New project of Komsomolskaya Pravda - “Business from scratch”: Do you want to earn a million?

Documentation Soon New Year

, which means that, as usual, I will put on the red Santa Claus hat and delight you with posts about Christmas trees almost every day! In case you don’t know, I’ve been driving to Russia for many years. Unfortunately, we don’t grow these yet, so we have to buy them from Europe. Last year, in addition to Moscow, they tried to sell Christmas trees in other cities, and things went very well. This year we decided to transfer sales outside Moscow to partners. A good opportunity to organize a small seasonal business

in my city.

  • How it works and why it's cool:

  • You receive high-quality, hand-selected trees at wholesale prices. In your region, perhaps no one sells these anymore;

  • You get an exclusive for your city (subject to purchasing a minimum quantity);

  • You will receive part of the sales automatically - through people who read my blog. But you will have to sell the bulk yourself;

  • We will completely copy for you the entire business model of Christmas trees from Varlamov: we will select Christmas trees, make the same website, only for your city, tell you in detail how to organize a warehouse and delivery, help you start accepting payments and advise what size Christmas trees are best to purchase;

  • We will give you and teach you how to work with an IT system, including a website, online cash register, telephony, CRM, sales analytics;

  • We will deliver Christmas trees to your city for free (but no further than Krasnoyarsk; if further, you will need to pay extra);

  • All you have to do is organize the process of delivery and sale in your city;
We will always be in touch with you to advise and advise.

  • How much can you earn:

  • If you sell 300 Christmas trees, then after all expenses, according to preliminary calculations, you will earn more than 500,000 rubles;

  • If 200 Christmas trees - about 300,000 rubles;
If you can sell 500 Christmas trees, then your profit will be about 1 million rubles.

What investments will I need to make: Prepayment for the trees themselves. We sell sets of Christmas trees of 100 pieces each, including a set of Christmas trees that have been verified over several years of work. different sizes

. The cost of one set is 487,000 rubles. We recommend taking at least 200 Christmas trees, otherwise all your profits will be eaten up by office and warehouse expenses.

Who sets the cost of Christmas trees?

  • You. We will have suggested retail prices, but you are free to change them as you wish;

  • You also set delivery rules: you can make it paid or free.

How can I arrange delivery in my city?

  • We will write a detailed manual for you, but in general it is very simple: either hire a team of loaders (or two), or enter into an agreement with a delivery company and monitor their work;

  • The Yolok team from Varlamov will always be in touch with you to advise if something goes wrong.

What if I can't sell all the trees?

In this case, you may not earn anything or even lose something. It's your risk, I get nervous every year too.

I do not have a registered business

We will advise you on how to register an individual entrepreneur. It's very simple. The tax will be 6% of turnover.

How many Christmas trees do you need to buy to get exclusive for the city?

It depends on the city. General formula: 0.04% of the city’s population, but not less than 200 trees. That is, to get an exclusive, for example, to Samara, you need to buy 520 Christmas trees.
There are 215 Christmas trees in Ryazan. There are 2120 Christmas trees in St. Petersburg. If the formula comes out to be too much, don’t worry, write by email how much you would like to buy, and we will consider the offer. Perhaps we will make something exclusive for you under other conditions.

Is it possible to just buy Christmas trees, without exclusive ones?

It is possible if no one has bought an exclusive for your city. Sales from the site will then be distributed randomly.

If you want to sell our Christmas trees, write to us by email [email protected] . Don’t delay: there was a lot of interest, exclusives for the cities you are interested in may quickly disappear.

The answer to the question of whether you want to become rich is quite predictable. But how to achieve wealth? You can adopt the habits of moneybags, go to government service, or imagine a luxurious villa in your imagination. There are many ways at first glance. But the Forbes rating is relentless. Most rich people still do business. This means that we will go the same way. "KP" begins the "Business from Scratch" experiment. How to start your own business? What difficulties do new entrepreneurs face? And how to create successful business? The KP correspondent decided to check it all for himself.


