The Bible read by Jesus Philip Yancey. "Preliminary Persuasion

The book talks about how to learn to read quickly, understand what you read deeper and more fully, understand the reasons for slow reading and how to master the technique of fast and effective reading. The authors give 10 conversations with exercises and control tasks that allow you to master the method of fast reading on your own or with the help of teachers.

Not for adults. Time to read! Marietta Chudakova

The famous historian of literature of the twentieth century, the world-famous expert on Bulgakov’s work and the author of his “Biography”, as well as the author of the most fascinating detective story for teenagers “The Cases and Horrors of Zhenya Osinkina” talks about books that must be read by all means before the age of 16 - never later! Because the books on this Golden Shelf, collected for you by Marietta Chudakova, are so cunningly written that if you are late and start reading them as adults, you will never get the pleasure that they have for you - ...

How to read books by S. Povarnin

How do we usually read books? So, "as it is read". So, as our mood, our mental properties, the developed skills, external circumstances suggest. It seems to us that we read not badly. However, this is mostly a mistake.

Gentlemen do not read other people's letters Oleg Goryainov

Gentlemen do not read other people's letters? Also how they read if these gentlemen work in intelligence. And they also climb into other people's beds, feed other people's terrorists, lure carriers of other people's secrets into "honey traps". There is a Game in which there is no place for morality and compassion. The interests of the Motherland are above all, and the interests of a corporation called the GRU - the Main Intelligence Directorate - are even higher. And life in this world, turned into a battlefield between opposing intelligence agencies, would be completely unbearable if it were not for the intervention of the ineradicable "human ...

Sign language. How to read minds without words? 49 simple ... Oksana Sergeeva

Is it possible to know the mood of a person by his appearance? Is it possible to determine what decision he made if not a word was said? Is it possible to deceive so that no one notices, or to convict a person of deception without a lie detector? You can, if you can read the secret sign language! Here is a set of unique rules that will help you become an expert in communication without words. You will learn not only to read the thoughts and feelings that they want to hide from you, but also gain confidence in communicating with any interlocutors.

The Bible Jesus Read by Philip Yancey

The book helps the modern reader to see the relevance of the Old Testament. In a conversation about the book of Job, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, prophetic books, the author shows that they reveal to us the essence of human nature, tell us about the value of the human person. The Old Testament is a biography of God, the story of His passionate love affair with people. The Old Testament is an introduction to the story of the life of Jesus Christ, because it was Christ who gave the answer to the questions that troubled the prophets of antiquity. And the author reminds us: the Old Testament is not an old incomprehensible ...

Learning to read a lyrical work by Roza Albetkova

The proposed book will help students learn to read lyrical works carefully and “correctly”, and will reveal to them the beauty and spiritual richness of real poetry. The manual consists of four sections: "Reading is creativity!"! "What does it mean to be able to read?", "We read the classics." The publication ends with the "Check Yourself" section, which contains tasks for self-control.

How to read books. A Guide to Reading the Greats... Mortimer Adler

Why do some find any book very deep, others - empty, others - abstruse? Why, when you re-read a book, do you discover something you didn't notice before? Why does someone understand all shades of meaning, see the hidden between the lines, hear the music of words, feel their taste, color and smell, and someone remains deaf to them? Why does someone perceive the contents of the textbook the first time, while someone needs to explain it many times? To tune in to the “wave” of the author and understand more, you need the ability to read actively. That's why I wrote my...

How to Read the Bible and See Its Value by Gordon Fee

A deep understanding of the Bible is not at all the lot of the elite - biblical scholars or especially gifted people. The Bible is available to everyone. This means that anyone from a housewife to a seminary teacher can read and understand it. We invite you to delve into reading Bible texts under the guidance of reputable theologians to discover the beauty and value of Scripture and see how it relates to your life in the 21st century. Over half a million readers have already appreciated the merits of this book. The present, third edition of this manual has been substantially revised and supplemented ...

