Folk crafts presentation for children. Presentation "folk crafts of Russia"

  • Silver- a chemical element of the periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev, having atomic number 47 - is denoted by the symbol Ag (lat. Argentum).
  • Silver It is a noble metal that has antibacterial and healing properties. This is a rich metal interesting history, legends, myths and mysteries... In nature silver are found in native form, the facts of finding silver nuggets weighing up to 20 tons are known.
  • Silver- a precious metal white color, widely used in jewelry, ductile, ductile and malleable. Silver products are highly artistic folk crafts . Silversilver plate , silver jewelry , religious silverware , jewelry silver , various silverware- these are examples of the unique folk art of masters Veliky Ustyug, which our tourists can purchase, having been on vacation on home of Santa Claus .

  • IN Veliky Ustyug since 1682 talented blacksmiths silver in ways different from other art centers. In their works, plot engraving, very saturated, much denser in color than Moscow and St. Petersburg, acquired special significance. Silver items created by our craftsmen have been repeatedly presented at all-Russian and international exhibitions and, as a rule, were awarded the highest awards.

  • birch bark(t.s. Dalia) - the upper, light, remkovy layer of birch bark.
  • Birch is a slender, white-trunked, light-colored tree that gives a translucent shade, decorating every rural landscape at any time of the year, and is especially loved in Russia. Since ancient times, birch has been the image of Russia. The simple and touching beauty of the birch gives it a high aesthetic value.

Products from birch bark.

Products from birch bark as folk crafts - caskets, tuesas, baskets, boxes, souvenir toys, jewelry, beads, combs, trays, paintings, panels - magnificent works of art from Veliky Ustyug, made in the style and traditions of folk art craft.

Bast shoes.

Bast shoes - low shoes, common in Russia in the old days, but, nevertheless, were widely used in the countryside of Russia until the 1930s, woven from wood bast (linden, elm and others) or birch bark. Bast shoes were tied to the leg with laces twisted from the same bast from which the bast shoes themselves were made. In Russian folklore and culture, stories, songs, and sayings are dedicated to bast shoes.

  • The origins of woodcarving go into the distant past. Judging by the objects found by archaeologists, wood carving in Russia has several tens of thousands of years. Undoubtedly wood carving, which requires certain artistic abilities, some experience in translating the idea and professional use of the instrument, was the main and one of the first types of arts and crafts. In ancient Russia wood carving, although mostly cult, was widespread and highly skilled.

  • Types of woodcarving- conditionally, three main types can be distinguished: through thread (this includes sawn and slotted thread), blind thread (all subspecies of embossed and flat notched threads), sculptural carving, house carving(it is a separate direction, since it can combine all three of the above types).
  • Relevance wood carving grew up a lot in Lately and more and more insistently and confidently enters our life and way of life. No artificial materials can replace the beauty and warmth of natural wood. Once in the hands of a true master, the tree takes on a second life. Possession of inexhaustible imagination, excellent knowledge of the material, a sense of beauty allows the master in every work wood carving create genuine works of art - cutting boards, chess, paintings, sculptures, wooden toys, dishes and many other things.

  • The main typological principles of Kubachi patterns developed at the turn of the 17th - 18th centuries. Therefore, in the ornamental culture of the Kubachi jewelry art, as in a mirror, all stages of the history of the development of the artistic, material and spiritual culture of this people were reflected. The Kubachi ornament is rich and varied. It allows masters not only to create and preserve the bright individuality of their creative style, but also to embody a completely new, original artistic solution every time. The canonical set of images in the form of stylized leaves, buds, shoots and flexible branches intertwined in accordance with the laws of "Kubachi harmony" build original rhythmic groups that combine into a single compositional monolith - this is how the "music" of the Kubachi pattern gradually arises. Therefore, each work a dream embodied in silver about the eternal beauty of the world, frozen in a “meaningful” pattern of ornaments. The combination of mountain silver, solar gold and azure sky seems to be frozen in each product. Daggers in a gilded silver frame, sabers decorated with enamel, niello and filigree are an indicator of the highest craftsmanship and quality.

Knife " Stone Age"*. Fang of a bear, bas-relief carving.

Knife "Fang" *. Fang of a bear. Damascus steel. Cover: lantern, burning out.

