Who follows the rules. Who keeps order in the house? Master's work

This year, July 25 marks the centenary of the creation of the river police in Russia. We all love series about the river patrol, which are constantly shown on federal channels. But few people know that in Ulyanovsk there are also their defenders.

The linear police station in the river port of Ulyanovsk was created in the post-war years and is currently part of the Ulyanovsk linear department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for transport. Currently, the unit employs seven people. Under the direction of Oleg Vladimirov, head of the linear police station, employees guard the territory of the Volga with a length of 150 kilometers.

- We are mainly engaged in the detention of poachers, as well as the suppression of illegaltransportationpassengers on ships- says Oleg Vladimirov. - In other words, we make sure that the traffic participants on small boats are with the appropriate documents. These are the same types of transport, only on the water, so we check the rights, technical inspection, as well aswe followto ensure that the one who operates the vessel is in a sober state, and the passengers are provided with complete safety.

Evgeny Dimitriev, the captain of a police vessel, has been with the line department for 11 years, and although he modestly says that everything that happens to them is commonplace, we were interested in every detail. For example, from a conversation we learned that both in summer and in winter the river police also have plenty of cases.

- In the summer, we go on a raid onday or two, - says Eugene. - We take a boat and go along the waters of the Volg Riverand, checkthose, tothen are engagedcatching fish. We approach, introduce ourselves, ask if they have permission to catch aquatic biological resources. If there are documents and everything is in order, then we wish you good luck. In winter we do the same, only on ice.

During the spawning season (April 25 to June 5), the police stop fishing in order to prevent the death of fish offspring. During this period, sometimes you have to serve around the clock. It is worth noting that in the summer, about once a month, from three to seven cases of poaching fish are recorded by means prohibited for this, for example, nets with small cells. Last year, 37 cases of poaching were suppressed on the Volga in 12 months. About ten cases have already been considered in court. According to employees of the linear department, unemployed residents of Ulyanovsk are most often involved in this for profit.

- The poachers behavedifferently, - says Evgeny Dimitriev . - But more often than not, the detention is quiet. We do an inspection of the scene, deliver the culprit to the shore, seize the entire catch and transfer it to the sanitary and epidemiological station. We go on raids with representativesGosrybnadzor- andx inspector and two of our employees. On thearmed withusarethree boats, a car and a snowmobile.

We hope that 100 years is only the beginning of a great voyage, and we wish many years of service to all representatives of this profession.


Konstantin  Watching! What else is it called...

Leonid  in the order of what? ?

Stanislav   Order follower

Andrei  policeman, cleaning lady.

Stepan On duty, overseer.

Ilya The main thing is that for the results of his work he can be called DECENT. :)))

Alexey  Decent

Fedor   Keeper of order.
In Soviet times, MENT.

Vladislav  Head.

Sasha  spy

Nicholas  Cop!

Artyom  Wife)....

The STOPHAM movement has existed for more than a year. This active public organization that has formed its own...

8 Mar 2015 ... From the road to the garage 10 meters. made the road a long time ago. the first layer is ... Half the summer will be spent on this .. and there are a lot of plans .. I think to do ...

Your suggestions for restoring order on the roads? | Topic author: Ruslan

Yaroslav  tighten supervision over the issuance of rights.

Sergei  To build roads with a dividing strip.

Anton  Video recording.

Sergey   Shoot two or three, immediately order will come ...

Vladimir  Vpalale to bring order to those who keep order on the roads.

Yury  recertification of drivers...

Victor cameras at all intersections and problem areas to poke and fine everyone without exception, a deputy or just a person or a TV star indiscriminately, then there will be order, otherwise this can not be done

Vitaly  To equalize everyone's rights by Colonel Colt's method.

Igor  First, punish the bigwigs. It should look like this: Beat your own, so that strangers are afraid.

Mikhail  First, bury all the old roads and build a new one.

Nikolai   don't beat the violators' cars too much! the most efficient way! verified!

Vadim  To build 6 times more roads so that dogs and cars would correspond to each other at least in quantity.

Mail.Ru answers: help with a geography question

what railways is western siberia connected with the western macro-region and the countries of central asia?

Imagine a situation: people from different countries and everyone speaks only their native language. In order to communicate with each other, they must develop standard rules and a common dictionary. It is this approach that gives the Internet its amazing capabilities. The World Wide Web is a system in which various computer networks exchange information using a standardized set of rules. Without such rules, computer networks would not be able to communicate with each other.

