How to learn how to make a presentation on a laptop. How to make a presentation in PowerPoint

If you want to present information in a structured way to business partners or the whole room at an event, you should arrange it in the form of a presentation, not a Word document. concise statement main ideas will serve as an excellent accompaniment oral speech. And it doesn’t matter if you still don’t know how to work with the relevant programs - how to make a presentation on a computer: a step-by-step instruction with a photo will tell you in detail.

Presentation plan

Before picking up a mouse or typing, think over a speech plan. You can build it according to one of the run-in templates, for example, “Problem - solution - arguments”, or think over your own version of the structure. The main thing is that the sequence of presentation should lead the audience to the idea that you put into the presentation as the main goal.

What to use to create a presentation

There are various tools for preparing presentation materials:

  • editors installed on a PC. If you are in doubt about which program on your computer is better to make a presentation, try the de facto standard PowerPoint and one of its analogues, for example, the free Impress from the OpenOffice package. Compare the sensations and choose the right tool for you;
  • online services that require only a browser. Both Microsoft and Google and other companies have such tools.

How to make a presentation on a computer in PowerPoint

For example, let's figure out how to make a presentation in the most popular Point. All screenshots below assume office suite 2013 or newer. In 2010 and 2007, the steps may be slightly different.

How to create a presentation and add slides

To make a presentation, you must first click on the “Create” item in the “File” section of the Power Point menu, and then select one of the proposed options for how to arrange it (you can then change it yourself). In each topic already selected good combination background, key colors, font and other settings. You can also immediately click "Create", then the "empty" template will be used.

To add slides, use the special button in the "Home" submenu.

Clicking on the bottom of the button will open a selection of one of the preset slide layouts.

If you want to make the background an image, or fill it (in one color or as a gradient), in the presentation menu in Microsoft power Point select Design and then from the tools select Format Background. A special panel will open where you can switch between options and adjust their parameters.

Changes you make are applied to the selected slide by default.

Hint: The quick save command is Ctrl-S.

Work with text

To add an inscription to the desired element, first click on it. After that, you can type text.

In PowerPoint, you can use various decorations, such as a colored background under the text or changing the color of the letters, to make your presentation look beautiful. To do this, select a piece of text and then use the appropriate element from the main tab.

If you need to change the background or border of a text element, then first select it with a click, and then on the Format tab, use the buttons to fill or outline the shape.

The Text Effects button in the same section allows you to add:

  • shadows;
  • reflections;
  • backlight;
  • relief.

You can also expand or transform text.

Inserting additional elements

To insert images, use a separate button in the Insert section. By clicking on it, a file selection dialog will open, where you need to specify an image and click "Insert". Also in this section of the menu there are tools for adding tables, charts and other elements.

If your own graphics are not enough, you can choose to insert an image from the Internet. The search is performed using the Bing search engine developed by Microsoft.

Life hack: for quick insertion, you can use the icons that appear directly in the empty field.

How to make a hyperlink in a presentation

If you're preparing a presentation to send to someone, knowing how to hyperlink it to an online resource will come in handy. This is useful when you need to add regularly updated content, but the file will no longer be available.

Select the piece of text that will be used as a link. Next, open the "Insert" menu, and in it click on the link button. A submenu will appear with two options.

Working with multimedia

To make your slide presentation more lively, you can add a media file on your computer to it, or you can create a new one. To do this, use the corresponding item in the insert submenu.

By clicking on it, a choice of options will appear:

  • video - allows you to specify a video from a PC or from the Internet;
  • sound - allows the integration of an existing track or the recording of a new audio fragment;
  • screen recording - calls a special module for recording actions, in which you can specify the area, activate sound (from the microphone) and display the mouse pointer.

Applying transitions and animations

Animations, like transitions, were considered by the developers to be important enough elements of the presentation to make separate tabs for them in the menu.

Various preset options are available for transitions between slides, such as shift or fade. By default, they are not active, so choose the appropriate type yourself.

Additionally, you can specify the sound used, set the duration of the effect and specify when it should work - on click or after a certain time.

The animation submenu allows you to apply effects to individual slide elements. For example, you can set up the sequential appearance of list items, both automatically at a set delay, and on click (if the presenter prefers to manage the process himself).

Demonstration and presentation

When the preparation is over, you need to rehearse the performance. You can make a presentation right on your laptop, as if you were presenting a presentation to potential listeners. To do this, go to the "Slideshow" tab and select the leftmost icon (if you want to start from the very beginning) or the second one, to start from the current position.

