Conversation autumn chores of a person in autumn. NOD "Autumn chores of a person" in the senior group

Activities around the world

Subject: "Autumn chores of a man»

Target: to give children an idea about the autumn preparations of a person for winter in the garden, in the garden; to acquaint with planting trees, shrubs, flowers in the autumn, with harvesting seeds; to cultivate a desire to help adults in the preparation of vegetables and fruits for the winter; develop an aesthetic perception of the environment.

Materials and equipment:

Pictures of vegetables various groups, sheets of paper. Colored pencils, paints, colored paper.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation, story, visual, practical.

Lesson progress:

- Guys, let's imagine that winter immediately came after summer?

What would be?

(Birds will not have time to fly south, animals will not have time to prepare for the cold and will die, insects will not have time to hide and not wake up in winter, people will not be able to harvest from fields, gardens, orchards, fruits and grain will die, etc.)

That's right, guys, in nature everything goes according to plan. Hot summer gives way to cool autumn, frosts gradually increase, and only where winter comes.

Autumn is a very important period of the year. In autumn, everyone works: birds, insects, animals, and we, people, also work hard to prepare for the harsh winter.

How do people prepare for winter? (children's answers)

That's right, first of all, it's harvesting.

(Children look at illustrations depicting grain harvesting)

On hot summer days, farmers harvest precious grain from the fields. In autumn, they will have to put this grain in storage. Scientists are developing modern methods control of grain diseases.

The bins of the Russian land are rich, all winter the people will eat healthy and tasty cereals, semolina and millet, buckwheat and pearl barley, oatmeal, wheat and barley flakes. Need flour - buy in the store for every taste: wheat, rye, corn.

Grain will be preserved in winter - there will be flour, there will be flour - there will be pasta, and noodles, horns and spaghetti.

There will be bread, and rolls, and gingerbread, and cookies, and pies.

What vegetables are harvested in the fields?

(Tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, eggplants, beets and carrots, cabbage, garlic, peas, beans, peppers, pumpkins, radishes, etc.)

Examining pictures and stories of children about what vegetables were collected in the village and in the country.

How does your family store vegetables in winter?

(Potatoes are poured into cellars, carrots and beets are stored in sand, onions and garlic are woven into braids, cucumbers and tomatoes are salted in jars, cabbage is salted in barrels, etc.)

Once I went to my grandmother in the village, I see: in her house there are many different bunches of herbs hanging to dry, and in the house there is such a wonderful herbal aroma.

Who guessed what kind of grass grandmother dried for the winter? (children's answers)

That's right, these are medicinal herbs and fruits that are very useful in winter.

The teacher's story about medicinal herbs (thyme, St. John's wort, oregano, linden, rowan, hawthorn, nettle)

It’s good to sit by a warm stove on a frosty day, and drink a decoction of fragrant herbs with fragrant honey.

Do you have medicinal plants in your family?

In autumn, a person still has a lot of different things to do.

In the garden, people clean up dry tops, remove leaves, fertilize the soil with ashes, fertilize, dig up the ground, cut branches.

Today, on a walk, we will plant plants, decorate our site with new trees.

And what needs to be done to prepare the house and apartment for winter?

Animals change their coats for the winter, but what does a person need?

(Buy a warm coat, knit a hat, mittens, etc.)

Well done boys! We are well prepared for winter.

Thank you, mother earth, for your generous gifts! The winter is not terrible for people.

IIh. Applied activity

And now I propose to make preparations for the winter, to preserve whatever they want - berries, vegetables, fruits. The teacher gives a jar template and children at will (draw vegetables, stick fruits, jam, etc.)

Tatyana Ozerova
Ecological activity in senior group on the theme "Autumn chores of a person"

On the ecological occupation"Autumn chores of a person" children the older group gets acquainted with the autumn preparations of a person for winter in the garden, in the garden; get acquainted with planting trees and flowers in autumn period. Also, children learn how to prepare for the winter cold in the city and the countryside. It is very important that children understand and realize that they need to help their relatives prepare for winter. And if there is no help from children, then how will we spend the winter? We will freeze and die of hunger? Usually children senior group understand this and try help your relatives. And when they come to Kindergarten tell children and teachers. Ecological lesson in the senior group on the topic: « Autumn chores of a person»

Target: give an idea of autumn preparations of a person for winter in the garden, in the garden; learn about tree planting shrubs, colors in autumn period, with harvesting seeds; to cultivate a desire to help adults in the preparation of vegetables and fruits for the winter; develop an aesthetic perception of the environment.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Guys, let's imagine that immediately after the summer, winter came. What would be? (birds will not have time to fly south, animals will not be able to prepare for the cold and will die, insects will not have time to hide and not wake up in the spring, people will not be able to harvest fields, orchards and orchards).

caregiver: That's right, guys, in nature everything goes according to plan. Hot summer turns to cool autumn, frosts gradually intensify, and only then winter comes. Autumn is a very important time of the year. Everyone works hard in the fall: and birds, and insects, and animals, and we, people, also work hard to prepare for a harsh winter. How do you think people prepare for winter? (children's answers).

caregiver: This is primarily harvesting (Children are invited to look at the illustrations depicting the harvesting of cereals). On hot summer days, farmers harvest precious grain from the fields. autumn but there is important and responsible work to be done, to lay the grain in storage. How the grain is dried, how the barns are repaired, how they get rid of harmful rodents, depends on whether the grain will last all winter until spring. Scientists are developing modern methods of combating grain diseases. Grain is treated with special substances to prevent mold and rot of crops. It is very important to store the grain at a certain temperature and humidity so that it does not lose its valuable nutritional qualities.

