How to get rich from scratch in Russia: real ways, recommendations and reviews. How to get rich from scratch in Russia: real ways, recommendations and reviews Personal financial plan

Every person dreams of being successful and rich, but not everyone succeeds, or rather, we can say that only a few succeed. But in order to achieve something it is necessary to take the necessary path and follow it. The fact that you opened this article means that you have taken the first step on the path to success and wealth. In this article we will give advice from many successful people.

1. Learn to look to the future. You must imagine your future very clearly. You must imagine your surroundings, what you must achieve, your connections, what decisions can be made, how your inner world can change. Their negative and positive consequences. Make the desire to achieve your dreams develop. This is how well you should imagine your future.

2. Develop your personal financial plan. You need to create such a plan. Because you can be lucky, but I don’t think you will always be lucky, so you need to think about the availability and replenishment of reserves. In order to get money, it is not enough just to earn money, but after that you need to make it work, and for this you need to have financial knowledge.

3. Creation of initial capital. There are a lot of options for creating initial capital, from a loan to finding an investor.

4. Search for professionals. It is impossible to know almost everything, so it is necessary to hire specialists. Especially often you will have to involve professionals in the financial sector.

5. Use other people's experience. Study the experience of the masters in your business, and then you won’t have to make the mistakes that so many have made. Many successful people share their experiences, use it. List of billionaires.

6. Take care of your nerves. Remember that investments should be made with the goal of making a profit. Sometimes you will have to make a decision very quickly, and always remember that if an investment is not profitable, it is not worth pursuing.

7. Success in business is 90% patience. Luck in the financial world is only ten percent of success, the rest is work and perseverance. The system must always evolve and improve, otherwise you will be left behind by your competitors.

8. Time is money. Always engage only in the type of business that brings real profit.

9. Bluffing as a necessity. Often when communicating with people you need to paint the picture that you would like, and not the one that is. You need to gain supporters, and to do this you need to “infect” them with your idea.

10. What is not prohibited is permitted. Try to always look for new markets or promising areas of investment. Try changing your work patterns. Sales methods. Don't limit yourself.

11. The circulation of money. Poor people always work for money, and rich people always work for money. Only when you start making money will you have real freedom.

12. Traffic brakes. These are harmful human habits, such as laziness, fear, uncertainty. You need to get rid of them first. At least until you become financially independent.

13. The best teacher is life. Life doesn't always bring success. There are also disappointments. Here is the attitude towards such negative episodes in life and can show whether it will work out or not. Never despair and go towards your goal, just accept this lesson that life has given you.

14. Favorite thing. Only by doing what a person truly enjoys will he be able to put in the maximum amount of effort. The business should not only be a source of financial independence for you, but it should also bring joy and pleasure from the work done.

So, people give such advice in order for a person to be successful in business, and now we’ll talk about those advice given by people who are successful not only in business, but also in their lives.

How to become successful

1. Be a leader. It’s good for those who already have leadership skills, but this does not mean that they cannot be created. Try yourself as an organizer of some events or other options that will give you responsibility, this is the only way you will become a leader. After all, a leader is not the one who is first, but the one who makes decisions and is responsible for them.

2. While you live, learn. It is necessary to constantly develop yourself, and it is desirable to develop in many directions. This way you will be interested in communicating with other people, and they will be interested in communicating with you. Don't stop your spiritual development.

3. You must hurry slowly. Every successful person once started somewhere. Don’t immediately chase mountains of gold, set a feasible goal first.

4. Reality is only a reflection of our thinking. Yes, the phrase is kind of abstruse, but try to change your thinking and attitude little by little. And you will see how the world around you begins to transform.

5. Try to create your own financial independence. This may sound stupid, but it’s true; the behavior of people who have already gained financial independence is critically different from people who do not have it. To start this path, try saving ten percent of your income and after a while you will notice changes in yourself.

6. Learn marketing techniques. Knowing these techniques will not only make it easier for you to communicate with your subordinates and management, but you will also find them useful when communicating with family or friends. These techniques are very helpful in developing communication skills.

7. Stop buying unnecessary things. On the one hand, when you go to buy, you think that this item is vital for you, but is this really so?

8. First money, then luxury. People who are limited in finances cannot afford to buy luxury things, people who have achieved financial success want to emphasize and show their success to others, but the right thing to do would be to first provide themselves with a regular income and only then boast about their success.

9. Be specific about your goal. When a person holds an idea in his head, it is amorphous, so try to give it some form, at least displaying it on a piece of paper.

10. Time is money. Time is the only thing we can dispose of freely and at our choice. So it may be necessary to spend this valuable resource correctly.

11. He who seeks will always find. Don’t waste your time on empty relationships, because they promise you neither support nor help. Maybe you should find your soul mate.

I hope these tips help you realize and move forward, remember that perfection is an unattainable goal, but no one said you shouldn't try.

