Documents confirming the compliance of the procurement participant with the requirements sample. In electronic form

In this article, we will tell you how to prepare an application for participation in an open competition.

In Art. 48-55 44- federal law established the main provisions governing the holding of an open tender.

An open competition is held in writing. Often, the customer is located in a neighboring or even more distant region from the participant. This creates certain difficulties when participating in this procurement. Many participants simply do not have time to collect the application and send it so that it reaches the customer at the right time. In this article, we will analyze the main points of preparing an application, including those that we have acquired with experience in preparing applications for participation in an open tender.

Application deadline for open competition

The deadline for filing applications for an open tender is determined by the date of placement of a notice in the EIS for procurement in the form of an open tender. The customer publishes a notice of the competition at least 20 days before opening the envelopes with the applications of participants or opening access to applications submitted in in electronic format(part 1 of article 49 44-FZ).

The notification shall contain data on the amount of the application security in an open tender and account details for its payment (clause 9, part 3, article 49 of 44-FZ)

But no later than 5 days before the deadline for submitting applications. At the same time, the customer does not have the right to change the object of procurement or increase the amount of security for an application for participation in an open tender.

Within one day after making these changes, the customer must publish information about this, in accordance with the rules for publishing notices of an open tender.

At the same time, the deadline for filing an application should be at least 10 days after these changes were made, and if the changes concerned a separate lot, then the extension of the deadline for filing should apply specifically to this lot.

So, in order to prepare an application for an open competition, it is necessary, first of all, to familiarize yourself with what will need to be done in case of victory.

To do this, you need to study the documentation in detail, finding the desired procedure in the Unified information system.

You should pay attention to several key points:

  1. application deadline;
  2. place of application;
  3. requirements for participants.

Advice: remember that the package of documents for participation in the open tender is submitted in paper form. This means that the application must contain either original documents, or copies certified by the participant (if permitted by the documentation), or copies certified by a notary.

Then the forms presented in the documentation are filled out. First of all, an application form for participation in an open tender is filled out. In this form, the participant, in addition to the data on his organization, also displays his price offer.

Please note that the application for without fail it is necessary to declare compliance with the uniform requirements of Art. 31 FZ-44.

This article states that the participant should not be in the process of liquidation, its activities should not be suspended, there should not be arrears in taxes and fees of more than 25% of the book value, the participant and the customer should not have a conflict of interest, and so on.

More detailed information You can check in Art. 31 44 of the Federal Law.

To declare compliance with these requirements, it is enough to write in the application the phrase “We declare that we meet the following requirements:” and copy the text from the text of the law.

SMP in open tenders

Also, very often, customers make demands on belonging to small or medium-sized businesses. Such requirements should be established in the documentation.

Advice: to understand whether an organization is a small or medium-sized business, it is necessary to analyze the annual revenue and staff, as well as the share of participation of the Russian Federation in authorized capital.

If all income from entrepreneurial activity does not exceed 800 million rubles, and the staff does not exceed 100 people, while in the authorized capital there is less than 49% of the participation of the Russian Federation, then the organization is a small or medium-sized business.

However, we recommend that you study Federal Law N 209-FZ "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russian Federation" dated July 24, 2007, since there are other criteria for attribution or prohibition for attribution to small or medium-sized businesses. Also by Government Decree No. 1457 "On the list certain types works (services), the performance (rendering) of which is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation by Turkish organizations" establishes that procurement participants should not be under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Turkey or managed by citizens of the Republic of Turkey. The application must also declare compliance with this requirement.

When all the required fields are filled in, the application for an open tender must be printed out, stamped and signed by an authorized person. The same is done with all required forms.

These forms can be:

  • information about previously executed contracts;
  • Technical Proposal;
  • and details of the participant's personnel involved.

The number and availability of forms depend on the customer's need for information about a particular offer. The documentation may also indicate the requirement to describe the methods and technology for the performance of work or the provision of services, the schedule for the execution of the contract. All of these forms must be completed in accordance with the documentation requirements.

Preparation of documents for an open tender

After that, a package of documents generated earlier is assembled. It is necessary to make copies of documents and certify in the manner established in the documentation: it may indicate that copies of documents must be certified by the participant, that is, with the phrase “Copy is correct”, the signature of an authorized person and the seal, or it may be required to provide a notary certified copies.

Each document containing more than 2 pages must be bound with the number of pages, the signature of an authorized person and the seal. The following is a list of all attached documents. It indicates the number of pages for each document.

When the inventory and everything Required documents ready, the application must be sewn into a single volume. Documents are stapled in the order indicated in the inventory. The application for an open tender shall be numbered consecutively. After this, page numbers must not be forgotten to be entered in the inventory. This can be done by hand.

Then the finished application is sealed in an envelope that does not allow viewing the contents, and sent to the customer. From practice, we can say that it is better to submit an application for participation in an open competition in person or through a representative than to send it by mail ( courier services), because There were situations when applications did not reach the customer.

The deadline for submitting an application for participation in an open tender continues until the moment the envelopes are opened. Before opening, the commission of the customer is obliged to announce that now is the last chance to apply. We advise you to apply at this moment to be sure that your envelope has not been altered or previously opened.

