What should the driver of the train. Profession assistant driver: what you need to know about this specialty? Where can you get a job as a driver?

one. . General duties of the driver. Duties of the driver and assistant driver when driving a train. What is forbidden for the driver to do? (PTE pp. 18.38 - 18.43).

18.38. The driver must:

It is good to know the design of the rolling stock, the plan and profile of the track of your line, the location of permanent signals, signal indicators and signs on it, their meaning;

When accepting the rolling stock, before leaving the line, make sure that it is in good condition, paying special attention to the operation of the brakes and radio communications (the locomotive driver makes sure that the rolling stock is in good condition both before leaving the line and before starting maneuvers).

18.39. When driving a train (composition), the driver, assistant driver must:

Ensure safe movement with strict observance of the train schedule (for utility trains - with strict observance of the work plan);

Monitor the clearness of the track, signals, signal signs and signs, the correct position of the arrows along the route, the movement of trains and trains on adjacent tracks, taking measures to stop when there is a threat to traffic safety or people's lives;

Repeat aloud the indications of the traffic lights indicated in the order of the head of the subway, and the position of the arrows along the route, as well as traffic lights and other signals requiring a stop or decrease in speed (including when driving a train without an assistant driver), comply with their requirements, applying electric or service pneumatic braking, and in the event of a sudden stop signal or an obstacle to movement - emergency braking;

Show special attention and vigilance in the presence of a prohibitory signal indication of ALS and traffic lights, reducing the visibility of traffic lights and the path during heavy fogs, heavy rains, snowstorms, smoke, flooding of sections of the road, the presence of written or oral warnings, movement in the wrong direction, movement with the pedal depressed ( button) vigilance and be ready to immediately stop the train (composition) if an obstacle is encountered for further movement;

To exercise mutual control over the implementation of official duties;

Monitor the condition of the rolling stock, the readings of instruments that control its uninterrupted operation;

Monitor device performance automatic control train traffic;

Give a warning signal about the approach of the train when entering and following the main track of the station, if people are at the edge of the platform behind the limit line.

18.43. On the way, the driver is prohibited from:

Exceed the speeds established by these Rules, the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work, the order of the head of the subway, indications of signals, as well as issued warnings;

To be distracted from the control of the train (composition), monitoring the signals, the freedom and condition of the track;

When working with an assistant driver, set the train (composition) in motion without his command or signal;

Disable serviceable devices that ensure the safety of the movement of the electric train (composition) (ALS_ARS, UAVA and others), without the need to use the pedal (button)

vigilance during the correct operation of floor and train devices ALS ARS.

2. The procedure for cutting a centralized arrow (IDP p.p. 2.31 - 2.39).

2.31. When the rolling stock approaches a switch that is not on the route, the driver must take measures to stop, preventing the switch from cutting.

If the cut of the arrow is allowed, the driver must:

Stop the train (train, locomotive) and take measures to prevent its arbitrary departure;

Request removal of voltage from the contact rail;

After removing the voltage from the contact rail, inspect the location of the wheel pairs on the switch, the condition of the wits and report to the train dispatcher (on the park tracks - to the duty officer of the centralization post);

In the absence of derailment of wheel pairs, move the rolling stock along the cut arrow only by order of the train dispatcher (on the park tracks - the duty centralization post), which is given on the basis of an application from the work manager (a track service worker with a position not lower than an assistant road foreman, and if in his absence - an employee of the signaling and communication service by a position not lower than an electrician of the signaling system).

2.32. The work manager must:

Eliminate the translation of the arrow by lowering the curb damper;

In the absence of an obstacle to movement and adjoining to the frame rail of the wit, allotted to the notch of the switch, ensure its fastening; after fixing the wit, give an application for the movement of the rolling stock in the direction along the line until the switch is completely released;

In case of non-adherence to the frame rail of the switch point, allotted to the pointer notch, disconnect the rods from the electric switch drive, ensure that the switch point fits and is fixed to the frame rail and

give an application for the movement of rolling stock in the direction of the line until the complete release of the switch;

If the bogie of the wagon (locomotive) closes access to the place of attachment of the rods, then in the absence of an obstacle, apply for the movement of the rolling stock in the rough or anti-roll direction at a distance of not more than 5 m.

The movement of the rolling stock in the opposite direction is permissible only if the first wheel pair of the rolling stock at the moment of the cut of the switch stopped on the wag allotted before the cut of the switch and did not jump over it.

