Happy birthday to a woman. Funny woman birthday script

If you are arranging a holiday on the occasion of the anniversary, then you need to properly prepare for it. Be sure to come up with funny pranks and games for guests. Even better, if you have a couple of scenes that will make you laugh so that the guests fall off their chairs. For example, a scene: hu and li is a great option for an anniversary. Hu and li are the names of foreign guests who came from far away to congratulate the hero of the occasion on the anniversary. Only one name will cause delight and laughter among guests. And what will happen next, you will find out for yourself.

Everyone knows how great it is to get together with a group of friends and sit in the evening. And to make it even better and more interesting for you, there are new impromptu fairy tales for a drunken group of friends on different holidays. For example, for an anniversary or New Year, birthday or just for friendly gatherings. See our ideas, take something for yourself and have fun.

How nice to sit with friends, drink beer and discuss the latest news. But sooner or later, simple gatherings get boring and you need more. You want to have fun and laugh to make the evening even better and brighter. What do you want to play? Maybe in new fairy tales-alterations for a drunken company? It is very easy to play roles in such fairy tales. You only need to distribute the roles, and then everything will go by itself. Look at our ideas and try to bring them to life.

Whatever holiday you are celebrating, you always need to arrange games and contests, hold fun game blocks, and even make fairy tales and performances! But in order to show a fairy tale or a performance, one has to rehearse, but there is no time for this. How to be? Here comes to the aid of an instant performance impromptu for cheerful company which do not require preparation and rehearsals. You only need to choose the guests to participate in the performances. Give them a role and words, and that's all - you can show the scene for the judgment of the audience, who will definitely appreciate it.

Men are our support, protection and love! When preparing for the birthday of a loved one, it is important to secretly come up with such entertainment program so that it becomes a real surprise for both the birthday man and the guests.

For those who want to celebrate their birthday brightly and cheerfully, to give their man emotions, feelings and a drop of soul, we present funny scenes! They will help not only to diversify the planned program of the holiday, but also to present memorable gifts to the birthday man in an original way, with humor and fiction.

At the table

Scene No. 1 "Harmful cleaner"

In the midst of the holiday, a “cleaning lady” appears with a bucket and a mop in her hands. The bucket should be high so that it is not noticeable what lies at the bottom. She starts grumbling something under her breath and mopping the floor.

Some of the guests: Citizen, what are you doing?! It's actually our birthday here!

Cleaning woman: And what do I care? I do my job and don't bother anyone.

(A skirmish begins between the guest and the cleaner. It is desirable that this guest sit next to the birthday man).

Guest: Don't you see that we are celebrating an anniversary? The guests have gathered, and you are here with your bucket and mop.

Cleaning woman: Oh, are you having a holiday here? And where is the birthday boy?

(They show the birthday boy to the cleaner).

Cleaning woman: So it's because of you that they don't let me work? So it's because of you that they found and trampled here? So here are my congratulations!

(He takes a bucket and pours confetti on the birthday boy, which lies at the bottom of the bucket. A violent reaction from the guests, laughter, applause).

Scene number 2 "Congratulations from friends"

In the hands of each of two balls: orange, red, blue and green. They sing a song-alteration to the motive "The blue ball is spinning, spinning."


The years fly by like birds.
But as before, you are young.
We came to visit for the anniversary,
They brought you a cool gift.

1 friend

Red we will give a dare ball,
As a sign of respect, accept quickly
Lots of heat, lots of sunshine
Your life will become even more fun!

2 friend

To be happy all year round
Take the green ball from adversity.
Let relatives, friends be near,
You are the best, I say not melting.

1 friend

We want to give peace of mind
Reward with a blue ball on this day.
He saves from sadness
And only goodness will find its way to your house!

2 friend

Orange ball - it's like a dream
May it never leave you.
More money, love and warmth,
They will be with you forever.


There were other balls
But we didn't bring them to you.
No, not from greed, not from miserliness,
Now let's explain what's going on.

