Research of personnel loyalty. Methodology for measuring satisfaction (loyalty) of personnel

The approach to the study of loyalty should be comprehensive and evidence-based. Here it is necessary to use proven and reliable methods.

From a psychological point of view, the concept of understanding loyalty as a social attitude, which is formed in the process of human activity in an organization, is the most common.

Creating tests for individual loyalty of employees is associated with one difficult problem to solve: all efforts will be nullified by the desire of the employee to look more loyal to the company than he really is. Therefore, we should rather talk about an anonymous survey of the level of loyalty of the team as a whole. However, this method of evaluation does not always lead to the expected results. As a result, you can get something like "average temperature in the hospital."

When assessing the loyalty of individual employees and the team as a whole, it is more promising to use indirect methods. Loyalty is directly related to satisfaction. And satisfaction, in turn, - with motivation. Therefore, to determine the degree of loyalty, these indicators should be analyzed. There is an opinion that loyalty is influenced by the decency of a person, but even if this quality is present, he will think about leaving if he experiences discomfort and dissatisfaction at the workplace every day. Loyalty, like motivation, has a rational and emotional component. The first includes remuneration, career growth, professional development, working conditions, social package. To the second - interest, faith in the idea, emotional attachment to the leader, comfortable relationships with colleagues. Thus, in order to increase the loyalty of an employee, it is important to understand in which area he experiences discomfort. Eliminating this factor will definitely increase loyalty. To strengthen loyalty, it is necessary to work at the intersection of the areas of interest of the employee and the organization, to create a positive image of the employer. The most significant is the formation of emotional attachment based on basic psychological needs - belonging to a group, recognition, self-realization. One of the most effective is the assessment of the level of employee loyalty to the organization according to the method of L.G. Pochebut and O.E. Queen. From the point of view of studying the loyalty of company employees, making forecasts of their behavior, planning activities aimed at increasing loyalty, a large practical value has an idea of ​​loyalty levels. The very idea of ​​distinguishing between several levels of loyalty was proposed by K. V. Kharsky. Complementing the levels of loyalty described by him, it is possible to build a visual scale representing their ratio.

The scale has a zero point, indicating the so-called zero loyalty. Having this point is crucial because it demonstrates that lack of loyalty is not disloyalty. An outsider who has not formed his attitude to a particular object may have zero loyalty. Close to this mark may be loyalty to the company of a person who goes to work there, but is not informed about its features. corporate culture.

According to K. V. Kharsky, employees whose loyalty does not have a pronounced positive or negative orientation can be considered as employees with zero loyalty. They may sometimes act as loyal, at other times they may show signs of disloyalty. main feature of such employees is that they are less predictable than loyal or disloyal employees. The increase or decrease in their loyalty significantly depends on under whose influence they fall at the beginning of their activities in this company.

Above zero on our scale will be levels of loyalty, and below - disloyalty. Let's consider this scale, starting from the lowest points, i.e. from disloyalty. Two levels can be distinguished here: hidden (secret) disloyalty and demonstrative (open). Psychologists point to the following signs of demonstrative disloyalty:

lie, deceit;

sarcasm, ridicule, demonstrative disregard for values ​​that are important for the object of loyalty;

consumer attitude, the advantage of personal interests;

violation of agreements reached, etc.

The danger posed by disloyal employees is related to their influence on other people. They destroy the values ​​and beliefs of their colleagues, and raise doubts about the appropriateness of certain actions.

Hidden disloyalty manifests itself as follows: being in sight, people regularly comply with the prescribed rules and requirements, but the reason for this behavior is not a positive attitude, but fear of punishment or expectation of reward. Often, it is those employees who have hidden disloyalty that spread negative corporate rumors and gossip.

K.V. Kharsky gives several signs that allow you to identify employees who have hidden disloyalty:

after communicating with such employees, others change their positive point of view, positive attitude towards the company to the opposite;

disloyal employees never openly challenge the orders and instructions of the management, but set or provoke others to criticize and resent;

in the presence of leadership, these people usually take an emphatically neutral position;

there are multiple emotional bonds between these people and openly disloyal employees.

