Children's presentations about stories in bianchi. Multimedia presentation by V.Bianchi



library lesson to 115th anniversary of the birth of V.V. Bianchi

Target: to acquaint with the life and work of the writer-naturalist V.V. Bianchi Tasks: on the basis of fairy tales and stories of the writer to bring up love and respect for the natural world; to teach to understand nature, its laws and features; develop interest in reading, memory, speech, thinking, observation.

Bianki Vitaly Valentinovich (1894-1959)

“The whole vast world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. And I will open them all my life, because this is the most interesting, the most an exciting activity in the world"

Everywhere: in the forest in the clearing,

In the river, in the swamp, in the fields -

You will meet the heroes of Bianca,

You will visit them.

About birds, insects, frogs

Read stories and fairy tales

And better than familiar animals

You will know, my friend, and you will understand.

Oh so write about nature

It's not easy, because you need to know how

On things familiar like

It's always amazing to watch.

In 1923 the first book was published

"Whose nose is better?"

He wrote more than 300 fairy tales, stories about nature, including such as " First hunt" (1924),

"Who sings what" (1924),

"Tails" (1928),

"Mouse Peak" (1928),

« How the Ant hurried home " (1935),

« Trapper's Tales» (1937) and others.

For some of them ( Orange neck (1937, etc.) made cartoons.

The works of Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi will help to learn and love nature !

Read books!

Now it's time for the quiz.

She has been waiting for the guys on the screen for a long time!

"Bird Gallery"



"Bird Gallery"



"Bird Gallery"



"Bird Gallery"



"Bird Gallery"



"Bird Gallery"



"Bird Gallery"



"Bird Gallery"



"Bird Gallery"



"Guess who?"

  • 1. “Legs are like stilts, the head sways between the legs, the knees stick out above the back”

The spider is a haymaker. "How the ant hurried home"

  • 2. “Look - a boat on legs is running on the water, jumped up and walked on the water, as if on dry land. It pushes off with its legs and rolls and slides on the water, as if on ice.

Water strider-bug. "Like an ant hurried home."

  • 3. “He sits on a piece of paper, pulls a silk thread from himself, pulls and winds it on a piece of paper. With a fright, the ant somersaulted from the leaf and flew down, but something from above - twitch! And he swayed on a silk thread: the threads were wound around a knot.

Caterpillar. "Like an ant hurried home."

  • 4. “She was sitting on a stone, closed her eyes, basking in the sun. Puppy jump! - and grabbed the tail. And she turned around, left her tail in his teeth, and herself under a stone.

Lizard. "First Hunt"

"Guess who?"

  • 5. “They blew bubbles behind the ears, stuck their heads out of the water, opened their mouths and - one air came out of them. No singing."

(Frogs. “Who sings with what?”)

  • 6. “One tiny bug walks along the ground and does not hide anywhere. The Puppy caught up with him, wanted to grab him, but the Bug stopped, and as soon as he fired at him with a sticky, caustic stream, he hit him right in the nose!

(Bombardier beetle. "First hunt.")

  • 7. “She has violins on her wings, and instead of bows, she has long hind legs with her knees back. Notches on the wings, and hooks on the legs. She rubs herself with her legs on the sides, with notches on the hooks she touches the chirp.

(Locust. “Who sings with what?”).

  • 8. “He raised his long beak, rattled, cracked one half of it against the other, now quieter, then louder, then less often, then more often: a wooden ratchet crackles, and nothing more!”

(Stork "Who sings with what?")

"Add the name of the bird"















"Do you know?"

  • 1. What is Bianchi's most famous book?

"Forest Newspaper"

  • 2. Why can't you touch the eggs in the nests with your hands?

The bird leaves the nest

  • 3. What does the oriole's house look like?

On a light wicker basket. "Forest houses"

  • 4. How does Bekas sing?

tail. "Who sings what?"

"Do you know?"

  • 5. Which bird sings its song on the water?

Bittern. "Who sings with what?"

  • 6. Which bird does not nest, but builds a hole on the shore and lines the floor with thin fish bones?

Kingfisher. "Fish House"

  • 7. In which bird does the nose serve as both a mesh and a pharynx?


