Recent recordings of a friend's 55th birthday. Festive portal jubilee-en-bis.rf - everything for your anniversary

Good afternoon, dear guests.
Sit down comfortably, feel, as they say, at home, and let me begin our today's holiday.

At the table with friends
Opening the anniversary
speaking before you,
I want to start with words
Not from pathos speeches,
Not feasting, rather
And such that friends
They speak from the heart.
May our evening
It will be warm and cheerful
Let them sound today
Congratulations a hundred in a row.
There will be dances, there will be songs,
Jokes will be appropriate here
After all, today is the name day
Beloved (name).

Dear (name), we are here today to congratulate you on this great holiday. Why do I say excellent, yes, because there are only “excellent” in it. And you look “excellent” today, and everyone is in a great mood. And everything, I think, today will be fine. And, most importantly, that everything was great in your life.

“How are you?” I usually ask.
You will answer me: "Great!"
“Like a son, don’t you miss?” (You can do a child, kids)
“Everything is fine,” you answer.
Yes, and in your personal life
You are always great.
So you live right
What do you say is excellent.
I just want to wish
Continue to live like this, on the "five".
Well, the holiday is starting,
Happy birthday congratulations!

No wonder I started today's holiday with an “excellent” rating. Our birthday girl had to receive this mark more than once, and to give it to her students. The role of a teacher is known to her like no one else. And today, let me be in that role. I even have such a bell with which I can start the next lesson.

And I want to start with the main lesson - the lesson of life, which we all go through with you, stumbling over mistakes, while filling ourselves with bumps. And someone assimilates it worse, and someone better. But we learn the most important thing in this lesson: love, friendship, we learn what is good and what is bad. And, as in any other lesson, it is important who your desk mate is. Remember your school feelings when you sit next to a boy or a girl every day, and literally you become familiar with the feeling of an elbow. But a completely different feeling of an elbow arises next to a person who becomes a part of your life, because you understand that you can always lean on him.

I want to convey the word “deskmate”, a person who for many years has been walking hand in hand through life with his beloved, spouse (name).

Spouse's word

And now the bell rings again, which means I invite you to a new lesson. And I would like to focus on the lyrics. It just so happened that all the girls in the family (surname) are associated with literature. And in today's literature lesson, we will focus on poetry. May they be born here and now and be dedicated to our birthday girl. I will start, and you will help me (the words in brackets, the guests speak in unison).

So, poems for Valentine.
She is like a girl from (pictures), (guests speak in unison)
She is like a white angel
She has a nice (voice)
She is pure as white snow
She is always cheerful (laughter),
She is close, like the smell of bread,
Her two eyes of color (sky),
She is friendly to everyone
And don't waste (time)
Everyone loves her, you and me
She has a happy (family).
We (name) congratulate,
Poems to her together (we dedicate).

I think that all of us, and first of all (name) herself, deserved applause. And the literature lesson is continued by a specialist in this matter, the sister of the birthday girl, (name). And another connoisseur of literature, younger sister, (name). Let the congratulations from your family sound.
And now I propose to interrupt for a short break and contact Germany during it, because congratulations were received from there.
Congratulations to the son and sister are voiced.
Well, we join these congratulations.

The next lesson, I think, will be quite appropriate. This is a history lesson.

Note that the festive meal is also a historical moment. Not a single significant event in history could do without it. So, while you are eating, I will stop at a small historical reference. As in the Russian language, the main thing in history is the roots. “Look at the root,” said Kozma Prutkov. far in historical roots our heroine, we did not dig. Let's just say that the reason for her birth must be sought nine months before the event that occurred on December 4, 1952. Apparently, the reason was the increase in solar, and not only, activity, which falls at the end of March - the beginning of April. As for the roots directly, she was born (name) in a family of simple and glorious people, (name) and …………. They were very happy about the birth of a girl, but if a boy had been born, they would have been no less happy, and his name would also be Valya. Since childhood, Valya loved to read. Her favorite character was Volka from "Old Man Hottabych". And my favorite authors are Valentin Kataev and Valentin Rasputin. She decided to connect her life with literature, and therefore went to ped in order to become closer to Walter Scott and Voltaire. Even as a child, she played the fool only occasionally, but mostly, from some kind of overwhelmed little thing, she made something. In winter, she liked to walk around in felt boots, and in summer, when the elders took her with them to the forest for mushrooms and berries, they often lost her and found her somewhere in a fallen tree. When asked what she was doing there, Valya answered that she was playing “scarlet flower”. When perestroika began, Valentina quickly realized that in order to live at least slightly imposingly, a salary must be received in foreign currency. Otherwise, she is free, like a free wind.

Nina Ivanovna will present her version of the story with congratulations.

They say that the most strict teacher was Noah, stating that "every creature is a pair." And with us, everyone who answers my questions correctly will receive ……………. I will present you with several dates, and you must answer what event in the life of the birthday girl these dates are associated with. (3-4 dates are written on the plates.) Those who correctly identify them receive prizes.

Well, now your stories with congratulations. 2-3 toasts sound.

Our next lesson is a lesson in astrology, the science of the stars and fate.

Only one thing can be said about Valentina - she was born under a lucky star. And the sign of Sagittarius accompanies her luck and determines her character. A woman born under this sign in the region of the Southern Urals, despite the cold weather in December, is quite hot and everything goes with a bang. She is a purposeful nature and, if she shoots, then right on target. And therefore, as a rule, in her youth she shoots with her eyes, but quite purposefully. Therefore, her chosen one for life becomes a victim. Her purposefulness is manifested both in her personal life and in her career, and her aspirations are limitless. She prefers the arrows of Cupid to combat arrows, therefore, by nature she is not aggressive, but loving. Her arrows reliably protect her family and home.

Perhaps someone is ready to add something to this characteristic and, of course, congratulate.

