How to connect wired internet. Connect laptop to internet

Nowadays, it is already difficult to find the owner of a laptop that is not connected to the Internet. Despite the increasing development and spread of communication through a Wi-Fi connection, access to the Internet via cable attracts with its undeniable advantages, since it is more reliable and at the same time the lowest cost. Below are detailed guides how to properly connect a stable wired Internet to your laptop, as well as how to set it up for later work.

Connection procedure

There are 2 types of connection in total:

  1. By wireless network
  2. Through the network wire.

The settings process after connecting via a network cable is slightly different depending on the version of Windows running on the PC. But the procedure itself is very simple, because you only need to insert the cord from the provider into the socket network card laptop. All laptops have a connector on the side of the case.

It is required to install a wire coming from the distributing device installed in the house into the connector.


But if the user has a question about how to connect the Internet to a laptop, then first you need to decide on the choice of provider. To do this, it is recommended to analyze the following conditions:

  1. Possibility of cable connection to the system of a communication service provider;
  2. The price for the services provided;
  3. Provision by the provider of an acceptable data transfer rate for the requirements of the subscriber at the optimal cost;
  4. Service availability and responsiveness technical support provider
  5. Additional criteria (shares, special discounts etc.).

Further, in order to connect to the wired Internet, it is necessary to create an application on the official resource of the selected provider or by phone. Also, if possible, it is recommended to simply personally visit the nearby office of the communication service provider to draw up a contract.

Setting procedure

Just connecting a PC to a cable is not enough, because you still need to set up the Internet. First, let's take a step-by-step look at the entire setup process using the example of a laptop with Windows 7 installed.

Windows XP

In the case when the user solves the problem of how to connect a laptop to the Internet on which the good old Windows XP is installed, then only a few steps should be taken:

  1. Through the "Start" open the "Control Panel";
  2. Next, go to the "Network Connections" section;
  3. Then right-click on “Local Area Connection”, click on the line “Properties”;
  4. Click once on the line "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)" and then click "Properties";
  5. Next, in the window that appears, mark the item “Use the following IP”, indicate the data specified in the subscriber’s agreement with the provider;
  6. Ready! Internet configured.

Windows 8

You must perform the following sequential steps:

  1. Enter the "Control Panel";
  2. Go to the "Network and Internet" section;
  3. Next, open the "Network and Sharing Center";
  4. Check the box "Setting up a new connection. or networks";
  5. Select the "Internet Connection" section, click "Next";
  6. Then it is recommended to install "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)";
  7. Print the name and access code prescribed in the contract with the service provider, check the box "Remember this password";
  8. Click "Connect".

Note: after entering the parameters, sometimes you need to restart the laptop for correct operation.

If you do not want to pay for the services of the provider's specialists, you can set up the Internet yourself. You just need to connect the cables correctly and set the software settings. We will tell you how to connect a computer or laptop to the Internet, consider setting up several types of connection in a router.

Types of wired Internet connection

The active development of technology has led to the emergence of several types of cabling components of a local or global network. Each provider may offer customers one or more types of wired connection. You may meet:

To connect the wired Internet on your own, you need to make settings in the OS and the router itself (if used).

Connecting the cable to the computer

As soon as the provider's specialists have laid the cable, the question arises of where and how to insert its end. There are two options for connecting cable Internet, each of which will be discussed separately.


You can connect your computer directly to the Internet only through an Ethernet connection. ADSL requires a dedicated modem, and if using only fiber, you'll need a media converter, SFP module, or optical terminal. Take the end of the LAN cable from your ISP and then insert it into the port on the network (motherboard) board. The port should glow orange. After that, software configuration is carried out.

Through a router

Users are more often interested in how to connect the Internet via a modem. The procedure is not difficult, and it consists of several simple steps:

  • Connect the Internet cable to the WAN port. As a rule, the router has one, while it differs in color from all the others.
  • Connect one of the LAN outputs to the input on the network card of the PC or laptop.
  • Be sure to plug the router into a power outlet.

You, thanks to the router, can connect several devices to your home network, limited only by the number of LAN ports.

Configuring different types of network connection

All other manipulations to connect to the Internet, the user must perform in the settings operating system and web interface of the router. We will show you how to set up static and dynamic IP, L2TP and PPPoE connections.

Dynamic IP

According to the technology, dynamic allocation involves the issuance of a different IP for each connection, while the address remains unchanged during the session. To configure, follow the steps of the following instructions:

The data will be received from the provider automatically. Now you know how easy it is to set up a dynamic IP.