The food of the Russian land is rich, all winter the people will eat healthy and tasty cereals: semolina and millet, buckwheat and pearl barley, oatmeal, wheat and barley cereals, etc.. e. Grain will be preserved in winter - there will be flour, there will be flour - there will be pasta, and noodles, and horns, and spaghetti. There will be bread, and rolls, and gingerbread, and cookies, and pies.

caregiver: taken care of grain man Now it's time to think about vegetables. Guys, what vegetables are harvested in the fields (tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, potatoes, beets, etc.). Tell us, what vegetables did you help to collect in the village or in the country? (children's stories).How do you store vegetables in your family in winter? (potatoes are poured into the cellars, carrots and beets are stored in the sand, onions and garlic are woven into braids, hot peppers are dried on a rope, mushrooms are dried in garlands, cucumbers and tomatoes are salted, cabbage is sour in barrels). Guys, look how many vegetables we have. (The teacher offers stencils to the children).Let's prepare vegetables for the winter. (children stick vegetables on blanks: potatoes - in bags, cucumbers and tomatoes in jars; cabbage in barrels; pepper on a string; onion and garlic in braids, etc. e)

caregiver: That's how well we worked! Now let's rest. (children are offered physical education "Harvesting")

Let's go to the garden (marching in place)

Harvest (walk hand in hand)

We carry carrots (we drag)

And dig up potatoes (digging)

We cut a head of cabbage (cut off)

Round, juicy, very tasty (show)

Let's pick a little sorrel (tear)

And back down the track (walk hand in hand).

caregiver: Once I went to my grandmother in the village and I see that in her house there are many different bunches of herbs hanging and drying, and in the house there is such a wonderful herbal aroma. Who guessed what kind of grass grandmother dried for the winter? (children's answers).

caregiver: That's right, these are medicinal herbs and fruits that are very useful in winter. Do you want me to tell you what herbs Grandma cooked? (the teacher talks about the healing properties of St. John's wort, thyme, oregano, chamomile, mint, nettle, linden, etc.) Good in the cold, frosty evening sit by the warm stove, and drink a decoction of fragrant herbs with fragrant honey. All ailments will go away at once to the side.

caregiver: Well, we have prepared vegetables, we have collected herbs. What else do you think needs to be done man in autumn(children's answers)

That's right, there's still a lot of work to be done. We need to prepare the land for spring. The land of care requires a careful attitude. Peasants plow the fields and then sow winter crops. In villages and dachas, people clean up dried tops, leaves, burn everything, and fertilize the soil with ashes. autumn fertilizers are scattered on the ground and dug up. Digging the trees and bushes, dry branches are cut, trees are whitewashed with a special garden solution to protect the trunks from harmful rodents. Autumn the period is fertile for the transplantation of perennial shrubs and flowers. (The teacher invites the children to consider seedlings shrubs and perennials).

caregiver: Guys, what do you think you need to do at home to prepare for the cold weather (in the village you need to prepare firewood and coal for heating the house, and in the city, repair pipes, batteries, paste over windows, insulate doors).

Animals change their coats for winter, and what a person needs? (repair or buy new clothes and shoes). Well done boys! We are well prepared for the winter. Let's repeat once again what people have prepared for winter period in their bins (children list what they remember during lessons) .

Hello, Dear visitors our blog!

The month of August is coming to an end, and with it, summer. And we gradually move on to the topic. And we will start with a new post about what people do in the fall and how to tell a child about it. A presentation on this topic will be released a little later.

In autumn, people have a lot of worries and a lot of work. After all, autumn is harvest time.

It is in autumn that a lot of fruits and berries ripen in the gardens - plums, apples, pears, mountain ash, wedges and others.

The fields are being harvested. Bread is harvested with special machines - combines.

And vegetables ripen in the garden - beets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, peppers and so on. You need to have time to harvest the entire crop with kitchen gardens, orchards and fields, and prepare it for long winter storage.

In autumn, many people rush to the forest for autumn gifts - mushrooms and berries. Such mushrooms ripen in the forest - mushrooms, boletus, boletus, white, russula. And berries - cloudberries, lingonberries, cranberries.

In autumn, housewives are in the midst of harvesting fruits, berries, vegetables and mushrooms for the winter. They ferment, salt, dry, preserve,

they freeze - in a word, they make reserves for the long winter and spring.

And in the fall, you need to prepare the land in the fields and gardens for the winter. Before spring, the earth should rest - they dig it up and make useful substances - fertilizers.
And they do it just before winter, in order to prepare the land for spring planting and harvest a good harvest next fall.

And yet, the plowed land will freeze well during the winter and more harmful insects and weeds will die in it.

Did you know that in the autumn they not only harvest from fields and gardens, but also plant new plants - garlic, parsley, winter rye and wheat, etc.

Seedlings of trees and shrubs are best transplanted in the fall too.

Also, in autumn, people clean their yards, streets - after all, so many leaves fall from trees in the autumn. And the tree trunks below are whitewashed with lime - so in winter the hares will not peel off the bark from them.

Here's how many interesting things you can tell your kids about what people do in the fall.

And you can download an illustrated presentation with this text.

Elena Medvedeva.

Lesson summary

"Autumn worries of man"

in the form of learning.

Target: Formation of knowledge about the work of people in the fall.

