What to bring from Vietnam: souvenirs and unusual gifts. What to bring from Vietnam

For any traveler, shopping becomes an integral part of the trip. This is not only the purchase of souvenirs as a present for loved ones, but also the purchase of useful goods for the home, health and other needs. In Vietnamese lands, the level of shopping is quite good, although less developed than in neighboring Thailand. The country has something to offer foreign guests. What is better to bring from Vietnam when your eyes run wide from the proposed variety of goods?

You need to focus on three key criteria:

  • where the tourist rests;
  • how much money does he have?
  • what is the priority - souvenirs or useful things.

Despite the similarity of gift products, each Vietnamese region has its own peculiarities, for example, when decorating the same goods. There are many markets in the state, prices here are affordable. Small magnets can be purchased for 10-15 rubles, painted plates - 60-100 rubles, a kilogram of quality tea - from 150 rubles. The country's currency is the Vietnamese dong.

Tea and coffee

These drinks are brought from Vietnam in the first place. The value for money is impressive - for little money you can get a high-quality product. The coffee of this state is highly rated in the world market. Few people know that the country ranks second on the planet in terms of coffee exports.

The main variety grown here is Robusta, a kilogram will cost $25. For a pack of arabica or mocha bourbon of the same weight, the buyer will pay $18. A variety called green sells for $30. The most expensive variety is Luwak or Chon coffee. Gourmets leave rave reviews about it - for its preparation, coffee beans are passed through the stomach of musang animals. They are processed by enzymes, which becomes the highlight of the unusual taste.

In Europe, about 50 euros will be charged from a client for a cup of natural Jeon. The Vietnamese ask for a kilogram of this variety from $ 1,800. On the shelves of stores you can meet Jeon for $ 45, but this is not natural product. It is made from grains artificially processed with enzymes.

Tea is no less popular here. The Vietnamese appreciate the green drink. His average cost- from $ 4, if there are additives, the fee will increase by another 2.5. The most popular varieties of green tea are Thai Nguyen and Blao. A drink with jasmine, ginger and cinnamon is distinguished by a strong aroma and unique taste, and an additive from lotus, mountain herbs, and chrysanthemums is also in demand. One of the most fertile regions, Dalat is famous for its Atiso artichoke tea.

A great addition to such a present would be a $1 brewing device. And for those with a sweet tooth, you can buy locally produced sweets with peanuts and nougat, from lotus seeds, filled with caramel or fruit chips. It is worth paying attention to medicinal teas that contribute to the healing and treatment of certain diseases.

Shoes, clothes and silk

Clothing can be divided into two groups: those that are sold in company stores, and those that are sold in the markets. You won’t be able to buy branded outfits at a discount, they won’t make it in boutiques. But the cost is already lower than in other states. For example, a Nike or Adidas T-shirt can be found for $10, sports shoes— for $15. Among local producers, Blue Exchange and Nino Maxx stand out.

On the market stalls, you will also be able to buy a quality product, but there is a chance to stumble upon a fake. Therefore, you should choose a thing carefully. The advantage of market trading is the opportunity to bargain. With a skillful conversation with the seller, clothes will cost 4-5 times cheaper than similar ones on the Russian markets.

Of the shoes, it is worth highlighting the traditional flip flops. They are not just for wear. It is also a great souvenir bought in the country that invented them. The cost is about 1 dollar.

What to bring from Vietnam to notorious fashionistas? Of course, silk products and local costumes made from this material. They are called Ao-Dai. Silk is peculiar high quality and low cost for such a state. A meter will cost about $80. Such a board is typical for natural material. In the markets there is a risk of stumbling upon a fake, so it is advisable to learn how to distinguish fake silk from the original before traveling. The production factory is located in Dalat, where excursions are organized. In the nearest studio, you can turn the purchased cut into a chic outfit.

Truly memorable gifts from Vietnam are silk paintings. In Halong Bay, linens are embroidered right in front of customers, in the store. It's hard to believe, but it's really exclusively handmade. But for this you will have to pay a considerable amount. A small picture will cost almost a hundred US units.

The nuance associated with buying clothes is that it is not always possible to find the right size, especially for those who are inclined towards fullness. The Vietnamese are for the most part a miniature people. Tourists with non-standard forms are better off going to Hanoi or Da Nang, where European sizes are offered. And those who like to dress warmer should head to the northern regions, since there are practically no such goods in the south.


