Do-it-yourself quail farm: business plan. Quail mini-farm in a container, turnkey Quail farm for 1000 heads

A quail farm is a business that is becoming more and more profitable in our country, which means that it is more likely to pay off. For example, a farm containing about 500 quails has a very real chance of paying off in about two months. The most important thing in this business is not to forget to feed the birds and form a clear and thoughtful scheme for marketing products.

A little theory about the product

Today, quail eggs are almost more in demand than chicken eggs. This is due to their high percentage of nutritional value and benefits. They also have significant healing properties, which are mentioned in Egyptian records, distinguished by their antiquity. In addition, it is known that after the tragedy of Hiroshima happened, the Japanese paid considerable attention to the study of products that would have the ability to remove radionuclides from the body. And it was quail eggs that became an obligatory part of their diet.

The product is also useful for mental development. It is especially recommended for children. Interestingly, quails do not get sick and do not transmit salmonellosis. That is, this means that quail eggs are suitable for eating raw, and this, in turn, increases the level of nutrients that will enter the body. No less popular is the meat of these birds, which overshadows chicken and even rabbit with its dietary properties.

The nuances of the quail business

If we take into account all the previously listed advantages of such a bird, then we can confidently conclude that the quail farm will become a truly unmistakable source of income, as well as health, which is no less important. Of course, this will be possible if you think over the right strategy for doing this type of business.

Before moving on to drawing up a business plan for a quail farm, you should understand all the nuances of this case. For example, the amount of literature on this issue is not as large as we would like. Plus, it's not that easy to find. The same applies to the necessary equipment and specialized equipment. You have a lot of work to do if the idea of ​​​​creating a business plan for a quail farm is not just a fleeting whim.

Quail Farm: Business Plan

First of all, you need to choose the required number of birds. The most optimal option for starting is no more than 500-700. Less - does not make sense, more - additional costs associated with labor force, supply of equipment and feed, etc. Gradually, taking into account all income and expenses, you can adjust this amount at your own discretion. Of course, it is desirable to increase it.

The next step is to prepare a room for birds. You should know that domestic quails no longer have a survival instinct, and therefore they definitely need an incubator. This is what is needed for quail chicks, as well as in order to increase the number of birds. The incubator has its own set of requirements: it is desirable that the eggs turn automatically, while the normal temperature should not be lower than 35 degrees and not exceed 37 degrees.

Later, when the birds grow up, cages made of welded metal mesh will become necessary. Often they have batteries: six pieces in one such section. The cages should have feeders, drinkers, and small rims designed to make it easy for you to pick up the eggs. It should also be noted that the floor in should not be completely flat, but have a certain angle of inclination. This is done so that the eggs roll down this inclined surface, and then rest against the side.

Very important point when drawing up a business plan for a quail farm is a matter of nutrition. If you decide to buy feed from domestic feed mills, then get ready for the fact that even if it is the most highest quality mixture, it will still have to add certain vitamins and minerals. For example, chalk, shells. However, you need to be careful with this, because an overdose can cause disease in birds.

When all this is done, products will appear, then it will be necessary to solve the issue related to its sale. The distribution of quail eggs can be carried out through a network of shops, supermarkets, as well as in the market. Regardless of the choice of the type of product sales, it will be necessary to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service, as well as other authorities that will confirm the quality of the goods. This is how, step by step, a quail farm will work for you. A business plan must be drawn up very carefully and carefully, not missing the little things. What else do you need to know when starting your activity in this type of business?

Where to begin?

A do-it-yourself quail farm is a way that will save a significant amount of money when implementing a business plan in this area economic activity. Of course, you won’t make food for the birds yourself, but the room for them is quite.

Some start with a simple shoe box. Naturally, many quails will not fit in it, but there must be some kind of start. Making cells is also not difficult. The advantage of such independence is that you decide absolutely everything: from the number of birds that will be located in a given cage to its shape. Why pay more when you can do it yourself?

It is also necessary that the birds always have access to fresh air and sunlight, but also in moderation. Your cottage, if it is, of course, available, is ideal for the role of a quail farm.

Home quail farm

Studying the experience of quail farm entrepreneurs, we can conclude that many of them did not plan to make a business out of this. “I bought a couple of birds for myself,” is the explanation for the decision to purchase quails. Not everyone immediately pursues the goal of commercial gain, instead they only want to provide their family with tasty and healthy food. However, gradually the number of birds increases, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for them increases, which makes it possible to call this, to some extent, a hobby, a home quail farm - almost a business. This is actually very convenient: always at hand, as they say, and you know what your birds need.

financial question

A quail farm is a rather expensive business, but, as already explained, it pays off. To give you an idea of ​​how much it will cost you to start, here are the average prices for everything you need for a quail farm:

  • 1000 birds - $100;
  • content: 12 cell batteries for approximately 15 m 2 of area - $ 220;
  • normal incubator - $200;
  • monthly expenses: feed - $200, lighting and heating - $100, administrative expenses - about $50.

With the successful implementation of this type of business, the income from it will significantly exceed the costs. The average payback of a quail farm is six months.

In conclusion, it should be said that a quail farm is a form of business where everything is based solely on manual labor. There are no weekends and holidays, because the birds need round-the-clock care. In addition, they react quite painfully to the presence of strangers, so too many people should not be allowed to take care of the quail farm.

How to start a quail Agriculture| Complete Guide

Do you want to start quail farming? Here is a complete guide to raising quails in your home for meat and eggs. Learn everything to start a small profitable farm and create a business plan from scratch.

quail farm economically very profitable. In addition, you can raise these birds in your home. Let's find out how to start your own quail farm from scratch.

How to start quail farming:

A step by step guide to starting your quail meat and egg farm.

Start quail farming.

The steps to start your farm will be: Note, this will be covered in this article. You can navigate between them by clicking on any of the topics in the table of contents above.

quail known in the world as a miniature bird. The advantage of raising these birds at home is very easy for beginners because it is the smallest variety of pet birds. In addition, this not only explains why starting this farm in any home is very easy, but also more profitable than other poultry farms.

Steps to start a quail in your backyard:

Basic steps - information: this is what you should learn before you start breed quail.

  • First, collect information about these birds.
  • Learn about the environment in which they grow - suitable temperature, light and humidity for growing.
  • Information about the various cultivation methods.
  • Comparison of the best varieties and their advantages.
  • And then choose a variety and growing method based on your varieties.

