Where is the best place to buy clothes for sale. Where to buy things in bulk

Everything, of course, depends on what product you need.

The absolute leader in this area is China, here you can find absolutely any category of goods. Cons - trading in dollars and long delivery. Pros: very cheap (even if it is not a full-fledged wholesale), China promises to make its own international payment system in the fall and it will be possible to trade without the dollar.

Now, more specifically on the sites:

Just select the "wholesale" category when searching for the product you need and view the products. A large number of local wholesalers have their own "page" on this site. The minimum purchase from them can start from 3,000 and end with 30,000, depending on the check, coolness and other factors. Delivery, of course, is not as expensive as from China, but still evaluate the distance of the supplier's region from your region and calculate prices using calculators on the website of transport companies in order to clearly see all the costs.

Prices from Russian wholesalers, of course, are higher than in China, and the range is much lower. And if you really need to quickly, then turn your eyes ... to Ukraine.

Yes, yes, you heard right. Ukraine. Odessa. 7 kilometer. The largest market in Europe. Your task is to find an intermediary who will buy goods there (trust me, at very cheap prices) and send them to you. There you will find far from all groups of goods, you need to specify about specific categories. But it is very profitable to deal with clothes with them, for example. Delivery to Belgorod, Rostov, Voronezh, Krasnodar usually occurs within 2-5 days, shopping mall or by bus. Further, everything depends on transport company. But ideally, of course, you need to go there and buy (which became a little problematic after the Ukrainian events)

If you still have questions, you can go to my VK page through my profile and ask me in a private message)

It is important that the assortment of his store is always complete: new seasonal collections arrive on time, and it is possible to offer customers any size they are interested in. Trading balances is not only unprofitable, but simply disastrous for business. It is not easy to find conscientious suppliers, therefore, at the beginning of the activity, every entrepreneur thinks about where to buy quality clothes for sale. Before starting the search, you need to define clear criteria by which to choose a future partner. It must satisfy a number of conditions, namely:

  1. Meet the needs of future buyers;
  2. Its product must be harmonious with each other;
  3. Clothing collections for sale should always be new and in line with fashion trends;
  4. The range must be new and up-to-date.

These are not all the conditions for long-term cooperation, but if the quality and models of the goods satisfy the buyers of the owner of the outlet, then the rest of the nuances can be "settle down" in the process.

What are the providers

Wholesale clothing suppliers are divided into two categories: small and large. The peculiarity of large suppliers is that they deliver in large quantities, sometimes unbearable for small businesses. More often than not, they are. Small suppliers are those who can buy lots of goods from them and then sell them in small bulk. Their prices are higher, but it is possible to choose those items of goods that are needed. For an aspiring entrepreneur who does not yet know how to start selling children's, women's or men's clothing, this option is the best.

If retail clothing will be franchised, there will be no problem with suppliers. Contracts are concluded exclusively with companies recommended by the franchisor. Here we can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such cooperation at the same time. The supplier sets prices that apply to the entire network, regardless of whether the new outlet opened or not. Negotiations to reduce the price of clothing are almost impossible. On the other hand, the entrepreneur is provided with a new and relevant product in deadlines, without delay, and sales are stable.

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What is stock stuff

A separate study of the issue deserves such goods as second-hand and stock clothing. From English, the word "stock" is translated as "reserve". In fact, it is. Stock clothing is usually represented by world famous brands, high quality and inexpensive. AT Western countries the population prefers it in most cases. In Russia, buyers practically do not distinguish between stock and second-hand concepts, but despite this, it is worth starting this business. Here is the difference between the two categories of clothing. First of all, stock is new clothes for sale that no one has ever worn. It accumulated in the warehouses of large wholesalers, as it was not in demand during the sales of new collections. The following season, it is sold cheaper, which makes the production of manufacturers break even. We answered the question of what stock imported clothes are. Now you need to find out where you can buy it and start selling it at retail. You need to look for contacts in the following areas:

  • Wholesale dealers of famous brands;
  • Large chain stores that can afford to buy the latest range in a timely manner, selling off previous models of clothing;
  • Garment factories that did not have time to organize the supply of a certain amount of goods to retail chains.

All goods, whether stock items or second-hand items, must have:

  1. Minimum wear (for second-hand);
  2. High quality;
  3. Sanitization of things admitted for sale;
  4. The minimum chain of wholesalers and dealers;
  5. The ability to constantly update the range and timely supply the store with new arrivals.