Static IP

Your address stays the same forever, even on restart network equipment and PC. In this case, the user needs to request the following data from the provider: IP address, net mask, default gateway and DNS servers. Then, in the "Network" section, select "Static IP" and fill in the fields. Do not forget to save the changes after entering so that everything connects correctly.

PPPoE connection

You can connect to the Internet via PPPoE through the Windows interface. First, ask your provider or look in the documentation for login information (login with password). Setting up on the Windows 7 OS contains the following steps:

You can also create a connection in the router by selecting the appropriate type in the "Network" tab.

Setting L2TP

This is a relatively new type of Internet connection, which is actively offered by mobile operators and other providers. As in the previous case, you can create a connection using the operating system.

To date, Ethernet connectivity can be called the only technology that is potentially ready for a fairly rapid development of any kind of service or application. Of course, the best is the enemy of the good, but people are so eager to make the Internet connection more reliable, faster and cheaper that sometimes it seems that this is not the case. Thus, recently appeared and began to become widespread new technology- More and more people prefer to use Ethernet connection instead of traditional connection options.

Everything new is the long forgotten old

It is worth noting that this technology was used quite actively before, but only recently experts began to consider it as a full-fledged analogue of existing connection options - initially as equivalent, and over time as the most promising among all existing approaches to the access network device. According to Cisco Systems, whose equipment is actively used today by almost all leading Internet service providers, the main advantage of this technology is that it is used not only to provide access to the Internet, but also to provide a number of other services. , including voice transmission, building corporate networks and many others. At the same time, the cost of this solution, if we consider it from an operational point of view, and in the vast majority of cases, turns out to be lower compared to the use of traditional technologies such as ATM / FR or SDH.


In parallel with the growth of competition between alternative and traditional operators in the field of local communications, these same operators are beginning to optimize own networks in order to provide a more favorable cost for the provision of its services to the end user. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a single package is used, which includes the transfer of data, speech, multimedia, as well as the provision of full access to the Internet.

Also, Ethernet connectivity providers can attract new customers through the use of future-proof solutions, using a variety of network architectures that can be used to rapidly grow applications that require high bandwidth, including IP video surveillance, as well as a variety of multimedia applications. .

DSL and its fall

Years in Europe, a real breakthrough began to occur in the field of broadband access, and many operators have begun to actively offer their DSL services, with some of them completely demonopolizing their subscriber circuits in order to provide access to many other alternative operators. Modern cable television operators began to roll out in order to provide their customers with combined Internet and cable television services, and governments almost immediately began to auction licenses to provide broadband FWA.

Ethernet is a one-stop solution

After the euphoria about DSL technology, as well as the use of cable modems to provide broadband access, gradually faded, attention turned to the operational, technical, organizational and legal problems related to these services. In order to meet the ever-increasing demand for higher and higher bandwidth, both providers and equipment vendors are increasingly looking at an alternative broadband access option - Ethernet connection using fiber optic cable.

What is Ethernet?

The solution to the problem is to broadcast speech, images and various data through an extremely simple, but at the same time relatively inexpensive Ethernet network. The unique advantage of this solution is that its use with fiber as a transmission medium allows for gigabit access over the network directly from the premises of the customers themselves.

How are these networks connected?

In modern megacities there is a large number of buildings that are extremely attractive to network service providers are commercial business parks, office complexes, apartment buildings, universities and many other similar objects. In order to provide a new connection to the Internet through a router using Ethernet, network service providers use specialized "dark" fiber. Among the main advantages that distinguish this technology, it is worth highlighting the maximum possible speed and distance of the network - up to 100 km without the use of any intermediate amplifiers or regeneration. However, it should be noted that such an Internet connection through a router using Ethernet implies potentially unlimited bandwidth, and this is already very, very tempting for providers.

What are its advantages?

Gigabit Ethernet is very, very relevant, because it is an almost ideal ratio of performance and price, representing an almost ideal choice for backbone applications not only in some individual corporate networks, but also for building full-fledged carrier networks. A fairly good solution for wiring inside a particular building is multi-mode or single-mode fiber, as well as belonging to the fifth category. Originally designed to provide Ethernet connections to local computers, this network eventually became one of the most cost-effective networks, while still achieving extremely high bandwidth, especially when compared to DSL and various wireless and cable modems.