How to become rich

Wealth is a loose concept, which some measure by the number of things purchased per month, while others measure cars or apartments. Achieving success and financial independence is not easy, but it is quite possible. You can learn how to become rich and successful from scratch in this article.

Personal financial plan

Without certain financial knowledge, you cannot become rich and... Learn to distinguish between passive and active income. This will allow you to figure out how to become a rich person and create a strategic plan that will provide ways out of a possible crisis. Write it down in simple form. Express your thoughts in such a way that even a child can understand them.

How to raise start-up capital?

You can find money to start in different ways. We offer you some of them:

  • Sell ​​a profitable creative idea;
  • Earnings from the purchase/sale of liquid goods (securities, real estate);
  • Find a rich patron;
  • Open a business with partners.

Once you start making a profit and become a rich person, you should not spend all the money you earn. Part of the funds should be set aside and invested in sources of passive income.

Scheme: unsuccessful and successful people

Looking to the future

Do you want to know how to become rich and successful? Everything is very simple. Set a goal for yourself and gradually move towards it. You must be clear about the end result, that is, what you will get if you succeed. Evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of your decision. Carefully consider what risks may lie in wait for you and how to use them to your advantage. If you constantly develop your desire, it will help make your dream of wealth come true.

Experience and other people's mistakes

Rich people are smart. Ask how they managed to achieve success and what mistakes they made along the way. Many millionaires give useful advice on how to become rich and successful. You should not ignore them, since such recommendations are usually based on your own experience.

The modern world is ruled by information, so try to get it from all possible sources. Find a competent mentor and get a job with him. Some rich people started working as apprentices. Remember that experience is part of mastery.


Many poor people became rich because they were able to find motivation for themselves, that is, enter an emotional state that encourages them to act. Set goals for which you are willing to work persistently and hard. You need to set yourself up so that you can easily overcome any obstacles that may arise on the path to success. When you achieve your goal, be sure to treat yourself to a pleasant purchase or vacation that you have been dreaming about for so long.

Work for yourself

Because you will work all your life “for your uncle,” only your uncle will become richer. He can praise you or present you with a certificate, but at the same time the millions earned by your many years of work will remain in his pocket. Try to work for yourself as much as possible. In this case, all the income will go only to you.

Learn to save capital

If you are interested in how to become a successful woman, you must first learn how to save money in order to increase your wealth. Before you make any purchase, you should think it over carefully several times. Your family's income must exceed expenses - this is the main rule that should be followed, regardless of how much your savings are measured. The money multiplication system can be tested on any budget, even the smallest.

Start your own business

You can change your financial situation for the better and become a rich person if. This will help you regulate your income. Achieving wealth by owning your own business is much easier than moving up the career ladder. In this case, you manage your financial flows yourself, and also get the opportunity to find additional sources of income.


If you are interested in how to become a rich and successful woman, first of all, learn to take care of your appearance. Your hairstyle, shoes and clothes should look perfect. A well-chosen image makes any person more attractive and respectable. Constantly develop in different directions. You need to think not only about work, but also about love, health and relaxation.

Lectures and trainings

To understand how to become a successful person in life, check out books and video lessons from famous personalities who managed to achieve wealth. This is an excellent example to follow, but in any case, even if you take their advice, you will have to find the path to success on your own.


Nowadays, many psychics, witches and sorcerers offer people their help in solving money issues. They claim that after performing a certain ritual a person will become rich. This may seem strange, but after visiting esotericists, many things begin to go uphill and they actually become rich and successful.

Most likely, the matter is not in the magical ritual, but in the power of self-hypnosis. If you want something and move towards your intended goal, you will definitely succeed.

Get into good habits

Ordinary people are used to coming to work every morning and working hard. In the evening they return home and mostly spend their free time watching TV. Such habits will not allow you to travel or visit distant countries. Rich people have completely different habits that led them to success:
  1. Solve all problems as they arise. You shouldn’t put them off for later, drag them out or neglect them;
  2. Create values ​​around yourself. You need to make a product that will be valuable to consumers, and they will not regret paying money for it. Describe the benefits of your products in vivid terms. If you don’t praise your product yourself, no one will do it for you;
  3. Work for fun. If you are not interested in a job, you should not do it;
  4. Set high goals. The higher the bar, the closer you get to success;
  5. Hang out with rich, successful people. Poor people who do not strive to earn more money will drag you down with their stupid advice;
  6. Create passive sources of income. Let someone do the work while you relax and enjoy life;
  7. Learn how to invest correctly. Unreasonable risks that could lead to losses should not be allowed. Focus only on success.

How to push your husband to success?

Any woman dreams of having a rich, wealthy man next to her. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex are interested in how to help their husband become successful and rich? In fact, 50% of men reached the top thanks to the guidance and support of their wives.