1. Give an idea of ​​the autumn preparations of a person for winter.

2. Consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

3. Cultivate a desire to help adults harvest vegetables and fruits for the winter.

4. To develop the cognitive and creative activity of children.

The form: educational activity.


Pictures about the labor of people in autumn.

Illustrations of vegetables, fruits.

Visual material for the game "Harvesting"

Stencils with baskets for the game "Help Masha", colored pencils.

Age of children: 5-6 years.

Lesson progress:

  1. Organizational moment, introduction to the topic:

Teacher: Hello guys!

Guess the riddle:

Brings us harvests

The fields are re-sowing

Sends birds to the south

Trees undress,

But without touching the fir trees and pines

So who is it? - ...

Children: Autumn! (in chorus)

Teacher: Right! We talked about the golden autumn, about its signs and about the autumn chores of animals and birds. Tell us how birds and animals bustle about in autumn? (children's answers)

And today we will find out how we, people, are preparing for winter.

  1. Main part.

Teacher: Guys, let's imagine that winter immediately came after summer. That was?

Children: Animals will not have time to prepare for winter and will die, birds will not have time to fly south, insects will not have time to hide.

Teacher: That's right, guys, in nature everything goes according to plan. Hot summers give way to cool autumns, frosts gradually intensify, and only then does winter come. Autumn is a very important period of the year. In autumn, everyone works: both insects and animals, and we, people, also work hard to prepare for the harsh winter. How do people prepare for winter?

Children's answers.

Teacher: That's right, first of all, it's harvesting. (The teacher hangs up pictures of grain harvesting)

On hot summer days, farmers harvest grain from the fields. In the autumn, important and responsible work is ahead, laying grain in storage. How the grain is dried, how the barns are repaired, how they get rid of harmful rodents, depends on whether the grain will be preserved for the whole winter.

Throughout the winter, people will eat healthy and tasty cereals: semolina and millet, buckwheat and pearl barley, oatmeal and wheat flakes.

Need flour - buy in the store for every taste: wheat, rye, corn. There will be pasta, and noodles, and bread, and rolls, and gingerbread, and pies, and cookies. That's how delicious and edible!

What else is edible you know? Let's play the game "Edible - inedible"

Ball game "Edible-inedible"

Purpose of the game: fixing the names of objects that can be eaten.

The teacher throws the ball to the child and names the object. If it is edible, the child catches the ball; if it is inedible, it throws it away with both hands.

After the game, the children take their seats.

teacher : The man took care of the grain, now it's time to think about vegetables. (The teacher hangs up a picture of harvesting potatoes from the fields)

What vegetables are harvested in the fields?

Children: Potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage, garlic, onions, peas, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers.

Teacher: How are vegetables stored in winter? Potatoes are stored in cellars, carrots and beets are stored in the sand, onions and garlic are woven into braids.

Teacher: How are tomatoes and cucumbers harvested? cabbage?

Children: Cabbage is salted or sour, cucumbers and tomatoes are rolled into jars.

Teacher: Well done! And what do they do with fruit?

Children: Compotes, jams are cooked, dried.

Teacher: Let's prepare vegetables and fruits for the winter. We put vegetables in a jar of brine, and fruits in a jar of syrup.

Game "Preparations"

Children, one by one, go to the table, take any picture, name what it is and in which jar they put this fruit or vegetable. Insert the picture into the slot in the jar.

For example: - I took an apple, it's a fruit, I'll put it in a jar of syrup.

I took a cucumber. It's a vegetable, I'll put it in a jar of brine.

Teacher: How well we have done! Here are some preparations made for the winter!

There is still a lot of work. We need to prepare the land for spring. The earth requires care and respect. In autumn, fertilizers (manure, humus, minerals) are scattered on the ground and dug up. They dig in trees and shrubs, cut off dry branches. (The teacher hangs a picture of people working in the garden)

Come on, and we will prepare the land for next year!

Dynamic pause

Ivan, Ivan, -

Pull out the weeds

(children bend down and “pull out weeds” with both hands,

push them aside)

for the radish to grow

to grow carrots

green onion

(imitate sowing seeds)

Don't be lazy, my friend!

(imitate work with a rake, shovel, chopper)

To have a turnip

sweet and strong

To cabbage heads

Ros big as a cast iron!

(make a wide circle, stretching arms)

Teacher: A person has a lot of work in autumn on earth. What should be done at home?

Children: Paste the windows, insulate the doors, in the village - chop wood, bring coal.

Teacher: Well done!

- Guys, animals change their coat for the winter, but what does a person need?

Children: Warm things: fur coats, hats, scarves, mittens, warm shoes.

Teacher: Correctly! Have you prepared your things warm?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: So the girl Masha was also getting ready, getting ready, and she lost her mitten. Oh, and Masha is a bewildered one! Let's help Masha? You have leaves on the table, mittens are drawn on them. You need to color the second mitten in the same way as the first one was painted. Be careful!

Game "Help Masha"

Purpose of the game: development of perception of color, shape. Helps to analyze the location of objects in space.

Teacher: Here are some good fellows! Masha says thank you.

  1. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Teacher: The people say: « As you work in the fall, so you eat in the winter.

- How do you understand this folk saying?

Teacher: Our lesson has come to an end. We are well prepared for winter.

What new, interesting things did you learn in class?

What do you remember the most?

Teacher: Here it is, what a generous autumn!

Autumn decorates the squares. Multicolored foliage.

Autumn feeds the harvest. Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens, and in the garden, And in the forest, and by the water

Prepared by nature. All kinds of fruits.

