Growing strawberries at home for sale. Business growing strawberries

Personal farming is becoming more and more popular and is increasingly reaching the market level. Similar business brings good money, besides, it is full of options for its maintenance. Today we will analyze the cultivation of strawberries as a business: profitability, self-sufficiency, reviews successful entrepreneurs and their recommendations on how to avoid various troubles. Let's start.

What is this business?

The strawberry business has a low entry threshold and we will dwell on this point in more detail later. In addition, growing products at home is quite easy, it does not require too much a large number of equipment. But there are also disadvantages.

The organization requires rather high costs for heating and water consumption, especially in winter. If you fail to set up a sufficient amount of heating in the winter, then you will not be able to grow berries suitable for sale. In addition, you will constantly have to take care of the plants.

It is unlikely that the owner of such a production will allow strangers to be in own house, because your time will be spent on caring for strawberries, and growing strawberries, although not difficult, is time-consuming. Remember that the self-sufficiency of this business is really high, enough of the season to recoup the costs of opening.

Where should you grow berries?

You can grow strawberries in a greenhouse or in the open field, and here it is quite easy to make a choice.

The option with open ground quite fetters the entrepreneur, since the berry will bear fruit only from May to June, while winter production is completely impossible. A greenhouse is more suitable, and here's why:

  1. Allows you to establish year-round production of berries.
  2. Eliminates the influence of weather on productivity.
  3. Costs much less land.
  4. Has a great interest in shops and supermarkets.
  5. It makes it possible to receive huge profitability in the autumn-winter season.
  6. Great payback in just one season.
  7. Makes fruit look more aesthetic.

Undoubtedly, the advantages are good, but it would be wrong not to note the shortcomings of the greenhouse. The cons are the following:

  • The cost of starting a greenhouse nursery is really high compared to the cost of open ground.
  • The need for artificial pollination.
  • The berries begin to acquire a less natural taste, reducing the natural aroma.
  • It is necessary to constantly illuminate the earth, close to natural, for which money will be spent.

Analyze the disadvantages and advantages different options and choose what your industrial strawberry cultivation will become.

Choose a variety

In the case of home production, entrepreneurship depends solely on how well you purchase seeds, how tasty your berry will turn out. In addition, the variety of strawberries affects the success of its cultivation in certain conditions.

Due to the fact that the berry propagates with a "whisker", remember that for a business it is worth buying plants that have grown from the "whiskers" of the first and second order. It is important to trace the development of the rosette, the strength of the roots and directly find out about the yield indicator.

Here are the best strawberry varieties according to many entrepreneurs:

  1. Alba - fairly small bushes give high yields. It is considered an early variety, excellent disease resistance, has bright red berries in the shape of a cone and this species does not shed for a long time. Excellent transportability.
  2. Darenka is a domestic variety that resists fungal diseases and is not afraid of pests. Reviews speak of the excellent taste of the fruit, in addition, they are very large and elastic.
  3. Oktava - perhaps the earliest variety among those presented, it is ideal for growing in greenhouses, but also suitable for open ground. Extremely productive and quite resistant to mechanical stress during transportation. Has the most pleasant aroma.
  4. Sonata - this variety is distinguished by extremely juicy and tender fruits, sweet taste and pleasant aroma, therefore it is one of the best for sales in stores. It boasts good resistance to pests and tolerance to temperature changes.
  5. Rusanovskaya is another greenhouse variety that allows you to harvest several times a year. It has a rather pleasant rounded fruit shape, red juicy color, perfectly stored for a long time.
  6. Honey - is one of the best options for making money, as it starts to keep up very early. It has fairly large bright berries in the shape of a cone, but the taste for an amateur is sweet and sour. The berries are distinguished by a delicate aroma, tolerate temperature fluctuations well, but are sensitive to soil nutrition.

In addition to these representatives, professionals note worthy characteristics and a predisposition to growing in nurseries in the following varieties:

  • Elsanta;
  • Will;
  • Kama;
  • Cambridge;
  • Red Capulet.

We are looking for a greenhouse

We continue to search for the necessary premises for breeding. Of course, you can buy a separate plot where the greenhouse will be kept, but it is difficult and expensive to find the necessary acres now, so you should ask yourself the question of finding land at the very beginning. If the search for a site is over, then it's time to find out which greenhouses should be put up for industrial cultivation.

They are sold in the following types:

  1. Glass.
  2. Polycarbonate.
  3. Film-frame.

Greenhouses of the latter type are the most budgetary and affordable, therefore they are bought up more by novice entrepreneurs, but this is wrong. A diaper usually does not help protect plants from banal frosts, not to mention really low temperatures.

A glass nursery in this case is better suited, besides, the walls allow you to perfectly heat the area inside. But the downside is the need for a special foundation, for which some do not have the money or enough space.

Polycarbonate greenhouses are the most expensive, but the most effective in this business. They do not require a special foundation, are durable and do their job really honestly. Strawberries grown in a polycarbonate greenhouse all year round, will pay off the costs of the business in a season, therefore, if possible, it is better not to skimp.