This completes the procedure for preparing and submitting an application for participation in an open tender.

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Before submitting an application, bidders, as a rule, carefully study the content of the tender documentation. The description of the procurement object will necessarily set out the requirements for the product, the result of work, services, as well as quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The specified initial (maximum) price of the contract allows you to evaluate the opportunities for participation in a particular tender. The profitability of the proposal is also assessed according to a number of other criteria that are disclosed in the information on the procedure for holding the competition: the procedure for submitting applications, required list documents from the participant, the date and time of the deadline for submitting applications, the place, date and time of opening the envelopes, etc. If the supplier considers the offer interesting and adequately assesses his capabilities, he can apply for the tender.

What documents are included in the application for the competition

The application for the competition requires the most a large number of documents. This kit includes:

  • participant information
  • extract from the register not older than 6 months before the publication of the notice (legal entity and individual entrepreneur)
  • copies of identity documents (individuals)
  • the authority of a person to act on behalf of the participant (a copy of the decision on the appointment, election or a copy of the order on the appointment of an individual to a position; a power of attorney to act on behalf of the participant)
  • documents confirming the compliance of an open tender participant with the requirements of the law (clause 1, part 1, article 31). So, for example, if the activity is licensed, then you will need to submit a copy of the license, regardless of whether the customer wrote about it in the documentation or not.
  • documents confirming the qualifications of the participant (if a requirement is established - part 2 of article 31 44-FZ)
  • declaration of compliance of the participant with the requirements of the law (clauses 3-9, part 1, article 31 44-FZ)
  • copies of constituent documents of the participant (LE)
  • decision to approve or commit a major transaction
  • documents confirming the right of the participant to receive preferences
  • documents confirming the compliance of the participant and (or) the GWS offered by him with the conditions, prohibitions and restrictions of the national regime
  • declaration of ownership of the NSR or SONKO participant (if necessary)
  • offer of an open tender participant in relation to the object of procurement
  • copies of documents confirming the compliance of the goods, work or service with the requirements of the law (if a requirement is established)
  • documents confirming the good faith of a participant in an open tender (as an anti-dumping measure)

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 37 44-FZ, if during the tender the initial (maximum) price of the contract is more than 5 million rubles. and the procurement participant offers a price that is 25% or more lower than the initial (maximum) price of the contract, then he must provide a contract performance security in an amount exceeding 1.5 times the size of the contract performance security specified in the tender documentation.

  • Documents confirming the submission of security for the application for participation (either a bank guarantee or a payment order)

Features of applications for the competition

Applications must be submitted in writing in a sealed envelope that does not allow viewing of the contents before opening. All sheets of a written application for participation in the competition, all sheets of the volume of such an application must be stitched and numbered. The application for participation in the competition and the volume of the application must contain an inventory of the documents included in them, be sealed if available (for a legal entity) and signed by the participant in the competition or an authorized person. It is possible to change and withdraw the application at the request of the participant before the deadline for submission of applications.

Deadlines and requirements

From the moment of placing the notice of purchase until the deadline for submitting applications, a period of at least 20 days is established. What can happen during this time?

The participant can submit a request for clarification of the documentation if he has questions, but not less than 5 days before the deadline for submission of applications. The customer has no more than two days to publish a response. As a result of this response, it may be necessary to make changes to the application.

The customer can make changes to the documentation, but no later than 5 days before the deadline for submitting applications. Accordingly, the participant may withdraw the application or make changes and resubmit it. At the same time, if the customer makes changes, then he must notify everyone to whom the documentation was provided within two working days.

If the customer makes changes and there is less than 10 days left before the application deadline, the customer must reschedule. If there is less than 5 days left before the deadline for submitting applications, then changes cannot be made in principle.

In the event of force majeure, the customer may cancel the purchase, but no later than 5 days before the deadline for submitting applications.

At the application stage, it is important to keep track of what is happening with the purchase, whether changes are made.

Removal of a procurement participant under 44-FZ

Yuri Maisky, Leading Consultant for electronic trading SKB Kontur tells in what cases the dropout of participants occurs and how applications are evaluated:

For more information on how to apply for participation in public tenders, Yuri Maysky talks in the webinar ""

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2. A participant in an open tender shall submit an application for participation in an open tender in writing in a sealed envelope, which does not allow viewing the contents of the application before opening. An approximate form of an application for participation in an open tender may be indicated in the standard tender documentation. An application for participation in an open tender must contain all the information specified by the customer in the tender documentation, namely:

A) name, company name (if any), location (for legal entity), postal address of an open tender participant, taxpayer identification number (if any) of the founders, members of the collegial executive body, a person acting as the sole executive body of an open tender participant, last name, first name, patronymic (if any), passport details, place of residence (for individual), contact phone number;

(see text in previous edition)

