Internet over the air for the company. Internet over the air: general information about the technology

Internet access technologies are constantly evolving. What yesterday seemed eternal and unshakable, today looks absolutely outdated. And vice versa, what seemed impossible becomes commonplace. Access to the network through a radio channel, having recently appeared, is developing by leaps and bounds.

It is impossible to imagine a modern enterprise or the smallest settlement. Technologies for providing access to the World Wide Web are constantly being improved, one is being replaced by another.

Not so long ago, even large enterprises needed telephone lines to connect to the Internet; today, few people remember this way of using the network. Today, the largest sector in the provider service is occupied by the provision of traffic through fiber optic lines, however, their technical capabilities are close to exhaustion.

Optical cable routes seem to be laid everywhere, wherever possible, and the further development of networks based on them is slowing down. And not everywhere it is possible to lay cables for technical and organizational reasons. Therefore, Internet consumers have a great interest in organizing wireless networks and systems.

Advantages and prospects for the development of Internet access technology over a radio channel

Among the wireless technologies, the most widely used today are:

  • WiFi;
  • Mobile Internet;
  • internet via radio.

Note! Each method and network access scheme has its own niche of use, but today the method of providing a connection to the World Wide Web via a radio channel has the greatest prospects.

Its advantages are:

  • no need to perform design work and cable laying;
  • the possibility of providing communication in places where laying fiber optics is impossible;
  • minimum coordination with other organizations;
  • low price and speed of installation;
  • the ability to quickly transfer equipment;
  • relatively high speed.

The disadvantages of the Internet over the radio can be noted:

  • high cost of traffic;
  • very narrow coverage area;
  • a certain dependence of the communication quality on external factors (weather, route profile, etc.).

Data transmission over a radio channel is not fundamentally different from Wi-Fi, which is also a radio bridge. The differences are in the use of other protocols, including non-standard ones, as well as in the use of directional antennas (in contrast to the predominant use of antennas with a circular diagram for Wi-Fi equipment) and increased radiation power.

Important! To date, the area of ​​development in this direction is to increase the speed and stability of the connection, but even with the current development of equipment and technologies, the level of service provided in the public price sector in these parameters seriously competes with wired and fiber optic networks.

When is it relevant?

The ratio of the advantages and disadvantages of technology determines the niche of its use. This method of connecting to the Internet is indispensable on the so-called "last kilometer", when it is impossible to pull optical fiber further for technical, economic or organizational reasons.

Internet via radio in many cases has no alternative for organizations located far outside the city, in industrial areas, for citizens living in remote small towns.

How the connection is made

Equipment for the Internet over a radio channel consists of a receiving and transmitting part. The transmitting antenna is mounted at the nearest convenient point where there is fiber - most often, on the roof or facade of the building. For the installation of receiving equipment, a prerequisite is the presence of direct radio visibility between the antennas (the laws of radio wave propagation at the frequencies used in this technology are close to the laws of optical wave propagation).

Modern equipment for radio Internet and directional antennas make it possible to provide stable communication at distances up to 30 km.

Important! The permission to use the radio frequency spectrum is issued by the Radio Frequency Center (RCC). As a rule, specialized organizations have permission to install. If equipment is installed by private individuals without the necessary permits, problems with government agencies can arise, entailing serious fines.

Internet speed indicators over the radio channel

Today, most providers provide access services over a radio channel at speeds up to 100-200 Mbps. This speed is comfortable when used by one or even several consumers. It should be remembered that this technology is in the process of development, its possibilities are growing and have not yet reached the threshold from a technical or economic point of view.

Therefore, in the near future, we should expect an improvement in speed parameters and the achievement of transmission characteristics over a radio channel to values ​​that suit those potential subscribers who need an increased exchange rate or who need to provide communications to a large number of consumers.

Important! The actual speed in all cases will depend on local conditions, including the distance between the receiving and transmitting parts.

Office use of the radio channel

The use of the radio channel in the offices of legal entities is preferable in the following cases:

  • location of the office inaccessible for laying a fiber optic route;
  • high subscription fee for the Internet, set by the office landlord (in this case, a trick is often used to register the connection to an individual - an employee or company owner);
  • the need to organize a backup communication channel;
  • the need for periodic relocation of the office with the transfer of equipment.

Important! The technical feasibility of connecting Internet radio is revealed after a survey of the place of potential installation of equipment by specialists.

hard-to-reach objects

In many cities of Russia, private buildings are still preserved, it is not economically feasible to install fiber optics there, and in many cases it is impossible. To provide Internet to a private house with the help of radio is often the only way for providers to work with the population living in such quarters.

