Cook soap at home recipe. Soap base ingredients

Friends, hello!

I can't help touching on the topic of the end of the old era (better known now in the news as "the end of the world") in my blog.

What do I think about this? I believe that the old era (or light) is ending, and what??, right, a new one is beginning.

A wonderful time of new opportunities, a new "light" begins.

And, just on the topic of new opportunities, I want to give you a recipe that really opens a new "era" in the era of soap making from scratch :)

I will tell you today how to make a soap base from scratch. Such a base that melts in the microwave, pours easily and takes any shape, and I will even show a video on how it melts :). The base is completely natural, or, as many people like to say now, organic.

Oh yes. It's transparent too :)

Do-it-yourself soap base is more than real!


Every soap maker who started with a soap base cannot deny how convenient it is to use - rrraz, cut into cubes, two - melted in the microwave (or in a water bath), three - added oils, fragrances, dye and - poured into forms. Now you can only wait for freezing. The whole process can take from 5 to 15 minutes.

However, we also know that soap base contains a lot of bad stuff.

Another thing is soap from scratch, which involves working with alkali (scary). And if you are already digesting something that is already ready, then it requires some effort and time, it does not want to fit into the form normally, but it is completely natural.

Who among you has not thought about how to make a soap base with your own hands and from scratch? So easy to use? Better yet, make transparent soap from scratch... so natural and beautiful...

Here, I'll tell you, a solution has been found :)

I recently found a presentation from a conference of soap makers from the USA, where chemistry professor Dr. Kevin Dunn, author of the book Scientific Soapmaking (cool!), Talked about his experiences on this topic.

And you know, I tried, and I got a wonderful almost perfectly transparent soap. I am delighted: a soap base at home is possible and possible so easily, from completely affordable ingredients! You can throw away all your (and mine) records of making glycerin soap from scratch. I won't go back to them for sure :) I know (and you will soon learn a better way too).

Yes, we will use alcohol. But not ethyl, which is so hard to get and which is forbidden for sale. And not propylene glycol, which, although allowed, scares many.

We will use glycerin :) The natural soap base recipe is simple, we only need three ingredients: oils, lye, water and glycerin. You won't need anything else!

Soap base recipe from scratch:

* do not be afraid of a large amount of castor oil, the soap solidifies perfectly overnight.

** Glycerin can be added from 25% to 100%, the more, the more transparent the soap and the more better soap will melt.

But! Soap can "sweat" just like soap base. The more glycerin, the more intense.

The process of making soap base is similar to making hot soap from scratch. It took me 3.5 hours.

Weigh the oils first

And we heat them in a water bath. Or in the microwave

We weigh the water.

Remember safety precautions!

Weigh the lye sodium hydroxide.

And dissolve it in water. Be sure to take heat-resistant dishes for the preparation of an alkaline solution.

We wait until the oils and lye reach the same temperature

We mix the alkaline solution and oils. Just in case, I strain through a strainer

Stir the mixture with an immersion blender until a trace appears.

We can make a trail and thick :)

Now we cook this soap in a hot way in a water bath under a lid. Or, if you prefer, in the oven.

Soap should be fully cooked. Don't pinch your tongue.

Pour the measured glycerin into the already prepared soap. I had about 740 grams of glycerin for 900 grams of soap :)

Consistency has changed! Now close the lid and cook until completely transparent.

Bottom melts first

Then gradually all the lumps disappear

At this moment, I decided to test for transparency - I took a transparent mass with a spoon and poured it onto a plastic napkin

Cool, yeah?

Oh yeah! Cry, lovers of glycerin soap! Which one of you looked the same?

At this stage, the soap is poured into the mold.

If bubbles come out on the surface - alcohol them.

Soap I got dofiga. I did not calculate :) 1700 grams.

Another container.

But the beauty of it is that such soap can be melted as many times as you like. And on the nose New Year:) and 23 February. And March 8th. Do you catch????

