Presets for lightroom and winter. Winter presets for Lightroom

Today we will talk about tinted winter photos. I hope that many people have already accumulated a lot of winter photos after the new year and just winter photo shoots. And in this video, we will work with you in Lightroom and create a preset that can be used already in your photos in the future.

In our case, we want to make the photo unusual and make it a bit cold. That is, add notes of winter to it. We just need to do something unusual, make it non-standard. That is, let's add some coldness to our photo and some brown shades, which are now popular. I don't know if it will be popular in a few months when you watch this video, but now it is popular and so we will follow the trends.

We return to the lesson. Now let's remove the left and top panel so that they do not interfere with us. Now all our attention is on the photo.

The first step is to set up the basic settings. They are quite simple.

Add some cold shades. To do this, we need to add a little blue color. In fact, we will not add much of this blue color, because in the future we will correct all this in "Camera Calibration". Customize:

- "Temperature" (Temp) to reduce to the left somewhere to -2;
- Setting "Tone" (Tint) slightly increase to +16;
- "Exposure" we will also add a little +0.3;
- "Highlights" we will reduce to -30;
- "Shadows" raise to +30;
- "White" we will have about +70;
- "Black" will also be raised, up to about +30;
- "Clarity" we will raise to +18;
- "Vibrance" (Vibrance) raise to +27.

You can see how it was before and after the setting using a special switch to the left of the setting name.

Now let's go down to "Camera Calibration" and make some adjustments. We will have a "process" in 2012. We have only one profile here, we leave it as it is. We set the settings:

In Shadows, let the Tint setting be -2;
- In the red channel Hue +48, ​​Saturation -20;
- In the green channel Hue +58, Saturation +66;
- In the blue channel Hue -84, Saturation -93.

Our photo is already getting better, but we will need to adjust other parameters that we will now add. Let's move on to our "Tone Curve" tone curve. Select RGB, raise the white point a little higher. We will also slightly adjust the other points.

We pass to the channel "Red". We also change the curve a little.

We look at "Green", here we also make a small correction.

Go to RGB, go to the settings already in manual mode.

"Shadows" will be reduced to -54.

We have slightly returned our color on the face, this is already good. Now we are moving to HSL and adjusting our colors individually. Go to the "Hue" section. We do not touch Red and Orange. Customize:

Yellow reduce it to -28;
- Green slightly reduced to -40. There are green Christmas trees in the photo and, of course, you choose the value for your photo;
- Add some blue "Aqua" +89.

We pass to "Saturation". In the same way, we do not touch red and orange. Customize:

Yellow set to -36;
- Green to -51.

We pass to "Luminance". Since our face has become too gray, we must still return the color to it. Customize:

Red set +28;
- Orange +19;
- Yellow +36.

Looking at the current result, we have added some red tint, which is popular and at the same time we have blue tints in the photo. Going to "SplitToning", we now need to mix some colors. The setting that suits this photo:

highlights. Hue - 199 and Saturation - 16;
- Shadows" Hue - 255 and Saturation - 6;
- Balance will be reduced to -16.

In this case, the blue color prevails in us and our girl, just painted the way we need. Remained quite simple effects. We will add some details to make our girl more defined and make her visually stand out. We work with the "Detail" setting. Each photo is unique. There are many details in this photo, for example, snow is very clearly visible. In this example settings:

Amount - 51;
- Radius - 1.5;
- Detail - 36;
- Color quite a bit - 25.

Now let's add some effects with the brush. Let's take it and set the parameters:

Temp -3;
- Tint +19;
- Highlights +18;
- Shadows -2;
- Sharpness -52.

Turn on the mask so that you can see in which areas we apply the brush and paint over the area where we have trees.

When you exit the mask, you can see that the background becomes blurred and a little red is added, perhaps even more brown. By this we achieve that there is still more attention to the girl.

Now quite a lot of designers and ordinary users choose the Lightroom program ( Adobe Lightroom) to work with photos. Firstly, it allows retouching and processing of photographs, and secondly, it can be used to quickly organize an image catalog. At the same time, you can also find special and additional tools for it on the network, in particular, presets. This is a kind of blank parameters (contrast, color) and effects for color correction and image enhancement. Today's post is devoted to the subject of processing winter photos in lightroom, and to be more precise, we will consider special ones.

This tool allows you to quickly change the look of your photo with one click. In fact, it is very similar to . With Lightroom Winter Presets, you can create beautiful atmospheric photos by changing the lighting, adding snow, and more.

The main advantages of using it are the automation of image processing, improved speed and efficiency. Yes, you could easily process winter photos manually in Lightroom or Photoshop, but how long would it take to implement 10-20 options? That is why the function of winter presets, whether it be or any other subject, is extremely convenient.

You can change the focus on the objects in the image, blur the background, and so on. When processing winter photos in lightroom, a chip with predominant cold tones is often used. This adds a kind of "frosty winter" effect to the picture.

And if you apply here also a change in the brightness of the picture ... For some types of photos, this can be a good solution.

I think the difference is visible to the naked eye. For each of your pictures, you can choose the appropriate solution that makes it better. And the implementation takes seconds. Here's how the processing of a winter photo in Lightroom looks like on video (using a set of Lightroom winter presets).

There is nothing difficult. After implementing one of the effects, you can change the settings of the photo in order to refine it in accordance with your requirements.

Now you can order a set with a 50% discount- for only 790 rubles. Available 20 different options payment: bank transfers, electronic payment systems, etc. After payment, a link will be sent to your mail where you can download winter presets for Lightroom. Collection size — 33 Mb.

As a bonus to regular materials, you will receive:

  • a set of black and white effects;
  • snow preset for Lightroom;
  • video tutorials on application (for beginners).

The latter allows you to create a "winter mood" for almost any photo.

In general, as for me, this set is a great solution if you have to process a winter photo in Lightroom. Over 170 different effects + the ability to add snow. Combine all this with the basic features of Lightroom and get a great tool.

Using presets when processing photos is the best thing you can use if you want to get gorgeous photos that you are not ashamed to show your friends and put on the Internet.

Maxim Basmanov has launched a new collection of winter presets that are more relevant than ever. What is a preset? These are color and tone correction values ​​that are set in advance. The preset is launched with just one button and applies the given values ​​​​in Lightroom in seconds.

The program will do all the photo editing for you, which means a huge amount of saved time for you. With this set of presets, you can process up to hundreds of photos per minute.

The advantage of the course "Winter presets":

Each preset was personally recorded by Maxim Basmanov and provided with custom settings. To make it easier to understand, each preset comes with a video tutorial on how to work with it.

Bonuses from Maxim Basmanov:

  • A set of ready-made snow. Unique Sets snow will help you create a winter atmosphere in any photo in a split second.
  • A set of presets "Black and White". The classic will never go out of fashion, so the author decided to add this preset to the kit, which will allow you to make a unique picture from each photo, worthy of a frame on the wall.