The goal seems unattainable until it is reached. Katrin Petras - The goal seems unattainable until it is reached

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About the book
A story about how to overcome all obstacles on the way to your dream.

Following your dream is not easy. Motivating and inspiring words from people who have already passed the difficult path to dreams and know what it is, always by the way. The right words can "ignite" you, dispel doubts and show that you are not alone on a difficult and winding path to your goal.

This is a book for everyone. For dreamers, students, writers, entrepreneurs, artists, artists and filmmakers. No matter how incredible and challenging your goal is, the wisdom and courage of those who have already walked this path - from Richard Branson and Steve Jobs to Franz Kafka and Salvador Dali - will inspire you to work hard.

Who is this book for?
For everyone who wants to get extra motivation and inspiration on hard way to a high goal. And for those who want to make an inspiring and bright gift.

about the author
Ross and Kathryn Petras are brother and sister who compile collections of quotes and calendars that sell out in huge numbers. Their 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said calendar had a total circulation of 4.6 million copies. Their work has been featured in the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Wall Street Journal and other leading media, and has appeared on CNN and other major channels.


Catherine Petras, Ross Petras

The goal seems unattainable until it is reached. Motivation for dreamers and creators

“It always seems impossible until it's done.”

Kathryn & Ross Petras

Published with permission from Workman Publishing Company, Inc. and the literary agency of Alexander Korzhenevsky

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by law firm Vegas Lex.

© Kathryn and Ross Petras, 2014

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2015

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“If you can do something or dream about it, do it.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote these words hundreds of years ago, but they still have great power. Goethe speaks to us through the centuries, urging us to act, to move forward (to put it less elegantly - stop idling and get busy) if we want to achieve our life goals.

But what do we really want to achieve in our lives, and how can we achieve it? If only there was a magic formula that allows you to find your goals and realize them! Something beautiful and concise, like "Optimism + Hard work + Determination = What we want from this life."

Unfortunately, life is much more complicated than this elegant formula.

That is why we have collected many interesting quotes in this book. Sometimes we just need a push. And sometimes we need reassurance that failure does not mean the end of the world, but the beginning of something beautiful, and that the mistakes we make can be the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to us. Perhaps someone needs help to understand their goal and find a way to achieve it. Others need to be reminded that the new path is right choice. And almost everyone needs at least a little incentive in order to kindle a fire in their soul and gain strength again.

This book contains thoughts, sayings and ideas that will help us focus on our goals and become more self-confident, will be an inexhaustible source of inspiration and energy on the way to achieving our goals. The advice of people who have already gone through what has now fallen to our lot will serve as both a kick and a pat on the shoulder, and a reminder that since someone has already done it, then we can too. Rappers and philosophers, public figures and presidents, poets and jazz musicians - they all tell us that we need to fight, move on and strive for our goal ... The way they did it.

This book will make us take a fresh look at our lives and realize that we can really do what others have done. But what exactly are all these people talking about? About what they got closer to what we were aiming for. Sounds pretty easy, and so do we. Can do it.

As entrepreneur Richard Branson said (perhaps not as eloquently as Goethe, but with undeniable enthusiasm), “To hell with everything! Take it and do it!


To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!

Richard Branson, entrepreneur HARD WORK

Hard work pays off. I'm so angry with my father for being right about this.

Lena Dunham, actress ERRORS

We've all heard the dreary phrase, "Well, that seemed like a good idea back then!" This phrase has already become a symbol of narrow-minded thinking, a sign of stupidity. But in fact, there is an element of wisdom in it. Any person who is truly capable of saying, "Well, that seemed like a good idea back then!" - stands on the threshold of enlightenment.

Daniel Dennett, philosopher BE TRUE TO YOURSELF!

Don't bend; do not compromise principles; don't try to explain everything; do not submit your soul to the dictates of fashion. On the contrary, defend your strongest aspirations without stopping at anything.

Franz Kafka, writer

Whatever you think about, think big.

Tony Shay, entrepreneur LESSONS LEARNED

Take a deep breath and don't take things too seriously.

Cher, singer and actress OVERCOMING FEAR

When a determined young man approaches the big pugnacious world and bravely grabs his beard, he is surprised to find that the beard was left in his hand - after all, it was tied only to scare away too timid adventurers.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, essayist and philosopher ALLOW YOU TO DREAM

Making something unreal is easier than making something real.

Tim Ferris, writer MOTIVATION

Forward, forward, forward! It doesn't matter where, the main thing is to move on. Remember: at the first opportunity, forward and only forward!

Janet Rankin, politician CRITICISM

Dear, I am the leader of my own train. If critics want to sit in it, great. There's enough room for everyone here.

Katy Perry, singer PREPARATION

First you need to master the tool. And then practice, practice and more practice. And when you finally get on stage, forget about everything and just play.

Charlie Parker, musician SELF-CONFIDENCE

Remember: “no” is worth nothing. Ask for anything and be prepared to be rejected. Surviving rejection is difficult, but you have to come to terms with it many times in order to be recognized. If you really like something, don't ask yourself, "Can I do this?" Asking yourself the question, “can I?”, you will not achieve anything. You need to say to yourself: “I will do this and no one will stop me!” But you must not only pronounce these words, but believe them. You may need a lot of time, because at first no one will praise you. And even if he praises, you will burst like soap bubble and everything will be over.

