Friend-to-friend ads. The newspaper “Drug dlya drupa” is the most widely read newspaper in the Kursk region

each other

each other

regional public information newspaper


LLC "Friend for a friend - Media"

Chief Editor

Novikov Evgeny Alexandrovich

staff correspondents

1 time per week

Main office

About the newspaper

Orientation - news of Kursk and the region, helpful information, incl. advertising. Motto: "Always an interesting family newspaper" Today, "Friend for a friend" is published weekly (on Tuesdays) in A3 format on 32 pages, 16 of them (the first, last and 14 internal pages) are full-color.

Circulation as of June 1, 2012 - 40,000 copies. Circulation is officially certified weekly by the National Circulation Service (since 1999) and confirmed by the independent audit firm Unicom/MS Consulting Group.

The newspaper “Drug dlya drupa” contains informational and analytical articles, Interesting Facts about the life of the city, private announcements, a TV program of local channels, posters of cinemas in the city of Kursk, scanwords, weather forecasts, etc. The publication participates in the public life of the Kursk region, covering on its pages the activities of regional and municipal authorities: administrations of the region, cities and districts, Regional Dumas. Newspaper raises actual problems: talks about national projects, reforms in social sphere and housing and communal services, education and health care, pays attention to the topic of combating corruption among officials. But the main characters of the publications "For each other" are ordinary residents of the Kursk region, their unusual destinies and hobbies.

A great help in popularizing the publication was the DDD website, created in March 2003. On the site, in addition to the latest issue of the newspaper, there are interactive sections (news of the Kursk region on-line - Yandex affiliate program, Editor's Column, Question DDD, Tell the News, Welcome Complain, etc.). d.) Every day the site "Friend for a friend" is visited by 9-12 thousand Internet users.

On April 12, 2012, the National Circulation Service summed up the results of the Circulation Record of the Year 2011 contest. The newspaper "Drug dlya druga" was recognized as the winner of the 11th annual award in the field of publishing business in the nomination "Regional weekly newspaper general interest".



  • Weekly "Friend for a friend" (Russian). LLC "Friend for friend - Media". archived
  • Website of the National Circulation Service (Russian). National Circulation Service. Archived from the original on September 23, 2012. Retrieved July 19, 2012.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "For each other" is in other dictionaries:

    There is no circle for a friend. For a friend, seven miles is not a suburb. See FRIEND FROM ...

    - (not hard and not scarcely). See FRIEND FROM ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    For a friend and fasting is allowed. See FRIEND FROM ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Not in service, but in friendship. For a friend to unharness from the plow. See FRIEND FROM ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    And another, ·in·value. the same, equal, different me, different you; neighbor, every man to another. Do not wish for a friend what you do not wish for yourself. Love each other, condescend to each other or to each other, one to the other or to the other. Each other, and God… Dictionary Dalia

    - [comrade] n., m., use. max. often Morphology: (no) whom? friend, to whom? friend, (see) whom? friend who? other, about whom? about a friend; pl. who? friends, (no) whom? friends, to whom? friends, (see) whom? friends who? friends, about whom? about friends 1. Another ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    The account of friendship does not spoil. The account of friendship is not a hindrance. More often the account, longer (stronger) friendship. I would feed the wolf if I ate grass. The enemy wants to take off his head, but God does not give even a hair. Each other puts the tower, and the enemy's foe's coffin gets along. Loved him like... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Economics is a science that studies the use of various kinds of limited resources in order to meet the needs of people and the relationship between various parties that arise in the process of managing; the economy itself, that is, the totality of all means ... Wikipedia

    Mystery of feelings * Remembrance * Desire * Dream * Pleasure * Loneliness * Expectation * Fall * Memory * Victory * Defeat * Glory * Conscience * Passion * Superstition * Respect * … Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    This term has other meanings, see Friend (meanings). Friend ... Wikipedia

"For each other"

regional public information newspaper


LLC "Friend for a friend - Media"

Chief Editor

Novikov Evgeny Alexandrovich

staff correspondents

1 time per week

Main office

About the newspaper

Orientation - news of Kursk and the region, useful information, including advertising. Motto: "Always an interesting family newspaper" Today, "Friend for a friend" is published weekly (on Tuesdays) in A3 format on 32 pages, 16 of them (the first, last and 14 internal pages) are full-color.

Circulation as of June 1, 2012 - 40,000 copies. Circulation is officially certified weekly by the National Circulation Service (since 1999) and confirmed by the independent audit firm Unicom/MS Consulting Group.