B) an extract from a single state register legal entities or a notarized copy of such an extract (for a legal entity), an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or a notarized copy of such an extract (for individual entrepreneur), which were received no earlier than six months before the date of placement in the unified information system of a notice of an open tender, copies of identity documents (for another individual), a duly certified translation into Russian of documents on state registration a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the legislation of the relevant state (for a foreign person);

c) a document confirming the authority of a person to act on behalf of a participant in an open tender - a legal entity (a copy of the decision on the appointment or election or a copy of the order on the appointment of an individual to a position, in accordance with which such individual has the right to act on behalf of a participant in an open tender without a power of attorney (hereinafter in this article - the head). If another person acts on behalf of an open tender participant, the application for participation in an open tender must also contain a power of attorney to act on behalf of an open tender participant, certified by the seal of the open tender participant (if there is a seal) and signed by the head (for a legal entity) or a person authorized by the head, or a notarized copy of the said power of attorney. If the specified power of attorney is signed by a person authorized by the head, the application for participation in an open tender must also contain a document confirming the authority of such a person;

(see text in previous edition)

D) documents confirming the compliance of an open tender participant with the requirements for bidders established by the customer in the tender documentation in accordance with Clause 1 of Part 1 of Article 31 of this Federal Law, or copies of such documents, as well as a declaration of compliance of an open tender participant with the requirements established in accordance with with points 3 - 9 of part 1 of article 31

(see text in previous edition)

E) a decision to approve or conclude a major transaction or a copy of such a decision, if the requirement that such a decision is required for the conclusion of a major transaction is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, founding documents for a legal entity and for a participant in an open tender, the supply of goods, performance of work or provision of services that are the subject of the contract, or Money as a security for an application for participation in an open tender, a security for the performance of a contract is big deal;

g) documents confirming the right of an open tender participant to receive benefits in accordance with this Federal Law, if the open tender participant has declared that he has received the said benefits, or copies of such documents;

(see text in previous edition)

H) documents stipulated by regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with Parts 3 and 4 of Article 14 of this Federal Law, in the case of the purchase of goods, works, services that are subject to the said regulatory legal acts, or copies of such documents. If the application for participation in an open tender does not contain the documents provided for by this subparagraph, or copies of such documents, this application is equated to an application that contains an offer to supply goods originating from a foreign state or a group of foreign states, works, services, respectively, performed, rendered foreign persons;

(see text in previous edition)

i) a declaration on the affiliation of a participant in an open tender to small businesses or socially oriented non-profit organizations in the event that the customer establishes a restriction provided for by Part 3 of Article 30 of this Federal Law;

2) the proposal of an open tender participant in relation to the object of procurement, and in the case of the purchase of goods, also the proposed unit price of the goods, the name of the country of origin of the goods (if the customer establishes conditions, prohibitions, restrictions on the admission of goods originating from a foreign state or a group of foreign states, in accordance with Article 14 of this Federal Law);

(see text in previous edition)

3) in the cases provided for by the tender documentation, copies of documents confirming the compliance of the goods, work or service with the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (if there are such requirements for the specified product, work or service in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation). At the same time, it is not allowed to demand the submission of such documents if, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, such documents are transferred along with the goods;

5) documents confirming the deposit of security for an open tender application (a payment order confirming the transfer of funds as security for an open tender application, or a copy of this payment order or a bank guarantee that meets the requirements of Article 45 of this Federal Law), in if the customer, in accordance with this Federal Law, establishes a requirement to secure an application for participation in an open tender. Specified documents are not represented by state, municipal institutions;

(see text in previous edition)

6) in the event that the tender documentation specifies such a criterion for evaluating applications for participation in the tender as the qualification of an open tender participant, the application of an open tender participant may also contain documents confirming his qualifications, while the absence of these documents is not a basis for recognizing the application as not complying with the requirements of this Federal Law.

4. All sheets of a written application for participation in an open tender, all sheets of a volume of such an application must be bound and numbered. An application for participation in an open tender and each volume of such an application must contain a description of the documents included in them, be affixed with the seal of the participant in the open tender if there is a seal (for a legal entity) and signed by the participant in the open tender or a person authorized by the participant in the open tender. Compliance by an open tender participant with these requirements means that the information and documents included in the application for participation in an open tender and volumes of an application for participation in an open tender are submitted on behalf of an open tender participant and he is responsible for the authenticity and reliability of these information and documents. The name of the open tender (lot) is indicated on the envelope, which makes it possible to determine the open tender (lot) for participation in which the application is submitted. It is not allowed to establish other requirements for filling out an application for participation in an open tender. At the same time, improper fulfillment by a participant in an open tender of the requirement that all sheets of such an application and volumes must be numbered shall not be grounds for refusing admission to participation in an open tender.

(see text in previous edition)

Greetings, dear readers.

We continue the series of practical articles under the heading "". And today we will understand the competitive cuisine, we will try to find out everything about participation in competitions. Let's consider the pros and cons of competitions, analyze the step-by-step algorithm for preparing an application, consider what a competition application is, analyze in detail what documents to apply for a competition, analyze the criteria for evaluating applications, how to fill out an application for a competition, see an example of filling out an application form for a competition, we will consider the features of sending documents, in addition, I will share with you my best practices and experience in preparing an application.

Participation in competitions: pros and cons.