Well, back to the signs of the zodiac. Only in our lesson, these are also signs - assholes. They ask you questions, and already according to your answer and characterization of you as a person. And now each of you has the opportunity to answer the question, but first you must find out what sign we are talking about.

He is still a prankster
That will arrange a flood for us,
And that's eight whole years
There will be a first president.
You correctly identified the sign.

Now I will read the question, and you need to choose an answer.

You are a truck driver. What would you prefer?

A) as soon as frosts begin, you flood all the streets of the city with water, because you think that figure skating is the most beautiful sport.
B) you fill the tank with champagne, go to the city beach and water the vacationers, because you think that only the sea of ​​champagne can be better than the Black Sea.

So, your characterization.
By nature, you are a romantic, which does not prevent you from being a good inventor. Perhaps if you were born a century earlier, then your last name would be Kulibin.

The best interlocutor
He is ready to listen all the time
Speculation and aspirations.
This is a sign of silence.

You are Stirlitz. The worst thing for you is to speak Russian in your sleep.

A) Every night you skydive to get a little nap while you soar.
B) every night you go to Loch Ness and dive into the water, portraying the Loch Ness monster.

They say about people like you: I would go with him on reconnaissance. If you were dumb, there would be no price for you.

They say he's stubborn
But let me tell you guys straight up:
He's just tired again
Feel like a victim.

You went on an expedition to Central Africa. A tribe of cannibals has taken you prisoner and will sacrifice you in the morning.

A) you spend the night drinking an elephant with a fermented liana tincture, trying to persuade him to make an escape.
B) you spend the whole night teaching the local boy guarding you how to use Russian obscenities, because it is extremely difficult for him to learn other words.

You are a resourceful person, do not shy away from difficulties and a true patriot of your homeland.

So this day is coming when your friend turns exactly 55 years old. It is impossible not to notice such a date, and it should be celebrated in such a way that all guests gasp! Already know how you will do it? New scenario anniversary of 55 years for a woman is cool script which is already ready to go. You can take it in its entirety or which parts you liked the most. Watch the scenario with contests and games, and spend it at work or at home with your family.

Anniversary meeting.

Dear friends! Dear guests!
I hasten to inform you that today you came not just for a holiday, but for the anniversary of your friend, girlfriend and relative - (name of the hero of the day).
Today she turned, you know, it’s not customary to talk about the age of women out loud, so let it be a little secret that is known to each of you.
And now I ask you to choose one balloon, any color. Have you chosen? So, let's see. Well, what can I say - you all chose such bright, such iridescent colors that we have no right to postpone the start of the holiday. And so we begin!

The guests are seated at the tables.

Is everyone seated? Do you know why you came here and what you will do? Yes, that's right - we came to have fun and celebrate the wonderful date of our friend. And in order not to break the rules, let me read the bylaws for tonight. Pa after you each sign it and give it to the hero of the day for safekeeping.

Evening charter:

Well, once the charter is signed, it's time to start implementing it. Does everyone have glasses? Then the first toast to ... but first a small digression.
A princess lived in a castle. And three grooms came to woo her. Each of them had to spend the night with the princess. After the first night they ask the princess - how is it? She answers - so-so. And the first groom was put in jail. After the second night, they ask - how is the second one? Yes, so-so - the princess answers. And they threw him into the dungeon. After the third night they ask - well, now? Now it's divine! - said the princess and blossomed! But the third one was thrown into the dungeon anyway. For what - he was indignant - after all, everything was divine ?! And for the company - said the rest.
Well, guess what our toast is for? Yes, for our cheerful and friendly company at this table!

The game.
Friends! We communicate with you, it seems like we already drank, but we haven’t really met yet. Can we fix the situation? Excellent. Only I suggest you get acquainted in the Indian language. You know that Indians don't have names like we do. They have sort of nicknames. Here I have a table of Indian nicknames, let's try to get acquainted with it.

This table will help you here:

As you can see, it has nicknames that Indians usually give to each other. It is easy to use, and you will spend this block in such a way that all the guests will laugh heartily.

And so, we met in a comic form, laughed, and now let's get to know each other for real. And again we will do it in a playful way, only in a dance form.

Block - getting to know the guests.
For this block, you need to pre-cut the songs, where there are names. And turn them on in turn, and the guests, when they hear a song with their name, go to the center. So that they do not just go out, tell them that they will receive a gift for the best and most original exit.
Example songs with names:
- Pink roses to Svetka Sokolova.
- Natasha, Natasha, you are my heart and soul.
- Kolyan dances the best.
And so on. There are a huge number of songs with names, you just need to know the names of the guests in advance in order to prepare the necessary cuts.

After everyone left, we arrange a dance break, and play a little.

And so, we are all on the dance floor. And now is the time to show who dances and how. To do this, I will divide you into two teams: on the right is the older generation team (who are over 40 years old). And on the left is a new generation team (those under 40).

The music competition is a battle of generations.
First, music from the 80s is turned on and those who are over 40 are dancing to it. Then a modern song is turned on and those who are under 40 are dancing. This is done 3 times, after which a draw is announced and a groovy song (for example, lambada) is turned on and everyone dances together.

And now I have a surprise for you. I was informed that the postman Pechkin came to visit us! Let's meet him!

Pechkin comes out.

Hello Pechkin!

Good evening. I brought you a telegram from myself (points up), but I won’t give it to you. And not because you have no documents, but because you are all drunk!

So it's our anniversary, how can we not be drunk?

No, according to the instructions, I am not supposed to send telegrams from myself (again points up with his finger) to people like you.

Stop, Pechkin. Since you've come, sit down with us. Drink for the hero of the day. Look how beautiful she is!

It's possible, I'm a little tired from the road.

Pechkin sits down at the table and they pour him a drink and give him a snack.

Well, Pechkin, has it become more fun?

Yes, much better. Okay, I picked up something, I'll give you a telegram.

He hands the presenter the following telegram:

Thank you, Pechkin. Let me read it.