Second Steps - Setup: In this step, you need to create shade for growing this mini bird bird. There are three completely different types of housing. So, create a suitable shade depending on the growing method. Here I explain about:

  • Various types of shades.
  • How to build a house (in a grow cage), necessary materials for the farm.
  • Then choose your favorite farming method, and select the best species and collect them.
  • And buy the necessary agricultural equipment.

The third step is education and training: Here I will share tips about:

  • General care methods.
  • What and how to feed these birds, and daily dietary and nutritional patterns are required.
  • How to maintain a healthy growing environment on your farm.
  • Egg laying information and assembly tips.
  • You will also learn about reproduction and newborn care.

Fourth step: - quail care

  • How to care for newborns.
  • Tips for creating an artificial brooder.
  • How to transfer newborn birds to a brooder.

Fifth step - Pre-care of a commercial quail farm. This step is very important for a commercial farm. Click here for care tips. It's so important, from my experience it can be said that "in case you don't, you'll be in a lot of trouble."

This will cover:

  • Nest for oviposition and information about Brodder's case.
  • biosecurity.
  • How to make an organic germicide.
  • And promote care practices to increase productivity.

Finally, create a business plan. In this section, I will talk about the marketing plan, cost, and profit.

Quail farm:

His native residence was in Japan. Japanese scientists first came up with a way to use quail as a poultry.

Later, in other countries of the world, including the USA, Canada, Kanyu, Zimbabwe, India and Japan, it was identified as a profitable poultry pasture.

Quail farm in the backyard

You may already know that this is probably the smallest species among the various birds of the bird. However, raising them in your backyard is very similar to pigeons, but does not require such specific housing.

And there is no need for a big farmhouse like a chicken. This way you can grow them in a room that has direct access to air and sunlight.

These birds are known as the world's miniature birds. The advantage of raising this bird at home is very great, because it is the smallest variety of poultry. And this is one of the reasons why starting a farm at home is extremely easy.

Advantages of quail farming:

There are many benefits of modern farming, such as:

  • It can be easily picked up in small areas or in a home room because they are very small creatures.
  • In addition, the cost of food and lodging is very low, and they do not require special farmhouses.
  • Very low initial startup cost, anyone can start a business with a small amount of capital.
  • But they become mature in a very short time. Here this growing process is very fast, in just 5 to 8 weeks.
  • In addition, one female bird has 150 - 300 eggs per year.
  • Also meat and eggs are very healthy and tasty.
  • Plus, compared to chicken, the body weight is proportionately higher.
  • And meat contains less fat than chicken meat.
  • Hence, they are immune to the disease and also the survival rate is higher than chicken.

These are the main reasons why quail growing is becoming very popular all over the world.

Suitable temperature, light and humidity for growing quails:

Temperature: A suitable temperature for a yard is 21 to 32 Celsius (69.8 to 89.6 degrees Fahrenheit).

But depending on the variety, they can suffer from heat stress at different temperatures. We have found that our birds are comfortable between 22-25 Celsius.

Light: quail egg production is highly dependent on light. Hence, to get enough eggs.

There should be 16 hours of daily light (including daylight) from the ninth week to the quail farm.

Light is a very important thing for any farm. What for?

  • Newborn chicks do not survive in cold temperatures.
  • So every time you put them together for playback, you need to monitor the temperature using a light in a separate case called the Brooder.
  • Light can now be achieved with electric bulbs and sunlight.
  • Provide 13 hours of light until they are seven weeks older.
  • And increase the lighting time gradually from seven weeks.
  • In the end, I increase the coverage by one hour every week.
  • This means that you must provide one additional hour of coverage.
  • And this process will continue until total time lighting / day will not be 15-16 hours.
  • More importantly, to produce the maximum number of eggs, they will need 16 hours of light when they are about 9 weeks old.

Note that:

A 40 watt lamp can illuminate 10.0 square centimeters of space. And we found that the production of eggs in red is increased compared to blue.

Moisture: This bird can easily adapt to 40-70% relative humidity. However, the relative humidity of the house is 55-60% good.

If the relative humidity is higher, then their feathers will be damp, breathing problems and the chance of fungus will increase. If the relative humidity is less, their feathers will become coarse.

Choose the best parenting method:

There are three different parenting methods. Choose the best one according to local demand.

By purpose, commercial poultry farming can be divided into three groups. Now learn more about each parenting system. And then, build an adequate habitat or cage depending on the raring procedure.

§ Layered quail farm:

On a quail layer chicken farm, this bird is typically reared for 54 weeks.

Layer quail farm

The Layer Coil Farm is dedicated to egg production. Usually Japanese quail at 6-7 weeks of age and blue quail at the age of 8-10 weeks they begin lay eggs.

If the control is precise, then each japanese quail lays 250-300 eggs per year, and the Bobshai birds lay 150-200 eggs.

§ Broiler quail farm:

A broiler farm is designed for meat production.

If you want to produce soft and tasty meat, a broiler is raised in this procedure. These species are slightly larger than laying birds and quickly gain maximum weight.

Although they are intended for meat production, the average egg production of a broiler is around 150-250 per year.

But farmers do not grow them for this long period of time. The average northern bobute weighs about 170 grams. But the views Jumbo Coturnix receive from 450 to 460 grams in adulthood.

§ Quail farm:

This quail breeder lays eggs and gives birth to newborns. Farms up to 30 weeks of their age.

Cage for breeding quail

The breeding birds were used to produce eggs to produce new babies. common goal of this grazing method - sale. Some varieties are extremely beautiful. People always like to buy in the rear usually.

It usually takes 7-8 weeks for Japanese quail and 10 weeks for bean -white quail. BUT small varieties such as Button Quail, are the perfect choice. The male to female ratio should be kept in pairs (1:1) on your farm.

The best varieties of quail:

Although this agriculture is not yet widespread throughout the world. They have some amazing varieties.

The best varieties to start breeding form are listed below. There are more than 140 types of them. Here are the most popular and profitable breeds.

In addition to them, there are a number of other types, depending on your needs, you can farm one or more.

species name Identification Time to grow up Weight (adult) eggs per year
japanese quail Length: 17-19 cm.

Size: small (5 - 9 inches).
Brown color.

