Project on geography brochure about the Ural mountains. Presentation on geography "Ural mountains"

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The Ural Mountains are a mountain system between the East European and West Siberian plains. The length is more than 2000 (with Pai-Khoi and Mugodzhary - more than 2500]) km, the width is from 40 to 150 km. The Ural Mountains were formed in the late Paleozoic during the era of intensive mountain building (Hercynian folding). The formation of the Ural mountain system began in the late Devonian (about 350 million years ago) and ended in the Triassic (about 200 million years ago).

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The history of the discovery of the Ural Mountains begins in antiquity. It would be more accurate to say that this is a story of discovery specifically for our civilization, but in general people settled in the Urals in a much more early times. The first written mention of the Ural Mountains we meet among the Greeks. They talked about the mountains of Imaus, the Ripean (Riphean) mountains and the Hyperborean mountains. Now it is very difficult to establish what part of the Ural Mountains the pundits of ancient Greece and Rome were talking about, because. their narratives are very abundantly supplied with legends, fairy tales and outright fables. It is clear that they themselves have never been to the Urals and heard about the Ural Mountains from the third or even fourth and fifth mouths. Somewhat later, already from Arab sources, more detailed information about the Ural Mountains. The Arabs spoke about the country of Ugra, where the Yura people lived. In addition, descriptions of such countries as Visa, the country of Yajudzhey and Majudzhey, Bulgaria, etc., probably refer to the Urals. All Arab sources agree on one thing: the territory of the Ural Mountains was inhabited by a fierce people and therefore was closed to travelers. Also, they all speak with one voice about harsh climatic conditions, which actually allows us to assert that they mean the Urals. But, despite these facts, their attention was still riveted to the Ural Mountains, because. it was here that the source of the two most important currencies of the Middle Ages - furs and salt, which were quoted no less than gold and precious stones, was located.

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In ancient sources, the Ural Mountains are called the Riphean or Hyperborean mountains. Russian pioneers called it Stone, under the name Ural these mountains were first mentioned in Russian sources at the end of the 17th century. The Urals has long been considered the border between two parts of the world: Europe and Asia.

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Border between Europe and Asia

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    "Ural" in Bashkir - belt. There is a Bashkir tale about a giant who wore a belt with deep pockets. He hid all his wealth in them. The belt was huge. Once a giant stretched it, and the belt lay across the whole earth, from the cold Kara Sea in the north to the sandy shores of the southern Caspian Sea. This is how the Ural Range was formed.

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    In the Urals, according to differences in altitudes, climatic conditions, geological development, several parts are distinguished: Polar, Subpolar, Northern, Middle and Southern Urals. * Polar Urals - Mount Payer (1499 m above sea level) * Subpolar Urals - Mount Narodnaya (1895 m) * Northern Urals - Mount Telposiz (1617 m) * Middle Urals - Mount Oslyanka (1119 m) * Southern Urals - Mount Yaman- Tau (1640 m above sea level)

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    The climate of the Urals is typical mountainous; Precipitation is unevenly distributed not only over the regions, but also within each region. From the natural resources of the Urals essential have its mineral resources. The Urals has long been the largest mining and metallurgical base of the country. And in the extraction of some mineral ores, the Urals ranks first in the world.

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    There are many lakes, Lake Tavatui is known (about 50 km north of Yekaterinburg), as well as the so-called Chelyabinsk Lakes - several hundred large and small lakes located in the north of the Chelyabinsk region and partly in the southeast of the Sverdlovsk region. Some of them (Uvildy, Irtyash) are more than 10 km long. Lakes Turgoyak, Bolshie Kasli and others also belong to Chelyabinsk.

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    The nature of the vegetation of the Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals is not the same. In the taiga of the Cis-Urals there are more fir-spruce forests, fewer pine forests. In the Trans-Urals, pine forests are especially common. Broad-leaved forests are located in the Cis-Urals south of the taiga, but they are not in the Trans-Urals. At present, there are practically no undisturbed natural landscapes left in the Urals, with the exception of forests and mountain tundra in the very north.