The newspaper "Drug dlya druga" contains informational and analytical articles, interesting facts about the life of the city, private ads, a TV program of local channels, posters of cinemas in the city of Kursk, scanwords, weather forecasts, etc. The publication participates in the public life of the Kursk region, covering on its pages the activities of authorities regional and municipal authorities: administrations of the region, cities and districts, Regional Dumas. The newspaper raises topical issues: talks about national projects, reforms in the social sector and housing and communal services, education and healthcare, pays attention to the topic of combating corruption among officials. But the main characters of the publications "For each other" are ordinary residents of the Kursk region, their unusual destinies and hobbies.

A great help in popularizing the publication was the DDD website, created in March 2003. On the site, in addition to the latest issue of the newspaper, there are interactive headings (online news of the Kursk region - Yandex affiliate program, Editor's Column, Question DDD, Report the News, Welcome Complain, etc. ) Daily site "Friend for a friend" is visited by 9-12 thousand Internet users.

On April 12, 2012, the National Circulation Service summed up the results of the Circulation Record of the Year 2011 contest. The newspaper "Drug dlya druga" was recognized as the winner of the 11th annual award in the field of publishing business in the nomination "Regional weekly newspaper of general interest".

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  • (Russian). LLC "Friend for friend - Media". Retrieved July 19, 2012. .
  • (Russian). National Circulation Service. Retrieved July 19, 2012. .

An excerpt characterizing each other

The old man at first looked at his son with fixed eyes and unnaturally opened it with a smile. new flaw a tooth that Prince Andrei could not get used to.
- What kind of friend, my dear? BUT? Already talked! BUT?
“Father, I didn’t want to be a judge,” said Prince Andrei in a bilious and harsh tone, “but you called me, and I said and I will always say that Princess Mary is not to blame, but to blame ... this Frenchwoman is to blame ...
- And he awarded! So that your spirit is not here! ..

Prince Andrei wanted to leave immediately, but Princess Mary begged to stay another day. On this day, Prince Andrei did not see his father, who did not go out and did not let anyone in, except m lle Bourienne and Tikhon, and asked several times if his son had left. The next day, before leaving, Prince Andrei went to take his son's half. A healthy, curly-haired boy sat on his lap. Prince Andrei began to tell him the tale of Bluebeard, but, without finishing it, he thought. He was not thinking about this pretty boy son while he was holding him on his lap, but was thinking about himself. He searched with horror and did not find in himself either repentance that he had irritated his father, or regret that he (in a quarrel for the first time in his life) was leaving him. The main thing for him was that he was looking for and did not find that former tenderness for his son, which he hoped to arouse in himself by caressing the boy and placing him on his knees.
“Well, tell me,” said the son. Prince Andrei, without answering him, removed him from the columns and left the room.
As soon as Prince Andrei left his daily activities, especially as soon as he entered the former conditions of life, in which he was even when he was happy, the melancholy of life seized him with the same force, and he hurried to get away from these memories as soon as possible and find some business soon.
– Are you determined to go, Andre? his sister told him.
“Thank God that I can go,” said Prince Andrei, “I am very sorry that you cannot.
- Why are you saying this! - said Princess Mary. “Why are you saying this now, when you are going to this terrible war and he is so old!” M lle Bourienne said that he asked about you ... - As soon as she began to talk about it, her lips trembled and tears dripped. Prince Andrei turned away from her and began to pace the room.
- Oh my god! My God! - he said. - And how do you think, what and who - what a nonentity can be the cause of people's misfortune! he said with an anger that frightened Princess Mary.
She realized that, speaking of people whom he called insignificance, he meant not only m lle Bourienne, who made his misfortune, but also the person who ruined his happiness.
“Andre, I ask one thing, I beg you,” she said, touching his elbow and looking at him with eyes shining through tears. - I understand you (Princess Mary lowered her eyes). Do not think that people have made grief. People are his tools. - She looked a little higher than the head of Prince Andrei with that confident, familiar look with which they look at a familiar place in the portrait. - Woe is sent to them, not people. People are his tools, they are not to blame. If it seems to you that someone is guilty before you, forget it and forgive. We have no right to punish. And you will understand the happiness of forgiving.
- If I were a woman, I would do it, Marie. This is the virtue of a woman. But a man should not and cannot forget and forgive,” he said, and although he had not thought about Kuragin until that moment, all the unexpressed malice suddenly rose in his heart. “If Princess Mary is already persuading me to forgive, then it means that I should have been punished for a long time,” he thought. And, no longer answering Princess Marya, he now began to think about that joyful, angry moment when he would meet Kuragin, who (he knew) was in the army.
Princess Mary begged her brother to wait another day, saying that she knew how unhappy her father would be if Andrei left without reconciling with him; but Prince Andrei answered that he would probably soon come again from the army, that he would certainly write to his father, and that now the longer he stayed, the more this dissension would be aggravated.
— Adieu, Andre! Rappelez vous que les malheurs viennent de Dieu, et que les hommes ne sont jamais coupables, [Farewell, Andrei! Remember that misfortunes come from God and that people are never to blame.] were the last words he heard from his sister when he said goodbye to her.
“So it should be! - thought Prince Andrei, leaving the alley of the Lysogorsky house. - She, a miserable innocent creature, remains to be eaten by an old man who has gone out of his mind. The old man feels that he is guilty, but he cannot change himself. My boy is growing and enjoying a life in which he will be the same as everyone else, deceived or deceiving. I'm going to the army, why? - I don’t know myself, and I want to meet the person whom I despise in order to give him the opportunity to kill me and laugh at me! And before there were all the same conditions of life, but before they all knitted together, and now everything crumbled. Some meaningless phenomena, without any connection, one after another presented themselves to Prince Andrei.