The host reads out a telegram from Putin and gives it to the hero of the day.

After such a gift, you must definitely drink!

All guests drink.

Everyone knows the fairy tale about the golden fish? Would you like to catch the same goldfish that will grant your three wishes? Then let's catch it.

The game block is a goldfish.
For this game, you need to make and cut out fish from cardboard in advance. They are all the same, you can make them different and color them. But only one fish will be golden (it must be yellow color or stand out from the rest). We put all the fish in a bag. And each guest in turn takes out one fish. Whoever takes out the goldfish wins and has the right to three wishes. But since today is the anniversary, all three wishes will be dedicated to our hero of the day.
Wishes for the hero of the day.
Here you again need to make cards on which wishes will be written. The one who took out the goldfish takes out three wish cards.
Examples of wishes for cards:
- let the closest relative of the hero of the day say a beautiful toast.
- let (son. Daughter) of the hero of the day say a toast in honor of his mother, and in this toast the word - anniversary will appear three times!
- let the hero of the day choose any item from the table and leave it for herself as a keepsake of this holiday.
- let my neighbors on the left and right on the table sing a congratulatory song in chorus.
- let each guest come up to the hero of the day and hug her.
- I want everyone to shout loudly: congratulations!

Something we missed. Isn't it time for us to sing?

The song is an alteration to the motive of the song - the blue carriage runs and sways.

And now I ask you to look at the hero of the day. Is she really good? Yes, and now we will see this again. I ask our hero of the day to go to the center. Look at her - beautiful, slender, unique and ... what am I saying, let the hero of the day herself say everything.

The hero of the day reads the text and shows it all artistically.

Excellent! Do you agree with what the hero of the day read? Then let's raise our glasses and drink to our hero of the day again!

Time flies fast and it's time to say goodbye. But we'll see you again soon. After all, a new anniversary is just around the corner! See you!

Newspaper basket with hares. For the anniversary of 55 years. + script

PLEASE IF YOU QUOTE AND USE THIS MATERIAL, LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS, LET'S RESPECT EACH FRIEND AND HIS AUTHORSHIP!!! The idea was this. I spent my anniversary with my mother-in-law, and decided that at the end of the evening it would be nice to receive such a gift, a basket with hares. The hero of the day didn’t know anything about this surprise and I gave her a basket with these words: “And now our birthday girl will give each guest such a bunny, and giving the bunny she will say a warm word to each guest, these bunnies, which have absorbed all the warmth of this evening, the guests will take away from themselves, and take away a piece of our good, warm evening."

And here is the birthday girl.

and here is the basket

and boys

bunnies as a gift

Well, the scenario of the holiday for anyone interested

To carry out the script for the anniversary of the mother for 55 years, we need:

1. 5 stars from gold self-adhesive or just from yellow paper, which we glue on the floor

2. bouquet of flowers

3. balloons and confetti for fireworks

4. pacifier

5. bonnet

6. bib

7. ears for cheburashka and the corresponding outfit

8. outfit for a gypsy

9. 3 outfits for Grandmothers-Hedgehogs (3 sundresses or robes, 3 scarves, 3 aprons, 3 brooms, 1 accordion)

10. gold medal

11. phonograms of the song of the crocodile Gena, Babok-Ezhek from the film "Flying Ship", "Gypsy Girl" and the song of the wizard Suleiman


Dear Tatyana Nikolaevna!

Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,

After all, you direct the reflections of your star on them.

So let your rays continue to endow us with affection,

And it seems to us that life is a big fairy tale.


To extend this fairy tale to us,

At least for a little

You are not in a hurry, now go to

Star track.

Every star is just a mystery

You only need one clue.

Get up on the star track

And guess something!

1. Each of us dreams of this,

I think that including you

Get out of the hands of a man

Now beautiful. (flowers.)

(gave a bouquet of flowers)

2. To remember later your biography,

We will do this one now. (photo.)


3. Pamper your grandchildren more often,

After all, they give you theirs. (kiss.)

(grandchildren kiss the birthday girl.)

4. For the hero of the occasion

At such moments,

We are ready to give endlessly. (applause.)

(Guest applause.)

5. And it's time to honor these minutes

Hear us here anniversary. (salute.) (We give balls and forks to children, confetti to my mother's girlfriends. The balls burst, they threw coffee).

toast May this evening last forever

And warms our soul with warmth.

Everywhere close, native faces,

We all gathered at one table,

To sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary,

Wish you love, health, happiness,

So that life is both better and brighter,

And never ceased to amaze!

Vedas. And I want to raise the first glass for our hero of the occasion.

You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,

Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.

You are the flame of the hearth and home,

You are the light on earth that never goes out.

Poems from children

Congratulations from the granddaughter:

Kolya: Why are we in the kitchen

Crowded in the morning?

All something, fry, soar

Adults and kids.

Here, peel the potatoes.

Milk here.

Because the birthday

My dear grandmother!

Katia: The table is set, relatives are sitting

Together at the big table

For beloved, for granny

We will dance and sing."

Misha: Grandma and I are very good friends.

We help each other.

She ... cooks dinner for me,

For her, I ... eat everything.

I take her by the hand.

A passer-by will not always understand

Whether my grandmother is my granddaughter,

Am I still a child?

Who leads whom to Molochny?

Who drags whom to "Toys"?

We live as a strong family

We are friends with true friendship! ( Tatyana Bokova.)

Andrew: My dear grandmother

I wish you tea

Delicious pies, sweets,

Know that there is no better than you! Toast.

Questions for guests, how well do you know our hero of the day.

