Fundamentals of successful sales. The psychology of successful sales

Let's move on to specific techniques that should be applied.

The sale can be divided into several stages:

  1. Preparation - at this stage we draw up a plan for the implementation of the sale;
  2. Establishing contact - creating a trusting atmosphere;
  3. Clarification and confirmation of customer needs;
  4. Presentation - the best way we convey to the client that it is our product that fully satisfies his needs;
  5. Work with objections - we reveal the attitude to our proposal, we overcome barriers;
  6. Completion of the transaction - we help the client to establish himself in making a purchase decision, we coordinate all the details.
  1. "Do you have a plan, Mr. Fix?"

There should always be a sales plan. Do not rely on the fact that when meeting according to the situation you will orient yourself and choose the right words. Remember that the best impromptu is prepared. It is best to create a product sales map in advance - to identify competitive advantages product, provide for the main objections that the client may have. On the eve of the meeting, we collect all the available information: what the client does, how the proposed product or service can help him increase his efficiency. After negotiations, regardless of their outcome, we supplement the product map with new data: objections that we encountered for the first time, successful techniques that helped in the sale, etc. After several meetings, the product map will be a one-stop selling scheme. But just remember: it cannot be used in front of a client. All the most successful speech turns and techniques must be memorized in advance.

2. “What is in my name to you?”

In order to create a trusting atmosphere, there are several simple tricks:

  • Address the client by name. Remember that “The most important, most pleasant word for a person is his own name. Therefore, call a person by name at every opportunity.
  • Take some time to learn sign language. This will be useful even if you do not learn anything new, but simply exclude from your gestures those gestures that are perceived negatively by the interlocutor, for example, arms folded crosswise, or legs thrown one over the other;
  • You should only radiate positive emotions in the sales process. This applies not only to the product you sell, but also to the entire background of your communication. I recently changed the manicure master, and at the same time the beauty salon where I was serviced, only because every time during the procedure the master told me about her problems, illnesses, disagreements with loved ones, with colleagues, etc. Watch your emotions, and remember that people are much more willing to communicate with those who share positive emotions.
  • Try to instill confidence in the client. A person trusts more someone who looks like him, who meets his expectations. If you speak at the same speed, in the same style, with the same volume and intonation, then on an unconscious level this inspires confidence in you. And trust is the basis of communication. I have noticed more than once that the most successful people in communication involuntarily tune in “to the frequency” of the interlocutor.
  • If the first contact occurs by phone, it is not necessary to start the presentation of the goods during a telephone conversation. Your task is to arrange a meeting

3. "What do you want?"

A client may have many different needs. Considering, we mentioned Maslow's pyramid. Let's try to deduce a few tricks effective sales, based on the classification of levels of needs proposed by A. Maslow.

If you are told that anyone can sell, do not believe it. It is not true. Understanding what sales is, not every manager knows the secret of sales success. Not all store employees will be able to step over themselves and offer people some goods or services, take a decent price for it.

Historically, people who have access to various goods and control trade routes have always benefited.

Those states were actively developing, which, unlike our country, did not fight, but built trade relations. Therefore, people who know how to sell have additional benefits in life.

Now consider, what is selling and how to succeed in this field today.

Selling is the goal of any commercial enterprise exchange your product or service for consumer money. The more sales, the higher the profit of the business owner and the salary of employees, respectively.

However, success in sales is impossible without constant learning, development and application in practice. efficient technician, study , psychology of successful sales. Lack of preparation and desire to learn how to sell will inevitably lead to failure. And vice versa, the direction correctly chosen and tested in practice will lead to success.

The secret to success in sales

Now let's figure out how to successfully sell.

The whole sales process is connected with continuous communication. First comes, then the manager identifies needs, goes to, works with objections if the interlocutor is in doubt, and completes the deal. In addition, the seller must be able to "sell himself and his company", i.e. look and act like a business card of the company. If the employee succeeds, consider that he has learned the secret of success and will be able to sell successfully.

It is from the creation of a trusting relationship with their customers that the results of the seller's work depend.

If communication is not comfortable for one of the parties or the specialist is afraid to sell, the results will be disastrous. Showing sincere interest helps to overcome the fear of communicating with a stranger.