A typical architecture that is used in the networks of modern providers is the implementation at the first stage of 10-Mbit or 100-Mbit Ethernet channels, which are routed to separate rooms or apartments of a certain building and connected to the service building using a specialized switch from Cisco catalyst. In order to provide a connection to USB over Ethernet or the MAN city network, a full-fledged gigabit or even multi-gigabit Ethernet connection is formed. The aggregation of the schedule of various ring city networks is carried out using a third-level switch.

A service provider that is committed to providing broadband access may provide its customers with an Internet connection that will be conducted directly to individual users or entire small businesses. By providing Internet service provider services in the city, the company can also offer new integrated value-added services. In order to ensure maximum effective use ETTN network, the service provider must ensure that subscribers spend as much time and money as possible on the internal network instead of consuming access resources to global resources.

How to connect?

In order to provide an Internet connection via a cable using Ethernet technology, you need to have a specialized network card, cable, as well as directly the network to which the connection will be made. It is worth noting that different networks can be configured to different speeds, so you should make sure that your network adapter is compatible with the network you will be connecting to.


It should be noted right away that no one connects the Internet through the phone using Ethernet technology. The connection itself is carried out as follows:

  1. We go to the "Devices" tab.
  2. Click the "Create" button on the toolbar.
  3. We select from the options available to us "Ethernet connection" (the options are located in the "Type of connection" list), after which we press the "Forward" button.
  4. If your board is already in the equipment list, then you need to select it from the list under the heading "Ethernet Card". If it is not in this list, then in this case you need to select the "Other Ethernet card" item in order to use the equipment available to you. It is immediately worth noting the fact that the installation utility completely independently determines whether the Ethernet devices it supports are connected, and therefore offers you to configure them. If the configuration was carried out by you during the installation process, then in this case the devices will be shown in the list in the "Hardware" tab.
  5. If "Another Ethernet card" was selected, then a window titled "Select an adapter" will appear. In this window, you will need to select the manufacturer, as well as the model of your board and the name of the device itself. If the first such board is installed in the computer, then in this case you can choose eth0 as the name, and then simply change the number with each new board. In addition, the "Network Setup" program will also allow you to carefully adjust the resources of your network card. After completing all the procedures, click "Next".
  6. In the network window, you will need to make a choice between a static IP address, as well as DHCP. In the event that your device receives different IP addresses, you do not need to specify the host name each time you connect to the network. Click "Forward" again.
  7. Now click "Apply" and use the Internet.

On a note

Now you can add various features, such as connecting to a computer via the Internet, or any other that you need. After you add a device, you will be able to change the settings for its operation by yourself - it will be enough just to select a device from the received list, and then click "Change" on it. For example, after adding a device, it will automatically start working at boot time, but if you want to change this behavior of your equipment, you will need to go to its settings and change the value in the "Activate the device when the computer starts" paragraph. You can also set up a printer connection via Ethernet.

It is worth noting that after adding the device does not turn on, in order to activate it, you will need to select it from the list, and then click on the "Activate" button. If your system is designed to automatically turn on when you start your computer, then you should not repeat this step.

Read how to connect your computer to the Internet through everything possible ways and connections for: router, modem, phone, USB, Wi-Fi. Very simple!

Today, all computer users experience inconvenience if the device does not have access to the Internet. Connecting to the global network allows you to perform any task of finding the right information, communicate with people from any corner of the earth and work with a huge number of sites.

Consider how to connect the Internet to a computer through a router or an Ethernet cable, as well as all the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Before performing any of the methods, make sure that you have a twisted-pair cable or fiber optic cable in your home. It allows you to connect to the ISP's network and access the global network. Only after that you need to choose a connection method.

How to bring the Internet into the house?

  • First you need to choose a provider. Find out which companies in your city provide Internet services. Check out the available rates and reviews from other consumers;
  • After choosing a provider, contact the company's support service and order an Internet connection service. Within a few days, employees of the organization will come to your home and install a twisted pair cable;
  • After connecting the right cable, you can choose how to connect your computer to the network - using a wireless router or connecting the cable directly to the device.

How to connect a computer to the Internet through a Wi-Fi router

A router (or router) is a special device whose purpose is to forward data packets between the global network and devices connected to the router. Externally, any is a small unit with one or more antennas.

On the back panel of the router there are ports for connecting a patch cord (Internet cable) and LAN ports, which are used to wire the device to the network. Wi-Fi coverage and signal strength depend on the number of antennas.