2.33. The release of the switch from the rolling stock is carried out by order of the train dispatcher (centralization duty post) under the control of the work manager at a speed of no more than 10 km / h with the readiness to stop at the signal of the work manager.

2.34. If it is impossible to promptly eliminate the consequences of the cut, further movement along the arrow is allowed on the basis of an entry in the Inspection Log, drawn up by a track service worker with a position not lower than an assistant road foreman (the entry is the basis for issuing written warnings).

The entry must indicate:

The direction in which movement is allowed;

Permissible speed of movement along the arrow.

The wits are locked in the required position on a tab and a padlock, or the pressed wit is sewn up. In this case, the arrow must be turned off from the centralization by the procedure established by the Metropolitan Administration.

2.35. It is forbidden for the duty officer of the centralization post to transfer the cut arrow without the permission of the work manager, as well as to cancel or cut the route, which includes the cut arrow, without the permission of the train dispatcher.

2.36. If the rolling stock has passed a cut switch equipped with an electric drive of the cut-in type, then after checking the absence of damage to the wits, rods and parts of the electric drive, jointly by the track service worker and the employee of the signaling and communication service, the cut-in clutch of the electric drive must be restored. After checking and restoring the cutting clutch of the electric drive, the specified workers must make an entry in the Inspection Log about the possibility of moving along the arrow.

2.37. After inspection and elimination of the consequences of the incision, the first train (train) is passed along this arrow at a prohibiting traffic light indication by order (instruction) of the train dispatcher (centralization duty post) at a speed of not more than 10 km / h, and on park tracks - by order of the centralization duty post . In the future, trains (trains) are passed at a speed set by the track service worker.

3. Signal "Radiation hazard" (ISI p.p. 10.5, 10.6)

10.5. The signal "Radiation hazard" or "Chemical alarm" is given within 2-3 minutes:

On land tracks - whistles of trains, trains, locomotives in groups of one long and one short sound

At stations, electric depots and other enterprises, it is announced over a loud-speaking notification network. The signal “Radiation hazard” or “Chemical hazard” at stations, electric depots and other enterprises is given by order of the head of the station, electric depot, enterprise, respectively.

4. Instruction No. 9 “On the procedure officials of the subway when dangerous objects are detected at the subway chemical substances and toxic substances” (Collection No. 4).

1.2. Signs of detection or use of OHV (OV) are:

Spill at the station of an unknown liquid that caused signs of mass poisoning in passengers (lacrimation, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, etc.);

The appearance of drops, smokes and fogs of unknown origin;

Extraneous specific odors;

Cries for help, panic that has arisen, initial symptoms of defeat;

Readings of chemical reconnaissance and control devices (if any).

1.3. Signals about emergency with OHV (OV) are messages from passengers, a train driver, a station attendant or any other metro employee, as well as information from the emergency technical services of the city via direct communication or by phone:

Senior Train Dispatcher (DTsHS) - 570-69-92; 24-11;

Senior train dispatcher-shift leader (DTSHSR) - 24-10;

Operative duty officer on the subway - 25-72; 718-33-10.

Under these conditions, employees of the Traffic Service are obliged to organize the movement of trains and the operation of stations in such a way as to prevent passengers from entering the infection zone and take measures to remove passengers and metro workers who are in the infection zone and who do not have the means personal protection(PPE).

1.4. In the event of signs of mass poisoning in passengers or subway employees, the subway personnel on duty are required to use personal protective equipment.

If the driver detects signs of infection with OHV (OS) or receives a message from passengers, the driver MUST:

Immediately inform the train dispatcher about the detection of OHV (OV);

Use a self-rescuer;

Take measures to withdraw the train from the haul to the station and then act in accordance with the orders of the senior train dispatcher (station duty officer).

5. At whose disposal is the driver in reserve? (DI 1.21)

The driver assigned to the reserve is at the disposal of the operator, the driver-instructor or the person on duty at the electric depot and without their permission does not have the right to leave a certain place of work.

It is already clear who the driver is. Definition: A person who operates any complex machine - a locomotive, a crane, a train or an excavator, for example - is a machinist. The profession is considered purely masculine, since it is extremely rare to meet a woman among machinists.

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What exactly does the driver do?

Based on the fact that machinists may have different specializations, their functional responsibilities differ:

  • conveyor operator. He is in charge of elevators, transfer carts, drive stations. This position includes control over tension drums, feeders, tensioners and the course of the conveyor belt;
  • . Difficult work, in which one has to deal with an irregular schedule, difficult working conditions, physical and psychological stress. The train driver sets the passenger and freight trains in motion and ensures the normal passage along the route;
  • train driver. Operates a huge "iron caterpillar", evaluates it technical condition and troubleshoot when needed.