Successful people Successful people

To make your husband a millionaire and not think about how to become a rich woman, you need to use a few feminine tricks:

  • Always show your husband that you respect him. This will be a great incentive for him;
  • Find your spouse's strengths and develop those talents. There is no need to start from scratch, because it is much easier to improve what you already have;
  • Encourage your husband. For every good deed or right step, try to please your soulmate with something pleasant. Over time, he will begin to understand that he needs to work in order to deserve something;
  • Learn to be patient. Men don't like the word "should". It does not allow them to do what they love, and in such a state a person rarely achieves success. Don't put pressure on your husband. Give him some time to decide what he wants to achieve in life.

Secrets of success

If you want to know how to become rich, the 10 laws of wealth will help you answer this question:
  1. Believe in your success;
  2. Work for yourself;
  3. Plan every step;
  4. Raise your self-esteem;
  5. Gain additional knowledge and experience;
  6. Be honest and fair;
  7. Set realistic goals;
  8. Be persistent and patient;
  9. Control your expenses;
  10. Don't forget about charity.

“Peculiarities of thinking of the rich”

First you need to decide who you consider a rich person and what should be called wealth. Despite the primitiveness of these questions, the answers will be very different.

Someone considers wealth to be the presence of decent housing, a car, or the opportunity to spend a vacation at a foreign resort. For some, capital of several million dollars seems insufficient.

According to writer and millionaire Robert Kiyosaki, wealth is measured by the amount of time a person can maintain a comfortable lifestyle without working. Kiyosaki is an active proponent of the formation of assets from which one can receive passive income (interest on capital).

It turns out that wealth is measured not by money, but by TIME, since all people need different amounts of money, but life time is limited and it is not advisable to spend it on something that does not bring pleasure. Most people have a job they don’t like all the time, but it’s important to do what you love, because this is the only way to understand how to become rich and free from external circumstances.

Try to answer the questions:

  1. Why do some people manage to get rich and others don’t?
  2. Why is someone forced to work day and night, but cannot get rid of poverty, while others easily earn a comfortable life, have time for hobbies and active recreation?
  3. Why does money come to some people on its own, while others don’t get out of debt?

In every great fortune there is only a portion of luck, and it is attracted by a certain way of thinking.

There is no guarantee that by changing the attitude towards wealth, a person will become a millionaire. But the right approach will be the starting point and will allow you to take steps in the right direction.

All textbooks that offer information on methods for achieving financial success recommend starting with fundamental changes in the way you think. It's complicated. And launching a transformation on a practical level and changing behavioral stereotypes is even more difficult. But there is a difference between the perception of the world of the rich and the poor, and it is this that is primary.

13 main differences

  1. Wealthy people are confident that they create their own destiny. The poor believe that their lives are shaped by circumstances and too rarely try to influence the course of events.
  2. The rich work to increase their capital. The poor - to provide the necessary minimum.
  3. Both rich and poor dream, but the former actively act to realize their plans.
  4. The rich are open to bold ideas and look for opportunities in everything. The poor are fixated on failures and problems.
  5. Rich people seek to meet more successful people and learn from them. The poor watch from the sidelines with envy and prefer to communicate with people from “their” circle.
  6. The rich, if they envy the successes of others, do so with admiration; they look for opportunities to also use this experience. The poor persistently look for flaws in other people's success.
  7. Rich people are extremely self-confident and love to brag about their successes.
  8. The rich do not panic if difficulties overtake them, and take active measures to solve problems.
  9. The rich believe that their income depends on effort and knowledge, the poor count the hours they work.
  10. The rich easily change strategies, techniques, and even areas of activity. The poor see the hopelessness of the path, but continue to go with the flow. They are more comfortable complaining about the injustice of the world.
  11. Successful people never stop learning new things and developing. The poor are lazy to learn and often think they know enough or talk about their inability to learn.
  12. Successful businessmen, having achieved their goals, draw new guidelines and continue development.
  13. Rich people rarely perceive money emotionally. They think rationally. Businessmen see them as a tool to make their dreams come true.

“The Main Principles of Wealth”

Every wealthy person has his own secret to success. But numerous studies have proven that all rich people intuitively choose typical behavior patterns. They do not rely on generally accepted opinions and very often use non-trivial techniques.

Where most see obstacles and losses, successful people find new opportunities and win.

Typical habits of the rich

They always know what they will do today. Even without working, they plan their day and clearly allocate time.
- Rarely indulge in idle entertainment. TV is used to receive news. If they read, then educational books.
- They have the ability to devote themselves to work and do what they love.
- Surround themselves with positive, creative people and successful businessmen.
- Monitor health and appearance.
- They trust themselves more and do not rely on blind chance.

The most important habit to acquire when starting your path to success is to value your work. No matter what you do, love what you do.

A creative approach is important, but it is also impossible to do without active actions and a clearly presented goal.

Do not confuse frugality with stinginess and greed. Learn to give. Successful companies and rich people spend huge amounts of money on charity. Generosity is another common trait of millionaires.

