How to make solid soap from bath soap. How to make soap at home: a selection of master classes

When about 15% of a well-fed bar of soap remains, many people wonder: isn’t it time for him to “retire”? He continues to melt and gradually break in his hands - then he is sent without regrets to the trash can. And absolutely in vain! Thrifty owners are happy to collect multi-colored soap residues and put them in a jar specially set up for this business - after all, they are well aware that "size does not matter."

Firstly, this allows you to save on various detergents that you can make yourself from soap residues: shampoo, washing powder, dishwashing liquid, etc. Moreover, such a creative approach to solving everyday issues for many is valuable in itself. Secondly, remnants can find a lot of useful applications and not for their intended purpose - they will be useful to those who plan to sew, repair, glue something ...

Finally, the environmental point is also important. It is no secret that for the manufacture of a bar of soap, whether it be fragrant and glamorous or harshly economic, one way or another, factories, steamships, power plants are needed, oil wells. In addition, resources are needed to pack this very bar of soap - paper (trees), polyethylene, paint ... Not to mention the fact that tropical forests are actively cut down to obtain palm fat (the main component of soap), and palm plantations take their place ...

In other words, soap costs the planet much more than we pay for it in the store. In fact, we take it “on credit” from our own future (and, as you know, they don’t joke with loans). Therefore, soap is worth, if not saving, then at least treating it rationally - in other words, using it at 100%. Next, we will talk about the most popular options for the successful use of household remnants.

Two in one

So, the first and easiest thing to do with a remnant is to attach it to a new purchased bar of soap. It is easy to calculate that for several times you save a whole piece. And if you use high-quality and expensive soap (especially foreign brands that are imported into the country for growing dollars), the savings will be quite significant.

You can simply collect the remnants in a pile, and when a sufficient amount has accumulated, “wash away” into a separate piece. If at the same time you always give preference to the same type of soap, then the trick will be completely invisible, and therefore will not violate the aesthetics of the bathroom of even the most picky owner.

"Piggy bank" for remnants

To begin with, let's mention the already existing industrial version of this invention, for which users from all over the world willingly pay money. We are talking about a convenient and functional "string bag" for soap residues called "Soap Bank", developed by the designers of the company "DesignNoDoubt". This unusual soap dish consists of a remnant net and a rubber suction cup that allows you to easily mount the device to the tile on the wall. The owner can wash his hands right through the mesh without fear that the remnants will slip out of his hands and crumble under his feet.

The beauty of this idea is that it can be easily repeated at home, and from almost any materials at hand. Someone likes a thin plastic mesh - they usually pack kiwi and other "overseas" fruits in supermarkets. Someone adapts kapron or nylon from end-of-life women's tights for this. You will get a “portable” option, that is, just a bag with a string, which, if desired, can be hung on a suction cup.

Another way is to make a self-foaming washcloth. To do this, depending on the type of washcloth, wrap or shove a remnant into it, if necessary, wrapping the structure with a ribbon like a sachet. If you have a garden plot, then you can put a couple of remnants in an ordinary sock (say, unpaired - and therefore unnecessary) and hang it near the water tap. The soap will foam perfectly, will not slip out of your hands and will not become sour. By the way, a stocking with soap repels some pests well.

If there is time and desire, the remaining pieces of soap can be grated and melted down. The result is completely full-fledged "new" bars of soap. Depending on what kind of remnants you combine, you can get both decent toilet soap and soap exclusively for household needs with an incomprehensible color and aroma. You can learn in detail about the technology of work from the numerous master classes of amateur soap makers on the Internet. Let's just say that with the invention of the microwave, this process has become outrageously easy and fast.

However, in secret, it is not at all necessary to heat soap shavings in order to make a familiar bar of soap out of it. It is enough to soak it for a while until a more or less homogeneous viscous mass is obtained, and then pour it into silicone baking molds, plastic food containers or any other container that is at hand. The main thing is that it be flexible - it will be more convenient to take out the soap when it is completely dry.

Liquid soap

From remnants of toilet soap, you can make an excellent liquid soap for washing yourself. To do this, the remnants need to be crushed, put into a bottle with a dispenser almost to the neck and pour hot water. After 4-6 days, shake well and, if desired, make the fragrance more pronounced by adding 5-8 drops of your favorite essential oil, or a little glycerin to soften the skin. This soap is useful on the washbasin in the bathroom, and in the summer shower, and in the bath.

