Application for measuring the speed of the Internet app store. INetwork Speed ​​Test

The most famous Internet service, which is one of the most popular ways to measure the speed of your Internet channel (and mention the provider with an unkind word), in its development it has reached the iPhone OS. Now you can download and install a mini speed tester for iPhone for free, which will surely provide you with interesting results.

Let's give an example from life: despite the support of the 802.11g standard, the speed of downloading large files to the iPhone from the same App Store, to put it mildly, is not encouraging. Macbook and iPhone, which are at the same distance from the access point that distributes the Internet at a speed of 2 Mbps, download information from completely different speed: on a macbook, the promised 1.8-1.9 Mbps is achieved, but we couldn’t squeeze out more than 600 Kbps from an iPhone. The obvious reason is the weakness of the iPhone's wireless transmitter.

The launched program will show you a branded speedometer, which is the hallmark of the site At the same time, your earth coordinates will be specified, on the basis of which the tester will automatically select a server suitable for testing near you. You just have to press the button Begin Test and wait a bit.

The most interesting thing is that the iPhone version speed test measures not only a jump, but also a return. Why you might need a wide distribution channel on the iPhone is an interesting question for developers to fill in.

All speed measurements are stored in the log on the tab « results". Next to each result, you will see a small icon showing which mobile Internet was tested: Wi-Fi or GPRS/3G.

Well, on the tab "Settings" you can manually select a server to test. By measuring the speed of exchange with servers of different distances, you can get a more or less real picture of the capabilities of your iPhone as a means of downloading large files.

The program does not know anything else special, and it would be foolish to demand something else from it. But at your disposal there will always be a good analytical tool, thanks to which you can draw a lot of pleasant and not so conclusions.

I have long wanted to write about this application, but somehow my hands did not reach. Therefore, I hasten to fill the gap. Today we will talk about a simple and very useful program for measuring the speed of an Internet connection -

So, as the name of the application implies, it is a web service client for iPhone, which allows you to measure the speed of an Internet connection on a computer. The program interface is unpretentious, simple and clear. Actually, this is a speedometer that displays the current connection speed. After downloading and transferring the test data packets, the average measurement results are displayed - separately for downloading and for transferring.

In the configuration options, you can choose the units of measurement for speed, how the history of results is sorted, and also determine the location of the test server. Although the program itself can determine your location (if you allow it) and contact the nearest server.

How reliable are the measurement results? Based on the experience of use, I concluded that the results are quite reliable, they are quite enough for everyday tasks.

The disadvantage of the program (at least on my iPhone 3G) is next moment. When you enter the application, data is transferred for some time (the daisy is spinning in the upper status bar), then the inscription appears Start Test(start the test), but the "chamomile" is still spinning for a while. So, if you start the test at this moment, the program goes a little crazy - it immediately completes the test, but does not display the results. If you press the button Test Again(repeat the test), then the speedometer needle starts to twitch convulsively, no measurements take place. Therefore, before starting the test, it is imperative to wait until the “chamomile” in the status bar disappears. This disadvantage is not particularly annoying, you just need to keep it in mind.

Otherwise, the "iPhone" version of the service is very good, I highly recommend it. Oh, I forgot to say, the app is free.

Very often, the work of applications on your iPhone directly depends on the speed of the Internet, and sometimes your work depends on it. The Internet has taken over all modern gadgets. Internet speed is perhaps the most important indicator of the quality of the Internet. Check how fast the Internet is on your iPhone with the help of certain services and applications to check the speed of the Internet, which will be discussed below.

The Internet began to emerge in the distant 1960, but spread very quickly. If in 1993 only 1% of information was transmitted by remote method, then in 2007 it was already as much as 97%. A little later, cellular networks of the 3G, 4G, 5G and 6G standard appeared.More than 3 billion people use the Internet. Surely you are one of them. And sometimes you still worry about the question of checking the speed of the Internet on your iPhone: before important meeting via Skype, abroad, when you want to stay in touch with your family, when changing the tariff plan.

Internet speed tests are working for all iPhone models, including the newest ones that came out in 2018 - iPhone Xs, iPhone Sx Max and iPhone Xr.

All obscure terms are deciphered at the end of the article.

Ways to Test Internet Speed ​​on iPhone

Downloading files and apps, installing games, video chatting and online conferences, watching movies and saving music for a new playlist, you always think about how much time it will take you to do all this. The frantic pace of modern life dictates its own conditions for the speed of data transfer. To avoid delays and downtime, wasted minutes, you should check the connection speed. This can be done in two ways: through online programs or installed applications.

Before testing, several conditions must be met to increase the reliability of the test.

  1. Make sure that all unnecessary tabs in the browser on the phone are closed.
  2. If other devices are connected to the Internet, turn them off. Thus, you will only know the Internet speed on the tested device.
  3. Disable your ad blocker and disable all extensions.