Cleaning is going on in the fields - People are gathering bread.

The mouse drags the grain into the mink, To have lunch in the winter.

Root squirrels dry, Bees store honey.

Grandma cooks jam, Puts apples in the cellar.

Harvest is born - Collect the gifts of nature!

In the cold, in the cold, in bad weather. The harvest will come in handy!

Teacher: And for us today, autumn has made a gift. These are juicy, bulk apples! Help yourself! And don't forget to say thank you!

Children: Thank you!

The teacher treats children with apples.

Target: To give for children, the concept of a person’s autumn preparations for winter in the garden, in the garden; introducewith planting trees, shrubs, flowers in the autumn, with harvesting seeds; to cultivate a desire to help adults in the preparation of vegetables and fruits for the winter; develop an aesthetic perception of the environment.

Lesson progress

Guys, let's imagine that winter immediately came after summer. What would be? (Birds will not have time to fly south, animals will not prepare for the cold and will die, insects will not have time to hide and will not wake up in the spring, people will not be able to harvest from fields, orchards and orchards, fruits and grain will die, etc.)

That's right, guys, in nature everything goes according to plan. The hot summer is changing cool autumn, frosts gradually increase, and only then winter comes. Autumn is a very important period of the year. In autumn, everyone works: birds, insects, animals, and we, people, also work hard to prepare for the harsh winter.

How do people prepare for winter? (Answers of children).

That's right, it's all about harvesting. (The teacher offers the children illustrations depicting grain harvesting.)

On hot summer days, farmers harvest precious grain from the fields. In the autumn, important and responsible work lies ahead, laying the grain in storage. How the grain is dried, how the barns are repaired, how they get rid of harmful rodents, depends on whether the grain will last all winter until spring. Scientists are developing modern methods of combating grain diseases. Corn treated with special substances to prevent mold and rot of crops. It is very important to store the grain at a certain temperature and humidity so that it does not lose its nutritional value.

The bins of the Russian land are rich, all winter the people will eat healthy and tasty cereals; semolina and millet, buckwheat and pearl barley, oatmeal, wheat and barley flakes, etc. Need flour - buy in the store for every taste: wheat, rye, corn.

Grain will be preserved in winter - there will be flour, there will be flour - there will be pasta, and noodles, and horns, and spaghetti. There will be bread, and rolls, and gingerbread, and cookies, and pies.

The man took care of the grain, now it's time to think about vegetables.

Guys, what vegetables are harvested in the fields ? (Tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage, onions, garlic, peas, beans, peppers, pumpkins, turnips, radishes, etc.)

Tell us what vegetables you helped to collect in the village and in the country. (Children's stories).

How does your family store vegetables in winter? (Potatoes are poured into cellars, carrots and beets are stored in sand, onions and garlic are woven into braids, hot peppers are dried on a rope, mushrooms are dried in garlands, cucumbers and tomatoes are salted in jars, sauerkraut is sour in barrels, etc.)

Guys, look how many vegetables we have. (Suggests stencils for children). Let's prepare vegetables for the winter. (Children stick vegetables on blanks: potatoes in bags, cucumbersand tomatoes in jars, cabbage - in a barrel, pepper - on a string, mushrooms - on a string, onions and garlic - in braids, etc.)

That's how well we've done! The whole harvest for the winter was prepared.

Once I went to my grandmother in the village, I see that in her house there are many different bunches of herbs hanging, drying, and in the house there is such a wonderful herbal aroma. Who guessed what kind of grass grandmother dried for the winter? (Answers of children).

That's right, these are medicinal herbs and fruits that are very useful in winter. Do you want me to tell you what herbs Grandma cooked? (The teacher talks about the healing properties of St.

It’s good to sit by the warm stove on a cold, frosty evening, and drink from vara of fragrant herbs with fragrant honey. All ailments will go away at once to the side.

Do you have medicinal herbs in your family? Who helped collect them? (Children's stories).

Vegetables were prepared, herbs were collected. Nothing else to do man in the fall?

More work by me. We need to prepare the land for spring. The land of care requires a careful attitude. Peasants plow the fields and then sow winter crops. In villages and dachas, people clean up dried tops, leaves, whips, burn everything, fertilize the soil with ashes. In autumn, fertilizers (manure, humus, mineral fertilizers) are scattered on the ground and dug up. They dig in trees and shrubs, cut dry branches, whiten trees with a special garden solution to protect the trunks from harmful rodents and frost. The autumn period is fertile for transplanting perennial shrubs and flowers. (The teacher invites the children to consider artisanal seedlings nicknames and perennial flowers.)

Today, on a walk, we will also plant plants, decorate our site with new plantings. We will take care of them until spring. In autumn we will cover the roots with leaves, in winter we will cover them with a fluffy white blanket - snow.

If we plant the plants correctly and take good care of them, then in the spring we will enjoy the green leaves on them.

Guys, a person on earth has a lot of work in the fall. What should you do at home to prepare for the cold? ( Bvillage - to insulate cowsheds, chicken coops, prepare firewood and coal for heating the house. In the city - repair pipes, radiators, paste over windows, insulate doors.)

Animals change their coats for the winter, but what does a person need? (Repair or buy new fur coat, hat, shoes, mittens, etc.)

Well done boys! We are well prepared for winter. Let's repeat once again what people have prepared for the winter period in their bins. (Children list what they remember during the lesson, add from personal experience information about harvesting berries, fruits, vegetables: pickled mushrooms, pickled apples, dried apples and pears, vegetable salads, ketchups, sauces, jam, jam, jams, compotes , salted watermelons, juice, salted zucchini, seeds, nuts, etc.)