“7 stages on the path from poverty to prosperity”

These tips will help you make a powerful leap in practice and achieve a dramatic improvement in your well-being in the foreseeable future.

1. Allow yourself to be rich and create a clear goal

Come up with and perform a beautiful ritual and allow yourself to become rich. This is an extremely important point. You give up poverty and radically change your life.

From now on, every step will be subordinated to the main goal. Don't think that you will turn into a soulless miser. On the contrary, your life will sparkle with new colors, courage and creativity will appear in it. You will begin to develop and improve in relationships with others, finance and marketing, because without these components it is impossible to achieve prosperity.

You will not have time to complain, look for excuses and reasons for failure. From now on, you rely only on your own strengths and learn from mistakes. Your well-being depends on only one person.

You will constantly look for opportunities to speed up your goal. In some incomprehensible way, she will definitely begin to move towards you, throwing up successful opportunities.

2. Find a teacher

Common mistakes can be avoided. Take advantage of the experience and knowledge of those who have already achieved success. You don’t have to become a shadow of one of the rich people or blindly copy recommendations. Look for any opportunity to expand your knowledge and meet those who have achieved success in a certain field. These people willingly share their secrets with young entrepreneurs. Any experience of communicating with rich people will be useful.

3. Develop the habits of rich people

We wrote about them above. Make a plan based on 13 points and follow it to the letter. Do not allow the habits of the poor to return, constantly control yourself.

Example. Stop wasting time on useless entertainment and replace it with self-development. Invest time in reading books in your field, studying self-development literature from the best business researchers and success coaches. Learn to communicate correctly, develop financial literacy.

It doesn't matter how old you are or where you live. Thanks to the Internet, everyone has access to knowledge. The ability to comprehend new information depends only on desire. Immediately put into practice everything you learn.

4. Drastically change your lifestyle and environment

Start communicating with those who are richer and more successful than you. Stop complaining and generally mentioning bad luck and problems. Expand your circle of acquaintances. It is very difficult to distance yourself from some especially close people. If they don't support you and pull you back, say goodbye without any regrets.

5. Financial literacy is everything

Study books on finance intensively. It will be difficult at first, but gradually you will understand all the terms and concepts. This is extremely important.

Create a personal financial plan. It will become a strategy for acquiring capital, but must be based on a full assessment of the current situation.

Contact a financial advisor for help. All millionaires have advisors who thoroughly understand the financial field and give sound advice. Stick to your plan and don't allow yourself to spend impulsively. Every penny saved and invested will bring stable income in the future. Don't forget this.

Are you spending more than you earn? Either change the situation, or prepare for bankruptcy. Debt, especially with high interest rates, is evil. Loans for business development should be taken extremely carefully, after conducting a thorough analysis of the prospects.

Keep meticulous and as detailed records of expenses and income as possible. Compile and analyze statistics of your financial situation for different periods of time. Eliminate everything that brings unnecessary costs.

6. Invest

Even minimal savings should be invested. You can invest in your own projects or look for profitable options on the side. Consult trusted experts and learn everything you can about investing.

7. Stay calm

Don't rush and don't use dubious ways to get rich. Adventures will lead to collapse. Succumbing to the temptation to spend the first large profits, many people leave the race. Passion is appropriate in work, but money loves cold calculation.

“4 Proven Plans for Achieving Financial Freedom”

Create sources of passive income

Passive income is successfully invested capital that multiplies without your active participation:

Bank deposits;
dividends from the purchase of securities;
rental of real estate;
building a network in distribution activities;
referrals on Internet resources.

Several sources of passive income allow you to quit your job at any time and continue a comfortable life.

Create your own business

Large financial investments are not necessary for all types of activities. Many successful businesses were created with minimal capital or no money at all. It is more important to have a product or service that is in demand. Everyone has unique knowledge or skills. You too have some talent or a bold business idea. If it is impossible to find an investor, start with a minimum and gradually expand.

Become a mediator

If your talent is communication, offer mediation services. You do not invest or sell anything, but from each transaction you receive income in the amount of a certain percentage. Many people do not have time to search for services and goods and need the help of an intermediary during difficult negotiations. This is a very popular service where you can make a lot of money without investing anything. But in this matter, an impeccable reputation and the ability to fulfill promises are extremely important.

Create an online business

Your own website will definitely generate income if you invest time in it. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on creation and promotion. There are a lot of educational materials. Offer popular topics or content that is close and interesting to you. With a little work, you will get your visitors and be able to earn passive income through advertising and other monetization methods.

There are plenty of opportunities to earn extra money on the Internet. Even without special knowledge or skills, you can earn a certain income. By constantly improving or mastering new professions that are in demand online, you can significantly increase your profit and quit your job.

Products and services presented on the Internet receive a huge audience. The number of potential clients increases incredibly. It is very likely that an online store will bring significantly more profit than a retail outlet in the city center.