Most often, machinists start their careers as an assistant in order to gain practical skills. When applying for a job higher education will not be required, but the relevant courses will still have to be completed.

If we talk specifically about the drivers of trains and electric trains, then it would be appropriate to mention the great physical exertion. Every working day for machinists begins with a thorough medical examination - those who do not pass it are not allowed to work. Therefore, the driver must be hardy and physically healthy, have excellent vision and hearing.

The salary of representatives of this profession is quite decent and amounts to about a thousand dollars. However, do not think that if you wish, you can easily change your specialty. Typically, machinists devote their entire lives to their profession: they gain experience and reputation, and every few years they undergo a full examination.

Due to the fact that the work of the driver is equated to heavy, early retirement is usually provided. Indeed, strong tension, constant concentration of attention, conditions that adversely affect nervous system and internal organs, contribute to the weakening of health, and the person begins to need frequent rest.

What qualities should a machinist have?

First of all, responsibility. Being late for work by just a few minutes can be regarded by superiors as sabotage. And if the sluggishness of the driver of an electric train during peak hours leads to a delay of ten to fifteen minutes, then this could jeopardize the normal movement of an entire subway line.

  • In addition, the driver simply has to be self-confident, attentive, careful, prudent and constantly vigilant, remembering that he is responsible for the lives of hundreds of people.
  • This profession does not tolerate any kind of arbitrariness, arrogance and recklessness. The driver is charged to strictly follow the instructions, follow the agreed departure and parking schedules, and be well versed in traffic light regulation and conditional signals. To better understand the work of these people, pay more attention to those who drive trains, and then it will become clear to you who the driver is.

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The locomotive crew MUST:

- ensure the safety of train traffic on the basis of strict compliance with the requirements of the PTE, current instructions and instructions;

- know well the design of the locomotive, the profile of the serviced area, the location of permanent signals, signal indicators and signs on it. Their purpose is to have a train schedule;

- manage the work of persons who are part of the locomotive brigade, control their actions, ensuring the implementation of the train schedule and the shunting work plan;

- fulfill the established and master progressive technologies driving trains and performing shunting work;

– when driving passenger trains, ensure quality service passengers without disturbing the smooth running of trains;

- upon acceptance of the locomotive, make sure that it is in good condition, paying special attention to the operation of brakes, sandboxes, safety and radio communication devices, check the availability of signaling accessories, fire fighting equipment;
– to ensure the safe running of the train with strict observance of the timetable.

Before starting work, the locomotive crew must:

– pass a safety briefing with an instructor on a locomotive, with a log entry;

- get an inventory reversing handle from the delivery driver. It is forbidden to have and use non-inventory reversible handles, as well as to use devices that replace them;

– make sure that the locomotive is braked and will not be able to spontaneously move from its place;

- before inspecting the diesel engine, auxiliary equipment and electrical equipment, de-energize all electrical circuits, turn off the battery switch;

- before starting the diesel engine, inspect the condition of its components and auxiliary equipment, remove tools, check the laying of floors, give an alert signal;

- before testing the brakes, the driver must warn the assistant about this, make sure that there are no people near the locomotive, under it, in the diesel room and check the activation of the brake devices.

During work

Before starting the movement of the locomotive, the locomotive crew must be in the cockpit together with the instructor. Movement without an instructor is prohibited.

All locomotive doors must be closed before starting to move. It is forbidden to travel in the cab of the locomotive of persons who are not part of the locomotive crew, with the exception of the head of the road and the instructors who carry out the check.

After hitching the locomotive to the train, the driver MUST:

– make sure that the locomotive is properly coupled to the first car of the train and the air hoses are connected, as well as that the end valves between them are open;
– charge the brake line with compressed air, make sure that the pressure drop does not exceed the established norms, and test the brakes;
- get a certificate on the provision of the train with brakes, check the number of the tail car indicated in it, and make sure that the brake pressure in the train complies with the established standards;
– make sure that the radio connection is turned on and by calling check the radio connection with the DSP of the station.