  • 8. Why does the Snipe-Weevil have a straight and long nose?

It is convenient to get boogers out of mud

"Do you know?"

  • 9. What is the beak of Shilonos?

Long and curved to the top, in the water to hook the living creatures

  • 10. Why does Curlew-Serponos' beak look down?

To get worms and insects out of the grass

  • 11. What happened to Mukholov?

A hawk came and ate him "Whose nose is better?"

  • 12. Does the Nightjar make a nest?

It does not weave, but incubates eggs right on the ground

"Do you know?"

  • 13. Why do I cross my beak with a cross?

He them all year round shells seeds from cones

  • 14. Which bird's nest looks like a mitten?

Titmouse - remez

  • 15. What is the name of a bird with a bag under its beak?

Sack Pelican

  • 16. What is the name of the bird, which, defending itself from the enemy, wriggles and hisses like a snake?


"Do you know?"

  • 17. Who grows back a lost body part?

In a lizard, in a cancer

  • 18. What birds sleep and hide, buried in the snow? Black grouse, hazel grouse, partridges
  • 19. Which bird's chicks do not know their mother?

Cuckoo. She throws eggs and gives her chicks to feed other birds.

  • 20. What does a hoopoe look like?

On a patchwork patch

  • 21. What ways of protecting animals from the enemy do you know?

Deception, hide, scare, plumage, hiss

"Guess a riddle"

Korolkov, tit buddy,

Drums in the frozen trunk:

"Hey, company - to the table!

Choose among the motes

Who are beetles, and who are larvae, -

The treasure has been explored under the bark.

Open a feast with a mountain!


He builds his nest in the field,

Where plants grow.

His songs and flight,

We entered the poem.

Wants to fly straight

Wants to hang in the air

Stone falls from heights

And in the fields sings, sings.


Flying fast arrow There are enough midges in the air. Tail with a fork, like a slingshot, It - ...

killer whales

A wedge rose high into the sky,

Free will on a wide path,

And they fly not only during the day, but at night;

I saw someone, not in a dream, with my own eyes.


Khokhol will deploy his.

The beetle will find, bow,

Chasing a dragonfly:

"Doo, doo, doo.

Doo, doo

What I need, I'll find!


Herself in a modest outfit

Sitting on the nest

Himself in secluded places

In the morning I snooped everywhere,

Like soot stained

Dad, black and white

Carried bugs in packs,

He also sang a song:

"Open your beak wider.

three three

Three four!"


They called the bird and "dremlyuga",

And "churilo-night light".

And shied away With fright,

Who doesn't know him at all

And he doesn’t look so scary;

Patterned speck on the wings,

Painted under the bark of the trunks,

Opera to the very paws.

Heady, black-haired.

A purse will open its beak,

And the eyes are round, like beads,

Stare at the stars without blinking.


Like a pond trying to drink

The beak will be lowered into the water ...

And screams into the night until a wheeze,

Having stirred up, spreads the swell.

Everyone is buzzing all over the district,

A roar is heard from afar -

Everyone calls their friend

But she is an elastic trail

Hidden in a thicket of reeds.


Whatever the bird cries,

Did you pick up the chicks by screaming,

Did you take the nest off the pier,

quarreled with them in a temper,

But suddenly, diving

Stremglav rushed off, ..

And behind a bowl of reeds

On a clean surface swayed,

Hiding the baby in the shoulder.

crested grebe

He came to us in the spring,

Lived alone at first

And in the nest above the pine

Laid branches for strength.

But once in your house

He returned not with a branch -

Dropped into the nest

With Snow White neighbor.


For their kids -

Naked chicks -

They are in January

cool times

beak forceps

From fir cones

Resinous carry seeds.


Arrives with ice Waving a black tail Black with white narrow ponytail At the graceful...


The air is cut without effort, Like sickles crooked wings. Flicker - you can't see It just flies...


Along the bitch always sits down, Nests modestly in hollows, Hissing from the hollow like a snake, Everyone is scared...