This article will focus specifically on business, albeit a tiny one. If you are currently more interested in the opportunity to make money from your work, then you can read a series of articles about this. You can start from the first part “How to make money for those who are not business owners”.

So, you want to make money from scratch, and for this you need to organize your own business. But business requires investment of money. Money goes to money, etc. And you either don’t have this money, which you could invest in organizing the business, or you have it, but in an insignificant amount. What to do then?

I hope that the lack of money will not be an obstacle for you to organize your business from scratch, which may later grow into a business on a larger scale. I will tell you how to do this below.

In the meantime, a small digression. At one time, due to the specifics of my work, I was quite familiar with a dozen successful medium-sized businesses, with the history of their creation and their leaders.

And if you analyze these businesses from the point of view of how they started, it turns out that about 60% of these businesses were organized practically from scratch. That is, of course there were some resources, but at the beginning of the enterprise’s activities they were completely insignificant.

The remaining 40% was started either during the privatization period, or started with borrowed money, accumulated money or investor money. It’s a paradox, but enterprises organized from scratch develop better and turned out to be much more stable during the crisis than those started with borrowed funds or investor money.

Of course, a sample of a little more than a dozen enterprises is not very representative from a statistical point of view, but I present it only to show you that it is quite possible to make money from scratch.

First example. Entrepreneur N... started by buying his wife quite a bit of fur (for a couple of hats). His wife began to sew hats, and he began to sell them. Things went well for him. Little by little he developed. Six months later, they hired a couple more seamstresses, who also sewed hats at home based on their orders and materials. Another six months and he had already rented two stalls at the market, where he himself was no longer selling constantly, but every other time. So, gradually developing, the kiosks grew into small closed pavilions and then into shops. They began to sew hats in small quantities, switching more to fur coats. The wife stopped sewing and started helping her husband in contacts with seamstresses.

After about 5-7 years of this business, people began to wear fur hats less (especially men) and competition for fur coats appeared from China. This entrepreneur reoriented himself and began opening stores with a completely different theme. Now, about 10 years later, he partially leases and partially owns 11 stores that have nothing to do with hats and fur coats, and he is quite a rich man. And I started earning money from scratch.

Of course, you can say that this person did not start from scratch. He had money for fur for a couple of hats and his wife knew how to sew. However, if you have absolutely nothing, no money and absolutely no skills, then perhaps it’s too early for you to start a business, even a small one. Minimum expenses are usually required in any business, even if it is a “micro-business” without official registration, payment of taxes, etc.

Second example about how you can make money from scratch, in a slightly different area. There were two brothers, the eldest of whom worked in the transportation department of a large company. The elder brother realized that small and medium-sized companies were experiencing enormous difficulties in transporting their goods from one region to another. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult and time-consuming for them to work directly with the railway; they also do not need to load a whole vehicle.

So they started a transport company. At the very beginning, the entire transport company consisted of a home telephone, where the younger brother took calls, and the older brother handled cargo clearance through the railroad, and among friends who owned trucks. All expenses are insignificant money for advertising. Business gradually took off and soon an office about 10 meters away was rented, where clients were already coming. Year after year the company developed and the office expanded.

Gradually, people began to buy their own cars, and after about 5 years of existence, the first small warehouses began to be purchased. Now, after a little more than 10 years, it is a transport company with representative offices in approximately 30 regions of Russia, with a fleet of its own cars and a fairly large amount of its own real estate. Needless to say, these two brothers became equally wealthy people.

I will not give all the examples known to me, since the article will then exceed all reasonable limits. My goal in giving these examples was not to encourage you to start a big business. I just wanted to show that you can make money practically from scratch. It doesn't have to be a lot of money. Let it be even 2-3 times more income than your current one.

Why am I talking about organizing a business in this article? Let this business be absolutely miniscule in volume, as I sometimes call it, a micro-business, that is, even without registration.

The bottom line is that very often, at his main job, a person is not able to significantly increase his income in a short time. (More precisely, such opportunities exist for those who are involved in sales and those who have good organizational skills and quickly move up the vertical ladder).

Well, think for yourself, how can you earn, say, 2 times more in 1 year at your job? Do you have any ideas about this? Most likely no.

Simply working more and more effectively is usually not the answer, no matter what they tell you. As I already wrote in one of my articles, I conducted such an experiment and achieved 2-3 times better performance than the average employee in 1-1.5 years.

What did this give me in terms of money? Absolutely nothing. Just think, you can learn to work 3 times more efficiently at your job, and at the same time your income will not increase by a ruble. That is, often all your efforts at your main job lead to nothing.

This does not happen in business or micro-business. Your efficiency and effectiveness, if it is aimed at making money, gives immediate effect and your income increases. As soon as you come up with something that allows you to attract more clients, get more money from them, spend less time, etc., it immediately affects your income. I talk about specific techniques, methods and strategies in the book “How to earn 3 times more than now.”

That is, if you know how to work and learn a little about the business you are involved in, then you can increase your income by 3-5 times within 2-4 years if you successfully choose your field of activity and, of course, work.