Prince Andrei arrived at the main army quarters at the end of June. The troops of the first army, the one with which the sovereign was located, were located in a fortified camp near Drissa; the troops of the second army retreated, trying to join the first army, from which - as they said - they were cut off big forces French. Everyone was dissatisfied with the general course of military affairs in the Russian army; but no one thought about the danger of an invasion of the Russian provinces, no one even imagined that the war could be transferred further than the western Polish provinces.
Prince Andrei found Barclay de Tolly, to whom he was assigned, on the banks of the Drissa. Since there was not a single large village or town in the vicinity of the camp, the whole huge number of generals and courtiers who were with the army was located in a circle of ten miles along the best houses villages on this side and on the other side of the river. Barclay de Tolly stood four versts from the sovereign. He received Bolkonsky dryly and coldly and said in his German reprimand that he would report on him to the sovereign to determine his appointment, and for the time being asked him to be at his headquarters. Anatole Kuragin, whom Prince Andrei hoped to find in the army, was not here: he was in St. Petersburg, and Bolkonsky was pleased with this news. The interest of the center of the huge war that was being carried out occupied Prince Andrei, and he was glad for a while to be freed from the irritation that the thought of Kuragin produced in him. During the first four days, during which he did not demand anywhere, Prince Andrei traveled around the entire fortified camp and, with the help of his knowledge and conversations with knowledgeable people, tried to form a definite idea about him. But the question of whether this camp is profitable or disadvantageous remained unresolved for Prince Andrei. He had already managed to deduce from his military experience the conviction that in military affairs the most thoughtfully considered plans mean nothing (as he saw it in the Austerlitz campaign), that everything depends on how one responds to unexpected and unforeseen actions of the enemy, that everything depends on how and by whom the whole thing is conducted. In order to clarify this last question for himself, Prince Andrei, using his position and acquaintances, tried to understand the nature of the management of the army, the persons and parties participating in it, and deduced for himself the following concept of the state of affairs.

About the newspaper

The newspaper “Drug dlya drupa” is the most widely read newspaper in the Kursk region

Since its founding - August 26, 1994 - the weekly "Drug druma" has turned from a free classifieds newspaper into the most popular printed edition areas.

The fact that our publication is in great demand is evidenced by the highest circulation: "Friend for a friend" is read and subscribed by more than forty thousand Kursk families. So Many People Can't Be Wrong: Readers Love the Newspaper different ages and social position.

It all started in 1994, when three entrepreneurs decided to create the first free newspaper in Kursk. The name "A friend for a friend" was invented by the first editor Sergey Fadeev. It turned out to be very successful! At that time only advertisements, private announcements and a TV program were printed on four pages of the weekly. In 1995, a subscription to "A friend for a friend" was opened for the first time, the publication expanded to eight pages.

Since the newspaper was originally conceived as an independent newspaper, the editorial staff never defended the side of any of the local politicians, trying to maintain the correct style of publications. The people of Kursk, tired of political squabbles and streams of dirt in other print media, quickly assessed the position of the growing publication. By the fall of 1996, the circulation of "Friend for a friend" had grown from five to 12 thousand copies.

