Form of the form of the certificate on labor protection. Labor protection certificate

Occupational safety is a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of personnel in the performance of their duties. Companies should, at their own expense, organize training for employees, thereby improving labor efficiency. In addition, these activities allow training employees in first aid. The law establishes the period of validity of the labor protection certificate. More about this in the article.

The concept of a document

A labor protection certificate is issued to employees who have successfully passed the test after training. This document states:

  1. Name of the institution.
  2. Full name of the employee.
  3. Place of work.
  4. Job title.
  5. Seminar topic.
  6. Number of hours of training.
  7. Commission protocol number.
  8. Data on secondary certification.
  9. Chairman's signature.
  10. Exam date.

The expiration date of the labor protection certificate is also indicated there. After the expiration of this period, it is necessary to go through the training procedure again. This serves as the basis for issuing a new document.

Why and in what cases is it required?

The provision of a labor protection certificate indicates that the employee has received knowledge in the field of safety in the process of fulfilling his duties. This enhances certification, which is carried out in several stages:

  1. Creation of an expert group.
  2. Control of competence and qualification in the field of labor protection.
  3. Filling out the protocol.
  4. Create an identity.

The document serves as confirmation that the employee has successfully passed the test. Otherwise, he has a month to pass the exam and receive a certificate. In this case, the manager must remove the employee from his duties. Downtime is paid only when the training is not completed due to the company.


Every employee is required by law to take safety precautions. The costs are paid by the organization. If the activities were not carried out, then the execution job duties impossible. This may be due to the negligence of the employer. The reasons are usually the following:

  1. The timing of the event is incorrect.
  2. Desire to save.
  3. Lack of compensation in the field of labor protection.

If a violation is detected at the company level, you need to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Issuance of an order to release the employee until the violations are eliminated.
  2. Conducting training.
  3. Knowledge control.
  4. Registration of the certificate.

If there is a discrepancy discovered by the inspector during the inspection, an administrative penalty is imposed:

  1. Up to 100 thousand rubles - for organizations.
  2. Up to 20 thousand rubles. - officials.

The law establishes a different procedure for the implementation of training activities and the issuance of documents.

Procedure for persons of material production

To obtain a labor protection certificate for persons employed in material production, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Acquaintance with the theory of labor protection in a certain area is carried out within a month after being hired, transferred from another position, as well as during the increase in the level of competence or the assignment of a new qualification.
  2. In hazardous and hazardous industries, an internship is conducted in the area of ​​​​the site where duties will be performed.
  3. The rules of training and certification correspond to the type of activity and are fixed by local acts of the institution, created on the basis of the law.
  4. Preparation for medical and diagnostic measures necessary in case of an accident or sudden illness is organized at least once a year.

Management area employees

Obtaining a certificate in labor protection and electrical safety is necessary for employees performing management functions, as well as those engaged in engineering, technical, economic types activities. This is done according to the norms approved by law:

  1. In the first month after employment, training is carried out according to the volumes intended for the position. Training is provided as needed.
  2. The maximum break between planned activities is 3 years.
  3. The appointed person takes up his duties after becoming familiar with his direct functions, internal documents institutions.

Some employees need to be trained in a specialized structure. This also applies to employees who are associated with the preservation of the life support systems of the worker's body at work. They are:

  1. Leaders.
  2. Deputies.
  3. Engineering and technical workers.
  4. Teachers.
  5. Internship coordinators.
  6. Labor inspectors.
  7. Members of the certification committees.

Teaching structures must have a work permit, teachers, manuals and tools. If an institution has established a knowledge testing group in the field of life, then management and employees whose duties are not related to labor protection can be trained in the organization itself.


Incoming persons or transferred to another position must pass:

  1. Instruction on their duties.
  2. Job training.

This is organized by the head or his representative. After that, the employee is issued a certificate. Even if the employee had to undergo training in another company, this does not relieve him of this obligation. Because the verification that follows this procedure is not secondary, a new identity is provided.

If an employee improved his qualifications in the company and did not go to special center, he is given a certificate. The validity of the labor protection certificate is confirmed by the signature of the chairman and the seal of the institution.

The type of certificate is established by the Ministry of Labor and includes information about the stages passed by the employee. The document has been updated since March 2017, when a new labor protection standard came into effect. The difference is the series and number, which include:

  • Two Latin letters - the name of the country: 0 or 1 depends on who provided the certificate - the organizer or a special company.
  • Company TIN.
  • The last two digits of the year of issue.
  • Details of the protocol and the number of the certified person.