There was a little yellow ball - he decorated the bouquet,
But it is changeable, treacherous color.
Yellow ball - trials in fate,
So we won't give it to you.

We found a black ball
But they didn't bring it either.
He carries sadness and separation,
And we only wish you happiness!

(The text of the song will need to be beautifully written on parchment, and handed to the birthday boy to the applause of the guests).

Scene No. 3 "Compliments"

For this congratulations, you will need a presenter, whatman paper and felt-tip pens.

1. On whatman paper, the leader writes horizontally or vertically (as convenient) the name of the birthday person.

2. The task of the guests for each letter is to come up with an adjective that characterizes the birthday man on the positive side.

3. At the end, the host gives the birthday man a gift for being so perfect. A gift can be some kind of award (diploma, medal, cup) as a keepsake.

Scene No. 4 "Hidden Gifts"

The guests are sitting at the table, the leader is holding a bag of gifts in his hands.
Selectively approaches the guests with a request to get a gift from the bag.
Each gift should be hidden in a box or any wrapper.
The host leaves a note for the guest who got the gift, and he himself approaches the birthday man with the gift.
The guest first reads the text of the note, and then the presenter gives the gift to the birthday man.

1. Homemade, exclusive,
Oh, I give a wonderful gift.
With him you will be like candy,
Because there…
(The birthday boy unfolds the gift and says that there is a “napkin”).

2. Wear it to the joy of your dear wife,
And remember the guests more often,
Exactly the same is on me,
So now you and I are brothers.
(Gift - shorts with a joke).

3. You never know what life will bring us.
Take it with you in addition, it will save you from embarrassment.
Probably our best award.
As a gift to you...
(Gift - toilet paper).

4. Did you think, wondered, to give this as a gift?
Decided that you are independent,
And he is able to make his dreams come true!
Therefore, my friend, accept without regret,
Our gift is a bottle...
(Gift - a bottle of port).

Scene No. 5 "Wishes from a psychic"

psychic (enters the room, waving his hands mysteriously): Hello! Who's the birthday boy here? Why am I asking, I know myself! You! (Points with finger). Let me feel your aura! (He runs his hands over his head, whispers mysteriously.) I see… I see that you have a good aura! Positive moments attract! So, I say what awaits you: 364 days of well-being and carelessness! Don’t, don’t ask what’s there in day 365, I can’t see well, it’s vague, your wife, but the mink coat flickers all the time ... These are the steps to success and dreams (Steps back and forth with long strides)! So, then it’s vague again - everything is banal: happiness, health, love, luck ... But what will be, will be - I can’t lie!
(He presses his hand theatrically to his heart, rolls his eyes and falls to the floor, lies down for a second, gets up, hugs the birthday man tightly and kisses him on the cheek). Fate itself has just contacted me! She said that she was kissing you, and she ordered me to hand over the gifts! (Gives a gift).

Scene No. 6 "Doctor's visit"

For the scene, you can prepare a doctor's costume, a phonendoscope, a hammer, a flashlight.

Doctor (enters the hall, quickly approaches the birthday man): Well, well, well, who's sick here? I see, I see, what do we have here?
"Dengoni never lack"? (Looks inquiringly at the birthday man, but does not give an answer, he takes out a phonendoscope). Well, let's listen with heart to what ?! I hear, I hear: "Love the Euphoria"!
Let's keep checking! (Looks at the hands of the birthday boy). Ah, everything is serious here ... you have a rare disease on your hands - "work in the throat once upon a time"!
(Hammer taps on knees): And in your legs you have "all-probezhkinoz"! Well, let's look at the eyes. (Shines a flashlight in the eyes). And here everything is clear: “gadget-dependent”! So! Here is my verdict - you will live another 150 years if you accept what I prescribe. Take one bill a day, avoid overdosing (gives an envelope with money)! This remedy will help to maintain love euphoria (Gives a certificate for a romantic dinner in a restaurant, or just a bottle of good wine)! You will have to get rid of gadget addiction radically! Prescribe you the best medicines (gives good book or a collection of motivating quotes)! Well everyone, be healthy! (Bows, leaves).