Competitions are a popular way to select suppliers, with some services being procured predominantly in this way. The fact is that in this method of selection, importance when choosing a winner, the participant has the qualifications, his experience. Of course, by offering low price a participant without experience has every chance to win the competition, but it will be much more difficult than in an auction or request for quotations. Therefore, this method of selection is well suited when choosing suppliers for the provision of high-tech works and services. At the same time, firms without proper qualifications will have less chances than performers with qualifications and experience.

So, the first plus of competitions is elimination of participants without proper qualifications. An advantage that matters primarily to customers. This is especially important when purchasing high-tech goods, works, services, where quality is more important than price.

The second plus is low probability of dumping at the competition. The fact is that complex research works and other services are purchased through competitions, which require significant financial costs from the contractor, and also implies the presence of highly qualified personnel. It is clear that firms that win at a low price simply do not have such resources. And this is already an advantage for suppliers who can get a contract at a good price. Undoubtedly, there will be a decrease in price, but it will not be as critical as in auctions or requests for quotations.

Of the minuses can be identified large volume of documents, which the participant must attach as part of his application for an open tender. In some competitions, applications go to more than one thousand pages, which in regular envelopes do not physically fit. In this case, the function of the envelope is performed by boxes, for example, from office equipment.

The next minus is that the application for the competition submitted only in paper form. The fact is that the filing of a competitive application under 44-FZ in electronic form is possible only through a single information system, which at the time of this writing is not yet functioning. Sending an application in paper is an additional cost of the participant for delivery, printing of documents. And if an application for a competition is submitted to another city, then the costs of preparing an application and sending it can be quite tangible. For a long time now, there has been talk of transferring all purchases to electronic form, which would greatly simplify the participation in tenders for suppliers and reduce the costs of procurement participants. Unfortunately, at the moment these are just plans, but perhaps sooner or later these plans will become a reality.

Another disadvantage of this method of procurement is the presence securing an application to participate in the competition. According to 44-FZ, the Customer is obliged to establish a requirement to secure the application. The amount of security can vary from 0.5 to 5% of the initial maximum price (IMC). If the initial maximum price of the competition is high and amounts to several tens of millions, then the amount of security comes out decent. Not all companies can afford to withdraw such funds from circulation to secure an application for an open tender. The bidder may choose to provide security for the application in the form of a transfer of funds to the Customer's account, or to issue and provide a bank guarantee as part of the application. A bank guarantee is a more gentle way of providing, but it also has a number of its own nuances, which we will consider in a separate article.

It should also be mentioned that the winner of the competition must be ready to provide enforcement of the contract. This is also an additional financial burden on the contractor and the size of the contract security is from 5% to 30% of the NMC. And if the NMC is more than 50 million rubles, then the contract security will be from 10% to 30%, but not less than the advance payment. An advance payment is often not provided for by a state contract, and this nuance must also be borne in mind. At the same time, if the participant of the tender has significantly reduced his price offer by 25% or more from the NMC, then the participant is obliged to provide contact security for the amount with a coefficient of 1.5.

Participation in competitions: a step-by-step algorithm.

In order to prepare the application for the competition as efficiently as possible and with minimal cost time, I recommend sticking to the following algorithm of actions:

1. Documentation analysis. On the this stage it is necessary to analyze the requirements that the customer makes to the participant. Answer the question, do you meet these requirements? Analyze the technical part, the terms of the contract. Answer the question: are you able to fulfill everything and are you satisfied with everything? If the answer is yes, then proceed to the next step.

3. Distribution of responsibilities for preparation, request necessary information from structural divisions companies. After making the final decision, determine who exactly will be responsible for a particular block of work.

4. Preparation of an inventory of documents for the competition. The easiest way to start preparing an application for a competition is to prepare an inventory of documents. This applies not only to competitions, but to all tender procedures. Having a draft version of the inventory, you will be able to more effectively control the process of preparing the application. You can also see which documents are ready and understand how much time is left for the final formation of the application.

8. Sending an application for the competition. Decide on the option of delivering documents to the competition and send your application, taking into account the deadline for receiving documents. If the application is received by the customer later than the deadline for accepting documents, then the envelope is not opened and returned to the participant.

9.Tracking results. The results of the procurement, as well as the protocols, you can download on the website

Documents for the competition under 44-FZ.

So, let's start with the documentation under 44-FZ. The requirements for documents that the customer may require from the supplier are strictly regulated by the law on the contract system.

a) the name, company name (if any), location, postal address (for a legal entity), taxpayer identification number (if any) of the founders, members of the collegial executive body, the person acting as the sole executive body of an open tender participant, last name, first name , patronymic (if any), passport data, place of residence (for an individual), contact phone number;

Note: This information is usually contained in the Application form itself, but the participant can also submit this information in the form of a separate document, for example, the “Application Questionnaire”.

b) extract from the unified state register of legal entities or a notarized copy of such an extract (for a legal entity), an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or a notarized copy of such an extract (for an individual entrepreneur), which were received no earlier than six months before the date of placement in the unified information system notice of an open tender, copies of identity documents (for another individual), a properly certified translation into Russian of documents on state registration of a legal entity or individual as an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the legislation of the relevant state (for a foreign entity);