Knife "Claw"*. Bear claw. Damascus steel. Cover: lantern, burning out.

Knife "Marine"* on a stand made of obsidian and Kamchatka gems. Sea tree, elk horn. Damascus steel Size: 23x7x11 cm.

Knife "Horn" *. Snow sheep horn. Damascus steel.

  • What is the history of Gzhel and Gzhel rose? Gzhel pottery itself existed as early as the 14th century. Gzhel craftsmen have long been famous for their craftsmanship, their pottery, and the clay they used for their high quality. From the middle of the 17th century, Gzhel masters were engaged in the production of majolica dishes, and when the secret of hard porcelain was discovered by the Russian scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Vinogradov in the middle of the 17th century, the masters gradually began to prepare porcelain products. Gzhel craftsmen also began to paint dishes a long time ago. Initially, these were grassy patterns, bouquets, unusual birds, whole story scenes. At the same time, Gzhel was multi-colored. Today, only two primary colors are used in Gzhel painting - white and blue. Some say that such colors were chosen on purpose, according to the color of a clear sky in Russia, but it seems that there is only a grain of truth in this beautiful judgment. It is known that initially bright green, yellow, red colors were used for painting. Gzhel was not a luxury item and was intended for ordinary people. Ware painted with bright colors adorned the houses of peasants and was widely used in everyday life. But at the beginning of the 20th century, the bright intricate flowers on the dishes did not match the colors and geometry of the revolutionary stars and banners. So the multi-colored old floral ornaments and bouquets were replaced by the Gzhel rose of the color of the sky and field cornflowers.

Purpose: - to introduce students to the traditional crafts of Russia - Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel; - the formation of skills to distinguish between decorative and applied crafts: Khokhloma, Gzhel and Gorodets; - development of understanding characteristic features products of various folk crafts. - education of the need for creativity, the desire to bring beauty into one's life; - education of patriotism, pride and tolerance for folk art.

Today we are starting a big and very interesting topic: "Russian folk crafts". Old Russian art is the subject of our national pride. You will get acquainted with the traditional folk crafts of Russia: Khokhloma, Gzhel and Gorodets painting.

DICTIONARY Fishing - mining, an additional occupation with the main one. (The trade was formed on the basis of those natural materials that the region was rich in: soft woods, deposits of clay, metals, sources of natural natural dyes - often determined the type of craft). Utensils - came from the old Russian word utensils (dress up, clean, decorate). And now, utensils - jewelry, clothes, jewelry, everything movable in the house: furniture, jewelry, dishes. Creativity is the creation of new cultural and material values. Create - create creatively.

Literature used in preparation for the lesson: Vasilenko V.M. Folk art. – M., Shevchuk L.V. Children and folk art: book. for the teacher - M., 1985. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M., Dal V.I. Dictionary Russian language. - M., 2008

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Folk crafts of Russia Prepared by the teacher of technology Bykova O.V. 2012

Project Goals - Form general idea about the folk culture of Russia, the desire to study it and the inclusion of this information in the asset of one's worldview. - Mastering the basic methods of activities for the manufacture of samples of handicrafts. - Form the foundations of civic identity.

gold ring of Russia

Khokhloma painting Appeared in the city of Semyonov, Nizhny Novgorod province in the 17th (17th) century. She was decorated with wooden utensils, matryoshka dolls. Used gold, black and red paint.

Tula samovar

gzhel The picturesque region of Gzhel is located 60 km from Moscow. The traditional ornament that adorns porcelain products is blue and blue flowers, leaves, cereals and a Gzhel blue rose. The history of Gzhel porcelain begins in the 14th century.

Palekh miniature Palekh is the center of icon painting. Located near the city of Ivanovo. Caskets, brooches, needle cases are painted with gold on a black background.

Gorodets painting The yellow evening, the black horse And the bathing suits like fire, The birds are watching from the casket - The miraculous painting of Gorodets

Filimonovska toy There is a village near Tula, Filimonovo is called And craftswomen live there, That they bring good to the house. And the good there is not simple, And not gold and silver. Filimonovo toy It is called.

Welcome to Gorodets painting

Plots of Gorodets painting Plots of Gorodets painting are most often horses, birds, flowers. Paints use saturated shades: red, blue, yellow, black, green.