After you have fulfilled the previous conditions, you can proceed directly to the test itself.

You can find out the incoming speed by yourself in a simple way- via Netflix's Fast online app, simply it in the browser. The service will automatically determine the current connection speed of the device and display it in the browser. You need to wait a bit and the service will determine the average speed on the iPhone at the moment. By clicking the “More info” button, you can get a little more information: the speed of downloading files, uploading files and ping. It is possible to change some parameters.

open , run the test, and a “live graph” of your connection speed will appear before your eyes. You don't need Flash or Java - this test is an HTML5 product. This is one of the most accurate and smart services. Follow flowing curves and compare previous results, identify errors in the Internet, determine the most comfortable and traffic-intensive usage conditions.

For a more detailed analysis of Internet speed speed test. Speedtest can be used both online on the site and through the application of the same name, it from the Apple Store.

If you will check the speed of the Internet online, go to the site and click the "Start" button. After checking, three indicators will be displayed on the screen: reaction (ping), receiving (download), sending (upload).

If you do not want to close important browser tabs and go to the site, download the application of the same name. So, it will always be at hand for an emergency check of the speed of the Internet connection.

The application interface is concise and simple: in the middle of the screen is the same “Start” button as in the online version. A little lower you will see the name of the server, which is determined automatically, and the name of the provider that provides you with the Internet. The application works quickly, at the end of the test it will display the results at the top of the screen. You'll get Ping, Jitter, and Packet Loss percentage. An advertisement pops up in the application, which you are invited to remove forever for 26.99 UAH. At the bottom of the screen are the Speed, Result, Coverage and Settings tabs. Be careful: information about your data can be used by Speedtest, if not against you, then, for sure, for selfish purposes. In order to disable uncontrolled collection of information, go to Settings - Analytics and switch the toggle switch to an inactive gray state.

Speedchecker Speed ​​test

One of the most convenient and fastest applications for instantly checking the speed of the Internet. Positive user reviews suggest installing it on your iPhone. The developer company claims that eminent news agencies, providers, public and private organizations use its product. the application is free, but you will also find in-app purchases in it - 9.99 UAH per product. After downloading, the following functions will be available to you:

When checking Internet speed on iPhone, you may come across unfamiliar concepts and terms.

Download is the incoming speed. High speed provides fast file loading, lightning-fast page opening. The higher the speed, the faster you can download the desired application.

Upload- outgoing speed is responsible for quickly publishing a post on social networks and sending a voluminous email.

Ping- this value determines the time it takes for data to reach the server from the device. The lower this indicator, the better the Internet.

Jitter- indicates signal instability, that is, fluctuations in the ping measurement. This indicator is important when talking via Skype, when the dialogue with the interlocutor takes place at the same pace or when watching streaming video on YouTube.

IP address is an address that is assigned to every device used on the Internet. It is necessary for correct data transfer.

All of the above methods are good for checking the speed of the Internet when connected both via Wi-Fi and mobile networks. Choose the most convenient service or application for yourself and control the speed of your Internet connection, be the master of your life, learn to manage time.

It's no secret that the Internet has become a big part of our lives. Using different services on your iPhone, you always want the fastest internet.

Having bought a brand new iPhone, you always want all the best, including the Internet. Therefore, today I will tell you how you can check the speed of the Internet directly on your iPhone.

In fact, the test is not too different from the test on any computer. First of all, you need to download a program such as Speedtest to your device.

It is this utility that tests of this kind is most often carried out. Once you have installed, run the program. Pressing the big button Start verification.

Speed ​​is usually measured in two metrics: Receipt And Data transfer. These indicators directly depend on your operator, server, type of Internet (3G or LTE) and of course the quality of the signal at the time of the test.

Comparison. To compare results with different signals, you can always on the application tab with the name results. Everything is scheduled by dates and there are all the necessary indicators.

Server. In the application, during testing, the best option is always automatically selected. But if you want to change it, then just go to the tab SettingsChange server and choose the one you need.

That's essentially the whole test, there is nothing difficult, absolutely any iPhone user will cope with this task.

If you want to somehow increase the Internet speed of your device, then it is likely that something does not suit you and you want to change it programmatically.

Programs that would do this procedure simply do not exist. Therefore, I recommend trying to change your browser, perhaps it is in it.

In many cases, if you have an older iPhone, this will the only way somehow influence the situation. Device modems are different, as well as RAM with the processor, which also affect page loading speed.

I will not praise each browser or do reviews on each of them. I'll just give you the top three that people use the most on their smartphones:

  • Safari;
  • Google Chrome;
  • Yandex browser.

Most often, the choice of browser is the same as the browser on the computer, since it is possible to synchronize all your passwords and tabs. But some like to experiment, which is always welcome too.

