Creative script for September 1st. Knowledge Day Scenarios for the Holiday Line

Music sounds.

presenter 1. Hello everyone - beloved teachers, dear students, true friends, caring parents and distinguished guests! Today we, the whole country, celebrate the first day of the New School Year!

Leading 2. The shining summer has ended -

Gone, contrary to our wishes.

And bouquets sway to the beat,

carried by the students.

presenter 1. Workdays will begin tomorrow

For our teachers, for children.

Teachers, parents, children -

Congratulations on the first of September!

Leading 2. This day is not just a date on the calendar, it is a long-awaited day for all of us. After all, it is today - the first of September - that the doors to the boundless and amazing land of knowledge open!

Leading 1. Of course, for each of those present at our today's holiday, this day is exciting and good in its own way, but there are those for whom it is marked by special joy and special sadness. These are our dear first-graders and graduates.

Lead 2.

For one - the last line

For others, it will be the first time.

With excitement, awe, love

Today we welcome all of you!

HOST 1. Greet the youngest students with thunderous applause. The most promising and submitting big hopes first graders. For them, this day will be remembered as a start to a new, adult life. And the first teacher will become a friend for them, a second mother and a guide along the path to knowledge.

LEADER 2. The honorable right to introduce kids is given to high school students!

presenter 1. ATTENTION! MEET!

1st grade, and their class teacher Baukin Yazil Ilsurovna (class teacher comes out and children follow her)

The music plays, the children go to the line.

Leading 2. The school is happy to see you!

You will often dream

How do you go for the first time

First grade study!


In a big and bright school

The door is open for everyone!

You are all here to learn!

You are students now!

presenter 1. The solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open!

School! Attention! Under the National Anthem Russian Federation stand still!

Anthem of the Russian Federation

Presenter 1: The first grades - loudly shout the word "SCHOOL", the ninth - the word "RADA", the fourth grades and 5 grades - the word "MEET", and all together - the word "US", and parents and teachers will wave their hands.


Now the whole school is here!
Let's start the holiday!

And of course the first word
It's time to give the director!


Today, on this wonderful holiday, before a long journey to a beautiful country of knowledge, the director of the school Frolov Semyon Valerievich addresses you with the words of a parting speech

(director's speech)

Leading . On this festive, solemn day, honored guests came to congratulate us.

The word is given


(guest performance)
Vedas 2: What do we expect from the new academic year? What plans are we making? Probably every student thinks about this today.

It costs one piece. On the table are a dictionary, a ruler, a map, a soccer ball, boots, a mathematics textbook.

(Luntik music sounds, Luntik comes out)

Luntik (with an empty briefcase): Well, well, September has already arrived, it's time to get ready for school. What do you need to take with you and put in your briefcase: a dictionary (thinks, scratches his head) - I take it? I don't take it. I take the ruler, I don’t take it (also puts it aside). I take boots, of course, I take them (puts them in a briefcase). I take contour cards, I do not take them. I take the soccer ball, for sure, I take it (also puts it in the briefcase).

(Luntik music sounds, a high school student comes out)

Bogdan: Hello Luntik, what are you doing?

Luntik : Don't you see? I'm going to school.

Bogdan: Why didn't you put a dictionary and a ruler in your briefcase?

Luntik : And this year I will not study at a regular school, I will go to a sports school. Don't you know that the 2018 FIFA World Cup was held? And our team reached the quarter - final, and now they need to complete the team in order to play even better in the future !!

Bogdan: Who does not know about the championship! A sports school is good, but you also need to study in a regular school. Life will be difficult without knowledge.

Luntik : What do you need to become a famous football player? Receive and pass, throw from the side, shoot a penalty, beat on the heel, take the ball off your head, play a square.

Bogdan: Oh oh oh, What are you saying? (grabs his head) I'm sure that school knowledge will not be superfluous even for a football player.

Luntik : And you try, prove it.

Bogdan: What to do? How to convince Luntik? I came up with: you need to call the smartest student in the school!

(the music of "Luntik" sounds, Salavat comes out)

Salavat: Hello Luntik! Hello, hello guys! Well, what's your problem here?

Bogdan: Luntik says that a modern teenager does not need a regular school, can you imagine? He wants to become a famous football player. And he says that knowledge is not needed for this. But it's not like that.

Salavat: Yes, you are right! Here, Luntik, tell me, what is the most important thing in playing football?

Luntik A: Score a goal, of course!

Salavat: And how will you give the ball, that is, the physical body, acceleration in order for it to hit the goal? How do you know which trajectory it will take? BUT? That, my friend, is what physics will teach you.

Luntik : Yesaaaaaa (thinking).

Salavat: Did you know that the area of ​​the football field must be a certain size. What is the size of a football goal? So, and this, although elementary, is mathematics, you need to know it. And when football was born, do you know at least in what country it was?

Luntik : No (lowers head).

Salavat: in Great Britain in 1863. And this is the science of history and geography. Shall we continue?.......

Luntik: Stop! Stop! Stop! Okay, I agree with you. Convinced! Perhaps, after all, I will not take boots and a ball to school, but I will put the necessary map, textbook and ruler. They will definitely come in handy for me.

Bogdan: Now I believe, Luntik, that you will be both a diligent student and a successful athlete.

(referring to the guys)

Guys, do you know other sports that, like football, use a ball to play? Name them!

(answer: basketball, volleyball, bandy, field hockey, water polo, handball, pushball, tennis, table tennis, baseball, cricket, rounders, golf, bowling, rhythmic gymnastics).