Note: That is, as part of the package for an open tender, it is necessary to submit the original Extract of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or a notarized copy for legal entities. For an individual entrepreneur, you must submit the original USRIP Statement or a notarized copy. Moreover, the period for issuing such an extract should not be more than 6 months. In some cases, the customer may set a different time requirement, for example 1 month. Such requirements for the timing of the issuance of documents in 1 month can often be found in the procurement documentation for 223-FZ.

c) a document confirming the authority of a person to act on behalf of an open tender participant that is a legal entity (a copy of the decision on the appointment or election or a copy of the order on the appointment of an individual to a position, in accordance with which such an individual has the right to act on behalf of an open tender participant without a power of attorney (hereinafter referred to as the head ) If another person acts on behalf of an open tender participant, the application for participation in an open tender must also contain a power of attorney to act on behalf of an open tender participant, certified by the seal of the open tender participant and signed by the head (for a legal entity) or an authorized head person, or a notarized copy of the specified power of attorney.If the specified power of attorney is signed by a person authorized by the head, the application for participation in an open tender must also contain a document confirming the authority of such a person;

Note: To confirm the authority, we attach the protocol on the election of the director or the order of appointment. If the application is submitted by a legal entity and the director himself signs the documents. If the documents are signed not by the director, but by another authorized person, then in addition to the protocol on the election of the director, we attach a power of attorney for this authorized person, certified by the signature of the director and the seal of the company.

d) documents or copies, confirming the compliance of an open tender participant with the requirements to the tender participants specified in this tender documentation in accordance with paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 31 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ: documents or copies of such documents confirming the compliance of the open tender participant with the requirements of Federal Law No. 135-FZ of July 29, 1998 "On appraisal activities in the Russian Federation” and the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 No. 5485-1 “On State Secrets” (availability of appropriate licenses and/or access to state secrets; certificates of self-regulatory organizations; liability insurance contract of a legal entity with which the appraiser has concluded labor contract; statements of membership in self-regulatory organizations; compulsory liability insurance policies), as well as a declaration of compliance of an open tender participant with the requirements established in accordance with paragraphs 13.2-13.6 of Part 13 of this Information Card.

Note: according to this item, the customer must describe which documents the participant needs to attach. For example, if by law a participant must be a member of self-regulatory organization, then the customer may prescribe the need to provide this document and other documents confirming the requirement of the law. A list of such documents, as a rule, can be found in the information card or in the "Application Requirements" section. I recommend that you attach such supporting documents to the maximum, even if the customer has not specified a list of such documents in the documentation.

Note: If the application for the competition is from a legal entity, we attach copies of the constituent documents (constituent agreement and additional agreements, charter in latest edition and protocols to the charter, certificates of tax registration, certificates of making an entry in the register).

e) decision to approve or commit a major transaction or a copy of such a decision in the event that the requirement that such a decision be required to complete a major transaction is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the constituent documents of a legal entity and for an open tender participant to provide a service that is the subject of a contract, or to deposit funds as security for an application for participation in open tender, contract enforcement is a big deal;

Note: For this item, attach a certificate of a major transaction. You can find the reference form at this

— Proposal for the evaluation criterion “Qualification of participants

Proposal for the evaluation criterion "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object

Note: Within the framework of this paragraph, it is necessary to fill out and lay out the forms that the customer requires and which are necessary for assessing the qualifications of participants. Most likely, within the framework of these forms, the customer will request from you information on experience, personnel, as well as a technical proposal.

i) documents confirming the entry securing an application for participation in an open tender (a payment order confirming the transfer of funds as security for an application for participation in an open tender with a bank mark, or a copy of this payment order certified by the bank, or a bank guarantee included in the register of bank guarantees);

l) List of documents

Standard description of documents.

Let's take a closer look at how the inventory of documents for the competition should look like. Below you can download the link standard form inventories of documents for the competition under 44-FZ. You can take this inventory as a basis when preparing an application for a tender, and adjust the composition of documents, taking into account the requirements of specific tender documentation. Download the list of documents for the competition: opis-konkurs.doc | 136.5 Kb | Downloaded: 2158 times

Unlike 44-FZ, within the framework of 223-FZ, the customer does not have such clear requirements for documents that the customer can request from the supplier. What customers use, setting requirements not only for the documents themselves, but also for the timing of their issuance. For example, in the tender documentation within the framework of 223-FZ, one can often meet the requirement for the deadline for issuing an Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of 30 days or for a certificate from the Federal Tax Service. Literally, the wording usually reads as follows: “certificate on the fulfillment by the taxpayer (payer of the fee, tax agent) of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, penalties, fines, interest, the form of which is approved by Order of July 21, 2014 N ММВ-7-8 / [email protected] issued by the relevant departments of the Federal Tax Service no earlier than 30 days before the deadline for filing applications.

Customers very often use such a trick, thereby cutting off some of the suppliers from participating in the competition. Formally, there seem to be no restrictions, but in fact it turns out that not all suppliers have the opportunity to receive a number of documents and, as a result, apply for a tender. And if the competition is held in another city, then in addition to the deadline for obtaining certificates, it is necessary to lay down the time for the delivery of a package of documents in paper.