5-6 weeks 90 g 250-300
northern bobwhite Medium, morphologically variable birds. 8-10 weeks 179 g 150-200
Jumbo Coturnix Large selectively bred coturnix plus are commonly used for meat. 6-7 weeks 450 g 150-220
Texas A&M Muscular Coturnix 6-7 weeks 370 g 150-200 (application).
Quail button Quail Button is a small bird breeder. 5 weeks 130 g 100-120

How to create a habitat [quail cage]:

Inexpensive quail cage

Cell sizes are somewhat different from each other. Learn how to build the best habitat for your birds.

Here we will describe the size and dimensions of the starting cage. There are two other types of cages used in commercial quail farming. We will describe them in the relevant sections.

In order to build a house, the following points must be considered.

  1. Provide a comfortable environment for the birds.
  2. Provide natural light and keep it under control when needed.
  3. The ability to protect birds from excessive winter, heat or rain and dampness.
  4. Construction of houses at a certain distance and the required size.
  5. Build different rooms for different ages quail.
  6. To avoid unpleasant odors due to the stomach and urine of the bird, appropriate measures must be taken in advance.

Exceptional gasket socket And brooder cage very important for layer and neutron quail means.

Suitable cages for raising quail:

  • Each cage is about 6 feet long and 1 foot wide and is divided into 6 sections. Cages for raising quail.
  • To use the space, you can build up to 6-story cages. Also keep a distance of at least 8-10 cm between two floors.
  • And use the movable wooden pieces at the bottom to separate them so the birds can be cleaned.
  • Place a long, narrow pot of water in front of the cage.
  • Typically, 10-12 birds are fed in each cage by commercial egg production.
  • For breeding, this cage contains 1 male and 3 female quails.

Suitable cages for growing broilers:

About 6 birds can be raised per square foot.

Broiler cages

For the broiler quail farming method, your goal in raising birds is to sell them as poultry meat. This is why, in order to gain weight, the bird needs to be kept in a smaller space.

  • After 2 weeks, quails can be kept in a breeding cage.
  • This helps to increase the physical weight, thereby avoiding unnecessary roaming of the birds.

How to build a masonry nest:

The main function of the laying nest is to provide for the release of eggs by the quails.

Egg, clutch, nest.

An egg-laying house (oviposition) is built separately for each or for several birds.

Note. Each bird will need about 15 cm of personal space in the nest for laying eggs.

  • Now, to build a private masonry nest, you can use boxes that are 15 cm wide and 20 cm deep.
  • And in the case of a common nest for 25-30 birds, use boxes 1m wide and 20cm deep.

It is important: Separate nest for laying eggs importance in industrial poultry farming. This will prevent them from destroying the eggs. In addition, ovipositions require special care.

Quail collection guide:

The ultimate checklist before and after buying quality quails.

  • Pure shade, right. Check every component, especially electronic components.
  • And, buy top quality quails from a renowned farmer.
  • If you are collecting children for 2/3 days, you need to keep them in the shelter for one or two more days.
  • After that, place them in the shade.
  • Now look after the weak chicks. If necessary, place them back in the brooder. Find out how to make a brooder here and the principles of brooding.

Basic equipment and materials for the farm:

  1. There are a number of tools and materials needed to work with these organic farms, namely:
  2. Brooder hanger.
  3. Heater / stove.
  4. Plastic tray for feeding ticks.
  5. Pots of food.
  6. Pots with water.
  7. Egg-egg. Stacking boxes.
  8. Electric light bulbs.
  9. Defaults or scales to measure weight.
  10. Buckets, shovel, shovel, bowls, knife, baskets, peg, tulle, etc.
  11. Egg laying house. Here are the boxes for building a cage for laying eggs.
  12. Bamboo, wood, corrugated, polyethylene or triple.
  13. Thermometer, Hypermeter.
  14. Battery or Brooder.

Below are some important tools and materials, described below.
there will be a high quality serving dish;
(A) It can be easily filled with products.
(B) And, easy to clean.

Water or drunkard:
Regardless of, performed whether the cell or liters are the same, the characteristics of the water pot for potters are as follows:
(A) Birds will get clean water from it.
(b) It will be easy for drinking water.
(C) Cleaning will be easy.
(D) Cheaper in price.

Farm Management: General Qualis Care Practices

In order to obtain adequate production from the quail farm, each farmer must learn the details of farm management.

Even slight negligence or defects are sufficient for failure farms. So, farmers, please be especially careful when the following points.

  • Eliminate pain or stress. Remember that as a result of stress, production is greatly reduced, and sometimes this can even lead to death.

To get good produce on your farm, of course, provide a comfortable environment that they will cherish. I discussed this later in this article.

  • Power and Water Management: Power Management and water must be correct. If they have enough food and water for each bird, they will enjoy food and water.
  • Egg collection : collect eggs at least twice a day. A typical evening at 6:00-6:30 and the second night at 9.00-9.30.
  • Egg storage: it should be stored immediately after the eggs are collected. The spare temperature and relative humidity are 12.8°-15.5°C respectively. (55.0° - 59.9°F) and 75-80%.
  • Floor: After removing the incubator from eggs produced by a family or managed farm, it is necessary to have sex or intercourse as soon as possible.
  • Lip clipping or drooping: Dehydration is an important factor in the management of a quail farm. Debugging consists in removing a certain part of the lips and nails.
  • Quail reproduction: There are two different ways hatching quail eggs. One is a natural procedure and the other is the use of commercial quail incubators. We have published an overview of the best quail incubators.

Common diseases:

One of the benefits of celebrating quails is that they are less prone to disease than poultry. But we are not saying that there are no diseases at all.

They do not need to be vaccinated against any disease. The reason is that they do not have fatal infections.

General feeding process for growth:

Feed them three times a day, for example, 6 am, 12-1 pm and 7 pm

The general process of feeding on an organic quail farm:

Like other types of poultry, daily food should contain six nutrients such as water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

All nutrients must be supplied for maximum production from quail rearing. Now learn what to feed and what not to feed.

  • They are very small so you need to give powdered foods.
  • Also, clean all pots of food and water using an organic germicide.
  • Provide enough water and food for each bird.
  • Remember that at the age of 5 weeks, quails eat about 500 grams of food.
  • Quails at the age of 6 months eat 30-35 grams of food every day.
  • To lay 12 eggs, they need about 400 grams of food.
  • Make a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients.
  • For whatever reason, do not supply feed affected by the fungus.
  • Do not supply dried fish, mussels, wheat.
  • And don't provide until they've completely finished their last meal.