1. What day of the week was our hero of the day born?

2. What time of day did this event occur?

3. What was your birth weight and height?

4. Where on the map was she born?

5. What was the name of the first teacher?

6. What was the name of her first love?

7. How did you study at school?

8. What is the best thing to do?

9. In what year did you meet your dear husband?

10. What day of the week did they get married?

11. What was the weather like on your wedding day?

12. Age of her children?

13. The growth of our hero of the day?

(Medal and certificate to the winner)

Retirement has come

The grandson runs in a skirt, ponytails, runs around the hall:


I ask: - Who are you?

shyly replies: - Pension, hee-hee-hee. (and runs away)

Dedication to pensioners

The granddaughter comes out as a midwife and says: - You cried into the world when you were born,

And everyone around was laughing.

But indeed we had a little pensioner. You all know how capricious little ones are, they are afraid of a cold, and they don’t have a little mind, therefore, so that they don’t puff out their ears, they don’t bake their heads, and also so that extra thoughts don’t get into their heads, we decided to give her a cap. (The host puts a cap on the hero of the day.) And also you all know that the little ones are so clumsy and so awkward that when they eat they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them, so that this does not happen, we give her a bib. (The host puts on a bib to the hero of the day.) And I also want to add to the above that little pensioners get upset for any reason, they have nothing to do, they worry about everyone, so their eyes are often wet. To prevent our pensioner from crying, we decided to give her a dummy. (The host gives a dummy on a scarlet ribbon. A cap is sewn in advance for an adult and an apron.)

Leading: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot to do!

Leading:(helping to take off her bonnet, apron and pacifier): Well, she is fed, she doesn’t blow anywhere, and most importantly she won’t cry. And now I propose to give an opportunity to congratulate ... brother, sister

Musical congratulations

Dear Tatyana Nikolaevna! Accept musical congratulations. Those who wish - sing along! (Hand out printed lyrics).

A granddaughter with cardboard ears, like Cheburashka's, sings a song to the motive of "Songs of the Crocodile Gena".

We didn't come in vain

It's clear to everyone

And sit down at this table.

Congratulate the hero of the day

And leave a memory

This song that we will sing!


Let the years not age you

In life, be in sight

Unfortunately, birthday

Only once a year!

We congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Stay the same:

Kind, sweet, beloved

patient, beautiful

We cannot count all your virtues.

Let the years not age you

In life, be in sight

Unfortunately, birthday

Only once a year!


fortune teller

During the feast, a gypsy appears in the hall and sings to the motive of a gypsy:

I am a funny fortune teller

I don't ask for a lot of money

I know the whole truth about you

I'll tell you for a chervonets!

Oh, one more time

Many, many more times!

Let me guess people

Let me lay out the cards

Give me a coin

I will tell the whole truth!

Well, beautiful, gild the pen, I'll tell you what will happen tomorrow! Oh, I see, I see everything!

You'll have a hangover tomorrow!

Wai, dear, you will feel bad tomorrow, you will have to go to work!

And you - I know for sure what tomorrow will be! Monday! (If today is Saturday.)

Oh, my rich man, in five minutes you will have to dance a gypsy girl, and tomorrow you will have to wash your trousers!

I see everything, I know everything, in the morning - you will run for beer, in the evening - for girls!

Oh, my dear, they will put their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then also the heart, liver, tongue, and on top of something long and thin ... it's hard to see ... oh, a herring!

You will sing so that the neighbor will cry. The rest - fall asleep!

You will sleep, curly, sweet, you will sleep softly until the cake is pulled out from under you!

They will give you two bags of happiness today, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!

Friends will be around you tonight. Friends are faithful, devoted. Can you tell me what to call them? Sharik, Bobik and Polkan!

The boundless gave you, the unknown gave. You will think for half a day until you understand where you woke up!

Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one that

you will lose today.

Waiting for you, young, different diseases, contagious diseases. No, not because the lines are bad, but because the hands are dirty!

A big loss awaits you. You will lose your tie. You will search all night, you will find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt.

Wai, what a heavy blow awaits you!.. In the morning, when you stand on the scales

A funny comedy will be shown to you on TV, funny, erotic.

It's called Today's Anniversary.

Give your hand, my golden one! I'll tell you a fortune, my dear, but I'll tell you the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. It goes uphill all the time, you will become a big man. Ah, my dear, I see the brilliance along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will build a house, you will celebrate your anniversaries there, you will invite all the guests to your place for every holiday, and now gild the pen, my rich one, for what I told you fortune.


Leading:"New" pensioners came to visit us for congratulations.

We came to this house

Wish you many years

You accept from us Tatyana

Pioneer greetings………

Just think,

Everyone is retiring

And now we will tell you

How to live in retirement

We wish you much happiness

This evening and forever.

Less clouds, rain, bad weather,

Tanya is a sweet person………

Worked a lot

All the hard work was not in vain,

That's for it dear

You have been given a pension.

You have become richer

Poverty does not return

And thanks to Medvedev

Takes care of everyone.

I would go to work

I'm tired of sitting

But I'm afraid of taxes

Better at home - I'll make a break. …

God grant that everything is fine,

Always behave yourself

Do not get sick, do not lose heart

Eat in moderation and sleep soundly

Never grow old

All men like it.

Leading: And now comes the solemn moment. From all of the above, the council of pensioners allows you, Tatyana Nikolaevna, to join the party of pensioners. To do this, you must take an oath.

The oath.

Birthday girl: I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in the face of my relatives, friends, colleagues, and children, solemnly swear: fervently with the heat of my heart to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the obligations of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in spite of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

(The text of the oath must be printed in advance. Also here you can give a comic pass to the party of pensioners with a photo and a seal.)

Leading: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with duties and rights.

Responsibilities: Get up, wash up. Sit down, eat.

Receive guests, Do not forget friends.

Put the brazhonka for distillation.

Do sports this year. Be ready for defense and work.

Rights: When I want - then I get up.

As long as I want, I lie down.

And if I want to, I'll drink it.

I will go where I want.

When I want - then I sleep.

Whoever I want, I love.

(propose a toast to the new "pass".)

Host: With all our hearts we wish you happiness

And let it be joyful every hour.