At the organizational level, the consequence of employee disloyalty is high staff turnover. And this, in turn, increases the cost of finding, hiring and training new workers, increases the risk of leakage trade secret and other costs. Therefore, some companies are attempting to implement employee retention programs. The purpose of such events, in fact, is to increase the level of staff loyalty.

Above the zero point on the scale, loyalty levels are represented. The higher the level, the higher the degree of employee involvement and dedication.

The first level is loyalty at the level of external attributes. With such loyalty, a person is ready to wear the distinctive symbols and signs of the company, branded clothes, signs symbolizing status in the company (for example, salesman, senior salesman, salesman-instructor). At the same time, as K.V. Kharsky emphasizes, external attributes do not allow their owner to demonstrate disloyal behavior. As long as it is visible, the person will reproduce the behavior due to these attributes. Therefore, “if you want temporary hired personnel to be committed to the interests of the company and praise the product, presenting it at a fair-exhibition, put on branded T-shirts and caps.”

In companies specializing in the sale of certain goods, this level of loyalty implies that the employees of the company become active consumers of these goods. The opposite statement is also true: by encouraging the consumption of goods, we increase the level of people's loyalty. This principle is actively used, for example, in network marketing.

Loyalty at the level of actions, behavior is associated with the observance of rituals, traditions, and customs adopted in the company. Such traditions can be a special tonality in dealing with customers, formal and informal meetings (parties), etc. Employees loyal to the company at this level participate enthusiastically or at least without difficulty in such events. K. V. Kharsky notes that it takes almost no effort and resources to create such a level of loyalty among employees. Once in new team, a person tends to copy the behavior accepted in the company.

But here a difficulty arises due to the fact that there may be negative traditions in the team. It is they who become the cause of behavior that is loyal to a particular group, but not loyal to the company as a whole.

Psychologists note that this level of loyalty is quite enough for most employees of the company. “However, for middle and senior employees it may not be enough. If a lot depends on them, then the level of trust in them should be much higher. And trusting a disloyal employee is the same as buying a horse from a gypsy "in the dark" and on an advance payment. This level of loyalty is not enough to control the activities of other employees. And, of course, an employee with such a level of loyalty should not be expected to be ready for self-sacrifice and strive for development.

Obviously, loyalty at the level of action is also associated with professional competence. A loyal employee seeks to acquire the necessary professional knowledge, skills, productive stereotypes of activity. Such a desire, as a rule, leads to an increase in performance. Conversely, the lack of desire to learn can be seen as one of the signs of a lower level of loyalty.

This level of loyalty is characterized by discipline. At the same time, employees fulfill the requirements of discipline not so much because of the danger of punishment, but because of their attitude towards the company and its management.

Loyalty at the level of beliefs most of the company's employees do not achieve. However, according to K. V. Kharsky, it is enough for a company if 10-15% of employees reach such a high level of loyalty. This primarily concerns middle and senior managers. “Loyalty at the level of values ​​and beliefs makes a person resistant to many temptations: they are difficult to lure higher salary, they care about the good of their company in every possible way. The loyalty of the staff at the level of conviction is of great value to the company due to its positive impact on professional motivation. Loyal employees give themselves to work as much as possible, are intolerant of violations of the rules by other people. They are active in troubleshooting, can be the initiators of improvements, and are able to defend constructive proposals. Employees with this level of loyalty tend to be more responsible. They feel their duty to do everything accurately, correctly, efficiently. According to the observations of specialists, loyal employees endure difficult times for the company more easily and stay to work, guided by a sense of loyalty and belonging. They are more inclined to trust official information, decisions made by management. At the same time, according to experts, some difficulties may be associated with such loyalty of employees. For example, if for one reason or another a company changes its previously accepted values ​​and beliefs, then it may encounter resistance from a part of the team that shares the old beliefs. Therefore, when carrying out organizational change it is important to convince such employees of the need for change, to involve them in planning and implementing innovations.

Another difficulty: the formation of this and a higher level of loyalty requires a certain style of leadership, the ability of senior leaders to inspire certain values ​​and attitudes, purposefully form the necessary beliefs.

Loyalty at the identity level is the highest level. Probably, this kind of loyalty is called devotion, fidelity. In this case, the person identifies himself as much as possible with the object of loyalty. The researchers note that it was precisely this level of staff loyalty that was formed by the Japanese system of lifetime employment.