In addition, another factor that will help reveal the secret of success in trading is the ability to overcome negativity. Every person who enters the office or outlet, individual and has negative character traits that you may simply not like.

But if you don’t go overboard and show sincere interest in the newcomer, positive contact will not be established, which means there will be no sale.

The negative coming from the visitor, in most cases, is not related to your person. He may be in trouble, he may need emotional support or he may expect practical help - in such cases, negativity becomes an indicator of a defensive reaction. If a salesperson starts his day with a smile, if he is positive and sales-minded, it is possible that he has discovered the secret to sales success.

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Successful sales

(An excerpt from the book by Yu.V. Shcherbatykh "Psychology of Entrepreneurship" St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.)

9.1.1 Elements sales process

The analysis of successes and failures in the field of sales shows that all the skills and abilities of the seller can be decomposed into two components: professional knowledge their product and knowledge of the psychology of the buyer. Since this tutorial is devoted to business psychology, then in the future we will focus on the second aspect of sales. However, before proceeding to the analysis of customer needs, one more feature of sales should be noted - its three-component nature. A successful sale is based on selling the Self, the Product and the Firm.

Let's start with the sale of the company. This term refers to such properties of the company that increase the attractiveness of its products and services. First, of course, product quality. Some firms have built their reputation for decades by perfecting quality. And now the reputation is working for them. Secondly, this firm size, and the share of the market captured by it. Buyers often prefer to deal with a large firm than with a small one. Thirdly, the sale of the firm means culture of communication with the consumer. There are firms focused on the product, and there are - on the client, and the latter feels it. Fourth, the credibility of a firm may depend on the credibility of her clients. Fifth, buyers tend to buy durable goods from a firm that already has been on the market for a long time. The logic here is simple: if the company has been operating recently, then it can “crumble” just as soon. To whom then to submit claims? And if the organization has existed for a long time, then it is intuitively expected that it will continue to work for a long time. Sixth, it international relations of the enterprise and its recognition abroad (this paragraph concerns Russian manufacturers). Pluses that increase the confidence of the buyer, there will be foreign equipment, personnel, trained abroad, etc. Seventh, important awards and diplomas, which were awarded to the products of this company at various exhibitions and competitions. Copies are usually posted on trading floor, and sellers should refer to these rewards at the right time during the sale. Eighth, the company can be proud of its after-sales service traditions: delivery, assembly, service, guarantees, etc.

It is clear that many of the factors outlined above (large size of the firm and long time on the market) will be absent for a novice entrepreneur, so he must focus on other features of his enterprise.

Now let's move on to such an important trading factor as "selling yourself." This process also consists of three components, each of which is important in the interaction of the seller with the client. The highest sales volumes will be achieved first of all by the seller who will know as much as possible about his product or services, will be confident in himself and in what he offers to customers, and will show maximum friendliness towards customers.

In an interview, the president of Southwest Airlines, H. Kelleger, said: “I understand that this sounds simple, but I constantly tell my employees: “Follow the golden rule of service - serve others the way you want to be served. I ask my people: “Do you enjoy visiting a restaurant or department store where you are completely indifferent, do not take into account your desires and needs, and are treated like an inanimate object? Everyone, of course, will answer that it is unpleasant. Then I say: “In that case, don’t be hypocrites, provide the kind of service that you yourself want to have.”

Seller competence means:

Knowledge specifications goods (for example, for computers - type of processor, speed, amount of memory, type of video card, etc.);

Knowledge of the consumer properties of the product (for the same computer, these are the possibilities of its use for work, study and entertainment);

Knowledge of the assortment available in the store;

Knowledge of additional options for expanding the range (“Not now, but we can order from a warehouse or from the manufacturer”; “There is no necessary equipment, but we will select it especially for you”, etc.);

Knowledge price range products in your company and competitors;

Knowledge of new products and prospects for the development of this product group;

Knowledge of possible shortcomings of the product and counterarguments for them;

Knowledge of the basics of psychology and the ability to use them in their work;

Friendliness is expressed in:

Good mood seller;


An open pose for communication;

interest in the buyer;

The desire to help him, etc.