In the morning I got such a bar.

Pieces from it are transparent, although not perfect.

But this is not an industrial soap base with all sorts of bugs, this is an absolutely natural soap from scratch. Yes! It also melts in the microwave. Or in a water bath.

I decided to show you this video. True, in the video, the colors are brighter and the base looks yellower than it actually is.


A couple more photos about transparency.

This foundation takes any form. And it's cool.

Abandoned the use of plastic molds, tk. make soap from scratch

Not worth it :)))

This soap comes out of the molds no worse than an industrial soap base.

Are there any downsides to homemade soap base?

  • Soap made from it "sweats" just like industrial soap base due to its high glycerin content.
  • The soapiness and foaminess is not too high, in contrast to the options with sodium laureth sulfate.

But naturally :)

Is there a way to somehow fix the "sweating" or not feel uncomfortable?

Certainly! Wrap this soap in cling film immediately after preparation. Without access to air, nothing will happen to him.

When it is used, the top layer of glycerin will be washed off, and the soap will no longer sweat.

You can also reduce the amount of glycerin and use sodium laureth sulfate. Soap will sweat less and lather better.

But for me it's not an option :)

Be sure to make this wonderful natural soap base with your own hands!

You can make a lot of New Year's gifts out of it!

Upcoming holidays!

The article discusses the necessary ingredients, containers and options for the bases for making soap with your own hands. You will also find recipes for making liquid and lump detergent at home.

What you need for soap making at home

First of all, you need your desire and imagination. If you haven't decided yet whether you like making soap or not, get yourself an inexpensive soap making kit. There are very few components in it, approximately 100-500 g of detergent can be made from one set.

Ingredients for making soap at home

Consider what ingredients you will need for soap making at home:
  1. The foundation. It may be solid or liquid. Novice soap makers often resort to the use of baby soap without fragrances and dyes. But it will take a little time to prepare such a basis. To begin with, the soap is rubbed on a grater, and then melted. Professionals can purchase soap base. Choose the consistency depending on whether liquid or hard soap you want to cook. If you want to make soap from scratch, purchase lye and oils. The base is prepared for several hours. The difficulty lies in the correct calculation of the amount of alkali and oil to obtain a quality base.
  2. Butter. This is one of the basic components that nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis. Oils can be both mineral and vegetable. Please note that mineral fatty substances create a film on the surface of the skin, preventing it from drying out. But they do not nourish the epidermis and do not moisturize it. Therefore, give preference to natural substances.
  3. Pigment. It can be food coloring, a decoction of herbs, or a brightly colored oil. Usually soap makers use food pigments, as they are completely safe.
  4. flavoring. Usually these are essential oils from herbs and fruits. True, their price is rather big, but the bottle lasts for a long time. Some experienced soap makers buy cosmetic fragrances, their price is an order of magnitude lower.
  5. Additional Ingredients. These are skin exfoliating agents such as loofah, coffee beans, or regular oatmeal.

Utensils for making soap at home

To give the soap certain contours, you will need molds made of plastic or silicone. If you are going to make soap for the first time, use silicone molds, the finished product is easily separated from the soft surface and does not break. It is not advisable to use aluminum products, the soap components can react with the metal, causing it to corrode. It is problematic to remove finished bars from glass.

Prepare such utensils and containers: measuring cups, containers for melting the base and auxiliary ones. Please note that in the saucepan in which you will cook soap, nothing else can be cooked.

In addition, you will need auxiliary materials and chemical components. These are indicator paper, rubber gloves, stirring sticks, knives, plastic sleeves. But you can get by with the usual cheap rubber gloves.

How to choose a base for soap making at home

It can be liquid or solid. The liquid mass is used for the production of creamy soaps in vials. She doesn't harden. Solid can be transparent or white.

