Speed ​​128 kbps. How many bits should a video card have? Communication protocols

Length and Distance Converter Mass Converter Volume Converter bulk products and Foods Area Converter Volume and Recipe Units Converter Temperature Converter Pressure Converter mechanical stress, Young's modulus Energy and Work Converter Power Converter Force Converter Time Converter Linear Velocity Converter Flat Angle Thermal Efficiency and Fuel Economy Converter Numerical Number Converter Converter of Information Quantity Units Exchange Rates Dimensions women's clothing and footwear Sizes of men's clothing and footwear Angular velocity and rotational speed converter Acceleration converter Angular acceleration converter Density converter Specific volume converter Moment of inertia converter Moment of force converter Torque converter Specific heat of combustion (by mass) Converter of energy density and specific heat of combustion of fuel (by mass) Temperature difference converter Thermal expansion coefficient converter Thermal resistance converter Thermal conductivity converter mass concentration in solution Dynamic (Absolute) Viscosity Converter Kinematic Viscosity Converter Surface Tension Converter Vapor Permeability Converter Water Vapor Flux Density Converter Sound Level Converter Microphone Sensitivity Converter Sound Pressure Level (SPL) converter Computer Graphics Resolution Converter Frequency and Wavelength Converter Diopter Power and Focal Length Diopter Power and Lens Magnification (×) Electric Charge Converter Linear Charge Density Converter Surface Charge Density Converter Volume Charge Density Converter Converter electric current Linear Current Density Converter Surface Current Density Converter Electric Field Strength Converter Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Electrical Resistance Converter Electrical Resistivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Electrical Conductivity Converter Capacitance Inductance Converter US Wire Gauge Converter dBV), watts and other units Magnetomotive force converter Magnetic field strength converter Magnetic flux converter Magnetic induction converter Radiation. Ionizing Radiation Absorbed Dose Rate Converter Radioactivity. Radioactive Decay Converter Radiation. Exposure Dose Converter Radiation. Absorbed Dose Converter Decimal Prefix Converter Data Transfer Typographic and Image Processing Unit Converter Timber Volume Unit Converter Calculation of Molar Mass Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by D. I. Mendeleev

1 byte per second [B/s] = 8 bits per second [b/s]

Initial value

Converted value

bits per second byte per second kilobits per second (metric) kilobytes per second (metric) kibibits per second kibibytes per second megabits per second (metric) megabytes per second (metric) mebibits per second mebibytes per second gigabits per second (metric) gigabytes second (metric) gibibits per second gibibits per second gibibytes per second terabytes per second (metric) terabytes per second (metric) tebibits per second tebibytes per second Ethernet 10BASE-T Ethernet 100BASE-TX (fast) Ethernet 1000BASE-T (gigabit) Optical carrier 1 Optical carrier 3 Optical carrier 12 Optical carrier 24 Optical carrier 48 Optical carrier 192 Optical carrier 768 ISDN (single channel) ISDN (dual channel) modem (110) modem (300) modem (1200) modem (2400) modem (9600) modem (14.4) k) modem (28.8k) modem (33.6k) modem (56k) SCSI (asynchronous mode) SCSI (synchronous mode) SCSI (Fast) SCSI (Fast Ultra) SCSI (Fast Wide) SCSI (Fast Ultra Wide) SCSI (Ultra- 2) SCSI (Ultra-3) SCSI (LVD Ultra80) SC SI (LVD Ultra160) IDE (PIO mode 0) ATA-1 (PIO mode 1) ATA-1 (PIO mode 2) ATA-2 (PIO mode 3) ATA-2 (PIO mode 4) ATA/ATAPI-4 (DMA mode 0) ATA/ATAPI-4 (DMA mode 1) ATA/ATAPI-4 (DMA mode 2) ATA/ATAPI-4 (UDMA mode 0) ATA/ATAPI-4 (UDMA mode 1) ATA/ATAPI-4 (UDMA mode 2) ATA/ATAPI-5 (UDMA mode 3) ATA/ATAPI-5 (UDMA mode 4) ATA/ATAPI-4 (UDMA-33) ATA/ATAPI-5 (UDMA-66) USB 1.X FireWire 400 ( IEEE 1394-1995) T0 (complete signal) T0 (B8ZS total signal) T1 (desired signal) T1 (complete signal) T1Z (complete signal) T1C (desired signal) T1C (complete signal) T2 (desired signal) T3 (desired signal ) T3 (complete signal) T3Z (complete signal) T4 (desired signal) Virtual Tributary 1 (desired signal) Virtual Tributary 1 (complete signal) Virtual Tributary 2 (desired signal) Virtual Tributary 2 (complete signal) Virtual Tributary 6 (desired signal) ) Virtual Tributary 6 (complete signal) STS1 (desired signal) STS1 (complete signal) STS3 (desired signal) STS3 (complete signal) STS3c (desired signal) STS3c (complete signal) STS12 (wanted signal) STS24 (wanted signal) STS48 (wanted signal) STS192 (wanted signal) STM-1 (wanted signal) STM-4 (wanted signal) STM-16 (wanted signal) STM-64 (wanted signal) USB 2 .X USB 3.0 USB 3.1 FireWire 800 (IEEE 1394b-2002) FireWire S1600 and S3200 (IEEE 1394-2008)

