks (any rag will do). A special sign - red lipstick is generously applied past the lips. Not bad if "Zina" is a man. To the motive "Oh,
Van, look what parrots…” they sing
Vanya: Well, where is the happy girl,
Who celebrates sixteen? What can you eat and get better? Zina:
Open your eyes - here she sits,
Eyes are shining brighter
She looks at you and me
Go, congratulate, look, don't drink!
Vanya: And I
Zin, what? And I'm nothing!
I’ll go, I’ll congratulate you warmly (they approach the birthday girl, “whisper” loudly in her ear) Not every day is an anniversary - Pour it soon! (reaches for a glass) Zina.