Competition evaluation criteria.

So, the main evaluation criteria are as follows:

— bid price

- qualitative, functional characteristics (quality of goods, works, services; functional, consumer properties of goods; compliance with environmental standards)

qualifications of procurement participants, including whether they have financial resources, equipment and other material resources belonging to them on the basis of ownership or otherwise legal basis, work experience related to the subject of the contract, and business reputation, specialists and other employees of a certain level of qualification (qualification of labor resources; experience of the participant; provision of the procurement participant with material and technical resources; provision labor resources; business reputation participant).

Procurement documentation must contain the evaluation criteria and the significance of the evaluation criteria, while there must be at least two evaluation criteria. One of the criteria must be the price and the sum of the values ​​of the criteria must be 100%. In competitions "non-price criterion" estimates are higher than the cost. That is, a company highly qualified is more likely to win the competition. But do not forget that with a very strong decline in price, this will not be decisive.

Application for the competition: registration.

Participation in competitions requires great care when filling out various forms. In no case do not modify the forms at your discretion, do not replace the wording with your own. In this case, the customer may reject your application as not meeting the requirements of the documentation. Those forms where modification or addition of forms is allowed are marked with the words “Recommended form” (for example, it can be an inventory of documents). Fill in all the fields that need to be filled out, do not leave empty spaces or dashes. Instead of dashes, use the words “no”, “not applicable”, and others, depending on the context. After you fill in all the forms, lay out all the documents according to the list of documents, you need to draw up a package of documents in accordance with the requirements of the tender documentation. Check which documents need to be certified by a notary, which can be certified by the participant of the tender, and which must be provided in the original. Check that the notarized documents have all the pages present, there are no missing pages. On those documents that are certified by the participant, there is the seal of the organization, the signature of the head and the words "correct copy" with the position and full name of the head. Check that the documents are laid out in accordance with the list of documents and number the application and attached documents.

For registration, you should also refer to the following paragraph of the documentation: “All sheets of an application for participation in an open tender submitted in writing, all sheets of a volume of such an application must be bound and numbered. An application for participation in an open tender and the volume of such an application must contain an inventory of the documents included in them, be affixed with the seal of an open tender participant (for a legal entity) and signed by an open tender participant or a person authorized by an open tender participant.

Compliance by the open tender participant with these requirements means that the information and documents included in the open tender application and volumes of the open tender application are submitted on behalf of the open tender participant, and he is responsible for the authenticity and reliability of these information and documents . At the same time, improper fulfillment by a participant in an open tender of the requirement that all sheets of such an application and volumes must be numbered shall not be grounds for refusing admission to participation in an open tender.

This item of the tender documentation is very important, because if you do not fulfill this requirement for registration, your application will be rejected. It is necessary to prepare an inventory of documents, the application must be signed and stamped. At the same time, the volume of the application with all documents must be flashed and on the back of the volume of the application stick "" indicating the number of pages, it is also necessary to put a seal, a signature on the binding. It is also necessary to indicate the position and full name of the signatory.

Application for the competition: An example of filling out the application form

Click the link below to download the completed application form. Please note that this is just an example. In each specific tender, an application form is attached as part of the tender documentation, which must be completed. As a rule, the same customers have the same forms and very rarely change in new purchases. Therefore, be sure to save the completed forms so that you can update them and use them in new competitions for a specific customer. Participation in competitions will be much more efficient for you, as the time for preparing a competitive application will be reduced.

When applying for a competition, there are a number of features that we will now discuss with you. As we found out earlier, the submission of documents for the competition is still possible only in paper form. Therefore, when preparing documents for the competition, be sure to take into account the time required for the delivery of documents. At the same time, customers, as a rule, have access control. Refer to the documentation for the requirements for issuing a pass so that you have the opportunity to issue a pass in advance and deliver the application to the customer. Apply in advance, because in case of equality of points, the application submitted earlier will win. But, if you doubt the integrity of the customer, then submitting an application for participation in an open tender should be immediately before the opening of the envelopes, that is, at the very last moment. In this case, you protect yourself from possible fraud of the customer.

Documents confirming the Procurement Participant's compliance with the established requirements

  1. A participant in the procurement procedure must include in the Application for participation the following documents confirming its compliance with the requirements established in this Documentation for Participants:

  1. a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities received no earlier than 30 (thirty) days before the date of posting on the official website of the Notice of Request for Quotations (for legal entities), a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs received no earlier than 30 (thirty) days before the date of placement of the Notice of Request for Quotations (for individual entrepreneurs), a copy of the main identity document (for other individuals), a properly certified translation into Russian of documents on state registration of a legal entity or individual as an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the legislation of the relevant state (for foreign persons), received no earlier than 30 (thirty) days before the date of placement on the official website of the Notice of the request for quotations;

  2. a copy of a document issued by the Russian tax authority confirming registration with the tax authority (for persons subject to registration with the tax authority in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation);

  3. a copy of the certificate of registration of a legal entity or an extract from the trade / commercial register or other similar register / document for Participants - non-residents of the Russian Federation;

  4. a copy of the current version of the constituent documents with all changes and additions (for legal entities);

  5. a copy of the decision to approve or conclude a major transaction, if the requirement for the need for such a decision to complete a major transaction is established by the current legislation, the constituent documents of a legal entity, and if for the Procurement Participant the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services that are the subject of the Contract, or payment of monetary funds as security for the application for participation in the procurement, security for the performance of the Contract are a major transaction (when security requirements are established);
If the price of the Agreement cannot be determined based on the results of the formation of the offer by the Participant and the price criterion is set for a unit of production, this document is not required.