Reading Marshal Zhukov Pyotr Mezhiritsky

Hoaxer: Mezhiritsky's book, although titled "Reading Marshal Zhukov," however, does not focus solely on the marshal's personality (and therefore it is in "Research" and not "Biographies"). I do not agree with some of the author's conclusions, but I will make a reservation: I fully agree with only one author, his name is Hoaxer. Hoaxer (9.04.2002): The book is finally updated (the first publication, according to the author, needed additions). In my opinion, today's version can be considered already the 3rd edition, corrected, as they say, and supplemented. From the point of view of an offline publisher,…

I read your mind Lillian Glass

Are you jealous of telepaths? Do you want to know the world of another person and learn to read his thoughts? You don't need to have supernatural powers to do this! Read the book of the famous psychologist Lillian Glass and you will be able to see through people. By the timbre and intonations of the voice, manner of expression, gestures, facial expressions and `body language` you will unmistakably guess their thoughts and feelings, intentions and desires. Apply the theory of Lillian Glass in your life - and professional psychologists and even telepaths will envy you!

This little popular book by a luminary in the field of self-esteem research is more about exploring this construct than about how to restore or increase self-esteem. It can be read in a couple of hours (and if you speak English as a native and are not inclined to think while reading, then even faster).
In the introduction, the author gives a brief historical overview of the concept of self-esteem, criticizing various definitions for being vague and vague. However, these features are not completely alien to Branden himself ...

Chapter 1. What is self-esteem?

Branden argues that most of the families we grow up in are, in fact, dysfunctional. Parental influence on our self-esteem is very large, although the factors on which it depends are varied and not limited to one thing. Parents interfere with the normal development of self-esteem when they convey to the child the message of his or her "insufficiency"; being punished or reprimanded for expressing "unacceptable" feelings; mock, treat children's thoughts and feelings as of little value and not very important; trying to control the child with feelings of shame and guilt; being overprotective of him or her, making normal learning and self-confidence difficult; they raise a child without rules at all, that is, without a supporting structure, or the rules are contradictory, mysterious, non-negotiable, depressing, in any case - inhibiting normal growth; deny the child's perception of reality and implicitly contribute to the child's doubts about his sanity; presenting obvious facts as unreal, contrary to the child's rationality; terrorize a child with physical violence or its threat; turn the child into a sexual object; assert that the child is bad, unworthy, sinful by nature.

Self-esteem is:
1. Confidence in your ability to think and cope with life's challenges.
2. Confidence in one's right to be happy, a sense of dignity, the right to assert one's needs and desires and to enjoy the fruits of one's efforts.

Self-esteem consists of two interdependent aspects:
self-efficacy(feeling of personal effectiveness). Confidence in the functioning of my own psyche, in the ability to think, in the processes by which I judge, choose, decide; confidence in the ability to understand the facts of reality that are within the scope of my interests and needs; cognitive self-confidence.
self esteem(feeling of personal dignity). Confidence in your value; a positive (affirmative) principle in relation to my right to live and be happy; comfort with the appropriate statement of my thoughts, desires and needs; feeling that joy is my birthright.

Finally, the formal definition - self-esteem is the tendency to experience oneself as capable of coping with life's tasks and as deserving happiness.

Chapter 2 Why do we need self-assessment?

The need for self-assessment is based on two facts. The first is our survival and mastery environment depends on the optimal use of consciousness. The second - in the optimization of mental activity, the key is the question of choice - that is, personal responsibility. Although thinking is essential for success in life, we are not programmed to think automatically - we have a choice: to think or not to think, to act rationally or irrationally. Hence the need for self-esteem - the need to know that we are functioning in accordance with the requirements of life.