How and what to feed depending on age:

Use this chart to make 5kg puree using 75 times feeding oil.

On average, each adult bird needs only 8 kg of food per year. You must provide the exact amount of food for them.

To determine the daily feed requirement for quail meat, multiply the feed weight by the number of birds.

This graph shows the daily requirements of one bird.

How to ensure maximum performance:

To get the desired product from the farm, you need to take care of the following factors.

  1. Collection of healthy birds.
  2. Always buy chicks from an established hatchery.
  3. From the 1st birthday, provide them with the right temperature, light, food and water for them in the brooder.
  4. A common productivity formula for layers is: "Provide clean water and 13-16 hours of light daily."
  5. Also, make sure there is adequate air circulation in the bird house.
  6. Always keep houses and cages clean and tidy.
  7. And please don't interfere with them in any way.

materials bedding : garbage and how to handle it

In a word, the bed that is used in the quail bard room for a comfortable stay is called garbage.

However, building comfortable bedding is not expensive. However, it is very sensitive, which usually directly affects production.

First, I will give guidance to make the bed, and then is the correct management process.

How to create a litter for quails:

  • First, lay out a 5 cm thick trash material on a clean floor.
  • Then gradually add more bedding and increase the thickness to 10 cm after 4-5 weeks.
  • In the case of a foster child, a bedding 10 cm thick must be laid before placing the quails.
Materials for creating bedding:

Generally, rice husk, wood powder, rice or wheat dry mass, straw, wood stove, nut powder, etc. are used as bedding.

Bactericide and its application:

The role of the disinfectant is very important to protect the health of the harmful and sterile environment in the growth of the quail habitat.

Various experiments have shown that no bactericide works alone. Thus, anyone using antibiotics such as heat (sunshine), charcoal-Tas derivatives, chlorine, formaldehyde, copper sulfate, etc. should be used.

Quail reproduction

500 females can give birth to 1500-2000 quails.

Aged 7-9 weeks they started laying eggs. At this time usually 60-70% female quails lay eggs.

For oviposition, keep male and female quails at 8-10 weeks of age. And keep the ratio males and females at the level 1: 5 . This means that for every man there will be five women.

They usually take 18 days on eggs in the incubation period and give birth to small quails.

Newborns are extremely weak and vulnerable to disease. Thus, you must provide a healthier case of hatching.

In order to provide a healthier environment when hatching, spray good and effective bacterial sprays immediately after spreading fresh bedding. However, do this 2-3 days before transferring the baby to the brooder.

  1. If there are not enough vitamins and minerals, then the newborn quail leg may be thin and weak, so provide vitamins and minerals.
  2. Male birds quarrel with them for some time. So don't take it seriously because the females are much weaker at this stage.
  3. And, feed them separately. Also, always keep an eye on them when they hatch.

Quail rearing

  • As a rule, the weight of quails is about 8-10 g. As a result, they require more heat.
  • Lack of sufficient heat and intense cold gathering of children gather in one place, which leads to an increase in mortality.
  • And always protect them from rats and other harmful animals.

How to make a brooder for small quails:

One-day-old babies are usually raised in a nursery. This guarantees the correct temperature, light for them.

The brooder has a heat source such as an electric heater, an electric light bulb, a kerosene lamp, a wood or charcoal lamp, light lamps, or an infrared lamp. But infrared lamps are the most scientific.

  • As a rule, the wider one has a shade known as Hover.
  • However, it can be square, rectangular, hexagonal or round.
  • And a wider hover can be built with GI pips, bamboo or wood.


Inside, the brooder builds a 15cm round fence so that children can properly take food and water into the brooder and stay in one place.

This round ring is called Chik Guard. It can be made from tin, tea, cardboard, or thick paper.

Thoughtful Principles:

All kinds of brooding are done for laying hens or broilers in the same way. Keep the following in mind when breeding. For example,

  1. Maintain the correct temperature.
  2. Providing enough light.
  3. Ventilation system.
  4. Quail density (number) / area.
  5. Food and water management.
  6. Healthy Environment etc.

Artificial brooding equipment:

To do artificial thinking. If you want to make a brooder, you will need the following machines.

  1. Browser or device for hardening a child.
  2. Chick guard / brooder or leak.
  3. Broom stove or heater.
  4. hover.
  5. Liter or bed.
  6. Thermometer.
  7. Hygrometer.
  8. Food and water pot.

Considerations for child transfers:

If transfer takes more than three hours, mix glucose with pieces of melon or green pepper. And put it in a box. This will protect the child from water disturbances.

  1. The transport must be cleaned properly and inside the bacteria.
  2. Boxes cannot be higher than three levels.
  3. In two layers of a box, 10 cm. Distance must be maintained.
  4. And provide enough clean air for the baby.

Quail farm business plan:

Now after running quail farm in commercial purposes, you will need to deal with a business plan.

However, if you follow all the steps we have mentioned here, we will start an organic farm. Because it is too easy to maintain this farm organically and there is no other alternative.

There are several advantages to producing an organic product. In this cultivation, it opens up a wide area of ​​consumer affection. So there will be noticeable demand in your area.

So, create an appropriate business plan and keep that as you create your policy.

  • How and where to sell, which varieties are in greater demand?
  • Then how much to grow?
  • Do you want eggs or meat? or both?
  • Analysis of competitors.

But you know that every local or small business comes with some common challenges. The challenge for you will be marketing. Let's define this in a marketing plan for a quail farm.

Marketing plan for a quail farm:

Retail is a very important part of the rich quail farming business. So, the first step you need to take is to find out the demand in the market. As a rule, eggs are in greater demand than meat.

  • Do people have a particular interest in organic products?
  • Is there a demand?

First, try to determine the requirements for quail products in the local market.

Now, without touching the immeasurable marketing abilities, you will not be able to extract the maximum profit from your business.

Breeding quails is easy

Firstly, these birds are very cute and the eggs also look different and beautiful. By the way, when you are a new farmer. You can ask your relatives and friends for help. Social media is another place to hang on. Get to know people in your area. And tell them about the benefits of eggs and meat by posting posters around your neighborhood.

Note. Let people know about your products and ask them to tell others.