What is brought from Vietnam and other tropical countries in the first place? Of course, fruits. The choice of this treat in the country is very rich, the cost is low. Moreover, they are grown right there, which distinguishes their taste from analogues on Russian shelves.

It is not necessary to go to the markets for them. For travelers, merchants will overcharge. But in supermarkets you can not only buy inexpensive fruits, but also ensure their transportation. For ease of transportation, they are sold in special plastic containers. It is better to buy fruits the day before departure so that they do not deteriorate.

Approximate prices per kilogram of fruit (in $):

  • mango - from 1 to 3;
  • papaya - about 1;
  • rambutan - from 1 to 2;
  • pomelo - 70 cents;
  • guava - about 1;
  • noina - 1.5.

Medicines and cosmetics

Medicines are not pills for headaches or pressure, but alcohol tinctures and ointments. There are many sellers of such balms on the street. They are credited with various healing properties. It's pretty unusual gifts, because the basis of the tincture is often a snake, scorpion or lizard.

Often such drugs are sold on tap. The price ranges from $2 to $10. An ointment made from tiger and python fat helps relieve muscle pain and will cost 30 rubles. Herbal balms are also in demand, for which a tourist will pay 2-3 times lower than in Russia. In addition, the popularity of drugs that increase potency has been noted.

Cosmetics will especially please travelers. Its feature is the use of natural ingredients, vitamins and minerals. Unrefined coconut oil, soap tree seed shampoos, pearl powder, and many other lotions and creams.

Souvenir products

Nha Trang is famous for memorable gifts. Its resort location led to the presence of a variety of products on the marine theme - shells, pebbles, corals. You will also be able to purchase ceramic and bamboo products, ivory products, figurines, Vietnamese musical instruments.

Men will like products made of crocodile or snake skin - belt, wallet, bags. A souvenir from Vietnam that almost no one leaves without is the local non hat. It has a wide brim and is pointed at the top. The most interesting options for decorating hats are observed in the Hue region. They are not only embroidered, but also whole images or verses are inserted.

The female sex will be pleased to receive jewelry. In addition to beautiful jewelry and gifts with precious stones, the Vietnamese are famous for their pearls. It is grown on oyster farms. A thread will cost $ 15-20, a chain - $ 10, and earrings at all - $ 5. Girls will also like caskets, hairpins and pins.

When the question arises of what to buy in Vietnam, export features should also be taken into account. Customs will not let you out with watermelon, coconut or durian. Alcohol should be no more than 40 degrees, and it is better to leave receipts for shells.

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Souvenirs are the real reminder of any trip. Vietnam has an abundance of goods hand made. Folk crafts in this country are presented in large numbers in numerous open-air markets. Despite the fact that the prices are low, here you can still bargain. Striking, exotic souvenirs literally cost a penny. Let's take a closer look at what gifts and souvenirs you can bring from Vietnam.

flip flops

The list of souvenirs should start with flip flops. The name speaks for itself: where else is it worth bringing this type of footwear if not from the country of the South Vietnamese. Here they are presented in the widest range and prices are available to everyone.

Leather products

Often in the manufacture similar products they use the skin of reptiles, which is exotic for a European tourist in principle. Bracelets, belts, wallets, bags, purses are on sale. These things are out of fashion plus have good quality. Good leather souvenirs can be brought from the Vietnamese city of Nha Trang.

Silk products

Clothes and other silk products will be a nice gift. The price of Vietnamese silk is low, and the quality and assortment are pleasing. It is soft, smooth, shimmers and does not electrify. Remember that it is better to buy silk clothes one size larger, as they shrink when washed. There are villages where it is possible not only to buy an inexpensive silk item, but also to see how it is created. And at many stores there are workshops where clothes will be adjusted immediately upon purchase to the desired size.

Scarves, handkerchiefs, ties

Silk scarves, shawls and ties are another option for an inexpensive but exclusive gift. The exclusivity of the gift lies in the fact that the pattern on each silk product is completely unique, as it is created by hand.


The city of Nha Trang has a wonderful museum that displays stunning works of art made from silk. In addition, here you can see how silk products are made and purchase them. Pricing for hand-embroidered silk paintings depends on the size of the product.