Thank you, Mother Earth, for your generous gifts! The winter is not terrible for people. (Children speak in unison.)

During the walk they plant shrubs and perennial flowers.

Autumn leisure in the preparatory group. Scenario Summary of the conversation in the preparatory group for school on the topic "Signs and sayings about autumn"
Minachetdinova Gulnaz Mansurovna, senior teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 22" Zhuravlyonok ", Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic.

Material Description: The synopsis of the generalizing conversation on the topic "Autumn" is intended for educators working with children of the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old).

Integration of educational areas "Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development".

Target: Component Development oral speech children: coherent speech - dialogic form, lexical side, grammatical structure, pronunciation side of speech.


1. Educational:

To consolidate ideas about time: seasons, autumn months;

To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in living and inanimate nature,

Generalize and systematize ideas about the characteristic features in different periods of autumn;

2. Developing:

To develop in children an interest in the environment;

Develop the ability to find relationships and draw conclusions, logical thinking, memory attention;


To cultivate a culture of behavior: respect for others (listen to peers and adults without interrupting, be attentive to each other);

Vocabulary work:

Refinement and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Autumn";

Improving dialogue skills, the ability to answer questions fully and concisely.

Teacher: Autumn has come. Signs of autumn are visible everywhere: the grass withers, it gets colder. The days are getting shorter, the sun is getting hotter. It often rains, puddles appear on the ground.

What are the names of the autumn months?

Children's answers: September, October, November

Educator: People have always noted all the changes in nature and brought out many signs and sayings about autumn.

They talk about autumn
"Autumn - eight weather changes."

How do you understand this proverb?

Children's answers:

Teacher: What is the weather like in autumn?

Children's answers:








Educator: Is the weather the same in autumn in September, October, November? How is it changing?

Children's answers:

They talk about autumn
“Autumn is coming, and the rain is leading with it.”

It often rains in autumn. Guys, tell me, how does it rain?

Children's answers:

Rain happens





Educator: People say
"In September, even a leaf does not hold on a tree."

Educator: In autumn, the leaves on the trees change color. In different trees, they are colored differently, from bright yellow, orange to dark red and brown.

Leaves fall from the trees. What is the name of this phenomenon?

Educator: How can you say about autumn leaves, what are they?

Autumn leaves are multi-colored, carved, yellow, red, green, cool, smooth, dry.

Educator: And what trees do not lose their appearance in autumn?

Children's answers.

Educator: They talk about autumn
« Autumn time- a bird from the yard.

An interesting saying, Do you remember how fast swifts and swallows flew over the kindergarten and houses from morning to evening?

The swallows are gone

And yesterday dawn

All the rooks flew

Yes, like a network, flickered

Over that mountain... A. Fet.

Guys, tell me, where did the birds fly? Why do birds fly to warmer climes?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, the birds fly away, because it becomes difficult for them to get their own food, they fly away to where there is food.

Educator: What birds fly south?

Children's answers.

swallows, swifts, nightingales, rooks

Educator: what can you call these birds, what are they?

Children: migratory

Educator: And what birds stay for the winter?

Children's answers.

sparrows, crows, pigeons, tits.

Educator: “I love autumn, because autumn is unusual and interesting. Autumn is the most colorful time - the leaves bloom in different colors, the birds fly away to warm lands, the air is clean and fresh.

Do you like autumn?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, imagine what would happen if there was no autumn season?

Educator: What signs and sayings about autumn do you remember?

Children's answers.

If a homework on the topic: » Summary of the conversation in the preparatory group on the topic "Signs and sayings about autumn" turned out to be useful to you, we will be grateful if you place a link to this message on your page in your social network.

Summary of extracurricular activities on the theme "Autumn" for children preparatory group kindergarten

Author: Galiulina Nadezhda Valerievna, educator, Municipal Preschool educational institution"Kindergarten combined type No. 156, Saratov
Material Description: I bring to your attention a summary of extracurricular activities for children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten. This lesson will be of interest to educators not only preparatory, but also other groups. kindergarten, and as well as elementary school teachers.
Target: Repetition and consolidation of existing knowledge.
1. Consolidate children's knowledge about the season - autumn, plants, birds, vegetables;
2. Develop attention, visual memory, thinking, imagination, speech,
3. Cultivate the ability to work in a team.
Necessary equipment: magnetic board; pictures with tasks; colour pencils.
Used Books: Leleko A.A. Getting to know the outside world / M.: Eksmo, 2014.-48 p.: ill.- (100 steps to school) A guide for developing learning.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys guess the riddle!

(children's answers)
Educator: That's right, months! What time of year is it now? (children's answers)

- Let's remember and name the autumn months together!

-Correctly! What changes in nature occur in autumn? (We help the children orient themselves, ask leading questions about the weather in autumn, about harvesting, etc. We listen to the children's answers)
- And in autumn, birds fly south for the winter. Let's look at the picture and name the migratory birds and those who stay with us for the winter.