In November 1996, she became the founder of the newspaper. The newspaper "Drug dlya drupa" changed its leadership. Alexander Martynkov became the editor-in-chief. The goal was set - to bring the weekly to a leading position in the region. The staff of the editorial staff increased, the design of the newspaper changed, the number of pages first reached 16, and then - 24. This made it possible to introduce new interesting headings, expand the amount of useful and reliable information offered to the people of Kursk.

In 1999, the circulation of "Friend for a friend" became the largest in the region, moreover, it was certified. And it remains so to this day. In addition, "Drug for a friend" is one of the few Kursk publications whose circulation is officially confirmed weekly by the independent audit firm "Unicom/MS Consulting Group" (Moscow).

In 2000, Dmitry Sklyar, one of the “veterans” of the publication, was appointed to the post of director of the newspaper; he has been with “Friend for a friend” since 1996. Almost from the very beginning, the layout designer Anna Mareicheva, the proofreader Veronika Nagibina, the compositor Tamara Fyodorovna Gvozdeva have been working with him almost from the very beginning. Their efforts in creating the newspaper may not be as noticeable to the readers of "Drug dlya druma" as the work of journalists, but they are no less important. Just like the daily work of the accounting department, which is headed by Tatyana Petrovna Pozdnyakova, and the advertising service, headed by Evgeny Poltoratsky.

In November 2001, there were once again changes in the team in the editorial office. The weekly was headed by Elena Kondratyeva, noted at the traditional summing up of the year on Russian Press Day as the youngest editor in Kursk. She was then only 21 years old. In January 2002, the newspaper was published on 32 pages. This made it possible to expand the headings that readers liked and introduce new ones.

After Elena Kondratieva moved to Moscow in September 2002, Yevgeny Novikov became the editor-in-chief of "Friend for a friend". Changes in the team were insignificant - everyone is appreciated in the editorial office. But new people gradually come to the newspaper with new ideas, with a desire not only to maintain, but also to raise the bar set by the newspaper even higher.

Since the autumn of 2002, the circulation of DDD has grown from 33,000 copies to 43,000-45,000 (depending on the season). The maximum circulation so far is 47,000 copies. Increased from 5 to 10 thousand subscription to "Friend for friend". Although the main emphasis is still placed on retail, every six months the newspaper holds contests for subscribers with valuable prizes. Our subscribers went to Paris and St. Petersburg, Turkey and Egypt, to Sochi on free vouchers.

The creation in March 2003 of the electronic version of the newspaper was a great help in popularizing the weekly "Drug Dlya Drupa" outside the region and among users of the worldwide Internet. On the site you can not only get acquainted with the latest Kursk news, but also find out the weather forecast, participate in surveys, chat in the chat and forum, and ask the editor a question. The number of visitors to the "Friend for a friend" site is constantly growing. In March-May 2006, it was 1800-2500 daily users. The total number of visits to the site is rapidly approaching a million.

In September 2005, the site "Friend for a friend" was included in affiliate program search engine. In May 2006, on-line news appeared on the site "Friend for a friend", and she electronic version moved to a new address (or). Frequent guests on the DDD website are residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Riga. In general, from all over Russia. We are visited by people from Kursk and Russians living in the USA and the Czech Republic, Germany and France, Israel and Australia. Thanks to the site, "DDD" can be read without borders.

At the end of 2004, the weekly “Drug dlya drupa” at the exhibition “All Press-2005” became a winner of the competition “ Best Ideas newspaper business. The publication itself and many of its employees each year receive a variety of awards from the regional Union of Journalists, government agencies and public organizations. Three employees were awarded Honorary diploma Kursk region.

At the end of 2005, the printed version of DDD underwent a new qualitative change. The appearance of the newspaper has changed - the publication has partially switched to full-color printing. And the founder was LLC "Drug for a friend - Media". The friendly team of "Drug for a friend" always tries to keep up with the times, introduce new ideas and improve its work in order to delight readers with fresh and reliable information.

In "For each other" different time worked journalists who now occupy serious positions in other Kursk and federal media, in various organizations or run their own business. Irina Mokhova, Konstantin Vashchenko, Dmitry Khakhalev, Alexander Shuravin, Anna Pigoreva, Oleg Baglikov, Alexander Matyushin, Marina Grebenkova, Elena Slota, Tamara Ustyuzhanina, Elena Shmygleva, Vlad Sedletsky, Elena Mayakova, Gennady Borzenkov, Alexander Vishnevsky, Olga Afanasyeva, Anna Narykova. You probably won’t list all of them (if you forgot someone, colleagues, let me know!).