When driving a train, the driver and his assistant MUST:

follow the free path, signals, signal signs and signs. Fulfill their requirements and repeat to each other all the signals given by traffic lights, stop and slow down signals given from the track and the train;
– monitor the condition and integrity of the train, in addition, monitor the state of the track;
- observe the readings of the instruments controlling the operation of the locomotive;
- provide rational use locomotive power at economical

fuel consumption;

- when entering the station and passing along the station tracks, give the established signals, follow the turnout signs for the correct route, for the clearness of the path and the signals given by the station workers.
- in cases of detecting a malfunction of auto-blocking traffic lights, damage to the track and other structures and devices along the route, the driver is obliged to inform the duty officer at the nearest station or the dispatcher about this.

When driving a train, the driver MUST:

– have braking devices always ready for action, check them along the way, prevent pressure drops in the main tank and brake line

below the norms approved on the road;

- if there are prohibitory indications of constant signals, speed reduction signals and other signals requiring speed reduction - apply service braking and stop the train without passing the stop signal. Speed ​​reduction signal proceed at a speed not exceeding that set for this signal;
- in case of a sudden stop signal, or a sudden occurrence of an obstacle, immediately apply emergency braking means to stop the train;
– during heavy fogs and showers, drive the train with special vigilance and, if necessary, reduce speed so that traffic safety is ensured.

When people appear on the way of movement who do not respond to the signals of the locomotive, apply service braking and reduce the speed in advance. Proceed at a speed at which an immediate stop is possible. A person may leave the tracks at the last moment, or may not leave at all.

While moving, the locomotive crew is prohibited from:

- to exceed the speeds established by these Rules, as well as issued warnings and indications of signals;

- be distracted from the control of the locomotive, its maintenance and monitoring of signals and the state of the track;

– disable properly functioning safety devices or interfere with their operation;

– protrude from the side windows of the cab beyond the hinged glass;

– open the outer side doors and lean out of them;

– be on the steps, ladders and other external parts of the locomotive.

You can get off the locomotive only after it has completely stopped, making sure that the exit is safe. All work on connecting and disconnecting pneumatic hoses, as well as uncoupling and hitching, should be done only with the permission of the instructor.

Before disconnecting the connecting sleeves of the brake line, it is necessary to close the end valves. Before purging the brake line, take the connecting sleeve near the head, press it firmly against the thigh, and only then open the tap.

After finishing work

After the end of work, the locomotive crew must:

hand over to the instructor or hand over to the driver accepting the locomotive the inventory reversible handle of the locomotive.

Before surrendering, make sure the locomotive is stopped and cannot move.

Note in the TU-152 log the time and station of the crew change, as well as the observed malfunctions.

AT emergency situations

If a fire is detected on a locomotive, the driver must stop the train. In the future, the locomotive crew follows the instructions of the instructor.

The locomotive driver does not have the right to transfer control of the locomotive to other persons, with the exception of an instructor driver or a driver who transfers train driving experience.

When driving a train and performing shunting work, employees of locomotive crews are required to:
- comply with laws and regulations regulations Russian Federation in the field of traffic safety, regulatory documents of Russian Railways, as well as these Regulations;
– comply with the established train driving regimes, guided by regime maps, while ensuring that the train schedule and traffic safety requirements are met.
- not to allow skidding and take measures to exclude the boxing of wheel sets, not to allow driving trains, the weight and length of which exceed the norms established for this section and this series of locomotive;
- to comply with orders, operational orders of dispatchers, station attendants and other officials responsible for organizing train traffic and performing maneuvers at serviced sections and stations;
– control in the established order the operation of safety devices, radio communications, components and assemblies of the TPS, check their condition, including the serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment. Pay special attention to checking the condition of the parts of the undercarriage, the axle box, wheel sets during the acceptance and delivery of the TRS, as well as during inspections of the TRS during stops at intermediate stations;
- if a malfunction is detected on a locomotive or as part of a train, take all necessary measures to eliminate it as soon as possible, and if it is impossible to eliminate it at the set time, to free the haul, preventing a failure of the train schedule;
- prevent interference with the operation of safety devices and systems installed on the TPS;
- do not leave the TPS control cabin when following a prohibiting traffic light, through the station and in all other cases specified by regulatory documents;
– keep records and economically use fuel and energy resources, lubricants and other materials, keep inventory, tools and equipment in good condition; individual funds protection. All malfunctions of the locomotive identified during their operation should be recorded in the log form TU-152.

monitor the clearness of the path, signals, signal indicators and signs, comply with their requirements and repeat to each other all the signals given by traffic lights, stop and slow down signals given from the track and the train;

monitor the condition and integrity of the train, and on electrified sections, in addition, the condition of the contact network;

observe the readings of instruments that control the uninterrupted and safe operation of the locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock;

ensure the rational use of locomotive power with economical use of electricity and fuel;

when entering the station and passing along the station tracks, give the established signals, follow the turnout indicators for the correct route, for the clearness of the track and the signals given by the station workers, as well as for the movement of trains and shunting movements on adjacent tracks, immediately taking measures to stop in case of a threat traffic safety.