I would like you to have a desire to read not only other books by V. Bianchi, but also the works of other naturalist writers, there are many of them: Charushin E., Chaplina V., Snegirev G., Sladkov N., Skrebitsky G., Prishvin M. and many others.

Read the works of children's writers about nature!

Books by VV Bianchi will help you find the keys to many mysteries of the world around us!

  • 1. Tishurina O.N. Writers in primary school: Didactic guide to the lessons of literary reading.- M.: Bustard, 2004.-88s.: ill.
  • 2. Grodensky G.P. Vitaly Bianchi: Critical and biographical essay / Gr. Grodensky. -M.: Det. lit., 1966.-94s.: ill.
  • 3. Adventures of an ant: Fairy tale / Fig. E. Charushina. - L .: Det. lit., 1989. - 32 p.: ill.
  • 4. Bianchi V.V. Stories / Art. E. Podkolzin. – M.: Dragonfly, 2008.- 159p.: ill.
  • 5. Bianchi V.V. Forest newspaper / artist V. Kurdov. - L .: Det.lit., 1990.-351 pp.: ill.
  • 6. Bianchi V.V. Masters without an ax/Artist V. Fedotov. - M.: Malysh, 1972
  • 7. Bianchi V.V. First hunt: Stories / Fig.E. and N. Charushin. - L .: Det. lit., 1975.-47c: ill.
  • 8. Bianchi V.V. Forest houses/Artist N. Charushin. -M.: Malysh, 19 89.
  • 9. Bianchi V.V. Who sings what? / Fig. R. Varshamova. - M.: Det. lit., 1983.
  • 10. Bianchi V.V. Fish House: Tale/Fig. R. Varshamova. - M.: Det. lit., 1985.

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Vitaly Bianchi was born in St. Petersburg. The melodious surname he inherited from his Italian ancestors. Perhaps, from them also carried away, artistic nature. From his father - an ornithologist - the talent of a researcher and interest in everything "that breathes, blooms and grows." BIANKI V.V. (1894–1959)

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Father worked at the Zoological Museum Russian Academy Sciences. The apartment of the curator of the collections was directly opposite the museum, and the children - three sons - often visited its halls. There, behind the glass showcases, animals brought from all over the globe froze. How I wanted to find a magic word that would “revive” museum animals. The real ones were at home: a small zoo was located in the keeper's apartment.

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Interest in forest life made him a passionate hunter. No wonder he was given his first gun at the age of 13. He also loved poetry. At one time he was fond of football, even entered the gymnasium team. Interests were different, education was the same. First - gymnasium, then - faculty natural sciences at the university, later - classes at the Institute of Art History. And Bianchi considered his father to be his main forest teacher. It was he who taught his son to record all observations. After many years, they were transformed into fascinating stories and fairy tales.

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Bianchi never attracted observation from the window of a cozy office. All his life he traveled a lot (although not always of his own free will). Hiking in Altai was especially memorable. Bianki then, in the early 20s, lived in Biysk, where he taught biology at school, worked in the local history museum.

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In the fall of 1922, Bianchi and his family returned to Petrograd. In those years, in the city, at one of the libraries, there was an interesting literary circle, where writers who worked for children gathered. Chukovsky, Zhitkov, Marshak came here. Marshak once brought Vitaly Bianchi with him. Soon, his story "The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow" was published in the Sparrow magazine. In the same year, 1923, the first book was published (“Whose nose is better”).

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Bianchi's most famous book was The Forest Newspaper. There was simply no other like it. All the most curious, the most unusual and the most ordinary that happened in nature every month and day, got into the pages of the Forest Newspaper.

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Here one could find an announcement of starlings “Looking for apartments” or a message about the first “coo-coo” sounded in the park, or a review of a performance that was given by great grebe birds on a quiet forest lake. There was even a criminal chronicle: trouble in the forest is not uncommon. The book "grew" out of a small magazine department. Bianchi worked on it from 1924 until the end of his life, constantly making some changes.

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Since 1928, it has been reprinted several times, becoming thicker, it has been translated into different languages ​​of the world. The stories from the "Forest Newspaper" were heard on the radio, printed, along with other works by Bianchi, on the pages of magazines and newspapers. House in Biysk, where Bianchi lived in 1921-1922. Vitaly Bianki wrote his "Forest Newspaper" in this house.