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How to grow fruits?

Your future business growing strawberries, so you need to be sure that you will be able to breed the crop correctly. For growing in a greenhouse nursery, avid gardeners have strengthened two main types of strawberry cultivation.

The first is really simple and understandable even for a novice entrepreneur: strawberries need to be dotted with soil in special separate containers. It is the area of ​​the nursery that affects the number of containers and their arrangement: in a row, in a cascade, vertically. You just need to prepare the most convenient layout and not think about the soil under the greenhouse.

There is also a second option, the most popular among people already experienced in this field, helping to grow strawberries on an industrial scale. It is called Dutch and it is suggested that strawberry or strawberry seedlings must be planted in special bags with soil two meters long.

The seedlings themselves are planted through individual holes eight centimeters in diameter. The method wins over the first in that it allows you to fill much more space with plants. You can hang bags, put them on the balcony, put them in the garage - it is important that the plants receive enough light and nutrition, as well as protection from external influences.

Whatever option you choose to grow strawberries all year round, it is important to properly approach the very care of the plant and timely procedures. Here are some general rules and guidelines:

  • Seedlings should be planted strictly in prepared soil. The land can be taken from the garden, the purchased one is suitable only mixed with the garden one.
  • Also, before planting, it is worth treating the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. It does not hurt to make food with fertilizers.
  • It is necessary to plant the tubers themselves low at an average depth, so as not to expose the root system and give the plant full coverage.
  • Even watering the plants with a watering can can pour the leaves and the fruits directly, so keep an eye on this.
  • For a real business, it is preferable to get a real irrigation system that supplies moisture directly to the roots of the bushes. Quite rarely, a cattery is already sold with the support of such a system.
  • Water for a particular strawberry must be warm, in addition, it is important to water at least once a day.
  • It is necessary to maintain the plant at a temperature not higher than 25 and not lower than 18 degrees Celsius all year round.

Your business idea is to independently grow strawberries for sale, therefore you are solely interested in the fact that the grown strawberries can be sold in stores or in the hands of other people. Be sure to follow the implementation of each item.

Trying to sell a product

Enough money was spent on the opening, so I want to recoup the costs as soon as possible. Having grown your own strawberries, it is important to bring it into a marketable and eye-pleasing appearance.

Home-based business allows you to be more careful with the fruits, so be sure to try not to overfill and once again do not shift the strawberries. For real right decision is a variant of collecting berries in plastic kilogram containers and transportation to the place of sale of goods.

How to start implementation own products? There is a dependence on the season. For the summer, it is quite effective to trade homemade berries in the market. In some cities, you can even find a free corner or place next to other vendors, but it's important to negotiate a trade in your chosen location.

Winter time opens up more chances to earn money by selling berries on your own and selling them in supermarkets. Your project has the right to conclude a contract for the supply of products, fulfilling the requirements of the store. Build a realistic relationship with strawberry processors for the production of juices, yoghurts and other products.

Video: growing strawberries - how to get a large berry?

How profitable is the strawberry business?

To begin with, it is worth compiling a mini-table with an approximate list of expenses and amounts that will be spent on opening and starting this business.

Remember that every month you will have to stick out some amounts for purchases, utilities and transport services, as well as other costs. Dealing with income is even easier: getting 5 kilos of berries from one square meter, only 1,500 kilos are collected from three acres. With a kilo of strawberries, on average, it turns out to earn 500 rubles. For a month, the sale can bring about 750 thousand rubles!

Well, in winter, the price of berries increases significantly, so from the payment of expenses every month on average per year you will receive 240 thousand, which makes the strawberry business a leader in terms of profitability. In addition, in the future it will be possible to expand the plantations and recruit employees-workers.

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A huge part of the population loves fragrant, sweet strawberries. AT summer time everyone wants to eat enough of this berry for the whole year. Therefore, the strawberry business can become quite a profitable enterprise. But before you start growing berries on a large plot, you should weigh the pros and cons, take into account all the difficulties and problems that may arise during this event. The material of this article talks about all aspects of the business related to the cultivation of "nutmeg strawberries".

Everyone likes strawberries, but as a rule, it is in sufficient quantities only at the beginning of the summer season - May, June. Competition among various farms and summer residents during this period is especially tough. At the end of the season, the berry simply disappears from the shelves, and it is nowhere else to be found. AT winter period supermarkets have frozen strawberries, but they are nowhere near as good as fresh ones. This suggests that a practical and resourceful entrepreneur can build a greenhouse, grow fruitful, commercial varieties and make year-round profits.

In addition, according to statistics, in the Russian Federation, the consumption of fragrant berries annually increases by 30-50%. This suggests that the strawberry business will be a good investment of money in the future.