The manifestation of self-confidence is quite multifaceted and is expressed both in the subjective feelings of the entrepreneur or his sellers, and in their external signs:

Raised head;

Straightened shoulders;

firm handshake;

Slow movements;

direct look;

When organizing the sales process, it is important for an entrepreneur to remember that this process is not a one-time process, but consists of several important stages. Knowing each one and using it increases the likelihood of a purchase. If the seller, wanting to quickly sell the goods, “jumps” through one of the stages, then the chances of selling the goods are sharply reduced. So, consider the main steps in the process of selling goods or services:

1. Preparing the seller for work

2. Establishment of psychological contact with the client;

3. Identification of his needs;

4. Presentations commercial offer;

5. Work with objections

6. Completion of the sale

7. After-sales customer support

At the first stage, the seller solves two problems: to attract the attention of the client and interest him, as well as to create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust. At this stage, the seller should ask himself the following questions:

Who is the person in front of me?

What state is he in?

How do I set up a client for myself?

In this case, the seller must show the following qualities: goodwill, patience, optimism, confidence in success and competence.

9.1.2 Identification of customer needs

next very important point when making sales, it is identifying the needs of the client. A big mistake for a salesperson is to imagine that his client thinks the same way, and the specialist who temporarily forgets about his desires and tries to understand his client will have a big advantage. It is useless to offer a spinning rod to a philatelist, and stamp tweezers to a football fan. But if he manages to rekindle the interest of the fisherman with a story about a miracle lure that fish rush at, then he will not need to be persuaded to buy it. The main commandment of the seller seventy years ago was formulated by the great Dale Carnegie: "Look into it!" . Understand what a person wants, find out how he thinks, what he appreciates and what he rejects. Enter his world, and only then offer him your goods. Thus, the most important task of the seller is the need in a short period of time to understand the basic actual needs of the client in order to show how his product can satisfy them.

We have already talked about the professional competence of the seller, and if he sells cars, he must understand engines, upholstery and even the steel from which the body is made, but professional training- that's not all. For if the seller does not understand in a short moment of communication with a potential buyer, why he came here and what he wants to get from this car, then the seller simply will not have a chance to communicate the most important for this particular buyer information about the product that could encourage him to buy. For example, a person can choose a car, having various motivations. Maybe he wants to make an irresistible impression on women with his car, and, accordingly, will seek chic and comfortable car. Another buyer is a passionate fisherman or hunter, indifferent to external details, the main thing for which is reliability and permeability. For a third client, for example, an "old school" official, the car, first of all, must be solid and solid, for the fourth, prudent or even stingy - the main thing - the price of the car itself and its efficiency (gasoline consumption, maintenance, repair), for the fifth, with a developed aesthetic taste, everything will be decided enamel color etc. Thus, in order to make a sale, you need, firstly, to identify the main needs of the client, and, secondly, to associate your product or service with them.

In order to identify the dominant needs of customers, the sales manager can use three techniques: open-ended questions, clarification, and retelling.

Open questions - these are questions that cannot be answered in monosyllables "yes" and "no", and as a result, the client has to open up:

« What is the most important thing on TV for you?

“What qualities of a car are most important to you?”

What kind of beer do you prefer?»

Clarification necessary in order to make sure that the wishes or needs of the client are understood. In doing so, you repeat his statement with the words:

“Did I understand correctly that you like whipped cream?”

“So you think that the main thing for you is a guarantee of the safety of your contribution?” ( or “… the highest possible interest rates compared to other banks?”).

“Did I understand correctly that you want your car to have, on the one hand, increased cross-country ability, and at the same time, look elegant?”

The third approach is paraphrase , in which you agree with the client and tell how your product can really satisfy one or another of his needs: “ I share your idea that the main objective Holidays are, on the one hand, a good rest, and, on the other hand, a change of scenery and new impressions.

After applying this technique, it makes sense to draw a conclusion that pushes the client to purchase: “... In this regard, you may be interested to see our options for Egypt, where the high comfort of hotels is combined with educational tours to Cairo or the monastery of St. Catherine».

“What we have as a result: You buy a car mainly for the city, and it appearance should correspond to your status and social position. But on the other hand, you are fond of hunting, and the road to the dacha in the spring is far from ideal. So, let's see what we have from SUVs that would combine your stated requirements.