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Bianchi not only constantly worked on new books himself (he is the author of more than three hundred works), he managed to gather around him wonderful people who loved and knew animals and birds. He called them "translators from the wordless".

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For thirty-five years Bianchi wrote about the forest. This word often sounded in the titles of his books: "Forest houses", "Forest scouts". Tale, short stories, fairy tales of Bianchi uniquely combined poetry and exact knowledge. He even called the latter in a special way: fairy tales, non-tales.

forest storyteller

life and creation

Vitalia Bianchi


Gryaznova A. AT

Thirty-five years of writing

Bianchi about the forest. This word often sounded in the titles of his books: "Forest houses", "Forest scouts". Tale, short stories, fairy tales of Bianchi uniquely combined poetry and exact knowledge. He even called the latter in a special way: fairy tales, non-tales. There are no magic wands or walking boots, but there are no less miracles. Bianchi could tell about the most unsightly sparrow in such a way that we are only surprised: it turns out that he is not at all simple. The writer managed to find the magic words that "disenchanted" the mysterious forest world.

(February 11) 1894. The melodious surname he inherited from his Italian ancestors. Perhaps, from them also carried away, artistic nature. From his father - an ornithologist - the talent of a researcher and interest in everything "that breathes, blooms and grows." Father worked at the Zoological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The apartment of the curator of the collections was directly opposite the museum, and the children - three sons - often visited its halls.

For four years, Bianchi participated in scientific expeditions along the Volga, the Urals, Altai and Kazakhstan.

In 1917 he moved to Biysk, where he worked as a natural history teacher and organized a local history museum.

In 1922 he returned to Petrograd. By this time, he had accumulated "whole volumes of notes"

The need for the artistic embodiment of knowledge about wildlife made Bianchi a writer.

In 1923 he began to publish a phenological calendar in the Leningrad journal Sparrow (later New Robinson). This publication became the prototype of his famous "Forest Newspaper" (1927).

"Whose nose is better?" (1923). The heroes of the story of the bird Tonkonos, Krestonos, Dubonos and others resembled fairy-tale heroes, Bianchi's narrative style was full of accurate observations and humor.

  • "First Hunt" (1923),
  • "Who sings what" (1923),
  • "How the Ant Hurried Home" (1935),
  • Trapper's Tales (1937), etc.

According to some of them (“Orange Neck”, “Travel of the Ant”, “Titmouse Calendar”

etc.) cartoons were made.

Bianchi also wrote thematic cycles "Mouse Peak", 1926,

"Sinichkin calendar", 1945, etc.


"Guess the passage"

To check the answer, click on the hedgehog in the lower left corner.

To go to the next slide -

on the titmouse in the upper right corner.

He had a very thick head, a huge mouth, bulging eyes covered with skin. And he was all kind of wiry, awkward.

Muholov said:

  • I don't like this freak. Let's kick him out of the nest!
  • What you! What you! - Pestrushka was scared.

It's not his fault he was born that way.


The Puppy squealed, tail tucked in, turned - yes across the meadow, yes into the gateway.

He huddled in a kennel and was afraid to stick his nose out.

And the animals, birds and insects - all again set to work.

"First Hunt"

Now he went to the bride - to choose his wife. He was very handsome then in his festive spring attire. Each scale on it shone with silver, the back was blue, the stomach and cheeks were bright red, the eyes were blue.

"Fish House"

It is very tiring for me, - he says, - to get food for myself. You work and work all day long, you don’t know any rest or peace, but you still live from hand to mouth. Think for yourself: how many midges you need to catch in order to be full. And I can’t peck grains: my nose is too thin.

"Whose nose is better?"

He raised his long beak, clattered, crackled one half of it against the other, now quieter, then louder, then less often, then more often: a wooden ratchet crackles, and nothing more! I got so excited that I forgot about my breakfast.

"Who sings what?"

Fu, how small you are! - outraged sparrows. - The calendar is the schedule of the sun for the whole year. The year consists of months, and January is its first month, the spout of the year. It is followed by another ten months - as many as people have fingers on their front paws: February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. And the very last month, the twelfth, tail of the year is December. Remember?