Step-by-step painting 1. Outline the central element of the pattern. 2. Apply the pattern with primary colors. 3. Draw the elements with black strokes. 4. Draw the elements with white strokes.

Gzhel painting techniques

Plots of Gzhel The traditional colors of Gzhel are blue and light blue. Plots for painting are flowers, leaves, birds. Free space is filled with various ornaments.

The order of the painting 1. The borders of the future pattern are drawn in blue and light blue. 2. Outline the location of the ornament. 3. Draw large elements of the pattern. 4. The remaining space is filled with a grid.

How to use 1. Apply blue and blue contour on the side, on the spout and handle, on the lid, scallop and tail of the cockerel. 2. Draw a flower with leaves on the side of the teapot. 3. Decorate the top of the teapot with a border.

Plots Khokhloma painting Traditional colors: black, red, gold. the most common motifs: berries, leaves, flowers.

Literature and sources Wooden miracle. Album for coloring. M .: "Kid", 1978 Krupin V. Dymka. M .: "Kid", 1987 Perova E.N. Lessons on the course "Technology" grades 5-9. M .: 5 knowledge, 2008 htth //

Folk crafts

State budgetary educational institution Saratov region

“School for students on adapted educational programs No. 6 Saratov.

Vocational training teacher

Medvedeva E.A.

Khokhloma painting

One of the Russian folk crafts, Khokhloma painting on wood, arose in the second half of the 17th century on the lands of the Koverninsky district of the Gorky region of Russia. The name of the painting gave the name of the village - Khokhloma, located in the same region, which became the central point of sale for Khokhloma painting in the 18th - early 20th centuries.

It's a cold winter

Snowflakes are twisted by a violent wind,

And sunny Khokhloma

Reminds us of summer.

There is no semi-darkness in the plates.

Not dusk in vases and salt shakers,

Reminds me of Khokhloma

Native, sweet side!

Russian matryoshka Girlfriends walked along the path, There were a few of them: Two Matryonas, three Matryoshkas And one Matryoshka. V. Berestov Russian wooden toy in the form of a painted doll, inside of which there are smaller dolls similar to it. For the manufacture of nesting dolls, they mainly choose linden, less often alder or birch. Matryoshka appeared about 100 years ago

Gorodets painting

Gorodets painting - Russian folk art craft. It has existed since the middle of the 19th century in the area of ​​​​the city of Gorodets. Bright, laconic Gorodets painting (genre scenes, figurines of horses, roosters, floral patterns - roses and peonies), made with a free stroke with a white and black graphic stroke, adorned spinning wheels, furniture, shutters, doors.

Bogorodsk toy

Bogorodskaya toy - Russian folk craft of carved toys and sculptures from soft woods (linden, alder, aspen).

Exists in the village. Bogorodskoye, Sergiev-Posad district, Moscow region from the 16th-18th centuries.

The toy "Blacksmiths" is over 300 years old. "Blacksmiths" has become a symbol of the Bogorodsk industry. It is worth moving the slats and the brisk work immediately begins. Figures move in a clear rhythm, hammers beat on the anvil in time.

At a distance of 50-60 km to the south-east of Moscow, in the Ramenskoye district, along the Egoryevsky highway, there are two dozen beautiful villages and villages that have merged with each other.

Gzhel is the name of one of the villages - the former volost center, which has become a collective for the whole district, a symbol of unique art and folk craftsmanship.

Gzhel is the name given to highly artistic porcelain products produced in these places, painted with cobalt on a white background.

Dymkovo toy Dymkovo toy is one of the Russian folk clay art crafts. It originated in the settlement Dymkovo near the river Vyatka.

Dymkovo clay toy is a symbol of Russian craft. Toy craftsmen create various images: riders on horseback, elegant young ladies, painted birds. A clay toy is considered a talisman against evil.

Filimonovskaya toy

  • Russian art craft, formed in the Odoevsky district of the Tula region. It got its name from the village of Filimonovo, where the last craftswomen lived in the 1960s, reviving the forgotten pottery craft.
  • The bulk of the products of Filimonovo craftswomen are traditional whistles: ladies, horsemen, cows, bears, roosters, etc.

birch bark

Palekh miniature is a folk craft that developed in the village of Palekh, Ivanovo region. The lacquer miniature is executed in tempera on papier-mâché. Caskets, caskets, capsules, brooches, panels, ashtrays, tie clips, needle cases, etc. are usually painted.