Second-hand goods are always delivered in bags, and if stock clothing is ordered, it can be delivered individually packed. In any case, the goods are sorted according to the category, and the purchase price also depends on it.

If an entrepreneur decides to bet on a multi-brand product, then he can use the supply of stock items and fashion collections from manufacturers. This decision will increase sales due to the richness of the assortment in different price categories.

How to choose a wholesale supplier

Any retail sale of clothing begins with a study of the offers of wholesalers. Their sites are usually full of product photos and more or less detailed descriptions. However, in the case of wholesale deliveries, virtual information should not be trusted. The entrepreneur himself must visit the supplier's office, see samples of products, and negotiate the terms of the contract.

The second way to find suppliers is thematic exhibitions, fairs, forums, fashion shows. It is quite possible to start cooperating with responsible suppliers there. They always take place only live communication, as a result of which you can collect enough contact information for future cooperation. After accumulating information about potential partners, you can begin to select them. When concluding contracts, clothing store owners often make typical mistakes:

  • Purchase of goods according to photographs and oral or written description. Clothing should always be judged personally. Consider the quality of the fabric, the product itself, if possible, view it on models.
  • The conclusion of an agreement with one-day firms that do not value their reputation.
  • The first purchase is made from one supplier, while having no alternative to the quality and variety of the range.
  • Purchase of the seasonal collection during the start today. It must be remembered that summer things are purchased in the spring, and winter things in the fall.

Any contract for the supply of goods must have the following mandatory conditions:

  1. Terms of delivery: number of days of travel, transport.
  2. Payment: preliminary in a certain amount or 100%.
  3. The quality of the goods must necessarily be specified in separate clauses or specifications so that there is no substitution.

Both parties to the contract usually bear the same responsibility for failure to comply with the terms of the contract. This applies both to payments for products and to the timeliness and completeness of deliveries.

If you decide to try your hand at other types of business, you can see how to get income on investment in cars . A few secrets that experienced investors will reveal to you will help you find out how and from which cars it is better to make a profit.

21.02.17 219 526 0

Two times cheaper than in the store

When food becomes more expensive, and there is no more money, you have to save.

I found a way to save on food: I buy at wholesale depots. I live in St. Petersburg and I buy two thirds of my products at the Kalinin fruit and vegetable base. In this article I will tell you what a vegetable store is and how to handle it.

Sergey Kompaniets

economical city dweller

What is a vegetable base

The fruit and vegetable base is a big wholesale market. Shops, restaurants and thrifty citizens come here for groceries. The margin here is minimal, some products will cost you half as much as in the store.

Average product prices

Product, kgIn the shopOn the base
Potato21-25 R16-18 R
Cauliflower280 R120 R
Apples70-160 R25-75 R
oranges75-120 R50-60 R
tangerines80-170 R60 R
Bananas55-75 R40 R
Almond1400 R700 R
Hazelnut1200 R600 R
Milk50 R38-40 R
pork shoulder408 R248 R

Product, kg


In the shop

21-25 R

16-18 R

Product, kg


In the shop

280 R

120 R

Product, kg

In the shop

70-160 R

25-75 R

Product, kg


In the shop

75-120 R

50-60 R

Product, kg


In the shop

80-170 R

60 R

Product, kg

In the shop

55-75 R

40 R

Product, kg

In the shop

1400 R

700 R

Product, kg

In the shop

1200 R

600 R

Product, kg

In the shop

50 R

38-40 R

Product, kg

pork shoulder

In the shop

408 R

248 R

Products that you buy in a convenience store, the store itself buys at a wholesale base for half the price.

How the wholesale base is arranged

The city fruit and vegetable base is a platform with dozens of trade pavilions. In the pavilions there are boxes with goods and merchants sit.

The atmosphere here is informal, there are no labels and price tags. The quality of the goods, its origin and price should be asked from the seller.

The food base is a large market where they buy in bulk, usually from 3 kg of each product.

Not accepted at the base. bank cards and I have never seen an ATM anywhere. Therefore, it is worth withdrawing cash in advance. I advise you to take 5-10 thousand rubles with you, preferably in banknotes of 500 or 1000 R.