Soap base manufacturers:

  • England. This country produces Crystal bases. Soap bases of this brand can be transparent or cream colored. The company manufactures a base with glycerin and oils. Many soap makers consider it one of the best for professional use. It does not crumble during separation into pieces, mixes well with oil and dyes. Among the disadvantages are the high price and the formation of a large number of bubbles during melting in a water bath. When solidifying, the soap may not completely follow the contours of the mold and crumble. The finished product foams well and does not dry the skin. The creamy base of ORS is also produced in England; it is suitable for making scrub and cream soap. Outwardly, it differs from all other bases in its creamy texture and consistency.
  • China. The base from the Middle Kingdom was the first to hit the domestic shelves. Almost all craftswomen began their work with these funds. Now the quality of the base from China has deteriorated, but the price is the lowest on the market, so they still buy it. It contains a lot of sodium lauryl sulfate. It is this component that is responsible for the ability of the base to lather. But at the same time, it dries out the skin. Therefore, the less surfactant, the worse the soap foams and dries out the epidermis less. The Chinese base mixes well with dyes and oils, even when they are in large numbers. If you want to make an interesting shape of soap with a lot of small details, you should not buy this base. After being removed from the mold, the product may crumble, and the corners and small parts may break off. Not so long ago, premium-class bases appeared, they are not bad in quality, but inferior to bases from Germany and England.
  • Germany. The bases of the German production Zetesap are only transparent, and this property is preserved after the soap hardens. This allows you to create an "aquarium" by adding sprigs of herbs, coffee beans and flowers. The melting point of the base is lower than that of the Chinese and English, so carefully monitor the process of turning the bar into a liquid. The main advantage of this base is the absence of bubbles in the finished product. At the same time, the price of the product is lower than that of English. The finished soap foams well, but slightly dries the skin. Doesn't take large amounts of oils very well. Very liquid, so when solidified, it can flow out of the mold.
  • Russia. Basics Russian production appeared on the market recently. Two brands from Russia are presented - Brilliant and Prolab. Main advantage - low price. In addition, when pouring into the mold, bubbles are practically not formed. In the molten form, the bases are liquid, therefore they perfectly fill small depressions. This is an excellent basis for creating demonstrative figures and master classes. But the finished soap dries the skin, there may be a foreign smell that is difficult to kill with essential oils.

Home soap making kit for beginners

Now in many handmade stores you can find a separate base for soap, dyes and oils. But all this is sold in large bottles and is not cheap at all. Therefore, if you decide to try yourself as a soap maker, purchase a set. Its composition may vary depending on your requirements for the finished product.

Approximate composition of the soap making kit:

  1. Base or soap base. Instead, you can use baby soap. Choose a product without fragrances and fragrances. So you can give the finished product the desired color and smell. True, transparent soap from such an impromptu base will not work.
  2. base oil. It is necessary for softening and moisturizing. It is usually added in small amounts. Moreover, the amount of oil used directly depends on the desired properties of the soap and its purpose. Most often, almond oil or grape seed oil is used. They have proven themselves well, and the price for them is not very high.
  3. Dye. The kits come with food coloring.
  4. aromatic base. Is it perfume or essential oils.
  5. Silicone or plastic molds. Needed to make bars of soap.
The composition of the kit may vary depending on the recipe. Together with all the ingredients, it contains detailed instructions for the preparation of a particular type of soap. Manufacturers often include dry herbs in kits to decorate products.

Soap making recipes at home

There are many recipes for making soap. Of course, initially you should not engage in the creation of complex multi-layered bars. For the first few times, make a plain soap of one color. Experiment with the amount of base oil, as some soap bases do not mix well with the ingredients, and during the cooking process, the fatty part can peel off from the bulk. When making soap for the first time, take a small amount of products so that you don’t mind spoiling it.

Homemade soap making liquid soap from remnants

As a base, baby soap or a jelly-like base can be used. Keep in mind that the baby soap product will be opaque, and if you use a jelly-like base, then all the particles for scrubbing will not settle to the bottom. Consider an economical recipe that involves the use of remnants.