A standard router has one or two antennas and a coverage radius of up to 150-200 meters. This indicator is quite enough for use in an apartment or house. If there is a need to create a wireless Internet network for an office and other large premises, routers with 4 antennas or special extenders are used - small gadgets that expand the existing coverage area of ​​​​the router.

There are several ways to connect to the Internet using a wireless router:

  • Creation of a single access point. As a result, you can connect to the network any home gadget that supports Wi-Fi technology (laptops, computers, smartphones, tablets, Smart TV and others);
  • Wired connection to a router to create a home network. You can not only create an access point, but also connect your computer to the router at any time using a patch cord and LAN ports. Before connecting two or more computers to the Internet, make sure that the main Ethernet network cable is also connected to the router. Otherwise, you will simply create a home network without Internet access.

Connecting a Windows computer to an already configured Wi-Fi network

The easiest way to access the global network is to use an already enabled and configured router. If you are in an establishment with Wi-Fi access, you can easily connect your laptop or any other gadget to the Internet.

  • It is necessary to open the Wi-Fi network management window on the device and view the list of available connections;
  • Each access point has its own name. Find the name you want and click on it. Then enter (if the network is open, you will not need to enter a password).
  • The device will automatically connect to the hotspot and you can start using the Internet.

Please note that during installation wireless connection with a router, your device shows signal quality. If the network does not catch well, this may cause a sudden disconnection of the Internet or the inability to connect even with the correct password. We advise you to get closer to the router and try to set up the connection again.

It is important to remember about the security of personal data when using public open wifi networks. Through these connections, an attacker can easily gain access to personal data stored on your device. This can be payment card data, passwords, access to e-mail, cloud services.

When connecting to public Wi-Fi in crowded places, we do not recommend paying for purchases on the Internet and accessing Internet banking sites. This can lead to the theft of confidential information. Using open networks for normal surfing does not harm you or your computer.

Setting up a new router

If you have purchased a new router and want to set it up for further Internet connection, you can do it in 10 minutes. All routers are configured according to a single scheme, so there will be no difficulties. The only thing to consider is the presence of an Internet cable in your home. Make sure to connect this service with the provider.

Follow instructions for self-creation WiFi hotspots:
  • Unpack your router. In its configuration you will find the device itself, a patch cord for connecting other devices and a power cable. Also, most units come with first setup disks, and some models' antennas may be removable;
  • Connect the antennas to the router if they are disconnected. Then expand the router. There are two types of connectors on the rear panel - WAN (for connecting an Internet cable) and LAN (for creating switching devices within the same network). Also, some models may have USB ports that can be used to connect flash drives;

  • Connect to the WAN port the Internet wire that the provider brought into the room (also, this port can simply be denoted by the word Internet and be colored yellow);
  • Then connect the power cable, the connector for which has a round shape and is also located on the back of the router;
  • Plug the device into a power outlet and press the power button on the same back panel. One or more LED indicators on the router case should start working.

Ready. You connected the router to the Internet and activated its operation. Now you need to perform the basic configuration of the router so that other computers and mobile gadgets can connect to it.

To do this, follow these steps:
  • Turn on your computer and activate the Wi-Fi option. In Windows, just click on the network icon in the tray and activate the service;

  • The turned on router will be displayed as an active Wi-Fi network. Typically, the network name is the same as the model name of the device. When you first connect, the network will be open, that is, you will not need to enter a password;
  • After connecting the router to the computer via a wireless network, it is necessary to carry out the basic configuration of the router - set a password, network name, provider data and other options. To do this, go to the settings. This can be done using the disk that came with the package or using the web settings;
  • If you have a disc, insert it into your computer's drive and follow any instructions that appear in the program. As a rule, you will need to connect to the access point and immediately set the password, security level and network name;
  • To configure using the web interface, make sure that the connection is established and the router is connected to the power supply. Then open any browser and enter the address or in the address bar. A window for entering the administrator login and password should appear. The default is admin and admin. Also, the login data is indicated on the bottom cover of the router itself.

  • In the window that opens, go to the quick settings tab and follow all the instructions - set a password, encryption type, connection name and provider details. If you do not know how to enter the address of the provider or the right company not listed, contact your ISP for this information.

Close the web interface of the router. Now you can connect any computer and gadget to the wireless network. Use the password you set earlier to be able to access the Internet. As for the router menu, depending on the model and firmware of the router, it may have different kind or be English. All instructions for using the menu can be found in the instructions for the router or on the website of the gadget manufacturer.