Luntik : Well done boys! You seem to already know a lot. But to know even more, the school opens its hospitable doors for you. See the doors? Come in! Here you will be taught!

Salavat: And I heard that now even first-graders are smart and talented!

Luntik: I really want to see!

Salavat: Oh sure. Look! Word to our first graders. Bolder, bolder! Let's give them a round of applause!

Performance of first-graders (poetry and song)

Music sounds, first-graders go to their place.

1 leader. Thanks to our first graders.

The holiday continues.

2 leading . Dear friends! Today we greet, congratulate and thank all school employees, without whom it is impossible to imagine daily school life: teachers, cooks, attendants and technical staff. Thanks to all the parents, grandparents, who came to celebrate with us.

1 presenter . Dear friends! At the beginning of December 2017, President Vladimir Putin announced that 2018 would be the year of the volunteer in Russia. This is the most The best way to recognize the merits of people who are ready for self-sacrifice to ordinary compatriots, to whom they provide great assistance and invaluable assistance, and Russian President Vladimir Putin by his decree announced that the Decade of Childhood will start in the country in 2018.

Vedas 1: We see that a worthy replacement has come to the school, and this is very important,
because every year the school not only welcomes first-graders, but also sees off its graduates.

Vedas 2: The school is proud of them!
They serve as an example for us.

Let's give them the floor.

To our graduates.

1st .Dear first graders!

You have a special day today

You are happy and happy now.

Came to wish you success

Our friendly 9th grade graduation.

2nd. Dear first graders! You are lucky to be in a wonderful school! Now it will be your second home! We welcome you to our friendly family!

3rd. Your first school year will fly by very quickly, and we will meet again in the spring to say goodbye, because for us this is the last school year.

4th . But it will be in the spring, but for now we will have a happy year of studying together. We want you to love our school as much as we love it!

Sing the song "Be the first"

Verse 1

Gladiolus in hand

Backpack on the back -

AT New Year training

We go with you!

On the line, in the yard,

Schoolchildren are shouting

Girls for bows

They tease timidly.

The bell rang -

The lesson is waiting for the children.

Always be the first

Happy First of September!


School is childhood

cool friends!

First victories -

Happy First of September!

School is a holiday!

Happy First of September!

Verse 2

Arithmetic, ISO,

Russian and physical!

I can easily learn everything -

Here are my friends!

School is our airfield!

Up! Forward to dreams!

Which star to fly to

You decide for yourself!


The bell rang -

The lesson is waiting for the children.

Always be the first

Happy First of September!


School is childhood

Cool friends!

First victories -

Happy First of September!

School is childhood and teachers!

School is a holiday!

Happy First of September!

6th You are only 7, and we are almost 16,

And we will never return childhood,

That's why we want to confess now

That we envy the first-timers a little bit.

7th We wish you to study diligently

And never forget about it

That you should be proud of our school

And to defend the honor of the Novobedengovskaya school.

8th. And in just a few minutes you will become students of our school.

And we, as her oldest students, want to give you some advice!

We are a little older than you

And burning with desire

Give you orders

And our wishes!

9th. " Gnaw "science for later

You don't leave.

Then there is soup with a cat!

Read more!

10th. Be polite to everyone

Don't be rude to elders

All quickly for a change

Don't rush!

11th . And you all need to remember:

The strength of the mind is more important!

Faith, friendship - that's what is sacred!

With them you are stronger.

12th Today is the first call for you
He will invite you to your first lesson
Learn, dare, gnaw science
May you never be bored at school.

Leading: No place for boredom today

Look at the dance you.

He is funny and good

Get ready to clap your hands!

Leading: Meet the students of the Novobedengovskaya school with an incendiary dance. Show how you know how to meet artists?

Dance _________________________________________________

Host 2:

Special congratulations, thanks,

We want to dedicate warm lines

Those who school, study and children

He gave most of his life in the world.

Presenter 1

We know that wisdom, patience, experience

They will help in any circumstances of life.

We have learned from you and will continue to learn

And we promise to work hard!

Presenter 1

We welcome the kindest...

Lead 2

The most responsive...

Presenter 1

The most understanding...

Lead 2

The fairest...

Presenters 1 and 2

our dear teachers.

Presenter 1

Teachers are like us

And they are always waiting for the holidays, too,

But they manage to rest

And again inspired to go.

Lead 2

We wish happiness to our school,

Her native teachers!

Flowers that are more tender and more beautiful than all,

Let me present to you.

Vedas 1. Today, for all the children, the first school bell will sound this academic year.

Lead 1.

It all starts with a school bell:

Dreams, science, friendship - whatever you want!

Road to the stars! Secrets of the Ocean!

Lead 2.

All this will come sooner or later

All ahead, guys, but for now ...

Lead 1.

Dictations and tasks, successes, failures,

Paragraphs, verbs and ancient ages!

Lead 2.

That word is not inclined, then the Volga will be lost ...

It all starts with a school bell.

Vedas 2 the right to make the first call is granted to the student9th grade_ Gimaev Salavat and first grader Burganova Liana
The bell is ringing

Vedas 1 Well, good luck and good luck,
By tradition, the youngest students, our first-graders, are the first to leave our holiday. Good luck!

Vedas 2: The right to make a circle of honor and be the first to enter our native school, for their first lesson is given to our first graders, accompanied by our respected high school students.