Scene No. 7 "Congratulations to the king!"

Characters: Courtiers (2), Guests (5).
Props: King's throne, courtier costumes (or at least attributes).

Court 1: Your Majesty, King (Name)! Please sit on this throne! You are the great ruler of your state, and from all your subjects, let me read you congratulations!

(Importantly unfolds the scroll. Frightened looks around, calls another courtier).

Court 1(whispering): Hey, but there's nothing there! Empty. Where is the congratulations?

(COURIST 2 shrugs, then raises his finger up. Throws away the scroll.)

Courtier 2: Our king, we will now show how well we know you! Gentlemen, I say - and you show! How does the king (Name) get angry? (Guests show). How does the king dance on a cheerful disc player, sorry, ball? How did the king drink too much wine, and break into his payroll without his wife noticing? (Guests try to portray a drunken birthday man).

Court 1: OU! Class! Are you satisfied, our king? And here are overseas gifts arrived! Accept, king (Name), congratulations!

Court 1: Count De (guest's last name) from a mysterious county (Street or area where the guest lives) presents you with a secret paper! Show it - and any product is yours! (give a certificate).

Courtier 2: Princess (name) from a beautiful country brings you a charming aroma! With him, you can do everything! Neutralize enemies, gain allies! (They give perfume.)

Court 1: We know that you, our beautiful king, dream of catching a goldfish, so that all wishes come true! Prince (name) from (…) gives you the opportunity to do it! (They give fishing accessories).

Courtier 2: Our dear king, the next gift is worth it! A magical potion that intoxicates the mind, leading to a state of euphoria and bliss! Allow me to present you this wonderful drink! (Gives cognac).

Court 1: And I am making a generous contribution to the treasury, Your Majesty! Take this treasure chest! ( Gives an envelope made in the form of a chest with money).

Scene No. 8 "Three brooms"

Three women are needed for congratulations. Each in the hands of a broom. In total, three brooms are needed: oak, birch, eucalyptus.

First woman

To be a healthy man
We give an oak broom.
From adversity and all sorrows
We'll steam you with a broom.
(A woman with an oak broom lightly pats the birthday man).

Second woman

Do not fuss and do not suffer
Better get it with a birch broom.
Let's go over the shoulders, over the head,
To be healthy you are like a bull on a cow.

Third woman

Here it is a eucalyptus broom.
So that all sorrows disappear, we dare to steam it.
So that the bones do not creak, the lower back does not ache,
Let's go with a broom just below the waist.

Scene No. 9 "Congratulations from oriental beauties"

Characters: Girls dressed as oriental beauties (you can distribute the roles by the number of gifts). Girls enter the house and leave after presenting gifts to oriental music, performing oriental dance movements.

Girl 1: Today you are Sheikh al-Sheikh, you are the best today! Gulzia, Ramza, Thames, come to congratulate you all!

Girl 2: You are a lover of a bright life, accept gifts soon!

Girl 3: So that everything in life is smooth, not unsteady, hold on, we give you a fish! (You can arrange a "bouquet" of several types of salted fish, or just sets of snacks).

Girl 1: So that your wife does not have a soul in you, you have a set of tea on you!

Girl 2: Well, for tea, of course, we prepared sweets! With cognac!

Girl 3: No candy (shrugs). Here, hold this bottle! (Gives a bottle of cognac).

Girl 1: For you, a lover of swimming in a warm river in the morning, we will give, no, not panties, but we will give you a boat! (Or a spinner, or other fishing accessories, then just replace with the words "that's it!")