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    A couple of centuries ago, the animal world was richer than it is now. Plowing, hunting, deforestation have displaced and destroyed the habitats of many animals. Wild horses, saigas, bustards, little bustards have disappeared. Herds of deer migrated deep into the tundra.


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    Ural mountains

    Ural! The supporting edge of the state, Its earner and blacksmith, The same age as our ancient glory And the creator of the present glory ... A. Tvardovsky

    Ural-border: Between Europe and Asia Between platforms. Between the Russian and West Siberian plains. Climate divide Watershed Boundary:

    The Ural Mountains stretch from the coast of the Arctic Kara Sea to the steppes of Kazakhstan. The length of the Ural Mountains from south to north is 2 thousand kilometers, and from west to east from 50 to 150 kilometers. In ancient times, the mountains of the Urals were called Riphean, and until the 18th century they were called “stone belt” (translated from Turkic, “Ural” means belt). The Urals has long been considered a natural border separating two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. The Ural Mountains are relatively low: only a few peaks reach a height of 1.5 thousand meters above sea level, and the highest of them (Mount Narodnaya) is 1895 meters. Geographical position.

    Parts of the Urals.

    The northernmost part of the Urals consists of stony placers (rocks and remnants). The flora and fauna are quite scarce. Even mosses and lichens do not create a continuous cover. The most significant peaks are the mountains: Payer (1472 meters) and Konstantinov Kamen (492 meters). Polar Ural

    This part of the Urals is characterized by the highest heights of the ridges. Here, traces of glaciation are visible quite clearly. Even the names of the mountains speak eloquently of their pointed peaks (Blade Peak, Saber Mountain). The highest point of the Ural Mountains (Mount Narodnaya) is also located here. stone peaks and mountain tundra in the lower part of the slope are replaced by taiga. The southern border of this part of the Urals is located at 64º north latitude. Subpolar Urals

    Mount Saber

    The mountains here take on the character of a real range, quite high, rocky and completely treeless. To the south, its slopes are covered with forest. The average height of the Northern Urals is about 900 meters. Numerous rivers originate on its slopes, forming tributaries of the Pechora and Kama in the west, and the Ob in the east. Northern Ural

    Middle Ural

    Southern Urals

    The origin of the Ural Mountains owe their appearance to the connection into an integral continent of Europe, Siberia and Kazakhstan, which previously existed in the form of isolated continents and even islands. The Ural grew up at the place of collision of these large pieces of land, marking the border between them.

    Russian Platform Ural Fold System West Siberian Plate

    The Urals are separated from the Russian platform by the Cis-Ural trough, which consists of sedimentary rocks (clay, sand, gypsum, limestone). The Ural Mountains were formed back in the Paleozoic, but in the Mesozoic they were almost completely destroyed. Separate parts of the Urals rose during the Neogene, experienced rejuvenation. But these folded-block Ural Mountains were destroyed as a result of external forces (weathering and erosion). Education - P Z MZ - rejuvenation KZ - weak uplifts

    Middle-altitude and low mountains Hercynian folding ore minerals sedimentary minerals uplands Cis-Urals region of the Russian Platform ore minerals Trans-Urals region of the West Siberian Plate, fault

    External relief-forming processes: Ancient glaciation (Polar and subpolar, northern Urals) Karst processes (Urals) Work of rivers Weathering Wind work

    Ural mountains. Climate and inland waters. They are located in the Arctic, Subarctic and Temperate zones. They are the boundary between temperate continental and continental climates. Isotherms deviate to the south Western (windward) slope is wetter Watershed of large rivers

    Fill in the table: Climate-forming factors Influence on climate

    Rivers of the Ural Rivers belong to the bass. Sev. the Arctic Ocean (Pechora with Usa; Tobol, Iset, Tura, and others belong to the Ob system) and the Caspian Sea (Kama with Chusovaya and Belaya, the Ural River).

    Forests of the Urals Most of the Urals are dominated by forest landscapes; to the south. Ural - forest-steppe and steppe (most of it is plowed); on the western slope mainly dark coniferous spruce-fir forests; on the eastern slope - light coniferous pine-larch.