To common mistakes, which are quite common during unsuccessful sales, include the following:

Dispute with a client

Trying to be too tight in control

Inability to identify the valuable qualities of the product in response to the needs stated by the client

9.1.3 Presentation

There are a number of important factors that increase the effectiveness of the seller's argumentation during the presentation of goods or services:

Before starting the presentation, clarify your needs again this client and choose the main ones. In the future, use only those arguments that appeal to the motives of the client. Use language that the listener understands by inserting his own expressions into your speech;

During the presentation, track the reaction of the client (does he listen, does he keep up with your argument, does he agree with it, etc.), and make adjustments to your story;

Use questions to which the client will answer “Yes” (“Agree that our drawers slide ideally easily along the rails and require a minimum of effort, don’t you?”);

Use the arguments and facts used by the client to support your point of view,

If possible, support your arguments with a demonstration. Make the listener a participant in the demonstration - let him feel the product as his own thing.

Describe the positive effect that the client will receive from using the product, use his imagination as much as possible;

Provide expert opinion famous people, have reference arguments handy.

Speak slowly, in short, understandable words. Don't speed up your speech unless absolutely necessary.

Remember that the emotional component of the speech should not be the same throughout the performance. The most emotional and energized should be...

Every person is a seller: literally every day we sell our skills, abilities, experience, ideas, ideas. And the most important thing here is understanding how to present yourself, the ability to find mutual understanding with other people,. And it is worth noting that only a bright personality is able to influence others, competently using both verbal and non-verbal language, and if more simply, knowing the features of psychology. Although we will be talking about the manager and the client next, the information provided applies to any field of activity in general.

Trust is the core of any relationship.

Establishing a trusting relationship with another person is the most important thing. But it's also the hardest thing to do. And the main role here is played not by arguments at all, but by the correct approach to the buyer.

Using the mind alone, it is almost impossible to find the “key” to the client. But if you understand his true needs and desires with his heart, it becomes easier. Knowing what the client likes and what he is indifferent to, you can make your words more convincing. You need to treat the buyer as if you are ready to do anything for him. Then he will trust you and listen to you.

When offering someone a deal, first try to create an atmosphere of trust. You can, for example, offer to drink tea or coffee, but just specify in advance what this person prefers. It seems to be a banality, but by showing genuine and sincere attention, you will show the client that you value him, you try to be sensitive to his desires. Then he will feel comfortable with you, which means he will be ready to listen to everything that you tell him.

Openly ask a potential buyer about everything that can be useful to you in your work: ask questions about his occupation, hobbies, habits. Be attentive to his wishes. In general, try to devote more time to those with whom you communicate than to your person or product.

To understand that you are on the right track, just ask yourself if the client is comfortable with you, why he likes being around you, if he wants to maintain further relationships, do you know what the client really wants. If the answers to these questions are yes, half the work is already done, and there is very little left to close the deal.

Full perception

Most people during meetings and presentations focus only on how to sell their offer. This thought captures them so much that they completely do not notice what is happening around, what the situation is, how the client feels, etc.

But an attentive manager, striving to establish a strong contact and making sure that the client is satisfied, should not lose sight of such “little things”. The usual conversation on a free topic can be more useful than dozens of diligent attempts to close a deal. Make it a rule for yourself: the client always comes first, and the most important thing is his well-being and well-being.

Consider also that professional and successful people never give the impression that they need to run somewhere urgently and solve a bunch of important things (even if in fact they are). Such specialists are just different in that they are ready to give all their time at the disposal of the client, notice the slightest changes in the situation and arrange their actions in such a way that everyone who is nearby is in the center of their attention.

Knowledge of people

The better you understand human nature, the more accurate your assessment of any interlocutor will be and the more effective will be the adjustment to him. Of course, it would be easier if all people could simply be divided into several categories, but labels do not fit here, because all people are unique and have only their inherent features.

However, psychologists have proven that everyone with whom we communicate exhibits the properties that we attribute to him. Based on this, you need to tune in to the fact that people are positive, responsive, friendly, sincere. Believe me, this rule works, and you will see for yourself. Remember how often what you believed in happened to you or. In communication in the same way - try to produce positive emotions and be an optimist.

But we should not forget about such things as temperament, character, beliefs. Active and cheerful people require one style of communication, slow and melancholy - another; those who keep up with the times can openly offer their ideas, while conservatives should take a different, more cautious approach.