Nearby is an icon for conducting a demonstration via the network. This is a good option if you want to show it to a remote listener. However, there is another way that allows you to make a full-fledged video from a presentation on a computer, including media inserts, both photos and music - this is to run it as a slide show recording.

In this mode, you can add voice-overs and pointer movement to your slides. Also, the program will automatically fix the time intervals. After that, all that remains is to use the "Save As" option from the File submenu.

And specify one of the available video formats as the result type - for example, MPEG-4.

Keep in mind that this operation may take a significant amount of time, especially on weak PCs.

Online tools

If you need to make a presentation for free, but want to do without PowerPoint, you can use online tools (however, you can hardly do without registration). However, if you already have a Microsoft or Google account, the corresponding services will be available to you.

PowerPoint Online

An online version of MS Presentation Editor is available at . Its principle of action coincides with a similar program for a PC.

However, there are also some differences. For example, there is no option to add a chart in the insert panel. But pictures, tables, shapes and hyperlinks are easily added.

Also, by default, a simplified display mode of the menu ribbon is used, but it can be returned to the full view with the switch at the top.

Google Slides

Google to create new presentation selected a whole domain - .

You can also jump to the appropriate tool directly from the service itself .

Functionally, the editor is similar to its counterpart from Microsoft - and even knows how to save it in its format.

Plus there is support for charts along with other objects.

How to avoid preparation mistakes

Leave only the most necessary slides. If there are too many of them, the attention of the listeners will be overloaded, they will hardly remember everything.

The same applies to the content of the slides: it is better to leave only the key thoughts or ideas, accompanied by a vivid and memorable illustration. Long text should be avoided, as the audience switches to reading and stops paying attention to the speaker.

If you need to mention some facts, it is better to use slide notes. In PowerPoint, you can open them from the bottom of the screen.

Finally, check the presentation for errors - factual, logical, spelling. All of them reduce the credibility of the speaker.

Let's look at a few possible sources:

  1. Text content. Books, thematic periodicals or their electronic equivalents are suitable for creating text blocks. Also, a variety of abstracts and reports on the necessary topic will come to the rescue.
    Various publications on Internet resources or even posts on forums will also serve as material.
  2. Images, graphs and diagrams. Author's content is best used to the maximum. Your own photos and images will be great content.
    Schemes and graphs can be drawn by hand, with special editors. To optimize the speed of creation, you can also use ready-made ones.
  3. Video and music. Creating high-quality video and audio series is a laborious and costly process. Therefore, here you can use materials from third-party resources.

Important! Creating a presentation in powerpoint is critically important to correlate with the speech plan. The correct ratio of presentation and speech time will ensure the best understanding of the topic being covered.

It is important to take into account the time allotted for the performance. For a short one, it is better not to create a bulky presentation with video and audio accompaniment.

It is better to briefly state the essence, and distribute additional materials to the audience on media.

Creating Master Pages

FROM ready plan speeches and the collected material, you can start creating a presentation. The entire presentation consists of individual slides.

First you need to launch the PowerPoint editor.

In the top menu of the tabs, you need "Home". It contains the Slides block, the Create Slide button in which adds pages.

Note! In the left column of the navigator, you can change the order of slides and delete them. To delete, select the desired one and click "Delete".

As a result of these manipulations, we have a simple slide. You can change the layout of elements on it using the corresponding menu.

To do this, in the navigator, you need to right-click on the desired slide and select the "Layout ..." item in the menu and select the desired one in the drop-down menu.

Let's add a few more pages. The example presentation now has four slides.

The new pages are just white. For greater decorativeness, it is necessary to give them a design. To do this, select the desired page in the navigator. In the top row of tabs you will need "Design".

In the "Themes" block there will be a button of the same name, clicking on which will bring up a list of all available ones.

The result is obvious, the presentation has acquired an appearance.

Adding and working with text

Special blocks are used to add text content. The text in them can be simply typed or copied.

The layout of the blocks is quite easy to change with the mouse, dragging a special frame.

Adding and editing tables and graphs

Graphs and diagrams unusually visually express various processes. To add one to your presentation, you need the Insert tab in the top menu bar.

In the "Illustrations" block there will be a diagrams icon , which will open the creation window.

It will be necessary to select the type of chart from the presented library.

After selecting the required one, a spreadsheet will open for editing the parameters. Changes made to it are reflected in the configuration of the chart in the presentation.

To insert a table, you will need the same top menu tab as you would for a chart. On the left side there will be a "Table" block and a button of the same name that will open the configuration window.

Table cells are filled in the same way as text fields.

Adding and decorating pictures

Good thematic images will make your presentation more interesting. It is better to use one image for one slide, but as high quality as possible.

