New Year's competitions for the new year at school. New Year's games for teenagers on holiday

We bring to your attention New Year's competitions for high school students. They will cheer up all those gathered and help make the festive evening fun and memorable.

New Year's competitions for high school students

Participants take turns taking out leaves with comic riddles denoting an object from a bag (hat, vessel). For example, “What does a bald person not need?” (comb) or “What can be used to restore the broken?” (glue). The one who guesses gets exactly the same item.

Girls - Snow Maidens participate in this competition. They are invited to wrap the gift beautifully. This is where the help of the guys is needed. They will act as those same gifts. Each Snow Maiden must pack her partner in a certain time using toilet paper. For the most beautiful gift - a prize.

Various music competitions for the New Year for high school students are very fun and funny. The next competition will require two teams. Their participants are located opposite each other in a line. The task of the competitors is to dance. In turn, each team member shows a certain movement to the music, and everyone else repeats after him. The main condition of the game is that dance elements should not be repeated. Each team has its own piece of music. The competition continues until one of the competitors is able to come up with a dance move. His team will be considered the loser.


New Year's competitions for high school students are very fun to hold with the participation of all those present. Teenagers are divided into two teams. Each mini-group chooses an attractive New Year's musical composition. Only five minutes are given to prepare for the competition. In the allotted time, each team must choose the so-called performer and, having distributed the roles among all participants, stage a song. After the competition, the jury evaluates the performance and selects the winner.

Absolutely any number of players can participate in this competition-game. The main thing is that each team consists of three people. Two participants are tied with a blindfold. One of them is given ribbons. The third participant stands in the middle of the room. According to the rules of the competition, one of the blindfolded players must fasten as many bows on it as possible. And the second is to remove them by touch. The team that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

crush the ball

Competitions for high school students can also be held as a pair competition. The next game is played by two people. Three are tied to the left foot of each of them. balloons. The purpose of the competition: to crush the "decoration" of the enemy and protect your own. The winner is the one who has at least one whole balloon.

To play, you will need two empty containers and a few handfuls of peas or dragees. The task of the participants is to hit exactly the neck of the bottle. The one who manages to throw the most peas wins.


When planning New Year's competitions for high school students, do not forget about gifts for the winners. A tiny souvenir, candy, stationery - no matter what it will be, because the main thing is attention.

We bring to your attention New Year's competitions for high school students. They will cheer up all those gathered and help make the festive evening fun and memorable.

New Year's competitions for high school students

Participants take turns taking out leaves with comic riddles denoting an object from a bag (hat, vessel). For example, “What does a bald person not need?” (comb) or “What can be used to restore the broken?” (glue). The one who guesses gets exactly the same item.

Girls - Snow Maidens participate in this competition. They are invited to wrap the gift beautifully. This is where the help of the guys is needed. They will act as those same gifts. Each Snow Maiden must pack her partner in a certain time using toilet paper. For the most beautiful gift - a prize.

Various music competitions for the New Year for high school students are very fun and funny. The next competition will require two teams. Their participants are located opposite each other in a line. The task of the competitors is to dance. In turn, each team member shows a certain movement to the music, and everyone else repeats after him. The main condition of the game is that dance elements should not be repeated. Each team has its own piece of music. The competition continues until one of the competitors is able to come up with a dance move. His team will be considered the loser.


New Year's competitions for high school students are very fun to hold with the participation of all those present. Teenagers are divided into two teams. Each mini-group chooses an attractive New Year's musical composition. Only five minutes are given to prepare for the competition. In the allotted time, each team must choose the so-called performer and, having distributed the roles among all participants, stage a song. After the competition, the jury evaluates the performance and selects the winner.

Absolutely any number of players can participate in this competition-game. The main thing is that each team consists of three people. Two participants are tied with a blindfold. One of them is given ribbons. The third participant stands in the middle of the room. According to the rules of the competition, one of the blindfolded players must fasten as many bows on it as possible. And the second is to remove them by touch. The team that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

crush the ball

Competitions for high school students can also be held as a pair competition. The next game is played by two people. Three balloons are tied to the left leg of each of them. The purpose of the competition: to crush the "decoration" of the enemy and protect your own. The winner is the one who has at least one whole balloon.