  1. copies of accounting (financial) statements, incl. balance sheet, statement of financial results and appendices to them, for the past two years with a mark of the tax authority on acceptance or with the attachment of documents confirming the submission of the report to the tax authority;

  2. a copy of the letter (notification) on the application of the simplified taxation system by the Procurement Participant (provided in free form when applying the simplified taxation system);

  3. copies tax returns for the last reporting year with a mark of the tax authority on acceptance, or with the attachment of documents confirming the submission of declarations to the tax authority (for individual entrepreneurs);

  4. proof of payment authorized capital(payment order, act of acceptance and transfer, etc.)
10) a copy of a document confirming the authority of a person to act on behalf of the Procurement Participant - a legal entity (a copy of the decision to appoint or elect or an order to appoint an individual to a position, according to which such an individual has the right to act on behalf of the Procurement Participant without If another person acts on behalf of the Procurement Participant, the Application must also contain a power of attorney to act on behalf of the Procurement Participant, certified by the seal of the Procurement Participant and signed by the head of the Procurement Participant or a person authorized by this head, or a notarized copy such a power of attorney (hereinafter referred to as the "Authorized person") If the specified power of attorney is signed by a person authorized by the head of the Procurement Participant, the Application for participation in the request for quotations must also contain a document confirming the authority of such a person (form 4).

(!) Under "actions on behalf of the Procurement Participant" is understood the right of electronic digital signature;

11) documents confirming its compliance with the requirements established by clause 9 of the Information Passport are specified in clause 10 of the Information Passport.

    1. Procurement procedure announcement

      1. The notice of the request for quotations, together with this Documentation, which is its integral part, is posted on the Official website and the website of the Electronic trading platform on the date specified in paragraph 13 of the Information Passport.

      2. The notification in the above information resources is generated automatically. By virtue of technical features the fields for filling in the information of the Notice on the Official website and the fields for filling in the information on the ETP website have differences, but not contradictions.

    1. Provision of Procurement Documentation

      1. This Documentation, posted in accordance with subclause 3.1.1, is available for review and download free of charge on the specified Internet resources.

    1. Examining the Notice and Procurement Documentation

      1. It is assumed that the Participant in the procurement procedure will study the Notice and these Procurement Documents in full, including the changes and additions provided for in clause 3.5, as well as the explanations provided by the Customer in accordance with clause 3.4. of this section.
3.3.2. The functionality of the ETP provides that the Participant registered in the manner specified in subclause 1.5.2 and downloading the Documentation on the ETP will be notified automatically (by e-mail) about any actions of the Customer under this procurement procedure, in particular, specified in clauses 3.4-3.6, provided that it has settings for notification of changes during the procurement procedures, otherwise the Participant independently monitors possible changes to the Notice or Documentation using information resources, specified in paragraph 12 of the Information Passport.

3.3.3. The Customer shall not be liable if the Procurement Participant has not familiarized himself with the duly published changes to the Notice or Documentation.

    1. Clarification of Procurement Documentation Provisions

      1. The Customer may provide clarifications to the provisions of the Procurement Documentation.

      2. Any accredited Participant of the procedure has the right to send a request for clarification of the provisions of this Documentation (indicating the section, subsection and paragraph in respect of which clarification is required) no later than 3 (three) days before the deadline for submitting Applications for participation in the request for prices for the ETP, specified in paragraph 2 of the Information Passport using the functionality of the specified ETP. At the same time, the Procurement Participant has the right to send no more than three requests in relation to one procedure.

      3. No later than 2 (two) days from the date of receipt of the said request for clarification of the provisions of the Documentation, the Customer shall place information on clarifications on the ETP and no later than 1 (one) day from the day the request was placed on the ETP shall post information on the Official Website (without specifying the source of the request).

      4. The Customer has the right not to respond to requests for clarification of the provisions of the Documentation received later than the deadline specified in subparagraph 3.4.2.

      5. Explanations of the provisions of the Documentation should not change its essence.

    1. Amendment of the Notice and (or) Procurement Documentation

      1. The Customer, on its own initiative or in accordance with the request of the Procurement Participant, has the right to decide to amend the Notice and (or) the Procurement Documentation no later than the deadline for submitting Applications for participation in the procurement procedure.
Not later than 3 (three) days from the date of the decision to amend the Documentation, such changes are posted by the Customer on the Official Website and ETP. The decision to introduce amendments is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Commission.