Orientation to the personal characteristics of the client initially creates a favorable climate for communication, when everyone is comfortable and cozy with each other. Set yourself the task of learning at least a little bit of human nature every day, and the more you study it, the easier it will be for you to communicate.

Persuasion is effective, persuasion is not.

Often it takes a lot of time to convince a client, but the patience is worth it. If the manager managed to convince someone with his arguments, he can consider that he has won a complete victory, because it turns out that the person trusted him and went over to his side.

It also happens that the buyer can be persuaded and almost forcefully forced to conclude a deal, but in practice these are one-time cases that have no value. Know that the client who was convinced will return again, and the one who was "persuaded" is lost forever.

Customer Care

Human relationships are like a flower that needs care and love. If you water the flowers in the garden only during flowering, you can be sure that they will not please you for long. Similarly, if you contact a client only when you want to sell something, he will instantly fix that you are just a chance to earn extra money for him.

Hence the conclusion: just as you need to water the flowers regularly so that they do not wither and dry out, so the manager should call his clients even without a reason as such. Happy birthday or Happy New Year, share interesting history, which happened to you the day before, simply find out how you are doing and what's new in life and at work.

The manifestation of care, and care sincerely and from the heart, is an excellent non-verbal signal that a person occupies some place in your life. And if you are not indifferent to him, if you think about him, if you find time to call him in the flow of affairs, then the attitude towards you will be mutual, and the client base will be more like a list of friends or, at least, good acquaintances.

Personal attraction

You can influence customers not only with words. A manager who exudes optimism, enthusiasm and charm acts like a magnet on buyers. works at a hidden level. The pace of speech, the timbre of the voice, intonation, gestures, facial expressions and even clothing - all this affects the subconscious of others.

People, without realizing it, are sensitive to the qualities of the manager's personality, and this once again confirms the fact that you need to constantly improve. However, only a few really work on themselves and think about what impression they make. At the same time, the impression created by the manager is one of the most important factors on which success depends. Only if you are aware of how others perceive you can you develop your strengths and get rid of your weaknesses.

Train in the skill and exert a hidden influence on them. Strive to become more charming and attractive, both personally and professionally.

Ability to conduct a business conversation

Despite the fact that this skill is mostly related to, its psychological impact cannot be underestimated. business conversation consists of three stages, which can be compared with the phases of plant development: by sowing the seeds, the manager forms a trusting relationship, facilitating their growth, he works with objections and convinces, harvesting, makes a deal.
Everyone knows that until the fruit is ripe, there is no point in cutting or picking it. It also makes no sense to force the buyer at the initial stage of negotiations to agree to an offer or buy a product or service. The client is the fruit that must ripen, and the manager's task is to carefully grow it.
Building trust takes time. And a competent manager, understanding this fact, in every possible way contributes to this by directing the conversation in the right direction, as if hypnotizing him with his calm tone, attentive attitude, persuasive phrases and reasonable arguments. Being able to properly build business relationship, without haste and fuss, always leads to one result - the sale, the conclusion of the transaction or the signing of the contract.
Of course, if you want, you can find a lot more psychological factors on which the success of a sales manager depends. But all of them, one way or another, will come into contact and intersect with those that we talked about. Psychology is the finest art, which can be mastered perfectly only in practice, in the process of accumulating experience, making mistakes and working on them. Therefore, the person who decides to achieve serious success in sales must be ready for hard work and permanent job above oneself.

Sales is an area where anything can happen. A team that has completed eighty percent of the norm in a month can finish the remaining twenty percent on the last day and even exceed the plan! How? To do this, you need to improve work efficiency. The most experienced sales people know how to do this and use them when needed. If you want to learn from their experience, study their recommendations and try to start applying them in your work.

Think over your ideal buyer and work for him

For effective work in sales, you need to have a clear understanding of the target audience. A sales representative who has such a picture in his subconscious is more effective in selling goods. If you don't know what kind of client you want to attract, you can become confused by the techniques you use and your effectiveness will drop. You must be clear about whether your products are suitable for those to whom you want to sell them, and also understand who your target audience and why.