Let misfortunes pass you by,

May your children and grandchildren love you more.

So, I give the floor to the children ……………..

Leading: And now I propose to move on to dancing, outdoor games.

(While the dances are going on, the host of the game brings in a large box, for example, from under the TV, which says "Package". And also brings in telegrams.)

Leading: Now, while everyone was having fun, the postman Pechkin came. As you probably guess, telegrams and even a parcel came to the address of the hero of the day. He himself refused to come in, as he was afraid that the bicycle would be stolen and trusted me to read the telegrams.


Hello grandma, don't be sad

We're out of candy, mind you

I made a bow, I dry my socks,

I've been writing a letter to you for two days

And on the window there is a sparrow,

All right, I'm done.

Your grandson.

Moscow, Ministry of Finance.

Budget in deep deficit

Do not look for money in the Ministry of Finance,

Send me a translation

Yes, the Duma does not give money. Are you 55?

And you are fervent!

Happy birthday to you!


St. Petersburg.

I send greetings from Petersburg,

I wish Luda many more years.

Here I would like your young age,

I would make a mess.

Love, Peace, Success

I wish you a happy anniversary.

USA, Washington.

All borders have been erased between us,

My words fly like birds.

Our States congratulate you,

You try to live richly,

Don't go for impeachment

Health to you, good luck and food!

I sip a glass for you. Happy anniversary to you.

Clinton Bill

Moscow, Headquarters of the LDPR.

Yes, definitely on this day.

Even the stump is obliged to love.

I wish you all the best,

Even though it won't be cheap.

Well, for starters, for example,

You all join the Liberal Democratic Party.

Sorry if the humor is flat.

Happy anniversary!



(Each gift must be accompanied by an instruction. The hero of the day opens the package, shows the gift and reads the instruction to everyone.)

So that there is happiness in the house,

So that you love all your relatives,

To make the house a full bowl,

Take a pot for porridge as a keepsake……….

Rewrite grandchildren,

So that you take them in your arms

And I heard them screaming…….

To keep good, warm,

Tanya, drink wine skillfully,

You know your limit

Don't grab an extra cup

The sobering-up station decided to help

He gave his gift

He will remind

How much should be taken. (Thimble.)…..

You throw the Orenburg darling on your shoulders down scarf. (A piece of gauze.)………

To know everything in the world, newspapers should be read. (Newspaper.) …….

After a glass of snack

The matter is very important

Here, Lyuda, instead of a sleeve

Paper napkin.

(Colleagues can also bring the parcel and read the text for all the gifts themselves.)

We wish the anniversary

It was a stage, not a result,

So that there is no end to the roads,

Leading us from days gone by

We wish you a good life

Health, happiness, long years,

Love, well-deserved victories,

And congratulations on your anniversary!

Surprise gift.

Leading: And now I want to give the answer to the hero of the day.

(The hero of the day thanks the guests.)

grandmother in retirement

Tatyana Bokova

Our grandmother has happy years -

Grandma has retired.

No need to go to work now

time to relax, take care of your health!

But she cleans the apartment.

Iron, cook, then wash.

When everything in the house sparkles, shines,

How much attention grandchildren require!

Until the night, granny does not know boredom

When he puts everyone down, calms down,

then grandma takes care of her health!

Parents of grandchildren come home from work

and their grandmother surrounds them with care.

Some kind of tired grandmother look,

but he seems to be retired, sitting at home.

And now he has arrived! Who is he? Yes, your anniversary, and with it the long-awaited pension! And this event should be noted. Don't want a noisy party? Then spend everything at home. Moreover, we just have an interesting and cool script for a woman's 55th birthday to celebrate at home.

Anniversary meeting.
Although you are celebrating the anniversary at home, you still need to meet the hero of the day brightly and beautifully.
On our website, we have posted ideas more than once or twice on how to meet the hero of the day. So you can search. And we will offer one more, more new version which you may also like.
And so, when all the guests are in place, they form a semicircle. In front of the semicircle is a leader who will sing. Well, the hero of the day herself should face all the guests. And so, we will sing a song alteration to the motive of the song - “Songs about a good mood”
The host sings the song, and the guests sing the last word in chorus in chorus:

This is how beautiful and unusual we met the hero of the day. Guests can sit at tables.

The main holiday begins.

First, let's congratulate the hero of the day together with all the guests. In this small mini-sketch, all the words belong to the host. And guests should do what the host says. So, let's get started:
- Dear friends! Let's look at each other, no, not in the eyes, on the hair! Yes, look at what gorgeous hairstyles everyone has done! But this is not the main thing, the main thing is that you all have different hair colors. Stand up those with blond hair. You are blondes, and when I mention you in my congratulations, you should stand up and draw a heart for the hero of the day in the air with two pens.
Do we have brunette guests? Your task, when you hear your hair color, stand up and just rub your palm against your palm.
And now everyone else is red and brown. Your task is to blow a kiss to the hero of the day when I mention your hair color.
Well, are you ready? Then let's get started.
Today, for the anniversary of our wonderful friend, all her friends gathered. They are all different, versatile and with different hair colors. There are blondes, and brunettes, and even redheads.
And you know, the hair color is not chosen by you and me, it is given to us from above. Why? Because blondes are always beautiful. Brunettes are always irresistible charm. And redheads and brown-haired women are sexy!
And so today all blondes will paint the world around the hero of the day in rainbow colors.
Brown-haired and redheads will charge with their positive energy for many years.
And brunettes with only one movement of their hair will be able to attract love, happiness and good luck!
Brown-haired, blondes and brunettes are a fusion of good and Have a good mood. So let's have fun all tonight, and have fun again! Indeed, in our company of blondes, redheads and brunettes, it is simply impossible to do otherwise!