Vedas 1: Take these little warm hands in your strong hands and lead the children to our native school.

Music is playing.

Grade 9 give birth to 1kl.

Veda 2. Our holiday is over, friends are all smiling!

Vedas 1: Hold hands tightly
And go to class.

Presenter 1. (To the music.) And now 2nd grade students are entering their classes,

Vedas. 2. 3rd grade students,

Vedas. 1. 4th

Vedas. 2. 5th

Vedas. 1:6th

Vedas. 2:7th

Vedas. 1:8th

Vedas 1 and 2: Good luck, friends, go ahead!
The school is calling you!

(School melodies sound. Fanfare.) No. 7

LEADING: Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents! Good - not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good that it brings us.
Leading. What is autumn? - This time
We walk to our favorite school.
And meet good friends here
Without which the summer was so missed ...

Leading. To school, to school - the morning is calling,
To school, to school - the wind sings.
The lesson will be interesting
Be happy all year long!
-Today is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with a huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open for you. Have a good mood.
Is everyone ready for the start of the school year? Let's check.
-But how to do it?
-Very simple. We'll do a roll call. So, all attention.
4 is the class here?
4 b class here?
3 is the class here?
3 b class here?
2 is the class here?
2b class here?
Are the teachers there?
Are parents present?
Are the guests late?
Everyone gathered, warmed by the sun,
Only there are no first graders ..
And we invite you to a joyful holiday,
In honor of the first call in life
You, the little ones
happy and different
Excited, maybe a little!
Sounds music number 8
So to applause we cheer
1A class and class. leader
1B and class. manager …………………………………………………………
Now everything is assembled.
- The solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open!
Just imagine: today in every city, in every village, children go to their classes. All Russia goes to school! And over the whole country sounds, uniting us in moments of special celebrations and trials, the main music is the ANTHEM OF RUSSIA!
Sounds music number 9
Russian anthem.
Presenter 1
We have a lot of guests today
The road is open to all
The guest of honor is in a hurry now
Happy holiday to all of you.
There are dear guests on our lineup. This is the chairman of the council of veterans ... and .... .
Presenter 1 The word for congratulations is provided ....
Music #10
Dunno. Disperse! Make way! Let's get through, finally!
Dunno comes to the presenters, puts briefcases and bags on the pavement, wipes his forehead with his sleeve.
Dunno (addressing the presenters). I'm not late? Hello! Three days going, zamyalsya completely. Now everything is in order! Now, so to speak, armed to the teeth. Do you think it's easy? Knowledge, how much they weigh! But I was determined to become smart. And as I decided - everything: I will die, but I will become. (Starts to collect the bags in his hands.) Where do you register for school here?
From the ranks of the students appears Button, Znayka.
Button. Dunno! Dunno! There you are... (Takes a breath.) Barely caught up! (Addresses the audience.) Hello! And forgive me for interfering, I understand that today is such a big holiday ...
Dunno. Very big! Just huge! I'm going to school! (Puts all the briefcases back on the pavement.)
Znayka. Yah?
Dunno. Exactly! See how much you have collected? (Pointing to briefcases and bags.)
Button. What did you collect?
Dunno. Well, things are different ... For study. And books... You know what I found at home - I brought everything!
Znayka. All?
Dunno. All!
Button. So I thought! Please give me back my book For Those Who Knit.
Dunno. Knit what?
Button. Well, all sorts of things - socks, mittens, blouses ...
Dunno. Ah-ah-ah! You are welcome! I think that we will not go through knitting today.
The stranger gives the book. The button looks into Dunno's briefcase and takes out an iron.
Znayka. And why do you need it?
Dunno. It's just an iron! You have to be neatly dressed to school. So I grabbed the iron, suddenly I remember the trousers. And also, if I fight with someone, you can attach it to a bruise. Like this.
Stranger shows. The button opens the next bag and takes out a broom.
Button. Well, why is this?
Dunno. And this was advised to me by a friend, he said that if they sweep out of school, then at least they will sweep it with my broom - it won’t be so insulting!
Znayka. Yes, your friend has a good sense of humor. But you don't need all that!
Dunno. Isn't everything needed?
Button. And you guys ask! They will help you find out what you need.
. The clues are on the table. Their Dunno and Button, after they guess the riddle, are put in a briefcase.

If you sharpen it -
Draw whatever you want
Sun, sea, mountains, beach,
What is it? (pencil)
In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, pens, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.
(Pencil case)
Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page.
I'm ready to blind the whole world - House, car, two cats.
Today I am the ruler - I have ...

The neck is so long
Crochet tail…
And it's no secret:
She loves all lazy people
But her lazybones are not.
Mom looks with impatience
On the pages of the diary.
Awaiting the cherished assessment
Your student.
Dance (dandelions)
Dunno. Thank you guys! But.. (crying)
Button. What happened?
Dunno. I'm scared. Everything is so new unknown.
Leading. Take it easy. Now the first-graders will tell you about the school and how they are preparing for it.
Music No. 11
First graders read poetry.
Wonderful days have come
We go to first class
And a lot of interesting
Let's find out for the first time.
We have important concerns
We are students now.
And we each have
Notebooks and briefcase.
We wake up early
You can't be late!
They are waiting for us at school
Good friends.
We all got to school
Tossed and turned all night
Smiled, dressed up
Even the cat wanted to help
We just said to the cat:
“Cat, don’t bother adults.
We used to play with you
I'm going to school, you know!"
Behind the bouquet is hard to see
As long as I'm shorter.
I'm a little embarrassed -
You cannot take the doll with you.
On a sunny sunny holiday
The heart beats happily.
"Primary School Student"
This sounds great!
Music 11
Button. Well, isn't it scary now?
Dunno. Not a little. Thank you guys. Now I'm ready to go to school!
Znayka. Don't rush Dunno. If you definitely decided to become a first grader, like our guys, then you, like the students, need to say the first grader's oath. And, most importantly, then fulfill everything that you promise in this oath.