The insertion is made on the same tab as the diagram, only the "Picture" button is responsible for the images.

Adding video and audio

It is important to use a variety of audio-visual materials only where they are appropriate. In short speeches.

They are useful for more detailed presentations or explanations of complex concepts.

Audio/video is added from the "Insert" tab on the top menu bar. On the right side there will be a block "Media Clips".

Clicking on it will cause the choice of the type of file to be added. Then it remains only to select the desired file from the directory with the materials.

After that, a warning will appear stating that the video playback starts with the opening of the page.

Create a slide transition animation

A beautiful transition between slides makes the presentation more interesting for viewers.

How to add it? It is enough to select the desired page in the navigator and go to the "Animation" tab in the top menu bar.

By clicking on the "Transition scheme" button, a list of all possible transitions will open. It is important to remember that the selected transition only affects the selected page.

For each it will have to be installed manually.

The same effects can be added to page elements. To do this, in the mentioned tab there is an item "Animation".

You need to select the object, click on it and select the "animation settings" item.

A list of options will appear that will allow you to create an animation in your presentation.

View and customize the finished presentation

To start viewing slides, just press the F5 key or select the appropriate item in the top menu bar.

Before saving, it is better to assign the necessary demo settings in the appropriate window.

How to create a presentation on a laptop or computer

How to make a presentation on a computer - detailed instructions

Every modern computer user should be able to make a PowerPoint presentation. Pupils and students can use the presentation to talk about their research or defend an essay, diploma, coursework. Working people may need a presentation to present their product. In any case, if you are here, then you want to learn how to make a presentation.

We have prepared step-by-step instructions on how to make a presentation on a computer. Please note that some items may be named differently on your computer depending on the version of PowerPoint. We wrote the instruction using PowerPoint 2007.

Step 1: Launch PowerPoint

When starting the program PowerPoint, you will be prompted to select which document you want to create. Select " Blank presentation” to start your presentation from scratch.

Step 2: Choose a design

The next thing you should do is choose a design for your presentation. To do this, go to the " Design» at the top of the page. Take a look at all the options and choose the one you like best. You can hover over a design to see how it will look in a presentation before it is applied.

You can also choose a different design for each slide. To do this, select the slide, then right-click on the design you want to apply. A pop-up menu will appear, in which click on " Apply to selected slide". This way you will change the design for one specific slide and the rest will remain the same.

Step 3: Add a Title

Click on the first box labeled " Click to add title". Here you can write the name of your presentation. Then click on the bottom box to add your name, job title, and other details.

After you have written the text in the fields, you can change the font, size, color, etc. You can also move the box or resize it using edges and corners.

Step 4: Add Slides

You will most likely need several slides for your presentation. There are several ways to add additional slides. Pay attention to the separate area on the left side of the screen where your first slide is located. Right-click on the slide, and select the option " New slide". This is the first way to add a new slide.

The second way - select the tab " Insert” at the top of the screen and click on “ New slide". Here you can choose a layout for the slide, such as a slide with two text boxes and a title, one text box, just a title, and so on.

The new slide will appear on the left side of the screen below the first slide. The design you chose in step 3 will be applied to the new slide.

Step 5: Add charts, photos, graphs, etc.

If you want to insert a chart, picture, graph or any other graphic object, click on the " Insert» at the top of the window. Here you will see all the available options that you can insert into your slide.

After the graph or picture is inserted into the slide, you can add a frame or change the settings by clicking on the " Format».

Step 6: Add Transitions

To add transitions between slides, click on the " Animation» at the top of the window. Here you can hover your mouse over one of the transitions to see how it will look. Next, select the slide for which you want to apply the transition, and then select the transition itself. You can choose one transition for all slides at once, or set up different transitions for each slide.

Step 7: Change the order of the slides

After all the slides have been created, you can change their order in the presentation. To do this, click and drag the slide on the left side of the window.

Step 8: Start your presentation

When all the slides are ready, you can start the presentation. Go to the " slide show' at the top of the window, and select ' First". Switching slides during the presentation is done using the left and right keys on the keyboard.

You can also press the key F5 to quickly launch a presentation. Key ESC allows you to exit the presentation.

Congratulations! You have made a presentation in PowerPoint.

If you have any questions about our step-by-step instructions on how to make a presentation on a computer, write in the comments below. We will be happy to help!

To be able to correctly present your work is a high art. That is why it is so important to know the intricacies of creating a presentation on a computer. But if you have never met this “beast” before, we will tell you in detail and show how to make a presentation in Word (and also in powerpoint) with step by step instructions.

What kind of presentation can you make yourself?