If you add baking soda (500 ml teaspoon) to this liquid soap, it will be an excellent tool for washing dishes, tables and all wooden utensils. If you add a tablespoon of dry mustard, any greasy frying pan will be easily washed off. And to make a mild shampoo that does not dry the scalp, use only the remnants of cream soap (however, the hair feels great even when washed in one piece, this is not important).

washing powder

To demonstrate that homemade washing powder is not at all the lot of some beggar hippies, we will give another example of the successful industrial implementation of such a product. Not so long ago, Lauren Singer, an eco-activist and blogger, founded The Simply Co, the first product of which was a completely safe laundry detergent for nature and humans. In its composition ... laugh, laugh - only soda and organic soap. And yet, the business lives, thrives and expands!

Nobody forbids us to do this detergent with your own hands (and how can you ban the technologies that mankind used for more than two thousand years until the industrial revolution?) We grind the remnants, add baking soda - that's the "recipe" for a big wash. If you have a washing machine, then you can do without soda: a tablespoon of soap grits gives exactly the same effect as a similar amount washing powder. The only difference is a more delicate, subtle aroma instead of a sharp "alpine freshness" and "sea breeze".

Miscellaneous utilities

Did you know that, thanks to their fat content, remnants can be used to make it easier to drive screws into wood? Remnants will also help solve the problem of a tight-fitting, always stuck zipper. If the table drawer does not slide out well, it is enough to rub soap on the bottom of the drawer from the outside and on the supports along which the drawer slides out (to reduce friction) - the drawer will move again easily.

You probably remembered as a child that soap can serve as a light glue when it comes to attaching New Year's paper snowflakes to the window glass. In the same way, with the help of remnants, you can glue wooden window frames to prepare your home for the winter cold. It is enough to lubricate paper or fabric tapes with soapy water, and traces of it can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

Those who are engaged in sewing use remnants instead of tailor's chalk. The lines left by the soap are clearly visible, and after washing there is no trace of them. Also, the remnants of toilet soap (as well as packaging from it) can be used as a fragrance, laying them out between linen in wardrobes and suitcases. You can be sure that the musty smell and moths are no longer terrible for you!

Daily use of toilet soap implies the presence of residues. Thrifty housewives carefully put them in a jar and store them until the event occurs.

So that the remnants do not disappear, you can cook the original liquid soap from them. The result is excellent: you can independently adjust the aromas of the product, as well as its color. A simple way of cooking will help to make soap for a gift.

A self-made product will have a number of advantages, including the absolute absence of chemical additives.

In addition, during the manufacture it is allowed to supplement the composition with natural ingredients: cocoa, milk, cream, essential oils. The finished liquid substance is not only beautiful, fragrant, but also beneficial for the skin.

Consider a recipe for how to simply turn remnants into an original liquid remedy:

This method is considered the simplest of all existing methods make soap from remnants, even a child can handle it.

Other ways to make soap from remnants

There are other ways to make soap at home. They are not as easy as the previously discussed method, but they give excellent results.

Manufacturing involves the use of a stove or microwave. The components will be the same: remnants, warm water, glycerin, as well as useful additives.

Among the additional ingredients, soap makers advise using calendula tincture - it has a healing effect, vegetable oils.

Flavorings or dyes can be added to the composition, which are not harmful to the skin.

Note! If the liquid soap will be used by a child, it is important not to add any preservatives to the product and chemical substances. This can cause allergies on the delicate skin of the hands.

The proposed recipe will help not only replace liquid soap, but will be an excellent tool for dishes. The composition prepared at home will delight both family members and guests with its quality and softness.

How to properly use remnants when cooking on the stove or in the microwave is described in the table:

Preparing the Components For liquid soap you will need 500 ml of water, 25 grams of remnants, 4 tbsp. glycerin, optional ingredients
Water treatment Pour water into a large saucepan and put on fire until it boils. As soon as bubbles appear, you need to set the second pan to the water bath.

It will contain grated remnants with boiled water in an amount of 0.25 ml

When making in the microwave, pour water into a suitable dish, add grated soap and set the medium power mode for 2 minutes.

After the signal, check the composition and, if necessary, repeat the process until the flakes are completely dissolved.

Cooking process In a saucepan with grated residues, foam will appear over time - it must be completely removed with a strainer.

