Antique flea market. Antique market "flea"

If you love to collect various little things and decorate your home with non-trivial gizmos that emphasize your individual style, then flea markets in Moscow are waiting for you. It is there that you can find those things that even the most fashionable metropolitan stores cannot boast of. In this article, I will tell and show you the best flea markets in Moscow and the Moscow region.

origin of name

Flea shops offer things made many years, or even centuries ago. Let's see how this name came about. There are several most common versions. According to one of them, the "flea market" came to us from France, where this form of buying and selling has been popular for over a hundred years. Although the sale of old things and objects is still characteristic of Tsarist Russia. Today, a flea market is a place rather for lovers and connoisseurs of real antiques and rarities.

By the way, sometimes this name is associated with a French proverb, which literally translates as follows: "He who goes to bed with dogs wakes up in the morning with their fleas." Of course, it can be interpreted in several ways. Firstly, we are talking about the fact that the bad deeds that you did today will lead to terrible consequences tomorrow. But we are interested in the second, more literal interpretation of this unusual proverb: you can easily get infected with fleas if you have such a dog.

Clothes that used to be offered at flea markets in Moscow often looked bad, were in a terrible state, and often small insects lived in them. And if you look at the traffic in such places from the outside, you can see that visitors are like those who catch these same fleas.

In fact, a flea market in Moscow resembles a meeting of some kind of interest club. Many people come here not for new purchases, but for the sake of communicating with interesting, sometimes creative personalities that can only be found here. And, of course, it is quite possible to find the 60s or 70s, which are also suitable for modern images.

Flea market in Moscow: addresses

Now I will tell you the most famous flea markets of the capital and suburbs, and also tell you how to get there and what to buy there.

Once upon a time, the authorities wanted to organize a flea market in each district of Moscow, but this idea did not find a response, so it was not implemented.

Market at Mark station

It can rightly be called the largest antiques market. In addition to a bunch of useless things, here you can find rare old coins, interesting figurines and things of the Union. It is best to visit it in the morning. At this time of day, there is a chance to find something really worthwhile, and there are no crowds yet.

Flea market in Izmailovo

This flea market is the most famous in the city. Here you can find expensive valuables, or you can find antiques at reasonable prices. If you choose wisely, then there is a chance to stumble upon a real treasure.


This market used to gather thousands of people, but now it does not exist, although once a season unusual fairs are held there, which are interesting for visitors.

in Moscow

It is located on the territory of the shopping center "Gardener". This is undoubtedly the largest platform for the sale of animals. There you can choose a pet for every taste. In addition, purchase food and necessary equipment, various accessories. A huge plus is that on the territory of the bird market there is a site of a veterinarian who will examine your new friend absolutely free of charge.

A visit to a flea market is not shopping, but an exciting pastime that can be compared to sports or gambling. It is unlikely that anywhere else you can find so many different products collected in one place. In addition, they all belong to different eras.

You shouldn't go to flea markets in Moscow without an accurate shopping list, otherwise you risk buying a lot of unnecessary things or not buying anything. It is also recommended to look at antique sites in advance in order to roughly ask the price. Then the market price will not surprise you. Be sure to ask about the opening hours of the flea market so as not to arrive at the wrong time. Take a large bag with you to put your trophies in, and a small snack to avoid standing in a huge line for goodies.

As mentioned above, it is better to go to the market in the morning, but do not forget that by the evening the seller can significantly reduce the price, especially when it comes to large items. Most importantly, always bargain. So you can pay less, dropping even up to half the cost. Also, keep an eye on your wallet. Flea markets are favorite places for pickpockets.

If you do not need antiques, but want to buy something really stylish and unusual, then you should try your luck in thrift stores or even in second-hand shops. Things are much cheaper there than in shopping malls, and the chance to find a really high-quality product in a single copy is much higher.

Experienced collectors also recommend looking into the notorious Moscow retro store Na Zadvorkah. Idea fairs and passion fairs are also flourishing now, where young designers sell delights. manual labor. Such events gather real talents in one place.

Travel wisely to flea markets, and then you will come out with unique gizmos that will then delight you for a long time. Enjoy the shopping!

Flea markets in Moscow

I will add here so that everything is together, otherwise I forget where and what. If you know something new - throw links or info, please!

September 22-25 - "Flea market" on Tishinka
September 23-25 ​​- Fair "Moscow Antiquity" in the Central House of Artists
September 25 - at the Museum of Moscow (not confirmed)
October 1-2 - in the cultural center "Dom"

There are no personal impressions, I have not been yet.

I haven't been either so I don't know what's going on.

There are a lot of people on weekends, prices are above average, the choice is interesting, but more Soviet vintage, glass, clothes, dishes, silver, lamps. There are few very old and rare items. A good place for a family walk and hustle, buy something for sure. With small children, and especially with strollers, I do not advise.