Instructions for making liquid soap:

  • Take 100 g of the base. It can be ordinary odorless baby soap or remnants, which experienced housewives often collect. Dry the base in a warm place and grate. You will get a glass of shavings from one bar. For 100 g of base you need 4 cups of water. Instead of water, you can use herbal decoction.
  • Fill the shavings with water and put the saucepan on the fire. Stir the composition all the time. The resulting foam must be removed. Boil the mixture until the chips are completely dissolved.
  • After that, turn off the heat and pour in 25 ml of glycerin or base oil. It could be grape seed oil. Drop 2-3 potassium lemon essential oil. Add yellow dye.
  • As a result, you will get lemon soap with your own hands. Pour it into a dispenser bottle and you can safely use it for your needs.

DIY coffee scrub soap

Great soap for exfoliating skin. Easily removes stubborn dirt.

Quick Scrub Soap Instructions:

  1. Take 100 g of the base and grind it on a grater. Pour the chips into a blender cup and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Blend in a blender until smooth. Pour in 30 ml of almond oil and 30 g of natural honey. Add a tablespoon of black ground coffee.
  3. Drip honey flavor and add yellow dye. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Add another glass of cold water. Turn on the blender and beat for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Pour the scrub soap into a bottle with a dispenser. You can wash your face with this. It is ideal for people who constantly work with fuel oil, coal or mud. Pieces of coffee beans gently exfoliate the remaining impurities, and honey moisturizes the skin.

Soap making for beginners: bar soap with lavender

This soap, thanks to the beautiful appearance, can be used as a gift. For the preparation of the product, the German base Zetesap is used. It is transparent, so we will make it white with milk.

Instructions for making soap with lavender at home:

  • Take 80 g of the finished base and divide it into two parts. From this amount, 100 g of the finished product will be obtained.
  • Cut the base into pieces and leave to melt in a water bath. Stir constantly. When the pieces turn into a liquid, divide the composition in half. Add dry milk to one, and do not add anything to the second.
  • Continue boiling soap in different pots. Add 15 ml of almond oil and 3 drops of lavender essential oil to each container, pour purple dye into the clear mixture. Do not add pigment to the milk mixture.
  • At the bottom of the mold, lay a sprig of lavender and fill with a small amount of a transparent base. When the soap dries, add a layer of white brew. Alternate layers.
  • Before pouring each new layer, the already frozen surface must be sprinkled with alcohol and scratched with a toothpick. This will improve adhesion and prevent bubbles from forming.
  • After all layers have hardened, separate the soap from the mold. You will receive a beautiful product that resembles an aquarium.

Gift detergent-soap with cinnamon

Great option for a gift. Finished detergent It smells nice of lavender and has a beautiful shade.

Instructions for making lavender soap:

  1. Melt 80 g of white base in a saucepan. Suitable English matte Crystal.
  2. Add 30 g of grape seed oil to the liquid.
  3. Pour in a few drops of cinnamon essential oil.
  4. Pour in 10 g of ground cinnamon powder. No dye needs to be added.
  5. Sprinkle the form with alcohol and pour the still liquid base into it.
  6. After 10 minutes, stir the base and sprinkle with alcohol again. This is necessary so that the particles of lavender do not settle to the bottom and are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the bar.

You can use glitter, dried marigold flowers, milk, honey, and even kelp to decorate homemade soap.

How to make soap with your own hands - look at the video:

There are a lot of recipes for making soap with your own hands, with a little practice, you can realize all your ideas and even organize a profitable business.

Until recently, making soap with your own hands at home was not possible. It's not even about the ingredients, but about the lack of basic skills and information on how to do it right. Today, soap making has become a pleasant hobby. It allows you to create unique natural cosmetics based on natural ingredients and aromatic oils.

For some people, making natural soaps with healing additives has become a source of additional income. Such a product is in great demand both for their own needs and as a gift. Below, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the specifics of the process of making soap with your own hands, the main nuances and the necessary components.