Always prepare ahead of time

An effective sales person prepares before making a call. He receives all the necessary information in advance, before meeting with an important client. There is no room for improvisation in this area, you need a plan of action. A backup plan doesn't hurt either. In this way, you can anticipate all the difficulties and questions and prepare an effective course of action in case the sale is in jeopardy.

Develop a clear and efficient method for finding a solution

At good employee there is a clear action plan that can be broken down into small, specific details. If every step you take is clear, you can analyze the big picture and see where improvement is needed. For example, you know you're not good at closing a deal, but you're good at talking about the benefits of a product. In this case, you can look for the reason that prevents the client from making the final decision. Maybe you're not too persuasive? Contract not too clear? Maybe you need to show more enthusiasm? After such an analysis, you can figure out what exactly you need to improve, and not just try to try harder. This is exactly what a successful sales person does.

Study the product you are promoting

Selling is only half the skill. The other half is knowing what exactly needs to be sold. Each new employee must be thoroughly trained. He must understand what exactly he offers customers. This will help him work more efficiently. With careful training, a company can increase sales.

Base Your Decisions on Facts

Effective workers don't let their feelings drive their judgment. They are good at maintaining emotional distance and avoid taking conflict or rejection as a personal affront. This helps them behave more professionally.

Build personal connections

A good employee knows that the ability to build relationships is the cornerstone of sales. The best professionals are constantly making new connections and keeping abreast of relationships that can bring benefits. By focusing on communication, you expand your network of acquaintances, getting more and more potential customers.

Learn to look from the customer's point of view

Smart salespeople understand that in order to sell effectively, they need to think not only about profit, but also about how to grow their business. They want customers to like their product. They try to please them. Instead of thinking about how to sell more, think about how to help others.

Don't try

The seller should not try, he either does or does not. It makes no sense to try to sell something, "almost" does not make a profit. You must move forward until you get the result.

Learn to listen

An experienced employee should understand as much as possible about customers. Learning to understand their needs will help the ability to listen and ask the right questions.

Get enough sleep every night

Effective workers know that their attitude towards people will change if they don't get enough sleep. If you are tired, you cannot perform at your best. Get enough sleep every day so that your voice sounds more energetic and you can enthusiastically present your company's products and services.

Believe in what you are selling

It's easier to sell the product that you trust. The most effective salespeople use their products themselves and believe in their quality.

Be guided by a precise goal

Money is a good source of motivation, but it's better to have a specific goal. Good seller understands that the product or service he sells can have a positive impact on people's lives, so he has a good goal. However, money, or rather what it is, also matters. Money allows you to improve the quality of your life and fulfill your dreams.

Take Care of Feedback

Not all sellers know how to get feedback, they simply send out offers and wait for a response, without even knowing if the client opened their letter. Using special programs to control mailings, you can get a clear picture of the situation.

Write letters sincerely

Instead of following a standard format and writing the same letter to each client, learn how to approach different people. Write letters from the heart, it helps to attract a client and establish communication with him.

Be helpful

Instead of sending useless emails, efficient workers are valuable for the client, each of their messages carries important information. The best sales people make it their goal to inform the customer about the product.

Assess the customer correctly

Some clients may seem tempting, but in the end they can lead you to failure. Don't be tempted to mindlessly distribute a product, only sell to those who are truly useful to your company. good connections with the right customers will bring revenue in the long run, while indiscriminate sales can only undermine the rating of your product: it will go to the wrong people who cannot adequately evaluate it. Avoid such situations!

Make a plan

Even if you are a very charming and influential person, you need an organization, without it your sales will fall. Top Sellers incredibly organized, they plan their activities daily. The way they approach calls and meetings is well thought out and linked to a clear strategy. Never forget this rule.

Get ready to challenge

Good salespeople know that it makes no sense to agree with the client on everything, to avoid difficult topics and difficult questions. It doesn't lead to a deal. If you really want to help your customers, you need to earn their trust. If you adapt to them, they will not trust you, you will seem like a hypocrite. Do not be afraid of contradictions, speak directly if your client is wrong about something. This is how you can establish communication and convey your point of view to the customer.

Treat customer success as your own

A good sales person does not feel that his goal has been achieved as soon as the client has signed in right place contract. Instead, he keeps in touch with the customer in order to get feedback and help with his advice if necessary.