Exotic lanterns made of silk and bamboo will please the eye. They are extraordinarily beautiful different forms and sizes. The most popular are flashlights, which have 4 or 6 faces. Sometimes inside them is a rotating picture. Dragon-shaped lanterns look funny. The bamboo frame must be soaked so that it does not rot in the future. The idea of ​​making these lanterns came to Vietnam from China, and now the city of Hoi An is considered the center of this type of folk craft.


It is believed that Vietnamese cosmetics consist only of natural ingredients, so it is completely harmless. There are series for the face, body, hair. Peeling creams based on fruit acids are popular. Hair masks, which include orchid extract, are in demand.


This drink, despite being cheap in Vietnam, is of good quality. Moreover, Vietnam is considered the leader in the export of coffee. Price policy controlled by grain size and quality. You can visit coffee plantations, where they will conduct a tour, and you will have the opportunity to buy any variety you like. When purchasing, remember that you can taste and bargain.

Nguyen Trung

Of the 30 varieties of Vietnamese coffee, Nguyen Trung (Trung Nguyen) is the most common. Distinctive feature coffee beans Nguyen Trung - good roasting, without burning.

Kopi Luwak

This variety is considered the most expensive in the world. Coffee beans are fed to animals. After passing these grains through the gastrointestinal tract of an animal, coffee acquires a unique aroma. For which it is valued by coffee lovers of the world. The real Kopi Luwak cannot be cheap.


The minimum caffeine content against the background of a rich taste and bright aroma are the main features of Vietnamese Arabica, which is very demanding on climatic conditions.



Many people associate the image of a Vietnamese with a man in a cone-shaped hat. It is made from palm leaves and is a kind of symbol of the country that can be used as an inexpensive present.


The low price and tolerable quality of footwear and clothing produced in the country contribute to the purchase of these goods by tourists. Even Adidas and Nike branded items, which are produced in the country, can be bought for little money. However, you need to keep in mind that there are a lot of fake branded clothes in Vietnam.

National costumes

National Vietnamese clothes can act as an exotic gift. It is worth noting that it is quite bright and is inexpensive. Many tourists find it very convenient. For example, the Aozai women's national costume consists of a long fitted shirt with slits on each side and wide harem pants made of natural silk.

men in Everyday life they wear brown shirts and white trousers, and a piece of cloth is wrapped around their head. But for official ceremonies, they additionally wear a long dress with slits on the sides, and a turban made of silk or cotton, black or brown.

For tailoring

Upon arrival in Vietnam, you can order tailoring. While you are resting and traveling, craftswomen will sew the chosen outfit. For example, in Hoi An, where seamstresses traditionally live, an embroidered kimono can be made overnight. You just need to choose a style, fabric and take measurements. Tailoring prices are very affordable.

Traditional medicine preparations

The traditions of traditional medicine of this country are known all over the world. Therefore, a reasonable question arises as to what medicines can be brought from Vietnam.


The popular snake tincture will be an original gift. In Vietnam, this tincture is used to treat all ailments. It is a bottle with a capacity of 0.5 or 0.7 liters, in which there is a snake filled with vodka. Alcoholic scorpions, frogs, iguanas and other similar animals are also popular. You can buy such a present on the street, in a pharmacy or in a store.

“Snake Wine” belongs to the category of expensive tinctures, in which a snake with a scorpion in its mouth is alcoholized. This drug is credited with magical power over male power, aphrodisiac properties and a tonic effect on the body. The number of bottles of this exclusive tincture allowed for export from the country is only 2 per person.

Balms and ointments

On sale there are a variety of ointments and balms, which include the fat of a python, cobra or tiger. Popular are:

The markets are full of all sorts of herbal tinctures for any purpose. But remember, it is better to buy such drugs in a pharmacy, and not in the market.


As an option for a sweet souvenir, you can bring dried or candied exotic fruits. A favorite delicacy of the Vietnamese is sweets that taste like toffee, which include coconut oil.


Craftsmen create real works of art and just cute trinkets using bamboo, mahogany, ivory.


Colorful silk fans can be purchased different sizes: from small manual to wall-mounted interior.


Craftsmen make national wooden dolls. You can also find dolls made in patchwork technique. And the most expensive ones are ivory pieces in national costumes.


You can bring maracas from Vietnam as a keepsake. Even if you don't have ear for music, then this souvenir will serve as a wonderful decoration for your interior.


Coconut and bamboo are most often used by local craftsmen to make decorative masks. They are sold in large quantities in the markets and are considered a rather colorful present.