The price of a product often depends on the volume of purchases. Buy 10 kg of potatoes at 18 R per kg, and 100 kg at 12 R per kg. But you don’t eat so many products yourself, they spoil faster. Therefore, it is best to shop with friends.

How to shop with friends

My friends came up with "co-op". They go to the base in turn. Before the trip, everyone throws off their shopping lists to the responsible person. He buys at once for everyone and delivers products to homes. He puts a piece of paper with the amount that is thrown off to his card in a bag of groceries.

Now there are ten families in the cooperative. Each participant travels to the base about once every two months and receives cheap groceries delivered to their homes every week. If I had a car, I would join too.

Usually at the base they sell goods in bulk, 10-18 kg each. There are also retail pavilions. Prices are higher there, but you can buy 2 kg of bananas instead of a 20 kg box.

How to bargain

Find out prices from nearby sellers. Don't buy from the first merchant you see. Ask for a price, nod back, and move on to the next one. Prices in different pavilions are different, and you can buy cheaper without haggling.

  • - How much do you have potatoes?
  • - Twenty rubles per kilo, I sell bags of 10 kg.
  • Thanks, I'll take a look.
  • - Hey, stop, take two bags, I'll give them for 380 rubles.
  • - I'll take it for 350.
  • - OK then.

Ask to "throw" the goods. Sometimes the price is minimal, and the seller refuses to throw off more. Then I ask you to add to the purchase a little other product for testing. For the seller, a couple of apples is a trifle, but I'm pleased.

  • - Will you give three bags for a thousand?
  • - No, dear, 1200 is the minimum price. Further at a loss.
  • - Okay, I'll take three bags for 1200. Will you add a couple of pears to me?
  • - Choose what you want?

Ask for ripe goods. When I buy only for myself, I only ask for ripe fruits and vegetables. They must be eaten immediately, today or tomorrow, otherwise they will spoil. Sellers are ready to give such goods cheaper so as not to throw them away.

How to choose a product

Often the buyer chooses vegetables and fruits in the window, and the seller weighs others - from under the counter. If the seller allows, I put the goods myself: I ask for a package and select what I like.

For all the time I have never been given bad fruit or weighed down. Seems merchants are interested in long work and care about reputation.

If I buy for the future, then I ask you to select not too ripe products. Slightly green bananas will not turn sour in a couple of days, but will ripen for a week.

Where are the bases

Usually the bases are located on the outskirts of the city and outside the city. The largest vegetable warehouse in Moscow is called "Food City" and is located 900 meters from Moscow along the Kaluga highway. Three more large vegetable warehouses in Moscow are located on Kashirsky proezd, 27; on Otkrytoye shosse, 15 and on Amurskaya street, 2a. In total, there are about thirty vegetable bases and branded food warehouses in Moscow and the Moscow region.

In St. Petersburg, go to the Kalininskaya vegetable warehouse (63 Nepokorennykh Ave., building 34, warehouse 2) or to Sofiyskaya (60 Sofiyskaya St.). There are also about a dozen branded trading warehouses, functioning as bases.

It is most convenient to come to the base by car, but entry is paid. For example, a pass to the Sofia base in St. Petersburg costs 50 rubles.

You can take a taxi, but it's not very convenient. You can't leave a taxi at the base - you have to let go of the car and then catch another one. It is expensive to travel by taxi, so many get there by buses and minibuses.

I ride a bike with a large rear rack and a large basket on the handlebars, with additional luggage bags attached. And entry is free, and I take away a lot.

My savings

At a time, I take 15-20 kg of vegetables, fruits, nuts and other products from the base. At the same time, exotic fruits are also in my luggage: mangoes, avocados, pineapples. For one trip I spend 2-3 thousand, I go about once a week.

To prevent vegetables and fruits from spoiling, store them on the balcony. Take the food out of the polyethylene and put it in a plastic or wooden box. In the warm season, hide them away from sunlight and heat sources.


  1. At food bases, food costs twice as much. But you will have to buy them in small wholesale, 3-10 kg at a time.
  2. It is most profitable to cooperate with friends and buy at once for everyone. The larger the batch, the cheaper the products.
  3. Withdraw cash before heading to the base.
  4. The base is the market. Therefore, bargain and look for goods cheaper.
  5. Find your seller and get good discounts.

