Why are dust storms dangerous in Cyprus? Influence of alcohol and non-food liquids.

Business ecology: If you look at the experience of people who have achieved outstanding results in the arts, politics and business, it becomes clear that the key to their success is definitely not that they spent more time on work

It is believed that productivity is based on effective time management. It would seem that everything is simple - you spend less time on nonsense, more - to achieve your goals. However, if you look at the experience of people who have achieved outstanding results in art, politics and business, it becomes clear that the key to their success is definitely not that they spent more time on work than others. Winston Churchill became a prominent politician, although he worked no more than his predecessors and successors, and Elon Musk became the most prominent modern entrepreneur, while thousands of other entrepreneurs and startups have been working just as many hours on their projects.

It turns out that time management is, at least, not the secret of success and not even the most significant tool for achieving goals. It is logical - I can effectively plan my day as much as I like, manage to do a lot of things and maybe even set priorities correctly, but this does not guarantee me results at all, because, in the end, it’s not how much I do, but how well I do do it.

But if effective management own time is not the basis of productivity, then what?

Our key resource is not time, but energy

Captain business evidence reminds that the same thing can be done with different results. Whether you're hosting a meeting with partners or a workout at the gym, writing a business plan, or just meeting up with friends, the key metric is end result The quality of the time spent, not the quantity. Depending on how focused and full of energy you are to do a particular thing, you get one or another result. You can work out a business strategy in a day, or you can struggle on it for a month to no avail. Similarly, at a meeting, you can be proactive and offer mutually beneficial terms of cooperation, or you can be passive and sit like a vegetable. In the gym, depending on the physical and emotional state, you can work out hard, or you can get injured due to banal inattention. Well, in the end, at a meeting with friends, you can charge others with energy and have fun, or you can personify despondency by staring at the phone.

In all these cases, everything is in order with time management - priorities are set, time is allocated, we do what we must, and do not procrastinate. But to make the most of this time, you also need to be motivated and focused. Simply put, in order to do something well, we need energy to do it. And both physical and emotional. Unfortunately, unlike our smartphones, we are not able to process incoming information around the clock at cosmic speeds and with a stable quality of the result. The work of our body is based on periodization, and the mode of constant wear and tear, which dictates to us a constant stream of incoming information and requests from outside, leads to the accumulation of fatigue and, as a result, a drop in productivity, no matter how well we plan our day. Without enough energy to implement the plan, it will not be possible to implement it, even if we have plenty of time to spare.

Fortunately, learning how to spend your money wisely internal resources and it is not difficult to fill them effectively.

Energy management

Firstly, it is important to understand that energy consists of two components - from the physical readiness of the body for exploits labor day and from his emotional readiness. At the same time, in absolutely any case, both components are significant. A small trick, at the same time, lies in the principle “a healthy mind in a healthy body”, that is, work on one’s physical condition inevitably leads to a general increase in tone and motivation. Therefore, the gym is the first and probably the most important step to increase the capacity of both physical and emotional energy.

Why the most important is because the principles of replenishing and increasing the capacity of physical and emotional energy are the same. Just as in the gym we train our muscles so that they become stronger, so the moral and emotional abilities are trained according to the same principles. As in fitness, the basis for increasing psychological resilience, intrinsic motivation and drive is the principle of periodization of stress and recovery from it.

In the gym, we first load the body (stress), and then let it rest (recovery). Muscle growth and an increase in their endurance occur in the process of rest, because the muscles are deformed, adjusting to the increased load. Without rest, muscles do not grow and work for wear. Similarly, with motivation - on the one hand, it is necessary to experience stress (usually called leaving the comfort zone), and on the other hand, it is necessary to give time for recovery, so that later you can continue working with renewed vigor.

Simply put, instead of striving to take up all your time doing things and be “more productive” from this, you should understand that it is necessary to alternate periods of hard work with periods of equally hard rest in order to replenish energy reserves and be in full working order in the process. work. You can replenish energy in different ways - for some it’s reading an art book, for someone it’s outdoor activities, but you need to relax regularly and in without fail. It helps to create meetings with oneself in the calendar and thus reserve time for recuperation.