Chapter 3

Signs of healthy self-esteem:

  • The face, manner of speaking and movements reflect the pleasure derived from life itself.
  • Easily, directly and honestly talks about the advantages and disadvantages (friendly attitude to facts).
  • Feels comfortable speaking and listening to compliments, expressions of affection, approval, etc.
  • He is open to criticism and admits his mistakes, since self-esteem is not tied to the image of "perfection".
  • Words and movements have the qualities of lightness and spontaneity (there is no struggle with oneself).
  • There is a harmonious relationship between what a person says and does and how he looks, sounds and moves.
  • There is a principle of openness and curiosity towards new ideas, new experiences, new opportunities in life.
  • Feelings of anxiety and insecurity (if any) are less overwhelming because accepting, managing, and living them is rarely seen as something unimaginably difficult.
  • There is an ability to enjoy the humorous aspects of life - one's own and others'.
  • There is flexibility in reactions to situations and tasks, manifested in a spirit of ingenuity and even playfulness, since there is confidence in oneself, and life is not regarded as a plaything of fate.
  • Approving (non-aggressive) behavior, one's own and others, is perceived with comfort.
  • There is an ability to maintain harmony and dignity under stress.

Branden also notes the physical correlates of healthy self-esteem:

  • The eyes are lively and bright.
  • Relaxed face, natural color and good skin (in the absence of disease).
  • The natural position of the chin is in "consonance" with the whole body.
  • The muscles of the lower jaw are relaxed.
  • Shoulders are held straight but relaxed.
  • The hands are relaxed and calm.
  • Hands are also calm and relaxed.
  • The posture is well balanced, the back is straight and relaxed.
  • The gait has the quality of purposefulness (without aggressiveness and authority).
  • The intensity of the voice corresponds to the situation, the pronunciation is clear.

Notice the quality of relaxation as opposed to chronic tension, which indicates the presence of some kind of internal conflict, splitting, self-avoidance.
Self-esteem cannot be too much, it can either be enough or not enough. The question of excess self-esteem is raised by people who are not self-confident.

Chapter 4

The need for self-esteem stems from the volitional function of consciousness, which sets us the unique task of making ourselves competent to overcome life difficulties. We achieve this by living mindfully, responsibly, and holistically.
The will to understand conditions the principle of awareness empowerment and aims to integrate what appears in our mental field and to expand this field.
Will to Efficiency- the refusal of human consciousness to accept helplessness as a constant and unchanging condition. It manifests itself in perseverance in the face of difficulties. "Strategic detachment" from the problematic context helps to develop it (not alienation from reality!).
Given the principle of awareness, intellectual independence ("thinking for ourselves") is essential for good self-esteem. Often what people call "thinking" is simply chewing on the opinions of others.

Chapter 5

Self-esteem may be the most important psychological resource in solving life problems, primarily in the workplace.
A fundamental aspect of self-esteem is trust in one's own ability to learn, judge, decide. The inability to make decisions is one of the main reasons for failure in management.
According to Branden, decision-making requires consideration of the widest possible context of the problem. Helpful questions to ask:

  1. What do I know about all the factors that could influence my decision?
  2. What are all the foreseeable consequences of my decision?
  3. Who and how will it affect?

High self-esteem allows you to address others with respect and good intentions; have the conviction that you are worthy of success; achieve a high level of social cooperation; feel their own importance in the work process.
Self-esteem is the reputation we earn in our own eyes.

Here are brief abstracts of other books by Nathaniel Branden and plans for the publication of the seminal work The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. (The book was published in 1993).