Heroes and presenters read the lines of the oath, and the children and Dunno repeat the word "we swear."

Learn the letters, learn to read... We swear!
Learn to write and count by the summer ... We swear
Try hard in class and don't count the flies... We swear!
Protect the textbook, do not throw or tear ... We swear!
Do all your homework... We swear
Coming to school on time... We swear
Become smarter and mature in a year ... We swear!
Become the pride of parents and teachers ... We swear! We swear! We swear!
Znayka. Congratulations, you are now a freshman!
Presenter 2 Parents of the 1st grade will tell our students words of support and their wishes.
Leading. School, attention! Now the heroes of our celebration will take their first exam in front of you - now first-graders!
(performance by first graders)
Music 12
I'm running to school!
Mom, be late.
Read a book for me
And play with cars.
I am the most businesslike in the family,
And now it's quite big
You read my primer, mom,
And then tell me!

I won't be lazy
I will succeed in everything.
I want to learn
Read, write, count.

Now life is different
Will come to me.
Oh dear mother!
What an adult I am!

No, school is better than kindergarten!
I am happy to go to school.
Leaving class after class
And no quiet time!
Music #12
Button. Now you can relax and watch the dance.
(Amazing meeting)
Button. Well, now I understand what a real student needs?
Dunno. Understood! It turns out that in vain I lost three days, going to ...
Button. But now I'm smarter! They also learn from mistakes. You know, Dunno, let's congratulate the guys on the holiday.
Dunno. But as?
Music No. 13 (decreases and continues to play, then increases.)
Button. We have prepared gifts from the Sunny Town.
Znayka. Well, it's time for us to leave. But we do not say goodbye to you and are waiting for you in the amazing and wonderful Land of Knowledge!
Oh, how it rings in all ends of the Earth!
And let the sleeper wake up soon.
Do you think you have guests?
But no - the lessons begin!
The bell rings and is cheerful and loud,
And the soul is filled with joy.
And the faces of the guys bloom.
It's time for the lessons to begin!

The right to give the first call is given to the best
school students.
The first school bell rings.
Music #14
On this, our lineup is considered closed. Pupils go to classes for their first lesson.
Music from 15 – 20

The academic year 2017-2018 in Russian schools and kindergartens will begin with a line. For preschoolers, educators organize an interesting children's holiday, and teachers will prepare presentations for the Day of Knowledge for first-graders. As a rule, on September 1, the script for the First Bell is written not only by teachers, but also by senior class members. They may offer to spend the school day in an unusual way - for example, organize an excursion to the library. Choosing a celebration scenario on Knowledge Day, students and teachers vote. Their final decision always depends on the number of people who support the idea of ​​a children's holiday.

Scenario of the Day of Knowledge 2017-2018 academic year - Ruler for September 1

Examples of line scenarios for September 1 - Knowledge Day in the 2017-2018 academic year

When compiling the script for September 1, the parent committee and teachers will select fun music to open Knowledge Day. The most popular songs that sound on the first September day are “What they teach at school”, “Hello, school”, “My first teacher”. All classes are built in the school yard or in the hall on a ruler. First, the headmaster and head teachers of the school take the floor. Afterwards, the parents and the class teacher speak. The most active, caring students who take part in the holiday read poems about teachers and subjects. Sometimes the solemn line goes according to a different scenario - it is opened by the presenters, each time representing a person congratulating boys, girls and teachers on the beginning of the school year.

Ruler on September 1 in grade 11 - An interesting scenario for the Day of Knowledge

The anthem of Russia opens the solemn line on September 1. The students watch the flag of our country being raised. After that, the headmaster introduces the first graders to their first teachers. An eleventh grader leads a girl from grade 1 by the handle, ringing a bell - this is how the first bell is given. Usually, according to this scenario, Knowledge Days are held in most schools. However, today some educational institutions abandon the routine and offer an original, incredibly interesting program, accepted by the guys with a bang. For example, first graders and their parents are invited to take their first vow. In the 11th grade, future graduates can show skits depicting the upcoming USE.

Repeat guys after us (Two 11th graders read)

WE, secondary school students (taking turns saying their names and surnames) in the face of our comrades, parents and teachers, solemnly swear:

  • Never go to school... with lessons unlearned! (We swear)
  • Never wear a change of shoes ... in the same bag with sandwiches.
  • Never solve problems by ... copying from a neighbor.
  • Never open textbooks... with dirty hands.
  • Never finish a quarter ... with bad grades.
  • Never invite parents to meetings... 5 minutes before they start.
  • Never show the diary to your parents... on holidays and birthdays! (We swear)

Oath of the Class Teacher:

I swear and promise

  • Children to teach everything!
  • Be an example in everything!
  • Serve the school right!
  • Love your work! (I swear)

Parents are invited to take the oath.