Usually, a photo is not required for a document. Some special papers are an exception. For example, a certificate of obtaining knowledge about safe methods and techniques in the field of work at height.

When is verification required?

leadership and skilled workers you need to regularly confirm knowledge in the field of labor protection. Events are divided into planned and additional. An emergency procedure is possible in the following situations:

  1. The emergence of new rules.
  2. Using equipment that did not exist before.
  3. Transfer to another job.
  4. Detection of violations.
  5. After an accident or emergency.


If the validity period of the labor protection certificate has expired, then the employee cannot perform his duties. To fix this, 1 month is provided. If the audit is not carried out in a timely manner due to the company, then the employees receive a part of the salary. Otherwise, no payment will be made. The document must be received by all employees, including managers.

To get paper you need:

  1. Issue an order on the organization of the commission.
  2. Conduct a duty test.
  3. Fill out the protocol.
  4. Provide evidence.


What is the validity period of a work safety certificate? The standard period is 3 years. In some institutions, for example, Russian Railways, it is reduced for certain categories of workers. The validity period of the labor protection certificate can be reduced if a preliminary check is required.

An extraordinary check is required when transferring to another position or during a long absence from work. With the passage of a new event to test knowledge, new documents are issued to the staff. Therefore, the duration of the certificates may be different.

Document verification

How is the identity verified? Now there are many dubious companies in this area, and prices often do not work as they should. And since the centers do not post information about the passage of training, therefore, the check is performed using the old proven methods:

  1. An employer can request information from an educational institution about the performance of an employee attestation, and it must respond in a short time.
  2. Upon receipt of the certificate, the employee may require an extract from the protocol and a copy of the institution's license.
  3. If the offer is found on the web, then you should check the duration of the site and the duration of the work.
  4. The check is carried out according to the regalia indicated on a special page.
  5. You need to read the articles, regulations, you can call and ask questions. If the experts cannot answer the question, then it is hardly necessary to contact them.

Thus, the certificate gives the employee the right to participate in activities to ensure personnel, maintain labor activity. Special institutions can provide them. The head of the enterprise is responsible for the timeliness and correctness of registration.

Size 80x110mm.

Blue Specify the required shade of binding in the comments to the order or discuss with the manager when discussing the details of the order. If there is no specification, the certificate will be made in the base color (as on the sample).


A responsible approach to labor protection in enterprises is the cornerstone of a successful production activities. Employees trained in the basics of OT can safely perform their duties. The absence of injuries and, as a result, sick leave increases the performance of the enterprise. An OT Knowledge Test Certificate (Occupational Safety Certificate) is a document confirming that employees have received the required amount of information in this area.

Along with knowledge in their specialty, passing all required types briefings (introductory, at the workplace, etc.), internships in the profession, employees of the enterprise / organization must have a certificate indicating that they have knowledge of labor protection, in accordance with the developed program. Such a requirement is put forward by the Labor Code.

A certificate of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements (Labor protection certificate) is issued to an employee of the organization who has undergone training in labor protection and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements. Information on additional (repeated) tests of knowledge of labor protection requirements is also entered in the certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

The labor protection certificate (Labor protection certificate) has a red bumvinyl cover, on the front side of which the inscription Certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements is embossed. At your request, we can change the color of the lid.

The following data is indicated on the spread of the document: name of the institution, number of the form, full name. the holder, his place of work and position, the program for which this specialist was trained (a record of the number of training hours must be made), the date of creation of the protocol of the commission, the data of the chairman of the commission and his signature. Mandatory certification with a wet seal. The recheck details page contains a similar set of information, except for the name of the institution/organization.

According to the rules, for employees of working specialties, knowledge and skills of work in compliance with safety rules are tested directly by the persons in charge of the work.

For specialists and executives of organizations, regular OT knowledge tests are carried out once every three years (at least). The leading employees are also issued a Certificate of labor protection, confirming the ability of these persons to perform their duties.

Unscheduled inspections are carried out in case of changes (additions) in the legislation, before the start of using new equipment at the enterprise, when changing activities (positions), at the request of regulatory organizations, if the employee had a break in work for more than one year, after accidents or major accidents cases.