Scene No. 10 "Little Life Story"

Characters: Host, guests (3), guests (2), wife
Props: a chair, a sheet, a bonnet, a diaper, a bottle with a pacifier with a cocktail, animal masks, the inscriptions “Car”, “ball”, “Prestigious work”, a school bag, audio recordings: “My only one”, “Ah, this wedding”.
The birthday boy is wrapped in a sheet, you can put on a diaper, put on a cap, sit on a chair.

Leading: Sit comfortably, dear guests. Now we will tell you briefly the life story of our birthday boy.
When our hero was very small, he was given a bottle of milk ... (Suitable, gives a bottle, an alcoholic cocktail is poured in it. It is better to find out about the preferences of the birthday man in advance, and, of course, it is desirable that the liquid be white color). He drank and fell asleep and had wonderful dreams.
(Several guests in animal masks run out and show funny dance moves). Waking up in the morning, he ran to play with a car or a ball!
(Guests come out, one has the inscription on the back “Car”, the other has “Ball”). Our birthday boy has grown up (the presenter helps the birthday man to remove all the attributes, gives a briefcase), and began to go to school, where he met his first love. (A girl with a briefcase runs in, chews gum, the birthday boy looks at her, the song plays: “My only one!”)

Young woman: Che hatched? I'm a fool! (Runs away).

Leading: Our hero was growing up, he did not forget about his first love, and he promised himself to marry her! And, in the end, he still got married, but to another!
(The song “Oh, this wedding sang and danced” plays).

Leading: Then I looked for a prestigious job, worked well and provided for my family with dignity!
(A guest runs out, the inscription “Prestigious work” on the back, the birthday boy approaches him, and he runs away, hides, in the end, of course, he catches).

All characters speak in unison or take turns: Life runs by, but don't rush! Feel free to write your own story! On the path to happiness, go steadfastly, because there is so much more to come! Well, we congratulate you, don’t judge how you could, prepared yourself, people are yours!
(Followed by the presentation of gifts).

Funny scenes are different with different plots - dramatic, humorous, artistic, etc. The plot for the scene can be chosen absolutely any - from own idea before already existing idea. You can write your own script for your own unique idea or plot. You can write a script for an already finished work, a film, a fairy tale, beat some story.


18 mar 2012

Let's imagine that we are planning to have a party. We will invite friends, acquaintances, relatives and friends to the holiday. In the morning we begin to prepare for the event: clean up and prepare chic treats. And now the guests have arrived, the table is set, and after ringing toasts and unpretentious conversations, it becomes a little boring. How to entertain guests? We can say for sure that everyone has had such situations.


10 mar 2012

Do you have a holiday soon? Looking for funny scenes? You want it to be fun, but you don't know how to prepare holiday program where to find scenes. To prepare for a fun holiday event, people search the Internet for holiday materials. You can, of course, use some congratulations, but we suggest you look at our comic skits. We compose them ourselves especially for you and your upcoming holiday, and even holidays.

As you have already noticed, there are many scenes on the Internet, but they can be beaten and not funny. Therefore, we recommend watching only funny scenes, then the holiday will be fun. For those who do not understand what a scene is and why it is needed, we explain. A scene is a small performance (some number), in which you can attract guests, or perform alone. Guests can be dressed up in funny clothes, they can read some toasts, and just joke.

Here you will find only new scenes, and for any holiday event. I note the fact that the replenishment of the site with such materials is quite regular. Why do we try to compose them so often? And you remember how many holidays there are in a year, how many reasons for fun .. And these are: scenes for an anniversary, scenes-congratulations, by February 23, by March 8, children's and school scenes.

Dear friends, use our new funny scenes and you will not have failed holidays, as they greatly diversify your holiday program, and all guests will have fun.


08 june 2012

Scene for the Anniversary or for the birthday of a man “Childhood”

(Childhood runs out skipping - this is a man dressed up as a little boy and sings to the tune of a famous song about childhood):

My childhood stay
Don't rush, wait!
Give me a simple answer
What's ahead?!

Dear birthday boy!
The best remedy
Frighten off any misfortune -
This, of course, in childhood
We must fall immediately!
I will tell you emphatically:
You are forgiven today!