You need to know that strawberries are a rather whimsical and capricious plant, but if it is properly cared for, the culture gives a good harvest. Growing this berry is quite an interesting business that does not involve big investments. Naturally, you can only get a good profit by growing strawberries.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing strawberries in a greenhouse

Growing strawberries in a greenhouse is more convenient than growing berries in the open field. The positive aspects of greenhouse cultivation of strawberries are as follows:

  • year-round, continuous cultivation of berries;
  • crop protection from adverse weather conditions (crop losses on open ground are about 30%);
  • less land required;
  • self-sufficiency of the funds spent takes one season;
  • more chance of acceptance for sale by supermarkets;
  • in winter, demand for strawberries increases, which makes it possible to significantly increase the price;
  • business on strawberries can reach up to 100%;

At the same time, there are a number of disadvantages of the greenhouse method of growing berries:

  • in terms of amount, the initial costs significantly exceed the funds spent on growing on open ground ($ 120 thousand versus $ 15 thousand per 1 ha);
  • the plant will need to be artificially pollinated;
  • in terms of taste, the berry from the greenhouse is much inferior to the berry grown in the open field;
  • there is a need to increase daylight hours artificially.

What you need to know before starting an activity

Before starting a strawberry business, you need to draw up a business plan for growing strawberries, one of the points of which will be the purchase of plants. Strawberries are a perennial crop that reproduces by "whiskers". For business, you should buy strong, hardy plants obtained from primary and secondary "whiskers". It is most effective to grow varieties that have a fairly developed rosette and a good strong root system. You should also pay attention to the percentage of yield of the variety.

The preferred varieties are:

  • Elsanta;
  • Will;
  • Kama;
  • Cambridge;
  • Red Capulet;
  • Glima;
  • See and others.

In addition, you need to purchase a room in which strawberries will grow. There are greenhouses of the following types:

  • the structure is covered with a film;
  • glass building;
  • polycarbonate building.

Cultivation of strawberries in a greenhouse covered with a film is the cheapest, therefore it is acceptable for most of the beginning businessmen. However, the film is not able to protect plants from frost, in connection with this, this type of room is dangerous to use.

For the construction of a glass greenhouse, it is necessary to establish a foundation, the room is quite voluminous, but at the same time it is transparent and suitable for installing heating.

The installation of a polycarbonate greenhouse will require significant costs, but in this case the foundation is not needed, and the service life of such structures is quite long. If you plan to do business thoroughly, it is better to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse. In addition, at the initial stage of the business there is no need to attract additional workers, the work is quite feasible.

As mentioned earlier, the cultivation of crops in winter needs decent initial investment. There is an opportunity to save money by applying the "Dutch" method. This method is suitable for small areas (garage, room in an apartment, etc.).

The meaning of the "Dutch" method is to use a special plastic bag, 2 - 2.5 m long, which is filled with peat and perlite. In this bag, you need to cut holes in a checkerboard pattern 7-8 cm in size, into which seedlings are planted. Irrigation pipes are required. Filled containers can be identified anywhere - a barn, garage, balcony and others, while taking into account their number per 1m2 - 3 bags. Artificial lighting is also important point which should be remembered.

How to care for strawberries

First of all, it is necessary to plant seedlings of the plant in peat bags with drainage holes. The soil is purchased at a specialized store, it can also be collected in the garden. First, the soil must be moistened with a solution of manganese in a strong concentration. If the soil is brought from the garden, it must be fed with fertilizer, which contains nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. AT last days March, strawberries are ready for transplanting into the ground. In order to increase the level of productivity at the end of one season, the land should be plowed again. Also needed in without fail water the seedlings. Watering is done purely at the root as needed, while the leaves and berries should remain dry. In this regard, the drip irrigation system works great.

In winter, strawberries must be protected from frost. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a suitable temperature regime for the culture, best of all within 18-20 degrees. In addition, strawberries need to be fertilized with fertilizers that contain nitrogen, and you also need to pollinate plants artificially.

Implementation Difficulties

In the development and prosperity of the strawberry business, it is important to pick high-quality berries. This must be done very carefully, do not pour strawberries, do not move to avoid damaging the fruit. It is best to collect strawberries in those boxes in which the berry will be delivered to the place of sale. The most suitable container is a basket, as well as a plastic box with a capacity of 1 to 3 kg. Depending on the season, there are other ways to implement. Life experience suggests that summer period most profitable to sell strawberries on the market. In winter, the bulk of the goods, about 80%, are sold to supermarkets. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to control the quality of strawberries, as shops are very demanding in this regard.

One of the ways to sell strawberries is to sell them to those who process the berries into juices, jams, add them to yogurts, and so on. About 30% of the total mass of products is sold through this channel.

The level of profitability of the strawberry business

The profitability indicator indicates how well the product pays off, this is the ratio to the cost of production. The profitability of strawberry production is determined by the cost of the berry or, in other words, by the sum of all funds spent on its cultivation.

The cost includes expenses for seedlings, fertilizers, rent for the premises, payment of wages to workers, and so on. The use of the "Dutch" method greatly reduces costs. Entrepreneurs - singles can not attract additional labor force As a result, labor costs are significantly reduced. On average, in 2012, the cost indicator was at the level of $1.5 per 1 kg.