Now you can also distribute flyers. And you don't have to worry about marketing again when your farm gets popular. Here, it may take time, but don't skip it.

Final words: thanks! If you liked this article, please share. And, if you have any other questions about the quail farm, ask us in the comments below.

Today we will look at a very interesting quail farm business plan and find out its real profitability. I would like to immediately dispel all myths and, perhaps, disappoint readers - it is difficult to earn a huge amount of millions in this niche. Theoretically, this is real, the saying goes that you need to figure out how to earn one dollar and multiply this action by a million times. In reality, the main difficulty in this niche that you will encounter is the sale of products. More about everything later in the article.

Business pros and cons

Many entrepreneurs choose quail breeding as a business. This case has a number of features, positive and negative sides.

Quail breeding advantages:

  • Small investment. You can avoid renting premises, land. It is quite possible to breed quails at home.
  • Quick profit. These are popular birds whose eggs and meat are highly valued. Rates vary by region.
  • Growing up takes only a month. The growth rate is quite high. It takes a maximum of 40 days for an adult to grow from an egg. She will be ready to produce new offspring. Rapid growth is one of the advantages of breeding such hens.
  • Minimum space required. On 6 acres, 400 quails can be bred. Experts in this field advise to gradually increase the amount. First you need to learn how to grow birds.
  • No space requirement. Birds normally tolerate crowding.
  • Meat and eggs are high useful properties which is why they are in such high demand.

Negative sides:

  • temperature difference. Quail normally tolerate crowding, only for them it is important to create a suitable climate control. If this is not the case, the chickens will be seriously stressed. As a result, you can lose offspring. Quails do not tolerate various shocks, for example, temperature changes, moving.
  • Sales market. There is a demand for eggs and meat, but in small towns chicken is still preferred, which makes sales difficult.

Quail species

Experts advise buying several types of birds at once:

  • oviparous;
  • broiler.

It should be borne in mind that quails have practically no instinct to raise chickens. The entrepreneur will have to take care of an artificial incubator. This will allow you to grow new offspring. Those devices that are commercially available are suitable for three hundred eggs. Only this is not always enough to provide the desired amount of growth. That is why many entrepreneurs try to equip the incubator on their own.

Breeding for meat or eggs?

There are breeds of birds that are suitable for obtaining meat and eggs. It is necessary to carefully select quails. Breeding them only for meat is not entirely advisable. A standard portion from one ordinary bird is no more than 200 g. Weight from a meat breed is 300 g. It is more profitable for restaurants and cafes to buy meat of small breeds.

breed meat breeds will be profitable only in cases where sales are established. Birds can be delivered to poultry farms, retail chains.

In practice, it becomes clear that it will be more profitable to breed egg-bearing breeds that are not too small. In this case, they receive income from the sale of eggs, meat.

Business income and expenses

The question may arise of raising quails as a business is profitable or not, is it worth starting such a business. It is necessary to make simple calculations to lead to certain conclusions. One bird from two months old begins to lay eggs. She produces up to 300 eggs per year. Productivity begins to decline from the age of 8 months. After a year of life, the birds need to be allowed for meat. From one bird it is possible to get up to 350 g of meat. This figure depends on the breed. The cost of one quail egg is 2 rubles, one carcass - 60-90 rubles. Slaughter begins at eight weeks, when growth is already over.

Income assessment is best done from the fifth month after the purchase of the first livestock. This is the time when laying hens are able to achieve stable production. Males that are considered superfluous should be sold for meat. With the help of the incubator, it is possible to increase the number of birds.

You can see a business plan for 1000 layers. They will produce 300,000 eggs per year, plus a minimum of 4,000 carcasses. From these indicators, you can calculate revenue:

  • eggs - up to 600,000 rubles;
  • meat products - up to 360,000 rubles.

In a year, it is possible to earn up to 960,000 rubles. An additional source of income can be:

  • sale of breeding birds that are more than a month old;
  • production of cages, feeders, drinkers;
  • sale of bird droppings.

Taxes, fees, registration costs are deducted from the proceeds received.

The expense item includes:

  • bird feed - 144,000;
  • electricity, heating - 25,000.

Caring for 1,000 birds will require only two part-time workers. You can use the family business model. Involvement of unauthorized persons should be carried out with a significant increase in livestock.

Initial Costs— 1.500.000 rub.
Monthly profit— 84.000 rub.
Payback- 18 months

Business registration

Having conceived quail business where to start to decide. It is necessary to register the case, having collected the entire package of documents for this. For this type of business, an individual entrepreneur or LLC would be an ideal option. In each case, certain documents are required.

For IP:

  • The passport;
  • Statement;
  • Tax notice;
  • Payment of state duty.

For LLC:

  • Statement;
  • Charter;
  • Decision or protocol from the constituent assembly;
  • Documents from the tax;
  • Payment of state duty.

To sell eggs on the market, you need to get a certificate from the veterinary service. Be sure to take care of obtaining all the documents that will confirm the quality of the products. Wholesale buyers may require:

  • Certificate of conformity;
  • Obtaining a barcode for products;
  • Write specifications.

Need to think about original packaging and its compliance with quality. Eggs must undergo microbiological testing.


An accurate business plan for a quail farm will help you understand difficult questions. You need to take a responsible approach to the selection of premises. It can be owned or rented. Created indoors the necessary conditions for keeping birds:

  • The temperature is +20 degrees, but slight deviations may be noted.
  • Humidity - 50-60%. If the air is dry, the quails will eat poorly and begin to drink more fluids. As a result, egg production is reduced.
  • Fresh air supply. Avoid drafts that adversely affect the condition of the birds.
  • Lighting. There are no strict criteria for the number of installed windows. Light day should be approximately 18 hours. It can be organized by electricity. The longer the daylight hours, the higher the egg production. Only this will lead to rapid wear of the females.
  • Area. At 3.6 sq. m can be up to 40 goals.


For breeding quails, it is better to use incubators. It is selected depending on the desired capacity. On sale you can find a variety of models of such devices. Industrial Models designed for 50,000 eggs. Everything that is placed in the incubator must be carefully checked. Eggs are used without cracks, moderate shade, regular shape.

You can buy a pen removal machine that will simplify human labor.