The first competition for attentiveness and ingenuity. The host asks one guest questions, and this guest must answer them. But his answers should not contain such words as: YES or NO. You can answer as you like, but you can’t say: YES and NO. You have three seconds to answer.
Think it's easy? And you try to answer something else, and not yes or no.
For example, here are the questions:
- today is Friday?
- Maybe.
Is Friday the fifth day of the week?
- seems.
Do you like to go to the cinema on Fridays?
- not always.
What do you like to do more on Fridays?
- rest!
- I correctly understood that on Fridays you just relax?
- Yes! (as a rule, this is where the guests make mistakes, because they are drawn into the conversation and forget the rules of the game. But if the guest is not mistaken, then questions are asked further. And so there are 10 questions for each guest. Whoever could pass the exam wins)

Game moment with the participation of the hero of the day.
In this game moment, we will accept the hero of the day in the so-called club - who is over 50!
The leader with his assistants reads the verses, and then he does everything according to the verses.
And here are the verses themselves:

And here is the certificate:

You can download it.

Game for guests - gifts for guests
For this game, you need to prepare different gifts that you can give to the hero of the day. Only these gifts need to be drawn on cardboard and cut out. It can be: a car, a house, a trip abroad, a necklace, and so on. Then the participants of the game are taken to another room. Meanwhile, they pull the rope and hang all the gifts cut out of cardboard on it.
The first participant in the game is blindfolded and given scissors in his hands. He enters the guests, approaches the rope and cuts off one gift. Then his task is to determine by touch what he cut off. If you guessed right, you get it as a gift.
For example, guessing the car, gets a mini copy of the car, that is, a toy.
Guessed the house, then receives a keychain. And so on.

Gifts for the hero of the day.
And in this game block, we invite you to give comic gifts to the hero of the day.
The situation is this: people from distant Siberia come to visit the hero of the day. And they, of course, brought their gifts with them.
For this moment, two or three guests are needed. One reads verses, others give gifts according to verses.

Woman 55 years old

Host: Hello dear friends! It's great to see you all at our party! And today we have a great occasion - we want to celebrate the anniversary birthday of an amazing woman - the birthday of _________________________________________________! Let's start celebrating now, and so we sit down, lay, pour, don't be shy, smile, look forward to fun, and good mood for everyone tonight, everything is just beginning! .. and, of course, I would like to turn to our men, not we forget about our duties, we look into the glass not only for ourselves, but also for the ladies sitting next to us, if we fill it empty.

Two fives stood side by side -
It's been an anniversary.
___________ We are happy to congratulate you.
And we wish her soon:
Let you charm
Will never leave!
Shine, smiles, charm
Will always stay with you!
May happiness, joy, eyes shine,
Success will last for years!
And may all your desires
Fate will say in response: "Yes"!

And so everyone is poured? I ask everyone to stand up, raise their glasses, congratulate the hero of the day standing up, in order to announce to us the beginning, we need to drink everything to the bottom - FOR THE Jubilee.
Men drink standing up, women also to the bottom.

Well, dear friends, and now a loud triple "Hurrah" to our ANNIVERSARY.

Music background:

Host: Friends, I would like to tell you something that a charter has been created for our event, such a code of laws for tonight. I will introduce you to him now.
Our charter says:
That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
It is announced in all hearings that today is the anniversary of ______________________________________.
Remember: for starters, it didn’t hurt everyone to drink a glass.
Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month after this evening and are non-refundable.

And also for tonight we are creating teams.
The Pouring Team! their motto is "Drunkenness fight, so let's drink before the fight!" Your applause to the pouring team.
And the Drinkers team - "Always ready to drink for ____________________!" your applause. (when addressing the parties, each side says its own motto)

wish tree.

Friends. I would like to tell you that at our holiday there is an “Jubilee tree of wishes”, everyone can come up, tying a ribbon, make a wish for our birthday girl, only to yourself, you don’t need to speak out loud, let this tree fulfill it, with all the revelation with which you make a wish, you can make a wish at any time. Well, friends, we have read the charter, we talked about the tree, and we are smoothly moving on to congratulations.

Congratulations 1.
Congratulations from my husband.

Moderator: To begin with, I will turn to our men, have you forgotten what to do? Then get started.
In the meantime, we will find out why the anniversary is needed?
And the answer flies to the mind soon -
To catch happy moments
Hearing congratulations from loved ones.
Friends, I don’t know about you, but I would like to know that the husband of our birthday girl has one thing,
____________________________________________, do you remember where and under what circumstances you met ___________________________________________? Do you remember when you first kissed? How did you propose? And in what year did you get married, preferably the day, month, and year? Bravo friends, here is an ideal husband, he remembers all the most valuable things that have been deposited in the soul of our birthday girl.
And it is with great pleasure that I give the floor to a person who has the opportunity to admire the beauty of our birthday girl every day and walk with her hand in hand along the road of life, the floor is given to a loving husband __________________________________________!
Friends, is it not true that we drink very bitter drinks, but let's ask them to please.

Music background:

Congratulations 2
Congratulations from the children.

Host: Dear friends, before I say something, I will again turn to the men, fill the glasses. Dear guests in the Orthodox tradition, family life is understood as the Path to Salvation, the ascent along which is associated with carrying the cross of everyday duties, mutual work, cooperation, understanding and harmony.
Conjugal love extended to children warms them. Children are the greatest joy, the greatest happiness for parents, for the whole family! And so, With the words of congratulations, the eldest daughter ____________________________ addresses you!

Leading: Dear friends, for such sincere words from the lips of my daughter, I propose to raise the glasses and drain them to the very bottom.

Congratulation 3

Host: Yesterday I read in the newspaper that the son of Arkady Ukupnik stopped listening to his father. It speaks of good ear for music child. so the word for congratulations is provided by _________________________________________________!

Congratulation 4

Leading: The word for congratulations is given _________________________________!

The game "Do you know the birthday girl well?"