How to Connect Your Computer to the Internet Using an Ethernet Cable

Consider how to connect the Internet to a computer via cable. If you already have a router with an active WAN connection, just take a patch cord and connect it to the LAN port on the router, and on the computer to the Ethernet port. The final structure looks like this:

Also, you can connect an Ethernet provider directly to your computer. This is done if there is no need to connect other gadgets to the network or when the computer does not support WiFi technology. Of the advantages of direct connection of the Internet cable to the computer, the faster operation of the Internet is directly distinguished.

How to connect a computer to the Internet using a USB cable

There are times when the fastest and most convenient ways to connect to the Internet are not available. Then a smartphone or a USB modem with a SIM card comes to the rescue. Connecting the Internet to a computer in this case is very simple!

Internet connection instructions for:

  1. You must have a cable with which you charge your smartphone. One end of it, as always, is included in the Smartphone, and the other instead of charging into the USB port on the computer.
  2. In the smartphone settings go: Additional functions - USB modem. Check the box "enable"
  3. Within a few seconds, your WIndows will detect the new device and show you that a wired connection has been established.

Important! In order to use the Internet from your phone on a computer or laptop, you must have a tariff plan with Internet access support. Keep an eye on your phone traffic!

When connecting a USB modem with a SIM card to a computer or laptop, follow the instructions given to you when concluding a contract for the provision of the Internet with a mobile operator. As a rule, there you just need to insert the modem into the USB port of the computer and wait for the application and drivers to install. Everything happens automatically.

How to Connect Your Computer to the Internet Using Bluetooth

If you forgot to bring a USB cable for your phone with you, but you really want to connect your laptop to the Internet, it doesn’t matter either. You can connect the Internet to your computer from your phone via Bluetooth. For this, several conditions must be met:

  1. Your laptop must support a Bluetooth connection,
  2. The smartphone should be no further than 1-3 meters from the laptop (the closer the better),
  3. Your phone must have a data plan
Instructions for connecting the Internet via Bluetooth
  1. First you need to establish a connection (pairing) between your computer and smartphone. To do this, in the computer tray (where the clock is in the Windows panel), click on the Bluetooth icon.
  2. Next, click Options. And there select "Allow other devices to discover this computer". Save the new settings by clicking on the “Apply” button.
  3. On your phone, go to Settings - Bluetooth - turn on the device.
  4. Next, in the phone, go to Settings - Additional functions - Bluetooth modem. We turn it on.
  5. Now on the computer, again click in the tray on the Bluetooth icon. Only now with the right mouse button! Select "Add device" from the pop-up menu.
  6. If you have completed step 3 on your smartphone before, the computer will detect your phone. Click on its name and select the "Next" button.
  7. A window with a PIN code will appear. The numbers must match on both the smartphone and the computer. If everything is OK, click on the “Yes” button. The computer will connect the smartphone, spend some time on the automatic installation of drivers.
  8. You will have to click on the Blueooth icon on your computer again and select “Show Devices” there. Select the connected phone and right-click on it.
  9. There will appear a window with a menu in which you need to select "Connect via". Windows will automatically connect. All! Now you can use the Internet at a not very high speed. Of course, you don’t watch films, but climbing the news is easy.


After reviewing all the advantages and disadvantages, choose the type of connection to the global network that suits you. Before connecting a Windows computer to the Internet, make sure that the provider has activated the service for your subscriber number. Otherwise. Even after successfully creating a home network, the Internet may not work.

What method do you use to connect to the Internet? Below in the comments you can ask a question of interest that arose at the connection stage.

Do you already have a laptop or are you just about to buy one? Then it is advisable to think about connecting to the Internet, otherwise it will not be possible to fully use the equipment. Downloading programs, updates, anti-virus databases, as well as movies and music is impossible without it. There are many ways to connect to the global network. Wired and wireless access available. Some of them do not require costs, while others force the purchase of auxiliary equipment. Consider how to connect a laptop to the Internet in all existing ways.

Modern laptop and global network- it is a whole

Wired connection

Wired access is considered the most reliable and stable, while the most cost-effective. It is enough to plug the cable into the connector on the laptop and make simple settings. Several technologies are used: optical cable and ADSL, which operates via telephone.


There are also several types of internet connection. Each of them has slightly different settings.

Dynamic and static IP address

With a static IP, you need to enter the IP address, as well as the subnet mask, gateway and DNS server in the network card settings manually. With a dynamic IP, all data is assigned by the operator, and you do not need to make additional settings.