In the off season, it is difficult for the consumer to find strawberries, and the businessman has the opportunity to set any markup on his product. This indicates a chance to get an easy income. Thus, on average, 1 kg of berries was sold at a cost of $6. Today's methods make it possible to achieve yields in the range of 40-50 tons. At the same time, the net income is $225 thousand, and the profitability of the enterprise is quite decent - 75%.

Difficulties in growing strawberries

The berry growing business has its challenges.

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the issue of heating in winter. Insufficient heating or its absence makes it impossible to sell berries in the winter.
  2. Plants need continuous, regular care. Not everyone can do year-round plant care, which consists of various types works. This situation requires the involvement of additional labor.
  3. Growing berries in a greenhouse is quite a costly process in terms of finances. But, at the same time, the payback period is short - only one season.

Strawberry production as a commercial activity

Growing berries is a costly and time-consuming process, but a serious and correct attitude to business quickly brings income. If a decision is made to engage in this type of business, you need to ask and consult knowledgeable people (summer residents, farmers) about cultivating crops in the winter, revise the above material again, study other sources on this topic. It must be remembered that strawberries are in demand in any season, in summer and in winter. This suggests that this product will always be bought, therefore, make a profit.

Sweet fragrant strawberries are loved by children and adults. During the long winter months, people look forward to the summer when they can enjoy its taste. Why wait so long? You can grow strawberries in the winter in a greenhouse. Moreover, a profitable business will bring considerable income.

What is the benefit

This is how nature decreed that the mass ripening of this tasty and beloved berry falls on the beginning of summer. But, strawberries are grown and sold by many summer residents and farmers, so the competition between them is huge. However, at the end of the season, the berry is not found. Stores sell frozen strawberries. But it cannot be compared with a berry plucked from the garden.

An enterprising person can start growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round and will not be disappointed in choosing a business. The main thing is to plant commercial varieties of berries that will be profitable. For reference: the consumption of strawberries by Russians increases from year to year up to fifty percent. This means that growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round can serve good investment own funds for the future. Of course, strawberries are a demanding plant. However, with proper care, this crop gives good yields and does not require significant costs.

How to register a business?

If you are convinced that growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round is starting to bring good income start registering your business. This business is classified as an individual form of entrepreneurship and has the category of a producer of agricultural products. On such a single tax is charged, not exceeding six percent. To grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round as a business, one registration is not enough. You need to stock up on several certificates:

  • Belonging of a berry to a certain variety.
  • Type of fertilizer with a brief annotation of the composition of the mixture.
  • License for the sale of strawberries.
  • Declaration of conformity of the GOST berry with information on the quality of the product and compliance with all required standards.
  • Sanitary certificate.

Profitability of the berry business

This concept means the return on all costs. This is the ratio between the profit received as a result of the sale of the product and the cost. Moreover, the business depends on the cost of all funds spent, plus a trade cape. If you first decided to start growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round, you need to draw up a business plan taking into account all the pros and cons. It is better to turn to specialists for help.

The cost price includes all costs: the price of seedlings, fertilizers, wages for strawberry care workers, rent for premises, and so on. The Dutch method of growing berries is less expensive, which means that the costs will be significantly reduced. If the business is not large enough, you can not hire employees, do it on your own. By saving on salaries, employees also save cash. So, for example, the average cost per kilogram of strawberries in 2012 was one and a half dollars.

You can easily make a significant profit during the period when the berry season ends if you grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round. The photo presented to your attention reminds of a tasty and fragrant berry, especially in winter, when it is not easy to get strawberries. Therefore, you can set the desired price for the product, and thereby make a profit.

Implementation of strawberries

The entrepreneur has grown and harvested a good harvest of berries that meet all the requirements. There is a question about its sale. Some do it on their own, having organized several points of sale in advance. But this is not always beneficial. During the winter season, up to eighty percent of strawberries are sold by supermarkets. If you are growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round as a business, then long before harvest, look for future customers for your products.

It should be borne in mind that stores have very high requirements, especially for appearance berries: it should be clean, without leaves and twigs, one-dimensional coloring. If it is not possible to sell strawberries through the store, you can sell them in bulk to processors: producers of juices, jams and other semi-finished products.

Growing strawberries in bags

How to grow strawberries in bags. Irrigation, lighting, and pollination are easier to do using Dutch technology. First you need to find and equip a room, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich depends on your needs. You can use the balcony if its area allows. A prerequisite is to maintain temperature regime: during the day - twenty-five degrees, at night eighteen. You also need to stock up on patience, since growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round is a troublesome business.