Now let's get back to the main question. How to make money from scratch, that is, without initial capital?

To do this, you just need to understand where this need for money comes from to organize your business. Why does the myth arise that it is impossible to make money from scratch? I won’t give the theory, but will go straight to the advice.

Firstly, the need for money occurs when there is a large gap between your spending and receiving money.

For example, you want to trade some product. You purchase a batch for 10 thousand rubles. and usually sell it within 10 days. That is, it turns out that you need to invest at least 10 thousand rubles. your money. But in reality, of course, it’s more, since for the business to work, you need to buy 10 thousand rubles today, 10 thousand rubles tomorrow. and only after 10 days you will start receiving money.

During this time, the money invested in the product will amount to approximately 100 thousand rubles.

Therefore, if you have problems with capital, then you need to choose a business, or organize it so that you have minimal gaps between your spending and receiving money.

One of the best options is to always work on prepayment. Then you can take these 10 thousand rubles, go buy goods with them and sell them for, say, 20 thousand rubles.

Then you don’t even need capital to start a business.

If we are talking about suppliers, then, as you already understand, we are talking about taking goods with the longest possible deferred payment.

It may seem that I am necessarily talking about trade. In fact, this is a universal rule.

For example, the practice has become that builders who renovate apartments are paid for their work (not the material, but the work) only after the work is completed. And if the work lasts a month, then you need capital, because you need to live on something, buy tools, etc.

But not all customers know that they need to pay after the work is completed. If you ask for an advance payment for the work, or if this is not possible, then a partial advance payment (30% is acceptable), payment in stages (let’s say after 2 weeks, and then after another 2 weeks), then the need for money to organize the business will decrease significantly.

Another example is most services. If you are a hairdresser, then you cut your hair and literally an hour later they gave you money. The gap between work and the receipt of money is minimal, which means that the need for money in this activity is minimal.

Think about this rule very seriously. After all, it is often not profit, but the need for money that stops the growth of a micro-business and ultimately leads to its collapse.

Secondly, if you can’t work on prepayment, then work faster.(If it works, work faster anyway)

This is a variation of the first rule. The smaller the time gap between your expenses (whether time or money), the simpler the business in terms of the need to invest money.

Let's say that a seamstress quits her job, takes an order and makes it for 2 months. Then she needs money for 2 months. After all, she needs to live on something, eat something, perhaps rent an apartment, etc.

If she completes the work on average in 1 month, then the need for money to organize her mini-business will decrease significantly. If half of her job is to hem something and get paid for it after 1 hour, then the need for money will drop almost to zero.

Of course, this rule applies not only to seamstresses, but also to any business, be it wild construction teams or Gazprom. Reduce the gap between your money coming in and your spending. In this rule, work faster and the need for money will decrease.

Thirdly, if you want to earn money from scratch, do not take on those types of work that require investment of money.

Very often, a business consists of different parts. Some parts require a large upfront cost, while other parts require minimal investment.

If your goal is to earn money from scratch, then take on those jobs that do not require costs and avoid those that require these costs. Do not copy the activities of large or even medium-sized companies.

For example, you know how to do a lot of things related to advertising and decided to organize an advertising agency.

Some of the work, such as design, advertising in newspapers, the Internet, television, etc., requires practically no money, except for your laptop and phone, which can be a cell phone, and possibly renting a small office.

The other part of the business, such as the production of advertising structures themselves, printing, etc., requires large initial costs.

Try to mentally break down any business into the following parts, that is, a part that requires huge expenses and a part that requires minimal expenses or no expenses at all.

You will almost certainly succeed. I know transport, training, real estate and trading companies whose capital consists of one used desk, laptop and cell phone.

These companies do not buy cars, do not buy expensive office equipment, and this does not prevent them from making a profit.

And vice versa, usually the blue dream of employees who have been dreaming about business for decades is to find somewhere around 5 million to buy some kind of cool professional printer or 100 million rubles to buy several cars.

But as practice shows, very often it is quite possible to organize a profitable micro-business without purchasing expensive equipment.

In summary, avoid activities that require large investments of money. Or remove it from your plan altogether or work with a company that will do these services for you. (even if it reduces your profit a little)

Think about how this technique applies to you. If we are talking about trade, is it possible that you need to give up some expensive part of the range? If we talk about services, is it possible to also play with the assortment, removing what sometimes requires 100 times more money than for other work?

And of course, especially at the very beginning, forget about the dream of many hired workers, like owning a restaurant, cafe, grocery store, etc. These are types of businesses that require a lot of money, knowledge and skills.

Fourth, avoid low-margin activities.

In this case, we will understand margin as a markup on a product or the excess of the retail cost of your service over the cost price.

With a minimum margin, your need for capital will be high, but with a maximum, very low.