(Help the children to cope with the task)
- Well done! Now let's play a little! . Let's play the game "Clap - stomp." (Fizminuka) If what I name grows in a garden or in a vegetable garden, clap, if not, stomp.
Green cucumbers.
Puff pies.
Ripe tomatoes.
Girls are tanned.
Kittens are fluffy.
Fragrant apples.
Fragrant pears.
Notebooks are neat.
Clothespins wooden.
Tin soldiers.
Beautiful radish.
Sticky iris.
Fresh parsley.
Creative cheesecake.
The beam is green.
Morel is salty.
Nectarines are smooth.
Plums are sweet and sour.
Chocolate candies.
Fashion berets.
Pumpkin, beets, zucchini.
Ivan the Fool!
Educator: Great! Yes guys! Autumn is generous with gifts! Look at the picture, what do you think is superfluous here and why?

(children's answers)
Now guess my riddle!
Here is a teremok for the birds
On a high cherry.
It has a perch and a visor -
Nothing is superfluous. (birdhouse)

These thieves flew into the garden,
Pecked a lot of berries.
And for them dad put
Scarecrow with an old hat. (Birds)

Fruit on the branches here and there
Enough for jam
Harvest this. (Plum)

I am pink
White, red, black.
And from the bush me guys
In the summer they tear quickly. (Currant)

Bird on the roof
Nest viet -
House of all above
Happiness brings.
Chicks gently
Will teach
How serene
Soar in the sky.
Autumn sometimes
Will fly south
To spring
Come back. (Stork)

And now I need the bravest of you! I have a special task for him! (We choose someone at will or with the help of a counter)
-What a task! Look carefully at the picture about connecting only edible objects with a line!

(If the child can not cope, ask the other guys to help him a little).
- Guys, which of you has been in the forest? What did you see there? (children's answers)
Let's take a close look at the following picture and answer the questions: what can and cannot be done in the forest?

- All of you are great fellows! Let's repeat what we learned today!

We list the autumn months - September, October, November. Early autumn is called golden: grasses, leaves on trees and shrubs seem to be covered with gold. The tops of birches, lindens and aspens are golden in the clear blue sky.

In the cool, transparent air, silver threads of the web fly. There are fine sunny days of a short "Indian summer". But the sun no longer rises high, the days are getting shorter and the nights longer. Light cold rains are drizzling, fogs are creeping in the mornings. Gusts of wind pluck yellow, crimson and purple leaves from the trees, which cover the ground with a motley carpet. The time of leaf fall begins. Trees are gradually losing their lush bright attire, their branches are exposed.

In mid-autumn, the sun rarely peeks out, the days become overcast, and cold, prolonged rains often fall. There are frosts at night.

Late autumn is called "silver". The puddles are drawn in by the first thin ice, silver stars - snowflakes - fly to the frozen ground, ice-covered tree branches ring in the wind, fallen leaves covered with hoarfrost silver in the sun.

Insects disappear, fly south migratory birds. Animals prepare for winter, make supplies, build and insulate nests and burrows, change summer coats for winter ones - more fluffy and light, so as to become invisible on the white snow.

In autumn, people have a lot of work: they need to harvest fruits and vegetables, prepare arable land for spring, and sow winter crops.

We must also take care of those birds that remain to winter in our area, collect seeds and fruits for them, and prepare feeders.

Signs of autumn

Autumn will come silently

Quietly stand at the gate.

Cherry leaf in the garden

It will fall on the path.

This is the first clue

That summer is leaving us.

And the second is a raspberry bush

In the threads of the white web.

The day will be a little shorter

The clouds will darken

It's like a shadow covers them.

The river becomes cloudy -

The third sure sign.

Autumn wanders close somewhere.

In the early morning on the meadows

White fogs fall

And then, wait, don't wait,

Drizzling rain

A veil is tightened blue -

So, autumn has come.

Questions and tasks

1. How many signs of autumn are listed in the poem? Remember and name them.

2. Make a story about the season based on the plan:

— Autumn months.

— Signs of early and late autumn.

— Animal world (preparation for winter).

Autumn work of people.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Underline the extra word. Explain your choice.

a) September, October, November, March;

b) potatoes Apple, beets, carrots;

c) boletus, russula, Rowan, breast;

d) rook, swift, swallow, sparrow;

e) a fox, squirrel, ermine, hare (does not change color);

e) squirrel, mouse-vole, hare, badger (does not stock).

Learn and expressively tell a poem (of your choice).

generous autumn

Autumn is not tired.

Looking into all the gardens

Helps us collect

Fragrant fruits.


Tilting the branches, tearing,

And in kegs and jugs

Pouring thick amber honey.

Autumn! Your beautiful dress!

The pattern burns with amber.

Sundress with colored border,

Half shawl with fringe

Decorated with leaves

And rowan tassels.

And from scarlet berries

Beads like corals!

(Semi-shawl is a small shawl.)

In autumn there are

Clear days.

The leaves flutter

Like moths.

gossamer threads

Shine on the bushes

Falling down the path

Yellow leaf fall.

Come visit us, autumn!

Come visit us, autumn!

Bring rowan bunches,

Honey sweet, thick,

A bunch of golden onions

Ripe and ruddy apples

Zucchini and eggplant.

Gather fruits from the fields

Do not spare them for us.

We love your gifts.

There is no generous time in the year!

Autumn in a colorful sundress

How beautiful autumn

In a colorful sundress!

In the clear sky, sing

Maple burns like a flame.

Birch above the water

Golden candle.

And the leaves float

Down the quiet river.

Flocks of birds fly away

Less light and heat

Maple leaves are falling

So autumn is golden

Came to our native land!

nasturtium bush

Nasturtium scarlet bush

Burning under the window.

The bush is both fresh and thick,

And handsome to look at.

Autumn in silver

Herbs are cold

But a living fire

The scarlet bush is on fire!