4. Fair-festival "Moscow antiquity"
Address: Moscow, Krymsky Val, 10 m. Park Kultury, Oktyabrskaya. Central House of Artists (CHA). 10 minutes walk from the subway.
Open from 11 am to 8 pm. See the fair schedule on Facebook:
Entrance fee, tickets at the box office of the Central House of Artists, about 150 rubles.

Fair on two floors, and sometimes -1 floor. Small. There are few real antiques (porcelain, engravings, silver, in a couple of places - dolls). Lots of vintage jewelry, bijouterie, figurines, small bronzes. Despite this, I like it, I always drag something from there.

5. Flea market in the Izmailovo Kremlin ("Vernissage of Izmailovo").
Address: Moscow, Izmailovskoye Highway, 73zh, m. Partizanskaya. From the metro 5 minutes on foot.
The entrance is free. Working hours: Saturday and Sunday from 9 to 17.

The most frequently visited and beloved by me - both because it is close by (only 2 stops by metro), and because it is the largest and most saturated. Here you can spend the whole day, fortunately there is where to refresh yourself - a good kebab of chicken, salmon, lamb, pork is fried. But there is no seating at lunchtime. Here is a real flea in the European sense - a lot of really old things. The market is divided into two parts. "Professionals" - souvenir rows at the very beginning and antiques - up the stairs. Side alley to the left in front of the stairs - fifty-fifty, and a souvenir, and an antique. And the "pensioner's" on the balcony parallel to the professionals (also up the stairs), although the pros sit there too. But most often grannies-grandfathers with homemade attic-mezzanine treasures. They have good things if you go very early. Although each of us has completely different ideas under the concept of "good thing". The second floor now captures more and more territory, the market is expanding. The only huge minus is the transparent visor on the 2nd floor above the "pensioners". In autumn and spring it is good because of the natural light and protection from the rain. And in the summer it becomes a gas chamber - the wind does not fly in there, but it bakes great with the sun. How you can sit there all day and not die from stuffiness - I don’t understand. Our pensioners are the most tenacious.

6. Flea market near the Museum of Moscow
Address: Moscow, Zubovsky boulevard, 2, metro station "Park Kultury", from any exit - 50 meters.
In warm weather, the market is held in the courtyard, in winter - in the Provision warehouses.
Entrance 100 rubles. Opening hours in summer are from 11 to 19.

(Picture from website

"Flea market", commission shop, second hand or flea market? It doesn't matter what this place is called, it is important that it has always been, is and, perhaps, will be, regardless of the times and customs of society. Flea markets in Moscow have existed for a long time, and yes, there are several of them in the city. You should not think that this is a metropolitan know-how - not at all, every more or less large city has its own "frontal" place. People take things there that they want to sell, and those who want to buy them make pilgrimage raids through the narrow rows, where the most amazing finds can truly be found.

Was yours, became ours

Perhaps many people have unnecessary knick-knacks like porcelain figurines or old mechanical watches lying around at home, they cannot find a place in a modern apartment where the interior is made in high-tech or loft style, and Gzhel Khokhloma painting on my grandmother's favorite tureen, it absolutely stands out from the style of the room. The same can be said about paintings, crafts handmade, old clothes (and often old ones). Collecting is interesting, but only until the “collection” begins to threaten the owner of the apartment with eviction. This is probably why flea markets in Moscow thrive and are in demand. But here is a reasonable question: “Who needs all this goodness?” The answer may surprise many. Few people know what kind of treasure can gather dust in his closet for decades, but once in the right environment, such a specific product finds its buyer.

Professional collectors and amateurs, resellers, designers and stylists, people who create thematic collections, in the end, just eccentrics living in their own bright and extraordinary world, selflessly looking for the missing piece of the puzzle that fits perfectly into their picture of the world. And flea markets in Moscow, and other cities, are heaven on earth for them.

"Flea market"

For many people, such a place for shopping does not cause not only pleasant emotions, but also the slightest approval. In fact, a flea market in Moscow or any other place is a trading platform for used things. Of course, there you can find absolutely “new” old things, which, if used, were only used as a perennial dust collector, but most often all the goods there are battered. But in fact, after all, no one will go there in search of personal hygiene items or purely individual items to replenish their own wardrobe. Yes, clothes are sold at flea markets, but these are mostly colorful, folk, carnival, and sometimes incredibly exclusive clothes, wardrobe items of the military or, say, firefighters of past years, show business stars.

On many trading floors there are some unspoken rules and restrictions of this kind. So, the flea market in Moscow, which is located on Shkolnaya Street, near the metro stations "Rimskaya" and "Ploshchad Ilyicha", categorically prohibits the sale of underwear and socks, even buying shoes for the season can be problematic here - not all shoes can be sold.

Where do legs grow from?