An interesting gift will be hand-painted chopsticks.

Buddha figurines

The main religion in Vietnam is Buddhism. Therefore, the figures of the Laughing Buddha (Hottei) are very common here. The Feng Shui teaching says that the appearance of such a figurine in the house will bring good luck and success. Small Buddha figurines are made of bronze, wood.


Unusual boxes, upholstered in silk, or created by craftsmen from natural stone, will serve as an excellent storage for jewelry.


Each tourist can bring delicious overseas fruits as a souvenir, but it is important to get phytosanitary documents, and then mangosteen, mango, longan, lychee, rambutan, noyna and other outlandish fruits can be easily transported through customs.


The most famous tea of ​​Vietnamese origin is the green "Thai Nguyen" of the highest grade. The name was given to the province where it grows. To buy tea, it is better to go to a specialized store, where you can first taste the varieties you like.


From pearls

In Vietnam, you should pay special attention to pearl jewelry. On the coast of the China Sea is concentrated a large number of oyster farms that grow pearls, so you can buy them cheaper here. But be careful, some dishonest sellers are trying to sell plastic under the guise of pearls, so be sure to ask for a certificate for the goods.

From silver

Silver items are also in demand among tourists. It is not only rings, earrings, bracelets, chains, but also cutlery, crockery, stationery, figurines and figurines.

Cannot be exported

  • rare animals;
  • stuffed animals;
  • fish sauce "Nyok mam";
  • weapon;
  • more than 300 grams of gold and precious stones (only with the permission of the National Bank);
  • national currency;
  • antiques;
  • corals, shells, sand, earth;
  • fruits: durian, watermelon, coconut, jackfruit;
  • gas and electric souvenirs.

When shopping in Vietnam, pay special attention to silk, which in this country is of high quality and relatively low cost. Dresses, scarves, textiles, ties, bathrobes made of silk of different colors are pleasant to the body and create a unique charm.

Prices for silk products start at 100,000 dong. Buy them a size larger: clothes may shrink when washed.

Embroidery on silk looks elegant and original. Do not save on beauty: hand-embroidered clothes and accessories will cause a sensation wherever you appear in them.

7. Fruit

Being in such an exotic country as Vietnam, it would be a big omission not to try the local fruits. It is also possible to bring several copies home. To avoid problems at customs, take care in advance about the documents confirming the quarantine safety of fruits.

And one more piece of advice: always bargain with sellers. Often you can bring down a decent amount on the price of plant products.

So, what can you buy from fruits as a gift-food. Rambutan - similar to grapes, choose with green hairs. Noina, or sugar apple, take soft fruits. Star apple, or starapple - many people like this fruit, just try it to be soft too.

In general, you can see pink, green, white Vietnamese apples in the market and in stores. Longan, or dragon's eye - the average taste between melon and grapes, take a fruit that is slightly "springy". Sapodilla (tree potato) - similar in appearance to potatoes, to taste - persimmon. Take soft fruit and without damage.

And also carambola, lychee, mangosteen, citron (Buddha's hand), avocado, pineapple, coconut, breadfruit, papaya, etc. The list goes on. Take with you to your homeland those fruits that you will not find in other countries.

Buy unripe fruits: by the time you get home, they will be just ready to eat. Plastic containers for fruit packaging are also sold. The sellers themselves will pack the purchase for you on the road.

8. Exotic liquor

Tourists bring alcohol from Vietnam to their home bar for subsequent tastings: rum, wine, tinctures. It is worth buying alcoholic drinks in large supermarkets or in specialized stores.

The most notable are the Vietnamese winery in Dalat and the province of Ninh Thuan, which grows the best varieties of grapes. The firms Vang Dalat, Dalat Superior and Vang Phan Rang have proven themselves well.

An unusual gift will be a tincture of snake venom: a snake or a scorpion is placed inside the drink bottle. By purchasing such a vessel, you will certainly surprise the guests who come to you.

Russian tourists, who have long mastered Egypt and Turkey, began to penetrate further and further in search of adventure and recreation. Exotic countries are gradually being mastered, including Vietnam. It is much cheaper than promoted Thailand, and at the same time offers good products. light industry, gizmos of folk crafts. our article will tell.