There are many more great browsers you can find. Each user has different needs, so just use each of them for at least a couple of days and you will immediately feel the difference.


Now you know how you can check the speed of your Internet on absolutely any iPhone. Regarding the increase in speed, I also said my opinion.

Draw conclusions, maybe it's time to think about changing your smartphone or just a mobile operator.

The situation with the mobile network in Moscow or any city with a population of over one million is getting worse every year. Interesting is the fact that this is not related to the work of telecom operators or the choice of a specific tariff. A couple of years ago it was possible to freely talk on Skype on the street, but today the iphone does not always load even a regular web page.

The network identification icon on a smartphone can already be considered just a screen decoration. It is quite easy to understand why the Internet is slow, given how many people today have modern mobile phones. Devices are used not only for communication, but also for surfing the world wide web.

The primary task of operators is to provide good voice communication, but the issue with the network connection is solved on a residual basis. It becomes especially noticeable how 3g disappears in the city center, where there is always a large crowd of people. The logical question is what to do in such situations. But there is an elegant way how to increase the speed mobile internet on your favorite iPhone without resorting to additional installation of special equipment or antennas. To do this, you need to use the standard settings that are provided on the cell.

Air mode to the rescue

If you are worried about why the Internet loads so badly on a new iphone, use the instructions:

  • Open the Settings app,
  • Turn on the "Airplane mode" function.
  • Hold the enabled function for a few seconds, then turn it off.
  • After resuming the registration of the device in the operator's network, try reconnecting the data transfer on the iPhone.

This action is comparable to reconnecting to the network. Often the effect is positive, the page or file loading speed is significantly increased. This can be explained by the fact that the priority for the operator will be to provide a stable connection for the new client. After some time, the situation may repeat itself and again the question arises why the Internet is so stupid. Normal operation depends on the frequency at which the device operates.

3G or LTE not working well

There are dozens of possible reasons why 3G or LTE on the iphone works so poorly. But most of them have a fairly simple reason, which everyone can eliminate. It is worth remembering that in the evening the connection indicator decreases, which is associated with the increasing load experienced by servers and communication channels.

During this period, the number of online users who perform certain actions traditionally increases. This leads to the fact that for most users the network simply becomes dull, regardless of which frequency the 3g or LTE device operates at, and which tariff plan used. Before answering the question of how you can increase the speed of mobile Internet on any iPhone, first you need to find out whether this indicator is really low or the reason is completely different. What to do in such situations?

Measuring connection speed

A program such as Speedtest, available from the App Store, will help you. During the start of testing, you must stop all other running programs and downloads. Looking through the results of the test, special attention should be paid to the load indicator. It is this indicator that is decisive in the descriptions of tariff plans. 5-10 Mbps is enough for free surfing in the network space.

For those who need better connectivity, it makes sense to upgrade to a more expensive plan. It is better to test several times. The results should not differ much, if it does, wait a couple of hours and try running the test again.

Instructions for increasing speed

There are other universal ways to increase the speed of the Internet on your phone. You should try the following:

  • Restart your gadget. Very often, such a simple action helps to amplify a weak signal. The device switches to another cell tower and the problem goes away.
  • Disable all automatic programs for downloading, they eat great traffic, which negatively affects the page load time in the browser.
  • Reconnect your iphone to your Wi-Fi router or modem. Also, the solution to how to strengthen the signal may be to restart the router itself, check all network connections, cables for any damage or kinks.
  • Check if there are any delays in paying for access to the World Wide Web. This fact may seem ridiculous, but very often such forgetfulness becomes the reason why the Internet suddenly disappeared. The user began to frantically search for the cause of a non-existent problem.
  • If possible, check if the amount of traffic allocated per day according to the selected tariff has not been exhausted;
  • Check with the provider if any repair or maintenance work is underway. TO possible reasons malfunctions include natural phenomena, unforeseen force majeure. Phone technical support be on a receipt or contract.
  • When using access to the router, without a password, neighbors can take advantage of this opportunity, and this greatly “slows down” the network. It is necessary to make access using only the password you know and the question of how to improve the Internet on your smartphone will be solved very simply;
  • One of the ways to strengthen the 3G signal on a modern phone is to find a position with maximum proximity to the signal sources and antennas of the mobile operator. This equipment is characteristic and easy to find in urban areas.

If it is impossible to correct the situation with any of the listed options, you should contact the service center employees. Most likely, the problems are related to internal problems, malfunctions of the functionality of the iPhone itself. Remember if the smartphone fell on a hard surface.


As you can see, it is quite possible to amplify the signal of the cellular network, it is enough to make a little effort and understand the menu of the smartphone. The above instructions apply to both Apple and Android devices.

If you still don't understand, watch the video tutorial. See you on the pages of the site!