In order to stay in an energetic state from day to day and show stability in the results achieved, it is vital to have small rituals-sources of energy replenishment. Walking during lunch, writing your own thoughts in a diary, playing sports, daily communication with family, hobbies - all this can serve as a source of motivation and charge that gives strength to achieve your goals. Energy-replenishing activities and rest are as important for a business person as the right training and nutrition system for a bodybuilder - without them, muscles do not grow.

How not to waste energy

Along with the importance of work-leisure periodization, it makes sense for many of us to reconsider our approaches to energy expenditure. Often we spend it on unnecessary people, on unnecessary information and on unnecessary actions, depriving ourselves of the opportunity to invest it in what is really important.

In order to avoid this, you need to follow simple principles:

The ability to correctly define goals and desired results is the most important skill of any busy person. It sounds obvious, but often under the pressure of a huge flow of incoming information and requests from outside, we forget about the main thing - why we do what we do and what we strive for. Strictly speaking, Chaos Control was created just to always have both your goals in front of your eyes, and not to forget what exactly you need to do in order to achieve them.

We often consume information too reactively. We check email on our smartphone first thing in the morning while still in bed, then check social media while we drive to work. At work, we also sit down for email and we spend a whole hour answering letters and processing someone's requests. Then we go to a meeting and by lunchtime, we are usually already overwhelmed with the information that comes in from outside. The information consumed in this mode is an energy absorber. It is not surprising that there is no strength left to do something really important and correlated with our own goals and objectives. To prevent this from happening, we can strongly recommend checking email and social networks no earlier than lunch, freeing up time in the morning solely for working on your own goals and desired results.

It is a good practice to allocate time slots in the calendar for specific strategically important tasks. A task is twice as likely to be completed if it is not only on the to-do list for the day, but also on the calendar. If you know for sure that you are working on the formation of requirements for new version product from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., it will be easier for you to resist the temptation to check e-mail at this time and spend internal energy on thoughts like “I’ll answer a colleague now and then sit down for requirements.” In addition, having such a calendar entry will make it easier for you to plan a 15-minute break from 11 to 11:15 to recharge and move on to the next task.

A very big energy absorber is the need to meet the high expectations of others. Moreover, we often fall into the simplest trap - we promise someone something that we should not have been asked, and that we should not have promised. And after that, this promise hangs like a dead weight around our necks, forcing us to think about ourselves and feel guilty if we can’t fulfill it in any way. The problem is that many of us are too eager to please others, making unnecessary commitments. To avoid this, you need to promise less and do more. And, of course, the fulfillment of the obligations assumed is the basis of a personal brand. It is important to be aware of this

Usually, when people understand the need to manage their energy (and time), it turns out that they need to develop a number of habits aimed at changing their lives for the better. Get up earlier, go to bed earlier, play sports, read in the evenings, call family and friends more often, practice playing the guitar, go to events, etc. There is nothing more pointless than trying to develop all these habits at the same time, in one fell swoop. This is impossible, and after a week of unsuccessful attempts to go to bed earlier, go to the gym and engage in self-education, everything not only returns to normal, but there is a feeling that the usual way of life cannot be changed.

In fact, everything is possible, you just need to develop habits one at a time, in turn. Start by getting rid of addiction social networks, For example. Then develop the habit of going to bed earlier. Then give up the need to check email in the morning. Each of these steps causes a huge surge of energy, which inevitably translates into results and satisfaction from them.

The basis of productivity is energy, motivation and the will to achieve goals. In order to do something meaningful and feel normal at the same time, it is worth paying attention to our habits, as well as to what, to whom and how we spend our energy. It is, after all, exactly what distinguishes successful people from the unfortunate. published

Many people who travel frequently by bus face the problem of insomnia.