Naturally, souvenirs for the memory of this wonderful country. It is best to buy them not in the stores where the guide takes you (he receives a certain percentage of sales, which is calculated from your own pocket), but in the market. Already one visit to such a colorful open-air is an unforgettable excursion. But unlike the museum, here you can buy the most liked exhibits. Prices in Vietnam in 2013 pleased Russian tourists. Everything is so cheap that it's hard to believe: picture handmade on silk it costs from three hundred to one and a half thousand rubles (the cost depends on the size of the canvas).

If you consider refrigerator magnets ($0.4) and painted ceramic plates ($2-3) to be vulgar bad taste, you can opt for something exotic and original. What to bring from Vietnam that is not available in other countries of the world? Of course, national conical hats. True, they are voluminous, they do not fit well in luggage, so you will have to enter the plane directly into them.

In Southeast Asia, snake tincture is considered a panacea for all ailments, and also a powerful aphrodisiac. That is why such bottles are sold not only in the markets, in souvenir shops and shops, but also in pharmacies. In addition to snakes, local residents also drink various insects, lizards, toads and even birds. The price varies from the volume of the bottle, the animal enclosed in it, the strength of the alcohol. In general, such a souvenir will cost you from 65 to a thousand rubles. In the range of such alcoholic products it’s time to get confused, and if you haven’t decided what to bring from Vietnam, then it’s better to stop at the so-called “Cobra with Scorpio”. This pot-bellied half-litre bottle contains a snake holding a black venomous beetle in its mouth. The strength of this drink, sold in pharmacies, is 45 degrees.

Getting to the grocery market, tourists simply freeze with delight. Mountains of fruit, which countrymen not only have not seen, but have not heard such names, rise like pyramids on the shelves. I would like to please my relatives with mangosteens, longans, a dragon's eye ... The photo of the market where you bought fruits is, firstly. And secondly, what is easy to transport. Haggle as sellers often overprice their goods for Europeans. Do it politely but persistently. Then, perhaps, you will be able to buy a kilo of durian for 87 rubles, a mango for 60 rubles, and coconuts with tangerines for 50 rubles.

What do knowledgeable people advise their wife or girlfriend to bring from Vietnam? Of course, pearls or sapphires. But if the former are cheap (since the whole country is covered with a network of oyster farms), then gems need to be bought only in licensed jewelry stores. The same goes for gold. The cheapest pearls are where they are grown. It is of the highest quality in Mui Ne, on the coast of the China Sea. You can also not be afraid to buy silver in ordinary shops - Vietnam has the lowest prices in the world for this metal. You can get a couple of jewelry with pearl or ivory inserts, as well as dishes. Clothes and shoes of good quality will cost you four times cheaper than in Russia.

Traveling around the world, you always want to bring something to remember the trip. Therefore, it is not surprising that abroad everyone asks the question: What to bring as a souvenir? And Vietnam is no exception. This Asian country has a lot of interesting and useful things: Vietnam is a paradise for shopaholics and lovers of exotic souvenirs. You will be surprised not only by the range of goods, but also by low prices.

Markets and shops

Prices in local markets and in shops are not much, but they differ. Stores usually sell branded clothing and footwear, appliances, jewelry and souvenir products. By the way, there are few such shops in Vietnam. In the markets, you can buy everything the same, but handicraft, plus an abundance of hand-made products. They are aimed at local buyers and those who want to save on goods.

The only disadvantage of market products is their quality (not counting food). With a low price and excellent bargaining, tourists stuff their suitcases with anything and everything. Usually the choice of souvenirs depends entirely on which region of the country you are in. Then comes the question of how much you have. And the last. You must decide what it should be: a gift or a souvenir.

Coffee and tea

Usually tourists bring tea or coffee from Vietnam. Green tea is sold everywhere here - pure and with various additives - with lotus, ginger, oolong and others. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of tea, we advise you to buy it in a store where you can try it. Usually they buy Than Nguyen teas. A kilogram of tea will cost between $6.5 (with additives) and $4 (pure tea).

Vietnam has very high quality coffee (the second country in the world in terms of coffee exports). True, there is one point: the Vietnamese know their secrets and secrets of brewing coffee. They have a whole ceremony here. Therefore, if you want to have the same coffee at home as in Vietnam, you need to buy a special cup for brewing coffee and watch the brewing process in a cafe. Of the popular varieties of coffee, they usually carry Nguyen Trung or Kopi Luwak. Usually, a kilogram of high-quality coffee will cost from $ 4 (it all depends on the bean size and variety).