Host: Friends, well, first I’ll ask the men to fill their glasses, don’t forget not only to ourselves ... and ask you this question, “DO YOU KNOW THE BIRTHDAY GIRL WELL?”, I clarified everything with her before the feast, so I won’t be able to deceive . She probably knows you all well, because she gathered her closest and closest friends, well, the question is different ... and so, let me ask questions, and you, in turn, answer them together.

So, in __________, a girl was born, who was named ________________________,. Who knows…

1) - In what city was our birthday girl born? ___________________

3) - Favorite dish? _________________________________

4) - Favorite color? __________________________________

5) - What do you think, is the birthday girl in a festive mood today? This is just what I asked.

6) - Her favorite pastime, hobby? __________________________

7) - Does the birthday girl like milk? _______________________________

8) - Favorite drink? _______________________________________________

9) - Favorite musical performers? ___________________________________________

10) - Does the birthday girl like fruit drink with currant jam? _____________________

11)- What TV program does he like to watch? ____________________________

12) - And your favorite TV show? __________________________

13) - And the shoes on her today, what color? _______________

14) - Does the birthday girl like to look out the window? _________________

15) - And your favorite time of the year? _________________________________

16) - Does the birthday girl like to straighten her hair every hour? ____________________

17) - Does the birthday girl like to dance until you drop? _____________________________

18) - Does our birthday girl like to drink? _______________________________

19- And what kind of strong drinks does the birthday girl like? _________________________

And if, in your opinion, the birthday girl likes to drink, I propose to raise glasses and drink for the birthday girl!

Music background:

Congratulation 5
Congratulations from sisters and brothers.

Host: Friends, do you know how the name Svetlana stands for? And I'll tell you now. The name Svetlana is of Slavic origin, from the word "bright" Independent and hardworking, diplomatic, kind, coquettish, Svetlana cares a lot about her family, an ideal mother and wife. Pay attention to how many good qualities this beautiful name has absorbed. And now I want to give the opportunity to congratulate the birthday girl to people who have known her since birth, remember the secrets of childhood pranks and funny stories of youth, the floor is given ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________!
(Congratulate brothers and sisters in turn)
Presenter: Dear friends, I propose to break away from the feast a little and stretch your legs. There is a dance program for you.

dance program.

Card game.
Host: Dear friends, let's take a break and play a little. I need 5 girls and 5 guys. Girls stand on one side, men, respectively, on the other. So, keep these medallions around your neck, just remember these letters that you own, because I will ask you questions, and your task will be rebuilt in the correct answer, in the correct order, if the letters remain, they must be turned over to another side, that is, close. And so: a warm-up word, which is necessarily defended, to the ball of one or another team.
1) - And so, it's time when everything blooms, becomes colorful? (Spring)
2)- A river flowing in Saint Petersburg? (Neva)
3) - Shelter from the rain, at their summer cottage? (canopy)
4) - Where does the nurse in the clinic take blood from? (Vein)
5) - The city and the lake, what is it called? (Seva)
6) Is the capital of Australia? (Vein)
7) - Near the Caucasian mountain lake, lives a beautiful horseman, whose name is? (Vanes)

Well done, and with a margin of _______, the team __________ wins! And now, let's make pairs with the same letters, so now choose the 1st card, and look at what is written on them. And so, I think a little older people remember this period. It was believed that there was nothing in the Soviet Union? (sex) however, this is everyone's favorite activity, we will not do it now, but what comes with this wonderful activity? (Sighs), everyone received cards on which syllables are written, I will now approach each pair, and you should wake up in turn, this sound that you have on your card five times. Only one condition, it is necessary to pronounce it as erotically as possible.
And so, dear guests, there are five pairs in front of you, I will call each team in turn, and you, with your applause, must choose the best pair, well, are you ready? (gifts to the winning couple, and cupcakes to the rest)
Well, dear friends, we have had a little rest, and now the most mobile part of our program continues.

All at the table
Company toast.

Presenter: Well, dear friends, I’ll ask everyone to sit down and fill their glasses, I’ve got another toast: In ancient times, the very beautiful Queen Tamara ruled in Georgia, she annually spent "an archery tournament, she put the most ordinary apple on her chest, and every jikit - an archer, must accurately hit the target, whoever hits the apple exactly had the right to live for one year as a spouse with the queen. The first horseman was found, he pulled the string, took aim, shot an arrow and missed. Queen Tamara asks the assembled honest people what, they say, will we do with this horseman? and the people respond to his kur in kur and abandoned the poor fellow. A second horseman was found - an archer, it’s scary of course for him, he knows the fate of the first shooter, but nevertheless he pulled the bowstring, took aim, fired an arrow and also missed, again Tamara asks the honest people what, they say, will we do with these horsemen? And the people answer, they threw him into the kur, and this participant from the cliff into the river. Then the third horseman - the archer appeared, and he was also scared, but he pulled the bowstring, took aim, fired and accurately hit the target. Tamara was delighted, because the horseman is brave, handsome and she wanted to live with him whole year, but the people still have to ask, what, they say, are we going to do with this handsome man? And the people answer, to hell with him, but for what, asks Tamara? Yes, for company. I have been leading to this keyword “company” for a long time, because we have gathered at the table such a cheerful, good company, with which you can go into fire and water, and go into reconnaissance, so let's fill our glasses, glasses and drink for a cheerful and friendly company.

Congratulation 6
Congratulations colleagues.
Leading: In a good team, you can
Working on a major note
I am glad to congratulate the hero of the day
From you co-workers.
The word for congratulations is provided by _________________________________________________________________!
Colleagues take turns congratulating

Anniversary bottle game

Presenter: Friends, Today, festive drinks are in abundance on the festive table - vodka, wine, cognac ... Not infrequently, they are consumed by diluting with water or mixing with each other. So let's talk about famous cocktails. And so, I will name the ingredients, and you must answer what kind of cocktail it turns out.
Beer and vodka - "Ruff!"
Vodka and tomato juice - "Bloody Mary!"
Vodka and champagne - "Northern Lights!"
By the way, who knows the recipe for champagne at home? And the recipe is simple: Vodka to the hiss of his wife! It turns out so sparkling, I checked it myself. And so we continue.
Vodka and coca - cola - "Summer!", Well, where is summer, friends, picnic, lawn, there will be a cocktail "Three Little Pigs" who will tell you the recipe? Write down, Box of vodka and three friends!
Why did I lead all this. This is true. To warm up, now we will play this bottle of vodka from our birthday girl, so I ask questions, and whoever answers them correctly will get it for personal use!