Fedoskino lacquer miniature Production of papier-mâché items began in 1795. snuff boxes, decorated with engravings pasted on the lid, sometimes painted and varnished. In the second quarter of the 19th century, snuffboxes, beads, caskets and other items began to be decorated with pictorial miniatures made with oil paints in a classical pictorial manner.

The favorite motifs for painting by Fedoskino miniaturists are popular subjects: “troikas”, “tea parties”, scenes from Russian and Little Russian peasant life. The most prized were chests and caskets decorated with complex multi-figure compositions - copies of paintings by Russian and Western European artists.

Pavlovsky shawl Shawls and shawls "Pavlovsk" - a riot of lush bouquets of garden and wild flowers in the corners of the shawl and garlands along the border, as well as oriental ornaments imitating Indian shawls.

Orenburg downy shawls

Orenburg has long been famous for its unique production of high-quality downy shawls. Since 1857, this folk craft has become known throughout the world! Participating in various exhibitions from London to Shanghai, the production of Russian masters was rated at the highest level. Since 1939, Orenburg craftsmen organized the first mass production of downy shawls. On the basis of this production, in 1960, the Orenburg Downy Shawls factory was created in Orenburg.

Zhostovo trays

Zhostovo painting is a folk craft of artistic painting of metal trays, existing in the village of Zhostovo, Mytishchi district, Moscow region.

Rostov enamel

Finift - a special kind applied arts, which uses enamel (as the main material) in combination with metal.


Today you learned about Russian folk crafts,

saw samples of products of folk craftsmen. These samples

folk art amaze us with special beauty,

harmony and perfection. only good and kind people could create such beauty and glorify their land, their land to the whole world. We must protect labor and protect what is made by the hands of talented people. This will help us preserve our national traditions, our national dignity.

V.A. Baradulin "Fundamentals of artistic craft"

Journals: "Science and Life"; 1989 No. 12.

"Around the World" 1981 No. 12, 1983 No. 5.

  • Haze
  • Golden Khokhloma
  • Live Gzhel
  • Zhostovo
  • Palekh
  • Test yourself
  • Conclusion

I invite everyone to travel across Russia to the centers of folk crafts. And today I want to sing and praise

"Good heart,

Generosity and intelligence

Hands skillful people of the Russian "


Our pretzel hands

Cheeks like apples.

Been with us for a long time

All the people at the fair.

We are painted toys

Vyatka laughers,

Slobodskie dandies,

Posad gossips

Golden Khokhloma

From the trading village of Khokhloma, cups and spoons were scattered all over the earth to the firebirds.

Khokhloma floats on the fly,

Painted very cleverly.

Not dusk in vases and salt shakers, -

Reminds me of Khokhloma

Dear dear side

Where the groves are like a tower,

Where frisky Kerzhenets flows ...

Like the sun in the sky, Khokhloma

Clear, clean and round!

Live Gzhel

What they don’t do in Gzhel: cups, jugs, vases, figurines of people and animals. Only two colors are present in the painting: white is the color of snow, blue is the color of the sky.

“There is hardly the cleanest land in the world, what is our Gzhel land, which I have never seen with superior whiteness”

M.V. Lomonosov


Who dared to spread on a tray

Such bright flowers?

... From under the arm, like the breeze,

As a flock of swallows took off,

scattering petals,

Boil flower.


The icon of the Palekh letter was amazingly elegant, from the dream of the holiday of life its incomparable radiance.

Russian icon regions...

Palekh unbroken wings!

... The White Temple rises somewhere,

Wise, like bygone centuries!

How many hearts are left here

How many caskets are written here ?!

test yourself

  • What industries are represented in the work?
  • Why does folk wisdom say "It's not expensive that it's red, but it's expensive that the master of the good."
  • What other industries do you know?


“The highest kind of art, the most talented, the most ingenious is folk art, that is, what is captured by the people, preserved, what the people carried through the centuries”

M.I. Kalinin

I hope that the material I have collected has helped you get acquainted with the folk crafts of Russia.

Perhaps someone would like to continue the study of crafts and the collection of slides.