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Learn more about data transfer

General information

The data can be either digital or analog. Data transmission can also take place in one of these two formats. If both the data and the method of their transmission are analog, then the data transmission is analog. If either the data or the transmission method is digital, then the data transmission is called digital. In this article, we will talk specifically about digital data transmission. Nowadays, digital data transmission is increasingly being used and stored in a digital format, as this allows speeding up the transmission process and increasing the security of information exchange. Apart from the weight of the devices needed to send and process the data, the digital data itself is weightless. Replacing analog data with digital data helps facilitate the exchange of information. Data in digital format is more convenient to take with you on the road, because compared to data in analog format, for example on paper, digital data does not take up space in luggage, except for the carrier. Digital data allows users with access to the Internet to work in a virtual space from anywhere in the world where the Internet is available. Multiple users can work with digital data at the same time by accessing the computer on which it is stored and using the remote administration programs described below. Various Internet applications such as Google Docs, Wikipedia, forums, blogs, and others also allow users to collaborate on a single document. That is why the transmission of data in digital format is so widely used. AT recent times Eco-friendly and “green” offices are becoming popular, where they are trying to move to paperless technology in order to reduce the carbon footprint of the company. This made the digital format even more popular. The statement that by getting rid of paper, we will significantly reduce energy costs is not entirely correct. In many cases, this sentiment is inspired by the advertising companies of those who benefit from more people moving to paperless technology, such as computer and software manufacturers. It also benefits those who provide services in this area, such as cloud computing. In fact, these costs are almost equal, since computers, servers, and network support require a large number of energy, which is often obtained from non-renewable sources, such as burning fossil fuels. Many hope that paperless technology will indeed be more cost effective in the future. AT Everyday life people also began to work with digital data more often, for example, preferring electronic books and paper tablets. Large companies often announce in press releases that they are going paperless to show that they care about environment. As described above, sometimes this is just a publicity stunt, but despite this, more and more companies are paying attention to digital information.

In many cases, the sending and receiving of data in digital format is automated, and the bare minimum is required from users for such data exchange. Sometimes they just need to press a button in the program in which they created the data - for example, when sending Email. This is very convenient for users, since most of the data transfer work takes place behind the scenes, in data centers. This work includes not only the direct processing of data, but also the creation of infrastructures for their rapid transmission. For example, in order to provide fast communication over the Internet, an extensive system of cables is laid along the ocean floor. The number of these cables is gradually increasing. Such deep-sea cables cross the bottom of each ocean several times and are laid through the seas and straits in order to connect countries with access to the sea. Laying and maintaining these cables is just one example of working behind the scenes. In addition, such work includes providing and maintaining communications in data centers and ISPs, maintaining servers by hosting companies, and ensuring smooth operation of websites by administrators, especially those that allow users to transfer data in large volumes, for example forwarding mail, downloading files, publishing materials, and other services.

The following conditions are necessary for the transmission of data in digital format: the data must be correctly encoded, that is, in correct format; you need a communication channel, a transmitter and a receiver, and, finally, protocols for data transmission.

Encoding and sampling

The available data is encoded so that the receiving party can read and process it. Encoding or converting data from analog to digital format is called sampling. Most often, data is encoded in the binary system, that is, information is presented as a series of alternating ones and zeros. After the data is encoded in binary, it is transmitted as electromagnetic signals.

If data in analog format needs to be transmitted over a digital channel, they are sampled. So, for example, analog telephone signals from a telephone line are encoded into digital ones in order to transmit them over the Internet to a recipient. The discretization process uses Kotelnikov's theorem, which in English is called the Nyquist-Shannon theorem, or simply the discretization theorem. According to this theorem, a signal can be converted from analog to digital without loss of quality if its maximum frequency does not exceed half the sampling frequency. Here, the sample rate is the frequency at which the analog signal is “sampled”, that is, its characteristics are determined at the time of the sample.

Signal encoding can be either secure or open access. If the signal is protected and it is intercepted by persons to whom it was not intended, then they will not be able to decode it. In this case, strong encryption is used.