1) The name "Vodka" appeared only in the 17th century, before this drink had a different name ...
A) a bagel;
B) Alcoholgon;
C) AQUA - VITA: from Latin "water - life".
2) What does the word "vodka" literally mean?

Congratulation 7
Congratulations friends.

Host: I must say that our birthday girl - happy man. So many good close friends gathered around her today, who throughout their lives walked beside her, were together in sorrow and in joy.
Dear ___________________________________________!
We see what has come for the Jubilee
Many of your devoted friends!
They are ready at this hour
All heartily congratulate you!
The word for congratulations is provided by _________________________________________________!

(friends take turns talking)

A candle burns in the soul of every person,
Which produces spiritual warmth.
But when we get together
Candles connect and heat arises
From united souls.
The word is given by ___________________________________________________________________________!

Music background:

Leading: Before we sat down at the table, they told us that there would be a very cheerful, and friendly company. Being here, for a short period of time, I am fully convinced that this is so.
First question:
1) - Which word has forty letters - A? (Magpie)
2) - From what cup do we drink, but we can’t get drunk? (cup of love)
3) - Good husbands, they don’t roll on the road, they roll on ...? (On the sofa)
4) - A solemn promise of fidelity to each other? (Vow)
5) - Name the author of the lines: “Only a lover has the right to be called a person? (Block)
6) - A deity that shoots love arrows? (Cupid)
7) - What knot cannot be untied? (Railway)
8) - Why does the dog howl at the moon? (From the earth)
9)- What is 906090? (Speed ​​at the traffic police inspector)
10) - About 40 million people do this at night? (Social network)
11) - Now hanging, then standing, then cold, then hot? (Shower)
12) - Which wheel does not spin when turning right? (Spare)
13) - Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter, amuses in spring, cools in summer? (Vodka)
14) - Will he get up, reach the heavens? (Rainbow)
15)- What word always sounds wrong? (Wrong)

Toast "About the Crow"

Leading: And now I will ask you to fill the glasses, men, I am turning to you, and listen to another toast to our birthday girl. High, high in the mountains lived a lonely highlander. He was a hermit, no one could climb so high up the mountain where his lonely house stood. Once a highlander found a little crow with a broken wing. He took him out, brought him up. And when the highlander had a birthday, already a huge old raven said to him - Happy anniversary.
So let's drink to the fact that our hero of the day is congratulated not by one crow, but by a whole flock!

Music background:

Leading: Dear friends, we stayed a little in one place, I suggest dancing a little.

Dance program

Congratulations 8

Leading: We hurry to the table, once again, if there is a reason for fun. Let them become a holiday for us, for ______________________________________________________________ we will close friendly glasses, strengthening our Disposition. So that this day becomes a bright day, to the one whose birth we celebrate.
How to sit at the table.
Host: I know you have a secret
Years have no power over you!
I have known you for many years
And yet you are fresh and young!
So let's drink to miracles!
What helps ladies not to grow old,
And this secret is guarded by heaven!
We men are left to watch with bated breath!

Presenter: Friends, today, on this significant day, the anniversary of a wonderful person, _____________________________________________________! And today she is awarded a CERTIFICATE that certifies that its owner is the HAPPiest woman on the planet.

Certifies that its owner is
HAPPIEST woman on the planet.

Happy because... she lives an active, rich, versatile life full of various emotions. Because she has the ability to experience a range of feelings and turn out to be the heroine of unique events, she boldly overcomes all obstacles, gaining experience and skill.

Happy because... she is a mother, she has three loving daughters, and this is the best creation of her life!

Happy because… she is a grandmother who has granddaughters, who brings a lot of wonderful impressions and emotions, delights with her victories and skills.

Happy because ... she is a wife, and she has a loved one nearby and loving man, caring, economic, kind, sympathetic and noble. And it's hard to imagine people more suitable for each other.

I am happy, because… thanks to her sociability, naturalness and devotion, she has found many friends who are always there, always in touch, and she gives herself to them with all her heart.

Happy, because… she has and loves her home and does her best to achieve coziness and comfort in it. And all his grandiose ideas are brought to life with lightning speed.

Happy because ... she has great culinary skills that attract guests to her house.

Happy, because ... everything she has planned always comes true, a little earlier or a little later.

Happy because ... she has the opportunity to live on this planet and enjoy all its gifts.

Happy because… she never doubts that she is really happy!!!
November 12, 2011
The certificate must be framed and hung over your favorite sofa!

Host: And to everyone who agrees with this, I propose to raise glasses and drink for the endless feeling of happiness, our birthday girl.

Tree of the hero of the day

Presenter: Friends, well, the festive evening has come to an end, and we sincerely congratulate the Anniversary, and give the “Wish Tree”, to which throughout the evening, you dear guests said the most sincere wishes, and the ribbons on this tree prove it.
Dear ________________________________, please accept this Jubilee tree with wishes, and keep it until the next anniversary, because this tree contains the most cherished wishes of all the guests who came to the holiday, and everything that our guests whispered to this tree will certainly come true.

Leading: And finally, I would like to turn to our men, fill the glasses and once again raise them to our Jubilee.
Last toast
On some vessels they put a division: 50, 100, 150, 200 ... We wish you to fill such a vessel to the top with a beautiful creature - your life! Happy anniversary! Happy 55th birthday to you!