In the office suite (namely Microsoft power point), which most likely all students have already mastered, you can make a very decent presentation - from several sheets (slides), with sound effects, with graphs and diagrams.

But before starting work, you will have to stock up on the most necessary things - without which no presentation will work:

  • high-quality text - it is better to write it yourself, taking into account the characteristics of the audience in front of which you will make your presentation. A little humor (the main thing is not to overdo it) and beautiful design- and the presentation will be held on "Hurrah"!
  • high-quality pictures, graphs, charts, diagrams - it is best to use personal photos or drawings. But if there are none, feel free to use high resolution stock images. If you don't know which program is better for making drawings for a presentation on a computer, use graph - it does a great job of drawing graphs. If all this is too difficult for you - ok: take a piece of paper and a pen, draw yourself, take pictures and insert into the presentation as a drawing!
  • video (if necessary). If you do not know how to shoot high-quality videos, then it is better not to use them at all. In addition to filming, you also need to be able to process the footage well. However, long live youtube, where you can find a lot of everything useful and already filmed by someone.

And of course, the most important thing you need to make a presentation in powerpoint is a plan! No matter how beautiful your own presentation in thoughts, without a plan and a structure of a logical sequence of thoughts, it will be just a set of text, pictures and graphs. Think carefully about your target audience, as well as the time in which you will have to meet.

An invaluable tutorial on how to make a presentation in Powerpoint

Here you can create and delete slides, swap them if necessary, set titles for them.

If you're unhappy with the presentation view you've set, play around with your slide layouts. Just click on the slide with the right mouse button on the slide itself. Actions will appear on the left, where select the "layout\..." setting

Now it's time to work on the appearance of the presentation in powerpoint. You can select a theme by opening themes - find the "Design" button in the toolbar and select "Themes" there.

By the way! For our readers there is now a 10% discount on

See how the presentation changed immediately? Now let's move on to the content of the slides.

After you have selected the desired type of chart, the program will open a window for you in which you will need to enter the main indicators for display in the presentation. Here's what it will look like:

It’s also easy to work with tables - in the tools, select “Insert / Tables”, immediately select the required number of rows and columns (everything is like in a Word) and fill in to your health!

We agree to the condition of the program that while viewing the slide, the video will play automatically and that's it.

You can also play with different types of animation, framing and other "chips", but we are considering the basic creation, so some other time.

  1. Direct Presentation Presentation. To start viewing your presentation, just launch it and press F5. You can also start the presentation, click "Slide Show" and select "Start show again."

So you have created the simplest, but quite nice presentation that will help you achieve desired effect. If you don’t have the opportunity (well, say, a computer) or time to do it yourself in Power Point, you can always ask for help from!

Greetings to all readers of my blog who have decided to learn how to correctly compose presentation slides. After reading this article, you will learn how to create a presentation on a computer or laptop for free, running under the Microsoft Windows operating system.

You will learn how to work in PowerPoint (I will provide you with step-by-step instructions), insert photos with music, patterns, animation transitions, text inserts, graphics, effects, etc. into them. Well then, let's get started!

What is PowerPoint and where to download it

So, let's start from the very beginning. PowerPoint (pronounced "power point") is provided free of charge by Microsoft to all Microsoft users. operating system Windows in a package called Microsoft Office. It also includes other useful programs:

  • Word is a multifunctional text editor;
  • Excel is a handy application for creating tables with various calculations, charts, forecasting, etc.;
  • OneNote is a convenient electronic notebook;
  • outlook- professional program to work with the calendar and mail;
  • Publisher is a useful tool for creating publications, a simple electronic publishing system.

PowerPoint, like other standard applications of the named package, is currently available in four versions, differing in the year of release.

You can download office 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016, and at the same time, developers provide a wide range of interface languages. So you can safely install a package of tools in Russian.

Historically, Windows 7 used the 2007 or 2010 software package as standard, while Windows 10 already had Office 2016. Although no one restricts users, they themselves can install the version they need.

If you follow the link , you can familiarize yourself with everything I have said on your own, and also, if necessary, immediately download the necessary applications or try them out online.

Note that the extended versions are paid. However, if you are a student or teacher, you can get specialized versions of the apps for free with an appropriate subscription. Great, right?

The beginning of the way

Now let's get down to creating power point slides. Before getting started, I would like to voice a few tips that will help you avoid most problems in the future.

Tip 1. If you don't know if the version of your application is compatible with the one installed on the device on which you will present your work, then it's best to create everything in PowerPoint 2007. This version works great in both the same and newer versions of the product.