As parents of students, we solemnly promise:

Parents' vow:

  • We will always help children in their studies! (YES)
  • To make the school proud of the children!
  • We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks!
  • Formulas to remember are nonsense for us!
  • We swear never to scold children!
  • Just a little scold sometimes!
  • Let's be calm, like water in a river!
  • We will be wise, like a star in the sky!
  • Let's get up in the morning in the cold!
  • To be in time here and there!
  • When the school is over, we will take a walk with the children then! (YES)

11th grade students give gifts to 1st grade students.

Examples of interesting scenarios for Knowledge Day in grade 11 - Line on September 1 at school

For children in grade 11, the lineup for September 1 is a touching event. Future graduates realize that this First school bell sounds for them in last time. Very soon they will say goodbye to the teachers, who have become real friends for the students. Many older boys and girls will never meet their classmates again - they will choose universities away from home and later work and live in other cities and countries. All this will be ... but only after four quarters of the school path. Now, following the script written for them by the most creative high school students, the students show interesting scenes from school life to the guests gathered on Knowledge Day, read poems composed by themselves, sing incendiary songs remade into new way, and simply rejoice at the meeting with their native school.

11th grade performance

Graduates greet newcomers and give them parting words in poetic form:

1st graduate:

Good to see you guys

At our school for the first time,

Coming soon your leader

Your native will show you the class.

2nd graduate:

School will help you grow up

And open the way to knowledge

It is only worth it very boldly

You quickly step into it.

3rd graduate:

First class is the start for you,

We're at the end of the road

All we got here

We want you to get.

4th graduate:

So that parting words remain

With you until the end

We sent gifts

You have a cheerful messenger.

Having passed the difficult school path,

You have matured imperceptibly

Found friends and the key to life,

They have mellowed over the years.

Now you have to push

And pass the exams in the spring,

To keep the certificate

You are proud of yourself.

Scenario of an unusual holiday for September 1 - Knowledge Day in kindergarten

Before the start of the school year, kindergarten teachers with parents of preschoolers prepare a script for an unusual children's holiday. Since future first-graders cannot sit still for a long time, and even more so, stand still, active, outdoor games and fun activities are often chosen for Knowledge Day in the preschool educational institution. Talking about the history of the emergence of the celebration on September 1, the teacher can offer the boys and girls a “train trip” to various stations. “Arriving” at the next station, preschool children perform certain tasks - they answer quiz questions, guess riddles, sing songs together, recite poems.

Examples of unusual holiday scenarios on September 1 - Kindergarten celebrates Knowledge Day

Educators who want to really interest the children in the kindergarten with a story about the Day of Knowledge should invite preschoolers to join in an unusual game. The Funny Train scenario involves traveling through several "stations". For example, at the Skazochnaya station, future first-graders meet Russian heroes folk tales lost in the forest. They will be helped by the correct answers given by preschoolers. "Baba Yaga" can ask the boys and girls to help her count the mushrooms prepared for the magic potion. "Kolobok" may ask you to remind him of the words of a famous children's song. Arriving at the station "Grovaya" on September 1, the pupils of the preschool educational institution, playing, have a little rest from the previous difficult tasks. The cheerful children's holiday is completed by a "sweet table", laid by the parents of the kids.

September 1 - Knowledge Day Scenario and First Call for First Graders

Since first-graders on September 1 are just beginning their acquaintance with the world called “school”, on Knowledge Day their first teacher must choose a holiday scenario suitable for their age. Children 6-7 years old will quickly understand what they have to do in the school year if the teacher prepares a presentation about the school for them. After the ruler and the First Bell, the teacher must invite all first-graders to the class and seat them at their desks. In some schools, teachers like to show slides - photos from the school life of other classes. In others educational institutions parents mount a video about future lessons and show them this short film on the first day of autumn.

Examples of Knowledge Day scenarios on September 1 - First call for first graders

After the solemn school line and the First Bell on September 1, the teacher must lead the first graders to their class. Traditionally, the scenario of the Day of Knowledge involves starting the school year with a Peace lesson. Despite the seeming routine of such a plan, today such events are more important than ever. The threat of war has again increased on earth, and the teacher is able to explain to the children of 6-7 years old how important it is to remain attentive and kind to each other. A person who perceives another as an equal will never come into conflict with him. Parents of students can help prepare a presentation for the lesson to the teacher.

September 1 - Script in the Library

When choosing a scenario for September 1, some schools offer to hold Knowledge Day events in the city or school library. Despite the saturation of the first school day, the children will be happy to meet after school with the guests of the holiday - modern writers and poets who write about the life of the city and its most restless inhabitants - students and pupils of kindergartens. Together with children, they can take part in unusual quizzes dedicated to the history of the region. Often, in honor of the start of the new academic year, libraries organize thematic book fairs. Schoolchildren get acquainted with novelties of fiction and educational literature.

An approximate scenario for the holiday on September 1 in the library

Today, many teachers with great approval refer to the scenario of holding a holiday on September 1 in the library. Encouraging the children's curiosity, they invite them to quizzes and poetry contests held by local writers and poets. Writers can read excerpts from their new works to schoolchildren and even give each student who came to the holiday a new book. The winners of the competitions are waiting for "smart" gifts - collections of poems, songs, stories about the school. In the library, you can also conduct a "video tour" - a presentation of slides on historical places cities.

Traditionally, by September 1, the scenario of the interesting holiday teachers are preparing at school for grades 1-11. On the Day of Knowledge, the script for celebrations in kindergarten written by educators and heads of preschool educational institutions. In the new 2017-2018 academic year, solemn assembly lines, a Peace lesson for first-graders and unusual events, for example, excursions to the city library, will be held in all educational institutions of Russia.