Thank you autumn

For generous gifts -

Behind a bright patterned sheet,

For a forest treat -

For nuts and roots

For cranberries, for viburnum

And for the ripe rowan.

We say thank you

Autumn we thank you!

Autumn forest

The forest of autumn colors does not spare -

Bright bunches of berries and leaves.

Either they sparkle with bronze, then they turn red

Lush autumn bushes.

Soon the wind will blow cold

And tear off a patterned outfit,

And free will spin in the forest

Golden autumn leaves.

He will cover the earth with a veil,

He will share warmth with her,

When on the foliage dry opal

Frost will sparkle with silver.

leaf fall

The leaves are spinning

They lie down in the puddles

Branches bend and rustle

As if whispering: "Leaf fall."

leaf fall, leaf fall

Covers the old garden.

Leaves like butterflies

flutter in the air,

And a porch and a bench

The leaves are covering.

leaf fall, leaf fall

Covers the old garden.

yellow leaves

Lead a round dance

Fall on bumps

Dry swamps.

On flowers, on herbs

And to the bottom of the ditch

Covering everything around

Multicolored cloth.

autumn bouquet

There are no more flowers in the forest

And in the forest undressed.

I'll bring maple leaves

Lush bouquets.

I'll bring them home

I will decorate the table with them.

And elegant, as in the forest,

Will be in our house.

rain song

Now stronger, then quieter, quieter

The rain is pounding on the old roof.

The rain sings a song

She knows Anna lives here.

He sings to her: drip-drip-drip,

Why don't you sleep?

The rain is lulling: bye-bye,

Get to sleep soon!

Tomorrow morning you will go out into the garden,

There are puddles everywhere.

You will walk along the paths

Remember the autumn rain.

autumn wind

You know, children

A fast-moving wind?

Bold and free

But sometimes cold!

He is impetuous, cheerful, quick,

From the maple tree he tore off the headdress.

Everywhere spinning, flying

golden leaves

And wrap the garden

Red fox fur.

autumn mists

Weightless mists

At night they lie down on the glades,

To green meadows

To the river banks.

Where the mists covered

On the damp earth lay

Fell down, grasses withered,

The oak forests have turned yellow.

The birds are flying away

Leaves are yellow,

The grass dries up in the marshes,

Birds gather in flocks

And we're ready to take off.

And, eating with native places,

With empty compressed fields,

They circle for a long time over the forests,

Over steep river cliffs.

Come back, birds, in the spring,

When the forest is dressed in greenery,

Noisy with young foliage

Every bush and every tree!

In the garden

good in the garden

Work on a clear day!

A warm beam wanders through the beds,

Mint smells of black soil,

Sweet smell of ripe plums

And potato tops,

White pouring honey

Above my head.

Everything is ripe, everything is ripe.

There will be a bountiful harvest!

There's something for everyone here

Don't be lazy and collect!

two autumns

The golden autumn is leaving.

It is replaced by another -

Silver autumn

With the sad noise of pines,

With black paths

With bare donkeys

With the first snowflakes

With the chill of the night

Yes, with crispy ice.

Grabarchuk Elena Alexandrovna
Position: teacher of the 1st category
Educational institution: MDOU combined kindergarten No. 11 "Joy"
Locality: MO Dmitrovsky district, Dmitrov
Material name: short term project
Subject:"Tale of the autumn forest"
Publication date: 03.11.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 11 "Joy" Short-term project
"A sad time, oh

Senior group No. 3 "Chamomile" Performers: educator Grabarchuk E.A. Dmitrov, 2016

Project type
: information-creative, collective.
Project duration
: 4 weeks.

: children of senior preschool age, educators, music director, parents.
: Expand children's ideas about trees as representatives of the flora of the earth, their beauty and benefits, help children see all the beauty and richness of autumn nature, generalize and systematize children's ideas about the changes taking place in the life of trees and shrubs in autumn.

Expansion, generalization, activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “Trees and shrubs in autumn”, compilation of descriptive stories about trees, enrichment of vocabulary with bright and colorful epithets, development of monologue and dialogic speech. - Teaching children to establish connections and interactions between man and nature, developing ecological thinking in children, educating a humane attitude towards nature and laying the foundations for an ecological culture of the individual. - Fixing the names of trees and shrubs, their structure, external signs. - Teach children to reflect observations and knowledge gained in various activities (pictorial, playful, mental, etc.) - Development of family creativity and cooperation.
Objective of the project:
To create conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children in the process of developing a joint project "A dull time for the eyes of charm."
Relevance of the topic:
Native nature! It leaves a deep indelible mark in the child's soul, because with its brightness, its diversity affects his feelings. Trees, birds, clouds, puddles after rain, colorful rainbows - all this attracts the attention of children. In this regard, we are faced with a responsible task - to educate kids, which means to introduce the child to the world of human values ​​- goodness and beauty, truth, focusing on the "concept of preschool education".
Autumn is one of the most favorable seasons for observing changes in nature. When studying natural phenomena preschoolers pay attention to many signs of this wonderful season, learn to trace the connection between them, get acquainted with autumn nature. Children receive knowledge in this area gradually, cyclically, replenishing them year by year.
Expected result:
- The development of cognitive activity of preschoolers in the course of joint practical activities with a teacher and parents. - Expanding the horizons of children and consolidating their knowledge of seasonal changes in nature in the autumn. - Enrichment of the active vocabulary of children with epithets, figurative expressions, proverbs and sayings, poems on the autumn theme. - The development of coherent speech, the ability to compose descriptive stories based on the picture and narrative, based on personal experience and memories. - Development children's creativity in different directions (drawings, application, modeling from paper and natural materials, modeling). - Reading by heart poems about autumn. - Involving parents in the pedagogical and creative process of the group, strengthening interest in cooperation with the kindergarten.
Stages of project implementation. Stages Activity content Purpose Implementation form Period Comment
Gathering information, working with methodological literature, drawing up a work plan for the project: 1. Formulation of the problem; 2. Choice of solution method. 3.Internet, 4.Methodological literature, 5.Conversations: 03.10 –28.10. 2016
Activity planning
project implementation. Carry out activities according to the OD plan. Joint and independent activity. Cooperation with parents. 3.10–28.10. 2016