John Waters, film director POSITIVE THINKING

I think you should enjoy the ride while you're on horseback.

Johnny Depp, actor WILLING TO RISK

If you're afraid to do something, do it, whatever it is.


The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.

Muhammad Ali, boxer NEVER GIVE UP!

Mary Ann Redmacher, writer PERSPECTIVE

You can skin your elbows and knees, but it's worth it if you manage to score a spectacular goal.

Mia Hamm, soccer player JUST DO IT!

Do not worry. Do your work calmly, joyfully and carefree.

Henry Miller, writer HARD WORK

If people knew how hard I worked to achieve mastery, the result would not seem surprising to them.

Michelangelo, artist ERRORS

If you're not making mistakes, then you're not trying to do anything.

Coleman Hawkins, musician BE TRUE TO YOURSELF!

You and only you can write the story of your life that you are meant to tell. And the world needs your story because it needs your voice.

Kerry Washington, actress PURSUIT OF THE GOAL

In order to get what you want out of life, it is absolutely necessary to take the first step: decide what exactly you want.

Ben Stein, actor and political commentator LESSONS LEARNED

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons.

Jennifer Aniston, actress OVERCOMING FEAR

The amateur is convinced that first he needs to overcome fear, and then he can do his job. A professional understands that it is impossible to completely overcome fear. He knows that there is no fearless warrior, as well as an artist who is not afraid of the stage.

Stephen Pressfield, writer ALLOW YOU TO DREAM

Let your mind play The best way problem solution.

When a determined young man approaches the big pugnacious world and bravely grabs his beard, he is surprised to find that the beard is still in his hand - after all, it was tied only to scare away too timid adventurers. Ralph Waldo Emerson, essayist and philosopher

On the power of hard work

If people knew how hard I worked to achieve mastery, the result would not seem surprising to them. Michelangelo, artist

About failures

It doesn't matter how high you reach. At some point, you will definitely stumble, because you are trying to do what we all are - every now and then raising the bar. And when that happens, I want you to know and remember this: there is no such thing as failure. Failure is the way life tries to direct us to a different path. Oprah Winfrey, media mogul.

About stupid bosses

Don't work for fools - it's not worth it. Getting paid less by working for people you like and believe in is much better for you (and your career) in the long run. Adam Savage, special effects designer

About the right rhythm

A person is successful if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night, and in between does what he wants to do. Bob Dylan, musician

About criticism

Never listen to criticism from someone who can't write a check. Don't pay attention to what your best friend says, or your aunt, or your English teacher. Trust only professional criticism. Marion Zimmer Bradley, writer

Catherine Petras, Ross Petras

The goal seems unattainable until it is reached. Motivation for dreamers and creators

“It always seems impossible until it's done.”

Kathryn & Ross Petras

Published with permission from Workman Publishing Company, Inc. and the literary agency of Alexander Korzhenevsky

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by Vegas Lex law firm.

© Kathryn and Ross Petras, 2014

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2015


“If you can do something or dream about it, do it.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote these words hundreds of years ago, but they still have great power. Goethe speaks to us through the centuries, urging us to act, to move forward (to put it less elegantly - stop idling and get busy) if we want to achieve our life goals.

But what do we really want to achieve in our lives, and how can we achieve it? If only there was a magic formula that allows you to find your goals and realize them! Something beautiful and concise, like "Optimism + Hard work + Determination = What we want from this life."

Unfortunately, life is much more complicated than this elegant formula.

That is why we have collected many interesting quotes in this book. Sometimes we just need a push. And sometimes we need reassurance that failure does not mean the end of the world, but the beginning of something beautiful, and that the mistakes we make can be the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to us. Perhaps someone needs help to understand their goal and find a way to achieve it. Others need to be reminded that a new path is the right choice. And almost everyone needs at least a little incentive in order to kindle a fire in their soul and gain strength again.

This book contains thoughts, sayings and ideas that will help us focus on our goals and become more self-confident, will be an inexhaustible source of inspiration and energy on the way to achieving our goals. The advice of people who have already gone through what has now fallen to our lot will serve as both a kick and a pat on the shoulder, and a reminder that since someone has already done it, then we can too. Rappers and philosophers, public figures and presidents, poets and jazz musicians - they all tell us that we need to fight, move on and strive for our goal ... The way they did it.

This book will make us take a fresh look at our lives and realize that we can really do what others have done. But what exactly are all these people talking about? About what they got closer to what we were aiming for. Sounds pretty easy, and so do we. Can do it.

As entrepreneur Richard Branson said (perhaps not as eloquently as Goethe, but with undeniable enthusiasm), “To hell with everything! Take it and do it!


To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!

Richard Branson



Hard work pays off. I'm so angry with my father for being right about this.

Lena Dunham,


We've all heard the dreary phrase, "Well, that seemed like a good idea back then!" This phrase has already become a symbol of narrow-minded thinking, a sign of stupidity. But in fact, there is an element of wisdom in it. Any person who is truly capable of saying, "Well, that seemed like a good idea back then!" - stands on the threshold of enlightenment.