At the bottom of the screen, when the cable is connected, the yellow sign should light up. Right-click and go to Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings. You will see an icon that says Ethernet or The local network. Double click on the icon - Internet version 4 - Properties.

If the operator provides a dynamic address, specify the automatic acquisition of IP and DNS. When static - enter all the data specified in the contract. Click OK. Now the internet will work and the yellow exclamation mark will disappear.

With this type, you only need to know the username and password. In the Network Sharing Center, click on Create and configure a new connection - Internet connection - High speed (with PPPoE). Type in the username and password from the service agreement and come up with a name. If you enter all the data correctly, the connection will be established in a couple of seconds.

Subsequently, to connect, click on the network icon at the bottom of the screen and click "High-speed connection". When using Windows 10, you will be redirected to the Dialing menu, where you can connect, change or delete the connection.


Some providers, for example, Beeline, connect their subscribers using VPN technology using the L2TP or PPTP standard. In the menu for creating a new connection, select Connection to the workplace - Use my Internet connection - Internet address, enter the data from the contract. Come up with a name, for example, the name of the provider, and click "Create".

Now go to the menu for changing adapter settings. Right-click on the name of your connection (the adapter will be called WAN miniport) - Properties - in the "Type of VPN" select the parameters recommended by the provider. We will connect from the networks menu by clicking on the name. If you have Windows 10, you will be redirected to the connection menu.

ADSL modem

ADSL access is not so popular. The signal comes from the telephone line, while the phone itself continues to work as usual. Connect the phone and the modem to the splitter that distributes the signal from the line, the modem with the second connector to the laptop, and then set up the connection on the computer. The procedure is no different from cable internet.

The service provider will indicate on which connection it provides wired internet. Most often it is static IP or PPPoE. Use the previous paragraph to set up the modem.

Wireless connection

To get wireless access, you need to purchase a Wi-Fi router. Plug it into a power outlet, plug the Internet cable into the designated connector (it always differs in color). Next, enter the wireless settings interface WiFi networks or via cable. Information about the login parameters is indicated on the router itself or in the instructions for it. Enter the IP address, username and password.

When you connect for the first time, you will be prompted for a quick setup. Select your city and provider name and enter your connection details. If your provider is not in the list, check with him the type of connection, select it in the network settings, enter the data, save and connect.

On a laptop, check for drivers for the wireless Wi-Fi module. This can be done through Device Manager. If the module works correctly, its name will be displayed in full. If the drivers are missing or not installed correctly, a yellow exclamation mark will appear next to the name "Wireless Adapter". You will need to download the driver for the wireless Wi-Fi module from the laptop manufacturer's website.

The Wi-Fi adapter must be enabled, it can be activated with the key combination FN + F1–F12. More details can be found in the instructions for the laptop. In the right corner of the bottom of the screen, you will see the Internet icon in the form of an antenna with a yellow star. Click on it, select your wireless network from the available connections, enter the password and click Connect.

mobile connection

When you do not have the opportunity to connect a fixed Internet, you can use the offer mobile operators. The quality of these services is high. In many cities, access speed equates to home internet. You can connect via a 3G modem, mobile 3G router, and use your phone as an access point.

3G modem

It looks like a flash drive into which a SIM card is inserted. When connecting for the first time, the system launches a program to set up the connection. If you purchased a modem in the official communication salon of operators, it will have a corporate look and settings for working on the network of this particular company. With rare exceptions, you do not have to manually prescribe the settings. You will need to select a tariff, use the menu to activate the SIM card and the balance on it and connect. Subsequently, it will be enough to insert the modem into the laptop and click the "Connect" button in the program menu.

3G router

In terms of functionality, this is an ordinary router, only a SIM card is inserted into it instead of a cable. Given that most models have a built-in battery, you can distribute Mobile Internet via Wi-Fi without being tethered to a power cord. After inserting the SIM card, go through the setup procedure like a regular router through the web interface.

Phone as a hotspot

Another simple option is to use your Android or iOS phone as a modem. It is enough to activate the item in the menu. You can read more about this method in our article " How to connect a tablet to the Internet". However, keep in mind that the phone's battery drains very quickly. Therefore, it is advisable to connect it to a power source or connect via USB.


Now you are familiar with all the ways to connect the Internet on your laptop. Setting it up via cable, Wi-Fi or modem is not difficult at all. All service providers try to make life as easy as possible for their users. Even if something does not work out, you can call technical support.

What technology do you use to connect to the Internet? Share your experience in the comments.