Nipple drinkers are suitable for hatched chicks. With their help, a fast supply of clean water is organized. Older quails are offered nipple drinkers with a rotation angle of up to 360 degrees. You can buy vacuum drinkers, which are used in the case of floor keeping of birds. Microcup drinkers are suitable for automated lines.


In the business plan for quail breeding, employees are indicated as a separate item. Only family members can be involved in the farm, which will allow you to get more profit.

You can hire workers who will take care of the birds. One person can serve up to a thousand heads. He must monitor all changes, respond to them.

The product manager can be engaged in the sale of products.

To work with financial resources, taxes will require an accountant.

Buying birds

You can contact the quail farm, just check their reputation first. You need to buy a female¸ that has laid at least one egg, that is, 50 days from birth. During the selection, check the legs. They should shine, not have growths, corns. The feathers of a young bird are shiny and smooth.

bird care

An organized quail farm as a business is considered by many entrepreneurs. When buying birds, you need to find out more information about care. The following work needs to be done:

  • Periodic - clean the cells from dirt;
  • Disinfect drinking bowls, feeders, water supply systems;
  • Sanitary treatment of the premises - once a month;
  • General cleaning once a week;
  • Daily cleaning of the pallet from litter;


You can consider a business plan for a quail farm for 1000 heads in order to draw specific conclusions. The growth rate of birds depends on the complete feed. Don't skimp on buying it. Ready-made feeds, which consist of grains and additives, are considered balanced. It is necessary to follow the instructions for feeding quails.

You can choose your own menu, which will include wheat, corn, barley. All this must be crushed and mixed, and then offered to the young. Be sure to add vegetable oil, bone meal, salt.

For adults, it is mono to include peas, chalk, crushed shell rock in the diet.

Young animals are offered to eat up to 6 times a day, adults up to three times.

Sales of products

To open a quail farm, you need to decide who will be the potential buyer. Finding a market for a product is not easy. You need to start advertising with word of mouth.

You can sell products to relatives, acquaintances, gradually expanding this list.

You do not have to rely on long-term cooperation with stores.

Working with poultry farms

It is important to establish a relationship with major suppliers of farm products. At the initial stage, you will have to make a little profit, but it will pay off later. Wholesale buyers are interested in receiving a large number eggs or meat. The farmer does not have to worry about the distribution channel. Large manufacturers are interested in such cooperation.

Breeding at home

You can watch quail breeding at home from scratch and start organizational moments. These birds are easy to keep in the garden. You just need to change the litter in a timely manner, as the smell from quails is sharp.

Cells can be placed in outbuildings. All surfaces should be whitewashed with slaked lime to remove germs.

There are cases when birds were bred right on the balcony, only you need to protect them from harsh noise. It is quite possible to build cells on your own. For 100 quails, you need to allocate 0.5 square meters. m. Net profit from the sale of products -1790 rubles. Up to 2,500 birds can be kept in a private backyard.

home incubator

Considering quail breeding at home as a business is quite realistic. You can make your own egg incubator. To do this, you need a box with rolled thermal insulation laid out inside. Drill a few holes in the bottom. Make a window in the lid, which is closed with glass. An electrical wire, a bulb socket, is attached to each corner. A tray with water is placed at the bottom, covered with a net and eggs are laid on top. Such a device will help to get new offspring.

Planning itself is a very important factor in the life of any person. After all, we live in a world of limited resources, the main of which, according to most businessmen, are time and money.

Business planning is the main pillar on which financial stability and long-term success are based. Every self-respecting entrepreneur starts his business with a business plan.

The quail business is a very profitable and quickly payback type of business. This is largely due to the fact that there are still no large monopolists and factories working in this direction in the world.

Let's start with the advantages and possibilities that distinguish quail eggs as a commodity:

  • Healthy product with medicinal properties.
    Quail eggs and meat have been used in medicine since ancient times. The use of quail eggs improves mental abilities and potency in men.
  • High demand for products and relatively low competition in the market.
    Great potential for business development. With enough advertising and a serious attitude to the business, you can quickly rise to the enterprise of medium and large scale.
  • Fast turnover of capital.
    Quails begin to lay eggs by the second month. The productivity of one quail is up to 5 eggs per week, which makes it possible to start a business with minimal investment.
  • Low requirements for labor resources.
    For the operation of the farm at the initial stage, 2 pairs of working hands are enough, because. quails do not require special care and time-consuming maintenance.
  • Compared to other types of poultry farming, quail breeding does not involve the use of large areas.
    On an area of ​​1 square meter, cages for 280 quails can be placed.

Based on the initial population of 750 units, we can conclude that to open it is enough to acquire a room of 2-3 square meters. However, birds breed very quickly and their number can increase up to 10 times during the year, so this factor should be taken into account when choosing a room.

The room is 15 sq. m. perfect for the first year.

For a successful start, a quail business usually start with a small population of 500-700 birds.

A smaller number of birds will not provide you with enough end product to pay off, and a larger population will require additional labor, larger premises, more modern equipment.

How to write a business plan for a quail farm

Successful preparation of any business plan implies a complete financial analysis of the project. In order to draw up the right business plan for a quail farm, you need to find answers to the following questions:

  • How much is the product in demand in the market?
  • The level of competition in the market.
  • profitability of the production process.
  • Are there markets for sales and a free niche in the market?
  • Production technology, its uniqueness and flexibility. Necessary equipment.
  • What is the amount of initial capital required?

Both quail meat and eggs are in great demand on the market. In the case of egg production, only female hens will be needed. They will start laying eggs 30-40 days after birth. A stock of 750 actively laying quails will provide an average of 3,750 eggs per week. The active stage, during which quails produce the maximum number of eggs, is the first year of their life. Usually, after this, productivity drops by half, which ceases to cover the cost of keeping "old" birds. Usually, one-year-old quails go to the end.

Both males and females are fattened for meat production. The process of fattening and reaching the physical maturity of quails takes on average up to 2 months. This is due to the fact that when growing up, feed costs increase and the further maintenance of quails becomes unprofitable. During the first month, males and females can be kept together, but after this period, they should be seated in different cell batteries. By the second month, quails are gaining weight and their meat reaches up to 80-150 gr.

To increase the bird population, fertilized quail eggs are usually used, the age of which is not younger than 2 and not older than 10 months. bird eggs older than age 10 months are used exclusively in food.