Do-it-yourself soap at home can be made from the following materials:

  • bars of baby soap;
  • purchased soap base;
  • make it from scratch.

This product is also available in various shapes and thicknesses:

  • hard. With this form, the hot liquid base is poured into prepared containers and hardens there;
  • liquid form - creamy, transparent, with or without solid particles, etc.

Soap handmade it is also convenient because you can add any components that you like to it: herbs, flowers, honey, crushed seeds, perfumes, dyes, abrasive particles, etc. It all depends on the flight of your own imagination and taste preferences. So, let's look at a few homemade soap making techniques in more detail.

Handmade soap at home based on baby soap

For this recipe, you will need baby soap, which you can get at any hardware store. We use honey, milk and cosmetic oils as additives. However, you can diversify it with those ingredients that you and your skin like: perfume compositions, decoctions of medicinal herbs, abrasive particles, etc.

Materials and equipment:

  • 100 gr. milk;
  • 100 gr. baby soap;
  • 1 tbsp honey or brown sugar;
  • 1 st. l. cosmetic oil of your choice (olive, apricot, grape seed, rose, etc.);
  • aroma oil (enough 2-3 drops);
  • a bowl for melting;
  • steam bath or microwave;
  • grater;
  • spoon or stick for stirring;
  • molds. These can be various silicone cake containers, plastic boxes, small glass containers, etc. The more beautiful you choose the shapes, the prettier the finished bar of soap will look.

Prepare the Ingredients

Grate baby soap and pour hot milk over it. Put in a cool place for 4-5 hours or overnight.

Bring to a homogeneous state

Heat the water bath to 50-60°C. Place a container with mass on it. Whisking gently, add brown sugar or honey. When the substance becomes homogeneous, remove it from the stove.

Make additives

Pour in essential and cosmetic oils.

At this stage, you can also add other ingredients as desired: lemon zest, dyes, hard particles (to create a scrub), etc.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Pour into molds

Pour hot liquid into prepared containers. Leave to harden for several hours.

Remove hard bars from containers. A completely cured product should slide out easily. If it doesn't, place the container in the freezer for a few minutes.

Wrap storage sticks in parchment paper. You did it!

Photo: Handmade soap at home

Soap base soap

Fragrant and juicy handmade soap at home in the form of watermelon slices is a great option for decorating a bathroom! Plus, they are so fun to wash!

This product is created from a combination of white and transparent soap base. Due to the use of silicone triangular containers, it is very easy to prepare. This is a great soap for yourself, and as a gift to family and friends!

Photo: Handmade soap at home

Consumables and necessary equipment:

  • microwave oven and safe glass containers;
  • sharp knife for cutting;
  • spray bottle with alcohol;
  • rubber gloves;
  • silicone triangular shape in the form of watermelon slices;
  • disposable pipettes;
  • thermometer;
  • transparent soap base - 500 grams;
  • emerald green and bright red dyes;
  • black mica;
  • aroma oil to your taste. Fresh summer scents are best;
  • disposable plastic spoons - 15 pieces.

Photo: Materials for making handmade soap

Make black soap

If you don't have this soap, make your own. It is made using black mica. There is no need to add aroma oil to it, since very little is required.

Mixing mica with the base can be difficult - it does not dissolve well in the soap base and can stick together in lumps. To prevent this from happening, initially dilute it in glycerin or alcohol.

Note: One tablespoon of black mica requires 100 ml of base. If you need black soap more, increase the aspect ratio accordingly.

With glycerin

  • Place 1 tablespoon of mica in a glass dish. Add a few milliliters of glycerin here and mix well.
  • Pour 100 g of melted transparent base and stir.
  • Microwave the mixture for 20 seconds. Repeat if necessary.
  • Stir slowly and thoroughly until the mass acquires a dark homogeneous structure. After that, it will be ready to pour it into molds.