"Sinichkin calendar"

They adjusted the sail, put the mouse in a dugout boat and let it go with the flow. The wind picked up the boat and drove it away from the shore. The little mouse clung tightly to the dry bark and did not move.

"Mouse Peak"

Plants and animals, forests and mountains, seas, winds, rains, dawns - the whole world around us speaks to us with all voices .... There are people who translate these voices into our human language - the language of love for the full beauty and wonders of our universe.

Vitaly Bianchi

Shortly before his death, Bianchi wrote in the preface to one of his books: “I have always tried to write my fairy tales and stories in such a way that they are also accessible to adults. And now I realized that all my life I have been writing for adults who have kept a child in their souls.

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"The books of V. Bianchi teach children to love and, most importantly, to protect their native land, arouse a keen interest in the study of its riches" I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov

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One of the most beloved, kind and humane children's writers about the life of the inimitable animal world. He was the best Russian animal writer of the Soviet period. "Translators from the wordless" - so he called himself and his associates, writers about the life of animals. He learned to translate into the language of human and bird chirping, and any other animal polyphony from childhood, when, quite naturally, as soon as a child can, he plunged into the vast world of nature and never found a way out of this amazingly reserved world of animals. Bianchi Vitaly Valentinovich (1894 - 1959)

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Vitaly Bianchi was born in St. Petersburg. The melodious surname he inherited from his Italian ancestors. Perhaps, from them also carried away, artistic nature. From his father - an ornithologist - the talent of a researcher and interest in everything "that breathes, blooms and grows." My father worked at the Zoological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The apartment of the curator of the collections was directly opposite the museum, and the children - three sons - often visited its halls. There, behind the glass showcases, animals brought from all over the globe froze. How I wanted to find a magic word that would “revive” museum animals. The real ones were at home: a small zoo was located in the keeper's apartment.

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In the summer, the Bianchi family left for the village of Lebyazhye. Here Vitya went on a real forest journey for the first time. He was then five or six years old. Since then, the forest has become for him a magical land, a paradise. Interest in forest life made him a passionate hunter. No wonder he was given his first gun at the age of 13. He also loved poetry. At one time he was fond of football, even entered the gymnasium team. Interests were different, education was the same. At first - a gymnasium, then - the faculty of natural sciences at the university, later - classes at the Institute of Art History. And Bianchi considered his father to be his main forest teacher. It was he who taught his son to record all observations. After many years, they were transformed into fascinating stories and fairy tales.

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Bianchi never attracted observation from the window of a cozy office. All his life he traveled a lot (although not always of his own free will). Hiking in Altai was especially memorable. Bianki then, in the early 20s, lived in Biysk, where he taught biology at school, worked in the local history museum. In the fall of 1922, Bianchi and his family returned to Petrograd. In those years, in the city, at one of the libraries, there was an interesting literary circle, where writers who worked for children gathered. Chukovsky, Zhitkov, Marshak came here. Marshak once brought Vitaly Bianchi with him. Soon, his story "The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow" was published in the Sparrow magazine. In the same year, 1923, the first book was published (“Whose nose is better”). In the same year, 1923, the first book was published (“Whose nose is better”).

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Bianchi's most famous book was The Forest Newspaper. All the most curious, the most unusual and the most ordinary that happened in nature every month and day, got into the pages of the Forest Newspaper. Here one could find an announcement of starlings “Looking for apartments” or a message about the first “coo-coo” sounded in the park, or a review of a performance that was given by great grebe birds on a quiet forest lake. There was even a criminal chronicle: trouble in the forest is not uncommon. The book "grew" out of a small magazine department. Bianchi worked on it from 1924 until the end of his life, constantly making some changes. Since 1928, it has been reprinted several times, becoming thicker, it has been translated into different languages ​​of the world. The stories from the "Forest Newspaper" were heard on the radio, printed, along with other works by Bianchi, on the pages of magazines and newspapers.