In polyethylene bags, longitudinal holes are made in a checkerboard pattern, only four rows. The length of the hole is eight centimeters, and the distance between them is twenty-four. In these holes, young strawberry bushes are planted. Bags, fifteen centimeters in diameter and up to two and a half meters high, are placed on the floor in one tier. If they are smaller or the height of the room allows, multi-tiered placement is allowed. 2-3 bags are placed per square meter of area, filled with a substrate from a mixture of peat and perlite.

Sowing seeds directly into bags is inefficient. It is better to buy seedlings or grow them yourself. Before landing, she must be in hibernation. For this use freezer or cold basement. AT this issue The prospect is encouraging: after the harvest of the first year, you will have your own seedlings.

Future landings need to be provided with food. For this, an irrigation system should be built. Tubes for droppers are suitable, which lead to each bag: from below, from above and in the middle at a distance of 55 centimeters. The ends of the tubes are connected to a pipeline located above the bags, each of which requires two liters of water per day.

Lighting plays an important role in growing strawberries. It should be adjusted so as to bring it as close to natural as possible. For 8-12 hours a day, the lamps should be on, and the rest of the time - off.

Strawberries in a greenhouse. Advantages

  • The possibility of growing berries all year round.
  • No dependence on weather conditions. It's no secret that rain and dampness reduce yields by 25 percent. The berry in the greenhouse is not subject to these phenomena.
  • There is no need for additional land resources.
  • The costs associated with growing berries pay off in just one season.
  • Strawberries grown in a greenhouse are better accepted by supermarkets.
  • The high demand for berries in the winter makes it possible to make decent money.
  • Caring for a crop in a greenhouse is easier than in an open-air garden.
  • The profitability of a business can be close to one hundred percent.

Disadvantages of growing strawberries in a greenhouse

If you decide to build a berry business, the question will definitely arise how to grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round for sale. Take your time and don't make hasty decisions. The fact is that here, as in any business, there are problems.

  • First you need to solve the problem with heating. If it is not available due to limited funds, you can immediately forget about the idea of ​​​​growing strawberries year-round.
  • For growing crops in greenhouse conditions at the initial stage, funds will be required, and considerable ones. First you need to build a greenhouse with a system of artificial lighting, irrigation and pollination. Buy everything necessary equipment and planting material.
  • The problem lies in the constant care of plants. Not everyone can do it on their own. Sooner or later, the question of hiring auxiliary workers will arise. And these are additional costs. It may be cheaper for someone to grow strawberries in the open field. Everyone evaluates their own capabilities.

Types of greenhouses

  • Premises with a film covering. Such greenhouses for growing strawberries require a minimum of costs. Perhaps that is why they are available to novice gardeners. But, there is a huge minus: the film does not protect plants from frost in winter. The greenhouse cannot be properly heated. So in a harsh climate, using such greenhouses is very risky.
  • Glass greenhouses are rather bulky structures that need a foundation. But they can be heated, and the walls are transparent.

  • It is advisable to build polycarbonate greenhouses for organizing a serious business for many years, since such premises have a long service life, they are durable and lightweight, although they are the most expensive.

How to grow planting material?

First you need to plant a plant, and then start growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round. Business directly depends on the quality of planting material. His preparation has some peculiarities. Self-grown seedlings will reduce the cost of its purchase. There are many ways to get a plant for planting.

One of them is the use of young rosettes, for which in the fall, before the onset of frost, you need to carefully dig up the rooted young tendrils from the mother plantations. Freshly harvested seedlings with open roots should be stored in a basement or refrigerator, with an air temperature of 0-+2 degrees. But, some experienced field farmers-entrepreneurs consider it unprofitable to allocate special areas for mother plantations. It brings losses.

Cassette seedlings

Based on the rich experience of Russian growers, a more suitable option is to use cassette seedlings if you start growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round. The yield when planting this type of seedlings is much higher. The overgrown root system quickly takes root and fully provides useful nutrition to the plant. It will take about one and a half months to get cassette seedlings.

To do this, young tendrils are separated from mother plants and placed for a period of one hour in a cool room, 0-+1 degrees for cooling. Then they are planted in plastic containers with cells, after filling them with a nutritious earth mixture. After 2-3 days, the roots grow by 3-4 centimeters, and after 10 days the root system is fully formed.

In the first month, it is necessary to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the seedlings. Only after five weeks, young plants can be taken out into the sun. By this time, the cell is filled with roots, and it may well transfer the transplant to a permanent place of growth. Growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round should begin with the use of self-pollinated remontant varieties, such as Korona, Kimberly, Florence, Marmolada, Honey, Anannasovaya, Selva, Sakhalinskaya and others. Otherwise, you will have to manually pollinate each flower. Chamomile, Junia Smides is ideal if you are growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round in Siberia. These varieties are typical representatives of high-yielding industrial type of this culture.

Berry business in a greenhouse

It is possible to successfully build your indoor strawberry business with sufficient funds to do so. A year before planting in the greenhouse, it is necessary to start preparing planting material in the open field. The soil should be chosen slightly acidic, loamy or neutral. It should have enough humus. For reference: to occupy 1 hectare of greenhouse area, you need to lay a mother plantation in open ground at 150 square meters.