Valentina Tupikova
Scenario of the school-wide line on September 1 "Hello, school!"

Solemn line 2018« Hello, school

Music sounds

Exit children

1. Attention! Attention!

We are speaking school: « Hello

Hello, dear teachers!

2. Summer has blazed with hot heat!

Behind the happiest days...

And as before we are with you

In the morning of early autumn came!

3. And it will start all over again

AT school from call to call!

Again from September berth

Will carry us school river!

4. For some, this year is the last

In our school fantasy land.

For someone - the very, very first.

And they are doubly worried!

5. With quivering excitement we meet

First native September!

School the countdown begins,

And fanfares in honor of him sound!

Leading: Hello, Dear friends!

presenter: Good morning, dear teachers!

Leading: Hello welcome guests!

presenter: Welcome, our dear parents!

Leading: We are pleased to welcome everyone to the solemn lineup dedicated to the Day of Knowledge!

presenter: Today is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with a huge world of knowledge. We wish success, good mood to you - and to those who came to school for the first time and those who lived in school so many interesting and useful years!


Every autumn in school comes

First-graders noisy round dance,

Joyful, thoughtful, cheerful,

And the teacher will bring them to class.


Today we take into our school family new squad of first graders!


Dressy! Front doors!

So unobtrusive!

Combed with bows

The girls are coming!


And the boys are great!

So cute!

They carry such neat flowers in their hands!

All former pranksters -

Today is first graders.

Everyone is good today

Such here in school waiting!

Leading: On the ruler students are invited 1 "a" class. Their first teacher will lead them along the path of knowledge!

presenter: On the ruler students are invited 1 "b" class with your first teacher!

Leading: And, of course, our holiday will not begin without future graduates! Yana, what would you say about our graduates using only verbs?

presenter: Let's try! They believed, waited, hoped, dreamed, lost, found, fell, got up, fought, won, lost, but did not give up, fell and took off again, made friends and loved!

Leading: And this is all about the future graduates of our schools! Meet 11 "a"

presenter: And 11 "b" class with their class teacher!

Leading: Now everything is assembled! Solemn ruler, dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, is declared open!

presenter: Word for congratulations provided to the director of our schools.


We have many guests today

The road is open to all.

The guest of honor hurries here

Congratulate happy holidays to all of us!

Word for congratulations are given…

Dunno: Get out! Make way! Let's get through, finally!

Dunno comes to the presenters, puts briefcases and bags on the pavement, wipes his forehead with his sleeve.

Dunno (addressing the leaders): I'm not late? hello! Three days going, zamyalsya completely. Now everything is in order! Now, so to speak, armed to the teeth. Do you think it's easy? Knowledge, how much they weigh! But I was determined to become smart. How did you decide - all: I will die, but I will become. I'm watching: Do you have a holiday here?

Leading: Yes, today is a big holiday - "Knowledge Day"! Today all the guys go to school after the summer holidays! And we take into our school family of the smallest - first-graders!

Dunno: Yes, and I have a holiday - a very big one! Just huge! I am also in I'm going to school!

presenter: Yah?

Dunno: Exactly! See how much you have collected? (Pointing to briefcases and bags.)

Leading: What did you collect?

Dunno: Well, things are different ... For study. And books ... You know what I found at home - I brought everything!

presenter: Everything?

Dunno: Everything!

Leading: Let's see how you are going to school.

The hosts look into Dunno's briefcase and take out an iron from there.

presenter: Why are you doing this?

Dunno: It's just an iron! AT school you have to be neatly dressed. So I grabbed the iron, suddenly I remember the trousers. And also, if I fight with someone, you can attach it to a bruise. Like this.

Stranger shows. The presenter takes out a broom from the briefcase.

presenter: Well, why is that?

Dunno: And this was advised to me by a friend, he said that if they were from school sweep, then at least they will sweep it with my broom - it will not be so insulting!

Leading: Yes, your friend has a good sense of humor. But you don't need all that!

Dunno: Isn't everything necessary?

presenter: And you guys ask! They will help you find out what you need. Guys, help Dunno?

Leading: We will make riddles, and you try to guess them.

The clues are on the table. Their Dunno and presenters, after guessing the riddle, put them in a briefcase.

1. If you hone it -

Draw whatever you want

Sun, sea, mountains, beach,

What is this? (Pencil)

2. In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, pens, paper clips, buttons,

Anything for the soul.

(Pencil case)

3. Your pigtail without fear

She dips herself in paint.

Then a dyed pigtail

In the album leads on the page.


4. I'm ready to blind the whole world - House, car, two cats.

Today I am the ruler - I have ...


5. The neck is so long

Crochet tail…

And it's not a secret:

She loves all lazy people

And her lazy - no.


5. Mom looks impatiently

On the pages of the diary.

Awaiting the cherished assessment

Your student.


Dunno: Thank you guys! But. (crying)

presenter: What happened?

Dunno: I'm scared. Everything is so new, unknown.

Leading: Take it easy. Now the guys - first graders will tell you about school and how they prepare for it.

Performance of first graders

1. Look all at us-

First class is in front of you!

First class - the beginning of the trail

In the life of a great way,

Together with new friends

We want to follow it.

2. In school we all gathered,

Tossed and turned all night

Smiled, dressed up

Even the cat wanted to help.