Imagine for a moment the scale of the Internet. It is a collection of computer systems united in a common network, covering the entire globe. The functioning of the Internet is determined by certain sets of rules called protocols. Acting in accordance with the requirements of these protocols, the computer is able to exchange information with other devices connected to the network. The Internet relies on a gigantic infrastructure of routers, network access points (NAPs), and computer systems. The system also includes satellites, miles of cables, and hundreds of wireless routers that are used to exchange information between computers and networks.

global system

It is truly a global system. Communication cables run in all directions across countries and oceans, cross borders and provide network connectivity from the most remote corners of the globe. The Internet is still growing. More and more computers connect to it every day, various organizations and companies are organizing access to the Internet in countries where it does not yet exist.

The Internet is a gigantic system built from much smaller systems. If it is a single system, does it have a single owner? Is there a certain person or organization that controls the Internet? Can someone alone own such a structure, covering vast territories? If you want to know, read this article.

As mentioned earlier, the Internet works because it has a system of rules called protocols. According to these protocols, some computers can transmit information over the network to others. If there were no protocols, it would be impossible to guarantee that information sent by one computer would be correctly recognized by another, there would even be no certainty that this information would get to the right address.

Protocols and rules

As the Internet evolves, protocols must change as well. Someone has to develop and change the rules. There are several organizations that oversee the infrastructure and protocols of the Internet. Among them:

  • Internet Society: Non-profit organization, which develops Internet standards, policies and educational materials.
  • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF): international organization with an open membership policy that has multiple workgroups. Each working group focuses its efforts on a separate area, such as Internet security. The common goal of all working groups is to preserve the architecture of the Internet and maintain its stability.
  • Internet Architecture Board (IAB): As a committee of the IETF, the IAB is designed to oversee the creation of protocols and standards for the Internet.
  • Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN): As a private non-profit corporation, ICANN operates the Internet's Domain Name System (DNS). ICANN's mission is to ensure that every domain name name matches the correct IP address.

The Internet Society and the IETF are open membership organizations. Both organizations welcome the participation and membership of Internet experts. They define the principles of the Internet and the way of its evolution.

On the other hand, ICANN is private organization. There are people who are concerned about ICANN's privileged position. They explain their wary attitude towards this organization by the fact that ICANN has a lot of power over those who would like to register a domain name. ICANN makes money by accrediting vendors called registrars. Registrars sell domain names to individuals and businesses. If you want to register a particular name, it is up to ICANN to decide if it can be done.

While none of these organizations own the Internet, each of them can influence how it works. The Internet does not have a single owner. While the structure of the Internet is carefully designed and maintained, the actual content of the Internet remains the "untamed" cyberspace we all know and love.

Owners of the Internet

Who actually owns the Internet? There are two answers to this question.

  • Nobody
  • A lot of people

If we consider the Internet as a unified integral system, we can say that no one owns it. There are organizations that determine the structure of the Internet and how it works, but they do not own it. No government or company can claim ownership of the Internet. The Internet is like a telephone system - the whole system as a whole does not have a single owner.

If we look at the issue from a different point of view, it turns out that thousands of people and organizations are the owners of the Internet. It consists of many separate parts, each of which has an owner. Some owners may control the quality and level of user access to the Internet. They do not own the entire system, but their actions affect the user experience on the network.

Physical network

The backbone of the Internet is the physical network. It carries traffic that is exchanged between various computer systems. In the early days of the Internet, the backbone of the system was the ARPANET. These days, the routers and cables that make up the backbone of the Internet are provided by a few large corporations. These companies are leading Internet providers (upstream Internet Service Providers). This means that any user who intends to access the Internet must eventually deal with them. The leading Internet service providers are the following companies:

  • Level 3
  • Verizon
  • Qwest
  • Sprint

Lower in the structure are smaller ISPs. Many individual consumers and businesses become customers of providers that are not part of the backbone. Small providers, in turn, negotiate Internet access with leading providers. Examples of small ISPs include companies that provide customers with Internet access via cable or DSL. These companies maintain the part of the network called the last mile - the section between the end user and the point of connection to the Internet.

In the structure of the backbone there are Internet Exchange Points, which are places of physical connection of networks with the ability to exchange data. For example, the three networks that make up the backbone of the Internet, Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T, do not intertwine with each other. They join in single system internet traffic exchange points. Internet exchange points are administered by several companies and non-profit organizations.

Individual computer networks that make up the structure of the Internet may have owners. Each ISP has own network. Some governments oversee computer networks. Many companies have local networks(LAN) with the ability to connect to the Internet. Each of these networks is part of the Internet and at the same time is a separate independent unit. The owners of such networks can control the level of access of users to the Internet, if such actions are provided for by local law.

You could consider yourself the owner of the Internet. Do you own the device that is used to connect to the Internet? If so, it means that it becomes part of an incredibly large network of computer systems. You can be proud - you are the owner of a part of the Internet, albeit a tiny one.