With alcohol

The technique is the same, but instead of glycerin, you will use alcohol.

  • Mix 5-6 drops of alcohol with one tablespoon of mica. Please note: with alcohol, the resulting substance will be thinner than the version with glycerin.
  • Add 100 ml of melted base, stir and microwave for 20 seconds. Repeat if necessary.

Black soap without additives

If you don't have alcohol or glycerin on hand, follow these steps:

  • Melt 100 ml of clear base.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of black mica to it: it will float on top. This method is more time consuming - you will have to stir and shake the container many times to completely remove lumps.

Pour the prepared black mass into any molds and wait for about one hour. When the mass is completely hardened, pull it out and cut into small pieces in the form of watermelon pits. Set the bones aside for now.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Melt the base

This soap recipe uses the ingredients for 3 bars. If you plan to make more, adjust the number of components. Each piece weighs about 150-200 grams.

Cut 250 grams of transparent base into sticks and place them in a glass container. Place the container in the microwave for several time periods of 30 seconds. After every 30 seconds, take out the container and mix. Do not overdo it and do not allow it to boil, otherwise the substance will become rubbery. If there are undissolved lumps in the container, stir slowly. The heat of the molten mass will dissolve them.

Add color and flavor

Pour 5-6 drops of Watermelon Red Liquid Coloring into the melted base and stir slowly.

Using a pipette, add 5 drops of aroma oil to the substance.

Stir slowly until the liquid is homogeneous. Always mix the base slowly to avoid bubbles!

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Fill red layer

Place the silicone mold on a flat surface.

Photo: Handmade soap mold

Pour a small amount of red liquid into each cavity and leave for a while.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Remember - the bottom of the mold will be the top of the finished product.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

After 5 minutes, spray this layer and the previously cut black "bones" with alcohol.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Place 2-3 pieces randomly in each cavity.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

When the bones are laid, add more red base to the mold. She must cover them completely.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Repeat Step 4 with more seeds until you've used up all of the red base. Place about 5-7 bones in each block. After that, leave the containers to stand for about 15 minutes.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Add white color

While the first layer hardens, prepare the second. This will require approximately 100 grams of white base. Pour 1-2 drops of aroma oil into the melted mass. You don't need to paint this layer!

Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the white mass - it should be around 130-140°.

Make sure that the red watermelon layer has already hardened enough. Spray it liberally with alcohol, don't forget about the edges. This will help the layers stick to each other better. After all, there is nothing worse than exfoliating soap that makes all your work in vain!

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

When the temperature of the white mass reaches the desired mark, pour it approximately 30-40 grams into each cavity. Spray again with alcohol to remove bubbles.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Leave the containers for 10 - 15 minutes.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Fill with green

While the white layer hardens, prepare the green one. To do this, add 5-6 drops of emerald green dye and 2-3 ml of aroma oil to the melted base (150-200g).

Spray the hardened white layer liberally with alcohol.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Control the temperature of the mass and, when it reaches 140 degrees, pour the green liquid in equal portions into the molds.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Spray again with alcohol to remove any bubbles.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

Let the mass harden completely, leaving it for about 2-3 hours or overnight if possible.

Photo: Handmade soap recipe at home

A chic summer soap made with your own hands in the form of watermelon slices is ready!

Photo: Handmade soaps at home

Below are a few ways to make these products with your own hands.

For those who have decided to make soap in their kitchen, I would advise you to start learning the basics by creating soap from a ready-made soap base. This option soap making for beginners will not discourage your desire to engage in creativity, will give results immediately. The fact is that novice soap makers often confuse making soap from the base and making soap from scratch. If you want to know how to make soap at home, then first “dissolve” these two concepts in your head.

“From scratch” means that you have to remember some basics of chemical processes. You will work with alkali and fatty oils, the soap making process in this case is long. And it’s better to switch to it after you get used to soap making from an industrial soap base.

That was the introduction, now my Photo master class. To watch the video of the master class, go to the very end of the article.