To avoid this, you must follow the recommendations of experts:

  • On the eve of the trip, you shouldn’t sleep during the day, it’s even better to “lack sleep” at night, so that it would be easier to fall asleep during the trip.
  • If the bus journey is long, do not get carried away with coffee and tea. You can take a milk drink to the salon, which will provide the body with carbohydrates that activate the production of substances responsible for falling asleep. Dinner should be light, do not overload the stomach. Give preference to yogurt and cottage cheese. Sweet food will help you relax on the road. You should not eat too much on the bus, because a stuffed stomach will not let you fall asleep easily and calmly.
  • If the conditions in the cabin allow (smooth movement of the bus and a normal level of lighting), you can read a little. Reading in this case is a good alternative to physical activity, which is necessary for a good rest. You will feel relaxed after reading and will be able to fall asleep faster.
  • Think over the items of clothing in advance - you should be as comfortable as possible on the bus. Too warm things are clearly not suitable. Think about what makes you feel comfortable. Outerwear can be removed and put on the top shelf. You can wear a tracksuit - it does not hinder movement and is comfortable in it.
  • The noise of the engine and the snoring of a neighbor are not the best attributes of a bus trip, but there is no getting around it. Take ear plugs with you or use headphones by turning on the music on your smartphone. Many people fall asleep much better to the sound of their favorite songs and melodies. You will not react to extraneous sounds and will be able to fall asleep quickly.
  • If the bus makes a stop, but you are not going to sleep yet, be sure to get off. This will give you the opportunity to warm up and get some fresh air. Especially if you travel in the summer and the bus is stuffy.

If these methods are not enough, you will have to use non-drugs. For example, valerian tea (pre-brewed at home) will help you relax and fall asleep. Also in the pharmacy you can offer a whole arsenal of drugs that are aimed at combating insomnia. As a rule, they include plant components: valerian, hawthorn, motherwort ("Persen", "Novo-Passit", "Trioson"). These remedies are soothing. nervous system and are not addictive. Released without a doctor's prescription.

Modern sleep centers offer a unique service - brain music. On special equipment, the electroencephalogram of a person in a state of relaxation and rest is recorded, and then translated into a musical format. The recording can be downloaded to a player or smartphone and listened to before going to bed on the bus.

In the morning, upon arrival at your destination, it is better to take a shower, do exercises or take a short walk around the city. Include in breakfast a large number of protein, it will help you tune in to the working mode and activates brain activity. To finally wake up, you can drink a cup of coffee before lunch. But the "retreat" will be redundant. It is better to wait until the evening and go to bed at the usual time or an hour earlier.

On the website of our company, you can inexpensively purchase a ticket for the Donetsk Sochi bus - travel economically and comfortably!

FORUMHOUSE Academies. The nuances that affect the quality of staining and the durability of a house built of wood.

Wood is a building material with a long history. Despite many positive qualities- ease of processing, wide distribution, environmental friendliness, spectacular appearance, wooden houses need protection from negative atmospheric influences.

In this part training course we will talk about what nuances you need to consider when coloring wood, and answer the following questions:

  • What does the violation of wood staining technology lead to?
  • Why is it necessary to prepare a wooden surface before painting it.
  • What are the most common mistakes allowed when painting a wooden house.

Basic principles of wood staining

As construction practice shows, defects in the painted decorative coating of a house built of wood are caused by a violation of the work technology, as well as improperly selected materials.

Any mistake made at the preparation stage can negate all the work done and lead to the need for expensive repairs in the future. The photo below shows typical problems that may arise if the technology for painting the walls of a wooden house is violated.

As you can see, the decorative coating is peeling off, and the wood has begun to turn gray. If the technology of work is violated and the wrong tool is chosen, after 2-3 years the paint layer may begin to collapse. At the same time, an unprotected layer of wood is exposed under the peeled paint.

As a result, the wooden surface, under the influence of UV radiation, first turns gray, then turns blue and may begin to rot, because. the antiseptic is washed away by rains, and the wood is no longer protected from the harmful effects of moisture. The facade of the house loses its attractive appearance and its performance characteristics.