The inspection is carried out by a commission of 3 people, employees of the enterprise, in turn, who have already trained and passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements and have a certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements. It is also allowed to include in the composition of the commission representatives of trade unions, and teachers of organizations whose activity is teaching the rules of labor protection.

The state of labor protection at your enterprise is the subject of inspections by regulatory authorities. The labor protection certificate, as part of a set of measures aimed at labor safety, can be checked.

Please pay attention! You can buy a labor protection certificate from us with empty columns, i.e. blank form of the established sample. Buying completed certificates with signatures and seals is illegal.

In the City Blank store, you can buy a certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements (labor protection certificate) quickly and conveniently in any quantity. We print a certificate of verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements in strict accordance with established standards.

Labor protection certificate (sample)

In practice, the question arose whether it was necessary to undergo an audit if an employee was trained in labor protection standards while in one position, and then was transferred to another. After all, the certificate indicates the position and place of work. How to be in this situation? Do I need to re-test my knowledge and issue a new certificate? We believe not. Taking into account the provisions of the Decree, including the requirements for conducting extraordinary inspections, it can be concluded that when changing a position, an extraordinary inspection should be carried out only if additional knowledge of labor protection standards is required to work in a new position. If the knowledge of labor protection available and confirmed by the certificate is sufficient, then additional checks are not required.

Issuance of a labor protection certificate

When issuing a certificate, a question may arise about the seal, which certifies the signature of an authorized person (according to clause 3.7 of the Procedure, the certificate is signed by the chairman of the commission). If the company does not have a seal (and in 2016 the rule on the mandatory presence of a seal has ceased to be mandatory), then, accordingly, a seal is not required. If the company seals (seal) are used, then the signature is certified by the seal (if there are several), which the company determines in its local acts. For example, these can be stamps “For documents”, “For office work”, etc. If training and knowledge testing was carried out by a third-party training organization, then the issue of printing is resolved in accordance with its internal procedures.

Occupational safety is regulated by many regulations and relevant law. All subordinates are required to undergo a training course or briefing, depending on their position, in order to ensure safety in their particular production place and in general organization.

Representatives of certain production professions must pass special education. This must be confirmed by relevant documents. How exactly and how to issue it, further in our article.

What does a certificate of verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements give?

The certificate confirms the fact of training and assimilation by the employee of the norms and conditions for the safety of activities (his work) at the enterprise and at the segment of work entrusted to him. Form - the established sample. It is available for sale in stationery departments and stores. Its issuance is regulated by the relevant Decree.

Certificate of verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements - validity period

The occupational health and safety knowledge test certificate is valid for three years. The certificate is issued after the first training course for thirty calendar days after employment. Further, every three years. If the employee changes place of work, at a new place, if not expired set time after completing the last training (three years), a new instruction takes place, in case he changed his direction in the profession.

Also, a labor protection certificate should, of course, be with the labor protection inspector at the enterprise, and with the head. The presence of a certificate from the manager means that he also has an understanding of safety at the enterprise and the knowledge to ensure it.

Training can also be extraordinary for the following reasons:

  • Installation of new equipment at the enterprise;
  • Introduction of a new technological process;
  • At the request of the head;
  • When changing the safety inspector;
  • In the event of an accident at work.

It is issued either in training centers or at the enterprise. If it is issued on the spot, the organization must have a trained occupational safety specialist (inspector) who will further train the staff and confirm their knowledge.

How to fill out a certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements?

A certificate in execution is a fairly simple document, but still requiring compliance with certain rules. The document consists of two parts. On the left side, there is a hat, on the right side - a place for marks about the passage of repeated briefings and training.
Fill out the certificate in order.

Left-hand side:

  • Enter the name of the organization (enterprise) - full and abbreviated in brackets.
    The serial number is assigned at the enterprise, it is taken from a special log of registration of certificates.
  • Next, we indicate personal information about the employee - his full: Surname, Name and Patronymic, title of the position held and qualification category the department in which he works.
  • Data are entered on the course that the employee passed, its volume.
  • In the line where the number and date of the minutes of the meeting are indicated, the name of the enterprise is once again entered.
  • On the very bottom line of the left part of the certificate, the chairman of the commission certifies the certificate with his signature and its transcript, indicates the date of issue of the document and stamps it.
  • Right side: it is issued during repeated briefings, after three years.