To play, you will need two empty containers and a few handfuls of peas or dragees. The task of the participants is to hit exactly the neck of the bottle. The one who manages to throw the most peas wins.


When planning New Year's competitions for high school students, do not forget about gifts for the winners. A tiny souvenir, candy, stationery - no matter what it will be, because the main thing is attention.

For many teachers, and sometimes for parents, at the end of the year, the task becomes to prepare interesting scenario celebrations on the occasion of the end of the academic semester. Different for children, games and other kinds of entertainment will make the evening original and recharged with bright, positive emotions. If the above is familiar to you, you are at the right place, in this article you will find cool games, at school on New Year 2020.

In competitions for high school students at school, the following rules must be observed:

Most The best way to spoil the festivity is to try to connect it with study. In order to interest schoolchildren, it is necessary to tear out a completely different approach, to abandon the elements of the school curriculum altogether and give them in their pure form, because they are already suffering whole year in the classroom, believe me, they have enough.

Just arrange a pleasant evening where friends will meet and have a good time:

  • Get to development New Year's scenarios 2020 with humor, only with kindness, without vulgarity. Of course, high schoolers and middle schoolers would be happy to see lewd games or hear a dirty joke, but their parents, who will also be present, are unlikely to be delighted with this. Keep everything under control and do not drop your authority.

funny entertainment

  • No ridicule or humiliation. Let this meeting be neutral, just have fun.
  • Maximum fun, humor and irony, these three components are more than enough to replace the notorious vulgarity. Besides, than more fun contests at school, the more motivated children will be to participate.
  • Remember, movement is life. This should be the case at your event, leave sitting tasks for last.

An interesting school competition with a large coverage of ages from 6 to 9 grade, and also quite simple. The essence of a chuckle-snowflake - several participants are selected different ages and each is assigned a New Year's nickname, such as "Asterisk, Snow Maiden, Bunny." After that, the facilitator asks questions to which children can only answer their “name”, for example, “Who helps Santa Claus? - Snow Maiden, “who is jumping through the snowdrifts? - Bunny "The host continues to ask until someone laughs.

Funny Games

Passing the snowflake

Two teams are recruited with an equal number of participants, preferably six or more. Children line up in a chain opposite each other and begin to pass the snowflake from one end to the other. A piece of cotton wool or light fabric can serve as a snowflake. The main essence of the competition scenario is that we do not pass the snowflake from hand to hand, but must find a way to pass it without using our hands. Whose team will pass the snowflake faster will be considered the winner.

Certainly children and without any New Year's contests would like to take a photo for memory, in order to capture a moment in life. Why not make this moment even brighter and more fun in this case. To do this, play the game. The essence is simple, write down various heroes and situations in advance on sheets of paper, in the spirit of “Drunken Santa Claus”, “Lost Snow Maiden”. Children will pull out sheets with these episodes and will depict them. Teenagers will appreciate and will not forget about this competition in the year of the rat for a long time, and this is one of our tasks, because the original competitions at school for the New Year 2020 should be memorable.

poetry competition

No, not a serious poetry competition for schoolchildren, in which, perhaps, lovers of literature participate, but again, light, with a bias in humor. Before starting, prepare a sheet of paper that will list 12 animal designations. Then find 12 participants and have those weed poem, each with their own animal. The poem should begin with the words: “They say on New Year’s Eve that whatever you wish, it will happen”

year of the rat

For this contest for the New Year 2020, it is necessary to prepare in advance images related to the theme of the coming year, the year of the rat is coming, these can be images of millet, body parts of a rat, and the like. In addition, you need to prepare another group of pictures, which will also show the symbols of the new year, but already generalized, for example, champagne or a Christmas tree. The essence of the competition is for the children to guess whether the picture shown refers to the new year in general or only to the year of the rat.

Competitions at school for the New Year 2020 can also show the talent of students, but this competition is not suitable for everyone, so it is not necessary to force all children to participate in it, choose those who love needlework and can cope with this task without much effort if it is difficult, making a toy with students. Prepare various materials and decorations in advance, and equip the participants with glue. Volunteers who decide to participate will have to make a toy, whoever can do it faster and make it more beautiful will win.

Christmas toys

Video examples of cool entertainment:

A little more, and matinees will begin, and with them, and. This collection is dedicated to them.