Feed and other key conditions

Feed and rationed food is key factor to grow a healthy tribe and get a quality end product. Unfortunately, ready-made combined feed for quails is not produced in Russia. However, professional poultry farmers have long developed a combination of feeds that should be given to these picky birds.

  • Wheat - 30% of the feed should consist of this cereal;
  • Corn, which is included in almost any compound feed, should occupy a quarter of the mixture;
  • Barley - 5%;
  • Ground shell - 40% of the mixture.

Young chicks are especially sensitive to nutrition, since you will start your business mainly with 3-7 day old chicks, the future of the entire gene pool of quail offspring will depend on them. Therefore, you should be responsible for the frequency of nutrition and the quality of feed. It is advised to have constant stocks and purchase products constantly from the same supplier and of the same variety and quality. For the preparation of stocks, one should proceed from the calculation that one bird will consume up to 1.1 kg of feed per month.

There must be water in the drinkers, which should be renewed at intervals of 3-4 times a day. Although it is not necessary to have a drinking system to start a business, over time you will have to think about supplying birds with running water.

Necessary equipment

A quail farm can become a source of permanent income for you in the long run. Quails are not particularly demanding birds, so at the initial stage of their business they can be bred in cages even in a city apartment. Adult quails should be kept in cell "batteries" - several cells interconnected. You can make cages yourself or order them from manufacturers. In one battery, 6 cages are usually installed, equipped with feeders and drinkers. In such cages, you can safely place up to 280 adult birds. detailed instructions to collect cages for quails you can find at You can also buy a ready-made design.

To increase the number of birds, it will be necessary to use an incubator and a hatcher.

You can also do it yourself, but it is better to entrust this business to professionals. The incubator must constantly maintain the temperature at 37-39 degrees and periodically turn the eggs over to distribute heat throughout its area.

Also a very important factor in breeding such a farm is compliance with the light regime. To do this, you also need special equipment. Although the use of dim light is necessary in a room with quails, the cost of electricity will not be so small. Light day must be maintained for 18 hours.

Sales of products

Quail farm products will always find their consumer on the market, but they are still not in constant and growing demand. Because of this, product suppliers spend most of their time and effort creating a customized marketing scheme, advertising the product offering, and educating the customer. The least costly and effective way to attract customers are various promotions and mass marketing of products.

In order to provide yourself with products at the initial stage, permanent basis, you should accurately calculate the number of quails. For the initial stage, it is necessary to purchase 750 quails. Of these, 500 females will need to be allocated for egg production, and the remaining 250 for females and males for meat and increasing offspring. Young hens and cockerels cost about 30-50 rubles each. You can start breeding from eggs, it will cost a little less, but it will take a little more time and nerves.

The wholesale price for eggs is 1 r. 50 k. a piece, to find your client and debug your sales network, it is best to sell at this price. The retail price for quail eggs on the market reaches up to 3 r. for a unit. Active sales quail eggs are handled by shops, supermarkets and businessmen in the market. The production volume for the first months from a population of 750 quails can reach up to 540 eggs per day. Quail eggs have a shelf life of up to 1 month when stored at room temperature, they are stored in the refrigerator for up to 60 days, which is very convenient when they are sold in large bulk lots.

Selling meat can also bring you additional income. For these purposes, you need to purchase an additional livestock of 250 quails. The sale of meat will begin by the second month. It is best to negotiate with restaurants and cafes on the supply of quail, you can also arrange sales through supermarkets and the market. The price per kilogram of carcass is 300-350 rubles if sold through restaurants. Long-term business prospects can only be achieved by properly planning the increase in the number of birds.

Sample business plan for a quail farm

Investment costs:

  • Acquisition of a livestock of 750 birds (based on the average price of 40 rubles per quail) - 37,500 rubles.
  • Cellular batteries for keeping 250 quails - 3 pcs - 54000 rubles.
  • Small household incubator - 4500 rubles.

Total investment costs:96000 r.

Variable costs:

  • Compound feed (per month at the rate of 1 kg per quail) - 8625 rubles
  • Wheat - 225 kg * 10 rubles. = 2250 r.
  • Crushed corn - 187.5 kg * 8 r. = 1500 r.
  • Barley - 37.5 kg * 10 rubles = 375 rubles.
  • Ground shell - 300 kg * 15 r. = 4500 r.
  • Lighting and heating - 3000 rubles. per month

Total variable expenses: 11625 rubles.

Total expenses: 107625 rubles.

Sales income:

Sales of eggs per month 540 eggs per day * 30 days = 16200 eggs * 1.5 r. = 24300 r.

Minimum monthly profit 12675 rubles

Meat sales will begin by the 3rd month - 250 carcasses * average weight 100 gr. * 350 rubles (average price) = 8750 rubles.

Profit fromtaking into accountmeat sales: 20375 rubles

Payback of the project - 5 months (withoutaccountingincrease in livestock quail)

This business plan reflects the minimum profit you can make. The real profit potential is much higher. To fully realize the full potential of sales, you need to conduct ongoing marketing activities, negotiate with cafes and restaurants, advertise the positive properties of products among your friends and acquaintances. Quail breed very quickly and you will soon need additional labor, new premises and distribution channels.

Many people, especially those living in a village or in a country house, ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to make money at home?”. Well, of course, yes, for example, on the creation of a quail farm. Now in Russia this business is gradually gaining momentum. This is due to its high liquidity, quick payback and great prospects.

This type of activity is carried out not only by large producers, but also by small farms. The demand for quail farm products is several times higher than the supply. And if the demand is high, then it must be satisfied. Some statistics: Russia produces 350 thousand eggs a year, Japan - 7 million, and China - ten times more.

The only thing holding back the development of this sphere is the passive attitude of many Russian retail chains. However, demand is still growing. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, then first you will need to draw up a business plan for a quail farm. And we will help you with this.

Quail farm: profitability

In recent years, this figure has dropped significantly. About 5 years ago it was still possible to talk about 300% profitability, and a year ago about 100%, but now its level is much lower. This is especially true for large manufacturers. Even if the enterprise has its own feed base, the profitability will be at the level of 30%. For small farms that are not burdened with expenses for veterinary opinions, logistics, etc., this figure can vary from 50 to 100%.

Eggs or meat?

There are two distinct trends in quail breeding. The first is laying hens, which lay about 300 eggs per year. The second is the meat direction, or, to be more precise, the production of dietary meat. This type of activity is not yet very popular, since most farms focus primarily on the sale of eggs. If you find it difficult to choose a particular direction, then do two at once.