Let's say you sell 100 pieces. goods at a price of 10 rubles. and get 1000 rubles for them. But you don’t buy them for 10 rubles. of course, but let’s say for 9. Then we will estimate your need for money at 900 rubles.

If you trade with a 10-fold markup, that is, you buy for 1 ruble and sell for 10, then your need for money for business will be 100 rubles.

Can you imagine, the difference in capital for organizing a business (in goods) differs by 9 times.

You can object to me that there are no such markups as 10 times. I can only say that you don't know business well. Very often clothes, cosmetics (expensive), services, etc. are sold with a 10-fold or close to this markup.

But in principle, I’m not even calling you to any specific numbers. Just understand that small markups are not for small businesses. A 10% markup is the usual markup for a wholesale medium or large business. Stay away from such numbers, not only in terms of the required initial capital, but also in terms of profit.

It is clear that the services are ideal from this point of view. You take free air and sell it for real money. (True, they scale worse, but there is no ideal).

Fifthly, avoid the mistake of most novice businessmen who believe that the main thing for business is beautiful office furniture and a fashionable place.

Many beginning businessmen, including me once, believe that to organize a business you must buy a new computer, printer, camera, furniture, car, new equipment, etc.

This eats up most of the initial money, even if the beginner has it.

In fact, in 90% of cases, your clients don’t care what table you sit at, what kind of computer you have, clothes, car, etc. The exceptions that exist are never worth the expense.

In addition, there is usually no difference in quality between work performed on the most expensive equipment and equipment that costs 5 times less (used or simply cheaper).

For example, if I buy myself a new computer that costs 5 times more than this, my articles will not become 5 times better (or even 1%). I saw popular photographers who worked with relatively cheap equipment (not amateur, of course, but old and not the most expensive even at the time of purchase).

As you understand, in any business the main thing is skill, not technique. Sometimes even special skill is not required, since if you start from the economy segment, then customers are willing to pay for satisfactory quality at a relatively low price. Beginners are told the opposite and therefore spend a lot of extra money on it.

Therefore, if you are starting your own micro-business, then first work as is. You don't have an office, so work from home. (if the specifics allow) There is no equipment, then do what can be done without this equipment (I wrote about this above). If you don't have a beautiful table and a car, then work on an ugly table and without a car.

It was the tendency to show off in the beginning, not the lack of money, that ruined many more businesses than you might think.

Then, after a couple of years, if your micro-business, organized from scratch, consistently generates income, you can buy the missing toys for yourself if you want.

Sixth, think 10 times, do you need official registration of your business?

I won't talk about this for long. It is possible that you have a small and stable bride price, which is gradually growing into a micro-business. It is possible that even some clients are not ready to pay in cash and can only work through the current account of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

Think ten times before doing this. Ask yourself, will it really pay off? After all, starting a company requires money. This company or individual entrepreneur will subsequently constantly require your attention in the form of reporting, expenses for accounting, banks, etc.

Isn’t it easier to reduce the price for such a customer or draw up a contract for your friend at a certain percentage?

If you still decide that this is necessary, then avoid common beginner mistakes, such as:

— wrong taxation system;

— forget to notify the tax office about opening a bank account.

Find out about taxation in detail before you register. Mistakes here can consume a lot of money and time and increase the need for money.

I did not list all the ways to reduce the need for money and very briefly explained why they work. However, I think that for those who want to start their own micro-business, there is more than enough information here.

The purpose of my article was to tell those who are thinking about starting a business or even a micro-business that the belief that starting a business requires a lot of money is often not true.

Using these techniques, or even better, a combination of techniques, you will certainly be able to reduce the necessary investments in your business by several times, or even dozens of times. Think about how you can apply each technique to your idea. If something doesn’t work out for you, move on to another technique, and then come back. You can almost always come up with something.

Don't give up on the excuse that you need a lot of money to make money. And of course, don’t forget the standard ways, such as saving some money yourself, taking out a small loan (really small), finding a co-founder.

In total, you can earn money from scratch or almost from scratch. To ensure that this zero does not turn into a large amount, you need to start with a small business, avoid expensive assortment, work with prepayment whenever possible, work faster (accordingly, take on work that can be completed quickly), etc.
And indeed there are ways from scratch that I have come across in my life, but sometimes it is still better to save at least a little than to use them.
You can not pay for goods at all, but take them for sale, sell them for a percentage of sales, or find an investor (often a relative or acquaintance) who will pay for the goods and wait for their profit. You can generally start with services, the provision of which usually does not require money at all. (for example, homeschooling or cutting hair at home).

You can use free ways to promote your products or services. That is, for example, telling your friends about your services, posting advertisements on the entrances yourself (almost free), creating a website on a free platform and promoting it for free, posting on free bulletin boards, etc. You can do without an office at all and even without negotiations in a cafe, but only go to the client. But I still recommend that you find at least the minimum amount of money. (but use them very sparingly) This often saves a lot of time.