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Vitaly Bianchi often traveled, visited many regions of Central Russia and the North. for three years - from 1926 to 1929 - he lived in first in Uralsk, and then in Novgorod, in 1941 he returned to his native Leningrad again. Due to a heart disease, the writer was not drafted into the army, and during the Great Patriotic War he was evacuated in the Urals. After the end of hostilities, he returned to his native city, but usually most of the year, starting from early spring and ending in late autumn, he lived in the country, where he often hosted young nature lovers.

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Bianchi not only constantly worked on new books himself (he is the author of more than three hundred works), he managed to gather around him wonderful people who loved and knew animals and birds. He called them "translators from the wordless." These were N. Sladkov, S. Sakharnov, E. Shim. Bianchi helped them work on the books. Together they hosted one of the most interesting radio programs, News from the Forest.

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Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi has always considered his literary work as "a self-instruction manual for love of nature." He wrote over 30 wonderful fairy tales about nature, including such well-known works as "The First Hunt" (1923), "How the Ant Hastened Home" (1935), "Tales of the Trapper" (1937), Who Sings with What (1923) and a lot others.

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Some of Bianchi's stories have been made into cartoons. Vitaly Valentinovich also wrote novels, short stories and thematic cycles, dedicated, of course, to nature and animals. Separately, it is impossible not to mention such wonderful works as "Mouse Peak" (1926) and Sinichkin's calendar (1945).

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MOUSE PEAK A fairy tale about a small, helpless mouse caught in a shipwreck. Dangers lie in wait for him everywhere: either a robber owl will fly in, or goats will eat stocks prepared for the winter. But he does not lose heart, but as a real Robinson boldly masters his island.

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For 35 years of active creative work Vitaly Bianchi wrote more than 300 stories, novellas, fairy tales, articles and essays about nature. Throughout his life, he kept diaries and notes of a naturalist, answered letters from readers that came in many. The total circulation of Vitaly Bianchi's works exceeds 40 million copies, they have been translated into many languages ​​of the world - fans of Vitaly Valentinovich's talent live all over the world.

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Shortly before his death, Vitaly Bianchi wrote in the preface to one of his works: "I have always tried to write my fairy tales and stories so that they are accessible to adults. And now I realized that I have been writing all my life for adults who have kept a child in their souls" . Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi died in Leningrad on June 10, 1956 at the age of 62.

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An old man is sitting, drinking tea. He doesn’t drink empty - he whitens with milk. Owl flies by. - It's great, - he says, - friend! And the Old Man told her: - You, Owl, are a desperate head, ears up, hooked nose. You bury yourself from the sun, you shun people - what kind of friend am I to you? Owl got angry. - All right, - he says, - old! I won’t fly to your meadow at night, catch mice, - catch yourself. And the Old Man: - Look, what you thought to scare! Run while you're whole.

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The Owl flew away, climbed into the oak, does not fly anywhere from the hollow. The night has come. In an old man's meadow, mice in their holes whistle and call to each other: - Look, godfather, is the Owl flying - a desperate head, ears up, hooked nose? Mouse Mouse in response: - Do not see the Owl, do not hear the Owl. Today we have expanse in the meadow, now we have freedom in the meadow. Mice jumped out of holes, mice ran across the meadow. And the Owl from the hollow: - Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Look, no matter how bad it happens: the mice, they say, went hunting. “Let them go,” says the Old Man. - Tea, mice are not wolves, heifers will not slaughter.

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Mice roam the meadow, looking for bumblebee nests, digging the ground, catching bumblebees. And the Owl from the hollow: - Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Look, no matter how worse it turns out: all your bumblebees have scattered. “Let them fly,” says the Old Man. - What's the use of them: no honey, no wax - only blisters. There is a fodder clover in the meadow, hanging with its head to the ground, and the bumblebees are buzzing, flying away from the meadow, they don’t look at the clover, they don’t carry pollen from flower to flower. And the Owl from the hollow: - Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Look, no matter how worse it turns out: you yourself would not have to transfer pollen from flower to flower. - And the wind will blow it away, - says the Old Man, and he scratches in the back of his head.