Loyalty in this case is not so dependent on the level of remuneration. A person with such loyalty is less susceptible negative influence from those around you. He connects his life with the company. Such an employee is highly motivated and extremely effective.

Loyalty requirements for different levels of employees are different. For ordinary personnel, loyalty at the level of behavior and actions is enough, and for top managers, loyalty at the level of values ​​is necessary. The same is desirable for highly qualified specialists. Accordingly, the higher the specialization and status, the greater loyalty is required and the more difficult it is to form it.

Disloyalty ultimately affects financial indicators, since an employee who is not committed to the company, as a rule, works less efficiently than a loyal one, with an equal degree of professional competence. The damage to the company from the disloyalty of an ordinary employee and a top manager in the context of this problem will differ. The latter have a very strong emotional and ideological attachment to business, the level of personal and professional self-realization.

Researchers of staff loyalty drew attention to the fact that it not only has a different level, but also differs qualitatively. For some employees, loyalty may be associated with the duration of work at the enterprise, for others - with the leading motives of their activities.

From a practical point of view, it is important for the organization not only whether the employee is loyal and how much (what is the level of loyalty). It is also necessary to make distinctions as to what kind of loyalty we are dealing with.

loyalty customer staff trust

Recently, employers began to measure the satisfaction index not only for customers, but also for their employees. I offer you a simple
assessment methodology staff satisfaction, which can be used in a company with any

Alexandra Zenirova*

  1. conduct an assessment of staff stability (employees with a low level of loyalty, most likely, have already posted their resume and are looking for another job);
  2. develop a system of non-material motivation of personnel;
  3. improve working conditions;
  4. identify weaknesses and strengths working conditions in the company (social benefits, working conditions, team, management);
  5. analyze staff satisfaction different professions, ages in order to form a package social guarantees for each group of employees;
  6. assistance in planning the recruitment of personnel for the period;
  7. assistance in staff rotation.

I want to immediately warn personnel officers that satisfaction analysis works only in those companies where you can get truthful feedback from employees, and not formally filling out questionnaires.

That is, if employees in your company do not indulge you with confidence, then the data obtained may differ greatly from reality.

By staff loyalty, we mean the readiness of staff to work in accordance with the existing rules and conditions offered by the company. Of course, loyal employees share the values ​​of the company and are their translators. A loyal employee is motivated to work, to perform his duties in this particular company, that is, he strives to keep his job.

As a rule, the analysis of personnel loyalty is carried out 2 times a year (with a frequency of once every six months). To assess staff loyalty, I recommend choosing "low" seasons in business, so that the assessment is not an additional annoying factor for your employees.

It is very important to remember that the assessment of staff loyalty is not an end in itself, but only a tool for "removing" information that is necessary for further work.

It's like taking a temperature when you have a cold to decide on a medicine.

Employees should see that they are wasting their time filling out your questionnaires, not in vain - there is a real result that can be felt: a canteen is opened, a union is created, corporate event and etc.

Do not forget to inform employees about the results and immediate plans that will be implemented. In this way, you can create a sense of belonging, significance. Employees will begin to trust the employer and, as a result, will be more loyal.

The “Employee Loyalty Assessment” process itself should be included in the action plan of the HR department and formalized as a business process (a process map has been formed that reflects all operations / stages of the Staff Loyalty Assessment).

I invite you to take a look at our map.

Personnel Loyalty Assessment (OLP)

SOP #102-13

Process Owner - Human Resources

Responsible for the implementation - HR Director

Periodicity - January; July every year

This business process in your company can be supplemented by informing employees about the results of the assessment, as well as about the approved set of measures to increase LP (staff loyalty) on corporate resources (newspaper, website, bulletin board, newsletter).

Sample information letter SOP - 99-13

Dear colleagues!

Our company is interested in improving internal processes and improving the quality of employees' workplaces.

Annually, the HR department conducts an assessment of staff satisfaction,
and thanks to your sincere responses, we have already managed to implement:

No answer is left without attention, but decisions are made on the basis of a majority vote.

We ask you to take part in the survey and leave answers to the question on the corporate portal in the "My Company" section.