Specialists and amateur gardeners know several ways in which you can get planting material. But, the most fruitful are seedlings from two-year-old plants. They are transplanted in autumn, in October-November according to the scheme of 20x30 centimeters. In dry weather, young plants should be watered.

Greenhouse strawberry care

When rapid flowering begins, the greenhouse needs regular ventilation. This reduces air humidity and associated plant diseases. At this time, top dressing is carried out using carbon dioxide. After its implementation, fruiting occurs earlier and the yield increases.

Strawberries are demanding on moisture. But water should not fall on the plants, watering is carried out at the very root. In Western countries, the soil in the greenhouse is covered with a black film. It does not allow the berry to come into contact with the ground, weeds grow more slowly, and the ground retains heat better than a film of a different color.

In the greenhouse, the procedure of artificial pollination of strawberries is carried out. On small plantations this is done by hand 2-3 times a day. After a few days, pollination is repeated. If the greenhouse occupies huge areas, then at the time of flowering, beehives with bees are placed in it.

Strawberries are harvested from mid-March to the end of April; without it, the berries are harvested at the end of March - mid-May.

At some points, this is a rather troublesome and costly business, but if you approach it correctly, you can make good money on this beloved berry.

Strawberry varieties

The first thing I want to draw your attention to, if you want to grow strawberries that you can make money on, is a variety of berries. From the outside it may seem insignificant, but in fact the strawberry variety is very important, and it is important that all the strawberries you grow are of the same variety, why I will tell you now.

The first year, when I decided to make money on strawberries, I did not buy seedlings in the store, I just took a little from my mother, a little from my friends, and I got an area of ​​just over two acres planted with strawberries. In the fall, I planted it, covered it with leaves and agrofibre, and began to wait for the harvest.

But what was my disappointment when, instead of the whole plot starting to bloom at the same time, it began to bloom alternately, first a plot with some seedlings, then a plot with others. A little later, maturation began in the same way, first one section, then the next. But this was not the main problem, the worst thing was that the strawberries did not have a marketable appearance, the berries were of various sizes, one was quite small, the other was larger.

It was impossible to ask for a solid price for such a product, and it was not possible to collect more than a solid amount of strawberries at a time.

Therefore, my earnings on strawberries were scanty, and amounted only to what I sold to my friends for compote and jam. After reading a bit of thematic literature, I decided to go the other way and plant only one early variety of strawberries in the entire area that I planned to plant.

I was looking for a suitable variety for a long time, I finally found it in the VKontakte group “My garden“ Gardens of the Kuban ””. In the fall, for the first time, I ordered 50 seedlings as an experiment.

I chose the variety "Clery", as it is early, bred by Italian breeders, and suited me in all respects of taste. Therefore, in the fall, when the seedlings came to me, I planted them on my site.

This time, all the strawberries began to bloom at the same time, and although the first harvest was not very large, I managed to earn much more, since my strawberries ripened a few weeks before the season began, and accordingly the prices did not have time to fall. Therefore, I was satisfied with the result.

If you want to make money from strawberries, and not just grow them for yourself, you will need good seedlings, preferably early varieties, because the earlier you can grow strawberries, the more you can earn. Well, in addition, in order for strawberries to have a good presentation, all of its berries must be of the same size, and not of different sizes.

Growing strawberries outdoors

The easiest way is to grow strawberries outdoors, which is how I started my business. But remember that you are planting strawberries for sale and not for personal use, so there are some planting nuances.

Initial processing proceeds as usual. The land is cultivated and fertilized.

It is advisable to use only organic fertilizers, as they not only saturate the soil with nutrients, but are also environmentally friendly.

And this can be another advantage, due to which the price of your products will be much higher.

D further aisles are covered with leaves. These are ordinary dry leaves that can be collected in the autumn in the garden. The leaves perform two functions, in winter they serve as a heat insulator, but in summer they will gradually begin to rot, and accordingly become an additional organic fertilizer.

The rows for berries themselves are made in the form of longitudinal humps, between which leaves are poured.

Then the entire prepared area is covered with agrofibre. Small holes are made in the agrofibre, and berries are planted.

Since agrofibre perfectly passes water, you will not have problems with watering after planting.

For the first time, varietal strawberries should be planted at a distance of at least 30 centimeters. The fact is that already in the first year you will get a fairly solid amount of antennae so that you don’t replant all of them, just send them to the row, and they themselves will take root in the right place.

Some may ask why agrofibre is needed. The fact is that if you plant strawberries just in the ground, then most of the berries will be dirty.

Firstly, the berries will simply lie on the ground, and naturally they will pick up dirt from it. And secondly, when it rains, on the open ground, he also splashes strawberries with mud.

Therefore, if you do not use agrofibre, you are unlikely to be able to collect strawberries of a beautiful presentation.

My Clery, which I grow this way, ripens in early or mid-May, depending on the weather. At this time, there are still no strawberries on the markets, so I manage to sell them in bulk, at a bargain price.