Hello dear readers. In this article, I will tell you where to buy cheap goods in bulk in China. We will focus mainly on sites where you can buy goods both at retail and wholesale. Basically, you can buy any product at bargain prices, ranging from small things to large-sized goods. You can buy wholesale clothes, cosmetics, medicines, household appliances.All large chains they buy goods in bulk in China, directly from the factory to order, and then they sell it to ordinary people in three ways. You have ideas for a business, but there is no information where to buy cheap goods in bulk in China, then you have come to the right blog. Here you will find wholesale sites.

Shops and wholesale sites where to buy cheap goods in bulk in China

Shop for retail purchases and small wholesale. On the this moment not the cheapest site, 4 years ago was the best site for retail purchases. But if you are going to buy for yourself, then the best option is to purchase at retail. Wholesalers can only ask the price of some things here in order to know the approximate price. They sell on the site (cars, motorcycles, any household appliances, clothes, food), you can even buy a couple of tons of fittings.


  1. Huge selection of goods
  2. Convenient site navigation
  3. Free shipping to China in 90% of cases
  4. Gifts from sellers (often key chains)


  1. Language only Chinese (Google translator to help)
  2. Trading is not possible
  3. Lots of dishonest sellers

The site is actually no different from Taobao. Basically jd.com focuses on the sale of gadgets and electronics. Prices are no different from Taobao. There will only be more choice when buying electronics. The sites sell retail and small wholesale.


  1. Huge selection of electronics
  2. Free shipping within China


  1. Language only Chinese (Google translator to help)
  2. Trading is not possible
  3. Lots of dishonest sellers
  4. On the personal experience, when ordering an old model of phones, marriage comes.

Wholesale online store, both for large and small wholesale. It is possible to buy at retail, but there are not so many sellers. 1668.com doesn't have a wide variety of products like jd.com and taobao. Some items are not available. The main sellers are outbids, small productions, large factories.


  1. Bargaining is possible regardless of the price indicated for a unit of goods
  2. Much less marriage than Taobao and jd.com


  1. Language only Chinese
  2. Delivery charge within China


The largest wholesale platform. They sell both Chinese factories and foreign ones. For myself, I concluded that the prices do not differ from 1668.com (it is even cheaper on it). What attracts the site is only a large assortment and not high prices. For myself, I think that Alibaba is overrated in terms of the best wholesale platform.

It is believed that the business associated with the resale of any goods is one of the simplest and, for this reason, popular destinations. commercial activities. In this case, you don't need to do anything. It is enough just to find out where to buy clothes in bulk for sale. This is the most important point on which the continued success of the business depends. The lower the purchase price, the more a potential entrepreneur can earn.

In the clothing reselling business, the main point is to find potential suppliers, establish close business contacts and gain experience. In the future, the purchased goods can be sold in several ways: to sell on the market, in own store or online. However, all this will be impossible if you do not know where to buy clothes in bulk for sale.

Supplier search

This is perhaps the most difficult and responsible part of the work in trading.

When planning to sell clothes, you need to find someone who can regularly and conscientiously deliver goods. This is a very difficult task.

You can always find where to buy clothes in bulk for sale. However, establishing a stable relationship with a supplier is much more difficult. Finding reliable partners is not easy. Some will miss deadlines, some will deliver defective goods. There will also be those who wish to change the terms of the agreement, raising prices, etc.

That is why it is advisable to constantly look for where to buy clothes in bulk for sale, thus establishing new contacts. This will allow you to be less dependent on a particular supplier and have alternative options if something goes wrong.

Basic ways

Every potential businessman is faced with the question of where to buy clothes in bulk for sale. The answer is quite simple. Moreover, it is limited to not one, but several options. Let's list the main ones:

  • Search engines.
  • Funds mass media.
  • Exhibitions and other events.
  • Local manufacturers and dealers.
  • Competitive suppliers.
  • Information on packages.
  • Supplier catalogues.

Search engines

This is perhaps the easiest way for those who are wondering where is the best place to buy clothes in bulk for sale.

Simply enter the name of the product you need in the search engine and add the word "wholesale". Next, you should carefully study the results of the issuance, not limited only to the first pages.

Have the patience to figure out where to buy wholesale clothes to sell and flip through ten, maybe twenty pages. It's very easy to explain. Not every manufacturer pays enough attention to promoting their own brand on the Internet. It is possible that the site will contain only information about the company without detailed description terms of cooperation.

Don't be too quick to jump to conclusions based on first impressions. It is better to contact the company and personally communicate with the manager, asking for detailed conditions and prices.