We read the continuation of the scene for the anniversary further


08 june 2012

(A man comes out - a participant in the scene, dressed in a scarf and an old colorful skirt with a jacket, he has a basket of drugs in his hands and he addresses the birthday man with the words):

Dear birthday boy!
Even though you look healthy
And he was in good health since childhood,
But still, darling, no offense
Accept these funds as a gift!
I am an expert in healing
And the healer's secret
I will open it to everyone on my birthday,
There are no more secrets!


In addition to the festive content, we recommend everyone to watch this news!

02 june 2012

Dear birthday girl, dear guests! You all probably heard the expression: “Well, why are you walking shaggy like a shishiga?! Comb your hair!” So, I hasten to please you: on the birthday of our birthday girl, just such a client arrived! Meet Shishiga, my friends!

(A participant in the scene dressed up as Shishiga comes out, it will be funnier if he is a large man dressed in a woman's dress and with very shaggy hair or in a shaggy wig.
Shishiga sings to the motive of the song “Longing for the Motherland” from the Ph.D. "Seventeen Moments of Spring")

Continue reading this scene


27 May 2012

(two participants, dressed up in new Russian grandmothers, come out, dancing, and sing a couplet to the tune of ditties):

We do not sow and we do not plow,
But we are not sitting idle!
On the anniversary we sing and dance,
Let's make birthday people laugh!

Matryona (speaking):

A flower, a flower! Why are you so wrinkled today, like a roll of toilet paper?


Oh, don't talk, Matryona! I didn’t sleep all night, I kept thinking how it’s better for us to congratulate our birthday than to please him on such a day ?!

Continuation of a cool scene, read on


Unfortunately, a birthday is only once a year, and an anniversary is even rarer. That is why the round date is celebrated magnificently and on a grand scale. And for the holiday to be a success, the script must have cool scenes. For a man's anniversary, for example, you can take some of our articles.

Birthday is a bright holiday

It doesn't matter how old a man is - 55, 40 or 30, cool scenes for an anniversary will always be appropriate. They allow you to bring a special atmosphere of fun and jokes to the holiday. But in order not to inadvertently offend the feelings of the owner of the holiday, it is not worth making fun of the negative aspects of the hero of the day or other participants in the celebration in the production. Remember Golden Rule: it is better to beat the advantages colorfully and brightly than to joke about the shortcomings.

Particularly interesting on the anniversary of the man are cool scenes with dressing up, although here you will have to make some efforts in advance and spend preparatory work. Read the script carefully and prepare the clothes for each character in the play. It would be useful if the guests could rehearse and learn the words in advance.

Read also:

  • Anniversary Contest Ideas

So, the theoretical part is over, it's time to move on to practice.

It's good that today is a holiday

Cool sketches for a man on his 60th birthday can be of a congratulatory, comic or introductory nature. Today, your attention is invited to a simple scene that can introduce all the participants of the event to each other. The organization of the performance should be as follows:

  1. A small group of people come out in front of all the guests and stand in a row.
  2. The first three lines are repeated throughout the text, they must be pronounced by everyone together with breaks for the speech of other participants.
  3. All text should be pronounced like a pioneer motto.

General text:

Come to your anniversary

Drink and eat

And if they didn't come...

Guest first: Then I would go to the garage!

Fuel oil, a pile of dirt -

What a beauty!

Oh, new carburetor

I'd rather take it apart.

Come to your anniversary

Drink and eat

And if they didn't come...

Second guest: I would have to babysit my grandchildren

Yegor, don't torture the cat!

Oksana - get off the window!

Oh, our woman's share is not so easy.

Come to your anniversary

Drink and eat

And if they didn't come...

Third guest: I would lie on the couch

Watch our football.

Where are you crooked!

Give it to the left and back

Hit the gate!

Eh, I would beat them.

Come to your anniversary

Drink and eat

And if they didn't come...