It is impossible to say with certainty who was the pioneer of the “second hand”, in which city the first spontaneous market was formed. In the troubled nineties, the flea markets of Moscow were full of goods of a very different nature and purpose. Then it was rather a necessary measure for the entire population - the nascent and really terrible capitalism forced people to sell everything that was at home in order to meet their basic needs. However, in the Soviet years there were also places where people pulled everything that could be served. At that time, such events were not encouraged at all, and really valuable things were sold and bought from under the floor. The black market flourished, the turnover of stolen goods, hidden during wars and other troubled periods in the history of goods, was possible only at "flea markets".

Everyone knew where the flea market was in Moscow, the oldest has always been the one that is now located near the Novopodrezkovo railway station (previously it was the Mark station). For almost a hundred years, everything your heart desires has been sold here, probably, the market was formed back in pre-revolutionary times, here you can easily buy truly valuable antiques and antiques.

Where is wealth hidden?

It is found on the "flea market", as regulars affectionately call the flea market, the most diverse people. Amazing product beckons to similar places true connoisseurs antiquity. The practice of recent years shows that more and more often "flea markets" are becoming something like a market "Sotheby's". mahogany furniture, jewelry, ancient coins and awards, rare printed editions, family jewels and silverware, from which real princes once treated their guests - Moscow is rich in all this goodness. Flea markets, the addresses of which are presented in the article, are the most popular both among sellers and among their customers:

  • The market on Novopodrezkovo mentioned above is one of the largest. Due to the fact that pensioners do not need to pay for " workplace» no fees, there are always a lot of people there, respectively, and you can find a bunch of different “interesting things”.
  • Tishinskaya "flea market" is located next to the Mayakovsky metro station, if you follow from it along Krasina Street, then even a pedestrian will not be difficult to find what you need.
  • The Izmailovsky flea market is also located near the metro station (Partizanskaya station).

It should be borne in mind that these markets do not always work. It is worth visiting on weekends, the best time for shopping is in the morning hours. All the most valuable quickly settles in the pockets of more successful visitors to the bazaar. But at the same time, sellers closer to dinner can significantly drop the price of their products. Such "sales" will help to save a lot, and in addition to a pleasant time spent, the client will receive good thing for a ridiculous price.

Who seeks will always find

Those who are passionate about digging into the old days just need to know where else there are flea markets in Moscow and the Moscow region. The addresses of these places are not a secret behind seven locks, but there are several secluded "flea markets" that are not available to every visitor.

  • A cozy shop of various goods from the last century, retro paraphernalia and things stylized as it - "On the backyard" - is located on the street. spinning.
  • The Moscow Fair of Hobbies is a paradise for numismatists, antique dealers and collectors of antiquities, the address is st. Krasnobogatyrskaya, 2.
  • The flea market, located on the territory of the Arkhangelskoye estate museum, has existed since time immemorial, this glorious tradition has been preserved to this day.

Secret Treasury

Wherever the flea market is located - Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Paris or New York - in such places there are always their own "rules of the game". The lucky ones and treasure hunters can wander through the rows for years, sorting through mountains of rubbish that no one needs in search of their Grail, and sooner or later they find it. On the "flea" you can and should bargain. Local sellers are incredibly colorful people who have a remarkable sense of humor and irony, as well as the deepest knowledge of their business. Even simple communication with the regulars of such second-hand shops - unique opportunity learn something amazing and exciting.

And there are no guarantees

True, in all this honey barrel there is one significant fly in the ointment. It is difficult for a non-professional to distinguish genuine things from fakes, and even somewhere, and in a flea market, it is easy to stumble upon a fake. Experienced buyers are advised to keep an eye out, and hide money and other valuables in the deepest secret pocket. Tweezers, pickpockets, tricksters and tricksters always trade in the markets, and buyers who gape at local beauty are tasty prey for them.

Antique market "Bloshinka", which takes place once a month in Zamoskvorechye, opens its doors to experienced collectors of antiques and just lovers of antiquity.
More than 40 participants, thousands of antiques, hundreds of regular visitors - the Antiquity Fair in the Cultural Center "Dom" is held regularly.

Antique market "Bloshinka" is expected on September 21 - 22, 2019

Opening hours 12.00 - 19.00

Location: cultural center "DOM"
Address: Moscow Bolshoi Ovchinnikovskiy per. 24, building 4. (Metro station Novokuznetskaya). The distance from the subway is less than 300 meters. See diagram.

>At the antique stalls of "Bloshinka" you can buy antique cutlery, china sets, antique lamps, carpets, lace and embroidered tablecloths, or just beautiful knick-knacks for a new interior. Recall that the trend to combine modern and antique things in the interior remains relevant.

Retro market "Bloshinka" is held in the format of two days.
Collectors of antiques Russian and European antique porcelain will be offered: decorative vases, sets, sculpture. And also - antique interior items and table setting, fabrics, embroidery and lace, Jewelry, antique bronze, silver and glass items, paintings, graphics, oriental antiques and much more.