Constantly stirring the composition, you need to achieve a state of complete dissolution of the soap. As soon as melting occurs, it is worth adding the remaining water

Adding Components On the this stage it is necessary to put glycerin in the pan, as well as those additives that have been prepared. If you wish, tint the soap with food coloring, so it will acquire a spectacular shade.
Final stage The thoroughly mixed composition must be poured into a container and wait for thickening. As soon as liquid soap has acquired a suitable density, it is poured into a bottle and used

To be melted down a large number of remnants, the proportions must be increased. This recipe makes one full bottle of liquid soap.

The mass comes out viscous and elastic, and the added dye will give it a pearlescent sheen. It is recommended to use this soap for washing hands or body.

To kill the smell of laundry or baby soap prepared for the base, it is recommended to add flavor during the cooking process. It can be a perfume or natural oils that have pleasant smells.

So that liquid soap does not thicken too much, it is recommended to use alcohol tinctures, such as calendula. They prevent clumping, so that the soap comes out of the dispenser neat and soft.

This method of cooking will significantly save the family budget, because 8 half-liter bottles of liquid soap come out of one piece of laundry soap.

Therefore, having collected remnants in such quantities, you can stock up on pleasant and useful liquid soap for a long time.

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If you have leftover baby soap, try making your own new soap out of it. You just need to melt it and add the necessary ingredients. But how to melt soap at home so as not to spoil it? Consider the basic methods, as well as the process of making the simplest homemade soap from leftovers.

Knowing how to melt soap, you can make it new, more useful and fragrant.

How to prepare soap for melting

You can melt soap residue using any heating method: stove, microwave or even oven. First you need to prepare the soap:

  • On a grater with large holes, grate the remaining soap. You can grind it with the knife attachment in a food processor.
  • If the soap is old and brittle, add olive oil to it at the rate of 30 ml per pound of soap.
  • To soften the soap, a liquid is added to it - an infusion of herbs or milk, 1 tablespoon per 0.5 kg of soap. The liquid should be completely absorbed into the soap shavings, so it should be left alone for several hours.

After that, you can proceed directly to the melting.

How to melt soap in a water bath

Fill the pot about a third full with water. In this pan, place a metal bowl with soap shavings. There should be enough water in a larger pot so that it does not get into the soap, even if it starts to boil. Place the whole structure on the stove and heat over low heat. You can do this in the oven, but it is more difficult to control the heating process there.

Soap shavings should be stirred periodically. When the chips turn into a translucent jelly-like mass, you can add ingredients as you wish:

  • Essential oils.
  • Dyes.
  • Cream.

Stir the soap thoroughly so that the fragrances and other components are evenly distributed. Melted soap of a viscous, but not too liquid, consistency is poured into molds, carefully rammed, removing air bubbles. After that, the soap is left to harden.

What for?

You may ask me: “Why cook something that can be replaced or just bought?” The answer is right on the surface!

1. A lot of preservatives are added to a regular liquid product. Hence the frequent cases of allergies. Gels are completely contraindicated for people with sensitive skin. Experts warn that it is impossible to use such products regularly. What's the point then?

2. Bars are generally cheaper, but they are not spent very economically. From one drop of gel you will get even more foam than required. The dispenser eliminates any unnecessary losses. Up to 4 liters of liquid can be made from 150 g of remnants!

3. Soap making - a new scope for imagination. Prefer simple recipes? I will offer you some "lazy" cooking methods. Are you taking care of your skin? Let me help you find the right formula!

4. In the process, you can give the product any properties. If you take baby soap, you will end up with an excellent dishwashing detergent. It won't dry out your hands. Scrub soap is used to prepare shower gels with a peeling effect. By the way, you can also make body scrubs from coffee and sea salt. I have talked about them in detail in other posts.

I hope now the benefits of homemade gels have become obvious. They have all the advantages of the store and are devoid of their shortcomings.

What are we preparing?

Instead of remnants, you can, of course, use whole bars. It's not essential. I will give you several options.

1. Basic

The easiest and most common way.

Take a lemon and glycerin. Grate approximately 200 g pieces on a fine grater. Put the shavings on the bottom of the container and pour 150 ml of boiling water. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice and 3 tbsp. l. glycerin. If you prefer a thicker consistency, reduce the amount of water.

Now let the workpiece brew. The process will take 3 days. Shake the container at least twice a day to make the mass homogeneous. At the end, pour the liquid into containers. You can cook directly in dispenser bottles, but often the plastic will melt.