Communication channel, transmitter and receiver

The communication channel provides a medium for transmitting information, and transmitters and receivers are directly involved in transmitting and receiving a signal. The transmitter consists of a device that encodes information, such as a modem, and a device that transmits data in the form of electromagnetic waves. This can be, for example, the simplest device in the form of an incandescent lamp that transmits messages using Morse code, and a laser, and an LED. To recognize these signals, you need a receiving device. Examples of receiving devices are photodiodes, photoresistors, and photomultipliers that detect light signals, or radio receivers that receive radio waves. Some of these devices only work with analog data.

Communication protocols

Data transfer protocols are like a language in that they communicate between devices during data transfer. They also recognize errors that occur during this transfer and help resolve them. An example of a widely used protocol is the Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP (from the English Transmission Control Protocol).


Digital transmission is important because without it it would be impossible to use computers. Below are a few interesting examples use of digital data transmission.

IP telephony

IP telephony, also known as voice over IP (VoIP) telephony, has recently gained popularity as alternative view telephone communication. The signal is transmitted over a digital channel, using the Internet instead of a telephone line, which allows you to transmit not only sound, but also other data, such as video. Examples of the largest providers of such services are Skype (Skype) and Google Talk. Recently, the LINE program created in Japan has been very popular. Most providers provide audio and video calling services between computers and smartphones connected to the Internet for free. Additional services, such as calls from a computer to a phone, are provided for an additional fee.

Working with a thin client

Digital data transfer helps companies not only simplify the storage and processing of data, but also work with computers within the organization. Sometimes companies use part of the computers for simple calculations or operations, such as Internet access, and the use of ordinary computers in this situation is not always advisable, since computer memory, power, and other parameters are not fully utilized. One solution to this situation is to connect such computers to a server that stores the data and runs the programs that these computers need to work. In this case, computers with simplified functionality are called thin clients. They should only be used for simple tasks, such as accessing a library catalog or using simple programs such as cash register, which record information about the sale in the database, and also knock out checks. Typically, a thin client user works with a monitor and keyboard. The information is not processed on the thin client, but sent to the server. The convenience of a thin client is that it gives the user remote access to the server through the monitor and keyboard, and it does not need a powerful microprocessor, hard disk, and other hardware.

In some cases, special equipment is used, but often a tablet computer or a monitor and keyboard from a regular computer is enough. The only information processed by the thin client itself is the system interface; all other data is processed by the server. It is interesting to note that sometimes ordinary computers, on which, unlike a thin client, process data, are called thick clients.

Using thin clients is not only convenient, but also profitable. Installing a new thin client does not require large expenses, since it does not require expensive software and hardware, such as memory, hard drive, processor, software, and others. In addition, hard drives and processors stop working in very dusty, hot or cold rooms, as well as high humidity and other adverse conditions. When working with thin clients, favorable conditions are needed only in the server room, since thin clients do not have processors and hard drives, and monitors and input devices work fine in more difficult conditions.

The disadvantage of thin clients is that they do not work well if you need to frequently update the graphical interface, for example, for video and games. It is also problematic that if the server stops working, then all thin clients connected to it will also not work. Despite these shortcomings, companies are increasingly using thin clients.

Remote administration

Remote administration is similar to working with a thin client in that a computer that has access to the server (client) can store and process data and use programs on the server. The difference is that the client in this case is usually "fat". In addition, thin clients are most often connected to local network, while remote administration takes place over the Internet. Remote administration has many uses, such as allowing people to work remotely on a company server, or on their own home server. Companies that do part of the work in remote offices or cooperate with third parties, may provide access to information to such offices through remote administration. This is convenient if, for example, customer support work takes place in one of these offices, but all company personnel need access to the customer database. Remote administration is usually secure and it is not easy for outsiders to access servers, although there is sometimes a risk of unauthorized access.

Do you find it difficult to translate units of measurement from one language to another? Colleagues are ready to help you. Post a question to TCTerms and within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

At higher levels of network models, a larger unit is generally used - bytes per second(B/c or bps, from English. b ytes p er s econd ) equal to 8 bit/s.

Derived units

To denote higher transmission speeds, more large units, formed with the help of prefixes of the C system kilo-, mega-, giga- etc. getting:

  • kilobits per second- kbps (kbps)
  • Megabits per second- Mbps (Mbps)
  • Gigabits per second- Gbit/s (Gbps)

Unfortunately, there is ambiguity regarding the interpretation of prefixes. There are two approaches:

  • kilobit is treated as 1000 bits (according to SI, as kilo grams or kilo meter), megabit as 1000 kilobit, etc.
  • kilobit is interpreted as 1024 bits, incl. 8 kbps = 1 KB/s (not 0.9765625).

To unambiguously designate a prefix that is a multiple of 1024 (and not 1000), the International Electrotechnical Commission coined the prefixes " kibi» (abbreviated Ki-, Ki-), « mebi» (abbreviated Mi-, Mi-) etc.