Facilitates the task of the presence of multi-storey buildings near the private sector. It is very convenient to install the transmitting part of the equipment on the roofs or facades of high-rise buildings, directing the main lobe of the antenna diagram to one-story houses. You can not do without a radio bridge in summer cottages, small settlements and detached remote houses.

Additional features

As additional features it is impossible not to mention:

  • ip-telephony and digital television services provided via the same channel;
  • organization of a network (VPN) with branches of a legal entity;
  • building a local telephone network;
  • connection, if necessary, of new points to the head office.

Note! Thus, due to the rapid development, the Internet through a radio point wins its technical and economic niche from other technologies of wired and wireless access.

However, it is premature to say that in the foreseeable future this way of providing global network connection services will completely replace traditional fiber. The most likely scenario is that new technologies will occupy their sector in the provider services market and will exist simultaneously with older, traditional methods.

Wireless Internet is connected in cases where a wired connection is either not available, or does not provide adequate quality, such as ADSL, or is prohibitively expensive (tariffs or wire laying). So, we will look at 5 main types of wireless Internet, their features, pros and cons.

1. WiFi bridge

A popular option for wireless connection is the organization of a Wi-Fi bridge between the connection object and the Internet source (emitter), which in turn is connected to the network by a wire. Here it is worth noting that an important feature is the organization of the source, i.e. installation of equipment that will broadcast a Wi-Fi signal on the air. If, in principle, everything is clear with the receiving side, then problems may arise with the transmitting side. As a rule, transmitting Wi-Fi equipment is installed on high-rise buildings at a maximum height in order to avoid possible interference in the transmission of the Wi-Fi signal. Such an object still needs to be found, negotiated with the owners, with the HOA, with the management company, etc., if necessary, coordinate the installation of the emitter with other organizations (firefighters, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, television people, electric companies, etc.). Further, it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the equipment, as well as adequate protection against theft and burglary. In addition, an important condition is the choice of a private Wi-Fi range for channel organization. The standard 2.4 GHz band, especially in high-rise buildings, is heavily loaded, which leads to noisy air, respectively, to a decrease in signal quality and Internet speed. The use of the 5 GHz band is regulated by the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (GRKCH), respectively, you need to obtain permission and register the receiving and transmitting equipment. There are also specific Wi-Fi bands such as 3 GHz, 6 GHz, however, difficulties can also arise in them. First of all, with the equipment, because. it is not always possible to find receivers, transmitters, antennas and other equipment for specific bands. In addition, it must be understood that the higher the frequency, the worse the signal permeability and, accordingly, the range of the system. Thus, in the case of solving all organizational problems, as well as the presence of an initial wired channel, when organizing a Wi-Fi bridge, you can get a fairly high Internet speed at the facility. The distance from the transmitter to the receiver can reach 10-15 km (in the case of direct visibility).
➕ High speed (up to 300 Mbps)
➕ Stability (the connection does not depend on other users, because the channel is exclusive)
➕ Low subscription fee (similar to wired Internet tariffs, since in fact this is what it is from the point of view of the provider)
➖ High price of equipment installation (30-80 thousand rubles)
➖ Difficulties in channel organization
➖ In case of non-compliance with the requirements of the State Commission for Radio Frequencies, large fines are possible with the dismantling of equipment
➖ Limited use (only in cities, because you need a wired Internet source and high-rise buildings to install transmitting equipment)

2. Satellite Internet

Satellite Internet as well as satellite television and satellite communications have been used for a long time. The main and in fact the only advantage is the availability and independence from the location. Satellite Internet can be installed in the mountains, on an island, in a forest, in a remote village. At the same time, modern equipment is also quite simple to set up, approximately similar to satellite television. However, there are also significant drawbacks.
➕ Availability (satellite internet can be installed almost everywhere)
➕ Independence (except perhaps only from weather conditions)
➖ High cost of equipment (20-40 thousand rubles)
➖ Low speed (average 5-10 Mbps)
➖ No completely unlimited tariffs
➖ High subscription fee (up to 5 thousand rubles per month)

3. Radio channel

Internet radio is inherently similar to a Wi-Fi bridge, however, not the widely used IEEE 802.11 standard is used as a carrier channel, but some alternative or specific one. In principle, any data can be transmitted over a radio channel, including the Internet. WiMAX, AirMAX and others are often used.
➕ High degree of security
➕ Potentially high speed, but depends on the implementation of a particular provider
➕ Low cost of equipment due to ready-made kits from providers
➖ High subscription fee
➖ Extremely low coverage area
➖ Equipment specifics