    Homework: repeat § 32-34, Prepare presentations on the topic “Natural Uniques of the Urals”

    Mount Narodnaya MOUNTAIN NARODNAYA is the highest peak (1895 m) of the Urals. Located on the border of Komi and Khanty-Mansiysk Aut. district, Subpolar Urals. Discovered by geologist A. N. Aleshkov in 1927 during an expedition to the Northern Urals. The mountain range reaches its greatest width in this area. The alpine type of relief is characteristic with steep slopes and deep gorges. The abundance of glacial forms, the presence of cars and circuses, in the depths of which lakes lie. In the high-mountainous zone there are flat-topped massifs MOUNTAIN NARODNYA is the highest peak (1895 m) of the Urals. Located on the border of Komi and Khanty-Mansiysk Aut. district, Subpolar Urals. Discovered by geologist A. N. Aleshkov in 1927 during an expedition to the Northern Urals. The mountain range reaches its greatest width in this area. The alpine type of relief is characteristic with steep slopes and deep gorges. The abundance of glacial forms, the presence of cars and circuses, in the depths of which lakes lie. Flat-topped massifs are found in the alpine zone

    Amethyst Star A variety of quartz. The color is due to the structural impurity of Fe. Variety of quartz. The color is due to the structural impurity of Fe. In China, bottles and small boxes were cut out of light amethysts. In the Middle Ages, amethyst was highly valued in the East and in Europe, where it was considered preferable for decorating church items and priestly clothes. When consecrated to the rank of cardinal, the initiate was given a ring with an amethyst, which is why in Catholic countries the stone was called episcopal, pastoral, and in Russia bishops. In China, bottles and small boxes were cut out of light amethysts. In the Middle Ages, amethyst was highly valued in the East and in Europe, where it was considered preferable for decorating church items and priestly clothes. When consecrated to the rank of cardinal, the initiate was given a ring with an amethyst, which is why in Catholic countries the stone was called episcopal, pastoral, and in Russia bishops.

    Chrysolite Chrysolite is a transparent variety of the mineral olivine, a silicate of iron and magnesium. Chrysolite is a transparent variety of the mineral olivine, a silicate of iron and magnesium. The word "chrysolite" (that is, "golden stone"; Greek chrysos "golden") already existed in ancient times. It is found in ancient texts from the 3rd century BC. BC e. The word "chrysolite" (that is, "golden stone"; Greek chrysos "golden") already existed in ancient times. It is found in ancient texts from the 3rd century BC. BC e. Sometimes the stone is called an evening emerald, as under artificial lighting the yellow tint disappears, and the stone appears pure green. Sometimes the stone is called an evening emerald, as under artificial lighting the yellow tint disappears, and the stone appears pure green.

    Topaz According to the Bible, topaz is one of the 12 biblical stones that were used to decorate the linen bag ("breastplate") of the High Priest when he worshiped Jehovah According to the Bible, topaz is one of the 12 biblical stones that were used to decorate the linen bag ("breastplate") the High Priest when he officiated to Jehovah

    Jasper Known to man since the Paleolithic era, when weapons and tools were made from it. Known to man since the Paleolithic era, when weapons and tools were made from it. Later, various ornaments and talismans began to be carved from jasper. In the countries of the East, jasper was considered a symbol of beauty, grace and wealth. In ancient Greece, the stone served as a talisman against the evil eye of young mothers and babies. Hippocrates treated fever and epilepsy with jasper. With the spread of Christianity, they began to believe that jasper, consecrated in the church, has magical properties. A.S. Pushkin wore a bracelet with green jasper, considering it an assistant in love affairs. Later, various ornaments and talismans began to be carved from jasper. In the countries of the East, jasper was considered a symbol of beauty, grace and wealth. In ancient Greece, the stone served as a talisman against the evil eye of young mothers and babies. Hippocrates treated fever and epilepsy with jasper. With the spread of Christianity, they began to believe that jasper, consecrated in the church, has magical properties. A.S. Pushkin wore a bracelet with green jasper, considering it an assistant in love affairs.

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    Ural! The supporting edge of the state, Its earner and blacksmith, The same age as our ancient glory And the creator of the present glory ...