3. Behind was a garden,

Carefree days.

First grades coming soon

We'll get into the diaries.

4. All homework

We will strictly implement

To the lesson without delay

We'll run in the morning.

5. At the lessons we promise

Don't make noise or talk.

If we don't know the answer,

Let's raise our hand.

6. Let's do sports,

In order not to get sick often,

So that our teacher

You didn't have to blush for us.

7. Let's not forget the pen at home,

Both notebook and pencil.

And forgetting - we will not roar

For the whole class, for the whole floor.

8. To learn business,

You have to work hard!

We will be taught everything school,

Is teaching a joke?

9. We promise you today

Be an example in everything.

Graduate, we know for sure

We won't let you down!

10. You all rely on us,

There will be a very friendly class.

To the family accept school,

And the teacher will support us!

11. On a sunny, cheerful holiday

The heart beats happily.

primary school student schools-

This sounds great!

12. Our first very best

Ring, ring, call!

Go home, moms!

It's time for our lesson!

presenter: Well, isn't it scary now?

Dunno: Not a bit. Thank you guys. Now I'm ready to go to school! Where to go to sign up?

Leading: To the director's office! Good luck Dunno!


For such performance

The guys are rewarded!


1. Just in time for the first lesson

We baked a loaf

Caravan, caravan,

Be brave, don't yawn!

First graders take a piece of finely chopped part from the loaf in advance

2. Everyone will eat a piece of bread,

To keep the sky clear

To make learning easy

To go far!

3. Bread one and many "I":

You are now one family!

You do not quarrel, everyone is friends,

Share the difficulties for everyone

4. Joy is also in half,

And listen to the words

those what do we say to you now:

Good luck! And good time!


1. Today a change has come to us,

Everything starts over.

Us school could teach everything

It's time to teach these kids

Graduates to first graders

2. Glad to see you guys

In our school for the first time,

Soon your first teacher

Your native will show you the class.

3. Growing up will help school

And open the way to knowledge

It is only worth it very boldly

You quickly step into it.

4. First class for you start,

We're at the end of the road

Everything we got here

We want you to get.

5. So that parting words remain

With you until the end

We will give you gifts

From our release!

Alumni Block

It was a good summer vacation

Now learn not to be lazy!

2. A lot needs to be done in a year

Sharpen your knowledge

To make the road easier

You have to learn and learn!

3. You have to try hard to learn,

And so that interest does not wane,

Bathe in knowledge

I'm graduating this year!


According to our tradition school,

Let the balloons fly into the sky

Happy new year my love school!

Happy New Year teachers and students!

Leading: Friends, a solemn moment is coming! It's time for the First Call of the upcoming school year! Let the first bell ring September!


Ring the bell, good luck, good time!

native school, meet each class!

Leading: The right to give the first call is granted to a student of grade 1

and 11th grade graduate


Ring, bell, louder, more audible!

What a trill is spreading over the world!

Do you think the nightingale sang?

But no - the lessons begin!


And the school year is ahead again,

Let it ring loud and loud

The call that leads to the offensive

Forward, on the assault, boys and girls!

presenter: The right to be the first to enter school behind this fun call is provided to our first graders and graduates!

Leading: Solemn ruler, dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, is declared closed!

presenter: Good luck to all, good mood and success!

Scenario line September 1, 2017-2018 academic year



Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents!

Host 2:

Good - not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good that it brings us.

Indeed, today is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with a huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to us.


good mood to you and to those who came here for the first time, and to those who have lived so many interesting and useful years in our school.

Host 2:

Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday!

Presenter 1

Here comes September! And with him you are in the courtyard of our beloved school.

Lead 2

Look around. Next to you are teachers and friends that you probably missed.

Presenter 1

Take a closer look. Friends have changed. They matured exactly 1 year in three months, because you moved to the next class.

Lead 2

And today for us begins a new year, a new school year. And it is with this that we congratulate all of you, dear guys.

We wish you success in your studies! Let your classes remain the same friendly, because together it will be easier to solve problems.


September has come, summer is over,

The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come.


Children, parents, teachers,

Happy holiday, friends!

Presenter 1:

A solemn and exciting moment is coming at our holiday. After all
now it will include those who came for the first time in the first class. Let's get them
We will greet and invite Oksana Evgenievna Tonkikh with our first teacher.

(Grade 1 enters with music).

The song sounds School years»

Presenter 1: Tatyana Vasilievna! Teaching and student team "Main secondary school village of Amgun"back to topthe new 2017-2018 academic year is ready. Allow the holiday solemn line dedicated to the Day Knowledge is considered open.

Director: The line dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year is considered open!

Host 2:

Russia! Russia!

The state is great!

Native, powerful and many-sided!

You are the source of inspiration and life!

And the native school is your island!

Let the heart beat louder

The anthem of our great Russia sounds!

Presenter 1

School! Attention!

During the performance of the national anthem of Russia, stand still!

The anthem of Russia is being performed

Host 2:

The situation is not new

And quite understandable

If the director took the floor,

All in complete silence.

Looking forward to every time

What will he tell us now?

The floor for greetings is given to the director of the school Gainislamova Tatyana Vasilievna.


Hello school!
You are not just a building
You are like home to us.
Daily in the morning for a date
We are getting ready for you!


Hello school! About you with excitement
We write awkward poems. . .
Replenishment comes every year
And graduates are leaving. . .


There are various holidays throughout the year.

And today is your holiday.