A short version of the document header is filled in the top line - indicate the name of the employee, his place of work (department), position, indicating professional grade. Next, enter data about the course of study: the name, the amount of information received in hours. The next line contains the details of the minutes of the meeting: its date and number. The last line is the signature of the certificate by the chairman of the commission, his full surname and initials, the date of execution of the document and wet seal organizations.

Form of certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements

The form of the document is standard, adopted and approved by a special Decree of the Ministries of Labor and Education. Replacing the form with another is unacceptable. The company can buy them in a stationery store at a very affordable, symbolic price.

The sheet consists of two parts. Their structure is similar:

  • Header - indicate the details of the enterprise, the full name of the employee, his position and belonging to a particular unit. Assign a certificate number.
  • The main part - it indicates the name of the training program, its duration in hours (volume), data from the minutes of the commission meeting.
  • The final part is the assurance of knowledge by an authorized person - the chairman of the commission. Indicate his full name, signature, date of issue of the certificate, and certify with a seal.

Certificate of verification of knowledge on labor protection - form

The form is single, approved normative act- Resolution. Consists of two parts. It is easy to fill out and does not require special skills.

We are posting a new type of labor protection certificate, valid as of 2019. It is also called the “Certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements”. You will find out in what cases and to whom it is issued, when it is subject to replacement, what is the validity period of the labor protection certificate. See below for a sample certificate of occupational safety and health and safety protocol.

To get a certificate, you need

The occupational safety certificate is a document that confirms that the worker has received training in safe work practices. Without a certificate, the employee is not allowed to his official duties.

The procedure for issuing a certificate is approved

Who needs a work safety certificate?

You need to issue a work safety certificate:

Who issues safety certificates?

The labor protection certificate is issued by the organization that organized the training. It could be:

  • commission of a licensed training center;
  • organization's own committee. It should include at least 3 engineers who have been trained (as a rule, in training center) for a given course or type of work, with valid certificates of verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

It is often more profitable and easier for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs to go to a training center and get a labor protection certificate (buy a course) than to organize such training on their own, including creating their own examination board. The standard validity of a labor protection certificate is three years or more, provided that retraining is completed after three years.

How to get a certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements?

It is impossible to buy a labor protection certificate, because ID numbers are registered with the territorial labor office. The labor protection certificate of the new sample of 2019 is issued only after either at the enterprise itself, and successful delivery exam. Training is short and takes approximately 1-3 days.

AT place with a labor protection certificate, the worker receives a knowledge test protocol or its certified copy. This document must be carefully preserved. It will come in handy if the labor protection certificate is lost or dirty. By presenting it to the employees of the organization that conducted the training, you can easily get a duplicate certificate. Otherwise, you will either have to look for your last name for a long time in the training protocols that are stored in the archives of the examination committee, or undergo training again.

Validity period of the labor protection certificate

Usually, the validity period of a labor protection certificate is 3 years or more, until the marks on repeated checks run out.

This is due to the fact that the employee must pass every 3 years.

When this period of 3 years ends, you need to undergo training and take exams again. After a successful test of knowledge, a new entry is made in the certificate, and the worker is issued an appropriate copy of the protocol (or a copy thereof). It is necessary to start training not after the expiration of the labor protection certificate, but in advance, so as not to deprive the worker of the opportunity to work.

The certificate of a labor protection specialist or an employee must be renewed earlier than after 3 years if:

  • the requirements of the Occupational Safety Rules and other regulatory legal acts, according to which training was conducted, have changed;
  • if an injury, an accident occurred at the site, and the responsible persons were sent for retraining;
  • during an extraordinary test of knowledge, the worker showed an unsatisfactory level of knowledge. In this case, the certificate is withdrawn, and the employee is sent for retraining.

Sample certificate for labor protection 2019

The procedure for issuing a labor protection certificate of a new sample of 2019 was approved. Appendix 2 of the Resolution contains a sample certificate for labor protection. Many pages can be pasted into a document. They are made in the same way as the right side in the sample.

A completed certificate of labor protection of a new sample of 2019:

Protocol attached to the labor protection certificate:

What is better - to make the forms of labor protection certificates themselves or buy them at a printing house, a store, organizations decide on their own. The main thing is that these forms are of the established form. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the cover - it must be hard enough and reliably protect the sheets with records. Usually its area is larger than the area of ​​the inner sheets.

How to fill out a certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements?