There have never been entrepreneurs in my family. Entirely hard workers. Metallurgical plant, bakery, construction site. Mom worked at a newspaper. In general, I knew about business only by hearsay. Like, this friend went to China to buy goods, and this one drives cars from Germany.

When I was a child, my sister and I helped dad count his earnings in the evenings,” one good friend told me. - We sat down in the kitchen and folded the bills into neat piles. No toys needed!

It's easy to start a business when your parents are involved. And with initial capital They will help, and they will give advice, and they will guide proven workers. In general, a couple of dozen standard rakes will be removed from the path. For those who start everything from scratch, it is much more difficult.

I used to treat you badly various trainings. They say that only losers go there, those who can’t do anything on their own. But if you want to organize a business, there is nothing to do: either read books, or ask friends who are entrepreneurs, or go to training. Or better yet, all at once. There is no such thing as too much knowledge, just like money.

“Many people want to organize their own business, but usually they do this: they think, think again, think again and in the end don’t do it. In our opinion, you first need to do it somehow, then think about how to improve it, and do it again, but this time perfectly.”

This idea, voiced during the first lesson of the training, touched a nerve with me (hereinafter in the text there are a few more ideas from the training that seemed important to me). The fact is that my friends and I discussed the idea of ​​starting a business project for several years. But the matter did not go further than discussions. Therefore, I went to the training consciously. So that they would take me by the scruff of the neck and still force me to open my own business. That’s exactly what happened.


Let me remind you that for several years in a row Komsomolskaya Pravda conducted various experiments with money. In 2009, we created an anti-crisis portfolio. They invested money in a bank deposit, in gold, stocks and mutual funds. Then they speculated on the stock exchange. Now it's time to invest in your business.

It's difficult to start a business without a penny in your pocket. Therefore, we have a small initial capital. After all the manipulations with stocks and bonds, about 73 thousand rubles remained in my brokerage account. Whether this is a lot or a little is a moot point. The main thing is to understand what to spend this capital on.

“Business should not be done only for the sake of money. Ideally, you can turn your own hobby into a business. In this case, it is best to start with selling some popular goods. Don’t even think about production until you learn how to sell.”

Of course, I have a hobby, but it’s not that simple. For example, I play basketball, but I’m not ready to sell sneakers and balls. Firstly, because it requires a lot of money. Secondly, I'm not much of a shoe expert. Therefore, for myself, I have identified three possible areas (selling bed linen, writing selling texts for websites and consulting in the field personal finance). Each of them has its own pros and cons.

“You can launch simple websites - trading platforms By different directions, and then see what exactly will be in higher demand and where you can make more money.”

This advice is quite reasonable, but I decided to start with one for now. The one that is closest to me. Over the past couple of years, not a week has gone by without one of my colleagues asking me for personal finance advice. The requests are very different: “where to invest inherited money”, “which bank to get a mortgage from”, “how to save for an apartment in Moscow” and so on. It is remarkable that I know the answers to these questions. And I know how to break down any financial instrument for a person.

“Analyze what questions people most often ask you. That is, determine what you are a real pro at. And it will bring you money."

In general, I settled on the third type of business. And I decided to open consulting company in the field of personal finance. And I’ve even already drawn up a plan for attracting clients (see graphic). All that remains is to move from thoughts to actions.


A website is the business card of any business. If it doesn’t exist, no one will ever know about you, because absolutely everyone is now looking for information on the Internet. So make your office in global network- this is the very first step. But it's easy to say - difficult to do.

Over the past week I have learned a lot of new words (domain, hosting, DNS, etc.). More precisely, they were always heard. But their true meaning was revealed to me only the other day. As it turned out, in virtual space I am an absolute blond. A survey of experienced people gave completely different opinions.

My website cost more than 100 thousand rubles,” said one of my friends. - The designers worked for several months. Look what happened!

To be honest, I was not impressed by the site. And in general, many people had a very bad opinion of programmers. They take money, but then miss deadlines, do things anyhow, and are not responsible for quality at all. Moreover, investing all my capital in website development was not at all part of my plans.