To make your own soap, you will need:

  • soap base transparent, about 100 g;
  • liquid dyes;
  • fragrances or fragrances;
  • cosmetic oil (apricot seed, grape seed, etc.);
  • a glass for melting the base;
  • a glass in which you will mix all the ingredients;
  • microwave or water bath;
  • spoons or sticks for stirring;
  • soap molds.

Step by step instructions with photos

Base melting

Cut the soap base into small cubes. This is easy to do with a regular knife.

Melt in a water bath, stirring constantly so that the base does not stick together. Even if this happened, do not be afraid - just here, in the container in which you melt the base, cut the sticky layer with a sharp knife and continue melting.

Many soap makers use the microwave, I also like to speed up the process. And cleaner in the kitchen. In the microwave, you can put a porcelain, glass cup with a base, even a simple plastic one will do if you already get used to it. temperature regime and you can adjust the power.

Set the "Defrost" mode, the weakest to begin with. Put the glass with the base in the microwave and turn it on for half a minute. Check how the base melts, if you didn’t see any changes, the cubes didn’t even melt, you can do it in two ways. Either increase the power by a little, or increase the time to 1-2 minutes.

Depending on the brand of your device, choose one or another option. It only seems incomprehensible and scary at first, then it will be easy - you already know your microwave inside and out!

So, the base melted and turned out in a glass of jelly. Be sure to stir well so that even a small piece of unmelted base does not remain.

Addition of oils, fragrances and dyes

Pour into a glass in which you will mix. It is convenient to use disposable plastic cups. I use them, of course, more than once, they are easy to wash after the process.

Put a few drops of base oil into the liquid base and stir.

Add the dye drop by drop, stirring constantly. Depending on the concentration of the dye, one to several drops will be required.

Sometimes I dilute a very “dense” dye with a little water.

And lastly, pour in the fragrance. I pour about half a teaspoon per 100 g so that the aroma is well felt.

Soap shaping

Pour over liquid soap into prepared form. Silicone does not need to be lubricated with oil or alcohol. If you work with plastic and are afraid that it will be difficult to remove from the mold later, then wipe the mold with oil.

Leave the poured soap to harden. As soon as it hardens, and this happens within half an hour or an hour, the soap can be used.

If you let it lie down for a few days, it will be much more pleasant, this has been noticed by many soap makers. Pre-wrap the soap in cling film.

  1. Read the article before going to the store
  2. Soap base goes on sale from different manufacturers and different quality. Some people like it more “fat”, someone likes it that quickly hardens. Only by trying, you can find your own basis that is convenient for you. To understand better, read the article about the soap base from Russian manufacturers.
  3. Do not pour more than one third of a teaspoon of oil per 100 g of soap base. Otherwise, your soap will not lather, there will be no foam, alas.
  4. Food colorings are usually sold very concentrated. Therefore, they sometimes need to be diluted with water. And do not make a very saturated color, the soap should remain transparent, like jelly. Yes, and colored foam is useless to you.
  5. Start working with silicone molds, there are no problems with them, they do not break, they do not melt at high base temperatures.
  6. Buy goods for soap making for beginners can in or search in nearby geographically.

Good luck with your soap making!
Your Helga.

You will find other soap making recipes at.

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How to make soap with a picture

Soap making: Beige to dark brown color and small details

Recently, soap making at home has overwhelmed lovers of doing something with their own hands. This fascinating process quickly becomes a hobby. Yes, and the benefits in natural soap are much greater than in the purchased, full of chemical components.

Therefore, we suggest learning how to make soap yourself. Step-by-step instructions and an accessible explanation, which you will find below, will certainly help in this exciting business.

Making soap at home: what do you need?

Soap making is one of the directions of modern hand made, which involves the manufacture of useful things by ourselves. What do you need to stock up before you start soap making?