After the train stops at the station, if any malfunctions are found in it, the driver is obliged to immediately report this to the station duty officer, and in sections equipped with dispatcher centralization, to the train dispatcher.

If it is necessary to stop at the station, the driver is obliged to stop the train without passing the exit traffic light (in its absence, the limit column) of the receiving route. In this case, the freight train locomotive must be stopped at the output signal (in its absence, at the limit column). Before reaching them, the driver can stop the train only if he is convinced through the station attendant by train radio communication that the entire train is set within the boundaries of the useful length of the receiving path.

In case of detecting a malfunction of auto-blocking traffic lights along the route, damage to the track, contact network and other structures and devices, malfunctions in trains following adjacent tracks, the driver is obliged to report this to the duty officer at the nearest station or train dispatcher. If there is a train radio communication, the driver must transmit a message about these malfunctions by radio to the duty officer at the nearest station or the train dispatcher, and, if necessary, to the driver of the train following the adjacent track.

When following in conditions of limited visibility (fog, rain, snowstorm, etc.) signals, signal indicators and signs, the driver is allowed to reduce the set speed of the train to ensure traffic safety.

2) Obstruction traffic lights and cover traffic lights. Where are they installed and how are they signaled.

Intersections at the same level and plexus of lines, as well as drawbridges, must be protected by cover traffic lights installed on both sides at a distance of no closer than 50 m, respectively, from the limit posts or the beginning of the bridge.

When crossing at the same level and intertwining lines, the traffic lights of the cover should have such an interdependence in which the opening of one of them would be possible only with prohibitory indications of traffic lights of hostile routes.

On drawbridges, the discovery of St. cover should be possible only with the induced position of the bridge

Holy cover signals:

"З" - "It is allowed to move at a set speed";

"K" - "Stop! It is forbidden to pass the signal."

Protective St. the signal "K" is given - "Stop! It is forbidden to pass the signal"

Warning traffic lights in front of the barriers are given "Ж" - "Movement is allowed with a readiness to stop; the main barrier traffic light is closed"

Normal signal lights of obstruction St. and warning to them do not burn, and in this position the traffic lights have no signal value. The masts of these traffic lights have a distinctive color - alternating black and white oblique stripes.

3 The procedure for the departure of utility trains before the closure of the haul on sections equipped with AB.

If the work is carried out on a haul equipped with AB, then, in agreement with the DSC, it is allowed to send Kh.P to the place of work on the signals of AB, without waiting for the closure of the haul. The TCHM of each train is issued a warning about stopping on the haul at the place indicated in the application of the work manager. Permission on the form white color with a red stripe (DU-64) when such trains are sent to the haul to be closed, is handed over to the work manager or an employee authorized by him, who hands it over to the locomotive driver after the train stops on the haul at a specified place and receives an order from the DNC to close the haul.

Duties of the driver.

General provisions.

1.1. The job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the driver.

1.2. The driver in his activities is guided by the PTE of the subways of the Russian Federation, the Signaling Instructions, the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work, and other regulatory documents on issues related to his official duties.

1.3. A driver is appointed a person who is at least 18 years old, with an education not lower than secondary (complete) general, who has passed a medical examination, professional psychological selection, internship and has a certificate of completion of training courses for the profession "electric train driver", a certificate of the established form for the right to drive electric rolling stock subway and an electrical safety group of at least 3rd, who was interviewed by the head of the electric depot.

1.4. When appointed to a position, the driver is issued:

PTE of Russian subways;

Alarm instructions;

Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work;

Job description;

local instructions.

It is allowed to issue documents in electronic form.

1.5. When transferring from one electric depot to another, the driver is instructed in labor protection, theoretical and practical training, followed by a test in the knowledge of Local instructions, electric rolling stock devices, the plan and profile of the track of the operated line, features of technical and administrative acts of stations, practical tests for working on the line and shunting work and emergency training exercises.

1.6. According to the nature of the work performed, the drivers are divided into work related to the transportation of passengers and shunting work on the line and shunting work in the electric depot.