Team competition

How many groups the kids will be divided into, they decide and the teacher.

  • jumbled letters

A task to cope 4th grade . Words on the New Year theme are written on the board, in the words all the letters are not in their places.

Whoever puts the letters first and reads all the words wins!

  • Mixing words again

Now the words are not written. They are spoken by one of the members of the opposing team. Kids by ear should determine where the mistake is, and what the word is.

  • Guess!

Santa Claus makes riddles. The task is simple: solve riddles faster than the other team.

  • "Cities"

The game is reminiscent of the famous "Cities", when you need to say a word for the letter that the word ended with, what the rivals said. That's just the theme is not the city, but the New Year and everything connected with it! This is a task for the little ones that go to 5th grade .

  • Don't back!

For babies, mobile is very important. games . The conditions of one of them are simple: the participants of both teams see how the skittles are placed. Then all the children are blindfolded, and the relay begins. The task includes not only running the distance without hitting the skittles, but also going back and passing the baton.

  • Free the Snow Maiden

Fifth graders are given locks. And very, very many keys. Whoever finds the right key first and opens the lock, he freed the Snow Maiden.

  • figurines

12-year-old schoolchildren ( 6th grade ) in class can participate in exciting fun. All the guys are divided into 3-4 teams. They are given a pump, threads and long air balloons for construction. Children should:

  • Blow up balloons;
  • Tie ponytails;
  • Model figurines of any New Year's heroes or objects.

The award deserves those who not only quickly know how to model, but also who will turn out more believable figures.

  • New Year

The task is to remember more the names of the films (or the films themselves, the content), songs, interesting literary works on the theme of New Year or winter.

  • Pantomime "Crocodile"

Guessed? Yes! Everything is the same as in the usual "Crocodile". Only the topic… YES! Winter and NG!

  • What did Santa Claus give

We continue the topic! This competition should be funny for high school students . Now the guys have to guess what gift the DM brought them (to each of them!). The opposing team must not only show, but also come up with original surprises for everyone!

  • Holiday menu

Schoolchildren who go to 6- 7th grade easily cope with this task. True, a share of fantasy is allowed.

So there are cards on the table. Children take them apart. Each card has a letter on it. The guys should remember (and maybe come up with) dishes for the festive table for this letter.

  • What? Where? When? Why?

The DM asks these 4 questions in turn. Each participant of both groups must write an answer (of course, adhering to the topic of NG) to all questions. Then it's time to read. One student reads the answer to the question "What?", the other (in turn) reads the answer to the question "Where?", the third - "When?", the fourth - "Why?".

Then the other group does the same. Whoever gets the funniest wins.

  • Who am I?

Interesting and relevant for grade 7 . One of the participants is put on a crown (hat, Santa's cap). On the crown it is written who it is (the theme of NG!).

To guess who I am, you can only ask questions that the answer is “yes” or “no”.

  • New sayings

The teacher prepares cards with sayings in advance, the beginning of which is written on one sheet, and the end on the other. The DM distributes cards, no matter who gets what.

Standing in front of the children creative tasks! If no one in the group has a continuation of any saying, they must connect the beginning and end of different sayings in such a way that there is a meaning.

  • spells

We know New Year's Eve is a time of magic. Therefore, each team should try to come up with funny and beautiful spells: “Let it be…!”

  • Wishes

And again, the role of DM will have to be fulfilled. 8th grade - these are already adult children, and therefore the task is complicated by the fact that schoolchildren will not only have to invent wishes, but inflate balloons and stick papers with wishes into them.

  • Numbers

Each team writes any numbers in a column, from 0 to 100. And gives this paper to rivals.

The DM reads the questions: How old are you? How many fingers do you have? How many kilos of ice cream do you eat at a time? What time do you go to bed?..

  • Ball

Each group is given a lot of different things: pens, scarves, a ruler, napkins, scarves…

From all this you need to make a Christmas ball! Whoever does it the fastest wins!

If involved Grade 11 , the winning ball can symbolically stay at school, as a decoration and a keepsake.

  • New Year news!

Frost hands both groups cards containing an incoherent set of words. From these words you need to come up with news (adding other words).

  • Karaoke

The song is the place for the holiday. And who will sing the songs better? DM decides!