2. Quick recipe

“Lazy” soap making is good, but not everyone wants to wait. If you are limited in time, you will have to participate in the process more actively.

Grind 100 g of raw materials to chips. In this case, it is permissible to grate on a coarse grater, you will still warm up the mass. Bring 250 ml of water to a boil. Transfer the shavings to the blender bowl, add quite a bit of liquid and start beating. Enter boiling water slowly, otherwise most of it will be outside. If you don't have a blender, simply combine the water with the shavings and cook until the shavings dissolve.

You have received the preparation. You can stop there, but it is desirable to bring everything to the end. Glycerin perfectly moisturizes the skin, add 2-3 tbsp. l. into a liquid mass. If it is not at hand, but you do not want to go to the pharmacy, use olive oil. It has similar properties. Do you want to give the product a pleasant smell? Enter 7-10 drops of any etherol. I prefer lavender, jasmine and ylang ylang.

3. Economy option

How to get 4 liters of funds from 150 g? No magic, just golden hands and some time!

As a basis, you need to take a coconut bar or remnants. Grind very carefully so that the pieces almost turn into dust. Put about 2 liters of water on the fire. When it heats up, but does not boil yet, pour in the chips and remove from the stove. Mix well. It is advisable to use a blender. When finished, add another 1.5 liters of water and turn the device back on. If there is glycerin, enrich the mixture with 1 tbsp. l.

I give approximate proportions. For some, the mass turns out to be too thick, for others - on the contrary. What to do if the result is far from ideal? Either dilute with water or increase the amount of solid ingredients. You can also stir longer, then the mass will become denser.

4. Herbal

By default, I will offer chamomile decoction. It softens and soothes the skin well. If you prefer other medicinal herbs, then take them.

Prepare the decoction according to the standard recipe. Take as much raw material as the manufacturer offers. If you picked the flowers yourself, then take 2-3 tbsp for a glass of boiling water. l. Strain the liquid and combine with 100 g of chips. Return the saucepan to the heat and heat until the mixture is smooth. Remove foam. At the end, slowly enter 2 tbsp. l. glycerin and 4 drops of any ether. If you want to give a beautiful color, it's time to get food coloring.

5. Dishwashing

The number of components is calculated for 1 liter of the finished product.

It will take 300 g of the base. It is advisable to take a gentle Castile or Marseille soap, but any will do. Also prepare 1 liter of water and 4 tbsp. l. soda.

Put the liquid on fire. When hot, divide into 2 parts. Mix one with soda, and leave the other on the stove. Pour the grated base into boiling water. Stir vigorously. After 3-5 minutes, combine with the second part and boil a little more. Ready!

Two types of soap can be prepared from remnants: and solid.

FROM liquid everything is very simple: we push remnants into a bottle of old liquid soap (preferably with a dispenser, for solidity), about half a bottle, pour hot water and ... wait.

Periodically shake the bottle and mix its contents.

After a few days (it all depends on your remnants: some soap dissolves faster) you will have a bottle of liquid viscous soap. If the soap mixture seems too thick, dilute it with water.

Solid soap from remnants

To prepare it, we need a plastic container suitable for heating in the microwave, in fact, the microwave itself and molds where we will pour the finished soap.

Step 1. Three remnants on a coarse grater or chop with a knife into small pieces.

Step 2. Put them in the prepared plastic container and add some hot water. If you want to get multi-colored soap - lay out the remnants in different containers, without mixing one color with another.

Step 3. Close the container with remnants of the lid and put in the microwave for 15 seconds. Then take it out and mix. We put again. And so we do until the soap melts. Try not to bring the soap to a boil.

Step 4. Before the final “heating”, you can add various oils, oatmeal, ground coffee, flower petals to the soap ... So you will not just have a recycled soap, but a new useful and beautiful product.

Step 5. Lubricate the soap molds with oil and pour the melted mixture into them. You can make soap with several layers. To do this, first pour melted remnants of the same color, let the soap dry a little, and fill in the second batch of a different color.

For molds, tin cans are suitable (when the soap dries, we just cut off the bottom of the can and push the soap out), sand molds for children, pastry molds for cupcakes ...

The soap should dry out for a few days. Well, then you will have your own soap made from remnants.

In addition, you can do it, however, it will take a little more components and time.