  • 1 byte- 8 bits
  • 1 kibibit- 1024 bits - 128 bytes
  • 1 mebibit- 1048576 bits - 131072 bytes - 128 kb
  • 1 Gibibit- 1073741824 bits - 134217728 bytes - 131072 kb - 128 mb

The telecommunications industry has adopted the SI system for the prefix kilo. That is, 128 kbps = 128000 bits.

Common mistakes

  • Beginners are often confused kilobits c kilobytes, expecting a speed of 256 KB/s from a 256 kbit/s channel (on such a channel, the speed will be 256,000 / 8 = 32,000 B/s = 32,000 / 1,000 = 32 KB/sec).
  • Often (wrongly or intentionally) bauds and bits/c are confused.
  • 1 kbaud (as opposed to kbps) is always equal to 1000 baud.

see also

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See what "Kilobit per second" is in other dictionaries:

    kilobit per second- (ITU T Y.1541). Telecommunication topics, basic concepts EN kilobit/secondkbit/s …

    - (kbit) m., skl. a unit of measure for the amount of binary information. 1 kbit = 103 bits = 1000 bits. Often confused with a kilobyte, equal to 210 bytes = 1024 bytes = 8192 bits. Also "kilobit" is often mentioned instead of "kibibit". In this case, 1 kilobit ... Wikipedia

    kilobit/s- Kbps A unit of data transfer rate equal to 1024 bits per second (often 1000 bps). Topics Information Technology in general EN Kb/sKbit/skilobit/s … Technical Translator's Handbook

    Bits per second, bps (bits per second, bps) is the basic unit of information transfer rate used at the physical layer of the OSI or TCP/IP network model. At higher levels of network models, as a rule, ... ... Wikipedia

    Bits per second, bps (bits per second, bps) is the basic unit of information transfer rate used at the physical layer of the OSI or TCP/IP network model. At higher levels of network models, as a rule, more is used ... ... Wikipedia

    - (eng. cellular phone, mobile radio relay), a type of radiotelephone communication in which the end devices of mobile phones (see MOBILE PHONE) are connected to each other using a cellular network of a set of special transceivers ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The amount of information, 106 or 1000000 (million) bits. The abbreviation Mbit or, in Russian designation, Mbit is used (megabit should not be confused with megabyte MB). In accordance with the international standard IEC 60027 2 units of bits and bytes ... Wikipedia

    This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and removed. You can ... Wikipedia

    Cellular communication of the third generation- Networks cellular communication the third generation (3rd Generation, or 3G) operate at frequencies in the range of about 2 gigahertz and provide data transfer at speeds up to 2 megabits per second. These features allow you to use mobile phone, in… … Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    This article should be wikified. Please format it according to the rules for formatting articles ... Wikipedia

In this article, we'll talk about audio encoding settings that affect audio quality. Understanding the conversion settings will help you choose the best sound encoding option for you in terms of file size to sound quality ratio.

What is bitrate?

Bitrate is the amount of data per unit of time used to transmit an audio stream. For example, 128 kbps stands for 128 kilobits per second and means that 128 thousand bits are used to encode one second of sound (1 byte = 8 bits). If we translate this value into kilobytes, then it turns out that one second of sound takes about 16 KB.

Thus, the higher the bitrate of a track, the more space it takes up on your computer. But at the same time, within the same format, a larger bitrate allows you to record sound with higher quality. For example, if you convert an audio cd to mp3, then at a bitrate of 256 kbps, the sound will be much better than at a bitrate of 64 kbps.

Since now disk space has become quite cheap, we recommend converting to mp3 with a bitrate of at least 192 kbps.

A distinction is also made between fixed and variable bitrates.

The difference between constant bitrate (CBR) and variable bitrate (VBR)

With a constant bit rate, the same number of bits is used to encode all parts of the audio. But the structure of sound is usually different and, for example, much fewer bits are required to encode silence than to encode rich sound. A variable bitrate, unlike a constant one, automatically adjusts the quality of encoding, depending on the complexity of the sound at certain intervals. That is, for sections that are simple in terms of encoding, a lower bitrate will be used, and for complex ones, a higher value will be used. Using a variable bit rate allows you to achieve more High Quality sound at a smaller file size.

What is sampling rate?

This concept arises when converting an analog signal to digital and means the number of samples (signal level measurements) per second that are carried out to convert the signal.

What is the number of channels?

A channel, in relation to audio encoding, is an independent audio stream. Mono is one stream, stereo is two streams. The abbreviation n.m is often used to indicate the number of channels, where n is the number of full-fledged audio channels, and m is the number of low-frequency channels (for example, 5.1).