In The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, he describes six principles on which self-esteem depends:
Be accountable for your actions
accept yourself
Answer for yourself
Dare to stand up for yourself
Live with Purpose
Be honest with yourself
These principles are not just ideas, they are a way to live. They are not ideal states of perfection, that would be unrealistic, but directions in which to move. The more often you live in accordance with these principles, the higher your self-esteem will be. And in our relationship with food, it is the application of these six principles that gives us the ability to control binge eating. I can't imagine anything we would need to control our food addiction that wasn't on this list. When we apply these principles to our eating style, we take control of it and increase our true self-esteem at the same time.
BE ACCOUNTABLE OF YOUR ACTIONS. It is clear that it is impossible to be aware of everything that happens to us 24 hours a day, but generally speaking, the more aware you are of what you are doing, the more you are able to change your behavior. For example, if you decide to reduce your sugar intake, you will be more successful if you are aware of the sugar content of different foods and meals.
AT English language the word "curiosity" has the same root as the word "cure". Your curiosity will lead to your healing. It is already leading you to this, because you are interested in this issue and are reading this book! However, mere curiosity is not enough, you need to LIVE consciously, i.e. put what you learn here into practice.
Many aspects of overeating become automatic and therefore escape our awareness. Each chapter in this book will give you a deeper understanding of what your addiction is and what it is eaten with, give you exceptionally effective control over it, and as a result, increase your self-esteem.
ACCEPT YOURSELF. Self-acceptance does NOT mean that you think everything is in order. This means that you treat yourself like a friend, not like an enemy, in terms of achieving your goals. Even if you don't feel comfortable with many aspects of overeating, have compassion for the creature that's stuck in this quagmire. Recognize your worth as a human being, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO OR WHAT YOU LOOK - it will inspire you to create a life for yourself that reflects and respects your preciousness.
Self-acceptance also means accepting things as they are. Accept that, at least sometimes, you overeat out of control when you're in the clutches of food addiction. Accept that it is not possible for you to continue to eat this way and maintain exceptionally good health. Accept that this is the truth, no matter how much you dislike the truth.
RESPONSIBLE FOR YOURSELF. This is the most misunderstood pillar of self-esteem, especially in relation to overeating. I suspect that you wince when you think about the responsibility for your overeating, and the last thing you want to do is take responsibility for it.
In fact, taking responsibility gives you the ultimate power of control because you have the power to choose and make decisions. Taking responsibility will give you freedom, not take it away from you. In Chapter 6, we will talk more about this topic and see how to put this principle into practice in matters of nutrition.
Whenever you achieve something, it is because you have taken responsibility. You will most likely be able to give examples when you stopped waiting for others to do things for you and achieved everything yourself. You have paid off the debt. You have finished your housework. You left a bad job. Consider how this affected your self-esteem.
STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. This principle comes into play when you eat in company. This principle will help you make your own choices, instead of settling for bites that are given to you, or what you are expected to eat, or simply eat what everyone eats. Start practicing this art now.
LIVE WITH PURPOSE. This means - set goals and work in this direction. We'll talk about what nutritional goals you should have later. They will not be about weight loss, they will be about managing food addiction and controlling overeating.
BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF. If your friend lied to you, forced you to do something you later regretted, or harmed your health, I doubt that you would greatly appreciate and respect this friend of yours. When it comes to food, you could have been doing this kind of activity for a long time and in a myriad of ways. Frequently, participants in my courses tell me that they regularly buy packs of "children's" chocolates to eat them all on their own a couple of days later. They lie to themselves and it hurts their self-esteem.
Even if you become just a little more honest with yourself, your sense of personal integrity and purity will skyrocket, and the same will happen with your self-esteem. You just have to do what you believe in, keep what you promise, and tell yourself the truth.
When it comes to food, don't even let yourself lie "innocently" like "Oh, just one bite, just this time." Your pathological food addiction is supported by lies of all sorts and varieties. Truth is your key to freedom.

Blackmail is not always predictable, especially if it is done by professionals - true masters of blackmail. But the famous detective - Miss Silver - an excellent analyst, a subtle psychologist, endowed with a good memory and natural powers of observation - taking up the solving of crimes, she always does it brilliantly, commanding respect and admiration even from skeptical police officers. This exciting story begins with a shipwreck, continuing with a flurry of criminal action and daring adventures ... To protect yourself from blackmail. Miss Underwood calls...

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Six letters Sergey Belyakov

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Before you, the reader, is an extraordinary, and to a certain extent, unique book. Its author is a Yugoslav communist, publicist, the son of a modest school teacher Chedomir Milicevic, whom the Nazi fascists subjected to a terrible painful death after bullying in a concentration camp: like the Soviet general Dmitry Karbyshev, they watered him in the winter in the cold, with water until until it turned into an ice block... Analyzing the origins, goals and essence of the six aggressions of the West against the southern Slavs in the twentieth century, P. Milicevic reveals their common roots.…

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4.2.4. The Service Administration undertakes not to transfer the User's personal data to third parties.

4.2.5 The Administration of the Service has the right to suspend the operation of the Service in order to carry out the necessary scheduled preventive and repair work on the technical resources Administration of the Service, as well as unscheduled work in emergency situations, notifying the User about it, if it is technically possible, by posting relevant information on the website.