Growing strawberries in greenhouses

You can get strawberries in mid-late April, I also do this with part of my plot. This does not require special equipment or skills, the most important desire.

In order for strawberries to ripen earlier, you need to make small arcs from reinforcement or wire rod that will overlap three to four rows of strawberries. You can make such arcs yourself, or as I order in a store that sells reinforcement.

The fact is that when the snow melts, strawberries begin to grow. If you cover it with plastic wrap, then the temperature drops will be less, and in greenhouses it will naturally be higher than on the street, because the leaves play the role of a heat accumulator.

As a result, strawberries will begin to grow earlier and more actively than in the open field, respectively, they will begin to bloom and bear fruit earlier.

I adopted a similar technology from my friends who grow early cabbage, they also cover seedlings in such a way that they grow faster.

Growing strawberries in greenhouses

To be honest, growing strawberries in greenhouses is only at the planning stage for me, but I have already approximately designed a greenhouse for myself, and how it will work. Therefore, I will tell you about this.

Initially, you need to build not only the greenhouse itself, but also think over the irrigation and heating system, since if you have a greenhouse, then you can grow strawberries all year round.

Therefore, you need to choose revanant strawberry varieties that will bear fruit all year round. This will allow you to get maximum profit.

After all, our greenhouse economy is practically not developed, and strawberries are delivered to us from southern countries, by planes or ships. Naturally, transportation requires substantial costs, so strawberries are expensive in winter, and of course, if you can grow them yourself, then in this case you can make great money.

I plan to build a greenhouse according to the European model, namely, strawberries will grow not only on the ground, there will be four rows of trays one above the other. In this way, much more can be grown.

In addition, in order to provide my customers with stable supplies, I plan to ensure that each tray will ripen one by one. Of course, it will also be necessary to conduct drip irrigation so that you can constantly water and fertilize strawberries.

As for heating, I decided not to bother, it will be an ordinary wood-burning stove, since I will have a small greenhouse.

In general, according to my calculations, it will take no more than 50 thousand rubles for my greenhouse with material and work. Of course, the amount is not small, but in winter, one kilogram of strawberries can be sold for 1000 rubles, and even in a small area of ​​​​my future greenhouse, I plan to get 100-150 kilograms, so the greenhouse will pay off in the first year.

Cost of growing strawberries

It is most profitable to grow early strawberries, because while others have not yet ripened berries, you can already sell your product at a good price. Therefore, the first cost that awaits you is the purchase of seedlings.

A good variety, of course, is not cheap, but you do not need to buy a large number of seedlings. Even if you buy 20 seedlings, then in the fall each of them will give 10-15 tendrils, as a result, in a year you will have more than 200-250 full-fledged strawberry bushes.

If each bush produces 5-10 berries, and this is at least 200-300 grams, then in a year, you will collect more than 100 kilograms of strawberries, so all your costs will pay off, even at a price of 500 rubles per kilogram, and the price of organic strawberries , in spring, is usually much higher.

The cost of seedlings is the highest, but it is they who guarantee the success of the business, because without a presentation and early ripening, you will not be able to sell your product at a good price. These costs are guaranteed to pay off.

Also, you will have to spend a little on agrofibre, but these are insignificant costs, since they depend only on the size of your site. Personally, I kept within 2000 rubles, and all my strawberries were clean and beautiful.

Thanks to the agrofibre, it does not need to be weeded, which saves a lot of time and effort.

If we talk about greenhouses, then the cost of them will also not be large, since fittings and a simple plastic film are inexpensive. In principle, you can expect that for one hundred berries, you will need to spend only five thousand rubles.

About the costs of building a greenhouse, I spoke above. But it is worth remembering that these are only the costs of the greenhouse construction itself, in addition, you will also have to buy revanant strawberry varieties, and they cost more than those grown outdoors. Therefore, I plan to spend around 50 thousand rubles on the purchase of seedlings, but these costs should pay for themselves in the first year, and next winter, I will already be in a solid plus, and I will be able to receive a constant net profit.

In addition, you will have to spend some money on fertilizers and preparations to protect strawberries from diseases. But these are relatively small costs that will not hit your pocket hard.

To be honest, to start growing strawberries, you need to invest at least 20 thousand rubles, so that its cultivation pays off in the first year, and in order to develop your business next year.

But the advantage of this business is that the niche is practically unoccupied, and therefore you will not have problems with the sale of goods at a good price, and you can develop in this direction indefinitely, every year, increasing your profits.

Growing strawberries does not require a lot of time; most of the time it needs to be devoted to it during the ripening period. So even if you are at work, you can take a vacation during this period to harvest and sell it.

Where to find buyers

Of course, for a business to be profitable, you need to have a good sales market, and finding it for strawberries will not be a problem.

Personally, first of all, even before I planted strawberries, I talked with several sellers in the market, and agreed with them about deliveries when they ripen.