- Summarizing. - Evaluate the effectiveness of the work done. - Quiz (date 10/28/2016) Project stages: Stages Activities children parents teachers
Introduction to the topic: -What do children know about autumn and autumn trees? What do they want to know about it? - Where can I find material on the topic? Informing parents about the project: discussing the topic of the project, identifying options for presenting the project. -Selection of methodological literature on this topic; development of abstracts of classes, observations; selection of children's fiction; selection of desktop - printed and didactic games. - Selection fiction(stories and poems about autumn nature) - Selection of didactic aids, illustrations, reproductions on the autumn theme, herbariums with autumn leaves. - Preparation of materials for artistic creation: (watercolors, gouache, colored pencils, wax crayons, colored paper, glue, cardboard, plasticine, etc.).

Activity planning:
Independent and joint creative activity. Work on the project according to the plan Carrying out joint activities according to the plan.
Presentation of crafts, drawings Creative work with children Presentation of joint creative work Conducting a quiz about autumn.
Project Implementation Plan
Terms - (4 weeks) from 3.10.2016.-28.10.2016. Joint activities: Educators Musical director, Artistic director Joint work of parents with children Educational activities in sensitive moments Directly educational activities All period Daily observations during walks for seasonal changes, for leaf fall. Teacher's story: about autumn, changes in nature, the ability to compose descriptive stories, riddles about trees and shrubs. Conversation "They are alive, they must be protected and protected." Consideration: illustrations about autumn. Examination and comparison of leaves (by shape, size, length of the cutting). D. I. “From what tree is the leaf”, games with leaves “Path of leaves”, “Images from leaves”. D / and "Guess, we will guess", "What branch are the children from?", "Find a tree by seeds", "Find a leaf such as I will show." Situational conversation: “Why not cut and break branches? ”, “How to help a wounded tree?”.
D. I. “What is superfluous? "(birch, oak, raspberry). Learn to form single-root words: oak - oak forest, birch - birch forest Reading stories and fairy tales on this topic: L. N. Sokolov-Mikitov, "Autumn", M. Prishvin "Leaf fall", E. Trutneva "Autumn", N. Sladkov " Autumn is on the doorstep.
Conversation with children:
“Why can old dead trees be dangerous? Why is it dangerous to run with sticks? » Conversation "On the benefits of trees for humans." Quiz "Autumn" OD "Autumn chores of a person." Application "Old Man - Forester". Drawing "Autumn forest". Journey to the Mushroom Kingdom. OD "Autumn concerns of animals and birds". Decorative molding “Leaves dance and turn into trees”. Drawing from life "Autumn leaves". OD "Golden Autumn". Application symmetrical Memorizing the poem by I. Belousova "Autumn" Plot - didactic game"Young Defenders of Nature" Purpose: Education of respect for nature, the desire to preserve and protect nature. D / game "Walk in the autumn forest"
To consolidate the name of trees and shrubs, expanding the vocabulary of children and teaching creative storytelling. Outdoor games: "Catch a leaf", "Falling leaves". Creating conditions for independent activity children: stencils of leaves, albums for coloring "Autumn", color prints of leaves. Excursions: on a site of a kindergarten Coloring of trees, leaves. Collection of natural material - leaves, flowers, berries. making autumn bouquets, making crafts from leaves, vegetables and fruits. Conversations: "About the mood and sensations that arise during a walk in the autumn park." Choose bright epithets to describe trees in autumn. Learning poems about autumn.

Project results
: 1. As a result of cognitive activity, the children had a desire to expand their horizons on this topic, a desire to identify what is interesting about autumn. 2. In the process of getting to know fairy tales, stories, poems, proverbs, riddles of the autumn theme, children have replenished vocabulary, they began to express themselves more competently, with great pleasure to participate in a collective conversation; there was a desire to engage in creativity on their own - to compose their own riddles and short poems about autumn, where they expressed their feelings, their positive attitude towards the world. All this contributed to the development of the aesthetic consciousness of children, the formation of their worldview. 3. One of the important components of this project is artistic and aesthetic education: the children got acquainted with the autumn-themed art works, various types of art - music, painting, poetry. They learned to get aesthetic pleasure from communicating with the beautiful, they became more receptive, sensitive, emotional.
They began to more skillfully convey their feelings:
in their stories; in drawings; in musical rhythmic movements.
The implementation of this project taught children:
- With a great desire to participate in productive activities. - The children enriched the active vocabulary with figurative epithets, sayings and poems on the autumn theme. - They expanded their horizons and consolidated knowledge about trees, their structure and appearance. - We consolidated information about the health benefits of trees, learned about the healing properties. - The result of the project brought children satisfaction, joy and respect for communicating with trees.
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