4. Wireless optical communication channel (BOX)

The transmission of the Internet over an optical wireless channel (not to be confused with optical fiber) is similar to a laser beam. There is a beam transmitter and a beam receiver, they must be in line of sight without interference. The data transfer rate can reach 10Gbps. However, in practical implementation, this technology is extremely rare when connecting end objects. This is primarily due to the high cost of equipment and the complexity of channel implementation.
➕ 100% channel security
➕ High speed up to 10Gbps
➕ Connection stability
➖ Extremely high cost of equipment (from 100-150 thousand rubles)
➖ To organize Internet access, the original wired channel is required
➖ Need for line of sight and no interference between transmitter and receiver

5. 3G/4G/5G internet (public networks)

Definitely the most popular and demanded way of wireless connection to the Internet is the use of 3G and 4G LTE networks of mobile operators. Such networks in our country are offered by both the Big Four operators (Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2) and local operators such as Vainakh Telecom, FreshTel, Fly, etc. The indisputable advantage of this method of connecting the Internet is the versatility of the equipment, due to which the Internet is available almost everywhere, except for the most remote areas, mountains, the far north, taiga, etc. However, there are few consumers in these areas. In densely populated areas, operators are actively developing 4G LTE networks and are starting to implement 5G, as It is these technologies that promise many advantages, primarily high speed and stability of the connection.
➕ High degree of availability (about 90%)
➕ High speed (up to 300 Mbps in LTE-Advanced networks, on average about 20-50 Mbps)
➕ Unlimited Internet (for BIT.ONLINE subscribers)
➕ Low cost and equipment versatility
➕ Using different 3G/4G networks to connect
➖ The complexity of self-assembly and configuration of equipment

BIT.ONLINE company specializes in connecting wireless Internet in 3G and 4G LTE networks of Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Tele2 operators. We offer completely unlimited tariffs, high-quality equipment, turnkey installation, configuration and installation. Our experienced specialists will measure the signal of various operators, select the necessary equipment and connect the Internet in the shortest possible time. Call ☎️ 8-800-707-72-44 .

Radio connection

Radio connection

The company "Gold Telecom" provides a full range of telecommunications services, including connection to the Internet. The method of providing access to the World Wide Web is determined by our specialists on an individual basis.

The most efficient fiber optic networks, unfortunately, have not yet been laid in all regions of our country. Traditional telephony and unlimited mobile Internet are not always available or cannot provide high data transfer speed, which is especially important for business structures. The best alternative in this case is wireless Internet via radio.

This type of communication is usually chosen by the owners of business centers and offices in the Moscow region or in the corners of our capital not covered by fiber optics. Wireless Internet via radio even in the most remote area will be no worse than high-speed Internet in the center of Moscow. Gold Telecom specialists are ready to serve even the most hard-to-reach objects or those controlled by another provider.

Benefits of connecting to the Internet via radio

When arranging a wireless network over a radio channel, it will not be necessary to build new or rent old communication channels, and cable communications are also not needed in this case. The only thing that needs to be done is to install special equipment for receiving / transmitting a signal (radio antenna).

In general, the antenna can be installed anywhere (at the office window, on the facade of the building, on the roof), while it is desirable to provide direct visibility between the antenna and our nearest base station. But even if this condition cannot be met, we solve this issue with the help of additional equipment. Our base stations are located in almost all regions of Russia and are connected by fiber optic channels, which is the key to high-speed data transmission.

In the last few years, access to the resources of the global network is simply indispensable. The most common connection option is to use fiber optic cable. But it is not always possible to use it, especially in remote industrial areas of Moscow and in numerous cottage settlements of the Moscow region. In such a situation, it is convenient to use the Internet over a radio channel in Moscow and the region, and in such a situation a widescreen channel is used. This option is interesting for owners of houses outside the city, cottages and industrial premises located outside the city.

How the connection is made

In order to connect the Internet via a radio channel in the Moscow region, you must first call a specialist who makes all the necessary research regarding the availability of stations of cellular operators. If the operator tower is far away or the signal is unstable, then a decision is made regarding the installation of auxiliary equipment - a repeater or a special antenna. Testing is carried out using special devices that measure the signal level, its quality and the maximum possible information transfer rate. Before connecting, specialists draw up a preliminary installation scheme, according to which the installation of the corresponding equipment will be carried out.