Tip 2. If the direction of the presentation is educational or scientific, then don't overdo it with animations and transitions. It is desirable, in general, to minimize or eliminate such effects. This will give your work seriousness and accuracy.

Tip 3. Be sure to consider the audience for which you are preparing a report. Depending on this, the number of slides, their design and content will vary.

Tip 4. Keep in mind that the same keyboard shortcuts work in all Office suite products. So if you want:

  • undo the action performed, then just hold down the key combination Ctrl + Z;
  • if you want to return - then Ctrl + Y;
  • And if you need to delete an object, then select it and click on "Delete".

Tip 5 If you are preparing a presentation for a speech, be sure to first think over your speech and immediately divide it into slides. As a result, it will be easier for you during the development phase.

Well, now let's launch PowerPoint!

Getting Started: Appearance Design

The main page will open in front of you, on the left of which a list of previous presentations will be displayed, and on the right - all kinds of templates.

You can choose "Blank Presentation", or you can familiarize yourself with all the templates you like and immediately create a document with design.

In the second case, your actions will look like this:

  1. Click on the pattern you like;
  2. Choose from the proposed colors you like;
  3. Click on the "Create" icon.

A window will appear in front of your eyes with the first slide for the title. The left sidebar will display all the created slides.

If we consider the first case, then the step-by-step actions will change somewhat:

Adjusting markup and text

Initially, all slides are created with standard markup. Moreover, the first slide always has a special placement of text fields.

To change the markup of objects, you need to:

  1. Go to the "Home" tab on the toolbar;
  2. Find the "Slides" section in it;
  3. Click on "Layout". You will see a window with all possible standard markups provided by the application. Select one of them by clicking on it with the cursor. If you don't like any of them, then change the current position of the objects manually. This is possible by moving windows, changing their size and shape, and adding new elements.

So, how to add, for example, a new entry? Everything is simple. Go to the "Insert" tab in the toolbar. Everything that is offered here can be added to your work. These are tables, graphs, drawings, photographs, diagrams, figures, etc.

Click on the last one. In shapes, the first icon is the label. If you select it, then you can add a text box to your slide.

To change the text, you just need to enter your own instead of standard inscriptions. And you can correct the style using the "Font" section on the main tab.

Adding a new slide with a graphic file

Now you have the title of the first page and it's time to create a new slide. To do this, in the main tab, click on the “Create Slide” icon to immediately add a page with default markup, or click on the named words, next to which a down arrow is displayed. All the same markup examples will open in front of you, with one of which a new page will be created.

Immediately in the second object with the words "Slide Text" you are prompted to insert one of the objects: a table, a chart, SmartArt, a picture, a picture from the Internet, or a video.

In our case, you just need to click on the “Picture” icon, after which a explorer will open in front of you to select the desired image.

Interestingly, in PowerPoint 2016, the program offers you several ideas for decorating the insertion of graphic files. Do not be lazy and look there, sometimes you can find really worthwhile solutions.

Insert background music

To bring your slide show to life with an audio file, simply go to the Media section on the Insert tab. It is located on the right side. There you are prompted to insert a video, audio or screen recording.

We need sound, which means we select Sound -> Audio files on the computer ... / Record sound ....

Then decide how the audio track will be played: automatically or by clicking on the slide (special button). You can also make sound settings in the tab that appears called "Working with sound".

Inserting a video file

So, we already have a slide with a title and a slide with an image and music. Now create the third slide where we will place the video.

The described program (2016 version) allows its users to insert a video track from five sources:

After choosing one of the methods for inserting an object, you can adjust appearance, location, launch method, etc. the last one.

Animated slide transitions

Now we come to the most interesting. PowerPoint offers many different transitions from slide to slide. They can be both ordinary (simple flipping) and more complex (crack effect, origami, etc.).

Of course, Windows 7 with its version of PowerPoint 2007 has a lot less different interesting transitions between presentation pages. Therefore, you simply cannot find the last named types of effects in versions released earlier than 2016.

So, in order for the slide to appear interestingly in front of the viewers, it is necessary:

  1. On the ribbon with tools, go to the "Transitions" tab;
  2. Select the first page of the presentation;
  3. In the "Transition to this slide" section are all kinds of effects. Select one of them by clicking on it with the mouse button, and the transition preview will immediately work;
  4. In the "Slide Show Time" section, which is located on the right, adjust the sound settings, transition duration in seconds, etc.;
  5. Do the previous steps for all other slides if you want to set different types transitions or other settings. You can also in the section named in the previous step, click on "Apply to all" and then all slides will replace each other in the same way;
  6. To view the result of the work done, go to the "Slideshow" tab and click on the first icon - "From the Beginning".