To avoid this, you must follow the recommendations of experts.

Sereda EugeneSpecialist of BIOFA company

Adverse atmospheric phenomena - rain, snow, wind, ultraviolet radiation, as well as mold and fungi, can lead to accelerated destruction of wood. To protect the facade of a wooden house, it must be treated with special means, while adhering to a certain procedure.

The first mistake that an inexperienced builder can make is improper preparation of the surface before painting it, or completely ignoring this stage.

The need to prepare a wooden surface

Often, novice developers do not think about the need for preliminary preparation of a wooden surface before applying protective and paintwork materials to it, for example, an antiseptic or protective oil for outdoor use.

The user argues that if he has purchased a quality product, then the tool will work on its own. This opinion is wrong. Before application special means the wooden surface must be prepared.

The fact is that when sawing wood and its subsequent gouging (planing), defects remain on the surface: microcracks, notches, mechanical damage. In addition, since blanks were processed on machine tools, the pores of the wood were jammed with metal and closed.

Because of this, the antiseptic will not be able to penetrate deeply into the wood, as a result, its concentration will decrease, which leads to a decrease in the service life of the coating. Subsequently, when finishing the wood, processing defects may also appear on it, and the texture of the wood will not be expressed as brightly as planned.

Conclusion: preliminary surface preparation is a necessary and important part of the wood staining system.

To prepare the surface before applying protective and finishing agents, it must be sanded. Moreover, this is done according to a certain scheme.

Sereda Eugene
  • First, we perform grinding using a coarse abrasive material with a grit of P 60-80. This will help us level the surface, remove the old layer of wood and eliminate roughing defects.
  • For final grinding of the surface, we use an abrasive with a grit P 120.

  • The letter "P" is expressed by numbers from 12 to 5000. The larger the number in the designation, the smaller the grain size, and vice versa.

    The better we polish the wood, the deeper the antiseptic will penetrate into its structure. In this case, such a mistake is often made as using an abrasive with a grain of P 80 for finishing grinding instead of the recommended P 120.

    If these parameters are neglected, then a roughly sanded surface will strongly absorb oil. As a result: its consumption will increase, the product will lie unevenly, which will lead to the formation of spots. Also, most of the oil will simply be absorbed into the wood, so the treated surface will be poorly protected from adverse weather conditions.

    Typical mistakes made when painting a wooden house

    Surface sanding is only part of the correct technology for painting a wooden facade. After sanding, before finishing painting, the wood must be treated with a special antiseptic that will protect the wood from the development of fungus, blue and mold.

    In this case, such an error may be made.

    Sereda Eugene

    When choosing a water-based antiseptic primer for its application, the temperature environment must be at least +12 °C. But many people forget that this temperature also applies to the drying temperature. If the work on applying the agent was completed by the evening, then at night the temperature may drop to +5 - +8 ° С, which is a violation of the technology.

    An alternative to water antiseptics can be an oil-based antiseptic primer, because. in addition to wood protection, the agent can be applied to the surface at a minimum temperature of +5 °C and a maximum humidity of 40%. This allows you to extend the construction season, rather than waiting for favorable weather conditions.

    After the antiseptic primer has dried, we proceed directly to painting the surface of the tree. In addition to choosing a quality product that meets the stated characteristics, certain technological processes must be followed to ensure high-quality coloring.

    The staining agent must be combined with the product used for the wood preservative. If you do not follow this rule, but use products that form a film on the treated surface to protect the wood, then when the oil is applied, it will not be able to penetrate into the pores of the wood and will peel off over time.

    Paints based on natural oils that penetrate the wood structure should not be applied over varnishes and paints that form a polymer film and prevent the oil from penetrating into the wood structure.

    A similar mistake is to use water-based antiseptics in combination with outdoor oils. You can get a completely different shade of the painted facade.

    Of course, it is important to comply with all technological stages, but apart from that, for the application of antiseptics and oil-based finishes, it is necessary to use the right tools.