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The wind is blowing across the meadow, the pollen is pouring to the ground. Pollen does not fall from flower to flower - clover will not be born in the meadow; This is not to the liking of the Old Man. And the Owl from the hollow: - Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! Your cow lows, asks for clover - grass, listen, without clover is like porridge without butter. The old man is silent, says nothing. The Cow was healthy from the clover, the Cow began to grow thin, she began to slow down her milk: she licks the swill, and the milk is thinner and thinner.

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And the Owl from the hollow: - Ho-ho-ho, Old Man! I told you: come to me to bow. The old man scolds, but things are not going well. An owl sits in an oak tree, does not catch mice. Mice roam the meadow, looking for bumblebee nests. Bumblebees walk in other people's meadows, but they don't even look at the old people's meadow. Clover will not be born in the meadow. A cow without clover is emaciated. The cow has little milk. So the old man had nothing to whiten tea. There was nothing for the Old Man to whiten tea, - the Old Man went to the Owl to bow: - You, Owl-widow, help me out of trouble: there was nothing for me, the old one, to whiten tea.

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Prepared by the teacher primary school GOU progymnasium No. 1893 Dryapina A.A.

"Our Cool Movement-2013"

The Wonderful World of Bianchi

primary school teacher

MKOU secondary school No. 5, Mikhailovsk

Stavropol Territory

Shpakovsky district

Vitaly Valentinovich bianchi (1894-1959)

The presentation is intended for students in grades 2-4 (can be used for lessons or extracurricular activities)

The presentation contains material about the life and work of the writer Vitaly Bianchi.

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi was born in the family of a scientist ornithologist. Ornithologist - is a person who studies birds and their habits.

Children's and adult tales of the Bianchi family

Bianchi is a family, a dynasty in which not just knowledge of biology as a craft is passed from generation to generation, not just a romantic love for nature, but a direct physical impossibility to live in isolation from nature.

"Everything in my childhood was bodily and spiritual for me. Everything - from man to stone - had its own aroma, color, voice." , patronymic and surname. He taught me to recognize birds by appearance, by voice, by flight, to look for the most hidden nests. He taught me to find thousands of signs to find living animals secretly from a person.

In the fall of 1922, Bianchi and his family returned to Petrograd. In those years, in the city, at one of the libraries, there was an interesting literary circle, where writers who worked for children gathered. Chukovsky, Zhitkov, Marshak came here. Marshak once brought Vitaly Bianchi with him. Soon, his story "The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow" was published in the Sparrow magazine. In the same year, 1923, the first book was published

("Whose nose is better").

Lesnaya newspaper is 85 years old!

This year, "Forest newspaper" Bianchi

turns 85 years old.

This is not just a book.

It was issued monthly and dedicated to each month.

In the "Forest Newspaper" one could find an announcement of starlings "Looking for apartments" or a message about the first "cuckoo" sounded in the park, or a review of a performance that was given on a quiet forest lake by great grebe birds. There was even a criminal chronicle: trouble in the forest is not uncommon. The book "grew" out of a small magazine department. Bianchi worked on it from 1924 until the end of his life, constantly making some changes.

Since 1928, it has been reprinted several times, becoming thicker, it has been translated into different languages ​​of the world. The stories from the "Forest Newspaper" were heard on the radio, printed, along with other works by Bianchi, on the pages of magazines and newspapers.

House in Biysk, where Bianchi lived in 1921-1922. In this house he wrote his "Forest Newspaper" Vitaly bianchi .

For the post-war generation of children, she was loved and informative. "To make it fun," Vitaly Bianchi said while preparing the next broadcast to his colleagues, "so that the guys do not get bored, but rejoice." “In the hospital, the day before his death,” writes E.V. Bianchi, the writer’s daughter, “my father listened to News from the Forest, was glad that he managed to record on a tape recorder and compare the real voices of birds, his favorite birds, into the transmission ... "


Dear Guys! Read books by VV Bianchi. They will help you find the keys to many mysteries of the world around us.

http ://

http :// Strawberry

http ://

http :// deer

http ://

https ://

http ://

http :// chicken with chickens chamomile strawberry and flower

Text read on site of the radio program "News from the Forest" film "Owl"

https :// Colors and sounds of the forest

https :// newspaper