Where to begin?

Quail farm business plan should contain total amount expenses. For example, if you buy 500-700 birds, then the cost of equipping the farm will be about 8-10 thousand dollars. The main expenses are the manufacture of equipment and the purchase of hatching eggs or adult quails. Due to the rapid growth and fertility of birds, their number will increase by about 10 times in a year, which will fully pay off the invested capital.

It is very important to regularly update the livestock, as the productivity of one-year-old quails is halved. To do this, you need to form a parent herd, in which there would be 3-4 females per male. An egg intended for procreation must be taken from a two-three-month-old bird.

If the female is older than 10 months, then her eggs are used for food. Quails older than a year are slaughtered for meat. By the way, young animals are just as profitable to sell as eggs and meat. If you are still a little versed in all this, then be sure to buy a manual on the topic: “Do-it-yourself quail farm”. It will help to master the basics of this activity.


The location of the premises does not play a significant role for the quail farm. The main thing is compliance with the basic requirements for breeding quails. First of all, it is a year-round temperature of 18-27°C and a humidity of 70%. Quails are very capricious birds: on the one hand, they need fresh air, and on the other hand, they cannot stand drafts. A suitable solution would be automatic system ventilation. As for the farm area, it will take only 15-20 square meters to keep 700 birds. m.

In addition, utility rooms will be required: for hatchers and incubators, for keeping young animals and chickens (an area of ​​​​approximately 5 sq. M.), For the preparation and storage of feed (area 10 sq. M.). Young animals are kept in special cages, and "newborns" - in insulated brooders at a temperature of 25-37 ° C. If the quail keeping regime is violated, they will begin to get sick and die. For example, if the light is too strong, the birds will simply peck at each other.

Well, I would like to say separately about heating. Oil radiators are quite suitable, but it is better to make a water heating system. Firstly, it will significantly save electricity, and secondly, the air will not be dry. Never use open radiators!

They significantly reduce air humidity, due to which your quails may be left without feathers. If you are planning to create a room from scratch, but do not have the relevant knowledge, then it is better to contact professionals who know exactly how to build a quail farm. Now there is no shortage of such specialists in the market.

Quail farm equipment

This is one of the most important points. The main equipment of the farm is cage batteries, consisting of 5-6 cages, each of which should have feeders, drinkers and small sides to “trap” the eggs.

In such a cage, the floor has a slight slope, and as soon as the quail lays an egg, it immediately rolls to the side. Such a cage battery can accommodate 250-300 birds. Usually, entrepreneurs make them on their own from rebar, metal sheet, plywood and galvanized mesh.

Detailed manufacturing technology is in any manual on the topic: "Do-it-yourself quail farm." But you can buy a ready-made version. One cellular battery of 6 cells costs about $200-250. In addition to cells, you will need a hatcher and an incubator. In the latter, the following conditions must be met: automatic egg turning, temperature 37-39 ° C and humidity in the region of 50-90%. The approximate cost of an incubator is $ 400-500, but if you have a chicken "mechanical hen", you can use it.


The feed base is not inferior in importance to the equipment and must be included in the business plan of a quail farm. There are many on the market different forms and types of feed, but not all of them contain the necessary amount of ingredients vital for birds.

You can choose a quality product either on the advice of a specialist, or by trial and error. But it is extremely undesirable to feed quails with one compound feed. It is necessary to add ground corn, ground wheat and ground sunflower seeds to it. The cost of feed is $300-400 per ton.


We have already found out above that a quail farm as a business is a fairly profitable business. But for it to remain so, you need to have constant distribution channels. Entrepreneurs sell quail eggs to acquaintances and friends, sell them through markets and shops, and also sell them to wholesale buyers. Carcasses of birds are delivered to sanatoriums, kindergartens, restaurants, recreation centers, cafes, etc.

And with catering outlets quail breeders negotiate directly to minimize losses through intermediaries. But at the same time, it is necessary to work on the establishment of wholesale distribution. Moreover, quail eggs can be stored for up to 30 days at room temperature and up to 60 days in the refrigerator. This main factor attracting wholesalers.

For the same reason, you can consider markets not only in your hometown, but also in nearby settlements. Please note that if products accumulate in warehouses, then it does not bring any profit, but only increases the cost of storage. Therefore, always look for additional distribution channels.


All pet birds need daily care. This is the collection of eggs, and feeding, and cleaning the litter. In addition, you need to prepare the feed mixture and monitor the maintenance of the temperature and humidity required for the room. You also need to monitor the incubator, seat the quails in cages and, finally, slaughter and cut. It takes a lot of time because all processes require human intervention.

Of course, if you have an automated quail farm, there will be no such problems. But at least one person is needed to control it. But in general, 2 people will be needed to service a farm with a population of 500-700 birds. As a rule, this business is run by families, which is why it is called a family business. You don't need any special knowledge to work. You can learn basic operations in a couple of days. If you hire a person from outside, then warn him about work even on holidays and weekends (it is better to hire 2-3 people, and let them work on a rolling schedule).

Additional income

Everyone has probably heard the saying that a bad example is contagious. It works great in relation to such a type of economy as a home quail farm. When you achieve high results in this field, everyone around you will want to have the same. So people will reach out to you: someone will need a feeder, someone will need a brooder, someone will need a cage, etc.

By learning how to make all the equipment yourself, you will receive an additional source of income. For example, having the appropriate skill, you can make a cellular battery (3 cells) in just half a day. Earnings will be approximately 6-7 thousand rubles. The same can be said about drinkers, feeders, brooders and other equipment for a quail farm.

The sale of young animals is the second additional source of income. Without exception, all beginner quail growers need a breeding bird. If you are a successful poultry farmer, then there will be enough people who want to buy quails from you. Well, it would be useful to place an appropriate advertisement for the sale in newspapers and the Internet.

The last item of income is litter. And don't be surprised. A bag of dry, clean bird droppings can cost about 1,000 rubles. This amount will be paid without talking by those who understand at least something in organic fertilizers.


In this article, we have described the main points that a quail farm business plan should contain. When you write it, make adjustments depending on your situation. To engage in this type of activity or not, it's up to you. Just know that in order to earn good money, you have to work hard. We wish you success!