      1. Changing the subject of the request for quotations is not allowed.

      2. Any change to the Notice (or) Documentation shall form an integral part of said documents.

    1. Extension of the deadline for accepting Applications
3.6.1. At any time before the deadline for submitting Applications, the Customer, if necessary, may extend the deadline for submitting Applications specified in the Notice and paragraph 14 of the Information Passport.

      1. If changes to the Notice and (or) Documentation are made by the Customer later than 5 (five) days before the deadline for submitting Applications, the deadline for submitting Applications must be extended so that from the date of posting on the Official website and the ETP of the changes made until the date the end of the submission of Applications, the period was at least 4 (four) days.

      2. If the changes in the notice and (or) the procurement documentation relate exclusively to the extension of the terms of the procurement procedure, then the requirement established in paragraph 3.6.2 does not apply to such changes.

    1. Preparation of Application for participation in the procurement procedure

      1. General requirements for the Application for participation in the procurement procedure The Participant must prepare an Application for participation in the request for quotations, consisting of the following documents:

  1. inventory of documents submitted as part of the Application (Form 2);

  2. questionnaire of the Procurement Participant (form 3);

  3. power of attorney (form 4) (if necessary);

  4. letter of submission of the Offer (Form 5);

  5. Offer (Form 6);

  6. documents specified in subparagraphs 2.2.1;

  7. documents specified in paragraph 10 of the Information Passport.

        1. The Participant has the right to include in the Application other documents that, in the Participant's opinion, confirm its compliance with the requirements established in this Documentation, with appropriate comments.

        2. If the Participant cannot submit the required document, he must attach a certificate drawn up in any form explaining the reason for the absence of the required document, as well as containing the necessary confirmation of the Participant's compliance with the specific requirement. The Procurement Commission, in turn, decides on the justification for not submitting the necessary documents.

        3. Each document included in the Application for participation in the request
          prices must be signed by the Head or Authorized person.

        4. The Participant must prepare an Application in electronic form, including electronic versions all documents provided for in subparagraph The specified documents uploaded as part of the Application have the status of a copy, according to which they must be certified by the person specified in subparagraph in the following order:
Each sheet of the document uploaded as part of the Application must have the following details: an attestation inscription (the words "True" or "Copy is correct"), position of the person who certified the copy, signature of the person who certified the copy, decoding of the signature (initials, surname), seal ( if available), a note that the original document is in the organization (name of the organization), the date of issue of the certification.

        1. The Procurement Participant has the right to submit only one Application. If paragraph 4 of the Information Passport states that the quotation request procedure consists of several lots, the Procurement Participant has the right to submit one Application for Participation in respect of each lot. In this case, the lot is considered as a separate request for quotations, a separate Application (a complete set of documents) is issued for each lot.

        2. Splitting a separate lot into parts, that is, filing an Application for participation in a part of the lot for its individual positions or for a part of the volume of the lot is not allowed. Participants can submit Applications for one of the lots, as well as for several or all lots.

        3. If it is established that one Participant has submitted two or more Applications for participation in the request for quotations that are different in content, provided that the Applications submitted earlier by such Participant have not been withdrawn, all Applications for participation in the request for prices of such Participant filed in relation to this request for prices shall not be considered. .

        4. All provisions of the Application for participation in the request for quotations must be unambiguous and not allow ambiguous interpretations. If the Application specifies inconsistent (contradictory) information, this is regarded by the Customer as the provision of false information, which entails a denial of admission to participation in the evaluation stage of the request for quotations.

        5. All documents included in the Application for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form, must have clear text. Erasures, additions, corrections are not allowed, except for those cases when these corrections (additions) are certified by a handwritten inscription "believe corrected", the handwritten signature of the Head or an Authorized person located next to each correction (addition) and certified by the seal of the Participant in the request for quotations. Failure to comply with these requirements is the basis for the Customer to make a decision to recognize the Participant's Application as not complying with the requirements established by this Documentation.

        6. All documents (forms filled out in accordance with the requirements of this Documentation, as well as other data and information provided for by this documentation, executed in accordance with this subsection), included in the Application, must be provided by the Procurement Participant through the ETP in a scanned form in an accessible format for reading format (preferably *.pdf format). When forming the archive, only zip - archive is used.

        7. Each document included in the Application must be submitted as a separate file. All files not should be protected from being opened or printed. Files should be named so that it would be clear from their name which document is located in which file.

      1. Requirements for the validity of the Application The RFP must be valid for the period specified in the Offer Letter. In any case, this period should not be less than 60 (sixty) days from the date of posting the Notice of the procedure specified in paragraph 13 of the Information Passport.

      1. Application Language Requirements

        1. All documents included in the Application must be prepared in Russian. Documents, the originals of which were issued to the Participant by third parties in another language, may be submitted in the original language, provided that they are accompanied by an exact notarized translation of these documents into Russian (except for English; documents that are drawn up in English language, can be presented without translation into Russian). If discrepancies are identified between the Russian translation and the original document in another language, the Customer will make a decision based on the translation. Sample forms in paragraph 6 of this Documentation are filled in Russian. The customer has the right not to consider documents that are not translated into Russian.