Detailed instructions on the procedure for working with the questionnaire
SOP 100-13.

Thank you for your participation in the life of the company!

Collection of information

To conduct the survey, I use the following questionnaire, which you will find below.

Full name

date of creation

Date changed.

Full name

We invite you to take part in the study conducted by N JSC.

One of the main goals strategic plan The development of JSC "N" is the formation of a strong corporate culture, a high level of professionalism and staff loyalty.

The purpose of this study is to obtain information about the organization of your work and the socio-psychological climate in the team.

This study is anonymous and its results will only be used in summary form.

Thank you in advance for participating in the study!

Personnel Department

Please read the questions and mark the answer that you think is the most correct using the following scale:

1 - disagree

2 - moderately disagree

3 - neutral attitude

4 - rather agree

5 - fully agree

Attitude to the company

1. I am familiar with the company's development strategy, I clearly understand it

2. I share and support the company's development strategy

3. I agree with the main directions of the company's policy towards employees

4. I am familiar with the mechanisms for implementing the company's development strategy

5. I agree with the measures taken to implement the company's development strategy

6. I feel like an organic part of the overall corporate culture.

7. Managers and employees clearly adhere to corporate standards and ethical principles companies when making important decisions and in daily activities

Evaluate what, in your opinion, affects the loyalty of staff to the company to a greater extent:


3.Personal beliefs and values

4. Manager's management style

5. Style of behavior of colleagues

6. Opportunity for career growth

7. Opportunity for professional growth

8. Interesting, varied work

9. Possibility of manifestation of independence and initiative in professional activity

10. Self-affirmation and recognition

11. Pay

12. Motivation and social package

Please rate your structural unit

1. The tasks of our structural unit, which are expected to be achieved this year, are clearly defined and known to everyone

2. Each employee feels responsible for overall success and failure

3. Employees of our structural unit interact effectively with each other

4.In our structural unit developed friendly and trusting relationships

5. I get enough attention and support from colleagues.

1. Competent in all professional matters

2. Attentive to the needs of employees, improving their social and living conditions of work

3. Carries out general monitoring of the implementation of the tasks set, assists in solving problematic issues

4. Initiative, takes responsibility for the implementation of the tasks of his structural unit

5. Successfully plans and organizes the work of the department, correctly distributes responsibilities, sets clear and specific goals and objectives

6. Feedback established with the immediate supervisor

advisory and supportive

paternal and patronizing

formal and bureaucratic

Please rate the opportunity for career growth in the company

1. I will accept any appointment as long as I stay with this company

2. The best employees are always recognized and have prospects for further growth

3. I'm happy with the way my career is going.

4. I am informed about the prospects for my further growth (including training)

2. Company employees are given every opportunity to improve professional knowledge and skills

3. My colleagues are ready to help in the development of my professional skills at any time

Personal Information:

We ask you to provide some personal data for the statistical processing of the questionnaire.

Age _____ years


Work experience in JSC “N” ____years ___months

Questionnaire example - Loyalty level

Questionnaire "Level of loyalty"

1 - Totally disagree

2 - Moderately disagree

3 - Disagree about something

4 - Difficult to answer

5 - Agree to some extent

6 - Agree in general

7 - Completely agree

I am willing to put in effort, even beyond common expectations, for my company to succeed

I always tell my friends that I work for a great company

I have no loyalty to this company

I will accept almost any appointment as long as I stay with this company

I believe that my personal values ​​and the values ​​of my company are very close

I proudly declare to others that I am part of this organization

With the same success, I would work in any other company if it was possible to do a similar job.

My organization really inspires me to do my best.

Very minor changes in my personal circumstances are required for me to leave my job with this organization.

I am very glad that I chose this organization when I was looking for a job and considering other offers

It makes no sense to linger in this organization for a long time.

On many occasions, I disagree with the main policies of the organization towards its workers.

I really care about the fate of the company

For me this is the most best organization where i could work

The decision to start working for this organization was definitely a mistake on my part.