    For applying antiseptics, oils and azures, brushes are most often chosen.

    Sereda Eugene

    Despite the ease of use and general availability of this tool, there are a number of tricks that you need to know about in advance. It is better to choose brushes with mixed or natural bristles and dense packing, about 10-20 mm.

    The dense padding of the brush ensures a better distribution of the product on the surface without leaving streaks. It also holds a good amount of product without the need for frequent dipping of the brush into the jar.

    Sereda Eugene

    Also, do not forget that you should not paint the house in direct sunlight.

    Applying oil in very hot weather, in direct sunlight, is not recommended. At high temperatures, the viscosity of the product changes, it becomes more liquid. Product consumption increases. There may be smudges after application. As a result, there may not be enough grams on the surface for durable protection.

    It is also a mistake to stain wood after rain. It is necessary that the surface is completely dry, otherwise the oil will curl off the damp wood.

    The final touch when painting a wooden surface is to ensure a sufficient volume of air in the work area (especially when working indoors). The fact is that the process of polymerization (drying) of the oil occurs when interacting with oxygen. With a lack of air, the surface will dry for a long time. Therefore, we adhere to the recommended drying time. This is 7-10 days. Moreover, all this time you need to regularly ventilate the room.


    Sereda Eugene

    When choosing paint for exterior or interior decoration, one significant mistake is often made. The calculation of the estimate for painting the surface should not be based on the price for 1 liter of the product, but on the basis of the cost of processing 1 sq. m of finished surface and the cost of its renewal in 10-15 years.

    At a low price for traditional film-forming compositions, their consumption for processing 1 sq. m can reach up to 200-300 g, and the consumption of oil-containing products is 2-3 times less, which ultimately leads to a reduction in costs in the long term.

    tags wooden house wood protection

    Like it or not, it makes sense for many of us to reconsider our approaches to energy expenditure. Often we spend it on unnecessary people, on unnecessary information and on unnecessary actions, depriving ourselves of the opportunity to invest it in what is really important.

    In order to avoid this, you need to follow simple principles:

    The ability to correctly define goals and desired results is the most important skill of any busy person. It sounds obvious, but often under the pressure of a huge flow of incoming information and requests from outside, we forget about the main thing - why we do what we do and what we strive for.

    We often consume information too reactively. We check email on our smartphone first thing in the morning while still in bed, then check social media while we drive to work. At work, we also sit down to e-mail and spend a whole hour answering letters and processing someone's requests. Then we go to a meeting and by lunchtime, we are usually already overwhelmed with the information that comes in from outside. The information consumed in this mode is an energy absorber. It is not surprising that there is no strength left to do something really important and coinciding with our own goals and objectives. To avoid this, we strongly recommend check e-mail and social networks no earlier than lunch, freeing up time in the morning solely for working on your own goals and desired results.

    It is a good practice to allocate time intervals in the calendar for solving specific strategically important tasks. A task is twice as likely to be completed if it is not only on the to-do list for the day, but also on the calendar. If you know for sure that you are working on the formation of requirements for a new version of the product from 9 to 11 in the morning, then it will be easier for you to resist the temptation to check email at this time and spend internal energy on thoughts like “I’ll answer a colleague now and then sit down for requirements ". In addition, having such an entry in your calendar will make it easier for you to plan a 15-minute break from 11 to 11:15 to recharge and move on to the next task.

    A very big energy absorber is the need to meet the high expectations of others. Moreover, we often fall into the simplest trap - we promise someone something that we should not have been asked, and that we should not have promised. And after that, this promise hangs like a dead weight around our necks, forcing us to think about ourselves and feel guilty if we can’t fulfill it in any way. The problem is that many of us are too eager to please others, making unnecessary commitments. To avoid this, you need to promise less and do more. And, of course, the fulfillment of the obligations assumed is the basis of a personal brand. It is important to be aware of this.