Fun for our kids

  • Christmas trees

DM "walks through the forest." And then he notices a Christmas tree. He says what kind of tree is this:

  • high,
  • clumsy,
  • low,
  • rotten,
  • beautiful,
  • green,
  • thin, etc.

And the kids should show THIS Christmas tree!

  • Photoprobes

Someone will be the photographer (but it can also be the presenter). And the rest should become models. But! Unusual! The whole class must decide who it will be. For example, "The most smiling Snow Maiden", "The most hungry Santa Claus" ...

  • All Santas and Snow Maidens!

Everyone should give the one who is standing next to a gift. Any thing that is right now found in your pocket!

  • Where are we

And again, each in turn is put on a hat with the name of an institution:

  • Hospital;
  • Detention center;
  • Sport Club;
  • bath;
  • State Duma…

The task is not to guess, but to answer more funny.

Everyone takes turns asking any question:

  • How often are you there?
  • Who accompanies?
  • What are you taking with you?
  • What do you have for this?…

This is not to win, but for the sake of fun fun.

  • What for..?

The DM has a lot of papers in the header, where the answers are written. He asks any question that starts with "why". He holds out his hat to the student. He takes out a piece of paper and reads the answer.

  • Portrait

The guys try to draw someone more or less believably. There must be something remarkable about the portrait so that others can guess who is drawn.

  • Antonyms

You need to find the opposite word. The host starts, the one who first said the antonym continues.

  • Dictionary NG

Circle game. Anyone who does not find the right word is out. It is necessary to say a word on the topic of NG.

  • Chinese calendar

You need to sequentially name 12 animals of this calendar. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins!

  • Drawing with both hands

It is necessary to draw different shapes on a piece of paper at the same time. The leader says: “circle and square”, or “triangle and rhombus”.

I was looking for fun for children of all ages, mobile and board. Which ones did you like best? Tell your friends about them! Share the link to our site in social networks.

Students sit at tables in the classroom. Each table is a team whose representatives participate in various competitions. Contest winners are awarded with sweets, chocolates, waffles, apples, bananas, etc.

Competition "Business card"

Each table-team presents its name and motto. After that, each participant has an emblem on his chest.
Warm-up (correct answers are given candies)
1. How much will be 2+2*2? (6)
2. How much will it be if fifty is divided by half? (2)
3. Name pronouns that interfere with drivers on the road. (I-we)
4. What pronouns are the purest? (you-we-you)
5. Name the words in which there are one hundred identical letters. (hundred-n, hundred-p, hundred-th, hundred-l)
6. Why is a canary called a canary? (originally from the Canary Islands)
7. Where do Siberian cats come from? (from South Asia)
8. What animal is attached to one place all its life? (coral)
9. Which birds have wings covered with scales? (for penguins)
10. Who has the longest tongue? (at the anteater)
11. Why does a glass of water with sugar in it cool faster than a glass without sugar? (the process of dissolving sugar requires heat)
12. It starts with a bird, ends with an animal, what is the name of the city? (raven-hedgehog)
13. Name a bird that can digest metal. (ostrich)
14. Which is lighter: a pound of iron or a pound of hay? (weigh the same)

Competition "Apple puree"

(2 apples, 2 graters, 2 plates)
More than 200 years ago, the New Year was celebrated on September 1st. Dear guests were treated to apples straight from the trees. What does half an apple look like? For the second half. So, the competition - you need to cook applesauce. The players are given 2 apples of the same size, each with a grater and a plate. Speed ​​and quality matter. The winner is awarded a prize, the second apple.

Competition "Get an Apple"

A bowl of water is placed in front of each contestant. The condition of the competition is to get a floating apple without the help of hands.

Competition "Relay"

(pot, spoon, glass of water)
Each team member uses a spoon to transfer water from the pot to the glass. Who is faster and who will have more water in the glass.

Competition "Take a prize"

(chair, prize)
A package with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair - the contestants. The facilitator reads the poem "One, two, three!". Those who tried to grab the prize out of time are eliminated from the competition.
I will tell you a story
Half a dozen times.
I'll just say the word "three" -
Get your prize now!
Once we caught a pike
Gutted, but inside
Small fish were counted -
And not one, but TWO.
Dreaming boy hardened
Become an Olympic champion
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, another, and better FIVE!
Newly train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends,
When was the opportunity to take?