“If you have the opportunity to take the easy path, take it - don’t create unnecessary difficulties for yourself.”

So I did. There are many free website builders and generators on the Internet. Therefore, you don’t have to be an advanced programmer to create a page on the Internet. But you still need to be an advanced computer user. After several hours of website building on my own, I realized that I was no good as a designer.

“Learn to delegate. Don’t be afraid to hire people who can do a better job than you.”

In general, I found a compromise. Website using free templates I was drawn by a trusted designer who was recommended by friends. The page is still in test mode, but in a couple of weeks it will be fully operational. It took only two days and a small amount to create (exactly how much - see under the heading “Only numbers”). I'm happy with the result so far. Now we just have to wait for the first clients to start calling... Is no one interested in financial advice?


Business training - 31 thousand rubles

Website designer services - 10 thousand rubles

Buying a domain - 1800 rubles (including subscription fee for the year)

Hosting (maintenance of the site in working order) for a year - 4200 rubles

Total: 47,000 rubles

Income: 0 rubles

Balance: 26,000 rubles

“Beautiful story” or “If you want to make money, ask me how”

Antiques, art objects and simply things that are pleasing to the eye, can become part of your interior, decorate it and.. will help you increase your income! Yes yes exactly. "How?" - some will ask, “This is a myth,” others will say. In fact, how?

Many owners of antiques were faced with the fact that they simply could not sell previously purchased items, not only for more, but there was not even an opportunity to return the “invested money”. Why? Yes, because they bought either expensive, overpriced, or not very liquid goods, even if they were beautiful. So what's the point of all this?

But there is a meaning and it is quite specific. Imagine stock market, the stock market, so you come there and start buying and investing, but you don’t really understand it - and what’s the result? And the result is unpredictable, it’s like in a casino: either you win or you lose. You can seek help and advice from professionals, and this will help reduce the risks. So, after completing the transaction, you become the owner of a small number of pieces of paper. Satisfied and confident in your well-being, you go home. But here we have moved a little away from the main topic.

Wake up, we are on an antique site and antiques are for sale here. And believe me, you can invest in it just like in securities. But for this you need to consult. The consultant in this case may be a professional antiques dealer or antique dealer. Based on your budget, he will offer the most optimal case (a number of items from which you make a choice). And after completing the transaction, you do not receive pieces of paper (although of course they will also be in the form of contracts), but a real, tangible thing. You become its owner. And this is where the fun begins...

You are now a full member antique market, so to speak, as an antique dealer-in-training. And the consultant is your guide in this world. You can take the item to yourself and use it for its intended purpose. You can give it to the exhibition of any gallery. In both cases, this antique item of yours is for sale: either live or from a photograph. And the benefits of such an investment don’t end there. When selling, you are guaranteed to receive 20% per annum! How do you like it? I think it's gorgeous.

I dreamed of earning at least some money somewhere. And I didn’t have enough money, and I really wanted to buy a computer. It was possible, of course, to clear snow from roofs in winter and earn money somehow, but I wanted a lot at once. And once it almost didn’t work out. I was returning from the institute and saw on a pole an advertisement “If you want to earn money, ask me how,” under this inscription there was a phone number and a signature - Boris Borisov (hereinafter all names have been changed)

Naturally, I tore off the license plate and while driving home, pictures of future prosperity flashed before my mind’s eye.

The first thing I did when I arrived home was to ask to see my neighbors and start dialing the phone number. At the other end of the line, a very tired girl answered, judging by her voice, impolitely asked how old I was and made an appointment in the evening at some cultural center.

Inspired by the upcoming meeting, I could hardly wait until evening. I already drew pictures of how they were having a conversation with me, I conquered them all with my depth of knowledge, they took me to the office (at that time the office was the ultimate dream) to move paper clips and paid crazy money.