    Usually, when people understand the need to manage their energy (and time), it turns out that they need to develop a number of habits aimed at changing their lives for the better. Get up earlier, go to bed earlier, play sports, read in the evenings, call family and friends more often, practice playing the guitar, go to events, etc. There is nothing more pointless than trying to develop all these habits at the same time, in one fell swoop. This is impossible, and after a week of unsuccessful attempts to go to bed earlier, go to the gym and engage in self-education, everything not only returns to normal, but there is a feeling that the usual way of life cannot be changed.

    In fact, everything is possible, just habits need to be developed one at a time. Start by getting rid of your social media addiction, for example. Then develop the habit of going to bed earlier. Then give up the need to check email in the morning. Each of these steps causes a huge surge of energy, which inevitably translates into results and satisfaction from them.

    The basis of productivity is energy, motivation and the will to achieve goals. In order to do something meaningful and feel normal at the same time, it is worth paying attention to our habits, as well as to what, to whom and how we spend our energy. This is, after all, what separates successful people from unhappy ones.

    Based on materials: econet.ru

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    Every year, with the onset of spring, Cyprus is affected by sandstorms. But if earlier clouds of dust covered the island for two or three days, then in recent years it happens that they “delay” for a week. What is a dust storm, what effect does it have on our body, and what should people suffering from allergic diseases do when their city is once again hit by “yellow smog”?

    1. What is a dust storm?

    A dust storm in Cyprus is an annual atmospheric phenomenon that occurs due to the wind that appears due to convection air currents of great strength created by the intense heating of the earth.

    2. Where do dust storms come from in Cyprus?

    Cyprus is located next to the deserts of Western Asia and North Africa. It is there, under the influence of meteorological factors, such as wind speed and direction, that dust clouds form, which spread their Negative influence to the eastern Mediterranean.

    3. When do dust storms occur?

    Usually the wind comes from February to June, bringing with it dust of a yellow or reddish hue. It covers literally the entire island with a thin layer. According to some information, in recent times The number of sandstorms has increased in the year. And if earlier clouds of sand dust concentrated in the atmosphere of the island for a couple of days, now the “yellow smog” covers Cyprus and lasts up to a week.

    4. Is air quality monitored in Cyprus?

    Yes, the Department of Labor Inspection of Cyprus has a special service for monitoring air quality. It classifies air pollution according to the following scale: low dust content - from 0 to 50 µg/m³, moderate - from 50 to 100 µg/m³, high - from 100 to 200 µg/m³ and very high - over 300 µg/m³.

    Visually, the state of the atmosphere and air quality in Cyprus can be viewed online on the Air Quality in Cyprus website, where information is updated every hour.

    5. What effect does dust have on our body?

    Of course, sandstorms have a negative impact not only on cars, vegetation and houses, but, most importantly, are harmful to our health. The dispersion of sand in the air is so small that it very easily penetrates not only into the upper respiratory tract (nasal cavity, larynx, trachea), but also into the lower ones (bronchi and lungs). Getting on the mucous membranes, including the eyes, dust causes mechanical irritation, triggering inflammatory and allergic reactions. This is how allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis, bronchial asthma and dusty bronchitis occur.

    As is known, dust particles can become carriers of various microbes, viruses, fungi, as well as pollen particles of plants, the flowering of which coincides in time with the arrival of a dust storm. Thus, along with an allergy to dust, pollen allergy can also occur, as well as a bacterial-viral disease.

    If you suffer from an allergic disease, then during a dust storm there is a higher chance of its exacerbation than during normal weather. To avoid this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    Strictly limit the time outdoors for small children, the elderly, and people suffering from chronic diseases respiratory organs and various types allergic reactions.

    When in open space, use multilayer protective masks and respirators.

    spend daily wet cleaning premises.

    Open windows carefully and briefly.

    Condition and humidify indoor air. Please note that the filters in the air conditioner must be clean.

    Carry approved nasal rinses, eye drops, and antihistamines with you.

    During dust storms, drivers, especially on highways, are advised to use fog lights.

    If possible, try to spend these days in the Troodos mountains. There the air remains relatively clean and cool.