Competition "Theatrical"

(task cards)
Wishing contestants are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like:
- a woman with heavy bags;
- gorilla in a cage;
- sparrow on the roof;
- stork in the swamp;
- chicken in the yard;
- a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
- sentry guarding the food warehouse;
- an infant who has just learned to walk;
- a guy in front of an unfamiliar girl;
- Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

Competition "Make a word"

Strange words are written on the blackboard. In them, above ", rearrange the letters in such a way that the word ceases to be" strange ".
Ople - (field)
Rvanya - (January)
Lauci - (street)
Badus - (fate)
Clerosis - (mirror)

Competition "Soap Bubble"

(air balloons)
Wishing boys inflate balloons. Then they break into pairs, each of which tries to “crush” the ball with their stomachs. The surviving ball is a reward.

Competition "Get the candy"

(bowl, flour, sweets)
Flour is piled in a bowl. A candy is inserted into it so that the tip sticks out, for which it can be pulled out. If the nose, cheeks are not stained with flour, you can take the candy as a prize. Not representatives of teams can take part in this competition, but everyone who wants to test their dexterity.

Funny Pictures Contest

(chalk, board)
On the board you need to draw SIMULTANEOUSLY: with one hand a triangle, and with the other a square.

Competition "Mosaic"

(envelopes with postcards)
Each table is given an envelope containing beautiful card cut into various geometric shapes. The task is to collect a postcard. (You can "restore" a picture-landscape, a portrait of the writer).

Competition "One ring, two rings"

(items, rings)
At a distance of 2-3 meters from the participants of the competition there are objects wrapped in paper. Each is given 3 rings with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters from thick cardboard. Contestants must throw rings on these items. The object on which the ring has fallen becomes the property of the person who has fallen.

Competition "Funny nonsense"

(sets of strips of paper with text)
This competition improves the mood of those present, gives the holiday gaiety.
The host has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The host goes around the tables, playing alternately “blindly” pull out either the question (read aloud) or the answer. It turns out to be a funny joke.
Use your imagination when composing questions and answers. The larger the list of questions and answers, the more options for funny combinations.
Sample questions:
- Do you read other people's letters?
- do you sleep well?
- Do you listen to other people's conversations?
Do you break dishes out of anger?
- can you put a pig on a friend?
- do you write anonymously?
- Do you spread gossip?
- do you have a habit of promising more than you can?
- Would you like to get married?
- Are you intrusive and rude in your actions?
Sample answers:
- this is my favorite pastime;
- occasionally, for fun;
- only on summer nights;
- when the wallet is empty;
- only without witnesses;
- only if it is not connected with material costs;
- especially in a strange house;
- this is my old dream;
- No, I'm a very shy person;
- I never refuse such an opportunity.

Competition "Jump-jump"

Participants of the competition stand in one line. At the word of the leader "land" everyone jumps forward, at the word "water" - back. The competition is held at a fast pace. The host has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word “water”, for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word "land" - coast, land, island. Jumpers out of place are eliminated, the winner is the last player - the most attentive.

Contest "Chamomile"

(chamomile from paper)
A large chamomile has been made, which has as many petals as there are tables in the classroom. The representative of each table tears off the petal with the task. The whole team takes part in the competition.
Possible tasks:
- display product advertisements;
- depict a silent picture from a fairy tale;
- act out a scene from school life, etc.

Competition "Own hand - the lord"

(rope, scissors, "sweets", gifts)
Identical “candies” hang on a string, inside of which it is indicated what the one who, blindfolded, cut off the “candy”, will receive as a gift.

At the end of the holiday, the host (or representatives from each table) can read a poem:

The New Year has come to us again,
And wonderful days have come!
And the thirty-first will go:
And take away goodbye
All our deuces and sorrows.
And wishes are clear
And every year the same:
Peace and tranquility for the whole country,
And children of different heights
Boots, hats and pants
Change once a year - but not less often;
Eat sweets, take care of your stomach;
To play a prank, but not a bully;
Chop cutlets, eat compote;
Go to the cinema, to the theater and to the bath;
With that - to fight, but with that - to be friends,
In general, do the right thing.
And go to school every day
For that without demanding a reward!