Interpretation of results

To get the final sum, add the numbers written by the subject in the answer column. Please note that some questions have an "X" note. By the way, it does not need to be printed on questionnaire is a note for you. The point is that the answers to these questions need to be reversed. So, if a person put 1, you need to change this answer to 7; 2 changes to 6; 3 - by 5; answer 4 does not change. After performing this simple operation, calculate the total amount. This is an indicator of devotion to the organization (Table 1).

The average value for the test is 70.

However, one remark should be made regarding this questionnaire. It is not very reliable. If an employee fills it out for later reading by a manager and seeks not to lose his job, then his answers may be insincere. This is quite understandable - "paper will endure everything." Why run into trouble? And the manager is pleased when there are such dedicated and loyal employees around.

Table 2. Interpretation of results




To call you loyal, at least to some extent, is to deceive. As you yourself know, this is not so. About what is devotion and loyalty to the company, you may know from books. The concept of loyalty does not exist for you!

You are loyal, especially when there are good reasons for this. No more

In general, you loyal employee and you can be an example to others

You are loyal to your company, you are satisfied with almost everything, you are ready to sacrifice your own interests for the success of the company

You are an amazingly loyal and dedicated employee

You are overly loyal! You are talking to yourself. Or think too well. We didn't believe you

to assess employee loyalty


Dear employee! Please fill in the cards with judgments that indicate your attitude towards the organization in which you work.

Your task is to determine your attitude to the judgment and in each line in the “Score” column, put a score from 1 to 11. At the same time, a score of 11 corresponds to the most positive assessment of this judgment, 1 is the most negative attitude, and a score of 6 is neutral relation. Thank you for your cooperation!

Judgment Grade
1 The interests of the management of the company and its employees in the majority
cases do not match
2 As a rule, additional efforts of an employee are not evaluated.
proper leadership
3 The leader should not discuss his problems with subordinates, because
How does this not contribute to the maintenance of authority
4 If the leader keeps subordinates at a certain distance, then to
they are more responsible for carrying out his orders
5 To successfully lead people, you need to be aware of their problems. 5
6 The manager must constantly monitor the work of his
7 The manager can forgive employees for deviating from those rules
which they consider unreasonable
8 Conflicts between employees, if they do not relate to the business area,
not reflected in the work of the organization
9 At work, it is much more important to enjoy the favor of influential people.
people than to succeed by doing a great job
10 People who live only for work often harm their work.
11 The company must meet its obligations to employees
despite financial difficulties
12 The management of the company should not make decisions that are not
according to most employees
13 The salary of an employee of the company should depend on
economic situation in his family
14 One employee of the company cannot receive a salary 10 times
in excess of the salaries of other employees
15 The rate of promotion primarily depends on
relations with management, and then from the qualifications
16 Quality performance official duties is an
a necessary and sufficient condition for career advancement
17 The manager can meet the request of a good employee in
violation of general rules
18 It is pleasant to work in a friendly team, but it is more difficult to manage them 10
19 If, in the opinion of the employee, the order of the head can
damage the case, the employee must warn him about it
20 Work should not bring satisfaction, but money 8
21 Promotion is not conducive to maintaining friendships
relationships with colleagues
22 If the job is very interesting, it doesn't really matter how much they pay for it. 10
23 If the majority of employees take part in the management
company, it will work more successfully
24 An employee may insist on a change of his supervisor if he does not
corresponds to the position
25 People who seek to please superiors are distrustful 8
26 If the employee is a high-class specialist, management
will be condescending to his shortcomings
27 If you need to get to the workplace for more than an hour and a half, then
any work will seem tedious and uninteresting
28 I carefully consider my appearance when I'm going to work 10
29 Being late for work is not such a big sin. 9
30 Overtime must be paid extra 8
31 If one of the employees is not doing their job very well
duties, the rest should not interfere
32 Employees have the right to know how much their colleagues are getting paid. 7
33 If at a joint party the leader promised not to
punish for being late, then there is no point in rushing to work
34 If the leader is pleased with his subordinate, the manifestation
additional initiative on the part of the employee can only
35 When receiving a salary, an employee has the right to count on “thank you” from
director, not the other way around.
36 In the company, both for employees and for managers, the rules should
be the same

Analysis of the survey results

(to be completed by the HR officer)

Table of points for determining employee loyalty to the organization

11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
score +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5