Fourth guest: would have to clean up

How much dust! Where is the bucket?

Let's start with the bathroom.

Here we go?

Come to your anniversary

Congratulate, drink, eat.

Anniversary: What if you didn't come?

Guests: Would come anyway!

Mini-sketch congratulations

A congratulation scene for a man's anniversary may contain cool phrases in the form of a toast. The main text with wishes is read out by the host, and the guests only repeat the memorized phrase:

Today is not an easy day

Anniversary we celebrate

And no matter how old

A man is always flourishing.

You need to drink for this!

And we don't mind!

To the hero of the day

We compose praise.

Do you need a drink for this?

And we don't mind!

Good luck, money and health

We wish him with all our heart.

Do you need a drink for this?

And we don't mind!

Our native birthday

Happy Birthday, dear!

Golden anniversary - golden gift

Funny scenes for the anniversary of 50 years for a man should correspond to the theme of the holiday. The fiftieth anniversary is considered a golden birthday, and the production of “The Tale of Ryaba the Hen” is perfect for it.

Presenter: There lived a grandfather and grandmother. Grandfather was very old and weak. Most of all he liked to spend time on the stove on a bench.

(The song “Im sexist and I know it” plays, and the grandfather comes out in a suit with a stick, limping, sits on a chair).

Presenter: But our grandmother does not age with her soul. Just look at her: quick, mischievous, funny!

(The song “I’m going all like that” is playing, the grandmother comes out, dancing, sends air kisses to the hall and sits on a chair).

Presenter: And although the grandmother was cocky, she never offended her grandfather. On the contrary, she loved him very much and kissed him:

  • first on the right cheek, then on the left;
  • first in one knee, then in the other.

Grandfather's legs will hurt - he will massage them, he will break his back - he will massage her, tetanus will attack grandfather - and he will massage him there!

(The song “Lower, lower, just about” is playing, the grandmother gives the grandfather a massage).

Presenter: And my grandfather and grandmother had a chicken Ryaba, but not simple, but magical!

(A melody plays, and a man dressed in a women's sundress with a kokoshnik comes out).

Presenter: And who knows what a decent chicken should do? That's right, testicles. But for this she needs a groom. Meet the Australian Broiler Rooster!

(A man comes out in red shorts and a cap of the same color, flaps his wings and crows).

Presenter: And for a hen to lay an egg, the rooster must take care of her.

(The hen and the rooster dance an incendiary dance together).

Presenter: So they danced, the rooster trampled the chicken a little.

(A screen is pulled onto the stage, behind which the testicle is hidden).

Presenter: A little time passed, and our Ryaba goes to the hospital, where the most intimate process takes place - the birth of an egg.

(The chicken goes behind the screen, there are some movements).

Presenter: And now we'll see what we got out of it? Applause - testicle!

(The screen is removed, and a new character appears on the stage, dressed in a golden egg).

Presenter: And as the grandmother was delighted, the grandfather also shed tears of happiness. Everyone was happy!

And the old people decided to break the egg, and hand over the shell to the pawnshop:

  • Grandfather beat-beat, beat-beat and did not break the testicle.
  • The grandmother beat the testicle, and bit, and pinched, but did not break it.

Grandfather is crying, grandma is crying, everyone is crying! And then a mouse appears.

(A thin man comes out to the music, dressed in a skirt and a translucent blouse, he has round ears on his head).

Presenter: Every self-respecting mouse should have a tail! Where is he lost?

(An ordinary man appears on the stage and hugs the mouse by the waist).

Presenter: Here the mouse ran quickly, and as it wagged its tail, the testicle rolled into the crack and broke there. Grandpa is crying, grandma is crying. Still, there was such an increase in the pension.

Chicken Ryaba says a word: do not cry parents, in honor of the holiday, I will lay you a new golden egg. Only you should congratulate our hero of the day from me.

Applause is heard, guests and participants in the scene drink to the health of the birthday man.