First graders go for the first time

To your friendly school class.


Yesterday only you were told "baby"

Sometimes called "prankster"

Today you are sitting at the desk,
And your name is First Grader.


Today is not just Knowledge Day, today is the birthday of the new academic year.

Host 2:

I have a surprise for you

Now 1st class will perform here

What's the surprise?

And the fact that without such guys is impossible,

They, you will see for yourself,

They want to study only "excellent".

Performance of first graders

1. Who said that there are questions, (Boldyreva Milena)
Unbearable for us?
No wonder this fall

We are in first grade.

We, going to this holiday,
We know: this is our holiday!
After all, today is a first grader -
The most important character.

Everyone around was so happy -
It's me and you at school today!

And they jumped for joy

Even the price of flowers!

2. How many joyful, cheerful (Timofeev Nikolai)
Faces everywhere - look!

Personally, the principal of the school

Smiled three times!

3. Now the first school bell will ring, (Kulikov)

The teacher will start the first lesson with us,

Show us the school, show us the class

He will tell his story about the life of the country.

And you, our mothers, do not dare to roar!

Loom under the windows, make a loud noise.

So that we are not ashamed of you at school,

After all, the school charter is for everyone ...

And for you!

4. Admire us all, (Kristina Odokienko)

And remember us.

We promise the best

Will be at school...

All: First class!

5. I dreamed about books today (Dove Sophia)

They walked in formation, lay down in a briefcase,

Pencils in a notebook

They wrote: “It's okay!

We are clean, tidy, new,

We are ready to study!”

6. We are now very big, (Vlada Proyavchenko)

We came to school.

And now no one will say

That we are babies.

Stay home dolls

I'm going to school

No time to play now

7. A lot of different new knowledge (Grishinkova Vera)
Bring us a lesson

And we are ready to learn

Like no one before us could!

The school needs to know
Knew our names -
Will write from a class magazine
Their history is it!

We want the Knowledge Day
From now on it has become our day!

"Good luck" wish us, Well, we won't let you down!


Dear kids! Put your ears on top!

Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.

Masters of control and essays.

Professors for passing tests and exams.

Inventors newest species cribs.

The oldest students in the school are ninth graders.

And I'm happy to give them the floor.

Presentation by ninth graders.

1 Dear first graders! Today is the happiest day of your life!

Today you came to us just as boys and girls.

And in just a few minutes you will become students of our school.

And we, as her oldest students, want to give you some advice!

2 We are a little older than you,

And burning with desire

Give you orders

And our wishes!

3 "Gnawing" science for later

You don't leave.

Then there is soup with a cat!

Read more!

4. So that conversations “on the carpet”

Were very rare

Don't fight in the yard

Do not "pull" the neighbor!

5 Be polite to everyone

Don't be rude to elders

All quickly for a change

Don't rush!

6 Love physical education -

Useful in life

Adjust the figure

Pump up your muscles.

7. And you all need to remember:

The strength of the mind is more important!

Faith, friendship - that's what is sacred!

With them you are stronger.

8. Smile more often

Laugh out loud.

Respond to misfortune

By my kindness.

9. Well, bolder on a long journey

School, interesting!

Don't forget on the road

Home, friends and a song!

10. Dear our first class,
We give this command:

Wake up early in the morning

Wash well

In order not to yawn at school,

Do not peck at the desk with your nose.

Train yourself to be in order.

Don't play hide and seek with things.

Treasure every book

Keep your briefcase clean.

Dress neatly

To be pleasant to watch.

Don't giggle in class.

Don't move the table back and forth.

Don't tease, don't be arrogant.

Try to help everyone at school.

Take care of our school

And love your teachers!

That's all our advice.

They are wiser and easier.

You, my friend, do not forget them.

Start your school journey!

Graduates give gifts and flowers to first-graders

Host 2:

Special congratulations, thanks,

We want to dedicate warm lines

Those who school, study and children

He gave most of his life in the world.

Presenter 1

We know that wisdom, patience, experience

They will help in any circumstances of life.

We have learned from you and will continue to learn

And we promise to work hard!

Presenter 1

We welcome the kindest...

Lead 2

The most responsive...

Presenter 1

The most understanding...

Lead 2

The fairest...

Presenters 1 and 2

our dear teachers.

Presenter 1

Teachers are like us

And they are always waiting for the holidays, too,

But they manage to rest

And again inspired to go.

Lead 2

We wish happiness to our school,

Her native teachers!

Flowers that are more tender and more beautiful than all,

Let me present to you.

Presenter 1

May you have more joy

Tenderness, love, flowers, kindness.

Well, we will try to grow so

To never upset you.

Lead 2 : It's time for the school meeting.

May our dreams come true.

Presenter 1

We ask all students today:
At school, be the host, not the guest.
There are many schools, but this one is like an undiscovered planet for you,
Which you will have to know!
Love, cherish, keep longer.

So, the solemn moment comes.
A moment of attention!
Freeze, student!
Now it will ring out, your first call,
You will be invited to the first lesson.

Presenter 1: The right to give a call is provided by ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


We wish you only success in the new academic year, guys!

Have a good trip!

Presenter 1: About our school we can say:

She has good mood!

Enviable past!

And a great future!

Host 2:

According to our tradition, the youngest students enter the school first.- 1st grade, and high school students lead them to classes.

(taking by the hand - they leave, music sounds)


On this solemn line, dedicated to the holiday The first call and the Day of Knowledge is declared closed.