Of course, they take strawberries from me not at the market price, but a little cheaper, but then I am not worried about such problems as sales, I sell the goods in bulk.

Now, when I plan to grow products in the winter, I have also spoken with managers from several stores, and they are ready to accept fresh strawberries from me in winter. So I'm already provided with a sales market for greenhouse products.

In addition, my friends and acquaintances buy a lot of strawberries from me, because they know that I grow them without chemicals, and they are environmentally friendly and not genetically modified. Therefore, when the season comes, almost every day acquaintances come to me.

If you do not have the opportunity to agree on the market or in stores, then you can simply post ads in your city, or simply advertise your product on the Internet.

For high-quality early strawberries, as my experience has shown, there will always be buyers, and at the same time you can make good money on it. Well, in addition, there are wholesale buyers who are happy to buy strawberries at a fairly good price.

How much can you earn

It is rather difficult to name the exact amount of earnings, since there are many parameters on which the harvest depends. This is the strawberry variety and the weather and how you will care for it.

From my own experience I can say that from one hundred of early strawberries, you can get from 30 to 50 thousand rubles of profit per season. Now I have a plot of five acres, and for the season, I get about 200 thousand net profits.

Your profit directly depends on what area you plan to plant with strawberries and what variety you choose. After all, the larger the berries, the better they look and the better they are bought. And what pleases most of all, large strawberries weigh more and are easier to collect.

You can make good money on strawberries, and the costs of this business are highest only in the first year. After that, you can get a stable profit for 6-7 years.

How to grow strawberries and make money from it.

There are many speculations and various legends around making money on growing strawberries, so few people dare to take this business seriously. But that is why the business associated with the cultivation of these berries can be a gold mine for you. Fewer competitors - more demand. So, let's figure out how to properly grow strawberries and whether it's worth our attention.

Preparation and initial information.

Strawberry business requires almost a one-time investment. You will need to rent a plot of land with even good soil, or you will have to transport and level it. Strawberries are a capricious berry, and in order for your harvest to be good, you need to fulfill all its whims. She likes a flat surface, or a surface with a southwest slope. This is very important, because if you plant it on the other side, it will pull right there, and it is possible that the plants will be twisted. Low-lying places should be avoided, because moisture and cold air can accumulate there. All this can affect the timeliness of the harvest and can lead to many diseases of your seedlings, and subsequently the fruit itself.
The most optimal would be to choose a plot with a size of 100 square meters. Such areas do not require a large number of personnel. For every 10 meters we will take one person. As a result, 10 people will be able to calmly and efficiently serve this site.

Strawberry seedlings and their care.

There is a huge selection of seeds and seedlings on the market today that we can choose from. It would be best for us to take seedlings large species. Their cost varies from 30 to 50 rubles for 5 pieces. Plants grow large and strong, and the berries themselves can weigh more than 100 grams. That is, for 1 offspring from 1 bush, about 1.5 kilograms of strawberries can come out. In the future, in a few years, we will be able to sell seedlings ourselves, since for better growth we will have to cut our plants, and these same shoots (they are called antennae) can be useful to others, just like we are now. This is another plus in our piggy bank.
The timing of planting different varieties, of course, is also different. Therefore, when buying seedlings, you need to ask the seller when to plant strawberries, so as not to be mistaken. This is a very important question.

Agricultural technology for growing strawberries

Strawberries should be planted in rows. The distance between them should be about 50 centimeters, and the distance between the bushes about 25 centimeters.
Strawberries do not tolerate heavy equipment, so the equipment will be the most minimal. Small shovels, also semi-rakes, choppers, and watering cans. In no case should you water strawberries with a hose. For every 10 meters of land, we need one 50 liter barrel of water. Water will need to be filled every morning so that it settles during the day, gaining enough oxygen and heat. In the evening, before sunset, you will need to water it from a watering can under the root. Watering should be done carefully without touching the plant itself.
If all our seedlings are from the same family, then we can save money on fertilizer, since we do not have to monitor each row separately. There are also a lot of fertilizers. It all depends on the variety. When buying seedlings, you should definitely be advised that he loves this particular variety, and they will tell you how to fertilize strawberries. It won't cost much.

Sales and profit.

Despite the fact that today there are not so many people who grow strawberries, there are still competitors. The earliest strawberries are valued. Therefore, you need to choose the earliest varieties. When the berries of all gardeners are just ripening, your berries will already gain all their color and taste and will already lie on the shelves and lure customers.
You should not take berries to dealers. This is easier and faster, but we will lose most of the profit. It would be best to rent a place in the market square. It costs about 5-7 thousand rubles a month. In June, berries cost about 200 rubles per kilogram. If we judge that we have a berry weighing about 100 grams, then the profit is very good.
So let's do the math. 1 bush costs about 10 rubles. From him there will be 3-4 offspring of about 1.5 kilograms each. In total, 4-5 kilograms are obtained from one bush. In total we have about 1000 rubles. The rest is simple arithmetic.