Mass media

Despite the fact that this source is losing popularity, sometimes on the pages printed publications you can also find announcements regarding wholesale sales. In this way, you can get information that is not in the online space. Pay special attention to thematic publications. If you are interested in where to buy branded clothing in bulk for sale, choose the appropriate publications. This will increase your chances of getting up-to-date information.

Exhibitions and other events

Specialized events such as professional conferences, fairs, etc. attract a lot of people employed in the same field. In this way, you can make contacts that are useful for business, getting to know both beginners and market professionals.

Often, organizations present at such events offer participants own products with discount. In addition, the atmosphere itself is conducive to establishing contacts. Usually the participants are friendly and open to communication.

local producers

It is possible that in your city there is a manufacturer whose products attract you. This is incredibly convenient, since you have the opportunity to get acquainted with the assortment in detail, while not moving anywhere.

A great advantage that a novice entrepreneur receives by cooperating directly with the manufacturer is low prices.

However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the minimum purchase will be too expensive. Therefore, do not exclude the option that you will have to resort to the help of dealers.

Competitor Suppliers

It is also possible that when studying the market, you found a competitor whose product you liked. To find out the name of the supplier, you have to go to the trick.

Try to play the role of a client and in this way ask the seller where the goods are imported from. You can make a purchase, and then carefully study the packaging and the accompanying documentation. If a competitor has a website, use it to search additional information. You can also be persistent by requesting quality certificates for clothing presented by a competitor.

So, suppose you still managed to find out the name of the supplier. However, do not be in a hurry to build illusions that you can beat your own competitor. Most likely, at the initial stage, the supplier will offer you less favorable conditions, which will only change over time.

The biggest benefit you get from knowing where to buy wholesale fashion for sale this way is proven quality.

Information on packages

This is a very non-standard way to answer the question of where to buy wholesale children's clothing for sale.

Having decided on the product, go to the shops where similar positions are presented. Typically, each product has a label indicating the manufacturer's or dealer's information.

Supplier directories

Another relevant way for those who are interested in where to buy wholesale children's clothing for sale. This option is similar to the first one, using search engines. However, in this case, you need to pay attention to the directories in which the suppliers are collected. All organizations should be divided into categories, so finding a company of interest is not difficult.

How to choose a supplier?

So, now you know what search methods you can use. However, this is only half the story. It is important not only to find out the contacts of the manufacturer or dealer, but also to negotiate with each of them, choosing the most favorable conditions for yourself.

Now your task is to collect as much information as possible about each of the potential partners. It is advisable to draw up your own questionnaire even before the negotiations, including the most important and relevant questions for you.

What questions to ask?

An example list might look like this:

  • The cost of goods per unit or for the entire batch.
  • The size minimum purchase.
  • The location of the warehouses where the goods are stored.
  • Payment Methods.
  • Availability of certificates for the presented clothes.
  • Conditions for return and exchange in cases where a marriage is detected.
  • Are they informed in advance about price changes, etc.

Questions for potential suppliers can be many. You can use this list, removing the excess or supplementing it with other items at your own discretion.

How to make a decision?

During the conversation, it is desirable to record in writing all the answers received. Ideally, put them in a table so that it is more convenient to make a comparison.

  • Do not rush to leave only one supplier, refusing other options. Select several potential partners, the terms of cooperation with which are most suitable for you.
  • Start cooperating with Russian suppliers. This will eliminate the language barrier, and will also allow you to quickly receive the goods and start selling.
  • Do not rush to give the entire order to one supplier. First you need to check its reliability and make sure it is.

It is also important to remember that during the negotiation process, the supplier manager will represent own employer in the best light. After all, his goal is to make a deal. However, after the signing of the contract, all sorts of pitfalls may appear. The more detailed you collect information, the less likely you are to be disappointed in a potential partner.

Do right choice will also allow the study of one's own target audience. The better you know your own potential clients the better you can meet their needs. If you are targeting young people, choose suppliers who are ready to offer clothing for the appropriate age category.

An equally important condition for the success of a trading business is the assessment of potential competitors. If you offer your own customers less favorable terms, you should not expect an influx of buyers. Each of them is looking for the most favorable conditions for themselves. And it's not always about the price. For someone, the location will be inconvenient, someone will not be satisfied with the payment method, etc.