Try it and you will probably find some idea or several ideas that will allow you to make money from scratch. Yes, then, perhaps you will invest in business and buy something. But in the beginning it is better to avoid this by all means. In other words, starting a business from scratch is not just a necessity - it is the best way to start a business.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

Every person dreams of being successful and rich, but not everyone succeeds, or rather, we can say that only a few succeed. But in order to achieve something it is necessary to take the necessary path and follow it. The fact that you opened this article means that you have taken the first step on the path to success and wealth. In this article we will give advice from many successful people.

1. Learn to look to the future. You must imagine your future very clearly. You must imagine your surroundings, what you must achieve, your connections, what decisions can be made, how your inner world can change. Their negative and positive consequences. Make the desire to achieve your dreams develop. This is how well you should imagine your future.

2. Develop your personal financial plan. You need to create such a plan. Because you can be lucky, but I don’t think you will always be lucky, so you need to think about the availability and replenishment of reserves. In order to get money, it is not enough just to earn money, but after that you need to make it work, and for this you need to have financial knowledge.

3. Creation of initial capital. There are a lot of options for creating initial capital, from a loan to finding an investor.

4. Search for professionals. It is impossible to know almost everything, so it is necessary to hire specialists. Especially often you will have to involve professionals in the financial sector.

5. Use other people's experience. Study the experience of the masters in your business, and then you won’t have to make the mistakes that so many have made. Many successful people share their experiences, use it. List of billionaires.

6. Take care of your nerves. Remember that investments should be made with the goal of making a profit. Sometimes you will have to make a decision very quickly, and always remember that if an investment is not profitable, it is not worth pursuing.

7. Success in business is 90% patience. Luck in the financial world is only ten percent of success, the rest is work and perseverance. The system must always evolve and improve, otherwise you will be left behind by your competitors.

8. Time is money. Always engage only in the type of business that brings real profit.

9. Bluffing as a necessity. Often when communicating with people you need to paint the picture that you would like, and not the one that is. You need to gain supporters, and to do this you need to “infect” them with your idea.

10. What is not prohibited is permitted. Try to always look for new markets or promising areas of investment. Try changing your work patterns. Sales methods. Don't limit yourself.

11. The circulation of money. Poor people always work for money, and rich people always work for money. Only when you start making money will you have real freedom.

12. Traffic brakes. These are harmful human habits, such as laziness, fear, uncertainty. You need to get rid of them first. At least until you become financially independent.

13. The best teacher is life. Life doesn't always bring success. There are also disappointments. Here is the attitude towards such negative episodes in life and can show whether it will work out or not. Never despair and go towards your goal, just accept this lesson that life has given you.

14. Favorite thing. Only by doing what a person truly enjoys will he be able to put in the maximum amount of effort. The business should not only be a source of financial independence for you, but it should also bring joy and pleasure from the work done.

So, people give such advice in order for a person to be successful in business, and now we’ll talk about those advice given by people who are successful not only in business, but also in their lives.

How to become successful

1. Be a leader. It’s good for those who already have leadership skills, but this does not mean that they cannot be created. Try yourself as an organizer of some events or other options that will give you responsibility, this is the only way you will become a leader. After all, a leader is not the one who is first, but the one who makes decisions and is responsible for them.

2. While you live, learn. It is necessary to constantly develop yourself, and it is desirable to develop in many directions. This way you will be interested in communicating with other people, and they will be interested in communicating with you. Don't stop your spiritual development.

3. You must hurry slowly. Every successful person once started somewhere. Don’t immediately chase mountains of gold, set a feasible goal first.

4. Reality is only a reflection of our thinking. Yes, the phrase is kind of abstruse, but try to change your thinking and attitude little by little. And you will see how the world around you begins to transform.

5. Try to create your own financial independence. This may sound stupid, but it’s true; the behavior of people who have already gained financial independence is critically different from people who do not have it. To start this path, try saving ten percent of your income and after a while you will notice changes in yourself.

6. Learn marketing techniques. Knowing these techniques will not only make it easier for you to communicate with your subordinates and management, but you will also find them useful when communicating with family or friends. These techniques are very helpful in developing communication skills.

7. Stop buying unnecessary things. On the one hand, when you go to buy, you think that this item is vital for you, but is this really so?

8. First money, then luxury. People who are limited in finances cannot afford to buy luxury things, people who have achieved financial success want to emphasize and show their success to others, but the right thing to do would be to first provide themselves with a regular income and only then boast about their success.

9. Be specific about your goal. When a person holds an idea in his head, it is amorphous, so try to give it some form, at least displaying it on a piece of paper.

10. Time is money. Time is the only thing we can dispose of freely and at our choice. So it may be necessary to spend this valuable resource correctly.

11. He who seeks will always find. Don’t waste your time on empty relationships, because they promise you neither support nor help. Maybe you should find your soul mate.

I hope these tips help you realize and move forward, remember that perfection is an unattainable goal, but no one said you shouldn't try.

How to become rich