Everyone at least once in one way or another faced utility problems: faulty wiring, clogged pipes, a leaking roof. To solve such problems, urban residents turn to specialists who are hired to manage the household. Who directly monitors the order in our homes? This question was asked by the correspondent of Vsluh.ru Olga Nikitina. From the outside, Elena Simonova herself can be mistaken for a journalist. Armed with a notebook and a camera, she walks around the Tyumen courtyards, takes pictures, records, and communicates with the residents of the houses. They know: when Elena Viktorovna is at work, their yards will be clean, the windows will be intact, and the trash cans will be empty. The responsibility of the foreman of the site of the Housing Standard Management Company Simonova is to control the maintenance of sponsored houses. The work is important, that's for sure. But until you yourself spend a few hours with the master, you are unlikely to understand how responsible she is. The working day of the site foreman starts at eight in the morning. No not like this. Each new working day of the site foreman starts at the end of the previous day. At the evening planning meeting, the requests of tenants are analyzed, the degree of urgency of troubleshooting is determined. Applications come to the masters from the dispatch center, without which it is now difficult to imagine the work of a huge management company responsible for more than 180 houses. The foreman of the site monitors the implementation of applications. After the planning meeting - morning detour. We went to it together. And then it became clear that my light jacket and demi-season shoes were a big mistake. Experienced communal workers are used to dressing "with a margin": the work is mobile, the masters rarely sit in one place in the warmth. After each race to the neighboring house, I had to return and warm myself with hot tea. And the master monitors the cleanliness and order in the sponsored houses throughout the working day, almost without interruptions! Everyone has his own "square" - ten houses. A senior master looks after several "squares". To control the execution of work, you need to walk around the entire area and personally verify. And as proof of the work done, the tenant signs a mandatory act - they say, the light bulb is screwed in, the doors are inserted. A camera is needed to fix the damage. If a sign is torn off somewhere or a door is broken, this is recorded both in writing and with the help of a camera. Each case is documented so that it would not occur to anyone to dispute what happened. And without a safety net in any way - there are more than enough fans to complain. There are also “regular customers” among the complainants. In the "Housing Standard" such people are treated with patience and understanding. “Cleanliness is the main thing,” says the master, “when it’s clean, people are less indignant.” The five-story old house on Kievskaya Street has only recently gone through a major overhaul. The master enthusiastically shows that the walls were sheathed with siding, plastic double-glazed windows were installed in the entrances. After the repair, the house has not yet been handed over, and the glass on the third floor has cracked. Whose fault remains to be seen. But judging by the fact that the glass on the inside survived, someone "smart" thought of throwing a stone at the window. The master documents the defect. It will be eliminated at the expense of the residents - money for any repairs in the entrance is taken from the personal account of a separate house. Our path lay further along Kievskaya. Newspapers lying around one of the entrances and a bin full of rubbish caught my attention. The foreman of the site immediately takes out the phone and calls the contracting organization involved in cleaning the territory. On the way back, about ten minutes later, the urns were shining clean and there were no newspapers near the entrance. “Apparently, the janitor was somewhere nearby, he just didn’t have time to get to this house,” Elena Simonova calmly argues. By the way, I was shown not only new buildings, but also old five-story buildings that require special care. The dilapidated walls of the Khrushchev building on Kotovsky Street are clearly in need of repair. But it is light in the entrance, the doors are closed, the windows are intact, and the windows of low-current systems, where the radio and telephone wiring passes, are taken away with neat plywood. By the way, panel boards with counters, according to all norms, must also be locked with a lock. Otherwise, the site foreman calls specialists who will take care of this. According to Elena Simonova, caring for old and new houses is equally difficult. The old buildings are worn out and in need of major repairs. With new troubles, others - residents who have moved in without permits manage to build utility closets in the entrances, repairs are underway everywhere, an incredible amount of garbage accumulates. “Waste producers” from new buildings often do not have enough conventional tanks, large containers are ordered for them. Garbage removal is also under the control of the master. And he must also visit every attic and basement in sponsored houses at least a couple of times a week. What for? And just in case. In each entrance, which the foreman and I went around that day, there are signs and information about the management company, all emergency phone numbers. Their presence is one of the mandatory standards of the management company, an indicator corporate culture. “This is necessary for convenience: why force people to frantically look for the right phone numbers when something happens, they should always be at hand,” Simonova believes. However, paper slips on bulletin boards often fall prey to local hooligans, they are torn off, sometimes set on fire. It happens that you have to change the plates several times a week. A special part of the work of the site foreman is communication with people. Residents, meeting the master on the street, stop and address their problems. So, on the way to the entrance of the new building on Energetikov Street, Elena Simonova was approached by a woman who is very worried about the location of the playground and its proximity to the roadway. Elena Viktorovna advised me to turn to the quarterly with this question and promised to help contact him. The last point of our joint detour was the entrance of the house along the street 50 years of October. At eight o'clock in the morning, Elena Simonova sent carpenters there to repair the window in the entrance. On the weekend, someone had a good walk and had fun - set fire to a window opening. The employees of the management company have to eliminate the consequences; an open window in the entrance in early spring will not add warmth and comfort to people. The work is done - the frame is intact, the window is inserted, the act is signed. In addition, Elena Simonova is in charge of the warehouse. Here they call her - it's time to return to the office to give the employees necessary tools. The working day goes on, things do not allow you to take a break - the well-being of many people, including their good mood, depends on the efforts of the site foreman.