As you know, Vietnam is famous for its natural silks. But it is best to buy silk not in the market from merchants, but in shops at the factory. If you take a product made of silk, pay attention to the thing completely - so that the pattern is uniform, so that there is no marriage (hooks, knots). Usually they buy bathrobes, dresses, stoles, shirts. So, a bathrobe will cost about $11, pajamas - $6-8.

They also bring handmade paintings or handmade fans embroidered on silk from Vietnam. But the cost of such products is high. For a picture embroidered on silk, you can pay up to $100 (size 60x40), large canvases cost from $350, and handkerchiefs $2 each. Please note that after washing the product "sits down". Therefore, it is worth buying silk clothes one size larger.

Leather Products

Compared to other countries, reptile leather products are not that expensive. Usually they are sewn from crocodile or snake skin. For example, a men's belt costs $6-10, wallets and small bags for $10-15, a women's small bag - from $2.

Clothing and footwear

Branches of well-known brand companies Nike and Adidas have been opened in Vietnam. Therefore, you can buy clothes and shoes from these trademarks on low prices(in Ukraine they cost four times more, and it’s not a fact that you will buy a branded item). For example, here you can buy sneakers for $50, and T-shirts and T-shirts for $6-10.

Jewelry and gems

As with other goods, prices for silver, gold and pearl items in Vietnam differ significantly from Ukrainian prices. And, of course, you need to buy such products in specialized stores. Require certificates for all products! The cheapest pearl products are sold on the coast of the China Sea. It is there that he is caught (grown). In Saigon, you pay twice for pearl jewelry. Before making a purchase, consult with someone who understands pearls. Pearl products cost from $8 and up (depending on what you want to buy - a ring, beads or the pearl itself). And pearls are sold white, black and pink.

The country has the cheapest silver products. And they are very beautiful. A pair of silver earrings will cost from $2. Products made of silver with precious stones will be expensive, almost like ours, but you will not find such a cut in Ukraine. Some bring silverware and cutlery from Vietnam.

Exotic tinctures and alcoholic drinks

There is no excise tax on alcohol in Vietnam, so elite foreign drinks are inexpensive. In addition, more than 100 types of alcoholic products are produced in the country. From local alcohol, they prefer to bring rum, with different additives and tastes. Alcohol tinctures with various reptiles are brought as souvenirs - with snakes, lizards, iguanas, scorpions and frogs. Usually such souvenirs are sold in markets and private shops. The price depends on the container and the animal that is alcoholized in the bottle - from $2 to $10.


This country has a huge selection of exotic fruits. Including there are non-perishable ones that you can bring home. For example, lychee, longan, mangosteen, rambutan and many others. Before buying, be sure to bargain, because the prices for fruits are inflated several times. In stores, the price of fruit is set (bargaining is inappropriate). We advise you to purchase phytosanitary documents from sellers. And find out at the Ukrainian customs (before flying to Vietnam) which fruits are forbidden to be imported into our country. So that upon arrival they are simply not confiscated from you. As a gift, you can buy fruit chips from mango or ginger in Vietnam, sweets with fruit fillings.

National souvenirs

From the abundance of souvenirs on the market stalls in Vietnam, eyes run wide. Folk craftsmen are doing their best. Here you will find bamboo products, wooden plates, trays, figurines, painted vases, musical instruments, items inlaid with mother-of-pearl, household utensils - spoons, forks, hairpins, chopsticks, paintings, masks, caskets, national dolls and more.

Vietnamese slippers and panama hats made of banana (or palm) leaves are considered a traditional souvenir in the country. True, do not look at the size of the slippers - they do not correspond to our sizes (measure the length with a ruler). Flip flops are cheap and cost $1 a pair. The hat also comes in the same price (sometimes cheaper).

traditional medicine

Many tourists bring traditional medicines from Vietnam as souvenirs. This is both the famous Asterisk balm (6 pieces for $ 1), and various rubbing - cobra, python or tiger fats. Balms for rubbing from sciatica here cost from $1.5, creams for dermatitis from $4, tinctures for "male strength" from $2, many ointments, balms of natural origin, dietary supplements. And, of course, all of them need to be bought only in pharmacies, and not in the markets.

Have you made sure that you can bring a suitcase of souvenirs from Vietnam as a gift to your family and friends? So, take care of extra luggage for everything you are going to buy in this exotic country. Good luck and have fun!