1. Basic basis. There are three basic options.

  • baby soap, which is grated and is the base for all other ingredients. This option is perfect for those who are starting to try their hand at this business. Having stuffed your hand, you can move on to other materials.
  • Special soap base. It is commercially available in needlework stores and is a ready-made base for work.
  • Soap professionals use oil and lye while preparing soap. The consistency of the future soap will depend on the amount of alkali added.

2. Oil included in the base. You can take any mineral or vegetable. The main task of this component is to nourish and moisturize the epidermis. Alternatively, the following oils are suitable:

  • almond;
  • castor;
  • olive;
  • cocoa butter, etc.

3. Flavors. In their role are essential oils from fruits and herbs.

When choosing such a fragrance, you should pay attention to the needs of the skin, since, for example: orange oil helps to saturate with vitamins and get rid of cellulite, but tea tree does an excellent job with excessive oily skin.

4. Pigment (dye). There are two options for dyeing soap:

  • food coloring or special dye for dyeing soap, sold all in the same needlework store;
  • natural, here decoctions of herbs, juices of vegetables and fruits come to the rescue.

5. Auxiliary elements. These include:

  • liquids for diluting a soap base (milk, water, herbal decoctions);
  • decorative elements (poppy, flowers);
  • scrubbing particles (coffee particles, oatmeal);
  • vitamin supplements;
  • glycerol.

6. Inventory for work. These are dishes in which the soap mass will be boiled and molds where it will solidify.

Fragrances and color additives for homemade soaps

  • transparent soap base - 0.5 kg;
  • chamomile oil - 5 tsp, it is suitable for sensitive skin (you can take another, if desired);
  • food coloring, we have blue;
  • black or yellow French clay - 1-2 tsp;
  • fragrance: choose any essential oil that you like, but since the soap will be in a marine theme, it is better to give preference to fresh ocean scents;
  • alcohol, needed to get rid of bubbles;
  • pebbles, to create decor;
  • mold for soap, we have a square silicone.

Soap is made according to the instructions below:

  1. Cut the base. You should get small pieces.

  2. Put them in a 1 liter jar. Put in a saucepan with water and send to the stove. The base is heated for 25-30 minutes. It is impossible for it to boil, so the firebox process must be monitored.

  3. Add chamomile oil and 45-50 drops of the selected flavor to the melted base. Now cast the third part of the base for the lower part with clay, and drip 5 drops of dye into the rest. How much dye to add will depend on the saturation of the color.

  4. Treat the pebbles with alcohol and lower to the bottom of the silicone mold.

  5. Pour the colored liquid into the stone mold.

  6. When the base with stones hardens, remove it from the mold.

  7. Carefully remove the stones from the soap.

  8. In a previously cast transparent base add french clay.

  9. Return the blue piece without stones to the mold and pour the base with clay on top.

  10. As soon as a film appears on top, sprinkle clay on top of the soap.

  11. After 25 minutes, the base will set, and the soap can be removed. Cut it into pieces and you can wash with pleasure.

Clear soap recipe at home

To make transparent soap from scratch, we prepare:

  • Castor oil - 120 g;
  • Coconut oil - 150 g;
  • Pork fat - 30 g;
  • Glycerin - 210 g;
  • Alkali - 45.7 g;
  • Water - 90 g.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Introduce alkali into very cold water.
  2. Melt coconut oil and fat, add castor oil.
  3. When the oils have cooled well, introduce an alkaline solution into them through a sieve.
  4. Whisk all ingredients with a mixer until smooth.
  5. Send the mass to a water bath. Cover and, stirring occasionally, simmer for 2 hours.
  6. After this time, measure the pH with an indicator strip. It should turn light green.
  7. Now pour in the glycerin. Continue to simmer until the soap becomes homogeneous. This will happen in about 40 minutes.
  8. Pour the mass into the mold and leave to harden.

It is not recommended to send transparent soap to the refrigerator for hardening, as the base will become cloudy under the influence of cold temperature.

How to cook baby soap at home?