    A. Tvardovsky

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    Geographical position.

    The Ural Mountains stretch from the coast of the Arctic Kara Sea to the steppes of Kazakhstan. The length of the Ural Mountains from south to north is 2 thousand kilometers, and from west to east from 50 to 150 kilometers. In ancient times, the mountains of the Urals were called Riphean, and until the 18th century they were called “stone belt” (translated from Turkic, “Ural” means belt). The Urals has long been considered a natural border separating two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. The Ural Mountains are relatively low: only a few peaks reach a height of 1.5 thousand meters above sea level, and the highest of them (Mount Narodnaya) is 1895 meters.

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    Russian Platform Ural Fold System West Siberian Plate

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    The Ural Mountains are located between various tectonic structures (the Russian Platform and the West Siberian Plate), which explains their formation. The Urals are separated from the Russian platform by the Cis-Ural trough, which consists of sedimentary rocks (clay, sand, gypsum, limestone). The Ural Mountains were formed back in the Paleozoic, but in the Mesozoic they were almost completely destroyed. Separate parts of the Urals rose during the Neogene. But even these folded-blocky Ural Mountains were destroyed as a result of external forces (weathering and erosion).

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    Parts of the Urals.

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    Polar Ural

    The northernmost part of the Urals consists of stony placers (rocks and remnants). The flora and fauna are quite scarce. Even mosses and lichens do not create a continuous cover. The most significant peaks are the mountains: Payer (1472 meters) and Konstantinov Kamen (492 meters).

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    This part of the Urals is characterized by the highest heights of the ridges. Here, traces of glaciation are visible quite clearly. Even the names of the mountains speak eloquently of their pointed peaks (Blade Peak, Saber Mountain). The highest point of the Ural Mountains (Mount Narodnaya) is also located here. Stone peaks and mountain tundra in the lower part of the slope are replaced by taiga here. The southern border of this part of the Urals is located at 64º north latitude.

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    Mount Saber

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    Northern Ural

    The mountains here take on the character of a real range, quite high, rocky and completely treeless. To the south, its slopes are covered with forest. The average height of the Northern Urals is about 900 meters. Numerous rivers originate on its slopes, forming tributaries of the Pechora and Kama in the west, and the Ob in the east.

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    amethyst emerald

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    medium-altitude mountains Hercynian folding ore minerals sedimentary minerals uplands Cis-Urals region of the Russian Platform ore minerals foothills of the Trans-Urals region of the West Siberian Plate

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    Despite their rather small height, the Ural Mountains have a rather significant effect on climatic conditions. They are the boundary between different climatic zones: the temperate continental climate of the East European Plain and the continental climate of Western Siberia. Atlantic air masses reach the western slope of the Urals, trying to overcome it, rise higher and cool. As a result, in the western part of the Urals, large quantity precipitation than in the eastern (about 1.5-2 times). Temperature regime also has its own characteristics. In the western part of the Urals, winters are more snowy and, accordingly, milder. In the east, snow falls less, and frosts reach 45-50 ºС.

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    Oslyanka, the highest peak of the Middle Urals. Height 1119 m. There are two versions of the origin of the name of the mountain. By the name of the river - Oslyanka, from the old Russian word "donkey" - a donkey, a river grindstone. In the form of a mountain, from the word "donkey" or "osledina" - a log. The mountain is elongated meridionally, for 16 km. The ridge is leveled, mostly wide; in some places narrow, steep, rocky. Has multiple peaks; the main one is located in the central part of the mountain, shifted to the eastern slope, has a conical shape. The slopes are steep; The northern and eastern slopes are steepest. In the northern half of the mountain there are rock outcrops and weathering remnants. The slopes are covered with kurums; upland terraces are developed on the ridge. Avalanches have been observed. It is composed of quartz and pale feldspar-quartz quartzite-sandstones of the Upper Proterozoic age. It is located in the north-east of the Kizelovsky district of the Perm Territory; in the axial part of the Middle Urals, north of the Basegi ridge, east-south-east of the Nyarovsky Kamen mountain.