4.2.6. The Service Administration has the right to interrupt the operation of the Service if this is due to the impossibility of using information and transport channels that are not own resources Administration of the Service, or action and / or inaction of third parties, if this directly affects the operation of the Service, including in case of an emergency.

4.2.7. The Service Administration has the right to update the content, functionality and the user interface of the Service at any time at its sole discretion.

4.2.8. The Service Administration has the right to change the cost of paid services unilaterally.

4.2.9. The Service Administration has the right to block and / or delete the User's account, including all the User's information content without notifying the User and explaining the reasons in case the User violates the terms of this Agreement.

5. Responsibility of the parties and the procedure for resolving disputes

5.1. The Service is provided to the User "as is" in accordance with the generally accepted international practice principle. This means that for problems arising in the process of updating, maintaining and operating the Service (including compatibility problems with other software products, as well as discrepancies between the results of using the Service and the User's expectations, etc.), the Service Administration is not responsible.

5.2. For violation of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the responsibility of the Administration of the Service to the User in the event of a claim for damages is limited to the amount of the cost of the Paid Services paid by the User.

5.3. Neither Party shall be liable for the total or partial failure to perform any of its obligations if the failure is due to circumstances force majeure arising after the conclusion of the Agreement and independent of the will of the Parties. In the event of force majeure circumstances for more than 3 (Three) months, either Party has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement (terminate the Agreement).

5.4. Since the Service is an intellectual property of the Service Administration, liability for copyright infringement arises in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. The Service Administration is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, as well as for direct and indirect losses of the User, including lost profits and possible damage resulting, inter alia, from illegal actions of Internet users aimed at violating information security or the normal functioning of the Service; lack of Internet connections between the User's computer and the Service Administration server; holding state and municipal authorities, as well as other organizations of actions within the framework of operational-search activities; establishing state regulation(or regulation by other organizations) economic activity commercial organizations on the Internet and / or the establishment by the specified entities of one-time restrictions that make it difficult or impossible to fulfill this Agreement; and other cases related to actions (inaction) of Internet users and/or other entities aimed at worsening the overall situation with the use of the Internet and/or computer equipment that existed at the time of the conclusion of this Agreement.

5.6. In the event of disputes or disagreements arising between the Parties arising from this Agreement or related to it, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations between themselves.

5.7. If it is not possible to resolve the disputes and / or disagreements that have arisen between the Parties through negotiations, then such disputes are resolved in Arbitration Court St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

6. Other terms

6.1. This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of acceptance and shall be valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations in full.

6.2. This Agreement may be terminated early by mutual agreement of the Parties, as well as at the initiative of the Service Administration in case of violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement without returning any funds to the latter.

6.3. Since this Agreement is an offer, and by virtue of the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the Service Administration has the right to withdraw the offer in accordance with Art. 436 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In the event of withdrawal of this Agreement during the term of its validity, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated from the moment of withdrawal. Feedback is carried out by posting relevant information on the site.

6.4. The Parties have agreed that in the performance of this Agreement, it is allowed to use the signatures of the representatives of the Parties, as well as their seals by means of facsimile, mechanical or other copying, digital signature or another analogue of the handwritten signature of the heads and seals of organizations.

6.5. The Administration of the Service has the right to unilaterally amend the terms of service of the Service by posting information about it on the website in public access and amending this Agreement.

6.6. The specified changes in the terms of this Agreement come into force from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication. Continued use of the Service by the User after making changes and / or additions to the Agreement means the acceptance and consent of the User with such changes and / or additions.

7. Guarantees

7.1. With the exception of the guarantees expressly specified in the text of this agreement, the Service Administration does not provide any other guarantees.

7.2. By agreeing to the terms and accepting the terms of this offer by accepting it, the User assures the Service Administration and guarantees that he:

  • concludes this agreement voluntarily;
  • read all the terms of this agreement;
  • fully understands and confirms the subject of the offer and the contract;
  • has all the rights and powers necessary for the conclusion and execution of this agreement.