Abstract on cognitive development for older children preschool age"Who keeps order on the road?"

Target: the formation of a benevolent, respectful attitude towards people of different professions.


  • Clarify, differentiate children's knowledge about the work of road service employees.
  • Anchoring knowledge about special transport, its purpose, rules of conduct on the road.
  • Development of the ability to navigate to the controller's signals.
  • Update the use of the information received in gaming, speech activities.
  • Cultivate respect for work.


Preliminary work:solving riddles, talking about transport, its purpose, rules of conduct on the road.

Lesson progress

Educator. Guys, in our kindergarten The Skazka magazine is published monthly, its next issue will be devoted to safe movement on the road. children middle group need to talk about the rules traffic, and you about employees who monitor compliance with the rules for the movement of pedestrians and road transport and about people who provide comfortable conditions for all participants in road traffic.

What do you think can be placed on the pages of the magazine so that everyone would be interested in reading it?

Children. Our stories about the work of those who make the road, who keep order on it, drawings, crossword puzzles, riddles.

Educator. I suggest you guys today to remember everything you know about adults working in the road transport services. I will record your stories on a dictaphone, and then I will issue them in a magazine. And help us to remember everythinggame "Carved picture".

Children are divided into micro groups. The teacher invites the children to fold the pictures cut into 6-8 parts with the image “State traffic police officer”, “Construction of the sidewalk”, “Road marking”, “Controller at the post”. After completing the task, the children talk about what is shown in the pictures, why you need to do this work. Approximate content of children's stories: A special service keeps order on the street. In short, it is called the traffic police. Traffic police inspectors are on duty, patrolling on cars, motorcycles and even helicopters. On his patrol car with a flasher, he can detain any violator who does not follow the rules of the road and the pedestrian and the driver. This is the job of a traffic inspector - to make sure that people and cars on the road do not suffer.

Builders using various tools stack paving slabs. They make a road for pedestrians - a sidewalk. It is comfortable and safe for both adults and children to walk here.

The traffic controller keeps order at those intersections where there are no traffic lights, a difficult situation has developed. It regulates the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, indicates who to stand and who to move. In his hand is a rod.

Road service workers using special equipment make markings on the roadway. Set up road signs. So that everyone can see and know where you can cross the road, where you can drive a car, stop public transport.

Educator: Well done guys, you got good, interesting stories about people who care about order on the roads. And now let's play a game, during which you will remember the signs of the police traffic controller. ( Fizminutka) “Regulator” Children pretend to be driving cars, and the leading traffic controller either raises the rod up, then lowers it, then takes it to the side, turning his face, back or side to us - shows the commands “stand”, “attention”, “passage is allowed”.

Look, guard
Stood on our pavement.
He quickly extended his hand
Deftly he waved his wand.
Did you see, did you see?
All cars together...

Educator: guys, make yourself comfortable and now we will play a game during which you will remember who needs what for work.Multimedia game "Who needs what".

Children select and name pictures depicting tools or what is needed for work, to pictures depicting people working in road transport services.

Asphalt paver (vest, various special equipment)

Traffic police inspectors (radar, baton, walkie-talkie, weapons, ` 6222 form, pen, special equipment)

Road service worker (helmet, special clothing, work equipment, special equipment)

Traffic controller (overalls, baton, whistle)

Educator. So we remembered what tools are needed for these professions, and also fixed the types of transport and its purpose. You guys know the professions of employees who monitor compliance with the rules for the movement of pedestrians and road transport and about people who provide comfortable conditions for all participants in road traffic.

Game "Tell me what"Guys, tell me what qualities a traffic police officer should have (fair, brave, hardy, attentive, strong, courageous ...). Road service worker (attentive, hardy, knowledgeable of traffic rules, responsible, conscientious, caring ...). The teacher asks the children to explain their answers.

Educator: Guys, I recorded a lot of your stories on the recorder, it will turn out to be a very good article for the newspaper. In the evening, you can draw one of the workers of the road service. And I remind you children, be careful on the road and respect the work of adults of different professions.