All entries are made by the responsible person of the organization that conducted the training. It is desirable that he had legible handwriting. Since there is no single procedure for filling out a certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements, you must clearly follow the instructions printed under the lines of the sample document. So, filling out the left side of the labor protection certificate, enter:

  • the name of the organization that conducted the training, in full;
  • certificate number;
  • Full name, place of work, position of the worker;
  • the name of the program under which the worker was trained, and the number of training hours spent;
  • details of the protocol;
  • current date.

After the chairman of the commission signs the labor protection certificate, put a seal.

Before issuing a completed certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements to a trained worker, make an appropriate entry in the certificate registration log maintained by your organization.

If the training is repeated, then the left side of the certificate is already filled out. In this case, fill in its right side. The procedure is the same, only the name of the organization that conducted the training and the certificate number do not need to be written. If the knowledge test was not carried out by the organization that issued the certificate, you can try to enter its name in the line intended for the name of the training program. You must print every time.

After repeated knowledge checks, you do not need to re-register the document in the identity journal. If there is a need to record the renewal of identities, you can create a separate free-form log.


Is a labor protection specialist certificate issued by one organization valid in another organization?

Employees of different departments of the GIT answer this question in different ways. The general approach to resolving this issue is given in paragraph 3.3 of Resolution 1/29. This paragraph refers to the fact that if, when transferring a worker to another job or assigning him to a position, he needs additional knowledge of OT, then before starting work, he needs to retrain.

For example, if an OT specialist left one scrap metal recycling organization and got a job with competitors with similar types of work, then in the light of clause 3.3, he does not need to retrain. And if, after his dismissal, he got a job in Kindergarten, then the old “crust” does not fit - you have to go through it again to get a new labor protection certificate.

If possible, it is worth getting the point of view of the labor inspector who oversees your organization on this issue. If this is not possible, but doubts remain, it is better to take the training again. useful information because there is never too much!

Occupational safety certificate: buy or complete training?

Some organizations offer to buy a new 2019 labor protection certificate without classes and exams. Resist the temptation to “make your life easier” in this way, because without knowing the safety rules, you can be seriously injured or killed.

It is important to know the requirements of legal acts on labor protection not only for workers associated with hazardous work, but also to top managers of companies. This will help not only ensure personal safety, but also protect your organization from fines, unreasonable demands from employees of inspection bodies, accidents, accidents, and other unwanted incidents.

How should I store the certificate of verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements?

The certificate must always be carried with you, not laminated or covered with other films, because. this will prevent subsequent entries from being made. If the inspector finds that the worker does not have the appropriate certificate with him, he must remove him from work.

When do I need to change the certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements?

Periodically, certificates have to be changed. This is done if:

  • Passport ran out of blank pages. After the next test of knowledge, entries are made in new form.
  • The employee or employee changed their surname. A new certificate is issued during the next training and is issued after successfully passing the exam. Up to this point, it is enough for an employee or employee to present a copy of the marriage certificate to the inspectors.
  • New regulations come into force, which approve new samples of labor protection certificates. In this case, a period must be stipulated during which it is necessary to carry out appropriate training and replacement of certificates.
  • The certificate has become unusable: wet, dirty, torn, burned, etc. In this case, the worker is issued a duplicate certificate in the course of work.
  • The worker changed jobs moved to another organization. In this case, he needs to undergo retraining, and a new certificate will be issued, indicating his new details. This must be done because the new responsibilities will require additional OT knowledge. It often seems that if a worker moves from one company to another for a similar position, then additional training is not necessary. Most often this is not the case. For example, the specifics of the work of OSH specialists in a dairy and cement plant, in a hospital and in a trucking company differ significantly.

Should I change labor protection certificates if the organization has changed its name, but the nature and specifics of the work have remained the same?

If the new organization is the successor of the previous one, the identities need not be changed. Information about succession is contained in the Articles of Association new organization, and should simply be made available to the units. Otherwise, it will be necessary to re-train the workers and issue them with new certificates, since they are considered newly accepted into the organization and therefore are obliged to be trained.

Does the possession of an occupational safety certificate exempt from instructing on labor protection?

The certificate is a pass to perform work, but not a multi-passport. If you have a certificate, even a labor protection specialist, the worker will still have to undergo all types of instructions and internships.

Exception - Security Professionals technological processes, OT, teachers, employees of federal and executive authorities with continuous work experience in OT for 5 years or more. They are allowed to study, take exams and receive the appropriate certificates (or renew them) one year after employment.