Internet speed indicators over the radio channel

Most users who need Internet over a radio channel in Moscow are interested in the issue of speed after connecting the equipment. It is difficult to say unequivocally what the speed will be, since everything depends on the location of the subscriber and external factors. As practice shows, the speed can vary between 2-50 Mbps - it is usually quite enough to watch movies, listen to music, chat and play online games. The closer the base station, the more high-speed access you can get. Data in use Internet over a radio channel in the Moscow region, price which depends on the selected tariff plan, are transmitted over a protocol similar to Ethernet. With the help of a radio channel, you can combine into a single network several separate objects of an enterprise, a cottage settlement, or just a certain community of users.

Office use of the radio channel

You should not think that the Internet is used in a private house via a radio channel only by individuals. It is very often installed in offices and large enterprises. This is especially true in cases where the office or separate divisions of enterprises are located at some distance from cable city networks or in places where their laying is simply impossible. The basis of such a connection is the networks of LTE or WiMax standards. The use of modern equipment and innovative software makes it possible to use high-speed access, and if necessary, you can connect telephones and even satellite TV.

An important feature of using such equipment is that during the move it can be dismantled without any problems and installed in a new place with the preservation of all settings, tariff plans and telephone numbers. Do not forget that such a communication channel has a high degree of protection against unauthorized connection by third-party subscribers, which is important for modern companies in conditions of total competition.

Internet connection via radio channel

The world is not perfect, because broadband fiber optic networks have not yet been laid everywhere. Unlimited mobile Internet and even traditional telephony are also not always available or meet sufficient levels of service quality. Our company strives to correct this injustice. And we have found the best solution for your business - Internet access via radio.

When is it relevant?

How to quickly bring the Internet over a radio channel in the Moscow region, or to the corners of the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, not covered by fiber optics? Thanks to the transmission of the Internet over a radio channel, it is now as easy to get wireless Internet in the Moscow region as it is to get high-speed wireless Internet in the center of Moscow.

hard-to-reach objects.

We will solve the issue of providing wireless Internet service to the office in almost any conditions: and if your company is deployed in a building or business center controlled by another provider (which, meanwhile, is known throughout Moscow for exorbitant prices); and even if access to potential radio antenna sites is difficult. In both cases, we will find the opportunity to install equipment and connect the Internet via radio.

Additional features.

Complete with an Internet connection via a radio channel, you will simultaneously get the opportunity to organizeand communication with affiliates. The speed of reconnaissance of the wireless high-speed Internet service will depend mainly on the location of your office, but in any case it will seem truly incredible to you.


Our wireless Internet networks are capable of providing a symmetrical channel up to 85 Mbps.

The stability of the signal will allow you to refuse a backup connection.

The cost of the Internet over the air will be half as much as using.

Check the possibility of connecting over the air in your office right now: Call us or connect.

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All of the above companies provide services in the broadcast band. If you explain en fingers, then their service is towers-base stations, which are scattered throughout the city and subscribers connecting to these towers. All their base stations operate in point-to-multipoint mode, which means that the load on each specific base station is not controlled and depends on the number of subscribers in this sector and their traffic consumption rate.

Our radio channel equipment is installed in the office only in point-to-point mode. You are always completely sure that the radio channel to the office plays the role of the "last mile" of organizing the Internet to the office or VPN connections. The radio channel to the office is built from any facility where we have a presence via fiber optic. The maximum speed of the radio channel to the office is 85 Mb/s.

Radio equipment in your office

There are two options for installing equipment on your part - installation in the attic on the masts of the building. If the monopolist forbids any work outside your office, then we very effectively install a radio channel on the window in your office.

Difficulties and how our subscribers solve them

If your office has armored or metallized windows, this is not a problem for our radio channel to the office.

If your monopolist has included a clause on the use of the Internet in the lease agreement, this is also not a problem: leave the minimum channel, say that the need for a larger channel has disappeared due to the crisis, for example, and take the main channel from us. You win twice: both the savings and the backup channel remain just in case. Don't worry - even with a double payment, we will make the cost of the solution cheaper!

If your monopolist scares you with jammers and other telecom horror stories, this is not a problem at all! Our specialists have accumulated such experience and an endless number of practices to bypass all kinds of jammers that you will not even feel their work.

Radio channel to an office in Moscow or Moscow region - the ideal solution from Teraline Telecom Svyaz!