In fact, everything turned out to be somewhat different. Entering the cultural center, I saw a huge crowd of people hungry for easy money. Basically, these were people pretty battered by life. Seeing a new face, a well-fed young man with a large badge with the inscription “If you want to lose weight, ask me how” came up to me (apparently, specialists of a very wide profile worked there, they could teach you everything you could ask them about). I said that I need Boris Borisov. In response, this comrade stated that Boris Borisov was busy and I was at his, Volodya Sharapov’s, complete disposal. He took all my personal information and told me to take a walk for now.

About twenty minutes later we were all invited to a small assembly hall. The stage of this hall was beautifully decorated with balloons and posters with graphics. pointing up and forward and dollar signs.
And the show began...

I don’t remember everything verbatim (be that as it may, 18 years have passed), but it started with my new boss running onto the stage to cheerful music and raising his hands up, cheerfully shouting that he was glad to welcome successful people. Successful people They greeted him weakly in return.

Then, accompanied by music and dancing, he said that in a week he earns so much that none of us receives in a year, and only his innate modesty prevents him from earning more, because we also need to leave something. the audience warmed up and expressed their full approval. He said that he is paid only for using... tadam!.. very tasty and healthy "Life on Herbs" products! The audience perked up; everyone wanted to make money by simply using tasty and healthy products. Future millionaires raised their hands and shouted "Hurray."

Then a man who introduced himself as Boris Borisov jumped onto the stage very cheerfully and cheerfully. He had a beard and was in simple clothes. But he also staged a small theatrical performance and revealed the secret of his high income. The audience, including myself, were beside themselves with joy and euphoria. The music was blasting, we were taught how to make money and were offered a bunch of gifts. These gifts were in boxes on the table.

I was already beside myself with joy, I already saw how there was a computer at home, and I myself, in a jacket with a tide, was driving in my own car with a tape recorder to Yalta. I also wanted to jump out on stage and rejoice and dance along with my new friends.

Then, when they told us how much we would have per week, per day and per hour, they told us the main condition in a confidential whisper. No one will be allowed in, only those who have a license are needed. The audience became sad. But we were immediately pleased that the license would be given right there, on the spot. Here they are, the forms! We rejoiced again! The forms are from America itself, so you have to pay a ridiculous $120 for them. Well, you can get a gift after this - a badge with the inscription “If you want to make money, ask me how” (or “lose weight”, your choice). You can get in line for a license and badge right now.

“Right now” I didn’t have this funny hundred. But I agreed with Volodya Sharapov that I would bring them today! I rushed, stumbling and slipping, to the stop. I was so inspired that I somehow waited for the bus and was about to run home on foot.

But while I was driving home, my enthusiasm dropped, and when I arrived, my parents completely dissuaded me. So I didn't successful person with millions in profit per week.

Recruitment continues for the RGSU Business Incubator

The main task Business incubator- help startup teams build a business model, choose the most effective strategies development and implement your projects.

The regulations provide for three formats of participation. If the authors of an already operating and profitable startup project want to reach a new level of development, then they can contact the RSSU Business Incubator and obtain resident status. This will give them a number of advantages. Experts will help budding entrepreneurs consulting support in the areas strategic planning, marketing and legal aspects of business, and will also help you select a base of potential investors and partners. A nice bonus It will be possible to use specially equipped workplaces, meeting rooms, the Internet, telephone communications and office equipment.

If students have this moment there is only promising idea, then they can become candidates for residency. If they successfully complete a two- to three-month trial period, the students will receive assistance in implementing their project.

In addition, any RGSU student can attend free open events held at the Business Incubator sites.

Daria Rakhimova, Director of the RGSU Business Incubator: “We are waiting for all students who really want to develop and work on themselves. We are most interested in ideas and projects in the social sphere.”

The first resident of the incubator was "Country of Talents"- an all-Russian social program created with the aim of finding and supporting gifted children and youth of Russia. Every year “Strana” conducts creative competitions and subject Olympiads, establishes grants. The author of the project was Evgeny Chernyaev- student of the faculty information technologies RGSU.