2.1.1. Know and fulfill the requirements:

PTE of Russian subways;

Instructions for signaling on the subways of the Russian Federation;

Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the subways of the Russian Federation;

job description;

Troubleshooting instructions for rolling stock;

Local instructions of the electric depot;

Rules and Instructions on labor protection and fire safety during the operation of electric rolling stock;

Rules of the internal work schedule;

Other guidance documents defining his responsibilities.

2.1.2. Constantly improve your skills and level of technical knowledge.

2.1.3. To ensure traffic safety on the basis of strict implementation of the PTE of the subways of the Russian Federation and normative documents governing its work.

2.1.4. Ensure the implementation of the train schedule in compliance with traffic safety.

2.1.5. Ensure the accuracy of the data entered by him in the route sheet.

2.1.6. Attend monthly technical training sessions. In case of non-attendance of technical studies, within a month after going to work, independently study the topic of missed technical studies and pass a knowledge test with an instructor driver.

2.1.7. Pass a periodic test of knowledge in the qualification commission of the electric depot, and drivers of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st qualification class - certification to confirm the qualification class within the time limits established by the "Regulations on the procedure for assigning a qualification class to drivers of underground electric trains, driver-instructors of locomotive crews and conducting their periodic certification.

2.1.8. To come to work at the place of intercession by the time determined by the work schedule or attire, to avoid being late and leaving work before the end of the shift. Before the shift, have a good rest.

2.1.9. When returning to work after a vacation, illness, business trip, etc., come to the worker of the locomotive crews, hand over to him the documents that freed him from work, get an appointment for a shift, and in the absence of the worker (a day off) - from the driver-instructor on duty ( operator of a linear point) or duty officer at an electric depot (operator of the DDE section). In case of a break in work for more than 10 days, undergo additional instruction in accordance with the established procedure.

2.1.10. About the impossibility of attending work due to illness, other reasons, or the impossibility of arriving at the work time established by the work order, report this no later than 3 hours before the start of work to the worker of the locomotive crews, the duty officer at the electric depot, the operator of the DDE section, the duty driver-instructor or operator line point.

2.1.11. When performing their duties, observe the established dress code. AT holidays and the days determined by the leadership of the subway, to be at work in a white uniform shirt.

2.1.12. Pass in deadlines periodic medical examination. Provide a medical certificate on admission to work before the next work shift. Pass pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations in accordance with the procedure established by the subway.

2.1.13. When on duty, carry with you:

Service certificate;

Warning card;

Certificate of verification of knowledge of regulatory documents on electrical safety and verification of knowledge of documents on industrial safety and other special rules;

Route sheet;

driver's form;

Serviceable "Driver alarm clock";

Triangular key.

2.1.14. Report the address of registration and actual place of residence, contact phone number to the personnel department of the electric depot and immediately notify in cases of changes in the above data.

2.1.15. Carry out acceptance and delivery of the train in accordance with the requirements of the Local Instruction, in compliance with the instructions on labor protection during the operation of the electric rolling stock.

2.1.16. Do not leave the electric depot or PTO to the line on a train that does not meet the PTE of the Russian subways, with incomplete train equipment, tools, inventory and lack of readiness for the train.

2.1.17. Administratively, the driver is subordinate to the head of the electric depot and the deputy head of the electric depot for operation, and operationally - to the driver-instructor, the operator of the linear point, the train dispatcher, the station attendant, the duty officer of the electric depot, the operator of the DDE section and is obliged to follow their orders.

2.1.18. At the request of the head of the electric depot and (or) the deputy head of the electric depot for operation, appear for an interview on train traffic safety issues (at least once a year), as well as for testing (interview) with a psychologist.

2.1.19. About the identified shortcomings in the work and violations normal operation of the train to inform the driver taking control, at the end of the shift, write a report in the established form, and when setting up the train in the electric depot, make an entry in the "Repair section book". If the malfunction repeats, make an entry in the "Repair Book".

2.1.20. Control the availability of records of the completed repairs of the composition according to the applications made in the "Repair Section Book".

2.1.21. In relations with metro employees and passengers, be polite and helpful, and require them to comply with the Rules for using the metro.

2.1.22. Do not leave the control cabin while the train is in motion.

2.1.23. In the event of a threat of a collision with people, an obstacle, or if signs are found that threaten the safety of train traffic, take measures to immediately stop the train. If there is a threat of a collision with a rolling stock or an obstacle, the driver does not have the right to leave workplace without taking action for an emergency stop.